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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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witness, this is a reality on that just what we do. it all just sarah is trying to follow this story and he's the people who allow us into their lives, dignity in democracy. the time of smoking, find hits uh, resist. some of the easy sense to talk of its kind installments the floods of a robin lovitz because they were locked headquarters here in the whole. so coming up this way, the forces continue to attack and the siege residents of the body of refugee compton, mills, and johnson, at least 12 people being killed. at least 670 people. it said that after a long slide test through a rural community and pop point new guinea plus job and saw that
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a lot of land in this country is owned by a minority. i'll tell you why lat, redistribution is a big expression. welcome to the program at $1600.00 gmc, that's 7 o'clock in the evening in tel aviv. well, the rates are in so running out for the 1st time in full months. how boss is military wing. the custom brigade says, find the barrels of massages into israel. these are in the military size. it's a defense systems intercepted several of several of them. no tests have been reported that somebody's riley's run to safety is the rock is headed and is there any media reports? one person was slightly injured in the city of her. let's see. it's just north of tel aviv now. israel has been dollars that are from reporting from inside the country, so we cross over to solver, colorado,
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to join us now from the jordanian capital and with the very latest. so let's just talk about the response from israel. that'd be a diplomatic whole political response. and they'll also be a military wall as well as well. but usually in the past, what we've seen is soon as the borrowers from of rockets from us, they've responded by carrying out some more attacks in the gaza strip. what we have heard is from you are going up to the defense minister, who said that forces this morning have the pin the operation and dropped off a 2 additional areas. so in fact, the thing that there is binding in the rough i area and says that says 3 ton of object sees made in every way and will continue until they return. now it's been full month. so how, since this has happened, it's a long time and it gave is rarely some sense of security. that's what's happening.
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what is rel is doing in the gaza strip is why king, but they all getting rid of him off, so they all pushing them back and weakening the military abilities. but this is a strong message from us because it also released the video yesterday. they claiming that they managed to drag a soldier. 6 and that they had attacked a number of them, including backup soldiers in the rough uh, area brothers are in the northern area. and whether that's, i mean israel, who says that didn't happen and none of the soldiers will kick not. but the point is it's twice now. trying to send messages, sutton, the aim that seems these re the publics because they know that the only way to get any changes for a deal to go through would be for the is re the public to put pressure on the government. now we are hearing that at least one person was injured in those rockets on the hub, a reports that, that there were 2 injuries. one of those rock is actually full fragments of it.
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lines in a home outside of tel aviv a but it wasn't just tele visa was talk is that it was surrounding areas. and also, as all of this is happening, you also had sirens going off in the north of israel, where rootkits were fired from his bottle and let them know once as well. so all of this is adding a to the stress to is riley is a feeling as the increasingly feeling and secure when that actually supposed to be feeling more secure with the school. and of course, we all expect to get his right, the war cabinet meeting. i mean, idea of you might see the bed brings ahead of it says staying very tight lips at the moment is expected to be happening in a few hours in a couple of hours time. this was a decision that was made. it seems also back of a meeting that took place in paris just a couple of days ago between the head of the c. i a the head of the most sides as
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well as the prime minister of caspar, who's acting as a mediator between from us and israel. we know that this, these 5 troops would come to a stalemate. there was no movement on that. and this was an opportunity to try and get to a point where is route would be able to go back to the negotiating table. the same where it's at least being reported, but it will be taking place next week. it's still not clear when exactly or west is ready means you had been reporting that it would happen in capsule. but just before this time us attack um there will also the tools within amongst is really a experts and the media saying that it could, that could be movement if you like from the is rarely sites a try and get a deal put together a ceasefire. do we know the israel wants to be able to bring those concepts home? i'm wanting to be, or any ways to bring them back. a live has been so fall through the deal that took
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place in november. and then you have how much on the other hand thing, but it wasn't accepted deal unless there's a permanent end to the c. so i just want to mention that one media outlets. the time of israel has been reporting, but according to one of the sources they said is ro is ready to draw from the restaurant, costing for political, military considerations. but we haven't heard anything official, not, but this was the school, anything to do with the real kids. now that this has happened, it will look like a going missing you all whose face is he goes ahead with how much is the mom's? so this could spend her in the works is still not clear what will be decided. well, what will be discussed is, and this will happen to me think, but what we do know is it will be related to potential tools that might be happening next week. again, it's all very unclear. yeah, whatever it is coming out to about meeting, i'm sure i will between that to you. more reaction this summer. kyra, that for us in the mind in jordan, a northern gauze or is very full of killed at least 12 people in the technical
