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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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to julia to on the sierra daniel bella, dental rafa, and this will be the 5th displacement, 8 groups holding for israel to de escalate now and say there is no plan be for the people in rough or the . ready at least $35.00 palestinians are killed in none of these ran the attack on a conference, kindly displaced people in rough and $7.00. the many of the dozens of wounded young children, they being rushed to an already of districts hospital nearby the and on the clock. this is out 0 in life and also coming up is really meant a tree also carried out to strike seminole switching
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a family home that you probably a verse which account at least 12 people who killed the mass launch is a series of rockets. it is rarely city of tennessee, for the 1st time in full month the jobs were at least $35.00 people being killed in um is really strong. contents housing displays people in rafa. many of it added into the women and children, the area where this happened. this done this. so also time, i know of a crowded refugee camp in north western russia. it's near a building used by interest. you and agencies are punched in new refugees. thousands of palestinians have been sheltering the off to fleeing is reading strikes and of the areas of the strip of zeros and i'll come 3 reports now from daryl by law in central tasks. this is what is really for since had declared, se soon, one of the largest comes for displays,
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people in just struck by messiahs in an attack. flight is really forces getting dozens of people in injury. many more fires quickly spread through the cloth tents in families filtering, there had little production. what like the just means most of the bodies were charged and burned well injured people lost limbs and suffered other injuries cheap for the use of potentially prohibited weapons that cause the mass of fire which erupt. the many of the injured, including june, to rush to the queen the hospital with severe burns. this is the only hospital still functioning in the ha, but it doesn't have the resources to care for all the injured the brand people. they brand the, they bundle the entire block in total funds. oh, what else do you want me to say? a tunnel theater thing. myself can crushing down an entire block and people will
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burn. go and see what happens to people that the attack comes after the international court of justice ruling on friday or do is realtors talk. it's a salt under foot where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. in the most of this horrifying massacres sends a clear message from the is really occupation tonight and the us administration to the international criminal court. and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians will continue and massacres against display peoples company will continue to is really military claims. the strike targeted time us fighters, but admitted civilians were also hurt in phase. it's reviewing the incident. how must issued a statement describing a talk as a massacre and demanding that the i c. j proving is implemented
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with israel will come under scrutiny to explain why, what it's called procession where perry is getting large number of policy and use sheltering. intended to come this going to be every day and so so a possible dental site before the international coast of just these multiple dose will be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor is already approved to get bashed on all of the potato judges which include the intention of talks against the tvs, but also the crime against humanity of the olympics. they mean a show on israel has been one conclusively, by the u. n. and its own allies. that an assault under whose results in a human to terry and disaster. none of the international pressure has so far as top tasks that are bringing into some policy needs sheltering their make shift homes in the city. they're in gaza pods,
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time. the civil defense in rafa says that the teams have struggled to reach the sea . and because of a like a few pull up the we received a distressful off to the area but had all the products that was targeted, even though these randy occupation of mocked that particular block as a faith sir, i'm full citizens to move that. it took us approximately 45 minutes to suppress the fire in the area, and we pulled out the number of dead bodies and injured people. most of the bodies were charged and fund, while the end of the people slims and stuff with other injuries due to the use of potentially internationally prohibited weapons that cause the muster fire, which erupt said, we pulled off the approximately 50 people and didn't get people from the area i'm transporting them to the field hospitals, officer official hospitals were forced to evacuate by the occupation and then attempt to destroy the health system. in the roof area. with these really ministry has released a statement taking responsibility for the strikes. israel has banned all to 0 from
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reporting from this a. so our heart sense this update from the jordanian capital of a month, the best admitted to carrying out this as strike against homos. they say they say they were specifically targeting homeless members. and i quote, according to international law, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence, indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent spy, a number of uninvolved individuals will hit the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the chief of stuff in the west bank and also. a mentioned the name's saying it's a person called yes. seen. rub the become on the of how mazda is leadership that is
