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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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the the . ringback the police 35 palestinians, a code of this really attack on a come for internally displaced people in rafa in southern gaza. the many of the dozens of wounded young children rushman already over stretched hospital near the middle of the bulk of this. so just given life though, how also coming up attacks continue in the north of the strip as well and just
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really strongly from a home near giovanni, a refugee come killed at least 10 people last launch is a series of rockets. so these are at the city of tennessee for the 1st time in 4 months. the thanks for joining us. we're beginning goes, we're at least 35 people have been killed in this riley strike on tens housing displays. people in rough are many of the dead and injured all women and children, the atomic sponsor major fire that tropic people inside happened to the come for internally displaced people and they were building used by or you an agency for policy, new refugees. the strike took place in an area, israel had designated as a safe so well the area where this happened is known as town also time, which is an overcrowded refugee camp in north west. and rafa thousands of palestinians have been sheltering their off to fleeing is really strikes and other
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areas of the strip as the as well. but i was injured along with my brother, so i brought him him. we were staying at the salon camp and i was looking at my phone and walking when the area was struck. and i did not realize what had happened . i had no idea what had become of my family. my mother was with me and my brother was injured at the company. i fell to the ground and saw that my leg had been split open. and this is what happened. the, the bund people of life go to sufficient for us, is the press disposable for the band people, they burned them. one of the brent them entire block and total a few from what else do you want me to say? i kind of the other thing myself came crashing down on an entire blog. the people above go and see what happens to people. the well, many of the thousands of dead, i mean do the children. these are the scenes of the crate hospital which is receive
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some of the victims. the red cross says it's field hospitals also treating a large number of those injured medical facilities, already severely overburdened and under supplied. oh, just see what's happened. oh, cooter, a spoke to as a short time ago from daryl by law. a. a. is there any air strikes on the make shift? tens with those like thousands of internally displaced. policy means it's a very huge area that was empty and people decided to make. and setup their tense there because they thought that it was safe because it's a sim p, beside an owner what logistics base in from. so it's on north west of because trip . it's a very crowded case. and the reason why fire caught the whole place is because it's full of tents made of plastic and cloth. it was targeted by several like we know
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that they were a very explosive air strikes. according to the civil defense team, they mentioned that it was and the so as talk on this, make sure at comp, civil defense have been trying for hours to put off the fire where thousands of children when then time maybe chose the area because it was disagree. did, and it is ready to clean that it was a safe area. we even saw the blocks number and the last evacuation orders that that is where the army and published and 3 blocks of the area where the significance space. so people evacuated from the eastern part to the western parts, leading air strikes, but the air strikes literally the taste of let's make clear that just saw does not have a hospital before the war. we have been like that volunteers and initiatives
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have been calling to and payment hospice and there's only one hospice and dropped the operating and it's not the hospital. it's a medical place. it's a crazy hospital with only 8 beds and we'd 1000 i c u unit. so listing is injured, great, we're, we're, we're, we're transferred to the hospital and a couple of medical hospitals, but again, these hospitals are not like capable of treating all of the severe injuries in the code in the reporting. now, while these are in the military has released the statement taking responsibility for this tribes, israel has bind, i've just, they were from a posting from last, i saw the higher up. so this update from the godaddy and capital, i'm on the best admitted to carrying out this as strike against homos. they say they say they was specifically targeting, how must members, and i quote,
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according to international know, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence, indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent supply, a number of uninvolved individuals where hits the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the cheapest stuff in the west bank and also. a mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is in the west by and another person cooled highlands highland robin, the shot, a senior official also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent
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statements, the confirmation, the by these really made it to me that it did carry out that strike. now all of this comes just hours of the how must also carried out real kit, a tax towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from roof off and at the time, also another statement from these radio officials saying that those rockets will know, as they said, from a civilian area in dropbox. they also said the wall is row was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's nothing the same area. but what we do know is that this area was designated by israel as a safe design. it's this pull it. and so it's eastern rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity,
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as well as did it by law. i'm fine eunice, and this is just very close to what my last, the on that coast move is comes just days after the you and the top court ordered israel to hold his metro operations. and roughly, i'll just say with gabrielle is on the joins as life on the you and the new york now and gape. as i mentioned, this latest major attack come shortly off to the i, c, j, the international court of justice. and the hague, told israel precisely to stop his ministry operations, and roughly how all these scenes of distress that we're seeing on our screens again in god's or this evening register where you are to yeah, that's right. not only the un stop court say to hold israel's military aggression on rafa, but now we've seen that israel has done it just the opposite and actually escalated . now of course it's sunday, the u. n is closed here, but certainly we already had heard on friday when the i c j decision came out of
