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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 9:00am-9:30am AST

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because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free, the nowhere safe in southern dogs and is really attack on the account for internally displaced peace and rough. it kills at least $35.00. the that on the clock, this is out is your life and the house it coming out. is there any minute trails, a car that strikes the nose, hitting homes and the 2 volley a refugee camp, at least 12 people were killed. nobody's your thirties in papua new guinea estimate that more than 2000 people may be buried in fridays, 9 slide plus trade taiwan. let's try to renew those career on the agenda as needed from south korea. japan and china.
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the so emergency cruising done was a southern city of rafa have worked through the night to recover the band remains of palestinians killed and then his reading strength on account of the display. so at least 35 people were killed in the attack on tents set up near you and facility . many of the dead and injured a women and children. the area where this happened is known as tell else full time, and they have a crowd of refugee camp in north west. and rafa displays palestinians believe setting up a camp near you and facility would keep them safe. out 0 is hen. doctor. 3 begins are coverage, this is what is ready for since had declared se soon, one of the largest comes for displays, people in the fall, struck by messiahs in an attack. flight is really forces in dozens of people in
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injury. many more. the fires quickly spread through the cloth tents in families filtering their had little production. what like the just that means most of the bodies were charged and burned well injured people lost limbs and suffered other injuries jeep for the use of potentially prohibited weapons that cause the mass of fire which erupt. the many of the injured, including june, to rush to the queen the hospital with severe burns. this is the only hospital still functioning in the ha, but it doesn't have the resources to care for all the injured the brand people, they brand the, they bundle the entire block, internal funds. oh, what else do you want me to say? i come up, sienna, thing, me so it's kind of crushing down an entire block, and people will burn. go and see what happens to people that the attack comes after the international court of justice ruling on friday or do is realtors talk, it's
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a salt under foot where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. in the beginning, most of this horrifying massacres sends a clear message from the is really occupation tonight and the us administration to the international criminal court. and this message says that the holocaust of palestinian civilians will continue and massacres against display peoples company will continue to is really military claims. the strikes targeted some us fighters, but admitted civilians were also hurt in phase. it's reviewing the incident. how must issued a statement describing a talk as a massacre and demanding that the i c. j proving is implemented with israel will come under scrutiny to explain why, what it's called procession where perry is getting large number of policy news, sheltering intent. it becomes difficult be every day and solve
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a possible dental site before the international goes to just these multiple dose will be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor is already approved to get bashed on all of the potato judges which include the industrial not a tax against the cd to us, but also the crime against humanity of the, of extending a show on israel has the one conclusively, by the u. n. and its own allies. that an assault under whose results in a humanitarian disaster. none of the international pressure has so far stopped tasks that are bringing into some policy needs sheltering their makeshift homes in the city that has been a garza ta this time. while these really military has released a statement taking responsibility for the strikes, israel has brand observe from reporting from this is our heart. so in this update
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from the jordanian capital of a ma, the best admitted to carrying out this as strike against how must they say they say they was specifically targeting? how must members, and i quote, according to international know, using precise munitions and based on prior intelligence indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent fire a number of uninvolved individuals will hit the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the chief of stuff in the west bank, and also mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is in the west by and another
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person called the highlands college robin, the shot a senior official, also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent statements, the confirmation that by these really made it to me that it did carry out that a strike. now all of this comes just hours of to how must also carried out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the, of israel. which also was the, it was happens from a rough bust of a launch those rockets from rough off and at the time. also another statement from these radio officials saying that those rockets will know which they said from a civilian area in ra fox. they also said the. * israel was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's not doing the same area. but what we do know is this area
