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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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double standards that the rules are applied to something but not everybody. i think i think that critique is, uh, is, is founded on the, on some reality. so i'm not, i understand why that perception has been created. and that perception undermines the credibility of the international legal system in general. so it's a serious problem for all of us. and because of in person, the quite the best that there is no, i'm sorry. no, that's not the price of everybody. and many people say that they do not apply to anyone. so i think this is also spending up for the principals that we have agreed to in the world. remember, the international court of justice is everybody's called, the icbc is 100 until the 1324 countries. but the, but the international court of justice is that as a principal organ, know that you and every member of the u. n. is by him as nice bounced by the decision of the national quarter, just uh, just said these mom being is one more day with in those 10 police the surveillance
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being killed. this a stress is what we have been calling. the 3 of us have were 3 countries for a long time that it's an immediate cease fire. but the gravity is even larger because he comes after a decision taken by the international court of justice. that once again, i want to recall the tire binding. i couple sorry for the part is the full, full reason why i left the scrolling to stop this attack on on brought 5. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to but international law and the united nation on child to. i want to recall that the international court of justice, it's up found in body of the united nation chop. if we're going to house up for an a fast council of ministers of foreign affairs of european union. and i'm going to ask the 26 partners to declare the backend to the i. c 2,
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it's a decision and also is what continues to put you against. that's opinion of the international. got those just is that we tried to take the right mitchell to enforce that position, but one of the most important bodies of the you and talk to, to thank you on one last question, tony. thank you very much. and tanisha, irish minister for foreign affairs. first of all, we saw the response of the is really government to the declaration last week of all 3 countries, recognizing the state of palestine. we saw what some people have said was the humiliation of the irish and bassett, or uh, and israel. i mean, do you think that that was done? and also we've seen the social media videos that were promoted by the is really
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foreign minister. do you think that was done to try and discourage other e u member states from following search and do, are you hopeful that other members is could follow search? and just to follow up in the last question, do you think if israel does not comply with the i c j decision of last week, that sanctions should not be considered? thank you. i was 1st of all and as i say the behaviors of these very government in response to our decision to recognize the state of palestine, it don't be reflected well on israel. and i think it was outside diplomatic norms in terms of how our diplomats were treated. and we wouldn't be communicating that directly to the is there any equipment and to, to, to 5 minutes to cats. and in particular, i've all this piece of people with respect to particular diplomats who represent their governments and where they're to. it communicates respective positions and given as situations. and so we're very clear that we want to
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maintain a diplomatic relations and with his rent or measure and our decisions based on pieces we've articulation, and our genuine view in terms of how strategically this issue can be progressed in terms of towards to sit solution is really isn't palestinians living how money is to be together. so we're not going to be in any way sort of diverted away from the court objective of her decision to recognize as a state of palestine. i do expect the orders will funnel or decision to recognize palestine. i don't wish to reference any country doesn't matter for other member states of your opinion. i do believe others would follow. and partly i do believe it's very serious moment in terms of multilateralism and the multi i for the system of the international court of justice has ordered isn't stop
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. and i think that it's fundamental in terms of how we, on the international community respond, including your opinion. it isn't the context of a major conflict right now. our immediate focus has to be the ending of the bombardment of cause a cease fire to release of hostages and a mess of searching for monetary aid. um, but i think it was, it was and eps inside us, but it says there is a that we have to strongly accord the international humanitarian legal system. and there has to be consistency in terms of how we apply it and in ukraine, and that's for, in terms of how we applies and the context of this war and on cousin is that correct? okay, there you haven't. the european trio, a foreign ministers,
