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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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hello outbox against the tvs, but also the crime against humanity, all of the of extent meanings showing it wouldn't be what it call me, the boss, the man thing. these are god religion to dispose of an investigation which also include the, the general side. i think the initial estimate, of course, we'll have to leave the day, but we really do appreciate your insight into that. that is just, you know, mary and now a member of the legal team's account, the victims that are before the i, c. c. thanks so much. it is 21 gmc welcome to our continuing coverage on costs over at least 35 people have been killed in. and it's rarely striking northwestern rough to make shift camp with thousands of displaced people with sheltering is in the city near the united nations relief agency warehouse and was designated a so called safe area on the i was injured along with my brother, so i brought him him, we were staying at the salon camp and i was looking at my phone and walking when
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the area of was struck. and i did not realize what had happened. i had no idea what had become of my family. my mother was with me and my brother was injured at the company. i fell to the ground and saw that my leg had been split open. and this is what happened with the, the bund people, a live go to sufficient for us, is the press disposable for the band people, they burned them. one of the brent them entire block in total, a few times. what else do you want me to say? i kind of the other thing myself came crashing down on them and saw your blog. the people above go and see what happens to people. as the camp was targeted by several and the psalms by is ready will pines as people were getting ready to sleep, civil defense services are overwhelmed and are not able to reach the country to a lack of fuel or put out the fire as due to a lack of war so i will end of quarter is on the phone for us now. and can you just
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give us an idea of the license of what is happening there at this attempt kemp? okay, so the number of the people killed has raised to 35 palestinians, including women and children. and those palestinians were killed as those really forces target. 8 as strikes automates just 10 north west of russell and this is a lease and the number is expected to rise as the civil defense. these and the ambulances and the paramedics are trying to rescue more policy. and in this makes shift, then they're also trying to put down the fire. but the fire has been spreading in a very rapidly again that i'm going into our hard fight and they're, they're trying to transfer as much injuries as possible. but we know that there's only one operating hospital in japan,
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which is the crazy hospital has to go with only 8 beds. and without an i c u unit. um, they're also trying to transfer injuries to field hospitals. but again, feel the hospitals do are not very capable of my do like giving medication to all of these injuries. we're talking about dozens of palestinians that have been injured and killed in this target of the pins. can you just give us an idea of the area that was set up that was targeted? i mean, i understand it was a click at a safe zone by the is riley on the and was actually set up to help displace people move to, to get out of rough or off to is ready. forces had moved in the can you just give us an idea of just how many people were packed into such a tiny area and the types of shelters that they were actually living in. okay, so this is a make shift ton. and people chose to make their tons of very close to an on your
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warehouse because they thought that's under what is a safe place. and that is really forces were not, are not going to target anything related to in or what or to the you. and it's a make shift done. it's a size of a football field and maybe a little bit bigger. it's a very crowded place of policy news, or we're setting up their tense, their, their either 10 a or a has made tense with fabrics like a cloth or a plastic. that's why it fired caught the whole place. it was targets like 8 missiles and, and people were, were getting ready to straight because it's, it's, it's night. you know, so people were getting ready to sleep. they finished that a very hectic day to day. as a rough, i had been targeted a couple of times since the morning, but it's it's, it's a very densely populated area because the is there any forces or good people from
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the eastern sides of the dock? you wait towards the western parts of this area was this admitted by that is really forces as a see area. as a human carrying area, they claim that people will be safe and they evacuated their and tell us the news. listen to the orders of the is there any forces, but again, is there any resources targeted a safe area where policy me in stock, it was safe. but at the end of the day, a college degree is recognized that no where in the gaza strip is safe. yeah. and obviously we have seen that many you in, i'd work has killed zoe for the last 8 months since october, the 7th there as well. a, can you just give us an idea? obviously it is very, very difficult for emergency workers to even get to the same with a lack of fuel. when they do the been confronted with the lack of water to actually put out the fire. can you just give us an idea of how difficult it is for, for those, but civil defense and emergency work is trying to offer right there when something
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like this happens. the people in glasgow have been striving to find drinkable water every single day. we see people walking with their empty garlands looking for any place to fill up their waters to drink. so do you imagine people having no water to put a fire? they do not have tools to put off this fire. he will defend team of fire fighters. i'm getting into this have been operating the past couple of weeks without and if you will, because the roof echo saying and car of asylum had been quotes for more than 2 weeks right now. and they have been not receiving any fuel to operate and to transport a back and forth from the targeted area to the hospital. so it's very challenging for them to hire all of these people. and to also put down at the, the, the fire like some said, the defense you said, but they literally cannot reach the areas targeted because they do not have fuels.