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was designated by israel as a safe zone space for it. and so it's eastern rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity, as well as did it by law. i'm fine units and this is just very close to what my was see on that coast. this is ready. well things of tired up most strikes and northern guns are as well with fights. he has intensified in the past few weeks. at least 12 palestinians were killed when the ami bummed defies story building into valley a refugee camp outs as arizona, sorcery for posts from the seeing if that attack can to pony publicly and shun left or for us on how to be a few minutes ago is ready, we're playing with carried out the mass type on a residence injury. possibly. we can see here the scale of the time and how the there is a significant amount of damage here. and there are a number of that a demo. this is a 5 story house belonging to the color family in jamalia,
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minnesota. of course, as we see, the residents hit digging with the hands to uncover the bodies of those killed and searching for those who are still alive under the rubble on either of them, it's people using their hands with simple means and simple equipment trying to take up and search for the nice thing. you can also see at least one that body here, under the rubble, is that people are trying to retrieve the con, the have a little the whether it was around noon, people were sitting in their home safe and sound. we heard the sound of a massive explosion that shook the area and took the entire block down. people rushed to it and we were surprised to see that it was the house. as my brother, the house was completely destroyed with everyone inside, people rushed to the area and tried to save anyone they could save. just for killed,
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were no strangers to martyrdom. this is the 5th time that this family has been targeted. 100 of them had died so far as of all women and children are brothers, did everything in their power to play people from the rubbish. may god grant them safety a head that should have done enough that will come now one of the dead is being recovered from under the trouble of this house. and then if he's a civil defense horses in the corner of this house trying to reach a number of dead or missing people. but as we can see, there is no equipment available. there are no resources available for them right now and like of the difficult conditions in the north of the gaza strip of the food they found my daughter's house, my brother's house, and my daughter, whose husband son was spotted 4 months ago. she was mounted in this house. adult is 3 months old. she is now behind the slab. these people, so when the ends here trying to get her out to colorado springs, i will get her out there looking for us in the beginning,
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in 10 years. as you can see, we're working with the most basic equipment. a woman has died inside this house and we are trying to extract her from under the rubble. but our capabilities are very limited because we are working with our bare hands. you know, we're using cameras and she has lots, as you can see. and god help us and allow us to pull out her body in a single domestic is do not stop by the houses of peaceful citizens in the north of the gaza strip. the lease is attacked, i'll get to this house belonging to the co out of the family. well, as i said, there are a number of dead and people have been injured. people are still missing under the rubble of the city. if i give you some of those, what as those events unfolding goals are right now at the spanish embassy in brussels. you're looking at the spanish permanent. so that's jose manuel. but as he is speaking ahead of a span island in norway had beginning to recognize palestine as an independent
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state of speaking spanish and then he will be speaking in english, we believe shortly. and we'll cross that up just as soon as he does start doing that in the meantime, that speak to my mental mastery, who joins us here on site is political science, professor of media studies at the doha institute for graduate studies. mohammed, welcome, as i say, we'll, we'll drop into that as and when he start speaking english, but just tell us about 6 and if it can save this recognition from the 3 countries. yeah. so i think there are a couple of ways to look at this and i think maybe both are valid. on the one hand, this is significant. maybe it's a symbolic act. yes. but it's significant because it's part of this program of pressure that's being applied to israel. right, you have 3 important countries recognizing palestine as a state and you add that to all the other diplomatic pressure that's being applied to israel and it means something. on the other hand, i thought that professor newera or cost of rutgers university made a made a good point. she said that this is a little bit too little and a little bit too late, too late in the sense that we're already
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a 138 countries that recognize palestine as a state back in 2012 and 2 little in the sense that what the palestinians need right now is, you know, things like sanctions, weapons, sanctions, and other, you know, arrest warrants and things that could lead to an, a direct, uh, you know, and to, uh, the ongoing genocide in casa, the, this symbolic act is not going to help the people on the ground who are being killed. right. and i think indeed that's exactly what they said at the norwegian for a minute. he said it was symbolic, easier to make this evan, to been cutting off investments linked to the norwegian, southern wealth fund. busy just to say that this, all this is happening ahead of tomorrow, choose days recognition. that's when it will officially start. i believe that we can actually listen in now to ireland for a minute. that'd be killed, mountain shift pitch, and actually the community, including the autopay and union have been talking about support for the 2 state solution based on the 1967 borders for decades. but we have no nearer to actually
