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tv   101 East Japans Parental Abductions  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm AST

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the camp in northern ross are killing at least 22 people. i just don't want to be getting these pictures into the news room in the last few minutes and they do show injuries to young people as that being taken to hospital. we're going to talk to him, dell country who is in debt. obama is all she is on the phone for us now. and then can you just bring this up to date with exactly what happens here with the site? does this try calling these tens northwest of rougher? i don't know. i did not evacuate at the it's really forces hard to get to the mix of the tent with aid at their strikes. this make sense is be tied or very close to the new at warehouse. and there are literally thousands of displays. people still there. we have been talking
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and see, and i'm looking for people on the ground. they're telling us that the people injured are completely burned because their bodies are very damaged. they do not even have the ability to recognize them. but among the people that have been killed and injured are women and children were talking about 27 palestinians killed and the number is expected to increase and dozens of injuries, of course. but there is something very important i need to highlight is the only facilitating hospital in dropbox right now is a great the hospital that has the capacity of 8 beds, only the hospital has been working on a very low scale because most of the doctors evacuated and it's not a real hospitable, it's more of a medical point. so at more, i'm getting says are arriving and are trying to rescue and an are, are, are trying to transfer these injuries to are going to hospital. and they're trying
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also to, to transfer them to the european hospital in community because it has a surgery department, but so far, but so far, the numbers are increasing with disabilities increasing. and this is obviously a new mazda cur, against the policy and in okay, thanks. so much, and that is in del cover a, the for us on the phone from dow paula, you watching the latest pictures from the north west of rafa. where is riley strikes have hits a refugee camps via killing at least 22 people. as we saw from those pictures clearly many, many more in just please stay with us of just that one. 0, one east will continue. next, the you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use
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a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red, chris a big japan divorce often leads to one parent losing contact with the kids that i see. but to take that so they don't have to kind of name us is, is a leather r i s o in looks like was indigo, just use usually ground sole custody to who, whether it was well physically with a child. which critics say encourages parents to adopt the kids come back to the
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jazz and i quickly realized that that was, it might, might, might just have been taken. now the country is changing a little too without just used to impose joint custody. i just want to have that relationship with 4 people, but this opposition including from survivors of domestic violence. they're both on a single muscle to them. i know most of helpline, so don't try to make one. 0, one east investigates japan's parental child abductions. the, this is a road is zooming, who knows where she travels it several times and
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it's a journey driven by just funny to to let you guys say, i'm not assuming he hasn't spoken to a son and 2 daughters for 7 years notes. and she says this fall, the subject to the for the for the what, pushing out sort of the kind of data. you click on the left, so click the button to ship the room. were you interested in for me know that the tube in child custody is always a sad process, but most so it seems in japan when more than a 100000 children lose contact with the parents every year to assume he
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lives in a modest one bedroom ground floor a pop and in chiva about 50 kilometers from tokyo. she just manages to support himself by selling insurance in the civil what, what the state of florida. and i noticed they don't get through because you'll be sure to make sure what those fit kind of fix it. you know how to get a hold on it. so give me a couple of tell us any that are doing the sake of the day when i see a judge suggested that she and her children could send each other 6. that is a year. so that's the extent of that contact. told me that i hit one, which i think okay. the secrets. ok. they didn't look i can look at an acre of land and they say on monday. crunched it when i finished. what's the next
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day as well. is it seen jessica is she's also received abusive messages from the children, quoting this cupid, and tending it a go to hell for you or full. so what that to you on the cost of the, for the show good. at that, you know, got it thing. so it is okay, don't look the call you hold on, i don't see it go to the thing. i it when i drove, drove by me either one of them heard finishing fight it when it will be decided to leave a husband. it became a race to get the children initially, they were with her buck within full months, they were living with a husband and a judge rules. that's where they should stay. finding that as a children's father he hadn't kidnapped them. i know i'm not so long to have