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and hospitals yet could not treat those injuries because they're already over went and talked with policies that have been injured to out the day in july. and again, there was a hospital in the other that is great. it's a majority hospital, but it is been disagree that in the red zone, that's why all of the patients were evacuated and also are the doctors and the hospital was completely out of service. hm. so palestinians literally did not know where are they going to transfer all of these injuries, who is going to give them the medication? how as they reach, for example, the european hospitalization, eunice, or a lock, the hospital in there is but a lot of challenges and all of these teams are trying their best is to rest to as much college in use as possible. and uh,
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and we also understand that uh there with being uh more rides, uh since this one on the 10th and cabinets and residential neighborhoods. and rafa um that have killed others. i believe that at least 9 palestinians, including 4 children, were killed by another, was rarely a strike on a residential building at the center of new serat and central casa, obviously, uh, there is a hyphens, illiterate right around the strip this evening. not only, not only the target in the us, but also after this target in augusta, another apartments for dante's primary was targeted by those really for this and 5 percent of the news were killed. and the area that was targeted was also western dropbox, where this area was also just ignited as a safe area. so kind of been used, do not know where to go. we are expecting more displacement from the house in the early hours of the morning. and we're also expecting more people to arrive to that
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is, but again, there is, but it's over cost. it's over when we did the space people, you'd see tents on the sidewalks attempt an empty areas, the tents on the beach, on the coast line. so kind of thing is, did not know where to go and is there any forces continue to target different areas across the gaza? strippers. talking about japan get in the north and it started out into the area in the south and it's still ongoing and intensifying. okay, and uh, we will live with this at the moment, but uh, as always we really do appreciate uh you are reporting from clearly uh, what is a horrible situation handle kataria for us and to obama. thanks again. so is my allow for the is the director general of the government media office and the guys that he told us about what happened with this lysis strike. these really occupation committed a horrifying massacre. the targeted shilling and bombardment to the
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very except shelters and northwest guys. um is really war planes target at the center with over 7, marseilles, and bombs waiting over 2000 pounds each leading to the desk of 30 people as well as dozens of injuries including extremely serious injuries. and this means that the overall number of people who are killed as a result of this massacre is likely to increase these continuing massacres against civilians and displaced people confirmed without a shred of doubt that we are witnessing a genocide crime, a pre meditated crime of genocide it also shows that these really occupation army is deliberately killing the largest possible number of people, particularly civilians, and displaced people who try to escape the fires of war. however,
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they were chased by the messiahs of the occupation which killed them in cold blood . this horrifying massacre sends a clear message from these really occupation and the us administration to the international criminal court and to all the other international courts as well as the international community and entire humanity. and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians continues and the mass occurs against displace people and children will continue. and that violation of international law and will not stop. well, we've just gotten reaction from the as rarely miller tree. and as we know, israel has been down to 0 from reporting from this. so we're going to go through sort of high that who's joins us now from the 2 dining and capitol of a mon. so that what have these ready military had to say, and a lot of this attack so i'm going to read out this
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statement that's been released and they're saying that they had carried out this strike aiming at seeing the hum us members in roswell, according they said, to the international, you know, using precise munition and based on pri, intel, indicating the use of the space by hum us. the statement has also added that the army is aware of the claim, the as a result of destroy and the subsequent fire, a number of uninvolved individuals where hits the incident is on the examination. this is the 1st official is riley statesman that we're hearing now in reaction to these strikes that have been carriage out. and of course, as you're seeing that the numbers are increasing the numbers of deaths as a result of this, just as this was happening. uh, also a spokesman at the military had uploaded a video pre edited video of him saying, but how mouse is targeting civilians. while israel was carrying out
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a new operation to ensure that a was being allowed into the gaza strip. it said that while it was busy with that today, how much has targeted the central parts of israel targeting civilians? how mazda expired, a real kit, some of them. and most of them, in fact, intercepted ball one or 2 of them landed and suddenly strap and all that. so it's a residential home. and then in just one person that happened towards tele, vive, and surrounding areas. the 1st time since january full is riley's to experience those from us real kids towards the central parts of israel, which is even further than those southern border towns with gauze. and so that starts and became is quite the surprise for the is riley, members of public and all that was happening. and so ro rootkits being fired from