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knowledge of all the a refugee comp. another 20 was injured after house was hedge fund is very strong. is there any forces that eventually end to jamalia trying to take control of causes launch is refugee camp. the find thing is intensified during the past 2 weeks in those countries join us know from the by the end, central gauze. and let's just begin with the latest on that to tack in the knowles hand. what do we know? we know that a house in japan yet in the neighborhood was targeted by the is randy air strikes in the past couple of hours. at least 13 palestinians have been killed and at least 20 other policy news have been injured. it is a 5 story building. according to the civil defense teams, they're still searching for more bodies that are trapped under the 5 ceiling a story ceiling. they're saying that they do not have equipment and they do not
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have to. and it's very hard for them to, to rescue these palestinians. but they're trying their best. and this is something that it was the defense seemed to have been witnessing since the past couple of months where they were calling and the organizations and the international community to provide them with heavy equipment. because it's very hard to, we saw some civil defense teams digging with their own hands and using very basic tools. but according to the time many, there are sin, dozens of palestinians trapped under the russell and this event as civil defense teams are still searching. so he can just stay with us for a moment because we also understand that a truck so being entering through the car of both. so i'm crossing with is relo supplies are being held up on egypt inside all the roster crossing for weeks now. and that spring plays because is, is right, is also sees the palace to be inside and galls earlier this month,
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egypt says around $280.00 trucks off to end to the strip during sunday. so it back to him than what one does head. and i mean how, how does 8 actually reach, for example, hospital way you are. i mean, you had mentioned over the past few days that they really are just running out of fuel and, and they're all the last legs. okay, so head so suppose to leave 200 trucks among them are poor to a fuel trucks were supposed to arrive in the gaza strip today. but so far, nothing arrived from cut him up beside them and nothing entered the glass of strip . we saw a couple of air drops today in con units, and we know that the port resumed its operations. but so far, nothing was received from cut him out beside him. according to the alexa hospital officials, they said that they did not receive any more fuel. and the fuel they have is only
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enough for tomorrow. so it's, it's, it's, it's, the time is passing and no fuel is entering hundreds of but patients in the hospital are in risk of death and not only unlocks the hospital, but also there are 7 more hospitals still operating in the plaza strip, the r o. so in severe need of fuel to continue operating pin thanks very much for that update. i conducted 3 that in the are about 620000 children in gauze. i have been out of school for maybe 8 months when the will began. lessons stopped because many buildings run by the with agency, full palestinian refugees became shelters for displaced families. the un estimates that mold and 80 percent of schools and the strip have been damaged or destroyed. and i lost a narrow, barren strip of land designated and evacuations. and bodies ran the army 10, so won't be used as make shift classrooms as michael apple explains. the
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policies under way in all my wasi refugee camp on southern causes, coastline. these young mines have witnessed untold hardens. but for a couple of hours a day their retention is focused on the teacher and they close makes. and so i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me achieve my dreams on that. yeah. but i love, i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much. yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of a good student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control and supported child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruit so much. i
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haven't had any food for 3 weeks. i elrod one is a teacher at homemakers school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance and on the safe seems a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard. we try to help children in the simplest way here we have, but we will not let them down and then we will get it to us. all know wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation, not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teaches like these are determined to make a difference. whether we focus on trees, study areas, psychological care, values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost
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everything, but the manager that teach 400 data children and 4 tends to familia buzz of is really drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education talk for a moment. it's children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war seems far away like levels elder's era. because it appears as these books been full of you in children's agency unicef, he says, children's education as being thrown into tails by the war in gaza. since 7 months now, nearly 8 children have had no continuous access to education or schools. schools have become shelters, in fact, and sometimes have been under attack. so no, there is no education system right now, functioning and causing we're doing our best as was shown in the segment,
