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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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continue with animal experimentation. let's be aware of the fact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch, we do. we exploit the 2 scenes of devastation, a devastation after it is rarely a talk on off at least $35.00 stadiums choose and a missile strike on the refugee camp the band people. they bought the survivors taking the hospitals that are barely functioning victims, mainly women and children. the on way little rock. this is l g 0 life from joe. how coming up authorities in pop
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one, you get a estimate more than 2000 people may have been buried alive and fridays land slides and close to 800000 people displaced in bangladesh by a tropical cycle. and we'll have a life update for you. the emergency cruise and gaza southern city of it off i have worked through the night to recover the remains. i found a student who was killed in the news really strike at least 35 people were killed in the attack, which targeted attempts camp near you went building the many of the dead and injured women and children. the power steering and red crescent says people were burned alive, and there are times the injured are being treated and over whelmed and under equipped hospitals,
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officers and the whole 3 visit if the attack sides alpha consensus, dis, updates a quick turn key in the flash in the area and the makes just sent that has been targeted by the is really air strikes with at least a air strikes. let me walk through you guys and show you the after math. this area we had at least one t 10. and here we're seeing the belongings of a family that was living here. as these 35 policy news were killed in this target. one of the most leave the targets, as described by the palestinian civil defense as it took some hours to put down this fire done. unfortunately, the firefighters tried their best to contain the fire, but again there has been no water resources in the gaza strip, especially the after the is ready for it is close,
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the roof are crossing and no fuel has been entering the called the ship since then they have been trying to put it down, but there is no water resources. all of this area was filled and packed with palestinians that were forced to evacuate from several parts of the cause of the trip. there are soon found many here still in this area, even after the target because they simply do not have any place to go and are 100 percent sure that we're ever they go anywhere ever they evacuate. that is where the air strikes are going to taste them. this is in the i just need a def off cause a ton of time. and i removed the joyce's now from the in central garza, he's on the line for us and a distressing scenes from that overnight attack. about 5 or more. can you tell us
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yes, the whole river got talked so over night in the area that has been designated the safe area for the hundreds of displays, families and rough last city who were ordered you evacuated that to a block that has been designated by this very military, the pallet, the is reading necessary, give sharp order to people to evacuate to that particular area. now. and then a statement is really mandatory, admitted that there's a carried out there, a talk on that particular area. and it's, it's looking into the uh, what they describe the collateral damage. now the tragedy would have it, it just, it live literally hundreds of palestinian displays. families in that area with a shattered sense of safety and security were targeted and killed and maimed in the particular area that they were told, evacuated to in order to avoid being. but anyway, the got bombed, they were killed,
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and that is in that area. the pushed into further internal enforce this placement and really manager did not have stopped right there. it, it went on and carried out more attack just a couple hours ago. it destroyed the only telecom division that feeds the data, but i should be aware they would call me any caching on the internet connection to the point right now for the past the 3 hours, we've been completely off the grids, no internet connectivity, whatsoever. there's more it strikes and then the site i area as well as in eastern part of how many more people as we were here at the hospital trying to connect with you. and we can see, of course, those bodies are brought in from the eastern part of a central on pon unit. and as i write review account all pointing to a lock. so i'll have to be though, there did by the can that for the past couple hours a got wrenching,
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now seems there any more smooth or thank you so much for your reporting. thank you . oh is wrong, meanwhile, says it's investigating the attack. meanwhile, 2 countries involved in mediating between israel and a moss. i've condemned it, egypt foreign ministry called it deliberate bombardments, of displaced people's tenths of alpha. cairo also called on israel to implement the top un court's decision to completely halt military operations. and alpha and guitar condemns the attack as a grey violation of international laws that will aggravate the humanitarian prices . guitar also says that the bombing would complicate the ongoing mediation efforts and hender, reaching an agreement for a cease fire. israel's pearlman's has voted to approve a bill that would designate send you an agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. it also calls for an end to all ties with on rob is real
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previously to choose 12 of the agencies and for use of involvement in the i'm off attacks on october the 7th, but an independent review concluded there was no evidence to support the allegation . the bill still needs to clear several more steps before it becomes law. ahead of the one agency, your affinity polezza renay has denounced to move as part of an ongoing is really campaign against the agency. the number of people, those staff member will have been killed is unprecedented. 192. as of today the number of premises which have been damaged all for the destroyed the number of comb voice which have been prevented all attacked. and besides the beyond that we have also companies going on to