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the lebanese side, but subsequent to those attacks by how much so it's real kit. so it was several statements from the defense minister. you ask alons as well as any guns, one of the war cabinet members. and also the spokesman for the ministry which confound the attack, came 800 meters from the is ray, the air force, the radio forces, rather in russia, which isn't foreign. this is a time where they've already been in rough now for 2 weeks where they've also been in the northern parts of the gaza strip saying, but they are still continuing to talk. it's come us also in that statement early from the minutes free base that the how mosse was using a civilian area to carry out that know and also is a real kid. so it's a real kids, they said from within rough and as a result of that. so it seems whether this is directly related. uh it,
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looking behind the lines, it looks like they may have been looking to talk at some of those. how much lead is official is a combined is a box uh, certainly from the statements earlier today by those members senior members of the military as well as the government. they said that they would still be going off to come off. they said that they, whether it was sooner or later, but they will continue with that of operations across the gauze districts. but also confirming the earlier this morning in rough. i also expanded the operations to areas. they said that they haven't been to this full now looking back to a few weeks ago when this russell offensive was due to take place. they had a told the thousands of palestinians, it was seeking refuge in rough as the se fixed. if you like, up area in the gaza strip, they told them to head to milwaukee about see could still areas where those places
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like tubs dated by law. i'm fine units, previous baffled fields, another the less so this area being a so called space is are, and what is culture contradicting what they've been saying more long, but they have actually been very observant of international human rights. this is according to israel, saying that they don't have to pre war and palestinians to move to say for areas, but they do know the less. and this statement is them also because they know they will be international backlash, but trying to insure through the statements and say that we are still abiding by international no of a see what we're seeing can be deemed and will be seen as country to that. and i'm sure they'll have a lot to onset to the i c j for example, which just puts out to know the a couple of days ago for exactly this reason here. indeed, sorry, we were talking earlier this evening before. uh, this is truck happens about the wood cabinet that was missing. do we know at all
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what else came out of that will cabinet meeting? and if indeed the decision to strike this 10th and camp and was made there to it's still not clear what was discussed exactly. what we do know is that the full that you had gone into the meeting, it looked like they would be discussing the potential return to the negotiating table. where how mosse is and is relo. but it's actually trying to strike a deal as well. one thing of the release of all of those health captives and also come us one thing and then to the war is come to a complete holtz and style mates for weeks on end. now that was what was supposed to be discussed. we did really hey, off to the web, what, what was on the table in this me thing you don't often do that been quite a tight lips, especially recently because of the fame is the repeats experience of coming to any
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form of agreement. but both sides. but this certainly will stop put any opportunity to be guarding but so that it goes to 18 table the us and cuts off a web based in paris just a couple of days ago, meeting with the a, the chief of the most sides of these really intelligence to try and resume those talks button. now, given that was these, how mosse, real kits, as well as this attack now who own a refugee camp, a temporary refugee camp, housing, thousands of palestinians. it's very hard to see how those tools will resume anytime soon. it certainly is thanks so much sought us out of high that for us there in the jo, dining and capital of mine, because israel has been l g 0 from reporting from them. can we get a site with a story and we're going to go to petty calhane who is in washington, dc, and i know it's certainly there on this sunday. i believe it's
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a long weekends as well in the united states for this. they've been any sort of official reaction. yes. you know so far know if there's a reaction we of course have reached out to the white house state department. i haven't heard anything back. we'll let you know if we do. you mentioned it is a holiday weekend. that means president joe biden like, he has most we can see is that his private home in delaware, we expect him to head back to the white house to night. so that would be in just a couple of hours. sometimes if he wants to talk to the press the, he'll do it then they'll try, they'll show questions, but he can either ignore them or go ahead and answer them. and of course, this would be a big question for, you know, for months we've been hearing the by the restriction, the president itself, us president, job. i'm saying that any large scale and vision to raffle would be a red line to the united states. they made a clear that they stopped about $23500.00 bond some of those, this 2000 pound bombs stuff to ship it to israel, but then shortly after agreed to another $1000000000.00 and weapon sales. mainly to
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do with a arm tech take shelves are immense. those sorts of things, but we did here just a few days ago from jake sullivan. he's the national security advisor. he's been in many ways taking point on this when it comes to is. busy the officials, although we've seen the secretary of state there, we've seen the ca, dresses there. we tell the president there, but national security advisor james sullivan had recently been in israel and he was asked, okay, so how is this not a red line? and he said, and this is a quote, there's no mathematical formula for assessing the scale of the idea offensive. he went on to say, we're going to be looking at whether there is a lot of death and destruction from this operation. or if it is more precise and proportional proportional, same idea of had made refinements. so of course, the question is going to be, if the is really said that they would be proportional and that they had made refinements. and that there wouldn't be a large scale. destruction is going to be hard to basically circle those words. but
