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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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a non done, so the yours, the men offensive way. that's our facing realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being president, joe, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as not the need for the effective he of the story on talk to how does era the scenes of destruction following a devastating is really attack on southern gaza at least 35 people are dead after missiles hits account for displaced palestinians of the band people. the funds and civilians have been rushed to hospital in the week of the attack. many of the victims, women, and children, the low rock, this is l g 0 life from jo. how also coming up authorities and pop on your guinea
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estimate more than 2000 people may have been buried and fridays last slide plus trade taiwan. and the threats of a nuclear north korea all on the agenda as leaders from south korea, japan and china, all the rare meter, the emergency crews and gaza southern city of it off i have worked through the night to recover the remains of palestinians killed and is rarely strikes on account for the displaced at least 35 people were killed in the attack on tense near a un facility. many of the dad's an injured are women and children. the area where this happens is known as tall assault on an overcrowded refugee camp. in north west and that off and of how they visited the side of the attack, alpha and sensors this update. so i just wanted to try to describe where we
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are. exactly. we're currently in the non western parts of the faf. this is one of the makes if tens kept that was made after the palestinians were forced to evacuate from eastern parts of the file. and here right behind us is the under y logistic base. all of this area was filled and packed with palestinians that were forced to evacuate from several parts of the cause of the trip. there are sin side many here still in this area even after the target because they, since you do not have any place to go and are 100 percent sure that we're average the golf anyway. every, the back you wait is where the air strikes are going to taste them. this is in the, i just need a def off, because a ton of time is really military has released
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a statement taking responsibility for the strikes. israel has bound, i'll just hear from reporting from there. so, so the higher up census update from the draining capital, i'm on the best admitted to carrying out this as strike against homos. they say they say they was specifically targeting, how must members, and i quote, according to international know, using precise munitions and based on pri, intelligence, indicating the use of the area by hum us of the military spokesman also added that they are aware of the claim that as a result of the stripe and subsequent supply, a number of uninvolved individuals where hits the incident is being examined. now that's the 1st statement that came out and then a 2nd statement saying that they have targeted to see me a uh from us. come on. does they said one of them is the cheapest stuff in the west
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bank and also. a mentioned the name saying it's a person called just seen rob b a. the come on to of how mazda is leadership that is in the west by and another person called the highlands college robin, the shot a senior official, also in the west bank way. now these are the most recent statements, the confirmation, the by these really made it to me that it did carry out that strike. now all of this comes just hours of the how must also carried out rocket attacks towards the central parts of the of israel. which also was the, it was happens from ross pasta. they launch those rockets from roof and at the time . also another statement from these radio officials save those rockets, which they said from a civilian area in raw fox. they also said the. * israel was busy making sure but age was being allowed into the gaza strip. how mazda was targeting the civilians.
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whether this as stripe is related, it's still unclear. it's not in the same area. but what we do know is that this area was designated by israel as a safe design. it's this pull it. and so it's eastern rough off just a few weeks ago. and they had told people's goods, places like velocity, as well as did it by law. i'm fine units and this is just very close to what my last the on that coast as well as parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate fee you want agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. it also costs for an end to all ties with unreal is real previously if she's $12.00 of the agencies employees involvements in the mazda tax . on october, the 7th, but an independent review concluded there was no evidence to support the obligation . the bill still needs to clear several more steps before it becomes long while the head of the one agency or for the for less it really has to now has to move as part
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of an ongoing is really campaign against the agency. the number of people, those staff member will have been killed is unprecedented. 192. as of today the number of premises which have been damaged off for they destroyed the number of comb voice which have been prevented all attacked. and besides the beyond that we have also compares going on to level the agency as a terrorist organization all to push the agency of on the out of gas up. but also out of there isn't in all 3 european countries set to recognize palestine as a states on tuesday of condemned israel's ongoing attacks. on off, out of joint news conference in brussels, the foreign ministers or ireland norway and spain spoke about the need for
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a 2 state solution to the conflict. they also accused israel, of breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop its attacks off there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of vision or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i come down to violence of yesterday, the rockets there was the route and it struck 10 of eve. understand the attack on the rest of the tent, refugee camp, and last evening, where it again, innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions, days went to seize them. apartment of russia, this dress is what we have been calling the 305. so were 3 countries for
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a long time that did send immediate ceasefire, but the gravity is even larger because it becomes after the decision taken by the international court of justice that wants to gain. i want to recall the tire binding. i couple sorry for all parties they have for, for these right let the scrolling split stop this attack on, on profile. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child to well, the step to words palestinian recognition comes more than 30 years after norway broker at the also the records back in 1993. well, the scandinavian countries says it's decided on the latest move as a different strategy needed for peace there. calling it also to point out the facet
