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tv   Studio B Unscripted Raoul Peck Viet Thanh Nguyen Pt 1  Al Jazeera  May 26, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am AST

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its encampments is very, very different from we have most of the rockets were launched from do you think that that missing so will actually spray that. this is the picture that we are seeing right now is not with the rockets for long strong. do you think that that message is going to make it to the us to is room a fall? we will say it's right for the time being. i was just as before i spoke to always reading the is randy press and i'm looking at the is there any main television station do more important? not just 0, believe it or not about what is happening in causal. clearly they don't have yes. and your official statements from their own government about what was going on and guys, but let me make a very important point about the so hold, you know, rockets being fired and so on, so forth. yes. right. profit, so far as we is really uh, official and general knows when those fires were,
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those sockets are partners. they all know how much people there. they all know by now. this is an a signature from warfare. that's what i'm us. since the sockets they are, they're there and they've already been set and they are the big ones that are dispatched down know how most, vit, i'm going to be bone any way that even if they were bombing, we're, that they were the rockets, but where their office where, where, where, where dispatched, you wouldn't be able to have my cyprus, this is, this is a problem of this conflict. and this is difficult to this problem. so what the x rays are doing, basically not knowing what to do, the bombing civilians. and that's why the i c c and the icy j have been speaking about war crimes and is ready to purchase as work criminals. and as a plausible genocide is because the is really, is have taking it on the population of guys don't know what to do. that existence continues even in the north, where presumably,
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i think it's really military has cleared places like jump out. yeah. and but i know what else on so forth. but the fact is that somebody got under existing v is really war and these are the occupations. so the is really minnesota. it is there any politicians are taking it out on the people does or that's why i want it to the french. that's why when more crimes, that's why we're quoting it you aside because these are not many studies targets were used target a mic shift camp, where there are tens of thousands of people that have just been displaced. and you told them to go there. and you found them and you burned down to the ground. you've been there dance and you've been in spite of families. and i've just seen images not to, not just to get on social media about of those people should not be getting dining hospital, but they just simply burned children. these sorts of images all is really crimes in gaza. you know, it is the kind of thing that is there is doing simply auto hate 3. does that people
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who caused and once again that's why we couldn't get genocide because they are trying to destroy the people from god because they cannot do anything else. they fail as everything else over the past is most accept more bombings, more destruction, and more in depth. they are simply causing more death to the people of guys because they cannot achieve any of the objectives. they cannot control, guys are, they cannot become us. they cannot. 3 in the, even in the home you know, should gone over all of the rockets, so they are taking it on the people of god. there is no doubt that they might have a point somewhere about, you know, rockets coming got towards us on and so on. so forth, but in the end of the day, taking it on the thinking is out on the people guys or families that are simplified . think the refuge, this is genocide. these are more crimes. this is, has on there are for the people in guys are supported by the world. so what
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problem it's not one as always we really do appreciate your insight into all of us that as well and push our senior political analyst there for us. i just want to bring you up to date with a lot like us. it's just past 2030 g m t. and is there any forces have targeted a make shift cam for displace palestinians with 8 missiles. at least 30 people have been killed that this total is expected to rise. the injured has been taken to quite hospital. no witnesses have reported this. we have seen from the pictures that have come in to the seas room that the 10th of the displaced people. uh caught fire to the shelling. now the id p camp was next to one of the largest and most active underwood warehouses in gauze. and we understand that risk teams are still searching for bodies and those are missing and trying to push those funds that are still burning out. we're going to go now to the country who is
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a correspondent standing by for us and down paula. and can just bring this up to the up to date with the license from what you were hearing from on the grounds. in casa the well, the ambulances are still looking for bodies and are still looking for hospitals to receive those injuries. and we're talking about dozens of palestinians that have been injured to far we're talking about of he's 27 policies that being kills. we're seeing footage emerging online, highly flying in images showing how kind of news has been, uh, targeted by it a is there in the air strikes on a make shift ton. this area that was targeted is in the western parts of the sofa. and it was also named by the is there any forces that it was a human, a tag, in the area actually, all of the ambulances, the civil teams, firefighters,