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someone else. i did not know what to say. i thought the night that you've seen the sales there who need the shuttle service you had told me i need go uh 105 on shore. since the for the one i hated the ocean just did that book. i forgot that twice as a me has off the quote to ground, to physical access to her children. both times it was denied. the petition is on going to it, isn't it in the line of the thing what it's called a little puzzle. that's the was it that i think the shinji co gina has also lost out in japan schools. it's been paid years since he last saw his own positive sole custody was prompted to his ex wife
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the full, the books almost as not to use his real name. child custody disputes are a sensitive issue in japan for 6 months t. so is young. some once or twice a month, but then everything changed like i was out of the positive, a full scale more like you know, that kind of that's got the i wanted to talk to you a little bit to the time the. the see says, this video boy pleads to stay with shinji. when his mother comes to collective, the monthly to shinji says he did what any father would do. he didn't return his son. his wife took him to cold, but the video had the opposite effect. yeah,
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lets as in the, in the low the last time father and son. so each of that was when shinji was arrested last meeting at 90 mustang the one continued to do it opening. okay. for you talk to in mustang where you're not, i need to opening up the up and not have it going to the other thing. what those i to get the tire was done to get them off. he was hill the 3 main. so this police station sharing a cell with other main let's go down to tennessee or something. it's a couple of miles away. and as i said, it was wonderful,
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you know, frustrated. so we'll get some more. i say things that give me light them up on the so presumably and i see the binding with any kind of music. it'll shinji says he was only released up to pleading guilty to kidnapping his son to the mobiles in the service and more or less or more with the more users. so you want to just say about a little guy says answering them why they want. i and i told them to the fees now remarried and has 2 children. both are kind of a high level, but is there one moment or more will be out of the room. what about
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the medical don't will that anymore? give me that senior. okay. when do you think i was in there to the site? don't we must a my email the more. when he's on heck, right. that doing it to me. it's not just jumping east parents to being fighting to the country. so custody little. but for those to some of them are at this gathering. it's so cold this behind parents who being denied the right to see the children and dr. growing international pressure on may, the 17th 2024, japan's parliament changed little allowing the code to impose joint custody if it's deemed in the best interests of the child. so the party must
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do you believe you'll see your child again? you can see that those and do you still have faith in japan's justice system? since the frenchman vincent v show has been at the forefront of the left behind parents campaign. it's called the form of finance. here is high flying career p law. so his 2 children in august 2018 at the start of what he thought would be just another day. on friday, 10th, 2008. and i came back from work and the house was empty, some thoughts or feelings. and i quickly realized that that was, it might, might, and my kids had been taken, and i tried getting ahold of my wife and she would and she would have replied,
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and then i went to, um, i went to the mailbox and i got a letter from her lawyer saying that my, my kids were taken that i should not expect to see them again. email, it's back home with his parents in the french city of miles say, returning to tokyo with every can. when he last saw his children, they would just didn't finish it stuff because you know what i mean. so if you all could, then i could just provide them the streets without and i wouldn't even recognize them. the hardest part is not knowing how they looked like is, is not knowing how they are they all, it's all healthy. it's all happy and even if they need anything. so this is very difficult to, to, to handle it to be. frank vincent has resulted to desperate measures during the 2021 tokyo and then fix. he went on hunger strike for 20 days,
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losing 14 taylor's 3 years on he refuses to give up on his children. do you think you'll ever see them again? of course, because that i wouldn't be fighting if there was no hopes but i think it's gonna take another 10 to 15 years. he's now one is his lawyer having already spent over $300000.00 on legal fees? i key right away. no says the change to the law is superficial, but concedes it's his clients only have to have home phone guy cycle timeline. so they're small. i don't know. i don't hire me for some of the pilots and you know, also getting off on the not that i see 40 to invest that goes out a day. so then i'll give you the night. the acura was it left behind parent himself . he knows to well how difficult it is to in custody cases when the other parent
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has taken the children. how many cases have you taken on? and the best thing being was supposed to have done. why have gainesville and how many of you one, a cost dental uh uh it can douglas demo somebody mall so noble folks on the beat was that they'll kill for those i buy. so there's pretty guys out there. vincent says, unless the new law is properly enforced, it's destined to fail. below is not gonna change much actually is for me no more thing that is going to bring change for the next generation of children. but really it won't change anything to me. and the reason i'm saying that is the issue is not the law and drip on the it's front of the root of light. as it is zoom each case a judge ruled they've been since children with mealy taken away and not kidnapped.