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ambassadors here. uh basically saying that they implored israel to abide by reminding israel that i see j decisions are binding. and i will say the spokes person for the secretary general actually put out a statement on sunday. not specifically about the attack that we've been reporting on, but generally takes saying that the secretary general says has taken note of some a that's got to the care of my bu, solemn crossing. but also in his statement, saying that he's dismayed by the lack of implementation of the recent orders by the i c j regarding the situation guys, he reminds me of the secretary general, the parties, the decisions of the court are binding. it was about this time that this statement was put out sunday. the israel launched its attack on this encampment or make shift encampment for displaced palestinian. so it really shows how israel has completely
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disregarded anything that comes from the secretary general's office. yeah, that's, that's devastation. the sink, same gay. what are we expecting from the un security council? when they do meet next week? a well week you can expect to most likely we will probably see some movement on a draft resolution focused on rafa. because we had heard that a jury of the arrow, but group member of the security council had been working on a rough resolution for a couple of weeks now. and a friday after the i c j decision, they were talking about trying to, to fold in the i c, j decision in to a new draft resolution. this was on friday. now we have the situation is clear escalation by israel on sunday. you can probably expect that i'm passers phones have been ringing on sunday as they try to get some sort of draft resolution out that they can circulate. perhaps for a vote. some point this coming week,
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just for to point out the u. n is closed on monday in observance of the memorial day holiday here in the united states, the building is closed. however, the security council could, if they want to call an emergency meeting. so be watching that very closely over the coming hours. if that indeed takes place or at so many things like gabriel is on the even a new york. thank you. well, the mike clicked on the credit. you spoke to trustee? no, not right now. he's a member of the legal team for goes the victims before the i c c. he said that this latest strike shows israel's disregard for international law. and that there is no safe place in gaza. a hey game. this holly butler, anybody's got to ride from house, i showed that to these regulatory, these are completely decent regarding the binding, the provision of mass. you'll see she'll divide international coastal josh this weekend uh, just 2 days ago or the east wind to stop any military ob sean
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e. no alpha, hist as being said before the 12, when i tell you on, hey, this is of the got the sleep and also to allow or enable the, the excess of the commission of inquiries, of join at least and investigated or into, into the, into the, into the gods street but so again, elected also happen with the, with it in the nation for the out of 2 decision on the international court to adjust the societies completely ignoring these binding the measures by democracy which will be shunned by the over the united nations. the i c, j. uh said that as well as evacuation plan specifically is in rasa. not sufficient . does this prove the point? yes, i mean the, the, these uh, uh, these, the adjuster arrives even there, which hasn't been dixie navy. they say for a, the, a by the so i l e. o, sorry, to use it. as it has been said the many times by international organizations, including the d for and you and the bodies. there is no safe area in the gods and
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also to the, the designation on the safe for andrea. nice, completely agree to the and just the ease of just the process. it also has a statement, some of the proceedings of b, b, 's. it'd be for an international call to just ease ease boxed up with the bro cibola, general side. the plot of booking plays by the side of all of it is and so there is no safe area in god's that there is no se, se, uh, in uh, you know, off these, not all the popular general side of blind, but again, also amounted to a crime against humanity, which is of the crime that gives you money the all the false people thoughts but it population considering there is no safe place again or being protests against the strikes or roof or in the occupied westbank and the neighboring jordan. these were the scenes in the book a refugee camp in jordan, just a little earlier on sunday. and after the news of at least $35.00 listing is killed in this rate, the attack broke. i guess i took the streets across the occupied westbank in
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ramallah, in janine and in 2 currents. is there a fight address of continue to strike targets in northern gauze or as well? is there any bombs hit an area on chip audio, which is be the scene of intense splicing over the past few weeks. these really minute use as a found and i munition storage site during a raid on a school. the mass media said and this ready asked for i got a house in a neighborhood, need your body. acute 12 people wounded others you without your 0 still a head will have more on the strike in rough plus the un estimates within 670 people were killed in a landslide in a remote area of possibly getting the the challenges here with
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the you will see a duty in the grove using for the p, use a car to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence. and remember it's a copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the
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. ringback the, the, you're watching out just a raise our mind about top stories this hour. at least 35 people have been killed in this really strike on tents. and they come for internally to displace people in rough with many of the dead in utah, women and children. these are the military is confirmed. it carried out the strike, but it says it targeted a mass fight is using precision weaponry. the army admitted civilians were injured when a fire broke out. so the instance under investigation. meanwhile, in northern gauze, or was there any forces killed at least 12 people that attack on a refugee camp?
