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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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printing and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers. i'm definitely not in control. the big gamble on it just so you know, the most real good signs. it's always a ton of the, the sentence detective, it's kind in mom's the color. and so, um and you want to know just a reliable headquarters here and also coming up of 2 weeks of waiting in egypt, a few a truck center through the car level. so i'm crossing with israel, but no aid has been distributed as of yet is where the fault has continued overlap plus assault on the javante, a refugee camp, and over the gauze,
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that's at least 12 people in count conference, present men with back hall and makes a rad state visit to germany, 2 weeks ahead. of you elections the welcome to the program at $1700.00 gmc, that's 8 o'clock in the evening. and tell of these what i write simons have run, got the 1st time in full months. how boss is minute trailing, the can some brigades, us find a bar out of this, solves into israel. these right. the military says it's a defense systems intercepted several of the know that's being reported. somebody's right. these runs the safety of the ball kits headed in. is there any immediate reported? one person was slightly injured in the city of philadelphia, just knowles, of tel aviv, as well, his band out as they were from reporting from within the country. so we cross over the side require right to joins us now from the jordanian capital about hi, sorry, right. let's just begin with any sort of responds politically alberta,
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militarily from israel as well. we actually heard from jenny vance, good benny guns raw, the one of the war cabinet. members that said that this proves that is role needs to continue with it. so peroration sutton in rough law has well as the gaza strip in any sit anywhere how much this is ready, forces will continue wherever needed. he also quote, how much will criminals saying that he'll make them and israel will make them pay sooner or later. and also we heard from you, i'll go on the defense minister saying that forces have moved deep into rough, which is why those rockets have lunch. they did that this morning. he said, oh, so do you put into all the arrows apart from where they've been already? they've been that a certainty now for the last couple of weeks and said the assets to return those.
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abducted also on the way they'll continue with that in every way possible. yes, there were no desk but so they were at least one injury reported to some reports of 2 people that had been injured in those rockets. and as you said, the 1st time in months is riley's has felt some sorts of sense of security. in the sense that these rockets one coming over from garza for a while now. certainly notes woods uh central. uh israel brother um some of the board of towns with garza has been hot rockets recently, but sentra central israel is further along so those miss stalls needs to go. he's in spite of the is that going from the gaza strip? this is just a few hours or just the next day off to mass process that took place in it's had a v, f as and also all the parts of the country by tens of thousands of is really not
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just calling for the government to do something as soon as possible to bring those captives home, but also actually quoting for the prime minister to resign because they know a seeing the results they were expecting. and really that far as the study, the public's party is bringing those types of phone calls. we all are expecting this little cabinet meeting from these varieties as normally you might see what you want. give a hint of what the ministers might want to say in that meeting and any any but as a tool. so the stage very tight lips um that me thing should be taking place in just on the house now at so the katie out of the defense ministry in tel aviv that it's reported. so they'll be discussing 2 main things. first of all that it goes to ations. it's a risk try and review those negotiations for bringing back those health cop to buy to israel through a deal with him us and that salsa bach olds. a me thing that took place between the
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head of the c i a, the head of most side as well as the 5 minutes to of cuts out of who's i think is a mediator between hamas and israel. or that me thing took place in paris a couple of days ago. they came back, it seems with the move proposals, new proposals. it seems as well to try and revise those tools. but the pressure on prime minister netanyahu is immense. and as well as the wood cabinet, there's been a lots of divisions lately and those cracks are appearing even more so recently since this is c j o. and certainly since the i c c prosecutor is seeking an arrest warrant both for the defense minister and the prime minister. um, so the pressure is high um a few days ago, 3 bodies were retrieves by these really forces. and then just yesterday, to video is released by him us 1 in the morning, which was
