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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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the, i'm definitely not in control. the big gambles on it. just the, you know, the showcase of the best documentary towns from across than on the 0. the know as safe in southern guns. and it's randy, it's not going to come from time the displays, people in rough. it kills at least $35.00. the many of the dozens of wounded a young children they've been taken to and already have a stretch all spring there by the clock. this is out to their life and they're also coming up is really ministry also carried out as strikes the knolls hitting a family home valley,
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a refugee camp. at least 12 people were killed. truss trades, taiwan, and the threat of nuclear, those crit, on each end. as the leaders of south korea, japan, china, old, around noon . so in southern dalton is really attack on account for internally displaced. people is killed at least $35.00 palestinians, many of the dead and injured a women and children strikes a come as just days off to the international court of justice or to israel to stop as of types of rough or the i. c j ruling on the military offensive in the south could bring about the physical destruction of palestinians and cut the re, begins coverage from darrow by law in government. and this is what is really forces had declared se soon, one of the largest comes for displace people in the fall. struck by messiah's in an
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attack, light is really forces getting dozens of people in injury. many more fires quickly spread through the cloth tents and families filtering their had little protection. what like the just means most of the bodies were charged and burned well injured people lost limbs and suffered other injuries cheap for the use of potentially prohibited weapons that cause the mass of fire, which are up to the many of the injured, including joined to rush to the query hospital with severe burns, this is the only hospital still functioning in the ha, but it doesn't have the resources to care for all the injured the band people. they but the, they burned them, entire block and tunnel fun. oh, what else do you want me to say? i cannot see anything. myself kind of crushing down and tell you more. people will fun. go and see what happens to people that comes after the international court of
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justice ruling on friday or do is realtors talk, it's a salt under foot where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. in the most of this horrifying massacres sends a clear message from the is really occupation tonight and the us administration to the international criminal court. and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians will continue and massacres against display peoples kind of will continue to is really military claims. the strikes targeted some us fighters, but admitted civilians were also hurt in phase. it's reviewing the incident mass issued a statement describing a talk as a massacre and demanding the of the i. c. j. booting is implemented with israel will come under scrutiny to explain why, what it's called procession,
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where perry is getting large number of policy and use sheltering. intended comes this going to be every day and solve ability, both dental side the before the dentist, how it goes to just these multiple dose will be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor is already approved to get bashed on all of the potato judges which include the impression i've talked against the tvs, but also the crime against humanity. all of the, of extending a show on israel has been one conclusively, by the u. n. and its own allies. that an assault under the results in a humanitarian disaster. none of the international pressure has so far stopped tasks that are bringing into some policy needs sheltering their makeshift homes in the city that even a garza pod, this time these really minutes. res released
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a statement taking responsibility for the strikes as well as find out 0 from reporting from the so sort of how to sent this update from the joe day named capitol of a month. there's admitted to carrying out this as strike against how much they say they say they was specifically targeting. how must members, and i quote, according to international know, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence, indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent supply a number of uninvolved individuals where hits the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the cheapest stuff in the west bank and also. a mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob
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b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is in the west by and another person called the college. the college robin, the shot, a senior official, also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent statements that confirmation that by these really minutes read that it did carry out that a strike. now all of this comes just hours of the how must also carried out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from roof and at the time . also another statement from these radio officials save those rockets, which they said from a civilian area in raw foster. they also said the. * israel was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the
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civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's not in the same area. but what we do know is that this area was designated by israel as a safe zone. it's this pull it into east and rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity, as well as did it by law. i'm fine units and this is just very close to what my last the on that coast. what is rose light to the top comes off to you and the top coat on friday, or do these realtor immediately and effectively and it's military offensive and gone to the southern city of rafa. the provisional measures were issued as part of south africa's genocide case against israel. the international court of justice described the situation in cause in gaza as disastrous. $800000.00 pulse to use have been forced to flee right foot since the ground defensive, bad the gun earlier this month. the quote says israel's evacuation plans for civilians are not sufficient. the i c. j also cool down as well, to give unimpeded access to investigators looking into allegations of war crimes
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and causes the order is legally binding. but the i, c, j has no power to enforce it. almost $36000.00 palestinians have been killed since it will be gone in october. out to service gabriel is under his ball from un headquarters in you. it's just 2 days after the u. n's, highest judicial body. the international court of justice issued this order for israel to stop any sort of aggression on rasa and the people there. you saw the israel not only ignored the i c j, but also did just the opposite and escalated with this new deadly attack. that's certainly something that and passengers here at the u. n. will be watching very closely. now the secretary general spokesperson actually put out a statement on sunday saying that the secretary general's again calling for a cease fire. and that he is dismayed by the lack of implementation of the recent