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everyone is trying to put down to fly, or they're trying to save as much injuries as possible. and they're also trying to uh, find a page to provide medical assistance to those people who are injured. hospitals are overwhelmed in it. we're talking about only one hospital, facilitating cranky intro for which is the, for the hospital with only a bed. and i want to talk a little bit about the, the area we, we have this with these, the strikes actually hit because as you mentioned that it was declared a safety area by the is riley army off that i went in and began the ground invasion . and to rough, uh, i believe it was empty it beforehand and it was used and taken over as a shelter for these thousands of people. is that correct? can you just give us an idea of just how quickly the this tent and cameron was, had to be set up off to is ready for us has moved into rafa. okay,
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so this area is an area very close to honor what distribution and warehouses people always does. the beginning of this war tried their best to stay close to under what facilities, because they thought that it was a safe area. it's a make shift tend for displace policy means it's the size of a very big thought. both p a. it's a very crowded place. um thousands of palestinians remained in this area because they thought, but it's like safe. and it was a humanitarian area as the is ready for his name. but uh, people stayed in that case because they thought that the western part of the fi were not targeted. and they evacuated from the eastern drop off to the west of this place. we're talking about a mix extent, which is made up of like a fab like plastic tent,
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which is it is very easy to get up. caught with fire. that's why it's to this point. the fire is been interrupting and it's not a like all the the, the firefighters are trying to put it down. but unfortunately, because it, it's probably in a very large case, the civil defense team are still trying to put of the failure at, uh, thousands of palestinians are still there. and we're expecting more displacements from the area or the hours in the morning to the western, to the middle area, and to community. and in the real. so off to this mess of a strike. i miss i was a fight on this teens in chem, and we know that is rarely forces most 3 rides on residential neighborhoods in rough uh, events in addition to what happens here at this tint and cameron,
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can you just give us an idea of exactly what it feels like to be in gaza to nice. okay, but let me mention 1st be after before the air strike, there was a whole residential area and refund that was targeted by the is there any horses were okay. 5 houses were targeted and less than to the floor. and then this made shift at 10 a comp that was targeted. and now another apartment was targeted and 5 pallets and these were confirmed, killed by the policy minute trip house. it's terrifying to be in the gaza strip right now, especially in the south because palestinians thought that they were evacuated to a safe area. but it turns out that no, they are is no k safe. and garza kind of means have been striving to evacuate. and from the those strikes, but they keep chasing them. policy, these are not only striving 2 to 3 away from those are starts,
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but they're also striving to have to have it watcher. and that's how kind of thing is, are pending their days every single day. we see people walking with mt gallon looking for a new source of water and that's why it's very hard to put down the fire right now, because there's simply no water. people do not have washer to drink and not only to put down up fire. people are terrified there. i imagine people are, would start their displacement journey from the western parts of dust off in the early hours of the morning and 10. but this moment the palestinians are looking for their beloved ones. they're trying to transfer them to any hospital, any medical points, any fields, hospital that would give the medication to those people that have been injured. okay, and thank you. as always,
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we really do appreciate you reporting from cause of this and i'll cut already for us there in the obama. we're going to go now to sorrow. there's been some reactions from these rarely me so hot it to joins us now from the jo, dining and capital a mon because as well as band delta 0 from reporting from the setup. what reactions have we had so far from is riley officials um, well, that seems to be a confirmation uh that the army has launched in a type targeting ton and sold tons of that it's being investigated. and suddenly that's being widely reported in his ready media as well. we haven't seen a video statement of its calling just yet. but as my ron bouchard was saying, in fact, most of these riley's were quoting all just there and they were getting that information from us. and then soon off to that, we now started to see that the saying that these ready ministry has confirms
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carrying out a strike against this area. but the details haven't been revealed. and we certainly don't know exactly whether that had any link with the home us real kids. the types of you today, not the same area as and was mentioning just that tom. but certainly we did have several statements throughout the day off to about how mazda type aids re kits with loans from the gaza strip, to the center of israel. this is the 1st time since january, so that very much wrestles is re leaves and they said to me was expecting this up because of the ministry saying that they are making gains that they oversee have been in real estate, which they have long said was the last boss to and if you like, of those. come us, come on those in the gaza strip. well, you had those real kits being launch. that was one entry but then also statements a flurry of them from the defense minister. c you off kalonski as well as benny