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reports from the capitol also in deep secret, under the cover of this research institute. and also the very 1st negotiations between the palestine liberation organization of yasser arafat, an israel took place soon after the pc was made out of the visit to the office. this is hair and in the i think definitely the in this room. so it is when he was a lot from his chair must have been around, but my table is the us. no of course were meant to end as well as a few patient and eventually lead to a palestinian state. instead, the occupation became more entrenched, illegal is for 80 settlements, multiplies and violence increase, more people's of the day, i think would be able to opinion that it might have done home. so knowing are proud their store agreements assigned here in secret and then government guest house after midnight on august the 20th 1993. but as time went on,
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it became clear that the court was doomed to fail free. that gates late fees is further away than ever before. but still no, i believe it's possible. learning from its mistakes has now taken a different approach to supply and for years to negotiate with its key ally is well to abide by the also a court. no way has decided to focus on the palace thing inside instead. and also $2.00 is an upgrade. and, and one of the adjustments to make this more relevant in 2024 is that recognition no power to sign happens at an earlier stage. that's what was originally planned that, that does not mean that we haven't another war inside right now. and, but we, yes, right. let's not on board because this is right under this current government is not on board. but this role is also increasingly isolated the right now a research u. s. long been political of the us, lower court says no way to record nation of palestine is a big shift international from the region 5,
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i'm from the of the european congress is to send a strong signal to divert to israel, to the americans that look, we need to solve this conflict peacefully and up to state solution is the only bad solution we actually do have a home. well, the other, even worse, when a few of small sparsely populated countries trying to solve one of the world's most complicated conflict for now, no way hopes more countries in europe will follow it and recognize palestinian statehood as well. steadfast and l. g sierra. also, a lot of the most are you joins is now he's a political analyst and professor of media studies at the institute for graduate studies. good to have you back here with us a moment. let's talk about these 3 countries recognizing the state of palestine. we also expect in the very near future slovenia to joined a group. what are they signaling but this move?
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well, they're signaling that they're frustrated with, with israel. the tide is, is clearly turning. uh one is really diplomat called it or former is really diplomat. call that a c nami, a diplomatic. so nami being thrown upon israel at the present time, whether we're talking about the i c j case or the i c c case. and this recognition of a 1000 in states you had a few weeks ago, enhanced the observer status being forwarded on and approved at the united nations . so this is significant in that sense, but i also want to remind us of the, the other sort of perspective on this professor nura eric out of rutgers university . i thought she had a really interesting analysis. she said this kind of thing is a little bit too little and a little bit too late given the context. on the one hand, this is $230.00 plus days into a genocide. so it's too late on that front. it's also 12 years after a 138 other states already recognized palestine as
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a state. and it's too little in the sense that this is a genocide, what palestinians need more than ever is our immediate and direct pressure on israel and the united states to end of the genocide. that's what is needed at the present time. the symbolic acts are i think welcome to park. probably most palestinians would appreciate them. i think they can bring an impact, certainly over the long term. we've talked at length about how israel has lost global standing, but kelsey needs need more right now. well, what can mitigate and leave you a suffering of palestinians right now because short of a transformational for a moment was in is rarely society and his way of the leadership. i mean, nothing is going to change why i would point the finger at the united states, the united states has all, has all the leverage. and right now you have algeria preparing a draft resolution. it's going to go to the united united nations security council,
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and there's going to be a vote, i think, in the next 2 or 3 days. and all eyes will be on the united states. is it going to turn a blind eye? is it going to again allow israel to proceed with this with this genocide a war? or is it going to finally put its foot down? is it going to at least abstain rather than veto at, at the secure to the security council? so all eyes in the united states right now i've been saying, and many other analysts are missing for months. but the us could end all of this with a, with a phone call. right? um they, they are the ones who are supplying israel with all of this diplomatic support and all of the weaponry that they're using are most of the weaponry that they're using in gaza. so i don't necessarily think we have to wait on is really society to change. we could exert pressure on the united states and, and that's being done domestically in the us right now. it's being done domestically. but the fact remains is that this democratic administration, the binding administration president bind e set a red line. we've seen her rif exceeds yesterday, and a half,
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no reaction today from him or, or of blinking for that matter. um, it seems like the united states has decided to stick by its ally, no matter what. well, joe biden has said on a number of occasions that his support for israel is iron clad, and i would actually push back a little bit on the idea that he put in place a red line. and that interview on m. s. nbc, from a couple of months back, he said there's a red line in that off, but then in the same sentence, he said, i'm never gonna stop supporting israel and i'm never gonna stop sending israel weapons. so and in fact, to erase the red line as soon as he drew it up so that us is going to continue to support israel. unless more and more pressure is applied. that's just the reality. all right, we're going to see how this all plays out in the next couple of days. we're having a much, lee, thank you so much, greatly appreciate you and still have here on al jazeera. also storm has had parts of india and bio dash, forcing hundreds of thousands to take shelter. and i'm from read them out in
