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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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one east investigate power shortage of supply is feeling a little between china and the us to control the industry. the global war over silicon chips, which is era. the . ready ready ready at least 35 palestinians, a code and then it's really a to go to come friend totally displays people in rafa in southern gauze and the many of the thousands of wounded or young children, i think for us what already over special hospital nearby, the funny bulk of this is just a life some dough ha, also coming up at times continue in the north of the strip as well. and this really
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strongly come a 100 and age upon a refugee camp. killed at least 10 people to mass launch is a series of rockets. so these are the city of tennessee for the 1st time in 4 months. the size of joining us. we're beginning gaza where at least 35 people have been killed and then so rarely strike on 10 housing displaced people in raw from many of the dead and injured all women and children. the attack spots a major fire. i've tried and people inside it happens, never building used by one, right most the human agency for palestinian refugees. the strikes took place in an area. israel had designated a safe, so on the small box, i was injured along with my brother. so i brought him here, we were staying at the salon camp and i was looking at my phone and walking with the area was struck. and i did not realize what had happened. i had no idea what
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had become of my family. my mother was with me and my brother was injured at the comp. i fell to the ground and saw that my leg had been split open. and this is what happened. the, the bund people of life go to sufficient for us, is the press disposable for the band people they but the, the brent them entire block in total, a few from. what else do you want me to say a ton of the other thing? myself came crashing down on them and saw your blog, the people above go and see what happens to people. the well, many of the thousands of dead and injured out children. these are the scenes of the quite hospital which has received some of the victims. the red cross says its field hospital is also treating a large number of those injured medical facilities are already severely overburdened and under supplied with the civil defense and roughest as teams
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struggle to reach the theme because of a lack of fuel. a letter that is that we received a distress, go off to the area, but had all the products that was targeted, even though these ready occupation of mach that particular block, as a faith, sir, and full citizens to move there. it took us approximately 45 minutes to suppress the fire in the area, and we pulled out the number of dead bodies and injured people. most of the bodies were charged and fund, while the end of the people slims and stuff with other injuries due to the use of potentially internationally prohibited weapons that cause the muster fire, which erupt said, we pulled off the approximately 50 people and didn't get people from the area i'm transporting them to the field hospitals, officer official hospitals were forced to evacuate by the occupation and then attempt to destroy the health system in the roof area on a massive release to statement on the strikes saying, the occupation army committed a heinous massacre against the displaced people west of the city of rafa,
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in defiance on disregard of the decision of the international court of justice. we hold the us administration and president biden, in particular, fully responsible for this massacre. we demand the immediate, an urgent implementation of the decisions of the international court of justice and pressure to stop this mexico. well, let's go ahead and uh, could we use on the phone for us now with more details on this, and we understand, is this a ton scenario, this compensate by at least 8? is there any rockets? what's the latest from the scene that, you know? unfortunately we seem to have lost hand on the line now from cause i will try and restore contact with that, but we'll move on from now. okay, well these ready military is released to statements taking responsibility for the strikes. it said it was targeting what a quote from us terrorist in a precision strike as well has bind. i'll just hear from reporting from there. so. so how do i send this update from the to damian capital?
