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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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5 poor drainage and to speak of the bill settled next. people leaving in near the narrow be don't say they know they're not supposed to be there, but it's the only place they can afford the hello, i'm real a rock. this is the news, our life from joe are coming up in the next 60 minutes. people have off clear the debris after and is really air strike on a camp for internally displaced. people killed. 35 power stands to fund people. they fund desperate scenes at the hospital after that attack, which killed at least 35000 years. in other news pop on new guinea estimates more
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than 2000 people may have been buried and fridays land slide. the country. now, calling for health plus trade taiwan and the threats of a nuclear north korea on the agenda as readers from south korea, japan and china hold or we're meeting the emergency cruise in gaza, southern city of it off i have worked through the night to recover the burned remains of palestinian skills and it is really straight on account for the displaced at least 35 people were killed in the attack on 10 set up near a un facility. many of the dead's and injured are women and children. the area where this happened is known as tall assault on an overcrowded refugee comes in
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northwestern. that alpha and these are pictures from this morning as palestinians pick up whatever's left from the scorched debris. displaced, palestinians believed setting up a camp near you. one facility would keep them safe, i'll just areas hands out, holding against our coverage on that attack with this report. this is what is really forces had declared se soon, one of the largest comes for displays. people in the fall struck by messiahs in an attack, light is really forces coming. dozens of people in injury. many more. the fires quickly spread through the cloth tents and families filtering. there had little protection. what like the, just the means most of the bodies were charged and burned so injured people lost limbs and suffered other injuries cheap for the use of potentially prohibited weapons that cause the mass of fire which erupt. the many of
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the injured, including june, to rush to the queen the hospital with severe burns. this is the only hospital still functioning in the ha, but it doesn't have the resources to care for all the injured the band people, the but the, the bundle, the entire block and total of some fun. oh, what else do you want me to say. 7 i cannot see anything myself come flushing down alone and tell you more people will go and see what happens to people that comes after the international court of justice ruling on friday or do is realtors talk. it's a salt under foot where hundreds of thousands of palestinians are sheltering. in the beginning, most of this horrifying massacre sends a clear message from the is really occupation tonight and the us administration to the international criminal court. and this message says that the holocaust of
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palestinian civilians will continue and massacres against display peoples kind of will continue to is really military claims. the strikes targeted some us fighters, but admitted civilians were also hurt in phase. it's reviewing the incident mass issued a statement describing a talk as a massacre and demanding that the i c. j proving is implemented with israel will come under scrutiny to explain why, what it's called procession where perry is getting large. number of pilots in use sheltering into deep cubs. these called be every day and solve the possible dental side the before the dentist. how it goes to just these multiple dose will be evidence for the office of the prosecutor in relation to the crimes that the prosecutor is already approved to get bashed on all of the potato judges which include the in dash on a tax against the tvs, but also the crime against humanity,
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all of the, of extending a show on israel has been one conclusively, by the u. n. and its own allies. that an assault under the results in a humanitarian disaster. none of the international pressure has so far stopped tasks that are bringing into some policy needs sheltering their make shift homes in the city. there is been a garza pod this time. all these early military has released statements taking responsibility for the strikes. israel has bound l to 0 from reporting from there. so, so the higher that sense this update from the georgia in unit capital a month are those admitted to carrying out this as strike against how must they say they say they was specifically targeting? how must members, and i quote, according to international know, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence,
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indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent supply a number of uninvolved individuals will hit the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to senior. how must come on, does they said one of them is the cheapest stuff in the west bank and also. a mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is, in the west by and another person cooled the highlands highlands rather than the shot, a senior official, also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent statements that confirmation that by these really minutes read that it did carry out that
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a strike. now all of this comes just hours of to how must also carried out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from roof and at the time . also another statement from these radio officials save those rockets, which they said from a civilian area in raw fox. they also said the. * israel was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians. whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's not doing the same area. but what we do know is that this area was designated by israel as a safe space for it. and so it's eastern rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's good spaces like velocity as well as did it by law. i'm fine eunice, and this is just very close to what my last the on that coast. why israel's