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what we're now seeing the horrific video of all of those tests on fire and a place where the palestinians were told go to be safe. so again, it is a holiday weekend. memorial day we expect to see the president on monday go to orange the national senator. busy doesn't usually get in front of reporters there, so he may have a little bit of time before you can try to answer whether this is also not crossing the red line. yeah, and a thank you so much, petty as was we really do appreciate this pity come home for us in washington dc. israel's licensed attack comes off to the u ins. top code on friday ordered as well to immediately and effectively ended some military offensive in kansas southern city of ruffled the provisional missions were issued as part of south africa's genocide case against as ro. at the international court of justice described the situation and gaza is disastrous. $800000.00 palestinians had been forced to flee rough us since the ground offensive. they began earlier this month. so the quote says, as well as evacuation plans for civilians and not sufficient. the siege i also called
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on as well to give an painted access to investigate who is looking into allegations of all crimes and gaza. the is legally binding, but the ice age has no power to enforce. as almost 36000 palestinians had been killed since the will began in october. well, no day uh, joins us. once again, she political endless end of run. so she joins us from ramallah. thanks again for being with us here on al jazeera. first of all, i wanna go back to that line uh, the d i. c j. uh, put out uh, the quote says as well as evacuation plans for civilians and not sufficient. this really does prove a point, doesn't it? it certainly does. we're talking about hundreds of thousands of people. israel is moving them around and at 2 different areas that lack any resources from that far, in particular is really ordered. those $800000.00 people in more to go to milwaukee,
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which is an area of sand dunes. without any services, no water, no electricity, no phone lines, no sanitation, no hospitals, or to have eunice, which has been decimated by weeks of a and then you know, over whelming a salt military assault, the hospital so used to operate in sign eunice, which is the 2nd largest and the gaza strip has been completely dismantled and doctors have been struggling to bring it back at on it's feet right now. they're receiving very basic either they're able to provide very basic health services, no operating theatres. no, i see unit, no, no ability to deal with the kind of influx of patients and injuries that they need to be dealing with right now. given the fact that everywhere and gaza is under bombardments, whether it's surface or the area of
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a moss. as we saw yesterday or further to the south, you know, the state often did and by and further north and jamalia and they tended one and they pla here and gaza city. it is a long and they have a growing list of, of places that have been attacked. we know that it's not just the, the, the 10th and cameron's that has been hit by as rarely forces to not a multiple other regions of guys that have also being attacked. and can you just give us an idea or if you think this could be a tipping point, that we have seen growing discontent among many of as rails in the united states as allies. and what is happening in gaza? this will for the fuel, those like no way like island like spine that we have seen in recent weeks. really stay a pop and try and put pressure on this route to stop coming innocent civilians and gaza. absolutely, and i think there's a lot that european countries can do to apply the pressure. we have to remember the
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israel's largest trading partner is the, is you're not the united states. and so there's a lot of leverage that can be used not just political, but economic. and so i think there will be a lot of pressure on those european governments, especially those that have taken steps like recognition spain at ireland to norway and others to step up and to in, you know, it translate that frontier condition into actions that defend the state that they recognize the defend international law and european law for that matter, that kind of pressure would resonate with the united states, which in turn has old leverage on, on israel and these really or cabinet. you know, if we go back to the hearings at the i, c, j a lot was said a lot of terms were flying around. but one of the terms that, you know, we heard a lot about his proportionality and that basically means,
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is the army using the appropriate amount of force that is justified? is it causing too much damage? and what the court decided since january is a, there's a plausible case for genocide. so is real now will stand trial for genocide. be that there is a threat to the very life and continued life of palestinians and know that that's not entirely related to the number of people killed. but it's also about what is happening to the basics of life, to health services, to the infrastructure, to their ability, to receive basic medication with better off of invasion. we've seen the borders closed. we've seen the amount of, of fuel running out. we've seen hospitals begging for help in order not to shut down and lose there. i see you in the queue at patients and running out of medicine,
