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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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tens of thousands of that listing and civilians and displaced people here in the gaza strip. and a has dorothy hall a cause that the world has never seen. we call upon the world to bring them all to trial before a just international court as war criminals who are practicing that using all least a weapon rate without any limits. and without any respect to international law force, we call upon all the nations of the free world, all international organizations, all un institutions to put the pressure on the criminal is really occupation in order to put an end to this more of genocide that continues to, to read additional lives amongst displaced people and civilians and continues to leave more people that every hour and with every new massacre. we also call for the reopening of the rough crossing immediately in order to allow sounds of the people
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and patients to travel in order to receive treatments and hospitals outside of the gaza strip. especially after these really occupation deliberately destroyed the the health system completely. and because us trip and following the crimes committed by the occupation that resorted to burning hospitals and destroying them completely. we also call for the immediate delivery of dozens of field hospitals and medical crews and delegation is to because that's true in order for them to contribute to say you bring us from this value or humanitarian and help situation. and the gaza strip, which is headed towards a humanitarian catastrophe, that will leave tens of thousands of statements and people that amongst palestinians, particularly women and children. we also what god called for the delivery us a fuse to what remains up our hospitals,
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health centers and ambulances, which are headed for a disaster. saved guys uh before it is too late. so you guys uh before it is too late. so you guys uh before it is too late to glory and immortality, to our murders. are you speedy recovery to our wounded freedom, to our prisoners languishing in occupation prisons and a salute to our great palestinian people. the government media office you are listening to the ghost of health ministry spokes person. in the l bala he called us like a strike, a who risk massacre. he said the boy pines targeted the center of the $107.00 miss files in total were dropped and he said that they chased people as they tried to escape for their lives. he said at least to the people that did dozens more injured and expects the death toll to rise significantly. in the coming hours he said,
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without a shred of doubt, this is a pre meditated crime of genocide, deliberately killing the largest number of innocent civilians just to bring you up to date with the lightest in the last hour or so that has been in his riley massage, and strike on a 10th, and cameron's north west of rough of which has killed at least 50 people. we're going to go now to the country who was standing by for us in the l bother. and i guess the 1st question is to you, and we're all the injured people going to go now as well. that's the very good question because there is no place that could receive the amount of injuries and of a hard copy of the only one hospital operating, which is the queen hospital. the only has 8 beds and we're talking about dozens of injuries that were received. let me give you the last update by the cause of
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civil defense. they said that they transported 50 people including killed and wounded as a result of the is ready bonding at the displaced a mattress. then they said that's the area targeted by the is there any strikes northwest of defy contains at least $100.00. * 1000 displaced palestinians, again, they're very overwhelmed. they say that they're confused. they have no idea where to transfer all of these injuries because the hospital has been already overwhelmed and packed with injuries that we received to the hospital earlier today in test federal air strikes. not targeted rough last today. so i'm getting says, are literally saying that they do not know where to go with the injuries, and they're very low on fuel and the very low income abilities. so they do not know where to go. and this is may be something that happens for the 1st time,
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every after 7 months before ongoing the trip. yes. and just as we can see from these pictures, it was obviously very, very crowded place. and then fire spray it very quickly between the make shift tens the shelves as the people, if it had been having to live in for months. now. can you just explain for us what of any emergency response that has been or could be to a fire in a missile strike of the scale. and we're not talking about one air strike. we're talking about a explosive air strikes and a mix shift tense that i made with caustic and the same level of it, but fabrics, you know, so it's very obvious that the fire it back to very easily. and all of these tens are very close to each other because people thought that this area was a safe area. so they all squeeze in the western part of the roof. unfortunately,