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parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate for you is agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. the bill also calls for a complete sibling of ties from unreal israel previously set on rub employees to parts in the october 7th attacks, but an independent review concluded there's no evidence to back that claim. the belt still needs to clear several more steps before being implemented. or chris, the guns is a former on rush spokesman, and he joins us now live from a london ser, a good day. want to get your reaction 1st and foremost to the israel weakness that approving this draft bill on declaring on a terrorist organization as well. there is absolutely no evidence as provided by the independent colona report which investigated piece allegations. it was very clear that as well,
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has produced absolutely no evidence of these allegations. so the, it's raining, parliamentary commits, it moves up based on the mother of all lies as far as i'm concerned, there is no evidence against henri. and let me be clear, is this the un general assembly, the community a civilized nations that gives unreal it's mandates un only to un general assembly can change that mandate. so it is not a question of one un member states that go on the road that decides that it's going to end the mandates of under. that's not how it works. so i'm afraid to say the unrest lifesaving was given. what we saw yesterday must and will continue investigative determination, which ultimately rest with the general assembly of the united nations, whether in 8200 minutes. and i, i want to talk to you about those overnight. or if it seems that we simply, you know, cannot be on scene, but you're talking to make sure if to turn comp, housing internally displaced persons that was recently established,
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i understand mir and on our warehouse because it was designated as a safe area. i mean, at this stage that's the responsibility to protect the responsibility to prevent atrocities even apply anymore to gaza. so let's talk about the responsibilities of the 153 state policies to the genocide convention. let's talk about the responsibilities of the 124 signatures to the rome statute, which sets out the rules of war. according to the international criminal court about the i c. j. just a few days ago made it very clear for professional instructions that as well has to call off. it's rough, offensive, just 3 days late. so what do we have? we have this rate as a tech. it was clearly disproportionate. it was clearly indiscriminate and it took place in an area designated as a safe and by the is really ami. i've heard, but i'm sure that the united nations agencies and other international workers
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working with palestinian apartments of gathering evidence. and i would urge the evidence to be sent immediately to the hague, to the international courts of justice, which has made it clear that people need to be to be protected from these genocidal attacks. and i would hope that the 153 state policies to the genocide convention, to have an obligation to make sure that that convention is implemented in full. i hope it is urging robust action from that's cool. and as far as the i, c. c is concerned, corinne. com. the prosecutor of the bi cc'd has made it clear that he would like to see arrest warrants for your of gallons and benjamin netanyahu. they would have been completely brief, almost attacked. they will know that there were hundreds and hundreds of people, innocent civilians in the make shift, 10 city areas near to a un facility. when this attack took place,
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they would know that the military volunteers killing to have mass operatives, which apparently is what they say. they have done does not justify an attack that has to be a distinguishing between complet, since unknown competence. the weapon reuse has to be proportionate to the minute, say it's on to none of that in this case was follows. and i heard that the by a c c. i mean i see jake will act immediately and robustly because this is the latest violation of the rules of more. what is become now painfully clear? is that unreal? a places are also no longer safe havens. i mean, the organization is in the crosshairs, but also the schools and all the other establishments that were previously run by on wrong are now a fair game. it seems as well just as a tragedy that hundreds of thousands of people thought they could take refuge under
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the light blue un flag a salt. but if they came to international facilities that they would be safe and wolf is israel done? it's a said no, no way is safe in gauze, and that's why it's so important that the offensive must be pulled off immediately, and the international justice must run its course and show that the free judges at the pre trial chamber in the, in the i. c. c, the green. com is asking, and so these are rest florence against the land and method. yahoo! on show those 3 judges all as horrified as the rest of the world about these attacks. and let's just pray that in the most appalling circumstances. what now seeing is pressure building up for these rest florence to go out unless as pray that those countries, those members of the civilized nations in the world will realize that they have responsibilities to implement these conventions which they signed up to. so let us
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pray that we're now going to move forward with the rest florence against the land, and next and the all who they need now to become long as it will criminals. unless this pray that the international court of justice will realize that without seeing late disregard for the genocide convention, there is no exception to the genocide convention. you can't say well, a mess with sending rockets from this area. know there are no excuses. this is the crime of crimes and brooks no exception. and we have to be very clear about this. it's not good enough for these ladies to turn around and say, well, if we kill 2 who must be full, they find rockets and to tell the beef, no, the genocide convention is absolute. and these provisional measures brooke, no exception. chris or gun his former unrest spoke so it person know joining us from linda. thank you, sir. i thank you so much. and 3 european nations, which are set to recognize palestine as a state on tuesday,