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which is very helpful to see, to keep children safe and continuously learning a little bit a bit by bit. but there is no safety for them. to do that and no infrastructure and no right conditions we'd be for. busy october 7th, we had 22000 teachers in average, working in the gaza strip to help those 625000 students to learn and try hopefully looking at their futures. but right now, like in infrastructure and indeed the safety to, to do so became became a huge, huge impediment for us. we were trying to get 50 tents through into rough or the quote before the incursion, to start a very sort of. busy basic education space for children, in average, a 150 by turn. but then we have to help those plans because the military offensive started and again,
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hundreds of thousands of people had to evacuate again to all my wasi. an area where is basically sand dunes and very hard to set up such a different structure. so education is again that whole which jeopardizes their present and their future as the estimates that mold and 670 people were killed by a landslide and the remote area of pop. when you get a it happened in, in good providence. on friday, the roads are blocked and 8 agencies a warning of a desperate to humanitarian situation. alexander of bias reports, it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks. in some places, 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down,
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crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies, and yet the retreat the locals are still working and trying to dig odd more over buddies, probably, and show government to 7, the actual disaster team with now k team and simple as i'm just asked person to go in there and check up as, as like a site and 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals, the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there they are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town,
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is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to relate effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, still had here on the 0. the 1st state visit by the french president gemini, and decades, both nations to strength relations during a turbulent time for the european union. and russia's nearly so weapons declined
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phone. we explain how it's being used in ukraine and this effect on the back to save the the, the had a lot of that. let's take a look at the early a satellite for south asia. and we can see strengthening psycho ramelle working towards india and bangladesh. now it's going to continue to bring some very heavy rain to these areas. we could see up to 200 to 300 millimeters in places, possibly 400. so we are expecting why for spread flooding across parts of north eastern india and bundle additional. this is a low lying area and the sheer amount of rain is just going to continue to bring that flood threat for the north to north eastern areas as we go into choose day. but the heavy rain continues as well for me in law. we are expecting flooding here
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. the rain continues as well across most southern areas for, for lanka, as well as southern parts of india like carola before the north of this. it is a very hot and dry situation. extremely high. temperature is for parts of north west in india and pakistan in particular to send the province jacob about is expecting to see 50 degrees celsius the for the next few days as hot and dry conditions continuing to the end of the month. now some heavy rain is expected to call southern parts of china and southern parts of japan, extending all the way up into the north with more heavy rain to come on tuesday. the climate pony is from one of the most of the bio diverse nations on your own interpreter. if nature does not function, we don't exist exploding solutions to save life as we know it. we work with and
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within the cycles of the we not using office resources, we use them again and again. if we never from nature, we have a chance to move forward. i'll just see you as you've seen joining us. nothing grows forever. the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to observe lisa, who robin and the whole reminder of all the top stories, sirens of gulf in tell of april the 1st time in months of to out some of the guys find a launch biology from kids. the um, doing go to mass site, it launched the attack from russia in southern guns, while the northern gauze was very false,
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of killed at least 12 people in the tackled a refugee camp. another 20 of injured on to houses, seats on his way to destroy the win estimates more than 670. they put the dead after land size. it's a remote area pop on you can. it happened an angle province on fridays roads to be blown to date agencies of warning, of a desperate humanitarian situation. first present model of michael has described franco gender relations as indispensable, unimportant to your team, either box on the 1st of a 3 day visit to germany, but he's meeting with the countries lead us. now he's expected to address the grading. suppose a fall by politics across the u. s. of us french presidential states a visit to berlin in 24 years that set to balin and speak to our correspondent duplicate who is standing by for us and both presidents have been speaking publicly . yes, suppose presidents have been speaking publicly already in the course of this 3 day
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visit from the french president. they all speaking public to you right now and use conference in the building behind me in the garden area off shore spells you. that's the residence of the german president, and indeed those 2 presidents posed a question about the rise of the far right populous policies in this confidence in what they feel your needs to do of viruses. we know that the french president has already addressed this topic, saying earlier this afternoon after he'd arrived in bell and that actually europe as a concept could died if policies the top democratic didn't fight for democracy. his counterpart, president stein might have said the freedom, human rights and democracy did not fall from a blue sky onto europe. they had to be fault for this very much coming from folks presidents, the stress from them about the need for europe and citizens to think very carefully when they cost the verse in the european elections that are coming up in a few weeks time around the 7th 8th and 9th of june,