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guns, one of the war cabinet ministers of all of them. and as well as the, the ministry as well confirming that hamas had carries out those rocket launches from a rough, just a 100 meters away from the is riley forces that are in or off. now that's 2 weeks off today. and so it's a, the rough area along the board, the with agents now really showing that this is just under the noses of these riley . so it starts and became as a shop, but also in these statements, the confirmation of them saying this is exactly why they need to continue this war . why they need to be in the gaza strip because of those rockets that what we're seeing now. these pictures which all quite horrific it happens to be just our is off to the connected. these really connects to positive preliminary and reading is the 2nd one. it needs to go to
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a 3rd one because before it can become load its own rock has been does, would be designated as a terrorist organization and we're hearing now as you can see that the so this is a tie kid on those tense and on those displaced, palestinians happening not fall from an under a facility. now also the location is significant because when the palestinians were told to evacuate, to those say stones are those areas where areas like milwaukee along that coastal area of the gaza strip as all the areas like did it by the have fine units. this is where all of those that had been displaced, 7 and 8 times were told to go to if you actually look at where this area is, it's not safe zones. close to all of those areas. the, the is riley's, had told palestinians to go to bass, comes off the box 2 days off to the i, c, j posts down an order against israel to end it's offensive and dropbox to
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allow more humanitarian agents, but also to allow independent investigates, has to go into the gaza strip and see if is ro is in any way of breaking or define these humanitarian international laws. and that's also because it's being accused of genocide by south africa and many other countries. now the adjoining in that's accusation, also is rarely spacing an old a, a request rather for arrest warrants against the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as well as the defense minister by the i c c in the hey. so israel has been facing a lots of international criticism and they said to me, one by 12 full them on the international stage. just sorta as it was, we really do appreciate your inputs out of high that for us the in the dining and capital amount because as well as band l. g 0 from reporting from there. i just
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want to bring you up to date with the latest. uh, the detailed has arisen at least to the 5 people. many women and children have been killed and this is rarely striking northwest, and rafa dozens more injured. as we see from these pictures, the tents of displaced, people sheltering in the city near the united nations relief agency warehouses with its many of the injured have been taken to the cities quite hospital. but as we have been hearing, it just does not have the capability to handle the number is terribly injured. people that we're seeing from the slides just as try i want to uh, did you hear now from survivors of that is ready, mascot and bravo. that tag is it displaced palestinians. on the i was injured along with my brother, so i brought him him. we were staying at the salon camp and i was looking at my phone and walking in the area of what struck. and i did not realize what had happened. i had no idea what had become of my family. my mother was with me and my
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brother was injured at the company. i fell to the ground and sold up, my leg had been split open. and this is what happened the, the bund people of life go to sufficient for us, is the press disposable for the brand people, they brand the brands and entire block in total, a few times. what else do you want me to say? a couple of the other thing myself came crashing down on and probably a lot of the people above go and see what happens to people. so we're going to stay with a story and we're joined now by know a guy who is a political analyst and ross says she joins us from ramallah. thank so much for joining us. you know, 1st of all, do you believe that this is retaliation for the rockets that were followed by him? austin, to israel earlier today. then i think given the statements to be heard from senior is really ministers about the need for revenge. the need to take over
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guys, up to hit having to stick over roof. i had to hit it hard. it's difficult to imagine any other explanation for the carnage that we've been seeing unfold in the past 2 hours or so. uh, the, the location of this account is known to everyone at 1st and foremost, israel. they know exactly what is in that area. and they know that it's full, that it's packed with families that have been displaced several times by their orders on there. so, so seeking refuge and seeking safety. as you say that, i mean this area was to cleared a safety area by the as well as riley. i mean, fact was sit up after we saw, as rarely, troops go into a rougher and displaced people out of the city center. and many of them went to this make shift kim. so in life of that, what do you make of the fact that is real clearly and deliberately targeted this