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have condemned israel's ongoing attacks on off the foreign ministers of ireland, norway and spain held a joint pressure in brussels, where they spoke about the need for a 2 state solution to the conflict while they also choose to as really a breach of international humanitarian law by refusing to stop it's deadly strikes on or off. there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refused absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to eliminate the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i come down to violence of yesterday, the rockets there was the route and struck 10 of eve understand is attacked on the rest of the $1050.00 g camp. and last evening where it again innocent children and civilians were killed. and again,
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in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when to seize the empowerment of russia. this a stress is what we have been calling the 305. so were 3 countries for a long time that did send an immediate cease fire, but the gravity is even larger because he comes after a decision taken by the international court of justice that wants to gain. i want to recall that tire binding. a couple, sorry for all parties they have for, for ease, right, let the scrolling split, stop this attack on on dropbox. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child to a noise foreign minister urged other european countries to follow suits and recognizing a palestinian state. we are in this low point in history when it comes to them,
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at least it is exactly when you need to think about the day after the hour. and there is an imperative which is to get to a cease fire. there is another imperative which is to radically upgrade the human to terry and the thoughts. but neither of these are actually solutions. the solutions have to be political and we need to think about that political solution. now that is the context in which span oregon and norway, those to recognize. we encourage all the countries to do the same. and we know that a number of your european countries are either on the way to do so or contemplating . and we hope that both of those suits as well how many muscle a joins is now. he's a political analyst and professor of media studies at the doe, how institute for graduate studies the ser, thank you so much for joining us again here on the set up. let's start with a basic. i'm very curious to know what you think about the move buys,
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what we see now, spring, norway, and ireland in recognizing the palestinian state. you know what types of impact will it have on the day to day lives of struggling palestinian, specifically in gaza and the west bank? well, in the short term, there's not going to be any impact at all. i think, as i said earlier in a previous interview, this kind of small symbolic act can be meaningful over the long term, especially when combined with other diplomatic acts. but what causes need right now is something more meaningful, something more substance, some substantive, any calls for, you know, they need to arrest warrants and calls for sanctions. and then an immediate end to this violence. i thought it was interesting when they were talking during the press conference, they were basically adopting all of the us talking points. they were talking about normalization, with saudi arabia, which is part of the reason why we ended up where we ended up. they were talking about the revitalized palace sending authority,
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which is very paradoxical right to talk about housing authority, which is deeply unpopular with palestinians both and gaza and the west bank. while at the same time talking about palestine and self determination. there's a, there's a contradiction in terms there, and then they were also talking about the 2 state solution, which is a practical impossibility. given the presence of more than $200.00 is really settlements. been outposts on more than 700000, is really sadler's all over palestinian land. so israel has intentionally rendered the 2 state solution, an impossibility. and then we re sit up here and talk about this pie in the sky idea. and you know, it's not gonna, it's, it's just not gonna happen. so that is, that is something that i was taken aback by. but it, you know, it, is it a morale boost because i mean this does fit into the palestinian drive for more and more recognition. and from that standpoint, yes. and that's why i started with, i think over time, this is the kind of thing that can, that can make an impact, right? there's a diplomatic. so now i'm going to borrow the phrase that was used by an a former is
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rarely diplomat. being her old upon israel right now from the i c j in the i c. c. and are you have the palestinian either you know, the recognition of a policy and state you had a couple of weeks ago at the un general assembly, the vote on the enhanced observer status. so there's a lot going on right now and all of that helps the palestinian cause over the long term. but it's, it's strange to say the least to be talking about all of this in the midst of a genocide bite. what policy means need to something more impactful, more direct and more immediate? because, you know, especially after witnessing these distressing scenes overnight, it does feel like us, as on the precipice right now, more than ever. um, i'm gonna ask you what you make of the fact that we have not heard anything from us leadership? no reaction so far. i mean it is memorial day weekend but still um, are you surprised by the lack of reaction? i'm not surprised at all. just as i was not surprised when the us came out and
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supported israel, after fridays i c j order commanding israel to stop it off of an invasion. the reality is that the u. s. is in lock step with, with israel. there's really no resistance fair whatsoever. what you had last night was a very practical example of the, the fee, a doctrine which is real imposes from time to time. that's where they are. it's basically a doctrine of disproportionate force for they target civilians intentionally inflict mass destruction in hopes that the civilian population will turn against its leadership. it's a more crime, in every sense. it's a violation of the principal distinction, a violation of the principle of proportionality. and if there was ever a time for the us to speak out, it would be, it would be now but, but as you said, they were silent. all right, tim, how can i say thank you so much for joining us greatly for a to thank you. the