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in the west by and another person called the college. the college robin, the shot, a senior official, also in the west bank, waiting. now these are the most recent statements, the confirmation, the by these really made it to me that it did carry out that strike. now all of this comes just hours of the how must also carries out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from rough off and at the time. also, another statement from these radio officials save those rockets, which they said from a civilian area in rough off. they also said the wall. israel was busy making sure the age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear,
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it's nothing the same area. but what we do know is this area was designated by israel as a safe zone. it's this pull it into east and rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity, as well as did it by law. i'm fine units and this is just very close to what my wife see on that coast. would it be in protest against the strikes on rough or in the occupied westbank kind of neighboring jordan. and these are the scenes in the back a reference to come in to them here on sunday afternoon. so these have for people also took the streets across the quite was frank in ramallah engineering and into israel. so they just attract, comes off to the you and the top coat on. friday, ordered these relative immediately and effectively and expenditure offensive. and garza southern city of rafa. the provisional measures were issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. international court of justice describe this situation in dogs or is dissolved stress. $800000.00 policy needs to be forced to
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flee reference since the ground defensive that began. and yet this month of the quote says, israel's evacuation plans of civilians are not sufficient. the icy j o se cooled on israel to give an impeded access to investigators looking into allegations of war crimes and johnson. the order is legally binding, but the i, c. j has no power to enforce it. almost $36000.00 palestinians have been killed since and will be guns in october. but well, the u. s. has repeatedly spoken how's the gains in his rarely ground operation into rafa that these ready prime minister benjamin netanyahu, as all of his troops to move into rafa. regardless on a recent trip to israel, us national security advisor james sullivan. once more underlined the need to protect civilians and rafa political hey and has the latest from washington, dc for months, the line from the by the ministration had been for israel going into rough over the large scale and visual would cross
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a red line. they said that the is really needed to show the us a plan to get some more than 1000000 people out of rafa and get them to a place where not only they could be safe, but they'd have their basic humanitarian needs met. so when these really troops started moving in toronto, what we heard from the white house is that didn't cross the red line cause it wasn't a full scale invasion that says, the president said he was holding back 3500 bonds, some of them to 1000 pound bombs, because he didn't want to see the news in rafa. again though, just a short time later, he announced that he was going to allow an additional $1000000000.00 in weapon sales to israel. so now the question is, is this going to change the calculus for the bite and administration, the national security advisor, jake sullivan, has just been in israel. and he said that he came away reassured that israel and its defense forces had learned some lessons over the past 8 months. we had detailed discussions on rafa during my visit to israel. i explained to the prime minister
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and other senior israeli officials, the president's clear position. i reiterated that position. i was brief tobias, really, officials and buyers really, professionals and refinements. it is real is made to its plans to achieve its military objectives while taking account of civilian harm. what we have seen so far in terms of israel's military operations in that area has been more targeted and limited, has not involved major military operations into the heart of dense urban areas. he would also say there's no mathematical equation and assessing the scale of the is really offsets of moves in rafa. but he did says they did not want to see lots of death and destruction. they wanted to see more pinpoint precision strikes, how well they react to this latest a strike. we don't know. it is a holiday weekend here in the nighted states on monday. the country will celebrate memorial day were all honors its fallen dead. it is unlikely that the media's gonna
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get anywhere close to the president as he has events that day. but a tuesday, the briefings will begin again. and the us is going to have to say whether this, in fact does cross the red line. patty, go ahead, i'll do 0 washington. is there any fight objects or continue to strike targets in northern browser as well? a number of people were killed when they only bombed a house and you probably a refugee camp out 0 is unnecessary for ports from the scene of that attack. kind of house a little shun, left off. oh and had to be uh like a few minutes ago is ready. well, plane was carried out the mass type on a residence injury. possibly. we can see here the scale of the time i had that demo . there is a significant amount of damage here. and there are a number of dead you're a demo. this is a 5 story house belonging to the color family injured by the minister. of course. as we see, the residents hit digging with the hands to uncover the bodies of those killed and
