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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm AST

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ash before he is the . ready the color that runs thought the attain. this is the news our life from don't. coming up in the next 60 minutes condemnation from european and arab countries of israel's attack on rough us of 2075 palestinians are killed in a missile stripe on attempts to displace the fund people. the funds of the survivors is out of tests on taking to hospitals that have family functioning. most of the victims of women and children with our seasons hop in your guinea estimate moving to a 1000 people may have been buried alive and fridays on. it's fine. close to 800000
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people have been displaced in bangladesh by tropical psych current we'll have a live update point and i'm fine. how much with the school the dallas mavericks are now. one went away from reaching the n b a championship finals. if you visited the minnesota temple all set to take a 3, nothing leap in the west and comforters. find the israel is facing strong condemnation from countries in europe and the middle east events attack on attend come for displaced, palestinians, and rough, or at least $35.00 people were killed. and as strikes which targeted tense, sheltering the internally displaced mary united nations building. the many of the dead ended all women and children. the palestinian red crescent says that people will bend alive in the attempts they ended up being treated and overwhelmed and on the equipped hospitals
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out of the areas who in del, cuz already visited the attack side, the in rough and sent us the something a quick currently in the fly in the area and it makes you sent that has been targeted by the is really airstrikes with at least a air strikes. let me walk through you guys and show you the after math. this area had a nice one, t 10. and here we're seeing the belongings of a family that was living here. as these 35 palestinians were killed in this target. one of the most lisa targets, as described by the palestinian civil defense as it took them hours to put down this fire done. unfortunately, the firefighters tried their best to contain the fire, but again there has been no water resources in the gaza strip,
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especially the after the is ready for it is close, the roof are crossing and no fuel has been entering the called the ship since then they have been trying to put it down, but there is no water resources on this area was filled and packed with palestinians that were forced to evacuate from several parts of the cause of the trip. there are since on many here still in this area, even after the target because they simply do not have any place to go and are 100 percent sure that were ever they go anywhere ever they evacuate. that is where the air strikes are going to taste them. this is in the i just need a deaf off garza ton. this time. well, let's be talk correspond honeywell when he joins us now from general della in central garza honey. when you and i spoke yesterday after that as well. could attack some tell of if you told me people anxious about what might happen and rough
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at this attack on an area that was supposed to have been safe, has been brutal. yes, and if not only uh, confirm what people have described in the past and have expressed with a frustration that there is no safety place, including the designated areas bite is really monitor yet save them. but there is no escape out of this genocide, those requests because of the goals of the the time of preparing for this report. ongoing a talk in the central area as people wear out, gathering at a point where the trying to get some water for their families. the work targeted at least the 3 people to arrive to along the hospital where i'm reporting a front b b. they arrived the hospital completely shredded, we could see them as the where removed it from the ambulance taken inside the emergency department. and just within minutes all the way to the more because they were pronounced did right away several injuries as well, ongoing attacks. and from overnight since, overnight,
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attacks all the way to early hours of this morning. and as of this moment with a drones are a good clouding the uh, the areas above the, the hospital at right now. but the who were to get tax on this evacuation zone and rough by city, this particular area, this particular block was designated by it is really military as a steep zone for it displays families to move to, to avoid being bombed. only do the b to get bombed in rain, been killed inside the thames, the worst sheltering. and just leaving the remaining a, this waves families with charter sense of safety and, and a trails of the tragedy that the, the don't have any other a options right now they don't have any other place to go through. knowing that there is no space of place at all. and also it's confirmed that these reading military and it narrative about safe zones is a quite misleading under mountains of evidence to prove that right now there's
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a military announce referral and i just part that it carried out those attacks and it's looking into what it describes as a drove them, you know, what shocking really is the scenes of the big hit it children at the side of the target there. what seemed to be not only a large explosion took place, but also the incendiary bombs that and that lift the area on fire until nearly hours of this morning, a civil defense. the crew is trying to put down to fire, but do are unable to the could not succeed in putting the fire down it reach out to other surrounding fans and they were caught in fire. just further increase the civilian casualties and push people into further internal displacement. this is a horrific attacks and the trauma it left for people who are already traumatized because of the ongoing multiple displacement that from the northern par, sue drop by city, and then from eastern europe. although he did this, evacuations on the trauma continues to get worse by the hour and because of the