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japan as books, years of writing electricity, cups, and goods. people who did influence their vote in the upcoming election. the a walk into your world's weather update. so we've got waves of showers coming in off the a by and take that's going to plague the islands of ireland and britain booth threw into western france, belgium, and the netherlands. then look at eastern scandinavia, the baltic states, belgium, bruce in western russia. some spots here will be closing in on 30 degrees. also got waves of rain moving west east, across central europe. so that's going to put a cap on those temperatures. berlin, 24. but where the sun's out or salt 27 warm are still in budapest, coming in at 28 degrees for turkey,
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a rounds of rain moving through central parts here that's going to strike on girl with a few showers breeze through the boss for us means is stumble, just 18 degrees. quite cool when you're consider it's almost june different story. the for the other side, mediterranean breezy, up and down the coast of portugal. look at this by the end of the week. the last day of spring, southern spain. severe could touch 40 degrees spec to the here and now into africa . we go for the typical weather here. nothing really sticking out. showers in storms along the coast of west africa and it's feeling more like summer in south africa, especially for the western cape providence. keeps on your temperatures are gonna shoot up over the next little bit. so 23 degrees for you today on monday. see you later. i a team in the gaza strip as is, there is lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as, as readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing, the best, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching l g 0 reminder. now over top stories this hour, at least 35 people have been chosen. it is really stripe on tents and account for internally displaced people. how about these are pictures from this morning?
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a survivors pick up what's left from the scorched debris and the 3 european nations set to recognize palestine as a states on cheer state. and israel's ongoing attacks on ireland, norway, and spring accusers, real or breach, an international humanitarian law by refusing to stop it, strikes officials and pop. while a new guinea have reportedly written a letter to the united nations saying 2000 people were buried alive and alone slide on friday. well that numbers up from a previous estimate of 670 killed while it happened in the remote symbolic village in the northern end of problems. and there are warnings now that further collapses are expected in the area. ongoing rescue efforts have been complicated by debris and dangerous terrain. some bodies that have been recovered,
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but many are still buried under ground. jessica washington joins no lie from jakarta. for the latest. on this developing a story, jessica, i mean devastating news. more than 2000 people believe to have been buried alive as well. that's exactly right. but also says in pop, when you need to tell us that it is too soon to say a defense definitive death toll at this stage. so this is still very much a developing situation, but what this letter might reveal to us is at least a gradual picture of the scope of the devastation caused by friday's line slide. this letter, noting that major destruction was caused in the province to buildings, homes, food gardens, which are of course crucial to the community and more than a 1000 people displaced. now, there are costs also notes from the authorities of the difficulties that the community there, as well as some of the rescue workers all facing, as we know that there is water moving onto the debris. and indeed,
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as we watch some of the social media social media videos shed by residents, you can actually hear some of the rock moving due to some of that water as well. the situation is also complicated by some of the tribal fighting in the angle province. now, what we understand from previous census data is that the population is around a few 1000, but authorities say they cannot say with complete certainty how many people will living in the affected area. now the government of pumping you guinea has called for assistance from international partners straightly. it is already sending aircraft and aid which, which is on the way, and the defense minister, which is now says he's speaking with counterparts in pumping. you're going to assess what else may be needed. china has also pledged its assistance and we understand that in coming hours they will be another meeting on the topic of a to assess the needs of this die situation. but as i know, it is still too soon to say how many lives were lost in these conflicts. we are
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also starting to hear from some of the survivors who have told this story to local media. one campbell said that they thought that they would die, that they would be crushed under boulders which destroyed that home. they waited 8 hours for the neighbors to pull them out of the destroyed home. but of course many lives and many, many others were crushed under these rocks. and we also waiting to know how many people were killed in this disaster. for 8 hours. i must have been a terrifying way to jessica washington reporting line from jakarta. thank you so much. in bangladesh, meanwhile, at least 3 people have been killed and a powerful storm cycling. ramon made land fall late on sunday morning. village is damaging infrastructure. about 800000 people have been forced to leave their homes and a neighboring eastern india. at least one person was killed in the state of west burn . gone well on long. those of dealing with the impact of
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a storm or thousands of rang fleeing violence in mia mars ringing states. they are you when says about 45000 where he got have been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and rebel groups started in november, many a fled across the border to find my dish. all time very chowdhury joins me now from technology on the banks of the now for at the bung edition me and mark border a 10 year. um quick question for you. can you tell us what the impact has been of the psych clone on the region on the sidewalk and made a landfall last stating between 6 pm local time and midnight. mostly on the southwestern coastal bo, that was part of the for left fact on the southeast and close to about where we are actually located. it was very stormy weather. now. hundreds of thousands of acres of land have been inundated, due to a heavy,