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getting to that desired and stage. and we firmly believe that without changing our approach, we will never get there. some have framed our decision is to move our decision to recognize the state of palestine as a move to impose an outcome on the parties. are somehow a reward for terror. nothing could be farther from the truth. we have recognized both the state of israel and the state of palestine, precisely because i'm about to see a future of normalize relations between the 2 peoples. one great negotiations between 2 sovereign states on an equal footing is the mechanism used to get to adjust them. lasting settlement based on internationally agreed parameters. but occupation and terrorism and disposition and displacement have no role under given no space because they have been replaced by a political framework in which the parties can pursue their political ends. will
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explain, isn't sidelined and moderate political devices ready to make sensible politically compromises. but give their people a future of security and dignity, are supported. there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i condemn defiance of yesterday. the rockets, there was the route and it struck a tentative eve. understand he is attacked on the rest of the 1050 g camp. and last evening. what again, innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions, days went to seize the empowerment of russia. us all recognition of both states as
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an unequivocal message that only a future in which palestinians and israelis are like, enjoy equal rights science determination, states human rights, since that dignity is acceptable and is sustainable. it is also a decision from this ensconced within the parameters of un security council in general assembly resolutions and is explicitly one of multilateralism nuff unilateralism or 3 countries are focused on her recognition can contribute to concrete and irreversible steps to vindicate the right to palestinian sets determination, i'm to implement the 2 state solution. we had an excellent meeting last night with our over talk to your team, arab and other partners discussing exactly this point. we focused on building costs, retail cooperation, including the principles underlying the outer piece vision. we agreed on the need for an area into the bookstore in gaza and clear steps towards the establishment of
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a palestinian stage. so we're now going into the you find a serious concepts where the out of context group i present or thinking in more detail. my view is that your opinion needs to get funded behind across regional plan. your teen union needs urgency to support the public standing the parties own reform plan, which i discussed with palestinian prime minister mohammed missteps. that last night, i believe just provides a password for the effect of governance by the palestinian authority, 12 palestinian touching as responsible, gilbert cares orland, norbert and spain with all the sick to promote diplomacy over violence, hip over despair and cooperation over exclusion. and that is why all 3 of us have supported ukrainian piece of time. and it is also why we're supporting the art of piece vision. we continue our engagement with all the parties to this end to
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carry the 7 earlier. michael. uh, i'm really happy to stand here together with you on uh, i want to start by thinking both of you for this very close corporation for taking the steps to get her in norway recognizes the state of palestine effective from tomorrow. and we do that because it's the right thing to do. and with even more importantly, because it's the right time to do it for many years, we on so many other countries we're expecting to recognize at the end of a piece process or everything else was in place. and, but then a few years ago, we realized that the, we actually needed to think outside the box and may be recognized at the time. but when it will give a strong impulse so strong a single into a process as has been, we have been looking for that moment. some people might think it sounds part of the obstacle to talk about the 2 state solution in the midst of war right now. we have a extreme violence in augusta and we have, uh,
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israel is living in fear of terrorism, monroe the types then we have a secular violence on the expanse and nobody legal supplements in the west bank. we are now seeing a cycle of violence. this is a low point in the long and side history of among the solution to the israel palestine problem. a problem that has accepted since we were among the, the earliest countries to recognize israel, the country that we still want to support and will continue to support. we have argued that we also need to deal with the public opinion issue. and that the way to do that is to create the states or palestinians and that the people who as well and the people of palestine will be better off living in 2 states peacefully in the negotiated manner. why they can thrive, develop their economy, and coaster in these states, and then corporate on that basis. this must the vision of the madrid conference in 91 this most, the mission of the all slow process. as soon as then,