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uninformed has to be killed mountain that's been both eat from norway and jose manuel of because a lot to me that talking about the i. c. j. ruley and how it applied, especially given the attacks last night and the refugee camp. and we heard from the norwegian for a minister saying that the principal is at the i. c j is everybody's cotton, does apply to both sides of the spanish for a minister. mr. over as saying that the gravity of last night's attack on tele felton refugee camp is even larger because of the i teach, i rooting the israel should assist from operations engagement. and again, all 3 i collected that because from tomorrow's main audit, no way we'll start recognizing palestine as an independent state. let's bring it in that, but haven't a mastery. political. i'm is professor of media studies at the domains cheaper graduate studies will talk about the i c j element. just a 2nd, but i haven't but back to the recognition. and you talked about how perhaps the
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language isn't powerful enough. but nonetheless, it does, it not set is a good precedent to try and create some kind of momentum at this desperate point. but i want to be clear that i think that this can be significant as part of a larger program of pressure that is being applied on israel. one is really diplomat. call that a diplomatic nami, that is being hurled upon israel right now. so i do think over the long term, this kind of thing, even if it is just a symbolic act, can be significant. but i'm a bit concerned about some of the language that's being used. you can take this from the inc and to me blinking joe biden. school of international relations. i mean they're talking about the, the saudi israel normalization agreement, which basically bypasses the palestinians altogether. and is one reason why we ended up at october 7th. and now today in the 1st place, then they're talking about the revitalized palestinian authority. this is what's up the by the administration keeps referring to the palestinian authority is 1st of all kind of a sub contractor for the israeli occupation. and 2nd of all the deeply unpopular
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among palestinians. um you know, in the west bank and gaza. so it's ironic on paradoxical that they would be talking about palestinian self determination, but not thinking about what the palestinians actually want in terms of leadership. and then they're talking about the 2 state solution, which is an absolute impossibility given more than 200 is really settlements, an outpost, all of which are illegal. i'm more than 700000 is really settlers on palestinian land. the 2 state solution was rendered impossible by israel quite intentionally, and that's been happening over a period of, of 30 years. so this is very sort of out of touch. and i think if you're a palestinian listening to this, you might actually be discouraged by, by some of that language. what about the, the i c j ruling and they'll talk about it, especially in lights of the higher end of the types that we saw last night. that left to $35.00 that including women and children and old. what condemning it and
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saying that, you know, the i, c j is a quote for everybody as opposed to the i, c, c, which doesn't cover root countries, but the i, c, j use the u. n. old. and that covers international legislation for the whole. well, i thought there was some very strong language used there they, they did call, i think it was the, the irish foreign minister who called the the is really a tac last night barbaric. so that a significant, they also referred repeatedly to the fact that the order is binding, clearly trying to apply more pressure to israel. so i think this is encouraging. on the other hand, there's just no indication that israel or the united states are going to follow are going to follow this order. the rhetoric coming out of both washington and israel suggests that israel is going to continue to ignore the order and that the us is going to sort of turn, turn a blind eye to it. and i haven't heard from the european union. hi, representative joseph burrell, who's been talking about the i c, j reading,
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which is it said ordering israel to stop. it's operation to in rafa and he's calling for its implementation that's i've listened in controlling on the international court of justice, which is the core of international justice in order to act above the national level. you said before we met to national jobs and here for game. so it has to finish the phone respect. but the last for the implementation of the decision, don't know how to leave. whether you have seen the media towers is that the 5 couldn't do you knew it was admitted to the action that has to be nice to stop or 5. also, how much is one to brokerage of a neutral so both sides doesn't respect the rules and have it folks about that? well, i mean, it's interesting because all this just underscore is the extent to which israel and
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the united states are isolated. you basically have the entire world now calling for the, the, the end of this operation. but yet you have jake's all of it, the sullivan coming forward and basically justifying israel's action actions and the off. i'm saying that it's a minor, it's a minor sort of military incursion and it's not in violation of the order. you have people like lindsey graham, a us senator saying to hell with the i, c j. you have and is rarely member of can. that's it. coming forward and saying that the judge you read the order at the i, c, j is a member of his blog and a lot of other very incendiary rhetoric, the indications, again, not to be a broken record here, but the united states and israel are not interested in following this order, and unless there's some significant pressure applied, right? they're not gonna follow the order. but that does seem to be keen interest from the the, the 3 for a minute is that we saw or, and perhaps the rest of the front of as council meeting