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it's a way for the japanese system to circumvent an international and, and even jump and subjugation to wisconsin abduction because they don't call each and abduction precise. so if you go to the police, it will be fuse you to choose that to. and when i was in court, many times i was telling the judge that my children had been abducted and i was threatened to be escorted out of the room. and i kept on using that with japan's government has consistently claimed it's compliant with international law. the breaking into programming now to take you to profit, we're at least 20. i'd people have been killed in and it's very strong in northwest and ross of the 10s of this place. people sheltering in the city near the united nations relief agency warehouses with the injured have been taken to the cities quite hospital. eye witnesses reported that the 10th of the displaced people called
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fire of to the shelling and l color is on the phone for us. now from the all by then can you just bring us up to date with the latest from this is strong, clear in northwestern rougher is. okay, so is there any forces targeted a make shift? 10 with 8. is there any air strikes? this is a place where what's classified by that is where these 2 forces as a humanitarian area and it was safe as they claim. at least 27 policies have been killed. we have been seeing footage emerging online we. we see how the bodies of people are part of being buried. we're talking about 28 palestinians and the number is likely to increase because the ambulances and the civil defense themes are still a transferring those policies to move into the hospitals. there's only
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one hospital, currently facilitating in the for which is the queen. the hospital, the only has 8 but, but we also knew that month, some of the injuries are also being transferred to the i n c field and medical points. and again, this was a target for a mix of 10 near the under one logistics base and kinda some pon, it's located in the western part of this. off at these, the targets were tense, makes shift, and towards thousands of policy new remained in that area because they thought that it was a safe area. i mean, the people in tents were targeted, there are more people injured and that the footage that is emerging online is very terrifying. we're seeing people that are not being able to be recognized because their bodies were completely damaged and it's not only box. is
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there any forces carried a couple of air strikes? also in western parts of the, after the target, it's intensifying and it's also escalate tank and sit and we've been watching these pictures come into the news room and we're seeing people trying to put out these fires that a splitting from 110 to the next to these make shift shelters that people have been having to live in for months. now. can you just give us an idea of water if any sort of emergency response they will be to help these displays? people put out these funds immediately? well actually we're talking about civil defense teams with 0 cap abilities up trucks and i'm getting says and like a firefighters do not even have fuel to transfer and to help cope this fire because there has been no fuel entering the golf industry for more than 2 weeks now after
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that is where the forces started their military operation and dropped off it. as you know, tents are very for jobs and, and, and claims are, are, are, are firing up of the make shift 10th. and it's, it's, it's very hard finding what we're seeing, but we are expecting more displacement tomorrow as there are still thousands of palestinians. 10 in the western parts of uniform state. can you just give us a bit more detail about the hospital capability that and rough obviously we know that they've been sheldon and attacked multiple times, but also it just the lack of supplies that they have to keep authorizing and how that is going to affect to the dozens of people that no doubt will be being tried to be rushed to hospital as quickly as possible due to treats no doubt what are they going to be severe bins from this fine. it was only hospitalized to operating in a different is the kuwait, the hospital, and it's not really
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a hospital because it does, it has the i c u unit. so it's only a medical point with on the 8th, but we're talking about at least 27 policy and that were killed and dozens of people injured. so the hospital does not really have the capability to treat and to give medication to all of these injured people. also there is a couple of medical hospitals, field hospital in norfolk, but unfortunately there is no excuse for ambulances to go back and forth. and to transfer all of these injuries again for more than 2 weeks. now, 0 fuel have in church to hospitals or to get into so it's very hard and challenging to operate. but the civil defense news and the emergency people are trying their best to rescue as much people, children and women as possible. and then to alia a oh,
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cassandra guide said that he did find a large barrage of rockets towards tel aviv uh, the younger we give him a student loan instead of tech from rafa. and southern cause is this the area in northwest because we were seeing these pictures coming in and we had this latest as for any strike, this happens is this the area we have modified these rockets from to, well actually no, because a very vital image that was picking mine is where the tools are today was a from a was taken from the rough crossing, which is in the eastern part of russell, not the western part of the fi, which has been targeted with 8 airstrikes. today is the not been western part of delphi, which is also classified by the is where the forces as a few minutes, are you? yeah, yeah. and ask people from eastern defroster back to a to this area. so no, it was not the same area. and again, this area is full of this place. people, it's a, makes just pence. it's