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all of that threatens live. so it's not just the people that are dying because of the air strikes. it's all those hundreds of others. the one is also talking about who are dying in silence because of easily treatable conditions due to the lack of medicine, for example, and a thank you so much. no, we appreciate your time is always thanks so much on us. have released the segment of the as rows, daily it strikes this evening, the occupation. i'm a committed, a heinous massa against the displaced people west of the city of rafa in defiance and disregard of the decision of the international court of justice. we will decide we hold the us administrator and, and president biden, in particular, fully responsible for this mass. second. so as i said, we demand the immediate, an urgent implementation of the decisions of the international court of justice and pressure to stop this messa. oh, just here a senior political analyst, my, when the shower joins us now and moment. i just want take you back to one line in
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my statement. we helped the us administrator and in prison, and by that in particular, fully responsible for this mess. okay. what did you make of that? and in particular, this clearly is there is doing this with the backing of the united states. and as i said earlier, if you back struck a bit, the by them session was either mentally or posed a few weeks ago saying that attacking reclass. uh, would it be a major humanitarian disaster. and that the united states cannot be on board with that until it gets a clear platform. is there a college going to read this place? depend, assuming, is again and how is it going to design it's offensive? well, these writers went on a deployed forces without the american green life, but then the americans joined in, according to the washington post on too hot. it's this very fast last few
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days the, by the administration as finally a quiz. and it is on boards with is are, i was so cold, limited or offensive and the limited, you know, the images we're seeing now if i don't to, these are limited. but be that as it may, would judge sort of on an is being smart as he is. he's giving up any, all the green light this fights his, you know, being indicted by indicted. but just in the cold by the eyes. you see as our work criminal to be indicted and they continued to give him or, and his trash or something. i think all ours, the green light to, to get additional forensic additional funds or has already been disastrous with 800 plus, maybe 900000 people have been displaced again with you know, more conditions. and now we see trying that isn't firefighter news doesn't just keep on being burned to the ground when they. busy you know, with american weapons,
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american, a, just not getting into garza but the american weapons. american, a munition is 2nd to get them in, but they're not feeding people. they're burdening them alive. indeed button is also a going on record and said that uh there was a red line when it comes to rasa. see, painted himself into a corner here. and he really is going to have to push back on at the moment is at least 35 people, many of them women and children killed this evening. but that didn't tell us likely to rise rapidly because just of the lack of access to hospitals that people uh, having an in rougher right now the line has change this color several days ago. the by the end of the ministration decided that it's no longer red. and. ringback it has not made a declaration of it, it has not made it public, but according to reporting in the audits and the washington post, it's no longer read the americans are on board in the days range. the problem is
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that as, as we've seen the prostate 9 months, the americans continue to follow the in a zone switch step with their hedge bound down. because they have basically decided to box themselves behind. and that then yeah, there's criminal water and guys are trying to provide them with admitted to the financial and diplomatic support for his war crimes and guys. and that has not stuck with that offer. what has stopped, is that the americans for a few, for a couple of weeks decided that, well, maybe there's not such a good idea now as we're trying to work out the, the, the, the, the captors for so you know, for, for quite a city and deals with the federal court and his ride went on with the festival girlfriend america joined in america. it's totally compressed. these images are not going to help. but let me, let me put in the kindest possible way. none of this,
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none of what happened the past 8 months is in the security interest of the united states is in the political interest of the united states is in the diplomatic interest of the united states. is good for america standing at all around the world . none of it, in fact, all of it has undermine american strategic, a political diplomatic model, standing in the region and that on the world. when you listen to american officials talk about the international law, it sounds like we're talking about comm mode, a period in world affairs. not that international law has been designed by how long fathers the americans after the 2nd world war with the different geneva conventions . and so on, so forth, in order to regulate was that in order to be a boss, national law, that's why they called international law. because for many countries, there or national laws is not sufficient enough to stop for crimes like this. but
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even if you listen to speaker johnson to speak of the american congress just yesterday or the day for us to be speaking, you say no, no, no, we don't accept international lawyer and we would never accept it to be above and our sovereignty to the americans. because of is, are on the back once again to international law, to international legality, to international humanitarian law and so on, so forth. it's a terrible, terrible uh, episode for a dependent demonstration to be following and nothing else. the court stepson's compromising american interest and americans sending yeah it just in regards to, to the, to the i. c. j rolling the other day. there was a lot of talk about the united states complicity when it comes to as rouse actions in dallas. are that clearly still killing innocent civilians? what do you think? uh, i mean how, how much, what do you think that by the end is going to have to give that?