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searching for those who are still alive under the rubble. on either of them, its people using their hands with simple means and simple equipment trying to dig up and search for the missing. you can also see at least one dead body here, under the rubble that people are trying to retrieve. the con, the have a little the, the, it was around noon, people were sitting in their home safe and sound. we heard the sound of a massive explosion that shook the area and took the entire block down. people rushed to it and we were surprised to see that it was the house. as my brother, the house was completely destroyed with everyone inside, people rushed to the area and tried to save any one they could save. others for killed were no strangers to martyrdom. this is the 5th time that this family has been targeted. 100 of them had died so far and so the whole women and children are
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brothers did everything in their power to play people from the robert may god grant them safety, a head that shut down. now one of the dead is being recovered from under the rubble of this house. and then if he could civil defense forces in the corner of his house trying to reach a number of dead or missing people. but as we can see, there is no equipment available. there are no resources available for them right now in like of the difficult conditions in the north of the gaza strip. most of the food they bones, my daughter's house, my brother's house, and my daughters, whose husband's son was mounted 4 months ago. she was mounted in this house. adult is 3 months old. she is now behind the slab. these people so many and here trying to get her out to call god willing, they'll get her out there because i see that i used to be in the infinity. yes. as you can see, we're working with the most basic equipment. a woman has died inside this house and
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we're trying to extract her from under the rubble. but our capabilities are very limited because we are working with our bare hands. we're using cameras and chisels as you can see. and god help us and allow us to pull out her body in a single domestic has to not stop by the houses of peaceful citizens in the north of the gaza strip. the laces attack targeted this house belonging to the color of the family. well, as i've said, there are a number of dead and people have been injured. people are still missing under the level of the city of a deal. some of those i, i still ahead here and out 0 thousands of occupants hold a major conference in michigan to work on how the world causes the hello. i am pleased to say that the memorial day weekend has not been
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a washout test such, but that happened some likely showers around. you can see the serious storms that should been running the way. 5 east with severe storms for some that kind of continued trembling. my wife of east was the savvy of blood pressure around central past court on active one, it sweets up to was a legs. and you can see some really heavy rain coming in across the higher valley stretching down into the tennessee valley right down towards the southeast and coolness. so monday that does look pretty wet, a bit of a wash out here up towards the northeast, but some dry, clear weather coming back in behind. a few showers the into southern and east and parts of texas is all making it swipe of the race. was this week, i mean to the, the new west and weeks we call it a little drive up towards the northeast. still a few showers around the legs, but some live the storms bring up once again across the deep south so that we could see some big kyle coming for your head, gusty winds, and the possibility of the old tornado. some like the weather to making its way
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across the caribbean. i think as we go through monday, the west to weather will be across the eastern side of the caravan, and it just buckles its way back as we go through tuesday, some very heavy. right? all the way into panama, the okay. foundation is deliberate, over $300000000.00. will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. and we ensure beneficiary some size of the suite 100 on luis heavens. had gone through the rough, the crossing in recent months. most of these bless and the bless i'm wheel turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the
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guy you're watching out 0 remote about some stories this uh and at least to 35 people have been killed and it's really striking defense. and they come from time to displace group in reference. many of the data mentioned of women and children. is there any minute truth confirmed it carried up strike, but it says it talking to him as far as using precision weaponry. the army admitted civilians where in june, when the fire broke out and said the incident is under investigation that will also strikes in the notes of the guns. the strip is ready, forces killed at least 12 feet when it foamed to have an image, volume or $12000.00. define to us about the major conference in michigan on pallets and the resistance strategizing on how to end is relatable and goes from level reports. now from detroit, 3 days, 3 and