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a huge make shift time. so there has been no way that the palestinian fighters fired rockets from the area purchased very. yeah. and just the view is who, who is shooting in? we have a receipt pictures into the news room that we are going to show you because they are just so griffin of many children extremely badly. but just to point out to it and were you to write hinge point did that to these displaced people, women and children who have been living in these make shift tents for months now obviously and uh, this comes uh on top of everything that has happened to die and because on such a large scale attack like this, news spreads fast throughout the strip, can you just give us an idea of what the reaction is being there? and they're all by the way you are. and now the positive, the strip to, to this attack, this happens in the last hour or so, a smell actually, people are terrified because some of their families may, the, to,
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that is the last to the central part. but some of their families are staying in that makes shift tent. people are horrified and are feeling very worried. they want to make sure that their families are okay. but unfortunately, there has been no entry, it's connectivity, there has been no electricity and telecommunication are very, very high to reach right now. so people are, are, are, are, are terrified they're, they're in rage because again, they taught that this area was this okay here. sorry, i'm just gonna have to interrupt you the because the media conferences started with this folks posted on the health ministry. and guys are we going to listen into that now? we have are, is an summary executions against displaced people leading to the desk of over 100, then 90 minor murders and new site. you're out as you by your, by the and you guys as well as recently in the govern rate of a rough and southern guys a moments ago the israeli occupation committed
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a horrifying massacre. the targeted shilling and bombardment to us the uh, but except sheltered by the northwest guys. um, what go now is really your planes targeted the center with over 2nd, marseilles and bombs, winged over 2000 pounds each leading to the best of 30 people as well as dozens of injuries including extremely serious injuries. and this means that the overall number of people who are killed as a result of this massacre is likely to increase these continuing massacres against civilians and displaced people confirmed without a shred of doubt. that substance, we are missing a genocide crime, a premeditated crime of genocide. it also shows that these really occupation army
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is deliberately killing the largest possible number of people, particularly civilians and displaced people who tried to escape the fires of war. however, they were chased by the messiahs of the occupation which killed them in cold blood . this horrifying massacre sends a clear message from these really occupations and the us administration to the international criminal court. and to all other international courts, as well as the international community. and entire humanity and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians continues and the mass occurs against this place. people and children will continue and that violations of international law and will not stop before these horrifying massacres. and before this catastrophe of historical proportions. and this genocide, a war being waged by these really occupation army, the us administration and their allies to work involved in this war of genocide. we
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would like to hear by reaffirm the following 1st, guardian. we continue to condemn me how to build a bad that the continuation of the score of genocide and these horrifying massacres that continue against this place. people shout as well as shelters. these massacres that over the past 24 hours left over $109.00. the murders, as well as the dozens of the people in july, the new site, right guys. and moments ago, in the rough uh, covering the rates we call upon all the nations of the for you world to can and then this brutal crime, this heinous crime that has been committed by these really occupation and the americans 2nd. and we hold these really occupation the us administration as well as all countries involved in the genocidal crime such as germany and other
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european countries. we hold them fully responsible for this genocide award that continues against our great people of palestine. this war that has left so far over 120000 people dead, including approximately how many walks of manassas, that's left, 120000 victims, including 36000 people and over 80000 wounded people. 3rd, we kind of call upon the international criminal court, all international courts and all the free, the judges in the world, as well as all human rights organizations all over the world to prosecute is really war criminals and to prosecute the american war criminals as well. and sure many more criminals as well as all war criminals who are participating in the killing of tens of thousands of that listing and civilians and displaced people
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here in the gaza strip. and a has dorothy hall a cause that the world has never seen. we call upon the world to bring them all to trial before a just international court as war criminals who are practicing that using all least a weapon rate without any limits. and without any respect to international law force, we call upon all the nations of the free world, all international organizations, all un institutions, to put pressure on the criminal is really occupation in order to put an end to this more of genocide that continues to, to read additional lives amongst displaced people and civilians and continues to leave more people that every hour and with every new massacre. we also call for the reopening cost of the rough crossing immediately in order to allow sounds of phone
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to people and patients to travel in order to receive treatments and hospitals outside of the guys strip. especially after these really occupation.


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