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officials and pop when you get a have reportedly written a letter to the united nations saying 2000 people were buried alive in a deadly land slide on friday. well, that numbers up from the previous estimates of 670 killed. it happened in the remote jamal, the village and, and the province. and there are warnings now that further slips are expected in the area. ongoing rescue efforts have been complicated by debris and dangerous terrain . some bodies have been recovered, but many are still buried under ground. and jessica washington, the joyce's now live from jakarta for the latest on this developing story. jessica devastating news report we more than 2000 people believe to have been buried alive . a well, that's right. according to this letter was sent from the pump. and you can eat dissolves to office,
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to the united nations requesting formal assistance with its recovery efforts more than 2000 people buried in friday's land slide. it is, of course, important to note that at this stage, bumping your guinea government has not confirmed exactly how many casualties and how many people died in this disaster. now this letter also notes that the land slide caused major destruction to building food gardens which are of course, of pivotal importance. given that this is a community that relies on small scale farms to feed themselves. now to put this in context and go provence is an area ramos highlands proven some $602.00 inches from the capital port, most b 2 to 3 hours from the provincial capital. and the remoteness of the location as well as some of the environmental challenges that you mentioned earlier. this continued water of movement of water under the debris that is creating some complicating factors that he's hiding the risk for those breast to cruise on the ground. now one couple that was rescued, thankfully they survived and they,
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they told local media the tale of survival, the notion, they thought they would be crushed to death. they would trump for 8 hours by folders in that home. before they were rescued by the neighbors. they said it is a miracle that they survived and they hoping of course, with the same faith for so many of the neighbors. but at this stage, heavy machinery is yet to reach the affected area. we do know that this assistance is coming from pump and you're getting his nearest neighbor strictly, strictly has already is already preparing to send across and equipment to the side of the disaster. and the defense minister richard now says that he is speaking with his counterparts in public any. all right, jessica washington, the reporting or from jakarta. thank you so much. i and scott, wait is a journalist. she is joining us live from the port. moresby and papa new guinea sir . a warm welcome to alger 0. i want to ask you a minute stories we understand have now officially,
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or requested international help. tell us about the situation on the ground. her challenging is that you are a little people are kind of feeling that they may not be able to find the rid of the things were buried under the ground of this was an entire plan buried by this lens of 3 women where the bodies of 3 women were pulled out of the rubble, including as well as the remains of a 25 year old man. of all 4 have been identified, but it's going to take a while to be able to get to these numbers and at least get to the village that's on the heap of roads for me take some time. and we understand that the local authorities have requested international health and use they have requested international health. and the thing of collegial government has also brought the
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relief supplies for the villages directly affected by this lens. as you know, cuttings have been destroyed uh, water sources, polluted so uh, just to sort through the pictures from getting a showing of food supplies being bought in its the road also has been close by this landscape, facts, road access to mind and to the villages nearby so it's difficult to get it either that will be or what is complicating search and rescue efforts. it's yeah, it's, it's the amount of bro, that's the, that's the 1st thing. um, people are not allowing large machinery to travel on the area with the houses where are we 6 of the did so and it's, it's a situation like that. it's
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a many people are just looking for back closer. and it's just purely a problem of, of basically the lack of equipment that i come down to the river t. uh, if i can only tell you what i know. all right, fair enough. port port more hours be you're talking to us from a problem. you're going to thank you, sir. thank you for the update. and so head on al jazeera, the american political party, with the slogan, become ungovernable, fix it so many to run for president, the hello. the weather remains and very unsettled across certain parts of western
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europe. at the moment we have got to warmer weather, hot sunshine continued across the eastern paths on the other. haven't you see this little line of cloud and re weather systems rolling in from the atlantic? and that is going to keep things relatively cool. was it go through the next couple of days and thoughts all the hate said lots of high temperatures. we're getting into the high twenty's there across the baltic states deponent into germany as well as we go through monday, choose dice. but the difference pockets of very hard to just around that eastern side opponent as we go through wednesday and still some very hot set down towards the south west as well. but you can see the cooler at top 10 in between. and that's because because we do have the cloud and the right, it's just not going to head on. those temperatures have cost a lot to show us across islands. northern are pushing across the part of england, scotsman and wells as it go through monday. some heavier showers into central positive here lighting up pushing for the east woods as we go through,