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fire fighters, civil defense d. i'm going to have been calling that they do not have fuel because for more than 2 weeks now, the rough crossing has been close. kyler beside him has been closed and no fuel in trade because of strip. so they do not even have the opportunity or the capability of transporting and transferring or even putting down the failure. so it's not only a massacre, it's also like people. and the civil defense beings are, are standing not knowing how they could respond to this uh, horrifying air strikes against him since, as well. uh, the military began as offensive in to rough a weeks ago. now. obviously its display, steven more people as we've been saying, hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to head, to move out of rafa to escape the fighting there. can you just explain that this particular area which was hits in the last hours so that this was actually to
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create a safe area by these randy on? well, it was, we saw a map and this area was part of the safe humanitarian area where the is ready for 2 people to evacuate west to this area. so that's why it has been densely populated. it has been a densely populated, make shift a it. com. so people are horrified that this is happening every time they try to trust what's the is really, is actuation orders are every time this happens, people try to evacuate, try to listen to the orders by the is ready for a brief time. the do it, they get targeted, there's no safe place in gaza. and every time people try to survive is really air strikes. they teach them actually if you just joining us, just wanna bring you up to dies with a license that is happening in a rough uh,
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uh at least to see people have been killed in and is riley strikes 7 of them in fact. and northwestern. rafa of the 10th of displaced people sheltering in the city near the united nations relief agency warehouses where hits, clearly fy has freed very quickly since then, the injured have been taken to the cities quite hospital, but as a hinge has been talking to us about that it has such a little type ability to actually deal with the injured from this that the health industry spokes person has said that to the thousands and thousands that have been injured from this, he believes the death toll will rise further in the coming hours. the hint at this obviously comes out to a mouse student launched an attack from rough uh, towards tel aviv. can you just explain uh, with this area is in relation to the area that her mouth said it launched as rockets from in raw, for the 2 distinctly separate places on by as they are. because today,
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one of the most images to the rocket launch was from the rough across thank took and buy one of the is where the soldiers in the rough crossing east of drop off. so it's very obvious that the rockets were, while you're from the eastern parts of the by the area that has been targeted was in the west, north of drop a which is very far away from the picture that was taken. but it's, it's, it's, it's, i'm sorry, i could not put my my, my, my, this into words, but it's completely separate. it's, they're not related to each other. but as, as usual, i was like how this thing is, are being targeted everywhere and, and this is not the french at target that has been targeting the, the rough us today. there has been multiple targets true as the day and also not
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only the but in your body to but let me update you that to the 2nd since the time that the, the, is there any forces targeted to make just sense till now? the failure is to erupt thing and it did not stop. and the end to, since we've been talking, we've just gotten information that israel military has launched another 3 rights on residential neighborhoods. in rafa does another 3. it rides on top of the one that we have seen that you're watching pictures of right now in north west. and rafa can you just give assistance? obviously you have had to live through so much since october the 7th, with everything that has gone on. since then in does it, can you just give us an idea of how to not be a compares to everything that you have been through before as well. it's, it's, it's, i don't want to say that it's the same cycle of,
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of violence going on every time. it's, it's a new cycle of aggression. it's a new cycle of violence and it's increasing. today, before this strikes the, is there any forces target to the whole residential area where at least 5 houses have been flat 10 to the floor? it has been ongoing. palestinians have been displaced for more than 7 times a time. and now tomorrow we're going to be seeing people evacuating from the western part of jennifer at the crisis. continue. nothing is entering the causes for for more than 2 weeks now under what stops and houses all, it's a. c food distribution, so people are running away from the air strikes from common from all the humanitarian crisis and it's still going on every time i talk to people on the ground, the only thing they're asking is ceasefire. they want to go back to the north, they want this violence to and, and, and, and, and reporting this once again, is,
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is, is, is not something we're, we're used to, it feels like it's the 1st time i report something like this today. okay? and as always, we really do appreciate everything you do bringing us the license there from guys and thanks so much to send out quarterly for us into our bala. okay, well as well his band they'll just here a from reporting from this. so we're going to go to sort of hide as who's joining us now from the giant dining and capital. i'm on the side of it. has there been any reaction at all from is right at this point in time. the absolutely nothing at the moment until the end. it's not clear whether we will expect something, but certainly since those home us real kits were launched earlier today, a few hours ago they launched 8 rockets towards the central parts of is ro entering one pass. and since that fire, ours of rockets,