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level the agency as a terrorist organization all to push the agency of on the out of guys that but also out of terrorism. well, the 3 year period countries such a recognized palestine as a states on choose a condemned israel's ongoing attacks on alpha at a joint news conference in brussels, the foreign ministers of ireland, norway, and spain spoke about the need for a 2 state solution to the complex they also choose, is really reaching international humanitarian law, refusing to stop its attacks on alpha, there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refute absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to eliminate the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed and i condemn the violence of yesterday. the rockets there was at the root and struck 10 of eve,
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understand he is attacked on the rest of the $1052.00 camp. and last evening where it again innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when to seize the empowerment of restaurant. this a stress is what we have been calling. the 3 of us have were 3 countries for a long time that it's an immediate cease fire. but the gravity is even larger because he comes after a decision taken by the international court of justice. that once again, i want to recall that tire binding, a couple, sorry for all parties. they have full, full reason why i let the scrolling split stop this attack on on brought file. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation on child to all this up
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towards palestine and recognition comes more than 30 years after norway broke, or the also records like a 1993. well, the scandinavian countries, those that decided to take this route because a different strategy was needed for piece and then released it's calling the recognition also to point out as to fasten reports now from the capitol also in deep secret. under the cover of this research institute and also the very 1st negotiations between the palestine liberation organization of yes, a r o 5 and israel to place soon after the pc was made. i don't know if i'd visited the office. this is here. and in the, i think definitely the in this room. so it is when a, with a lot from his chair must have been around, but my table is the us. no, of course were meant to and as far as a few patient and eventually lead to a palestinian state. instead, the occupation became more entrenched. illegal is for 80 settlements,
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multiplies and violence increase. more people that they, i think would be able to opinion that it might have done hong so no problem. there's storing agreements assigned here in secret and the government guest house. after midnight on august the 20th 1993. but as time went on, it became clear that the court was doomed to fail. 3 decades later piece is further away than ever before. but still no, i believe it's possible. learning from its mistakes has now taken a different approach. after trying for years to negotiate with its key ally is well to abide by the also of courts. norway has decided to focus on the pallet sting insight instead. and also $2.00 is that upgrades and, and one of the adjustments to make this more relevant in 2024 is that the recognition no power stein happens at an earlier stage. that's what was originally
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planned. that does not mean that we haven't another war inside right now and, but we do this right. let's not on board because it's right. it's right under this current government is not on board. but this role is also increasingly isolated the right now a research u. s. long been political off the us, lower courts as no way to recognition of palestine is a big shift international of from the region 5, i'm from the other european, kansas is to send a strong signal to divert to israel to the americans. the look, we need to solve this conflict peacefully and up to state solution is the only bad solution we actually do have. i'm on. well, the other, even worse, one of you of small sparsely populated countries trying to solve one of the world's most complicated conflict for now, no way hopes more countries in europe will follow it and recognize palestinian statehood as well. steadfast and l just sierra. also,
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the mom of the most of the joys is now here on the such. he's a political analyst. i'm professor of media studies at the door institute for graduate studies and lots of strands here for us to untangle. let's start with the reaction from 2 of the main partners and mediation efforts on, on and off again, mediation efforts, egypt and katara. what's your make up? their reaction in the wake of these attacks and rough uh, that so strong are condemnations of is really actions. i think, you know, it's not surprising that kothwood would issue such a strong statement of thought has historically been pretty supportive of the palestinian cause and, and critical of, of all of the legal is really activities whether and gaza with a siege on gaza or on the occupation of the west bank and certainly during this, this genocide on, on gaza. the age of cases is maybe more interesting because egypt has been pretty
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supportive of israel. actually. egypt has not been the best friend of the palestinians. egypt has for the better part of 17 years helped israel maintain a blockade, any legal blockade on, on the gaza strip. so it's interesting to hear, such as a forceful condemnation from the egyptian government. and i think it signals that there's a lot of tension building out between egypt and israel. i think egypt has been very perturbed by hot and, and by the way in which israel has taken over that off border crossing which borders egypt. and they consider that a violation of, of a previous agreement. and so that's something that i think we have to keep our eyes on going forward. but they're not for actively doing anything to correct. correct. well, look at some level of for some of these countries, there's only so much they, there's only so much they can do, right? yeah, each of 2 more egypt could, could be doing more in the case of egypt or they absolutely could be,
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could be doing more. but i think we also want to be realistic for 8 months or 8 months into this. and i think rather than point the finger right now at egypt, i think it's much more productive, much more prudent to point the finger at the only into the only entity in the international community that has actual leverage here. and that is the united states that egypt can't pick up a phone, and call is real and tell them to stop anything. egypt doesn't actually exercise any authority or control over over israel. so their hands are tied to some extent called those hands are tied to some extent as well. the united states hands are not tied. and i think more focus and attention needs to be devoted to trying to get the us government to change its position. we've seen some efforts domestically with the protest movement movement, some increasing increasingly critical media coverage, but more pressure needs to be applied. more pressure needs to be applied because it seems everybody's hands are tied. tools of the pharmacy are not working in