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choose dice and weather stretching down across the valley and the balkans will deposit grace because the some weather for tied to a cost took a course know the pulse of africa, it is generally dry and was the temperatures in cairo at around such $4.00 degrees . the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. you're on a sports fan anymore, unless you dimly on the fold lines examines the surgeon painting and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. that like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it just the, you know, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you're watching. how does the reminder of our top story is this? our officials and improper new guinea have reportedly written the letter to the united nations, saying 2000 people were buried alive and
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a deadly lance slide on friday. all that number is up from a previous estimate of 670 killed. it happened in the remoter young bol, the village, and in the province of 3 european nations, which are set to recognize palestine as a states on tuesday, have condemned israel's ongoing attacks. off the foreign ministers of ireland, norway, and spain, or choose, is really reaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop just at least strikes and at least $35.00 people have been chosen and it's really strides on tens and a chancellor internally displaced people. you're off to ballast and your wordpress says people were burned a large and there are times many of the dead and injured are women and children. well, this attack comes just days now after the ones top court ordered israel to halt its military operations at alpha,
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which is zeros. gabriel or alexander has more now from you and headquarters in new york. it's just 2 days after the us highest judicial body, the international court of justice issued this order for israel to stop any sort of aggression on rasa and the people there. you saw the israel not only ignored the i c j, but also did just the opposite and escalated with this new deadly attack. that's certainly something that and passengers here at the u. n. will be watching very closely. now the secretary general spokesperson actually put out a statement on sunday saying that the secretary general's again calling for a cease fire. and that he is dismayed by the lack of implementation of the recent orders of the i c j. regarding the situation in guys, a key remind all parties that the decisions of the court are binding. now this decision was put out a little bit before israel's attack on sunday,
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but certainly will be watching this very closely because the security council now will be where the ball is at in their court. we've heard that algeria has been working on a draft resolution for the security council focused on rafa. we expect that the now with this recent escalation by israel, there will be even more urgency to get this draft resolution circulated and possibly up for a boat. on monday, the u. n is actually closed in observance of the memorial day holiday here in the united states. however, the security council can call an emergency meeting if they deem the situation that serious enough. so we'll certainly be watching this in the coming hours. gabriel's on to address it at united nations in new york to the u. n. says about 45000 where he can go, has been sourced from their homes. and me and mars were kind state since fighting between the military and revel group started in november,
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many fled across the border to bangladesh. some reports accuse the r, a con army of carrying out of genocide against the rank of muslim minority. well, hundreds of thousands fled from me and more in 2017, during a track down by the military where at least 3 people have been killed after powerful storm lashed bangladesh side, clone or room, or made land fall late on sundays flooding, villages and damaging infrastructure authorities in bangladesh have shot schools as a precautionary measure. about 800000 people have been forced to leave their homes and in the neighboring eastern india at least one person was killed in the state of west ben gall. the storm is expected to weaken as it moves inland. let's get you more now. what times your shoulder area. joyce has now from checking off on the
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banks of enough river at the bunker dash at miramar. border turn vera. what more can you tell us of the said rest of the cycle and issue the rest of the cycle and was actually taken by the largest mangrove farthest and the world assume the bon mangrove furnace. it absorbs the impact. and that's been the case as in previous years also. so it saves a lot of people. the country has a good reputation of arly preparation and dealing with cycling and other natural disaster to experience with people with taking into thousands of sites on center in the crow stone, about at least for the nearly a 1000000 people. and lot of the people living in the coastal areas are typically a back way to place a dead before the cycle. and we know that has been impact though in the southwest, in costa, about a lot of the farmlands are a non dated. the fishing culture is destroyed. many houses are destroyed,
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nearly half a 1000000 people are without power and the police, another 2000000 don't have electricity because a power company shut off the transmission line for safety and progression because they've broken polls and many places. right now we still have to wait for the actual damage because there's a lot of remote coastal islands with a lot of fish, our men's lives. we want to know to another few days if that has been more missing people, we know many fishermen get lost in the storms and it takes months or even weeks to get accounted for the if they're still around tundra tundra surgery as for the not free but we know the started go ahead, please. apologies for surgery, i thought you were done. thank you so much for your reporting. appreciate you. thank you. a lot. at least the 18 people have been killed by tornadoes in the united states. tornadoes, tor, across the us, states of texas, oklahoma,
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arkansas injury, know hundreds of people under storing homes, the storms where the deadliest of its kind. in nearly a decade, some 47000 people are without power across the affected area. the russia says its troops have made further advances in ukraine's hard key for region . so you can control a strategic positions. cave disappears, the claims, say it's truths pushed back russian forces and successfully repel 3rd tax classes in the region of intensified, particularly near the city of shawn's, russia claims to have seized control of multiple border 7 months since the starts of it's offensive on her team leader is from china, japan and south korea are in the south korean capital for a rare try a lateral meter,