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which we haven't seen israel hasn't seen in the last 4 months of last amount of rockets that were being fives woods, central israel was back in january. well, since then, they have been a number of statements by is radio officials we have heard from many guns, one of the war members, we also heard from the defense ministry off guidelines and also from the ministry spokes person, all of them indicating that. so they will continue and dropped the head start and the defense minister had said that they had expanded the operations and rough earlier this morning into areas they said, but they haven't expanded to previously. and then also we had a statement saying, but how much will pay for this full attacking the civilians, whether it's now or later on. they also released the video, the minute 3, showing a video of the talk and seeing what they said were the launches. all those real
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kits, they said, and it was happening. they said from a civilian area in a rough off. now interestingly, as this has been unfolding about 30 minutes ago, a statement, a video statement was released by one of the spokes people from the military shy a video of the real kits from earlier. but also, and it's saying that they had been delivering and ensuring the delivery of aids into a rough idea today. but they were ensuring the safety of the civilians in gaza, awhile israel they said who was doing this from us, was launching rockets and attacking their own people based that that's how much is intent on attacking civilians. whereas israel, they said in this statement, is intent on protecting civilians. interesting, the they didn't just refer to their own civilians, but also civilians and gaza. and then we see this now with previous rocha attacks from how much throughout this whenever,
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how much has carried out these real kids attacks. usually israel has retaliated and we've also been seeing an intensification of those operations in the northern parts of the gauze district earlier today. as well, whether these as strikes that we're just seeing now, these massive asteroids. is that related to the how most of the time earlier with those rockets is still unclear. and so we received an official statement, tons from the government, but at the moment we've not heard anything official from them just. yeah. okay, thanks are the i c, k, l e are in the wake of rhodes israel to quote, it's offensive in rafa immediately. this clearly contradicts that of the clarity contradicts this and it won't be looking good for these riley sense in the, on the international platform also something but kind of fell from underneath the radar earlier today with all of the rockets and the news,
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the news lines coming through but i'm actually a reading was approved. the 2nd reading in the is riley, connects it today to designate the owner of the u. n. a refugee is your refugee agency raw the as a terrorist organization. that hasn't been a rock to fight into, nor just yet because it still has to go through to another reading. but it's interesting that these as strikes have happened not far from one of the sites in the gaza strip. so this is all just happening just soon off the base. and then also within all of these discussions that were mass protest yesterday by some of the families of those helps cots of trying to put pressure on the government to end the war in the gaza strip. it to and show the return of those held captive. they've said this, this is a, from us a request, and this is the only way to bring back those held captive home. then let's just take that deal now at home. also, as we're speaking, that should be
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a meeting that was supposed to be held. it's still not clear whether it was held. it's still not clear whether the still discussing in the will cabinet will cabinet meeting the discussing of these negotiations. but the prime minister released an interesting statement before he went into this meeting and it seems like he was having a go or having a job at one of the chiefs and it goes to a to the only is really a negotiating team saying that he what he's saying should he should be careful with the public statements that he's making. and that's because of a report that was released. the thing that the chief negotiator had been saying that it's because of, of the current leadership are either prime minister in the war cabinet. the deals isn't going through and that they were facing a loss of resistance as indigo, ca thing seemed to clearly allow subdivisions that's but this certainly isn't going to look good as well, especially at the time where it's space to be uh,
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order from the i c j that you just mentioned. uh yeah, but not just that you have the chief prosecutor of the i c. c, in the hey, seeking an arrest warrant for the prime minister himself as well as the defense minister when that took place when the ice c j order took place, the leadership of israel, the prime minister and the war cabinet members, they all came out saying that this was on c semitism and that's actually they know it's carrying out any of the full of genocide, but they all doing this to protect the civilians. and of course, real kids like these neurons from us today is only going to serve the is ready prime minister. well, perhaps in being able to prove to the property that he still needs to continue with the school. okay, thanks so much for all that us out of high that drawing of joining us from the jo, dining and capital a month, because a israel has been they'll just hear it from reporting from there. okay, we're going to go now to petty cowhide for more on this who is in washington,