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obviously we know that the us spends billions of dollars on the sending with ends to as rail and they intend end up being used on innocent civilians. and that's gonna affect to into his equation at some point in time. don't you think of to unless it seems for the time being. uh these riley's uh, as you, as you might uh, i understand from judge how to unblock the the, is there a ford motor supreme court judge and is that who was the, is very the judge. it presented at the i c j. he thinks that, or he argues that um the, i see jetta, jeff to the south african demand for the whole to the office of drop off. because that is very particular paragraph said, you cannot hold, you cannot. you must hold uno offensive if it leads to the destruction of the
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people them does as a 105. for that to me decide the presence of oh, the way the for structured according to these various today allows is are to category section of the transitive. wonderful. believe it or not. and it seems like the americans on board because the american side themselves, but they also did check the i c j sorely. and they also reject the i. c, c's jurisdiction on the question of, of terminology. so you're not susan is or what it's comes to this offensive, i guess drop off. they say it is not genocide though, and hence it's permissible to burn that a senior families in refugee camps to burn them. i live low and i guess is what comes down to the consequences of israel and the united states. i clearly haven't faced any since the beginning of this will because i carrying on as
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a big gun is i meant to begin. i mean, what do you think is actually going to change that fact? who is going to hold as well to account? no one, not on the short term, not to have the united states will not allow bots. and this is very important, but here of the process has started, the wheels of justice have turned and they have extra late in the past few days. and they are pushing the americans and these ratings top corner. that doesn't mean that this is going to be enforced in any way in the immediate future because the americans were blocking the blanket at the secret, the concert level. but again, western european countries, for example, would not be able to receive nothing. yeah. hole in the capitals anymore. not so easily anyway. i mean it's going to take a lot of a dash to see
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a big risk for them to host nothing, you know, for guns and maybe even all that is right and not face consequences. i think the, the, the cost of public opinion around the world is or has been fine will be far more consequential then hoping for some millions or more by some country is going to, uh, you know, hold back in, you know, or put him into haven and what, how do i think the court different public opinion is certainly accelerating faster than i c, j, n i c, c? i think we the around the world today, including in western societies including of the united states is that is right. is party is, is as an actor is that is, are, is a criminal in this war. and the united states is complacent. and that is undermining a modicum, strategic political and diplomatic good standing around the world. and that would
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have consequences in the middle east in particular. but i think globally, the idea that south africa, for example, would not allow, not, we're not that are within to, to the president of russia, not to come to a big meeting in, in south africa. because they don't want to be put in that position where they're gonna have to vine is their obligation to the i c. c to the international criminal court. that's gives you a good example where the european powers and others are going to be moving forward . when they're going to be asked, why are you? i know a such a, you know, criminal to come into your country. why don't you address things in the likes of nathaniel and got to hold on? no. i think why are these going to be no immediate mechanism to be doing for several? is there a way to be major consequences in terms of international public opinion?
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and in terms of, i would say even g, political changes. and i for mission moving forward, america turning its back on international law once and again. just to protect isn't as the entire world sees, what it's doing and gaza, the war crimes, the destruction, the dest that's, it's, uh, causing it's leaking in then, and in the strip against the same people, with more than a 100000 casualties. the images of bird families, not this is not going to disappear any time. sure. and i think america is there a will end up paying the price for it. okay, now would i have to leave it there as a way to really do appreciate your inside us and yet political ellis, my one push on are for us there. for more on this, we going to go to guessing nickelback, who is an associate fellow at chatham house and the middle east and lucy joins us live from london. i thank you very much for being with us here on out. is there
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a festival? what's your reaction to these like this strikes in the northwest of rough or least 35 people did thousands more injured? many of them women and children. the disney, i think of these shows us all the whole softballs for the next. oh no full full a month. it seems. seems though for folks over 7 and i do know, and i seem to find you the normal see do this has installed some months ago? yeah, i think these are the difference there. uh, go ahead and fill out loud sole source files for the exchange of hostages that lisa foster just that i like. you might want to know do $17.00 for want to move on to it towards resolving easily. but as soon as you see what happens when we last, when i said we did use are these zip understands the region, their international community. now the conflicts to fix that would be situations
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the 1st step. and unfortunately the missing piccolo paying with their lives every single day. and they said, this isn't the with the thought you'd be the most old binding donation from unity and, and immediately we've had to make people believe that this is a retaliation for the rockets that have modified towards tel aviv, uh, and israel earlier today from rafa. do you believe that it is a retaliation or revenge for that? and do you also think that it is being used to send a message? no, just to him us, but the wider world, including the i c. j that is going to continue. it's offensive there. but you know, obviously no one can just decide that there's no trust me certain say to buy from us. so what civilians as is no one can just be fine. well, the idea is doing when you can,
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6 is civilians. is this is the message for most of us to 8 minus it's the message. what is the message and you know the messages at the end of the day it's, it's august note by more time saying what they're saying, but actually, well, these are the defense things. the i said last week was many guns. so a member of the company that says these government doesn't have a plane, so they often, so this role isn't the ending role between something like these. and it's time to buy some last would be on. so if i play is that most opinions are going to execute and he's in a position you for the position. it's not to go is getting worse and not the decision, but i see another decision by the i see judge that they actually. busy more compromise, this is what i'm spending in the international community. it's, it's makes the possibility of space more and more where most most of these are that
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you've also said both of these states for the end of the day, so many civilians. oh geez. and this and it the same time is that is isolated internationally and even the united states as are, you know, i, i listen to the biggest speaker by the end of the day. i think the, even the washington is, this is patients. the own government is like, yeah, at this point in time, like you said that this feels like a never ending boy groundhog day where everyone just goes round and round in circles and nothing actually changes. and it just leaves more and more innocent people did in gaza. i mean what, at this point in time can actually change that. is it a change of government in israel and how would that actually happen? as i think it is a political system, the most important thing in the media is that so many guns in the zip code in the