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which many hope will ease regional tensions. chinese premier li chung south korean . the present to you soon, jo and japanese prime minister from your casita. i'm from discussing north korea tensions over taiwan and trade. and rob mcbride has more for us now from sol. so this has been a significant try lateral meeting given the importance of these 3 countries to the asia pacific region, but also the importance to the world in economic terms representing between them. almost a quarter of the world's total economic activity at the trial actually meeting is meant to be held every year, but hasn't been for the past 4 and a half years. because of the pandemic. a point that was made by the host south korea's president of june in his opening and closing remarks. talking about the importance of this meeting and coming up with various proposals for closer economic
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and trade co operation as saying that it would help improve the livelihoods of peoples in all 3 countries. also calling for more exchanges between those peoples. he also called for the dean euclid arise ation of the korean peninsula. now north korea has ensured that they go onto the agenda they summit by announcing the imminent launch. it says of what will be a spice satellite, but using the ballistic missile technology, which is found under un security council resolutions. president june a cold out in north korea full. this calling for a firm response from the international community that was echoed by prime minister casita of japan. but to premier lee of china and don't go in quite as far. i merely calling full piece on the korean peninsula of the both south korea and japan will be hoping that china will use more of its influence at 2 bath on north korea to 10
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per north korea's behavior between all 3 neighbors. various a diplomatic spots have existed in the past. various tensions still exist now, but the whole focus of this try lateral has been to put on a face of a co operation by all 3 and being on an upbeat note with premier lee of china saying that doubts and misunderstandings can be resolved. he says to candid tools, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so for joining me now is ben was out of the shaft hall. he is an adjunct professor in the department of political science and international affairs at temple university jer pounds. and he joins his life from tokyo. so good to have you here with us. it's, i guess, very encouraging that these high level talks took place in the 1st place. absolutely, i mean it's been 5 years since the last try lateral meeting. in the meantime, we have seen a lot of diplomatic activity between the united states, south korea and japan. there's been
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a reinforcement of that try lateral relationships. so certainly on the side of china, there was a desire as well, of course, on the side of japan and south korea. but unfortunately, it was very important to kind of revitalize this try lateral cooperation between the 2 countries. given the current circumstances where the region is, this sets by a large number of diplomatic tensions ahead of the summit. i mean, people were down saying expectations. how would you characterize ties between these 3 regional heavy weights? how maligned? are they right? yeah, i think there were good reasons to lower our expectations of the meetings of mine were fairly low as well. i don't think of highway i don't think it was very disappointed or surprised by the outcome of the meeting. now regarding your question on the, how would we characterize the trilateral relationship, one important friend in try laudable relationship. and i briefly mentioned that out
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earlier is the fact that over the last year or 2 south korea and japan have tremendously reinforced their relationship. and this was after years and years of tensions due to history uh to do various other issues in the united states for very long time has been trying to get tokyo and sold to todd. so there are rough pro smocks has been important development and something of course, that china is not very happy to see. so that's one of the many reasons why this summit was important for china to try to make sure that japan and south korea don't get too close to the united states. try to bring them back into their orbit. but, you know, obviously there's going to be very difficult to do because these relationships between washington so and tokyo are basically institutionalized, if you are china and you are looking at this through a china labs, these are 2 of the most important u. s. allies in north east asia. how has the us approach to the region affective
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strategic partnerships? oh, it's been, it's been, i mean, the united states is the, is the country that removes the largest when it comes to chinese foreign policy. and so, of course, the american approach to the region has been extremely influential in that house. china approach it as the biological relationships between all of these countries. remember that, as you mentioned, you'd are too close to us allies, 50000 us troops and bands of tulsa, 30000 in south korea. so from the perspective of the decision makers in beijing and having the united states be such an important partner who use countries and having been able to reinforce, try a lot of well cooperation has been a bad news because it makes it more difficult for paging to advance its interest in the region enhanced once again the importance of this uh, this try lateral meetings. but once again, as i mentioned earlier, are not that many outcomes,