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dc and petty i mentioned it is far too soon for any official lines to have come out from the white house and the likes. but obviously we know that's in the past month or so that there has been a real concern about the number of civilian instead of being killed in gaza. this is on you're going to feel that isn't that what it really is is just as you're, you're right. it's sunday here still the weekend. it's a holiday weekend, but we have reached out to the both the state department and the white house. you can comment on this, we'll let you know as soon as we hear something, if we hear back. but yes, as you mention for months, us president joe biden is a, a large scale operation into raffle would be a red line. and the administration highlighted that they've held back 3500 bombs, very powerful bombs to show their displeasure. but at the same time, just a little while later, they announced another $1000000000.00 in weapon sales to israel. so we did here just a few days ago from j sullivan. he's the national security advisor,
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and he was asked okay, rough the, the is really forces one in toronto, where is the red line. and he basically said, there is no mathematical formula for assessing the scale of the idea of offensive. and then we're going, this is the exact quotes and then we're going to be looking at whether there is a lot of death and destruction from the operation. or if it is more precise and proportional. so obviously critics of the vitamins registration has been saying the israel did cross the us red line, the vitamin series and simply doesn't want to go forward with any consequences for crossing that red line. hitting a place where people were told to be that they would be safe that they were in, tends to the scale of the destruction and the death toll mounting. this is going to put a lot more pressure on us president joe biden, to use any of the considerable leverage the us has with israel to try and get a ceasefire. now will they come back and say, well it's,
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it was an accident or it's still not a large scale invasion. they may continue down that path, but looking at the images that are wouldn't be flashing across tv screens across the world ad on social media here at home. it's going to be much more difficult. of course, every step of the way we have seen you as president joe biden, pretty much have the back of the israeli government. so this might put more pressure on, or they might just simply say, this doesn't re is the level of the red line we set. and again, it is a holiday weekend. so government is closed on monday that gives them a little more time to avoid reporters here. a bit of the count avoid the fact patty, that only a few days ago the siege. i ruled israel to stop it's offensive into rasa immediately . to stop exactly what we have seen happen in the last hour to stop innocent civilians being indiscriminately killed, including women and children who have been taken to hospital for the wounds that that stuff and not on the in the air strikes. but also in the fire that has
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consumed the 10 city in the hour since the strikes happened. can you just explain? i mean, obviously, i know that the us political environment is very divided right now, but this i c j rolling. how is that being seen by the white house in particular and when it comes to innocent civilians being kills in gaza as well. and again, we were just talking about the considerable leverage that the us president would have over israel if you chose to use it. they have fought against the i c. j decision. they have said when it comes to the international criminal court in the prosecutor saying he wanted to seek a rest orange for the is really leadership. they came out and i was there. and capitol hill, secretary state entity blanket was asked about this by members of the set of committees. and he said, we're going to work with you to make sure that we in essence punish the i see, see if they take these steps at the united nation, the us as continue to support israel within the un security council. vito and
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a resolution that would have named palestine its own individual state. so in all of these ways as its largest weapon supplier, as it's pretty much strongest, and in many cases loan backer on the international stage of the u. s. has continued to side with israel over the last 8 months of war. now we have seen years president joe biden, obviously, famously went to israel in the days after october, 7th to the hog is the prime minister. we've seen him and his people are getting more and more frustrated, saying there needs to be a plan that the people of roughly have know where to go. they built a peer because they had repeatedly told israel to a lot more aid. so use, but new use of dollars building appear to get that aid and rather than just use some of its consequences to make israel open up more crossings and, and look and report after report within the u. s. government, they continue to side with israel. so does, is it going to continue?