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policy of the state, the government fight for the position sold from you and action you want to homestead, save few on this paper we're thinking maybe other members of the coordination was say enough is enough. what the slow is achieving for ways that i use is basically pushing it to me to become a yesterday. and this was not say, enable, so whole family. well, it's again if, if the am mondays through is some for existence, peaceful exist. so i just use the slow make, keep in less of both. i also a possibility and then use action, and usually the cheapest didn't think very differently about relations we've. we've waives the other students, but this is not going to happen. i need a soon as out of that. and so we've had lots of washington. we see some size of feedback, nothing else to bring to bring to an end the school to ensure that there is
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actually the ceasefire. release of the hostages. you might need to an a and then moving towards the element in c. so governance in gaza. wishon eva is truly been, you know, eventually these forces between these of i've seen it as much as it is. it sounds out almost an inmate, the impossibility. we'll have to leave it there. but we really do appreciate your time. trust me make a big associate fellow at chatham house and middle east, unless thanks so much for joining us. earlier i spoke to christine and mary and l. o. a member of the legal team for guys the victims before the c. c. he says that the size of strikes shows as well as disregard international. a. hey game this holly boiler anybody's that arrived from huff. i showed that that is right. i'm sorry. these are completely decent regarding the binding, the provision of mass,
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you'll see sure to buy an international cost or just the suites in just 2 days ago or the eastern stop. any military i've shown e new alpha. uh, hist. as being said before, to allow when i tell you on, hey, the names of the gods us to keep and also to allow or enable the, the access solve the commission of inquiry to join at least and investigate. don't seem to, into the, into the, into the, got the street but so again, elected also happened with the, with it in the nation for the out of 2 decision on the international coast to be just these, these are these completely ignoring and these binding to measures by democracy momentarily showed by the over the united nations, the i. c. j. a said that israel is evacuation plan specifications in rafa and not sufficient. does this prove the a point? yes, i mean the, the, these uh, uh, these, the adjuster arrives even there, which hasn't been dixie navy. they say for a, the, by the so i, in the, oh,
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sorry to use it as it has been saved the many times by international organizations including the different you, went into bobby's. there is no safe area in the gods and also to the, the designation on say for andrea is completely agree to the and just the ease of just the process. it also has a statement, some of the proceedings, a, b, b, 's. it'd be for an international call to john season is boxed up with the bro cibola, general side. the plot of booking plays by the side. oh, sort of it isn't. so there is no safe area in god's that there is no se failure in the you know, off these not all the popular genocide of blonde, but again, also amounted to a crime against humanity which is of the crime that goes to monte deal before people tasks for a population and considering there is no safe place, again, this events that we've seen. and in the last couple of hours, this leads to at least 35 people did. women and children tends still building the
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in gaza, dozens, and dozens more injured. unable to get, i will be able to be treated at a hospital because it just isn't the facilities to do it. do you think the best could all be a tipping point? which will say the wider international community comes together and put more pressure on israel as well as the us. well, 1st of all, or do you just the reaction the by the international community should to be an immediate session. and then you'll get the meeting to by the security council. this will, that happened already off the image of the after division of an international call to adjust these. and is it good to go and see the truth because to the employment to impose on these i live implementation on some of the provisional measure was by the international goals to adjust the so 1st of all, the stop of, uh, the military operation in, in, of alpha, and it wouldn't be surprising if at the state of the united states we're going to impose the baby. bo baldwin can see that that does off. i always always always
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being that the so called the red line for the bite and administration, but to disagree with the counseling issues not stopped between clement between both . this is fine. yeah. the reason why they should also enable the implementation of the, the vision or match was issued by the national goes to justice and the bus people actual adults. so in both such showing that every stage of which are necessity to both ends to be profitable general. so i think the guys us the sanction starting 1st of all the way the a for look, arms and bottom go only. so i, it has, it has been said before, continuing to expose the web thoughts 3, so i have the costs digital to the stage of a vote, a show nobody international cost of justice decisions, which means i'm only showing. busy the general side, the convention, and so stays going to be responsible for completely d e for they competing with the stage to expose con, squeeze, and to just briefly, before we have to go the health ministry spokesperson in gaza said that without
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a shred of doubt, this is a premium to types of crime of genocide that deliberately killed the largest numbers of innocent civilians. i know this will be further down the track, but could this event could to this foaming be used as evidence against the israeli mill, a tree and it's laid as well. yeah. so this could be used in both. so the international uh, quotes that uh now or dealing with the, the ongoing across the board general side in the guys us, the, this going to be every day and solve a possible dental site before the international court of justice. but we'll also be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor is already pulled to get bash on all of the potato judges which include the invention of a tax against the cd bounce, but also the crime against humanity of the of its, they mean a show on it would be, was call me the if 5, the man thing these of a god,
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religion on to the scope of an investigation which also include the, the general side, the international coast. let's recap on the events and profit, at least $35.00 people have been killed in and it's rarely striking the northwest of the city. the night shift camp with thousands of displays. people with sheltering is in the city. the united nations relief agency warehouse and was designated a so called safe area in northern gaza is ready for us as have killed at least 12 people in an attack on the refugee camp. the 20 was injured off, the house was hit by and is ready strike. about $620000.00 children and guns that have been out of school for nearly 8 months. the you in estimates more than 80 percent of schools in the strip had been damaged or destroyed. and now in the law i see a narrow, barren strip of land designated and evacuation zone by the israeli army. tents being used as make shift classrooms. michael apple has more of the
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policies under way in all my wasi refugee camp on southern gauze coast line. these young mines have witnessed untold horrors. but for a couple of hours a day, their attention is focused on the teacher and they called me and i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me out to my dreams on that. yeah. but i'm not, i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much. yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of ego student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control and support a child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw fruit basket because i like fruits so much. i haven't had any food for 3 weeks.