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not that many important announcements beyond the restart the s t a negotiations. and maybe we will see more of these meetings taking place in the future up and well, i'll be your shop hall. thank you so much for speaking to us, greatly appreciate it. thank you. in georgia, there have been protests on the country's independence day. thousands have taken to the streets and simplicity to denounce the proposed foreign influence long while the sheriff will draw them closer to russia. and the way from the european union, they propose law has been vetoed by the president's fed and peace from the ruling. conservative georgia dream party say they will push it through at a special session of parliament on tuesday. and back to the us where the us, the boards hearing party has selected it's candidate who will challenge joe biden. and donald trump, for the presidency, chase, oliver has called for a cease fire and gaza, and i like vitamin trump. describe the war there as a genocide,
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john 100 before us. now from the party convention. donald trump and joe biden have a new rival. the libertarian party of america has nominated chase oliver to be their standard there in the 2024 presidential election. it was a divisive vote that came after the 7 ballots. 37 percent of the people here wanted none of the above to be their choice. that would have meant the party would not have feel that a candidate now chaise. oliver said he's going to unite the party after many members were upset about the fact that to non libertarians. donald trump and robert f. kennedy junior, were allowed to speak of this convention. 6
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the libertarian party is small, influential that tends to get one to 3 percent of the vote nationally speaking in a presidential election. that's enough to determine whether the republicans or the democrats in the party lose to the right. so they often take boats away from the republicans, and they expect to be on the balance in 47 states as news that makes was 40 a contender across the us, john henry and l u 0 washington. and so had here on al jazeera, we take a look at why mexico is becoming the desired final destination for some my friends, rather familiar with the
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the news the,
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[000:00:00;00] the in south africa, the 1st votes in the countries election are being cast through special ballots parties health, their final campaign rallies across the country on sunday. more than $1600000.00 people are now eligible to cast special votes. election staff full visit more than 600000 homes to collect votes from people who can make it to a police station. the rest of the country will vote on wednesday. how am which i sent joyce's now live from losey, south west of durban? good to have you with us. um, all right. tell us a little bit about how animated the voting is a. well, this is an a, an see strong holes, but you're seeing
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a lot of other political parties trying to buy for votes as well. but you're not going to see people waiting outside putting stations election. officials that going house to house door to door targeting specific people in certain areas. special vote is the special vote a someone who's either elderly old people, someone who's sick or pregnant women, people who call and make it to the pointing session on wednesday. when everyone goes to votes and this is them lisay. it's a poor neighborhood in dublin, very densely populated, and bodies of issues which include crime, unemployment is basically use an employment as well as the service of every like war to some sections in this area. say that they only get one to about 3 times a week when it comes to what it looks like nationwide the moody genuinely come across the country. but here, if i do not tell the as a consent from some officials from jacob zoom as possible, alleging a ballot timeframe difficult commission says that he's allegations of falls floods
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to so the applicants, it's a worrying sign that the results of the elections could be disputed all right, sir, room, which i saw reporting there. thank you so much. i and more than 130 people have been killed in 2 weeks of fighting in foster and therefore region. and some dawn of foster is the sort of these armies last major stronghold and r for arrived from park tower military rapids support forces have been trying to seize control of a city. it's already chapters, nearly all the main cities in the western certainly states, almost 15000 people have been killed and millions displaced in the conflict. and food prices have been soaring in central african republics capital after boat traffic was suspended. when 58 people drowned following a ferry cap size last month,
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the capital bunky relies heavily on his river network for much of its food supplied . dozens of boats are now stuck along the bunky river and are creating transport hurdles for passengers. i said, bank reports these rivers are the main route for getting feeding to the central african republics capital bank. the people, the knives struggling with the rising prices of to 60 people try and put in a fairly capsized in april. thirty's, epstein spend navigation of all the countries waterways. although some boats have been allowed to use the rivers a gain. food prices remain high. the don't because you can see behind me the will, but with lots of goods, it's for the supply of central africans. during this crisis you've seen as i have that food prices have doubled. if you suspended navigation on do bogu river, that's going to have an impact on the food supply of central african salon dom up. in the markets of benji, they're still struggling. we buy our products in chromebook since river activities were suspended,
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everything has become expensive to we're still at the markets and we have problem with transporting our goods, which many trade to support for safety measures on the what the race usually just start to see, we make our lives from the business, and if there is a crisis will sofa to day, the government has lighting the measures by clearing the way. and we think them because we are satisfied with this measure, we're in the country governed by the rule of law. the tragedy happened on the buckle, a small, the reverse side of the capital, the country i think, decades of fighting to instability, including several crews. international forces have keep piecing bundy parts of your control, but on groups making the transport of supplies difficult to keep it here. hoping the boats pos, the new safety inspections and prices would decrease once food flows freely to the countries waterways. once again, as i bake, i'll just do every day, thousands of on document of migrants and refugees from latin america,