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we really don't know. we don't know where that breaking point is for president joe biden. he said it was an invasion of rough us. rough has been invaded and apparently the red line for him is still not been crossed. thanks so much for all of that. this petty co sign for us here in washington dc. a cable as well as license the tech comes off of the you installed code on friday, ordered as well to immediately and effectively into some military offensive in kansas southern city. if we're off on the provisional mission issue, just part of south africa's genocide case against israel, the international court of justice described the situation and gone so as disasters h $800000.00 palestinians had been forced to flee breakfast since the ground offensively. i began early of this month now the quote says as well as evacuation plans for civilians and not sufficient. the icj. i also called on this role to give an unimpeded access to investigative looking into allegations of war crimes and
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cancer. the is legally binding, but the honest each eye has no power to enforce as must $56000.00 palestinians had been killed since the war began in october of mos has just released the assignments on the patient. um, he committed a heinous mass, the case against the displaced people west of the city of ruffled in defiance and disregard of the decision of the international court of justice. they said we hold the us administration and prison binding in particular, fully responsible for the mexican. we demands the immediate and urgent implementation of the decisions of the international court of justice and pressure to stop this messic up. that was a segment a by him boss released just a few minutes ago. well, a for more and all of this we're going to go through, i'll just say it was political, endless mullins, the shar, who joins us now. thank you very much, my one festival. your initial reaction to the slightest attack. at least 7 uh,
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is ready. massage dropped on the 10th settlement at least 30 people dates dozens more injured as well. you know, sometimes words. busy just kind of cut it right in a situation like this where the burning of entire assignment is in a mix. just can clearly deliberate, clearly criminal, clearly genocide though, bottom parcel of a long series of his ready um criminal acts, bombings is also force of a but a signal civilians. this, as i warned, a number of days ago is gone to worse than, because is there a is per stop corner. it has basically failed in gaza. and now it's, uh, it's basically, um, uh, you know, uh, taking its revenge. i guess the civilians population and guys are burdened people alive that it cannot be justified,
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cannot be even explained in any which way possible. certainly not politically or militarily the hunt. uh uh that is wondering, is there a today uh, has uh, basically failed in its missions and guys, uh and now it's taking its revenge on the population of guys. if you, if you just back track a bit to how we got here today where it might hear what's going to be tens of thousands of families. not just, you know, 28 people. once this fire is put off. and once we really know what is the damage, you will see that we're not talking about many thousands of people killed, but many more injured. but that only to backtracked only only a few weeks ago. the entire international community, including reserves, all lives in the west. and i'm talking about germany, u. k. friends and the united states have for all of them,
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propose this offensive and dropped off the x rays insisted on doing more of the same deploying forces, deploying air forces on so forth, against, proffer what happened in the meanwhile of the past few days. as has been now confirmed by the washington post and audits, these really daily hogs is that the bible is an assertion, has finally given the green lights for what they call a limited operation in gaza. this, this is the limited operation and gaza every day. and dozens of people are getting in new mexico every day and where are they killed? they are killed in those mixture scam, so where tens of thousands of people are just finding a refuge where these right is the american heart. have 4 things to go to the americans have given the green light for these sorts of operations dictates, holding them limited, but in fact,
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they are what we see. they are war crimes against the people in guys work or as you cause, as you heard from him or work order swatches. and guys, all this has nothing to do and we cannot continue to ask more of the same about, is this a fit for sat is this is your, is punishing the people this guys are, it's heaven on earth. in these spaces there might things have claims that they oppose this because they want it as i some days. there is what about the hundreds of thousands of sinews? what is your strong, more than 800000, some 900100 north all the far. i know it's bombing them. it's loading entire families. you talk about retaliation and revenge by as well. earlier today we store intel of each sirens going off for the 1st time and i believe for moms of to the outcome brigades find a large barrage of rockets towards is, is riled them with him of
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a mile student loans. the attack from rough uh as and was pointing out. this tends in cabinets is very, very different from, with a mouse the rockets were launched from do you think that that missing so will actually spray that. this is the picture that we are seeing right now is not with the rockets. we're alone strong. do you think that that message is going to make it to the us to is room a fall? we will say it's right for the time being, i was just as before i spoke to you always reading. this is randy press and i'm looking at the is there any main television station do more important measure 0? believe it or not, the box. what is happening in casa, clearly they don't have yes, and your official statements from their own government about what was going on and guys, but let me make a very important point about the so called.


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