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orders of the i c j. regarding the situation in guys a key remind all parties that the decisions of the court are binding. now this decision was put out a little bit before israel's attack on sunday, but certainly will be watching this very closely because the security council now will be where the ball is at in their court. we've heard that algeria has been working on a draft resolution for the security council focused on rafa. we expect that the now with this recent escalation by israel, there will be even more urgency to get this draft resolution circulated and possibly up for a boat. on monday, the u. n is actually closed in observance of the memorial day holiday here in the united states. however, the security council can call an emergency meeting if they deem the situation that serious enough. so we'll certainly be watching this in the coming hours. gabriel's
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on to address it at united nations in new york. well, the us has repeatedly spoke about the gains and is really ground operation interrupted, but these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his troops to move into a rough or regardless type of calhane has the latest from washington, dc. for months, the line from the by the administration had been for israel going into rough over the large scale and visual would cross a red line. they said that the is really needed to show us a plan to get some more the 1000000 people out of rafa and get them to a place where not only they could be safe, but they'd have their basic humanitarian needs met. so when these really troops started moving in drop of what we heard from the white houses that didn't cross the red line because it wasn't a full scale invasion that says, the president said he was holding back 3500 bond, some of them 2000 pound bombs, because he didn't want to see them used in rafa. again though, just a short time later,
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he announced that he was going to allow an additional $1000000000.00 in weapon sales to israel. so now the question is, is this going to change the calculus for the bite and administration, the national security advisor, jake sullivan, has just been in israel. and he said that he came away reassured that israel and its defense forces had learned some lessons over the past 8 months. we had detailed discussions on rafa during my visit to israel. i explained to the prime minister and other senior israeli officials, the president's clear position. i reiterated that position. i was brief tobias, really, officials and bias rarely professionals and refinements. it is really made to its plans to achieve its military objectives while taking the account of civilian harm . what we have seen so far in terms of israel's military operations in that area has been more targeted and limited has not involve major military operations into the heart of dense urban areas. you would also say there's no mathematical equation
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to assessing the scale of the is really office of moves in rafa. but he did says they did not want to see lots of death and destruction. they wanted to see more pinpoint precision strikes. how will they react to this latest? uh, strike. we don't know. it is a holiday weekend here in the nighted states on monday. the country will celebrate memorial day were all honors. it's fallen dead. it is unlikely that the media's gonna get anywhere close to the president as he has events that day. but on tuesday, the briefings will begin again. and the us is going to have to say whether this, in fact does cross the red line. political heading out to 0, washington is really 5 digits of continue to strike targets in northern gauze as well. at least 12 kind of thing is we killed on the palm to how soon to evaluate a refugee camp, which is arizona on south street for reports from the scene of that attack injured body, a little shun left off for us and had to be uh, a few minutes ago is ready. well, plane was carried out and this type on
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a residence and is your father. yeah. we can see here the scale of the time. if you had the money, there is a significant amount of damage here. and there are a number of that you're a demo. this is a 5 story house belonging to the color family in jamalia, minnesota. of course, as we see, the residents hit digging with the hands to uncover the bodies of those killed and searching for those who are still alive under the rubble. on either of them, its people using their hands with simple means and simple equipment trying to take up and search for the nice thing. you can also see at least one that body here under the rubble, is that people are trying to retrieve the con, the have a little the,
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it was around noon, people were sitting in their home safe and sound. we heard the sound of a massive explosion that shook the area and took the entire block down. people rushed to it and we were surprised to see that it was the house. as my brother, the house was completely destroyed with everyone inside, people rushed to the area and tried to save anyone they could save. others for killed were no strangers to martyrdom. this is the 5th time that this family has been targeted. 100 of them had died so far as of all women and children, our brothers did everything in their power to play people from the rubbish. may god grant them safety had that shut up. and now one of the dead is being recovered from under the rubble of his house. and then if he could said with defense horses in the corner of this house trying to reach a number of dead or missing people. but as we can see, there is no equipment available. there are no resources available for them right now. and like the difficult conditions in the north of the gaza strip of the
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vapor and my daughter's house, my brother's house and my daughter, whose husband son was mounted 4 months ago. she was moderate. and this house adult is 3 months old. she is now behind the slab. these people civilians here trying to get her out to call god willing. they'll get her out there looking for us in the beginning in 10 years. as you can see, we're working with the most basic equipment. a woman has died inside this house and we are trying to extract her from under the rubble of our capabilities are very limited because we are working with our bare hands. we're using cameras and she has lots, as you can see. and god help us and allow us to pull out her body in a single domestic is do not stop at the house is a piece of citizen. i mean, in the north of the gaza strip, the lease is attacked. i'll get to this house belonging to the collateral family. well, as i said, there are a number of dead and people have been injured. people are still missing under the rubble of the city of a vehicle. some of those to the head hearing out 0 digging through