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lack of health care facilities and by city right now, we're only talking about few of the hospitals that are running at the lowest capacity possible, the injuries and the casualties were transferred to civil field hospital in dropbox city to the point the municipality director called for operating the border because they are unable to accommodate all the injuries coming in from this particular attack. terrible scenes. and we're also a hunting left, one today with all the laser as far as for pushing from dental gala and the central part of the gaza strip. thank you, honey. well, israel says it killed it to senior. her last. come on. does it not attack that? says that the details of the strike itself is still on the investigation. meanwhile, the 2 countries involved in mediation between israel and her last have condemned it . egypt foreign ministry called it deliberate bombardment of displaced people's tents and rasa. and it's called on as well to abide by the top you n quotes rolling to holt it's minutes, reactions, and rasa. tato has also condensed the attack,
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saying the bombing would complicate ongoing mediation efforts, as well as hitting the plans to reach an agreement for se spine. on the head of the one agency for palestinian refugees. officer responded to the slice as to tack on reference reiterating his goals for cease fine. i so images the deeply disturbing and i'll be fine. um, i think we have been campbells and ones. there is no safe space in uh in garza um we have a in numerous concentration of population. these people have been asked many times to move. but in reality, even where they move up the casual key. so again, they have been a numerous called from a number of member said from this i for general, for myself more than ever, what is required is a ceasefire. israel has gone down to 0, so we will speak to
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a correspondent in wrong. com today. joining us from the building and capital and on, and run the international condemnation of what's just happened and rough a has been swift today that that's right, but it's also we've had is really reaction as well. let me take you through that 1st before we get into the international condemnation, unless just compare the words that my colleagues hunting the food was using about the situation to the was these riley's are using about the situation. they've said that this is very grave. the most i said that the details all being an incident are still under investigation and which we are committed to conducting to the fullest extent. as the statement coming from major general, if not a to matter your slave me is ready on you have said that they regret any home to non combatants during the war. and now you're going through some of the foreign ministry statements from the region. but there are others as well, but let's just take the 3. what else? the egyptians have said they've said the deliberate from barton bies ready forces of displace people tense,
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calling on israel to implement the measures ordered by the in special court of justice concerning an immediate succession of military operations. jordan actually also said something similar, accusing israel of committing ongoing war crimes and saying that the bombardment and rafa defies the ruling of the international cause of justice and constitute several violations of international and international humanitarian law. so do you radiate like mentioned to condemn the attack as well saying the latest of these attacks is targeting the 10s of displace palestinians near the warehouses of on your north west of rafa. but perhaps the most alarming statement did come from cats are, you just mentioned it. they said on monday, these really attack on ref, could hinder mediation efforts to reach a ceasefire and a captives exchange deal. and long con the, with the very latest reaction from both israel and abroad. thank you very much. and ron, are lined in ron is reporting for us from
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a mom and dad in in capital because israel has band out a 0 as well as what was paula meanwhile, hesitated to approve the bill that would designate the un agency of a palestinian refugees as a terrorist organization and also called for an end to old times with own right, as well previously accused 12 of the agencies, employees of involvement in those come off attacks on october, the 7th, about 10 independent reviews included, there was no evidence to support the obligation. the bill still needs to have several more steps before it becomes middle. of course, on us as f one was spokesman for the one agency, he says the building pushed forward is based on a lie. there is absolutely no evidence as provided by the independent colona report which investigates it these obligations. it was very clear that israel has produced absolutely no evidence of these allegations. so the is really parliamentary commits. it moves up based on the mother of all lies as far as i'm