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a national lock and not being forced. and now we're seeing this trio of european countries up, you know, taking that extra step as a we are recognizing the state of palestine, a 4th european countries. lavinia is about to join them as well. um, what do you make of that? well, i think there's a couple, there are a couple of ways to look at this on the one hand it's, it's something that's very welcome. i think many palestinians will very much appreciate this gesture, even if it's only symbolic. it is a show of support for the palestinian cause. it adds to what a former is really diplomat said, is the diplomatic so now mean that is being thrust upon israel at this time. so it's certainly important at least for the medium and long term. but in the short term, i agree with what i professor newer error codes of records. you know, versity said she said this is a little bit too little and a little bit too late. first of all comes 12 years after a $138.00 other countries already recognized palestine as a state and $230.00 plus phase into
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a genocide. and it's too little in the sense that it doesn't apply the kind of direct and immediate pressure that palestinians need to end the war on causal. because, you know, while this is nice, it doesn't actually address the ongoing violence including the violence that we saw last night. and all right, so the photo allison professor of a media started at the door is to professor, so he's thank you so much, greatly appreciate it. so have here on al jazeera, i'm somebody the in johannesburg, south africa wages of rolling electricity cuts, angle people put it into the once they vote in the upcoming election. the pod came into views. is israel and obstacles piece. i think that the new thing you have on his government with these says 5 digit, you say getting less of a thought provoking nonsense. the e, you made weapons being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way.
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that's our facing realities. you're running mean what does he bring to the table, hard from the presidential go to some we cannot take effect into the side of the present as not that important factor here. the story on talk to how does era the . ringback the, the, the challenges here with the,
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the, of the, you're watching l g 0 reminder of our top stories this hour, at least 35 people chilled in is really strike on tens and accounts for internally displaced. people have off on these are pictures from this morning, survivors picking up what's left from the scorched debris. have a 3 year patients that's a recognized palestine as a states on tuesday condemns that. rough ahead of time, ireland, norway, and spain. accuse israel, a breach of international humanitarian law by refusing to stop its assaults on the
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city. plus israel's parliament has voted to approve a bill that would designate for you an agency for palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization. and also calls for an end to all todd is with and wrong. officials and papa new guinea have reportedly written a letter to the u. s, saying 2000 people were buried alive in the last slide on friday. while that numbers up from a previous estimate of 670 killed, it happened in a remote area of the northern and the province. authorities are warning a further cadence because rain on sunday night has made the ground unstable rescue efforts have been complicated because a section of the main highway is blocked by mud and debris. some bodies had been recovered and many are still buried. and jessica washington sentenced this update on the last slide from jakarta. according to this letter was sent from the pope
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when your guinea dissolves to office to the united nations requesting formal assistance with its recovery efforts more than 2000 people buried in friday's land slide. it is, of course, important to note that at this stage, the popping your guinea government has not confirmed exactly how many casualties and how many people died in this disaster. now this leisure also notes that the land slide caused a major destruction to buildings, food gardens, which are of course, of pivotal importance. given that this is a community that relies on small scale farms to feed themselves. now to put this in context and go provence is an area over most highlands, proven some $602.00 inches from the capital port, most b, 2 to 3 hours from the provincial capital. and the remoteness of the location as well as some of the environmental challenges that you mentioned earlier. this continued water of movement of water under the debris that is creating some complicating factors that he's hiding the risk for those rest to cruise on the
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ground. but at this stage, heavy machinery is yet to reach the affected area. we do know that this assistance is coming from popping. you're getting his nearest neighbor, australia. australia has already is already preparing to send across and equipment to the side of the disaster. and the defense minister richard now says that he is speaking with his counterparts in public any same thing with this. at least 3 people have been killed and a powerful storm cycle. ramon may land fall late on sunday, flooding, villages and damaging infrastructure. about 800000 people have been forced from their homes and neighboring india. at least one person was killed in the state of westbound gall. while among those dealing with the impact of a storm and bundle dish or thousands of where he can go fleeting violence and me and mars were kind state you and says about 45000 of the muslim minority group forced from their homes since fighting between the military and revel groups escalated in november,
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found very chowdhury of joins me now from the technology on the banks of the enough river. at the boeing there should be a more border tundra or bring this up to speed. what has been the impact of this? i quote on the area and on the refugees. but the main frost of the side gloves that dropped by the law, just mangrove finest. and that was from the barn. mangrove part is rather typically this part of it is a natural barrier against cycle on both sides western bangladesh. and this has been decades this time as well. but still the perio effect actually inundated lot of the coastal belts even in the southeast area. but on chuck diagram, city low lying areas of the heavily inundated by titled wave and torrential rain, housing, some hacked us are farmland destroyed, facia is destroyed, it will take months or even years. for many of the marginalized pharma started cut back from this affects the total damage. so it's many still a lot here because that a lot of remote coastal villages where