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a deb refilled the kilometer wide and 10 meters deep. the search specified was in papua new guinea after lunch like buried hundreds of people and the american political policy. the slogan, the con, ungovernable choose is no money to run the the hello, lots of health sunshine in the full cost that as usual across the middle east, things looking pretty quiet to the moment last week. please guys and a good deal of hazy sunshine, then ran to the full chase for many, a little cooler close up towards couple you might just catch a shower here, sharrell too, just running over towards the caspian, on up towards the black seats, but of a brace motor it braced could lift a little bit of dust and sat across the east the side of the arabian peninsula. but
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again, not too much to speak of him that he got to celsius in due by the 38 on the costs for a golfer. as we go through monday, some showers that just rolling across ducky, i am making my way a little sad. the race was bright, the weather coming back in for tuesday, but still a few live this year. i was just following on behind temperatures and gas for back to around 26 degrees at that stage. then we have got a lot of dry weather across northern parts of africa. a little bit of 50 testing stand across as a hot shower and a scraping of showers along the southern coast of west africa. interesting little system here. just punching is way out of the library. we'll keep an eye on that. over the next couple of days, you can see how it just makes its way out into the, from waters of the atlantic. meanwhile, planning a shala's noticed many so should be across central parts of africa. and to the south of that logic dry the,
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i want people to look closer at the ugly side of his eye point by camera where all this prefer not to look and write about what it means to be american. about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmaker rally, and also viet turn when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio, be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra the other day you watching out 0 reminder about top stories this uh and at least 35 people being killed in his rating strike on the 10th and the comforter internally
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displaced people in rafa. many that that and into the women and children. these really military has confirmed it carried out the strikes, but it says it talk to to mess fighters using precision rec center in the army, mates and civilians were injured when the 5 for it costs and said the incident is on there also strikes and the knowles of the gaza strip is ready, forces killed at least 12 people went on to hang on. yeah. well, you'll see my go back because i'm at least not unless we try some house and he says his trucks in reference to that israel does not have a plan for bringing peace to the goss this trip. he wants to come for that risks turning into an endless tit for tat overseas. no one can justify the notice of these signs or to buy from us to what civilians as no one can just be fine. if this is doing what it says, it says civilians is this is the message for move that off to 8 tomorrow. it's the
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message. ringback what is the message and you know the messages at the end of the day and it's, it's august? nope, i'm what i'm saying, what they're saying, but actually, well, these are the defense things that i said last week was barely gotten so member of the wall covering and says this government doesn't have a plan for a after. so this will, isn't the ending will retrieve something like this, and talk by some us would be on. so they thought, but it is that most opinions are going to be executed. and these levels issue, you know, i mean if you look for the position, it's not too close, it's guessing was another decision by so see another decision by the i see joe's that they actually. busy more compromise, this is a spending in the international community. it's, it's, it makes the possibility of space mo, i'm over most well what that is or that you've also said both of, again,
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the states felt that the, the end of the day, so many civilians, a cheap and this end of the same time is that it is isolated internationally, about $620000.00 children in casa, have been out of school for nearly 8 when the ball began less than stopped because many buildings run by the un agent super connected in your refugees became shelters for displaced families. you an estimate to move in 80 percent of schools industry for being dumb are still destroyed in el bossy and narrow, barren strip of land. designated and evacuation signed by these really ami tends to being used as make shift classrooms. lots of apple, us this report, the policies under way in all my wasi refugee camp on southern gauze coast line. these young mines have witnessed untold hardens. but for a couple of hours,
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a day their retention is focused on the teacher and they close me. i came here to study until i'm coming here will help me achieve my dreams on that. yeah. but i'm not, i'm here to learn and be more active. i like go into school very much. yeah, no, no, no, no. there's no shortage of ego student. and the simplest thing, like learning how to draw control on support a child's imagination fall beyond the roles of attend. yesterday the teacher taught me math in arabic. i also learned how to draw food basket because i like fruits so much. i haven't had any food for 3 weeks. i elrod one is a teacher at home to make his school with pen and paper or skis, but enthusiasm and dedication are in abundance and on the safe seems
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a little our conditions here are very difficult. there is no blackboard, we try to help children in the simplest way here we have, but we will not let them down and then we can get you all know, wasi is a narrow strip of land, just a kilometer wide and 14 kilometers long. there is no running water, electricity, or sanitation, not the ideal conditions in which to live or live. but teaches like these are determined to make a difference. the reason why the folks on trees study areas, psychological care values and principles, and education and skills. despite all the difficulties and the lack of almost everything, but the manager that teach 400 data children and 4 tends to familia buzz of is really drones in the sky above is drowned out ever so slightly by a physical education and talk for
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a moment. it's children being children again, and the devastation and grief of the war seems far away. like levels. elders, there are some breaking news now on the pep, a new guinea national disaster center site and the left to to the united nations of a land slide. and the remote village on friday has buried more than 2000 people that's out from an estimate to 90, right summative of 600. it happened and, and get provenance on friday. somebody's had to be recovered, funerals took place on sundays, volunteers continue to clear the rubble and it's under boss has this report. it's been 2 days of digging through mud and rocks in some places. 8 meters deep teams of volunteers are trying to reach the bodies of their friends and neighbors.