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incumbent with at least civil rights missiles? you know, it's difficult not to go back to what these values themselves have said. and what these really media has leaked in terms of documents that outline what these rallies want out of this for in gaza. and part of what we've seen and read over the past few months is that israel wanted to exact the heavy price on civilians. and on civilian infrastructure, in order for them to understand that they will be paying the price for what israel, you know, whole time us responsible for. and so this is not by chance. and this is exactly why the international court of justice has heard cases in his heard arguments 3 times already. this is unprecedented. a complete paralysis in the international system. international diplomacy failing completely an attorney and miserably for about 8 months and to bring it in to this war and the international court of
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justice having to pick up that memphis responsibility, issuing 3 separate preventive measures, orders and none of them have been respected. none of them have been obeyed, not by israel or by those funding it, providing it with weapons and political protection. and of course the you referring to the united states. i'm also has put out a statement in the last half hour. so saying we hold the us administrator and, and president bite and in particular, fully responsible for this mass. okay. is that how many people now around the world are coming to see what is happening in gaza? the yeah, absolutely. especially palestinians who know very well that is that the united states is the most important provider of weapons for israel. that it is engaged in this for engaged in the negotiations for a ceasefire. engaged in making sure that the countries did not overstep,
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so to speak or take measures. the hold is real accountable. every corner, everywhere you look in this floor. everywhere you turn your head, you find the united states standing there, protecting israel from any accountability and, and from any criticism, even so it's difficult not to kind of see them both in the same light, if you will, when it comes to of, to responsibility. and that's why many people of exert what the legal actions have been unfolding the accusations of genocide against israel say that it's not enough just to say that as well as committing genocide countries that are complicit, that are allowing this to continue and perpetuate for so long must also face consequences that we've had uh, we've had the job, i didn't, and the white house took at linds about the,
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the red lines going is where the troops going into a, into rafa. do you think that this is a tipping point? so at least $35.00 people did, many of them women and children, and thousands more injured with the death total expect it to rise. do you think that this is going to force joe biden to confront this in yahoo, or well, you know, one would want to be optimistic, but to be honest and in order not to raise false hope, it's difficult to see that that the by the administrative tional actually hold firm to that position, we've seen them time and again, kind of shift those red lines and move them further down and or, or change the color altogether in order to avoid an out confrontation with it as well. so much so that when the international criminal court, when the prosecutor of that court said that he was requesting warrants arrest warrants for the is really prime minister in his defense minister,
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the american congress on both sides of the aisle including the us secretary of state, were open to discussing and working on measures to sanction the i c. c. instead of applying pressure on israel to stop committing crimes. that would put it stop the officials on the international monitored list. okay, well have to leave it then. no, but we really do appreciate your insight into one of us that snow a day. so lets go analyst and advisor from ramallah as well as a license. the tech comes out to be you in the top coat on friday, ordered as well to immediately and effectively, and it's military offensive in causes southern city if we're off of the provisional missions issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. the international court of justice describe the situation and cause as disastrous. 800000 palestinians had been forced to flee rough as since the ground offensive. they began earlier this month and the causes as well as evacuation plans for
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civilians and not sufficient. the ice age i also called on as well to give unimpeded access to investigations, looking into allegations of all crimes and gaza. the order is legally binding, but the honest each has no power to enforces. almost 36000 palestinians had been killed since the war began. in october, a lot more on this, we're joined now by interest. so you know, mary annella who is a member of the legal team because the victims that before the i c. c. he joins us from level. thank you very much for being with us here on l. just areas of visible just in regards to that i see j rolling from what we have seen happen on the outskirts of rough or just in the last hour and a half, 2 hours or so. does that contradict everything that the icj i rolled just the other day when the 1st of all many things for having to mean to 9 to again these hardly boiler fema these but to arrive from how if i show that to me,