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i'm on the best admitted to carrying out this as strike against homos. they say they say they was specifically targeting, how must members, and i quote, according to international know, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence, indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent supply, a number of uninvolved individuals where hits the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the cheapest stuff in the west bank and also. a mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is in the west by and another
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person called the highlands college robin, the shot a senior official, also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent statements, the confirmation, the by these really made it to me that it did carry out that strike. now all of this comes just hours of the how must also carried out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from roof off and at the time, also another statement from these radio officials save those rockets, which they said from a civilian area in raw fox. they also said the wall is row was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's not in the same area, but what we do know is that this area was designated by israel as
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a safe design. it's this pull it. and so it's eastern rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity, as well as did it by law. i'm fine units and this is just very close to what my last the on that coast whole this comes just stays off to the you and stop court ordered. israel is a halt, it's been a true operations of rough about just it was cable who was on day, joins us from the you and the new york and gave, as i mentioned that the slightest attack coming shortly off to the international court of justice told is well enough is enough when it comes to roughly, how will the seems that we're seeing on the screen so this evening? how would they register the you and do things, or what was that no comment? do you have from the secretary general uh we've reached out to his office. uh, we're told that uh, no statement is expected this evening. it's currently sunday uh, early evening here in new york. but uh, we'll be watching very closely because i can tell you everyone that works in this
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building and never the diplomats of all 193 member states are watching what's happening in rough as well. there was already a deep consternation about the situation in rafa. on friday when the i c j ruling came out, we heard from several ambassadors here particular on the security council and others who said that, you know, they support the i, c, j, and hope that israel would go by, by this ruling that was on friday. well, here we are on sunday, and clearly that is not the case. so you have to imagine that this weekend here, which is a holiday weekend. i should note here in the united states, a lot of investors might be out of town. i can tell you they are certainly have their phones ringing, trying to watch this news to see what will proceed now after this blatant blatant disregard for the i c j ruling by israel with this attack on west rafa. and just to remind you of you as many of the images that we are seeing this evening, off fall to graphic festival casts,
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but they are incredibly disturbing images of charlotte and decapitated bodies. some of them children, obviously faulty graphic for us to broadcast to gape. mima close, these really connect it is making moves to designate the owner of the un relief agency and pa, this time a terrorist organization. as we know, the organization is face repeated the times by israel to undermine his work in the past. and now this attack, apparently new one of its facilities to yeah, that's right. we've heard from our reporters there in guys are saying that a lot of these displaced palestinians went and, and, and sheltered close to this unreal facility in this make shift 10th area where this attack took place because they thought they would be safe, quite frankly. and normally, under normal circumstances, civilians are safe under the un flag. but these are not normal circumstances. israel is not acting as a normal uh, state would in
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a situation like like what we've seen last 8 months or so. and we've seen repeated attacks both verbal attacks from that is really a bass or here the un as well as a tax on unreal from high ranking is really officials in israel, on unreal calling unrest. things such as upfront for her mouse and things such as this. and it is had a huge effect on many unrest schools, health facilities, and shelter. locations have been bombed by israel, not to mention not 193 by last count, un humanitarian staff had been killed under is really bombardment. the vast majority, those almost all of those with the exception of a few had been under a palestinian employees in guys so. so clearly the fact that the israel would target or an area near a number of facility, sadly, is not surprising. all right, so the very latest after the un gabriel of his own day. many thanks to that. okay,
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well let's go back to gaza and speak to him dial coterie who was on the phone. now from there i bought a, we have hopefully i restore the connection and as i was saying earlier, we understand the camp was hit by at least ages where the rockets, what more do you know from the scene at the moment a a. is there any error strikes on the make shift tense with those like thousands of internally displaced. policy means it's a very huge area that was empty and people decided to make and setup their tense there because they thought that it was safe because it's a sim p, beside and a new what logistics base in from. so it's on north west of the cars trip. it's a very crowded case. and the reason why fire caught the whole place is because it's full of tents made of plastic and cloth. it was targeted by several,
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like we know that they were a very explosive air strikes. according to the civil defense team, they mentioned that it was and the so as talk on this, make sure at comp, civil defense have been trying for hours to put off the failure where it thousands of children when then time maybe chose the area because it was disagree did an israel clean that it was a safe area. we even saw the blocks number and the last evacuating orders, that that is where the army published and 3 blocks of the area where the signal to the space. so people evacuated from the eastern part to the western parts, leading air strikes, but the air strikes literally the taste of a warehouse, the injured being taken to a hand how they being careful because of course many hospitals all already she