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we have been working steadily to promote that idea that the also at most to start building the state, the bottom up to build the institution of the palestinian states. and then by in, within 5 years from 9 to 3. the idea of us to have a final supplements and we're also border states, the status of jerusalem, status of refugees, sense security and issues where, where are managed. this did not happen. i think we did not really realize that the, because we weren't negotiating at the time with people like you said, we're being assume on service on. yes, it out of thoughts we did not really take into account that that could be all the forces you really didn't want this sunday or too much space for, for several tossing the pen towards the credible, just a solution. so this whole vision remains but it need an update. i think what we're giving now is the new software. it's a 2.0 through that vision where at earlier recommission know, palestine is but one of the several pieces of the big puzzle of how to bring peace
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to the middle east yesterday, as was mentioned by my colleagues. or there are 2 important to me things sleeping into 2 days important meeting. first we have the partner meeting between the donors to the palestine or the um, the new uh prime minister over at pa design. uh mr. mohammad. most of the time at who for 7 years now, 7 weeks now have been leading a new policy and government more taken apart, taking a mother and government, which is really trying to deal with the outstanding issues of the service delivery on how to be able to provide the punish, didn't young people in the area where they are in control with the basic services and also necessary reforms. we have a great the trust in the most of us of work you have to that effect. and the also spoke about ideas. so how to get back to gus though, because i think almost everybody begins to realize that we need the governance
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structure also forgot something and that's should be in the palestine that all sort of dates in this upgraded form. later in the evening, the 3 of us attended the meeting that night to act together with prince by solve the foreign minister of sylvia ravia in this a euro era group of countries, which is now growing in the membership valley in quotation marks is not the formal entity, but we are no, we have to have the a consistent where you institution, this new york in union, the arab league on the organization for his let me call pricing and lots, number of european american foreign ministers. we are working together to develop the idea of a regional piece plan that has something for everyone. i just didn't use that, but also normalization between saudi arabia and other arab states with this well strengthening of the p a. the mobilization of the non states on groups and an incredible process forward. and also that came strong support for the idea that one
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day there has to be a conference on the implementation. and also a 2 state solution. because precisely because, because we are in this low point in history, when it comes to them, at least it is exactly when you need to think about the day after the hour. and there is an imperative which is to get to a cease fire. there is another imperative which is to is radically upgrade the human to terry and efforts. but neither of these are actually solutions. the solutions have to be political and we need to think about that political solution. now that is the context in which span oregon and norway it's supposed to recognize . we encourage all the countries to do the same. and we know, and the number of your european countries are either on the way to do so or contemplate thing. and we hope that both of those suits but the main points on our side was to send a strong signal into this process that we cannot just be stuck with the way we
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wanted to do this. in the 99 this we have to real lice where we are, we are in 2024 and we need to upgrade this long standing wishing of a peaceful supplement in the mid list, palestinian state living beside. and yeah, it's really a states at both the government in the way where they can work well together. and this is a handshake and i support and then expressing us under that read to the mother. it forces those who want to continue to go on the non violent way, and it's uh, absolutely, and move that wants to underline that this site like this have to be broken and we need another path for them. at least i'm encouraged by the site that everybody present in both of these meetings that support the idea of a 2 state solution. everybody agrees that we need to move, they're going to have to start thinking about how to get there. even if there are different views on the x that moment the recognition, but this, this train,
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there's no emotion. and the 3 of us together have actually, i believe, helps to set it in motion to gather with so many other people who want a different outcome for the palestinians and for the x rays. thank you, ministers and now we open the floor for questions. i kindly ask you to introduce yourselves many of the high and they are, we just are from the spanish news agency. i will take my question in spanish for the spanish main. instead of one of the other municipal carriers. i've had a seat, does a lot talking to some of the and they are right on components, both of those notify, it'll be the idea. so what you're seeing is that the spanish embassy in brussels, where we've heard from the foreign ministers of island no way, and that, that is a spanish for me. so speaking right now, who's in monroe? i was at just, i refer me why a recognition. we'll go ahead tomorrow tuesday of the kind of thing is that the 3 countries are nowhere in spain have done. so we have, for me to most of them said that i recognize is it that the country recognizes