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the caribbean, and beyond. use mexico as a trails of country to reach the u. s. and search for better life. but a new trend has taken authorities by surprise. those of thousands of refugees and migrants now want to make mexico their new home us. and i'll just, there is a latin america editor, lucy, a newman explains from mexico. city scores have been documented, migrants in refugees crossing into chap, that's for the bottom of that. they're just some of the roughly 7000 rivals in mexico every day on their way to the us border as they make their way north, many, a penny. let's see, the 100 says that she and her haitian boyfriend had been living here for 3 months called val, petite. they have arrived from haiti 2 months ago and is working in a garage to save money to continue his trip. in the i came here
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a lot of new things as a mechanic for time only here temporarily cannot walk on the outskirts of mexico city is full of patients doing what they can to survive. selling food, or breathing hair. and trimming beards. but not all want to leave like milton. i would stay here if i got the papers i was living in too late for us, but i never got my papers. i want to bring my girlfriend. yeah. we're treated well . it's part of the changing faces. migration in mexico, known as a transit country, from documented migrants and refugees. most of these venezuelans still planned to head noise, but a growing number of migrants, roughly 140000, have applied for refugee status so that they can stay and work in mexico. i pursue
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the there are opportunities to get ahead here. lots of opportunities without hosting anyone. i sell my suites coffee and online. i sell venezuelan products. migrants who are considering settling here. do have a point. in fact, mexico's largest business association, qualified mix, sees migrant and refugees as a solution to what complaints is. a huge deficit of labor in this country as much as one point. $6000000.00 vacancies just last year alone. but filling those jobs with people like these is not as simple as it could be. the mexican government is constantly sending people back to the southern border where they enter the country, even offering that as well as money to go home. what we think, for example, in columbia, and what we've seen in peru in ecuador is that when a model number of displacement arrives in country, some sort of humanitarian visa allows them to work from day one is provided in mexico. that is only happening once people claim assignment. and those permits are
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side to obtain. the issue is north of mexico's ability to absorb migrants and refugees eager to work. but rather the government's reluctance to embrace a trend that could benefit locals and newcomers. i like to see a newman al jazeera mexico city. that's why he is president. so it gets on us. so now say it all has declared victory in the final round of the presidential election . he was the head of prime minister in greed, single nights with 75 percent of the votes. after 90 percent of ballots were counted on the war and ukraine costs at a shadow on the election with lithuania, fearing it will be russia's next target. let's say it has been a staunch ally of ukraine since the beginning of the war or an furnished residence . and then on my call has describes his country's relationship with germany as indispensable. unimportant for you or for my call is on a 3 day visit to germany,
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where he's meeting the franchise leaders, including president to talk about the stein meyer. my car has been speaking about the rise of far right parties across europe. and that does it for us. so we'll see you in a couple of minutes. again, the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, with flat folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the farm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera. in june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of them. at least 2 dark colored hair crust
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appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today. my record of me and it was because that is such a sort of his lives the war in june on out his era. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized. but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warrant. people had access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story. palestinian officials hold on to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax or in full battle. fry fight is charge out from the hidden positions for the moment. however,
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their enemy is imagined and their rifles on real venue recruits to the people's defense rules put through the paces in the baking heats. these are skills which will keep them alive. and before they can break for food, the pledge of allegiance. since the new conscription laws came into the force of thousands of young men and women, come down into the jungles to join the pro democracy forces and raw the fights against the military genta and join the ranks based forces. constriction makes resistance, forces stronger. now what accepts that road? so you, so now joining the people's defense forms instead of being constricted by the military. these volunteers, tang and sweat, then hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. pod came in to be is israel, let know political piece of i think that's the new thing. the f one, his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell,
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a thought provoking. nonsense. the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the effective use of the person as not that important effective he of the story on talk to how does era the scenes of destruction following it's devastating is really attack on southern gaza . at least 35 people are dead after missiles hits account for displace palestinians and on the fund people, the funds and civilians have been rushed to hospital in the wake of the attack. many of the victims, women,
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and children the on the rock, this is l 0. lar from joe,


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