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usually stretched and gaza. ok, so let's make clear that just does not have a hospital before the war. we have been like that volunteers or initiatives have been calling to and payment hospital and there's only one hospice in and dropped the operating and it's not the hospital. it's a medical place, it's a crazy hospital with only 8 beds. and without an i c u unit. so palestinians injured, great, we're, we're, we're, we're transferred to include the hospital and a couple of medical hospitals. but again, these hospitals are not like capable of treating all of the severe injuries we saw a n at images online. i'll be headed babies of brain bodies of the eh,
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and patient in many of these needs. a very huge capability of the doctors and medical team and we know that for more than 2 months, right now, hospitals are binding out to fuel. they're trying to work with out consuming a lot of, of it's tricity and consuming all of the fuel. and that also is a big deal because you mentioned that they had a lot of challenges transferring these injured injuries because the ambulances do not have any fuel. so the hospitals are by the pac because that's a, has been targeted since the morning. and there are already injuries being treated in those hospitals and it's very hard to transfer these hospitals as these injuries to hospitals, income units, or the embedded belie because i'm, i'm, the lenses are not capable of doing god because there's no few hidden. well, you all talking,
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we're looking at some of the images off of the injured being rushed to the home or ambulance is as you say, that results is off shoes. the stretch. we've seen some extraordinarily distressing images from the scene. the there was a cause. some us real good attack on tel aviv uh for the 1st time in months at least since january. how's this apparent safe? so got anything to do with those of master techs? well, we saw the picture day of the air. yeah. close to where the. 0 kids were launched and it's really stools or take a photo from the crossing, showing these rockets being watched. this area is in the eastern side of the area. targeted is in the western now drain side of their fi. so they're completely due to different areas. they're very far away from each other, and this could not be a justification of getting all of these people and,
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and targeting a very you to make sure that they populated area. um, as a place that's had another thing i need to mention that a this is a very crowd area. there's no way the rockets were fired from that area. right hand to israel is maintained that it was acting with an international you little using quotes, precise munition. but clearly we are yet to see any evidence of that from the scenes that the in rough or this evening him to l. crudely on the phone for us from darrow ball. i think i was assigned to. this was already fine. suggestive, continue to strike targets. a northern gauze was, well, that's where the bombs have hits an area of jabante and which has been the scene of intense fighting over the past few weeks. the straight and ministry says it found an ammunition storage site during a raid on a school. a mass medium said and is ready as strong on
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a house in the neighborhood needs about 8 to 12 people and wounded others still had no knowledge of them. we'll have more that strike in rough plus we'll report and how guys as children are being deprived of their education, as most schools of either been shot would store the hello. i'm pleased to say that the memorial day weekend has not been a washout test such, but that happened some likely showers around. you can see the serious storms that should been running the way. 5 east with severe storms full, some big on his continued trembling. my wife of east was the savvy of blood pressure around central past court on active one, a sweet sup to was a legs. and you can see some really heavy rain coming in across the higher valley
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stretching down into the tennessee valley right down towards the southeast and coolness. so monday that does look pretty wet, a bit of a wash out here up towards the northeast, but some dry, clear weather coming back in behind. a few showers the into southern and east and pots of texas is all making its way for the race. was this week, i mean to the, the new working weeks, we call it a little drive up towards the northeast. still a few showers around the legs, but some live. the storm was brewing up once again across the deep south that we could see some be kyle coming through head, gusty winds, and the possibility of the old tornado. some love the weather to making its way across the carrot bay. and i think as we go through monday, the to was a will be across the eastern side of the carrot band and it just buckles its way back as we go through tuesday, some very heavy, right all the way into panama. the . this is the 1st one i saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves
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. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. the . the you're watching, i would say, right, is there a mind of our top story? is the south, at least 35 people have been killed. and then this really strike on the 10th housing displays. people in rough are many of the dead and injured
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a women and children. israel has designated the area a safe, so is there any ministry has confirmed it carried out the strike, but it says it targeted to mass fights. and so using precision weaponry, the army admitted civilians with injured when a fire broke house and set the incidents under investigation. meanwhile, in northern guns, every saturday forces killed at least 12 people in an attack on a refugee camp. another 20 was injured off, her house was hit on this ready striking. let's have more or less striking rough and now it's mount. i'll follow up. is the director general of the government media office in gaza. he said the attack violates international law of these really occupation committed a horrifying massacre. the targeted shelling and bombardment to the very except sheltered in north west guys. um, it is really your planes targeted the center with over 7, marseilles,
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and bombs waiting over 2000 pounds each leading to the desk of 30 people as well as dozens of injuries including extremely serious injuries. and this means that the overall number of people who are killed as a result of this massacre is likely to increase these continuing massacres against civilians and displaced people confirmed without a shred of doubt that we are missing a genocide crime, a premeditated crime of genocide. it also shows that these really occupation army is deliberately killing the largest possible number of people, particularly civilians and displaced people who tried to escape the fires of war. however, they were chased by the messiahs of the occupation which killed them in cold blood . this horrifying massacre sends a clear message from these really occupation and the us administration to the