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faith is real and of the state of palestine. precisely because we want to see 2 states on an equal footing we extremism is sidelined even went to wind down to condemn, have mass rockets on television, and is relative tax and refugee camp. last night. we also heard from the norwegian for a minister, who said that in the past we were always heading to recognition of a palace on, at the end of a peace process. and a few years ago he said we realize that there was time for different approach. this is now is that time to implement the recognition. let's bring in our guest here in the studio unless the bonham elementary. so what do you make of this name is there many says suitable to late is what you're referring to a little bit earlier, but could it lead could add pressure on other countries, other big guns to policy? so i think you could, there's been some indication that that there will be some other countries that will, that will follow suit here, perhaps in the coming in the coming weeks. but i was,
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i was really taking it back by some of the language that was used. it almost seems as though they're adopting the see the us plan. there's, you could have taken some of these words out of un anthony blinking speech or a john kirby speech where they're talking about the, the saudi normalization by their condemning. you know, there are some, both sides of them here. so they condemn is rarely of islands. but then they go on to condemn in the same sentence, palestinian, quote, violence and terrorism. so you have this kind of tendency to want to, um, you know, sort of protect yourself against the potential criticism. i can't have it, i'm just going to stop you right there. we're just getting back to the hours for a minute to look a little busy speaking. you stop by the court in the hall last week. so how could we expect to build your countries would react for you through to leave up to the court order. thank you. well i am, i think all 3 of us at 4 months i've been saying that we have worried about the the
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day and it's really starting the warfare in gaza has been in brief during the muscle given us every. no, no, we know, because we've had the competitors to reorder from the international court of justice and ordering as well to stop this attack in roughly this is a compulsory it's binding. which means that the continuing more fair in the highest in material breach of decision of the highest court of the world. and we expect that this robot follow international law and do what this, what has been said. in principle, it's up to the security council to enforce if there is a flagrant violation of international good. i say that 1st of all, again, the, all of this was predicted to the audio and agencies and humanitarian groups that i mess predictors that any ministry operation in russia would have dire consequences for the population in gas. and,
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and that is exactly what is happening right now. this is a and on top of the hunger on top of the starvation, refusing to allow aid in and sufficient volumes. but what we witness last night is barbaric. a cause a is a very small and cave, densely populated contribution one can off from an area like that without the shocking consequences in terms of innocent children and civilians. and i would, we would urge israel to stop, to stop know, in terms of the military operation and wrap it. and we need an immediate cease fire . we need an unconditional release of ot hostages. we need a massive surgeon, 8 and took as a, from our perspective of the 3 countries of n, a. d, to your opinion. it's of, we have strong supporters of multilateralism. and often multi offered institutions
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kind of international humanitarian law. and we have to rule mostly defined and opposed the independence of james match the course of justice and indeed the i c c . i think this is the moment in time. go over this areas where the essential. so i'm trying to see, for like of these institutions must be under independence and it has been a tendency of it's been to undermine you and institutions, but also to the mind the international monetary legal system. and the court's ruling is binding is extremely important that we stand up for the independence of the court and support the court and disliking metro. can i just have one reflection, which i think is the essential here, which is that there is a perception in large parts of the world of double standards that the rules are applied to something but not everybody. i think i think that critique is, uh, is, is founded on the, on some reality. so i'm not,
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i understand why that perception has been created. and that perception undermines the credibility of the international legal system in general. so it's a serious problem for all of us. and because to me in person to create that this, that there is no, i'm so i know that's not the price of everybody, and many people will say, then they do not apply to anyone. so i think this is also spending up for the principals that we have agreed to in the world. remember, the international court of justice is everybody's called, the icpc is 100 until the 1324 countries. but the, but the international court of justice is that as a principal organ of the un, every member of the u. n. is by and as is balanced by the decision of international cartridges. just said these mom being is one more day with in those 10 police the answer is.


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