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a message to the members of public showing a video. it wasn't clear who was in the video, but it seems a captive of perhaps dead. it was very hard to tell because a blood out of the video but a telling the vendors of public of israel aust, your leaders who this is and really trying to put pressure on these re lease to be able to put pressure on their politicians to go back to indigo, ca thing table. so how big deal, whether that will ever go through, it's hard to tell the step may has come from how must one thing of permanency saw. and israel saying side is absolutely not possible. it seems that they may potentially part of the new proposal is look at a temporary sweet spot. but again, nothing is clear, the remaining very tight lips and perhaps because it's failed so many times now will come back to your call. so once we get more reaction from tel aviv, but for the but from about named jordan cyber kyra, that for us in northern galls or is really fulls of killed at least 12 people in
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the town called a refugee can another 20 to enjoy. the house was hit in and is right, the strike that is really false, is of it being advancing into jamalia, trying to take control of causes law just refugee come fighting is intensified during the past 2 weeks. and we've just done that. i have trucks have begun entering through the kind of bubble, so i'm crossing with his room, but no aid has yet been distributed. supplies had been held up on these options side of the raffle crossing for weeks. and that's been closed since just by the forces sees the palestinian side in gauze earlier this month, the egypt says from $200.00 a trucks to end to the strip during sunday. well, a number of trucks reaching clauses as well as always fall short of meeting the staggering needs of the people, the they foldable 850 trucks. what i'm to gauze every day, and that's despite these re, the blockade. compare that to be since that goes the when says between may the 7th . a may. the 23rd does a period of 16 days,
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or the $906.00 truck plates and supplies at the end of the strip. with a living assignment in the north, the u. n says at least 500 trucks needed every day spindle. cathy joins us our lives and their obama in the central dogs, us. so apparently these trucks have entered colorado, so i'm crossing but wherever is the aid right now? the was so in the is, is in the is really side the is really controlled side of the at caught him up beside him because nothing of the 8 trucks entered the gaza strip. yet, we're expecting $200.00 trucks among them are fuel for fuel trucks that are supposed to be delivered to the hospitals. they so they can continue operating. but it's very important to mention that this is the 1st time
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a would enter the causal strip after that, that is where the forces started the roughly encouraging and operation there. so we still do not have any idea how it's going to be distributed. who's going to control this aid? um, what is going to happen with the 8? so that's why everything is still unclear. but we saw a little bit of air drops today that were dropped on 100 units in the last area. and we also know that the poor trees assumed its operations today, but we are since, don't know how many trucks made it out of the courts. so we're still waiting for the trucks to arrive to the gauze trip and to follow up where this aid is going. and if the fuel is going to reach the hospitals by tomorrow or not. okay, so let's move to the north of the gaza strip now and the ongoing fight to narrow the attacks that just bring us up to speed on what we know has happened.
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we know that the is there any forces targeted uh house for the in the family in the most of the neighborhoods in japan. yeah. it's a 5 story building that was talked with tanya, sydney and civilians. some of them were displaced. we know that there were a please, 13 policy new killed at 20 were injured. and also there are a lot of people still trapped under the rubble. the civil defense themes are still digging and they're still trying to rescue the people trapped. they're saying that there are dozens of people still under the rubber, but we also need to mention that those civil defense teams are working with 3rd law, very low capabilities where they have been calling for equipment to had a rescue, the palestinians. and also there is no fuel with the civil defense team,
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so they can't really use a lot of machines. they have been using the basic minimum basic tools to have press q policy and use from under the rubber. they're still searching. it's getting dark and more people are still truck to come through that for us. so with the latest and then about i think you it's about 620000 children in gauze. i have been out of school for maybe 8 months when the will become less installed because many buildings run by the u. an agency, full palestinian refugees became shelters, but displaced families. the one estimates that mold and 80 percent of schools and the strip have not been damaged or destroyed. and on the was a now barren strip of line designated at evacuations. a body is right in the army tends to being used as make shift classrooms. as michael apple repulse process underway in all my wasi refugee camp on southern gauze, those coastline. these young mines have witnessed untold hardens.