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another 20 inch in after house was hit. and this really strikes us has repeatedly spoken out. so again, status where the ground operation in rafa. but it's very, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his troops to move into rock for regardless what a recent trip to is around us. national security advisor jake sullivan, once more underlined the need to protect civilians and rafa bicycle haines, the latest from washington dc. for months, the line from the by the ministration had been for israel going into rough over the large scale and visual would cross a red line. they said that these release needed to show the us a plan to get some more than 1000000 people out of rafa. and get them to a place where not only they could be safe, but they'd have their basic humanitarian needs met. so when these really troops started moving in toronto, what we heard from the white house is that didn't cross the red line cause it wasn't a full scale invasion that says,
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the president said he was holding back 3500 bonds, some of them to 1000 pound bombs, because he didn't want to see the news in rafa. again though, just a short time later, he announced that he was going to allow an additional $1000000000.00 in weapon sales to israel. so now the question is, is this going to change the calculus for the bite and administration, the national security advisor, jake sullivan, has just been in israel. and he said that he came away reassured that israel and its defense forces had learned some lessons over the past 8 months. we had detailed discussions on rafa during my visit to israel. i explained to the prime minister and other senior israeli officials, the president's clear position. i reiterated that position. i was brief tobias, really, officials and bias really, professionals and refinements. it is real is made to its plans to achieve its military objectives while taking account of civilian harm. what we have seen so far
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in terms of israel's military operations in that area has been more targeted and limited, has not involved major military operations into the heart of dense urban areas. he would also say there's no mathematical equation and assessing the scale of the is really offsets of moves in rafa. but he did says they did not want to see lots of death and destruction. they wanted to see more pinpoint precision strikes, how well they react to this latest a strike. we don't know. it is a holiday weekend here in the nighted states on monday. the country will celebrate memorial day were all honors its fallen dead. it is unlikely that the media's gonna get anywhere close to the president as he has events that day. but a tuesday, the briefings will begin again. and the us is going to have to say whether this in fact does cross the red line. political head out is 0, washington. the
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or the 2nd some other world news. now the un estimates more than 670 people were killed by 11 slide. the remote area of popping you'd gimme it happened in anger province on friday. rhodes, a blog and hate agencies, a warning of a desperate humanitarian situation. like 100 miles, of course. it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks. in some places, 8 meters deep. teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors. the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and good province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, st. boulders, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris, the bodies and yet to be reaching, the locals are still working and trying to dig out more bodies provincial
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government to southern the actual disaster team without getting and simple liaison defense pressure to go there. and check up assessed at the site. and 6 villages are affected. the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything. they've got into the wild animals, the livestock. yeah, everything was there and they're, they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter. emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leaving, leaving from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 nations. so that definitely will have the relief effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes
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it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes already. so quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to can. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors and earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teens is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexandra buyers, alta 0, the south african. it goes to poles on wednesday to choose the next government on the forefront of the mind of many vote to assist the redistribution of land. the gap between the rich and pool is widening and many field enabling more people to get land could help alleviate poverty. but some feel the governing amc is taking too long to deliver her metacity reports from them. and so that's look at some of
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the richest and most productive farm land on the continent. it exports approaches to other african countries and abroad. but most prime land belongs to a minority of people. many black south africans lived like this in informal statements with little or no basic services. what a contrast, what a shape, a tooth and insights for lead african peoples not to have ownership of land in the own country of the land and who owns that is any motive issue extreme levels of any quality inside africa or legacy of a pottage with black people or 4th of the land and denied rights to property, people occupies vacant land land that's not being used. there isn't much space to move around. these pool james and sanitation assistance. they build a homes using either corrugated iron sheets and some use anything they can find to build a shelters like this one i'm do in global was told this place belongs to