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that'd be good up. sorry, these are completely easy regarding the binding, the provision of matthew a seizure by an international court, or just the suites in just 2 days ago, or the east to and to stop for any military. i've shown enough hist as being said to before and to allow for that and tell you on, hey, the able to get to sleep and also to allow or enable the, the access all the commission of inquiry easy. joe, not least, and investigate, don't seem to, into the end of the gods, us 3, but so again, elected also hop and we do it in relation to the audience to decision on the international coast to adjust the societies completely ignoring these binding measures by democracy moment to the shop by the over the united nations, the i c j. a say it's that israel's evacuation plans for civilians in rafa. and not sufficient. does this prove the point? the yes, i mean do the, these, uh, uh,
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these are the adjuster arrives even there, which hasn't been dixie navy. they say for andrea by these riley, i'm sorry to use and actually that's been saved the many times by international guns ations, including the deed for them. do you want me to buy these davies? not safe for a in the gods, and also to the, the basic nation on the safe for any of you, all these completely agree to the and just the ease of just the process. it also has a statement of some of the proceedings be here before the initial goes to johnston . she's boxed up with the bro cibola, general side. the planet booking plays by the side. oh, sort of it isn't. so there is no safe area in god's that there is no se, se in the off. these not thought the buckler general side of the blind about again, also amounted to a crime against humanity, which is the crime that goes to monte field before people thoughts. but they population considering there is no safe place again, me could this events that we've seen. and in the last couple of hours this next at
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least 35 people, did women and children tens still building their in gaza, dozens and dozens more injured. unable to get 8 or be able to be treated at a hospital because it just isn't the facilities to do it. do you think that this could all be a tipping point, which will see the wider international community come together and put more pressure on israel as well as the us when the 1st of all of do you just to be shown by the dimensional community, should be any, maybe a session and then you'll get the meeting by the security council. these for the hop and already off the, the, off, the division of the international come to adjust these. is it good to go and see the shouldn't because to implement to bring both sony's i live implementation on some of the provisional and mash who was by the international coast of jobs visa. first of all, the stall of, uh, media type, video play shown in of alpha. and it wouldn't be surprising if at the stage of the
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united states we're going to impose the baby to fall way. i can see that in that that does not fly, or zillow is always being the so called the red line for the by then administration . but to disagree with the accounting issues, not stopped between clement screen bows. this is fine. yeah. the reason why they should also uh, enable employment they shall know with the, the vision or match was issued. the binding technician will go through just these everything but equal actual dose. so in both the sun shone every stage of which having the set settings to both ends to the ability, but in general. so i think the got us the potential starting for someone with a full looks arms and bottom, only slide it has just been said before. continuing to expose the westport resear island costs due to at this stage of a voltage show nobody international court of justice of decisions. which means that only showing. busy the general side, the convention, and so space can be responsible for completely
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d e for they competing with the stage to expose con stories. and yeah, just briefly, before we have to go the health industry spokesperson in gaza said that without a shred of doubt, this is a premium to types of crime of genocide. it deliberately killed the largest numbers on innocent civilians. i know this will be further down the track, but could this event, could this foaming be used as evidence against the israeli military and its latest as well? yeah, so this could be use the theme and both. so the international not, of course, that's either now or dealing with the ongoing good people in general, citing the gods us the police going to be every day and solve the ability. but the general side, the before the international court of justice. but you'll also be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor, as all of a be approved to get the actual nodes or the type of judges which include the condition of the attacks against the cdns. but also the crime against humanity,
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all of the of extent meanings showing that it wouldn't be what's called me the last, the last man thing. these are god religion to dispose of an investigation which also include the, the general side, the ending to a national estimate. of course, we'll have to leave the day, but we really do appreciate your insight into that. that is just, you know, mary, and now a member of the legal team's account is the victims that are before the i. c. c. thanks so much. it is 21 gmc welcome to i'll continue and coverage on guys over at least 35 people have been killed in and this rarely striking northwest and rough uh the make shift camp with thousands of displaced people with sheltering is in the city near the united nations relief agency warehouse and was designated a so called.


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