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but for a couple of hours a day their retention is focused on the teacher and they call us man. i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me out to my dreams on that. yeah. but i love i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much. yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of a good student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw, control and supported child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruit so much. i haven't had any food for 3 weeks. i elrod one is a teacher at homemakers school with pen and paper or skis,
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but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance. and on the right to say seems a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard, we try to help children in the simplest way here, but we will not let them down and then we will get it to us. all know, wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. that there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation. not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teaches like these are determined to make a difference, to whether we focus on tree study areas, psychological care values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost everything. but the manager that teach 400 data children and 4 tends to familia. but as of these really drones in the sky above,
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is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education and talk for a moment. it's children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war seems far away like levels. elda 0. the you estimates involved in 670 people were killed by a landslide in a remote area pop point. you're getting. it happened to the angle province and friday on friday. and rhodes with blogs and agencies are warning with desperate to humanitarian situation unfolding. how is under binary pulse? it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places, 8 meters deep. teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday, very,
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and people in their homes while they were sleeping. survivor's st. boulders, the sides of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris to the bodies and yet to be rejected. the locals are still working and trying to dig out more bodies provincial government to southern the actual disaster team with now k, t, and simple liaison defense press to go there and check up assessed at the sight. 6 villages are affected, the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything they've got in the wild animals the livestock. yeah, everything was there and there, there are appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600
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kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already, so quite desperate to get out. the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors. an earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, still had, hey, all just there are rushes new leaf,
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a width of the glowing palms. we explain how it's being used in ukraine and its effect on the box and save the i want people to look closer at the other side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmakers around and also viet time when on the power of political ok, what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio, be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra, the latest news as it breaks here. that being given basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and for months. now the
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residential building here, it's just been here from around the world, which we'll see here is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours on counting. the cost for us escalates its trade with china, but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. all the pots of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00] the
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book about kill what you have just bear with me. so robin, the reminder of all the top new stories. simons of gulf in tennessee for the 1st time in months of to our custom brigade signed a lot by roger broke. it's the own doing good from onset. it loads the attack from russia in southern guns in northern gauze. there's very poles that killed that these to of the political, the refuge account, and other twins to enjoy that for houses. his finest writing strikes the what estimates more than $670.00 people died of the alarm slide. it's a remote area of popcorn. you can eat on friday and happen to be in good providence rhodes of blogs and agencies on warning of a desperate she monetary and situation unfolding. the ukraine says, rushing pulls is used cycle light bulbs in the town and go to crowded hardware
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store in the ukranian city of car keys on site. today, 15 people were killed and more than 4 people 40 other than just that these weapons have been increasing the use during the conflict from car keep job home and explains how they work. was affected by having these a current be the biggest threat to ukraine says it's president. it says that us before now the main estimate of fresh instead of or, and the advance of the okay, by like the cool glide problems, the launch from russian 4 digits and the hitting ukrainian towns and frontline positions daily. here's how they work. starting with the normal, i'm going to bomb frequently an old so that one like this f a b 500. then adding wings either fixed or that spring out the moment it's lost. and the satellite navigation system that can guide it to its target. the result is a weapon to comply to an objective,
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tens of kilometers inside you crying on the plane that launches it. often s u for the pool is like this one can remain in russian aerospace unless from risk management group. pilgrims told us that because the bomb is ready to be smooth and hasn't been moved to. it's hard to track and shoot down. then it does something like this. so you can see the results behind me of a guided from strike base industrial plant in how to keep a city that it's really been targeted by this type of width. and the most recent attack on a hockey type. the market this, such as a killing 12 people authority sites there, constant here for this and also toiling for them every 10 to 20 minutes. a glide, bump flies in the direction of the city. we really need air defense and f. 16 planes to defend ourselves. f sixteens promised by european not always to counsel the russian planes launching glide problems. so they haven't yet arise. ukraine's