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a wide south african, but black families have settled here legally. he knows if the owner returns to claimant, he and others could be evicted. no, not my move on. and so i started hitting that model into the distribution, which we know was a young boy, and i'm still waiting for politicians to give excellent people moving from rural areas, interest settings, listening for jobs, off fueling demand for decent housing and land until we can find a way that, that right unrest and anger and grievance has got a really effective channel going into a land movement to a democratic national movement of rural people. i don't, we'll see those white farmers scared to the point they need to be to support land reforms. the governing african national congress as low as programs to transfer farmland from whites to black own as for example, by buying land and these lead distribution yet. but not every farmer wants to give this up. the issue is professional studies competition for development because
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something go to my so to start to something good to must plus the trick us government. and we know those the points or the copies up until 5 decades amc for that. but i was interested in 4 people. welcome to achieve beach at the end of the day, how big left them to get left opposition parties like the economic freedom fighters . or if, if, say land redistribution is taking too long, they want to wipe own farms seized. that's an idea that seems to be appealing to many blacks of advocates with no land of the own. but the if, if is also facing competition from the uniformed m k policy, leaving the outcome of mixing selections more difficult to full cost. how did with us out as a debit. this was taken to sit down that way more than a 100 people have been killed in 2 weeks of slicing of l for sure. and the for region, the country that's according to the united nations. for shay is the sudanese armies, last major stronghold and donald for and the rival permanent sri group. the recess has been trying to seize control of the city, is already captured,
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nearly all the main cities in the west. them sued in the state. so that was conflict began after a power struggle between the army and the powerful power ministry group. almost 15000 people have been killed and millions of displace yeah, mid thirty's are fairly small that 100 prisoners of war and the capital side of them was controlled by the rebels. the international committee of the red cross confirmed help to ensure the detainees release was he main dignified. the prison is all linked to the countries low running conflict. you haven't, has been in a civil war since 2015. this driven people in some areas of the country close to from 12 people have been in june after a couple re weighs flight from the dublin and count of turbulence. the plane a boeing 787 dream line. it landed safely at a statement kind of right away said that a small number of passengers and crew sustained mine injuries and are receiving medical attention. this comes days off with singapore airlines from london to sing
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a poor and counted severe tablets. a 100 and full passengers were injured and the man died as a result of psycho and reaching wind speeds of up to a 120 kilometers per hour sent to make land full and hit east of india in bangladesh and just deployed its disaster relief force in the east and the state of westbank goal and flight. so being suspended in these states capital cover, bangladesh is whether office raised its stores and things just signal to its highest level, and it started to evacuate residents from coastal areas as far as president emanuel mac, kronos describe, his country's relations with germany as indispensable. an important field by crone is on a 3 day visit to germany where he's meeting the country's leaders, including president frank was assigned by a crime has been speaking about the rise of far right policies across us. as the 1st french presidential state visit to germany in 24 years. all right, you're up to date. that's it for me and these bucket ever got
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a website. i'll just 0. don't com much more. and was i top stories including the latest ready strike in rough, and then inside story will explode. the family is and accomplishments of south africa's governing african national congress nation. has the polls very soon likes to watch the the color we have some other nasty weather in the full cost across asia at the moment. lots of heat around and lots of storms as well. you can say there's like this area cloud. i'm right in the system got to make its way across such a pan, some very heavy rain coming in to japan as we go through the next hour. so i further south more heavy rain, more flooding potential across the central and southern parts of japan. how's it go for monday into tuesday? you can see this approaching time. food is
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a developing feature. this one should stay off shore, but it's pushing up some very strong southerly wins with a convergence line, half price and very heavy right into a central pos of japan. then as we go through, choose the add on into a weapon, stay that same system already bringing some really heavy writing across northern parts of the philippines. it'll continue to just push a little further north with an east, within the coming days. good rush, the showers, the across malaysia and indonesia, some very heavy right into making his way towards bung with ash. here we go with the storm ramada last making its way a little further north with winds a 100 kilometers per hour, guesting a 100 and see significant brain full coming through with the likelihood of flooding full many as it continues to punch its way by the north the, the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump,
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with blad folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera and south africa ends prepared to go to the combs, the governing african national congress faces. it's toughest test yet the party rest, losing its majority in parliament, has failed, as what has with accomplished as democratic south africa lost its way. this is inside story, the .


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