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a half 1000 activists with one goal bring peace to the people of palestine for days. now this is being the center of a movement, planning, the next phase of resistance. yes, they hear out of a sense of protests, of course, this is the more about education. we've workshops, i'm trying to read on subjects ranging from what they called zionism and us imperialism to arms and ball game is biased media narratives, even off and culture. and the role it plays in the resistance. there's always everywhere with an emphasis on how it is used as a weapon. the liberation was to write, to claim how it was on the panel of a session called the pen as a sold ultimately, like art and culture connects. it comes from a place of the people's emotional and political connection to the struggle. but it also helps to sharpen their analysis of what's happening and move them to act
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this people's confidence. but palestine comes after weeks of student protests across the us with a well witnessed right. police physically drag demonstrators out of incumbents on college campuses, which is why students are a big focus here. the academic year is over there. roberts, i to protest is only just getting started. there is such a rich diversity of tactics that we can implement. and we're here to discuss that, and we're here to discuss those and share our, you know, our experiences and what we've seen be successful. and what we've seen, you know, could improve a little bit more organizes say, even more people would have been here for these issues. made it hard for some, for middle eastern countries to attend around the wealth though, here or not, they are mobilizing, i'm strategizing for them. this is just the beginning festival, i'll just say era. detroit, less than some of the world use. now indeed is from a china, japan and south correct are in the south brain capital for
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a red meeting. which many when these regional tensions, chinese primitive the john you start creating president units of joe and japanese prime minister from york shita discussing those career tensions over taiwan and trade officials and diplomats from south korea and japan. and i've said a low ball for the summit say is on 2nd, whether there will be any major announcements. we'll, let's see what is happening. real mcbride jones is now from sol. solved robin in any developments or yeah, i mean the fact that they are holding this, that file actual summit is a, something of a success in itself. given the importance of these 3 countries, but both regionally, especially in the east asia region, but also globally in economic terms between the 3 of them. they represent something like $23.00 and a half percent of total global g d p. it's, they account for basically nearly a quarter of the world's economic activity. so that cooperation, economically,
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is seen as being extremely important that they have the intended to hold the summit to annually, but haven't been able to do that to over recent years, especially because of the pandemic. the fact that they have been able to meet here . and so has been remarked upon by president june, who's been hosting this trial. actual say it is a indeed a significant event saying that it represents co operation between the 3 countries . also calling for the 3 countries to be working on improving the livelihoods of all of that people's and also increasing the number of exchanges between peoples in this part of the world. and he's opening statements at north korea has also ensured that it will be on the agenda at this session because it's chosen today monday to announce the stock of a launch window for a satellite. he's been trying to put a spice satellite into space for the past year or so with several attempts. and now at the doing so, it would be using ballistic missile technology,
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which is buttons on the un security council resolution. so this has been condemned to by price of in june at the prime minister because she to of japan as cold on north korea and not to go through with his launch. meanwhile, premier lee of trying to read his opening remarks at the trial actual as saying that china has always tried to seek a piece on the korean peninsula. and finally, just remarking about the relationships between these 3 countries, which have been a fruits at times and continues to be overshadowed by various diplomatic spots and tensions. according to premier lee, all 3 countries kind of, he says, sold out the doubts and based on the standings of through can do dialogue. all right, rob, thanks for that to write down with that update. say, prizes have been story and the central african republic is capital off to big traffic was suspended when 58 people drown, following a fairy capsized last month. the capital bungie relies heavily on his river network
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from much of its food supply. dozens of boats announced dr. along the bank river and increasing transport titles. passengers as a bank has this report. these rivers are the main route for getting feeding to the central african republics capital bundy. the people that have struggling with the rising prices of to 60 people are trying to bring a fairly capitalized in april, thirties, up since spend the navigation of all the countries waterways. although some boats have been allowed to use the rivers, a gain, food prices remain high. the cost so you can see behind me that will, but with lots of goods, it's for the supply of central africans. during this crisis you've seen as i have that food prices have doubled. if you suspended navigation on to budget river, that's going to have an impact on the food supply of central africans for lunch. in the markets of benji, they're still struggling. we buy our products in chrome, go, since river activities were suspended,