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also been given some ground loans, deployed, bottoms, the russian electronic timings beneficent and stopping them. and so now, rushing globe problems continue to dominate the sky. and decimate on the ground, john home, and how does it or how keith, a vice president, black holmes, i was described franco chapman relations as indispensable and important for europe . he made the remarks on the 1st of a 3 day visit to germany while he's meeting the country's leaders, including president frank about this time. my uncle has been speaking knows about the rise of the fall rights ahead of you elections next month. that's the 1st friends friendship presidential state, visit to berlin in 24 years. some of it came as molten ballad. presidents have been speaking publicly already in the course of this 3 day visit from the french president. they all speaking public key right now and use conference in the
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building behind me in the garden area, optional spreads, you goes to the residence of the german president. and indeed those 2 presidents posed a question about the rise of the far right populace policies. in this confidence, in what they feel your needs to do of viruses. we know that the french president has already addressed this topic, saying earlier this afternoon after he'd arrived in building that actually europe as a concept could die if policies the top democratic didn't fight to the democracy. his counterparts, president stein might have said the freedom human rights and democracy did not fall from a blue sky on to europe. they had to be fought for, is very much coming from the both presidents. the stress from them about the need for europe and citizens to think very carefully when they cost the votes in the european elections that are coming up in a few weeks time around the 7 states. and 9th of june, very much a topic could boast these presidents have been talking about. and yes,
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it's also true. this is the 1st presidential visit state visit by a french presidents and subjects she like in june of 2000 you evans, who things have at least more than 100 prisoners of war and the capital of snow is controlled by the rebels. as the international committee of the red cross can sub did help to ensure the detainees release was few made and dignified. the prisoners on linked to the countries long running conflict. yeah. been, has been in a civil war since 2015. that's a driven people in some areas of the country close to simon was that a 100 people are being killed in 2 weeks of fighting latasha in the gulf all region of sit on according to the united nations. so dollars conflicting on last year between the sudanese full size of the power minute treat, rapid support forces. and the struggle for power l, sasha, is the suit, and these armies last stronghold in dall full, they are assess,
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has taken control of any, all of the main cities in the west and suit to the state. in south africa, the democratic alliance potty has held its final body for votes days ahead of a general election. but it is will go to the polls on wednesday to choose the next government. the policy has entered into agreements with small the parties aiming to collectively push the amc out to the government. it's amazing. miller was the campaign rally and but nobody in south africa the national congress in trouble. the latest polls suggest that it may not gain 50 percent plus one number of votes that it needs to have. the majority in parliament dental policies like goods, the democratic alliance,
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that's the official opposition parties hoping to capitalize on. so that would be the final, the election dates times the size of the parties, the more minority tried the together. so the african from all walks of life. but that's still a challenge that it's dealing with the children's dna, the people that have come out the most consequential se, although democracy says the but all the democracy in 1994 on wednesday. the amc well news, the truck majority that it is
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a beautiful day in the, in the for the it takes a long time between wind speeds of up to 120 kilometers per hour is set to make landfill and hit east and india and douglas dash india has deployed its disaster relief, falls in the eastern states of westbank goal and science of being suspended in the states capital called kata. bangladesh was where their office raised at storm danger signal to its highest level or the started to evacuate residents from coastal areas. and of course you can find out much more on our website at all. just
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they have adult comments updated throughout the day will continue to monitor events across garza and also in tennessee. and that sits from mesa hill. robins weather is next and on inside story we extolled. besides the accomplishments of south africa's governing african national congress as a head to the pulse on wednesday, i'll be back to bodies and just in the house. and i was time to stay with us, the the hello. they would stop by looking at the middle east and live around and there's lots of heat to be found at the moment across. so some of the gulf states like guitar temperatures have been sitting very high. so this time of year it will come down slightly in doha and due by on monday. but the heat is expected to pump back into
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a month with most got see $45.00 degrees celsius. this is ling away on choose day. and 28 seen highs of 47 degrees celsius. now does it launch a hot and dry storage? down in the south we are expecting is shamal to kick up some dust effecting visibility, some blowing dusta monday into tuesday. we could also see some stronger wins coming into the 11th, but temperatures are sitting high. there's lots of sheets to be found here. and lots of hate to continuing across the north of africa, record heat for may as you know, pulled across pots of algeria. it'll be egypt, tons of civil on to that heat actually going monday into tuesday. it's west side across from the central parts of africa, but not what, not as well as it should be for this time of year. the heavy thunderstorms. however, it can be found because northern parts of the democratic republic of congo is much wyatt. however, of course, eastern parts of africa with more wave sunshine for kenya. and the heats continues
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for the south. for south africa, the, the south africa ends prepared to go to the homes, the governing african national congress faces as tough as tests. yet, the party rest, losing its majority in parliament, has failed as what has it accomplished as democratic south africa lost its way.
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this is inside story, the


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