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the landslide had popular new guineas, northern and the province at around 3 am on friday for young people in their homes while they were sleeping survivors, a motors, the size of cars came tumbling down, crushing houses below. no one knows exactly how many victims are under the debris to the bodies and yet to be reaching the locals as they're working and trying to dig a lot more over buddies. provincial government to southern the actual disaster team without getting and simple ways of defense. press to, to go there and check up, assessed at the site. 6 villages are affected, the most people here are small scale farmers and they've lost everything they've got in the white animals, the livestock. yeah, everything was there and they're, they're appealing to our government and he owes me for food and shelter.
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emergency crews are struggling to access the remote region. more than 600 kilometers from the capital. parts of the affected area can only be reached by helicopter. the main road leading, leading from the provincial town, is cut off by about 200 masons. so that definitely will have to release effects. and now the consideration is that the ground is still quite unstable. so it makes it quite difficult for the risky was to get in. but at the same time, yes, already is a quite desperate to get out the survivors and relocate them to camps. the cause of the landslide isn't clear, but popular. new guinea has had months of heavy rain and is prone to tremors. an earthquakes. survivors are in urgent need of food, shelter, and medicine. and the priority for emergency teams is getting as many people as possible out of the disaster zone. alexander buyers, alda 0 of the sites and remo has made land full in east and india in bangladesh
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where it is flooded. coastal village is in close flights for damage, storm, not top pa, for millions of people in, in india, at least one person was killed in the state of west bengal. authorities in bangladesh of short schools, about 800000 people to be forced to leave the homes. the storm is expected to we can later on monday. at least 15 people have been killed by tornadoes in the united states. they tour across the states of texas, oklahoma, an arkansas injury, hundreds of people in destroying homes. the storm is it, at least of its kind to nearly a decade. some 47000 people are without power across the affected states. now, leaders from china, japan and south crew are in the south grand capital for a red tri latrell meeting, which many i will ease regional tensions, chinese primarily gen software and present unit. so, you know, japanese prime minister for me, i can see to have been discussing north korea tensions over taiwan and trade
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problem probably it has more from so this has been a significant try lateral meeting given the importance of these 3 countries to the asia pacific region. but also the importance to the world in economic tons representing between them almost a quarter of the wills, total economic activity at the trial actually meeting is meant to be held every year, but hasn't been for the past 4 and a half years. because of the pandemic, a point that was made by the host, south careers president of june, in his opening on closing remarks. talking about the importance of this meeting and coming up with various proposals for closer economic and trade co operation. as saying that it would help improve the livelihoods of peoples in all 3 countries. also calling for more exchanges between those peoples c i also called for the dean, you could arise ation of the korean peninsula. now,
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north korea has ensured that they've gone onto the agenda they summit by announcing the eminent launch it says of what will be a spice satellite, but using the ballistic missile technology, which is found under un security council resolutions. president, june, a cold out in north korea full. this calling for a firm response from the international community that was echoed by prime minister casita of japan. but to premier lee of china and don't go in quite as far. i merely calling full piece on the korean peninsula of the both south korea and japan will be hoping that china will use more of its influence. a 2 bath on north korea to 10 per north korea's behavior between all 3 neighbors. various a diplomatic spots have existed in the past. various tensions still exist now, but the whole focus of this try lateral has been to put on a face of co operation by all 3 and being on an upbeat note with premier lee of
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china saying that doubts and misunderstandings can be resolved. he says to candid tools, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so the french president demand will macklin has described his country's relationship with germany as indispensable. unimportant for your macro, and is on a 3 day visit to germany where he's meeting the country's leaders, including president of frank walters by law. it's the 1st french presidential states visit to jeremy in $24.00. georgians a celebrated a 106 years since dining independence, russia, but i've also been protest demonstrate as once again took to the streets in the capital to please see to denounce a bill which targets n g. a is receiving funding from a broad routing conservative georgia dream policy savings will have a ton of presidential veto of the bill on to the libertarian party. so that.


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