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a little bit later to try and run pop that pressure. what shape could that be in? are we talking about sanctions? sl, i think the next step is that this is going to go to the un security council. right under already. the algerian representative has already preparing a letter, and i think a draft resolution i should say. and that's going to be voted on probably in the next couple of days. what everyone's looking to see is if think it is whether or not the united states is going to veto is going to veto that. and i think the expectation, unfortunately, is that the us will veto that, which would essentially kill it. then it can go to the, the general assembly, but the general assembly doesn't have, you know, their resolutions are not, are not binding to begin with. so we're left to the situation where the united states wields disproportionate power over the situation. or we had from the norwegian, for a minister,
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he was talking about the 2 face. this will the perceive to face as there is in the world about what's going on with israel and daughter. i think we can listen into what do you have to say when he was at that price company, or we don't have it right now, but he was basically talking a double sided and the double standards. exactly. right. yeah, well, i mean, people are seeing, you know, what happened just 2 years ago with russia on the one hand. and now what's happening with, with israel on the other hand, right. i mean it's, it's a, it's actually a stunning juxtaposition when you stop and think about the us reaction. within hours the us has denouncing vladimir putin calling for our sanctions. you know, calling on the rule of law, right? you know, resorting to the i c, j a. now, 2 years later you have, you have the us doing exactly exactly the opposite for their, for their, for their allies, israel. and so it's, it's an impossible question to, to evade. but it's a question that needs to be asked more and more not to norway or ireland, or spain,
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but to the united states. all right, we'll leave it there for the moment, but haven't a good to have you with this new perspective and expertise. appreciate it. thanks a lot, i'm not sure you. while the rest is repeating these by canals of gains and is ready ground operation and reference we've just been discussing. but these riley prime minister benjamin netanyahu has ordered his troops to move into rapid regardless on the recent trip to israel, the us national security advisor james sullivan was well on the line. the need to protect civilians in rough medical haymans, the latest from washington dc. that he's insane for months that a major offensive in rasa would be a red line for the united states. he was also saying they wanted to see a credible plan from israel, how they were going to evacuate safely. they more than a 1000000 palestinians who are sheltering there and basically planned for wherever they were going to go, and how they were going to be provided services in their next destination. the us never really came out and said they saw a viable plan. we didn't know that you as president joe biden said he was holding
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or at least delayed a shipment of about 3500 bonds, some of those with those 2000 pounds bombs that cause so much destruction. he said he didn't want us artillery use in evasion of rafa. but the thing when you solve these really military move into rafa, you solve that by the ministers and say, well that doesn't cross the red line because we don't think this is a major offensive. now national security advisor j sullivan was just in israel about 67 days ago. listen to what he had to say about what he, how he saw is really forces moving forward. we had detailed discussions on ross during my visit to israel. i explained to the prime minister and other senior israeli officials, the president's clear position. i reiterated that position. i was brief tobias, really, officials and bias really professionals on refinements that is really made to its plans to achieve its military objectives while taking account of civilian harm. what we have seen so far in terms of israel's military operations in that area has
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been more targeted and limited has not involve major military operations into the heart of dense urban areas. so the big question now is how is the by the ministration going to react when in fact they have to react to this? now we know years president joe biden is personal home in delaware. we thought he was leaving awhile ago, but he's still from what we can tell hasn't gotten a gotten on the road just yet. sometimes he'll have a chance to ask to answer reporters questions. undoubtedly, we will be shouting questions about this when he returns. we're gonna stay on top of it and see if he in fact has anything to say about it. he does have that easy out there. you can just pretend he didn't hear it and walk right into the white house, but we'll be keeping an eye on that for you. the to have been use and the officials in papua new guinea have reportedly written a letter to the united nation saying 2000 people were buried alive and debbie lance
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light on friday. the number is out from a previous estimate of 670 killed. it happened in the remote valley village in anger, products, or warnings that further slips are expected in the area. i'm going rescue efforts have been complicated by debris and dangerous terrain. some bodies have been recovered and many, many are still buried under the ground. jessica washington joins life injury concert for the latest on this developing story. so jessica, what more do we know about this update? well, jays off the line slide a cod in and go province on friday. we all still yet to get the full picture of the extent of the number of casualties. as you mentioned this, this figure potentially from the pump and hoping you can, the government's asking for formal assistance from the united nation, which appears to say that some 2000 people were buried by this land slide. now it is not clear whether that means that 2000 people were killed in the land slide. of