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everything has become expensive to we're still at the markets and we have problem with transporting our goods, which many tried to support for safety measures on the waterways, drugs, saucers, are we make our living from the business, and if there is a crisis, move sofa to day, the government has light in dimensions by clearing the way. and we think them because we are satisfied with this measure, we're in the country governed by the rule of law. the tragedy happened on the part of a small, the reverse side of the capital, the country i think, decades of fighting to instability, including several crews. international forces of keep piecing, bundy, parts of it controlled but on groups making. the transport of supplies difficult keeping here, hoping the boat's post a new safety inspections. prices are decreased once they've sol, suite to the countries waterways. once again, i said vague, which is here. in south africa, the opposition democratic airlines parties held its final riley for votes days
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ahead of general elections. factors will gauge proposal wednesday, choose the next governments. the democratic alliance has entered into the agreements with smaller policies. aiming to collectively push the routing and see out of government more than a 100 people being killed in 2 weeks of fighting and fashion need for a region into done faster as the suit. and these armies last major strong holton tough and the rival permit to group the are. so if it's been trying to seize control of the city is already captured nearly all the main cities in the west, new states, almost 15000 people have been killed. millions displaced in the comfort president, the model of macro on his describe. his country's relations with germany is indispensable. unimportant for europe by chrome made the comments in berlin, where he's on the 1st a visit by french leader in 24 years dominate came reports now from emanuel mccaul is no stranger to bowen. he's been here awesome to meet successive
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chunk of us. but the french president of the never come on a formal state visit. so on sunday, his german counterpart frank vantage shine maya received him with full on is that should i spell? these 2 countries have been the driving force behind european integration for decades. and while the relationship has occasionally freight and recent years on sunday, the theme of corporation and friendship was to the full and size of the thoughts. but the decisive step forward. the european integration has broad and it really is progress in terms of civilizations, is that we have different traditions, different histories, different interests, and yet have found a way to come together over some of the events on day one of those visits were light hearts. one more serious the was freedom in your plans, the threats to it as a re let to national invest often and the means of democracy to take over the
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dividends of democracy and criticize it in an ex essential way. many other this debate is taking place at the time when we are facing immense j political challenges. will prosperity, the climate and technological revolution for all these reasons, it's important people go out and vote in the open elections. when this city was divided, walking through the brandon board gate was near impossible, for most people, narrow berliners and tourists do it every day. so there was the chance for my call and his wife to join in and say in an impromptu walk about on the, onto the in mid before returning to the show space here for a banquet. and he's on the pump. insert many on show here in the gym and capital on sunday has been very much the fault of this 3 day visit. the main event will come on monday. i don't choose day with visits to today's 10 in the old east germany and to munster in the old west germany dominant. came alger 0 bully. you know that
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every day, thousands of on documented migrants and refugees from lots in america. the car being and mexico use makes it sorry you use mexico as a transit company, a country to reach the us and search for a better life. but a new trend is taking a forward is by surprise. tens of thousands of refugees in microns now. want to make, makes good. then you houses are as locked in america. 30 said human explains from mexico. city scores have been documented, migrants in refugees crossing into chap. that's for naples left in my lab there. just some of the roughly 7000 arrivals in mexico. every day on their way to the us border as they make their way north, many a penny. let's see. the honduran says that she and her haitian boyfriend had been living here for 3 months called val, petite. they have arrived from haiti 2 months ago and is working in
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a garage to save money to continue his trip. in the i came here in the new things as the mechanic for time only here temporarily. till i walk on the outskirts of mexico city is full of haitians doing what they can to survive, selling food or breathing hair and trimming beards. but not all want to leave like milton. what i would stay here if i got the papers i was living in too late for us, but i never got my papers. i want to bring my girlfriend. yeah, we're treated well. it's part of the changing faces, migration in mexico, known as a transit country, from documented migrants and refugees. most of these venezuelans still planned to head noise, but a growing number of migrants, roughly a 140000, have applied for refugee status so that they can stay and work in mexico. i pursue
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the there are opportunities to get ahead here. lots of opportunities without hosting anyone i so my sweet coffee, i don't.


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