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very much the topic. good folks, these presidents have been talking about, and yes, it's also true. this is the 1st presidential visit states and visits by a friend of presidents and subjects you like in june of 2000. i mean, this was day one of 3 dominate kids, but there's a lot of you might say intense work ahead not just to you might say have or improve the relationship. but to get the message across about what they are, who they all have to go to work together as the days and months move on. this. yes, this sunday is very much an all good to the 3 day visit pomp and ceremony meetings between head of state and head of states. but the reality is that the political decision is made in this capital city are made by the shots of the us, the head of the government, off shirts. and although president mccall and sean some shots for me to meet him informally this evening at the banquet,
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the official nice thing and talking to each of us on this as it will take place with males that back on tuesday. the other elements of this visit? well, they all very many i'll condense well. monday is about going to the old east of germany for president mccall. he's going to go to saxony to the, to today's the city. but she is already referred to in his opinion as being like a phoenix of european civilization rising from the ashes of the destruction brought by the western allies on february 1945 bombing the city. as much as it did some a call saying that it is now a jewel in the silicon valley that is saxony, that's as monday, tuesday is advisory visit to western germany to him and stuff. some of that came that thanks very much. so ukraine says that the russian forces you cycle glides palms in the title of the crowded hardware store and the ukrainians that have car keith on saturday, the 15 people were killed in more than 40,
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more injured. these weapons have been increasing the use during the cold flight to from khaki, huge on home, and explains how they work, or what effect the, having these a current be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us before now the main estimate of fresh instead of us and the advance of the okay, by like the cool glide problems, the launch from russian 4 digits and the hitting ukrainian towns and frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with a normal, i'm going to bump frequently an old so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or that spring out the moment its lowest and a satellite navigation system that can guide it to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective, tens of kilometers inside you crane. while the plane the launch is it often issue
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for the full is like this one can remain in russian aerospace unless from risk management group pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down, then it does something like this. you can see the result behind me of a guided bomb strike, this industrial plot in hot keys. a city that's really been targeted by this type of width and the most recent attack on a hockey pipe market. this, such as a killing 12 people authority sites there, constant here for this and also toiling for them every 10 to 20 minutes. a glide, bump flies in the direction of the city. we really need air defense and f. 16 planes to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european not always to counsel the russian planes, launching glide problems. so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's also been
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given some ground loans deployed booms, the russian electronic trimmings, beneficent and stopping the i'm for now rushing globe problems continue to dominate the sky. and decimate on the ground, john home and how does it or how keith it is that the, the democratic alliance policy has held its final body to vote, stays the head of the general elections, which as will go to the polls on wednesday to choose. and the government, the policy has entered into an agreement with small, apologies. i mean to collectively push the amc out of the government. so means miller was the come paid rally in the money in some of the governing africa, national congress in trouble. the latest polls suggest that it may not get the 50 percent plus one number of boats that it needs to have already installed. events is like goods. the democrats of alliance,
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that's the official opposition parties hoping to capitalize on. so back frequent action would be the final, the election dates times the size of the parties that might not be a surprise the together. so the works of life. but that's still a challenge that it's dealing with the john's dna, the rest of the people that have come out today, most consequential the overall democracy since the birth of democracy in 1994 on wednesday. the amc well
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lose the o truck majority that it is abused for the national, the in the in the, for the many. but it has concerns about the distribution of land. the gap between the rich and the poll is why thing, but he feel enabling more people to get land could help alleviate poverty. but some feel the governing amc is taking too long to deliver. 100 patasha has more from tab and so that's look at some of the richest and most productive farmland. on the
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continent. it exports purchased other african countries and abroad, but most prime land belongs to him. i know a tea of people, many black start africans live like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what a contrast, what a shape. it is, an influx, full, let african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of best. the land and who owns that is any motive issue extreme levels of any quality inside africa or legacy of a pottage, with black people or 4th of the land and denied rights to property. people occupies vacant land land that's not being used. there isn't much space to move around these pool james and sanitation assistance. they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to


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