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course, the previous week is indicated that around $670.00 people were killed. those were, the thing is from the un office of still very much an unclear picture in terms of the scope of how many people were affected. that statement also, but noticing that many much property has been damaged, as well as food guidance, and that it has caused widespread destruction in the area. now, authorities also note the dangerous conditions for emergency crews with water flowing from under the debris. and as, as i noted, this rescue and recovery efforts still very much underway, but complicated by several factors, including those dangerous environmental conditions, sofa only 6 bodies has been retrieved. and we all starting to share some stories from supervisors who have told local media of the, the tale for survival. one couple rescue told a local media outlets that they thought that they would be crushed to death trumped by the bold is that had crushed at home and they was stopped for some 8 hours
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before the neighbors managed to pull them out of their homes. and they said that it's a miracle they survived, and they hoping that the neighbors that they are worried about that they can also experience the same rescue. but of course, at this stage it remains unclear how many casualties and how many people were killed by this disaster. and jessica, what do we hearing about how the survivors are being looked off the given that the wholesale devastation that there is, that we can see that right? uh and uh, at what level supplies and aid has been able to get in as well . it is a difficult situation that couple that i mentioned who are pulled from that home, say that they have lost everything. they've lost the home. it lost the food garden, which they relied on to feed themselves. and that they have requested assistance from the government. but it is a difficult situation with the roadblocks, heavy machinery not able to go in and the area is mostly accessible by helicopter. as a result, pub in your guinea has us as requested, formal assistance only from the united nations, but it also,
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it allowed australia to send some assistance as well as trailer being the 1st country to offer assistance on friday, the defense minister richard mall says that he has been speaking with his counterparts in pop when you're getting it. we understand that as training is already preparing to send a prompt and aid to the science of the disaster. all right, jessica will have that for the moment. very difficult situation there. and papa jessica watched me reporting from chicago. purple storm is lashing east in india or in bangladesh where it has flooded crystal villages and cause widespread damage. so i claim to remo not top pa, for millions of people, of to make a land full lights on sunday. authorities and bangladesh of shut schools as a precaution. but 800000 people have been forced to leave the homes in india, at least one person was killed in the state of west bengal. the storm is expected to weaken as it moves in land. and at least 15 people have been killed by tornadoes in the u. s. a tour across the states of texas, oklahoma, or an arkansas injury,
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hundreds of people in destroying homes. the storm was the deadliest of its kind in nearly a decade. some 47000 people without power across the affected states. leaders from china, japan and south korea in the south grant capital for a red trilateral meeting, which many who will help these regional tensions. chinese premier lead young south korean president unit, so keel and japanese probably just a few like she'd been discussing tensions. evan, taiwan and trade, and the threats posed by north korea. it will come in handy to june on the day of the trial that's really meeting north korea announced that they would launch what they call a satellite. any launches using the ballistic missile technology are a direct violation of the un security council resolution. and then after that hurts peace and stability, not only the region, but worldwide, starting response should be taken by the international community. if north korea
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continues with a launch, despite the warrant, obviously come work, i let's enough from robert pride, who has more for us from sol. this has been a significant try lateral meeting given the importance of these 3 countries to the asia pacific region, but also the importance to the world in economic terms representing between them. almost a quarter of the world's total economic activity at the tri, luxury meeting is meant to be held every year, but hasn't been for the past 4 and a half years. because of the pandemic. a point that was made by the host, south careers president of june, in his opening on closing remarks, talking about the importance of this meeting and coming up with various proposals for closer economic afraid cooperation. saying that it would help improve the livelihoods of peoples in all 3 countries also coldly from or exchanges between those people's fee also called for the dean. you could arise ation of the korean