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torrential rain as well as hyde titles sides. documents a lot of crops, farmlands are destroyed, fisher is destroyed. it's typically when the cycling heat spartanburg dash, these are the scenarios, then it takes months and years for this poor marginalized from a store to cover from there is but this is a yearly event. the topography of a bail bang, all the way with the cost about is located. as you do experienced a lot of cycling and the frequency is much more due to the impact of climate change . now we know that more than a 2000000 people are with without electricity because a part i'm going to shut those off. that didn't your power pause and they want people to be safe. and now they're hot. familiarity is totally without electricity in the fall them coast about because of the damage caused by the cycle and the law just rein. ford has shown the bottom right. and for this actually observed the main impact of the cycle. and remo, which in many other cases the farthest as done. so this means a lot of the why life would be interesting because those areas are inundated as
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well. but it kept people from homes that way. the content that is known for good disaster management. so years of experience, usually back a paper let, let's say they had do with early warning system and it is known to do a good job on that with volunteers. red cross workers and now there's so for the time being we have to wait and see maybe a week or so to see full assessment of the damage from the cost of remote areas. because there are lots of stipend either, and a lot of hundreds and thousands of fishermen lives. we'll have to see how the full damage report comes out with the next few days or weeks and says here i wanted to ask you how all of this impacting the thousands of origin got a fleeing the violence and the neighboring me and mark flags. we have been reporting the last few days that there are thousands of rowing. i was actually just, you can see on the other side of the border,
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the in between is the not free, but it's a 60 miles 6 a kilometer. and rather by 3, by dividing me up, martin, bangladesh, and a lot of them are hiding in the jungle behind the hills. because that area is a conflict zone. there's a very wallet to island fluid, the fighting going on almost avery, that people in the look on told us that the gunfire then they can hear motors shelves. so people are probably in a great danger because they don't have shelter as our medical aids are food. and they're on the brink of starvation on the some international and angels on a day. and he says, goes and helps them, but they will try to make it here despite the fact burner that's made of category to clear that won't allow any more rowing as the inside of the instructor, 3 times here, charter a reporting. thank you so much. leaders from china and japan as south korea are in the south korean capital for a rare trilateral meeting, which many hopeful ease, regional tensions,
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chinese premier mutual south korea and presidents are not secure and japanese foreign minister for me or she does. she though, i've been discussing north korea functions over taiwan and trade and rob mcbride. 6 as more for us from sol, this has been a significant try lateral meeting given the importance of these 3 countries to the asia pacific region, but also the importance to the world in economic terms representing between them, almost a quarter of the world's total economic activity at the trial actually meeting is meant to be held every year, but hasn't been for the past 4 and a half years because of the pandemic. a point that was made by the host, south careers president of june, in his opening on closing remarks, talking about the importance of this meeting and coming up with various proposals for closer economic and trade co operation. as saying that it would help improve the livelihoods of peoples in all 3 countries,
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also coldly from or exchanges between those peoples. he also called for the dean, you could arise ation of the korean peninsula. now north korea has ensured that they've gone onto the agenda. they some age by announcing the imminent launch it says of what will be a spice satellite, but using ballistic missile technology, which is found under un security council resolutions. president june, a cold out in north korea full. this calling for a firm response from the international community that was echoed by prime minister casita of japan. but to premier lee of china don't go in quite as far. i merely calling full piece on the korean peninsula of the both south korea and japan will be hoping that china will use more of its influence at 2 bath on north korea to 10 per north korea's behavior between all 3 neighbors. various
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a diplomatic spots have existed in the past. various tensions still exist now, but the whole focus of this tri, latrell, has been to put on a face of co operation by all 3 and being on an upbeat note with premier lee of china saying that doubts and misunderstandings can be resolved. he says to candid tools, rob mcbride, i'll just say era. so and in south africa, the 1st load. so the countries election are being cast through special ballots. parties held their final campaign rallies across the country on sunday election staff or visiting more than 600000 homes to collect votes from. people can't make it to a police station. the rest of the country who votes on wednesday for many south africans, power cuts are the single biggest problem in the country. outages are blamed on aging infrastructure corruption and poor management of the national electricity provider and a. so for me,
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the miller reports the impact of unreliable power could influence folders, reveal it and take what offloads, what's left of his morning break production about a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that. but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good strip. where do i? i'm the motor light. i can't even imagine the future with this type of business because of, uh, we do depend on electricity. when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the exploration trends that we have no idea on pause. escalating operational costs, like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means more than $2.00 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last elections in 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve african economy. at least $2000000000.00. that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was willing to use an advance that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with demand that nothing to ensure


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