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i elrod one is a teacher at home to make his school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance as it on the to say seems a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard. we try to help children in the simplest way to have, but we will not let them down and then we will get it to us. all know, wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation, not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teaches like these are determined to make a difference. the reason why we focus on trees, study areas, psychological care values, and principles, and education in scopes. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost
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everything, but the manager that teach 480 children and 4 tends to familia. but as of these really drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education and thoughts for a moment. its children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war, seems far away like levels. elda 0 in the united states, thousands of people against, as well as oregon's. i had been meeting in the state of michigan. the people's conference for palestine has been running for 3 days and hearing from thousands of contributors, working out strategies to highlight the part of palestinians in the occupied territories. well, philip l joins us now from detroit and somebody mentioned the latest strikes and profit that we've been talking about for the last couple of hours. being top of
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mind to everyone there to. oh yeah, i mean there's a lot of dismay, a lot of sadness and all of anger and a lot of people accepting that this will likely not be the last time this happens. but one thing it is doing is it is really galvanizing people because my head trying to plan the next phase of this movement. i'm seeing this happen again. it again is what is really driving and this is being more of an educational conference. and approach has to be people here in a sense because that precise thing, but they have to learn about what they can do to take things forward to another level. so we've had plenty reason discussions on everything from arms and ball goes bias in the media all the way through to these right, in mid a treat and the us and to me i us and his radio license. i know even all work is you've got all of this all work here. and the reason this is here is because they are really emphasizing about how off is a weapon that is used in the fight for the duration. i'm going to bring in a guess to this is colleen pilot, who was
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a writer who was involved in the session this morning. but before we get on to a session, just going to ask you about this breaking news for profit. your reaction is where here we get here with united states. yeah. i mean, it's terrific for all of us. see this. so it's there that there is no red line for these riley's and for the united states invested, they have the ability to attack a civilian population indiscriminately to create mass graves to torture with a band. and to put a to 1000000 people under siege, all red lines have ceased to exist and only the resistance of the power steering people and as on the ground. and our struggles here in the imperial court will help bring about an end to his ongoing genocide and campaign of extermination. speaking of recipients such as explains was how rightsignature austin, culture, size, and level tangible differences come out made to keeping costs. well, as we seem to her, if it came in just coming out of the facetime jamalia,
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it's clear for us and for most of we need in this moment of genocide, is a politically committed writer and artist able to tell the truth, 1st and foremost, and to channel our people, people's grief and anger, into a political commitments to the struggle. ultimately, that's what we're here to do at the people's conference for palestine is to help we, we drive inspiration from the revolutionary. and so that shows in our movement from best st. can fanny and we understand our rule as have been covering to fight design is in western imperialism. ideological dominance here in west. let me, thanks very much for that. so 3 days, $3.00 people on this movement is just gathering place. okay, thanks so much. that's for lavelle for us in detroit was who for me for this news, how, but i'm, we back in just a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us. the
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there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy, and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, wasted zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. to your will, scott, a duty and a growth using for p. use a card to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the card. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients. visit the cost
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on requested and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems caught on ridgecrest. this is the 1st genocide that we see there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream media. the listening post covers have in use is called the
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of the hello on top of the credit. this is the new sound life coming up in the next 60 minutes. at least 35 palestinians are killed in and as for the attack on the camp that internally displaced people in veronica and southern gaza. the many of the casualties of women and young children that being rushed to an already or districts to hospital nearby.


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