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a lot of fishermen leaves it'll be at least a week or so before we know if there's been more than that or casualty is because of this site problem. but the task was absorbed by the, from the bond or the why life or danger in there because of the topography back to the slides between the hey, my line valley and the bay i've been on the site from, it is quite frequent here and i'm flat on the other side of the border where i am sending, there's thousands of refugees waiting to cross into bangladesh because of the extreme weather that couldn't. you have several managed to cross last several weeks into the camp. all the rest take that from crossing here. because bangladesh doesn't one any more, a hand getting it started 3100 charger lee. thank you so much for your continued coverage, greatly appreciate it. for many south africans power cuts are the single biggest problem in the country. outages are blamed on aging, infrastructure corruption and poor management. and as for me,
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the miller reports the impact of unreliable power could influence motors in wednesday's election. reveal it on take what offloads, what's left of his morning break production about a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good strip. where do i do more light? i couldn't even imagine the future with this type of business because of we do depends on the electricity when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the explosion trends that we have no idea on port escalating operational costs, like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means more than 2 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last elections and 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve african economy, at least $2000000000.00. that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was born to use in advance
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. that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with them on did nothing to insure capacity was increased. but now it says it has a plan. and part of the improvement that do i see now in a series of all fed, they say aggressive maintenance lead dead air recovery efforts that this being approved by the board is that they were being able to add the approximate improve that the energy availability faked up by approximately 9 percentage points. but in the last few years, the power cuts which began more than 16 years ago have only worse and with some areas without power for up to 10 hours a day in the weeks ahead of the elections, silva for has not had any problem with the governments is it has nothing to do with a vote and that is managed to improve power generation. even if that is the case, it may for many votes as play in the agencies favor, but it may also be too late for others. aside from the scheduled power cuts,
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areas like this and so with, so have not had any electricity for months and that's between people here become angry at matching. so we're not, we're not both. i am not on a boat and not on the on the. 7 the, the, the, well, the poly utility says it has a plan and the chances of low power cuts the small use of the system power cuts of costs is business owner. not only tens of thousands of dollars, but his hopes of a promising future. somebody to miller ultra 0 johannes bug with a when he was president. so a good town us. so no say dial has declared victory after the final round of the election. it was a hand of prime minister and greta single nights with 75 percent of the votes. after 90 percent of ballots were counted. the war in ukraine cast
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a shadow on the election with list. when you're feeling it can be russia's next target. those 8 has been a staunch ally of ukraine and i up to date, thanks so much for watching. the next time, the, the hello again. here we go with your weather update kicking this one off in australia, showers coming into w ways. so that's drop down your temperature in purse to 20 degrees and temperatures will continue to slide over the next 24 hours. settled in the southeast sunshine coming through. so looking good in melbourne with a height of 20 degrees on tuesday. cool, southerly wind here for both islands of new zealand, few showers coming in to the north island. and if i take you to enter an easy or concentrated rain, will be for that western side of sumatra. is kelly, montana,
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and south kelly montana on borneo islands. tropical storm is moving away from the philippines, but it's still, it's got a lot of rain draped over the south china sea here. so let's track where this tropical cycle loan is going. so looking like it's going to steer just to the east of japan's where you grew islands and also the main islands here. so this red line is where the strong looks to track. but here's what's going on. right now. we are getting quite a soaking for japan's q should cocoa and hunt you island stuck in the blue and the yellow. that is the more intense rain falling. so you're going to be dallas with rain. it's a wash out here. we are likely to see some flooding, but the back of the top, we've got plenty of sun coming into eastern and central china. so shanghai 26 degrees for you on tuesday. the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights
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at the center. you're not a sports fan anymore unless you're dealing on the game. fault lines examines the surgeon pressing and the impact on those suffering from its addiction. just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. felt like again, we've turn this into a nation of visual gamers. i'm definitely not in control. the big gamble on it just, you know, the and the phones move on to the lovely stage. the video is in the process of joining a coalition of countries and the significant diplomatic initiative, the recognition of the palestinians as the shadows of the woods, even though it together with israel's compartment escalating daily and no truce inside the international community since defined. all major european powers, like germany continue to support as well as tom supplies. this coalition is cooling
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for an immediate to state solution. positioning. tell us city and state is the critical pathway to pick.


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