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peninsula. now, north korea has ensured that they've gone onto the agenda they summit by announcing the eminent launch it says of what will be a spice satellite, but using the ballistic missile technology, which is found under un security council resolutions. president, june, a cold out in north korea full. this calling for a firm response from the international community that was echoed by prime minister casita of japan. but to premier lee of china and don't go in quite as far, nearly calling full piece on the korean peninsula. the both south korea and japan will be hoping that china will use more of its influence at 2 bath on north korea to 10 per north korea's behavior between all 3 neighbors. various a diplomatic spots have existed in the past. various tensions still exist now, but the whole focus of this tri, latrell, has been to put on
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a face of co operation by all 3 and being on an upbeat note with premier lee of china saying that doubts and misunderstandings can be resolved. he says to candid tools, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so as far as president emanuel macklin has described, his country's relationship with germany is indispensable. unimportant europe background is on a 3 day visit to germany where he's meeting the country's leaders, including the present frank world. this time my background has been speaking about the rise of far right policies across here. it's the 1st french presidential state visit to germany in 24. yes. so every day, thousands of on documented microns and refugees from lots of america, the carbon and beyond use mexico is a trends at country to reach the us in such a better life. but a new trend is taken all sorts. he's by surprise, tens of thousands of refugees and migrants. now want to make mexico venue. home. health insurance left in america to the sea and human explains from mexico city. as
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the scores have been documented, migrants and refugees crossing into chap that's for the bottom of that they are just some of the roughly 7000 rivals in mexico every day on their way to the us border. as they make their way north, many are penniless. see the hundreds says that she and her haitian boyfriend had been living here for 3 months called val petite. i have arrived from haiti 2 months ago and is working in a garage to save money to continue his trip. in the i came here a lot of new things as a mechanic for time only here temporarily cannot walk on the outskirts of mexico city is full of patients doing what they can to survive. selling food, or breathing hair. and trimming beards. but not all want to leave like
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milton. i would stay here if i got the papers i was living in too late for us, but i never got my papers. i want to bring my girlfriend. yeah. we're treated well . it's part of the changing faces. migration in mexico, known as a transit country, from documented migrants and refugees. most of these venezuelans still planned to head north, but a growing number of migrants, roughly 140000, have applied for refugee status so that they can stay and work in mexico. i pursue the there are opportunities to get ahead here. lots of opportunities without hosting anyone. i. so my suites coffee and online i. so venezuelan products, migrant you are considering settling here. do have a point. in fact, mexico's largest business association, qualified mix, sees migrant and refugees as a solution to what they complain is a huge deficit of labor in this country. as much as 1.6,
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a 1000000 vacancies just last year alone. but filling those jobs with people like these is not as simple as it could be. the mexican government is constantly sending people back to the southern border where they enter the country, even offering that as well as money to go home. what we think, for example, in columbia, and what we've seen in peru in ecuador is that when a model number of displacement arrives in country, some sort of humanitarian visa allows them to work from day one is provided in mexico. that is only happening once people claim assignment. and those permits are side to obtain. the issue is north of mexico's ability to absorb migrants and refugees eager to work. but rather the government's reluctance to embrace a trend that could benefit locals and newcomers. i like to see a newman algebra, mexico city, and that's it for me in the clock. you can find the item on
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a website out there at the comments address. i think it will be here more of the days news, st. buckner, the to interrogate the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting it's global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, they look the correct but so in the international community, can we also say that dells? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the
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challenges here with the, the canyon government has forwarded thousands of people across the country to move away from wetlands that have flooded many areas. torrential rains in the region have been made was by the el nino where the phenomenon. this is how close the houses are from the narrow that down. it doesn't look like margins covered by what the highest says. but when it overflows the, what comes to that, how is this? the problem in that ruby has been watson by pull drainage and he's taken the bill.
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settlement people's beeping in near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford. the, the the hello, i'm real, a rock. this is the news. our life from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes. people have off clear the debris after and is really air strike on a camp for internally displaced. people killed. 35 power stands to fund people. they fund desperate scenes at the hospital after that attack, which killed at least 35000 years. in other news pop on new guinea estimates more
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than 2000 people may have been buried and fridays land slide. the country.


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