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international criminal court and to all other international courts as well as the international community and entire humanity. and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians continues and the massacres against misplaced people. and children will continue and that violations of international law and will not stop to us as repeatedly spoken as against. and this re the ground operation of rough. uh, but is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his troops to move into rough or regardless on a recent trip to israel. us national security advisor jake sullivan, one small underlying the need to protect civilians in rough particle. hey, that's the latest from washington dc. he's insane for months that a major offensive in rasa would be a red line for the united states. the us also saying they wanted to see a credible plan from israel, how they were going to evacuate safely. they more than a 1000000 palestinians who are sheltering there and basically planned for wherever
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they were going to go, and how they were going to be provided services in their next destination. the us never really came out and so they saw a viable plan. we didn't know the us president joe biden said he was holding or at least delayed a shipment of about 3500 bonds, some of those with those 2000 pounds funds that cause so much destruction. he said he didn't want us artillery use a internet evasion of rafa. but the thing when you saw these really military move into rafa, you saw that by the ministers and say, well that doesn't cross the red line because we don't think this is a major offensive. now national security advisor j sullivan was just in israel about 67 days ago. listen to what he had to say about what he, how he saw is really forces moving forward. we had detailed discussions on rafa during my visit to israel. i explained to the prime minister and other senior israeli officials, the president's clear position. i reiterated that position. i was brief tobias,
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really, officials and bias really, professionals and refinements. it is real is made to its plans to achieve its military objectives while taking the account of civilian harm. what we have seen so far in terms of israel's military operations in that area has been more targeted and limited has not involved major military operations into the heart of dense urban areas. so the big question now is how is the by the ministration going to react when in fact they have to react to this? now we know years president joe biden is personal home in delaware. we thought he was leaving it a while ago, but he's still from what we can tell hasn't gotten a gotten on the road just yet. sometimes he'll have a chance to ask to answer reporters questions undoubtedly was the shouting questions of this when he returns, we're gonna stay on top of it and see if he in fact has anything to say about it. he does have that easy out there. you can just pretend you didn't hear it and walk right into the white house, but we'll be keeping an eye on that for you. how about 620000 children and god,
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that have been out of school for nearly 8 months when it will become less and stop? because many buildings run by the u. n. agency for about a senior refugees became shelters for displaced families. you an estimate sold of 80 percent of schools and the strip have been damaged or destroyed. and my wife sees some narrow, byron strip of land designated and evacuation zone by these rarely ami tends to being used as make shift classrooms. like lab reports, process underway in all my wasi refugee camp on southern gauze coast line. these young minds have witnessed untold hardens. but for a couple of hours a day their retention is focused on the teacher and they call us back. and so i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me achieve my dreams on that. yeah. but i'm glad i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very
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much. yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of a good student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control and support a child's imagination fall beyond the rules of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruits. so much i haven't had any food for 3 weeks. i elrod one is a teacher at homemakers school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance and on the right to say seems a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard, we try to help children in the simplest way here we have, but we will not let them down and then we will get it to us. all know wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity,
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or sanitation, not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teachers like these all the time and to make a difference. so, whether we focus on tree study areas, psychological care, values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost everything, but the manager that teach 480 children, and 4 tends to familia buzz of his railey drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education and thoughts for a moment. its children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war, seems far away like levels. elda 0. the
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avenues more than a 100 people have been killed in weak sufficing it out for charlotte the for region and see that and that's according to the united nations health, legit. oh for sure. it is the see things always last may just stronghold in the for and the rival, pat, measuring group the rest f as being trying to seize control of the city is already captured. thing the old, the main cities in the west and sued in the state. she does conflict began now for a power struggle between the army and the powerful permanent treat group. for at least 15000 people have been killed and many millions displaced. the south africa, the opposition democratic lines policy is held as final rally for vote stays a had of general elections votes. this will go to the polls on wednesday to choose
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the next government. the democratic alliance is entered into an agreement with the small of the policies and even to collectively push the ruling amc out of government. for me, the minute was that the campaign ready committee, the governing app like the national congress in trouble. the latest polls suggest that it may not get 50 percent plus one number of boats that it needs to have. the majority of the events is like the, the democratic alliance. that's the official opposition parties hoping to capitalize on. so that would be in the final the elections in just a few days. * the size of a, it's a party that might not be
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a surprise the together. so the works of life. but that's still a challenge that it's dealing with the children's dna, the rest of the people that have come out the most consequential the overall democracy. since the birth of democracy in 1994 on wednesday, the amc well lose the o truck majority that it is a beautiful day in the in the.


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