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concerned. that is no evidence against henri. and let me be clear, is this the un general assembly, the community a civilized nations that gives unreal it's mandates un only to un general assembly can change that mandate. so it is not a question of one un member states that go on road that decides that it's going to end the mandates of under. that's not how it works. so i'm afraid to say that unless life saving was given, what we saw yesterday must and will continue investors of determination, which ultimately rest with the general assembly of the united nations. whether in 8200, many states, all the 3 year of hand country is set to recognize palestine as a state on tuesday. i've also condemned, as well as ongoing attacks on rafa. as an joint news conference in brussels, the foreign ministers of island, norway, and spain spoke about the need for 2 state solution to the conflict. they also accused, as well as reaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop its attacks
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on rock far. that there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i condemn the violence of yesterday. the rockets there was at the root and struck a tentative eve, understand he is attacked on the rough at $1050.00 g camp. and last evening where it again innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions, days went to seize them. apartment of russia, this dress is what we have been calling the 305. so we're 3 countries for a long time that it's an immediate cease fire. but the gravity is even larger
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because it becomes after a decision taken by the international court of justice. that once again i want to recall that tire binding, a couple, sorry for all parties. they are for, for reason why i let the scrolling split stop. this attack on, on profile, i think that the, this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child to no way is foreign minister. spend both ida edge of the european countries to follow suit and recognizing a palestinian state as we are in this low point in history when it comes to them, at least if this exactly when you need to think about the day after the hour. and there is an imperative which is to get to a cease fire. there is another imperative which is to radically upgrade the humanitarian efforts. but neither of these are actually solutions the solutions
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have to be political and we need to think about that political solution. now that is the context in which span oregon and norway coast to recognize. we encourage all the countries to do the same. and we know that a number of your european countries are either on the way to do so or contemplating . and we hope that both of those suits well, that's going to cost one of natasha about the joins us now from brussels. natasha took us through the timing here. why are we seeing span islands in no way recognize a palestinian state now. while the irish foreign minister speaking in that press conference said, look, countries in your opinion have for many years been talking about the need for a 2 state solution is the best way to install a peaceful palestinians and israelis. but he said, we simply haven't done enough to get that. and he said that is why spain, the way no island has decided recognizing a palestinian stage, could be
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a step towards a diplomatic piece process. it is a way of moving things forward towards pace. that's what he is saying. and now we also heard from the spanish and the region, foreign ministers. they of course all agree and say that this is just a way that the european union can start to look as if it's free. doing something instead of just talking about it for so long. we also know the spain is hoping to put on the table here in brussels, where you for ministers and meeting the idea of a joint declaration. the issue of joint decoration urging is ro to uphold the i c j decision that israel should and it's offensive in garza so that is something as well that spans routine on be you doing. coming forward with united voice often use ro to stop it's actions and garza given this momentum. how likely i'll wait to
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see of the european union countries follow susan terms of how this thing and recognition. do you think? i as well as with many issues in your opinion, things are ways quite complex. on one hand, you have the european union, it is being very united when it comes to condemning hamas is october attacks on israel. it is also become the united is the months in condemning israel's actions in rougher in terms of israel, not doing enough to protect civilians in terms of not doing enough to allow you monetary in a reach palestinian people. but it is deeply divided on other issues and one of these issues is the recognition of a palestinian state. and now you have some countries that are in the process of perhaps recognizing a palestinian state or say they'd like to do so, for example, us lavinia and belgium and malta. but there are other countries that simply say, now is not the time one of them, for example, is from the foreign minister from says look, recognizing
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a palestinian state as order to be subject for power as phones back to you and resolution on the issue recently. but what the form is, defaults is saying, like all the, some of the e u countries is that what needs to be done 1st is that a piece process needs to happen 1st and within the context of a piece for assessing those negotiations. then that is the time they say to recognize a policy in space rather than the other way round. natasha about to that with the very latest for us on those moves are pushing that from brussels. thank you, natasha. oh, no way. steps towards palestine and recognition comes moving fast. he is often broken the level quotes and 1993. those kinds of navient countries has and decided to take this route because a different strategy was needed for peace in the middle east. and school and the recognition also to a point to step out the reports from the capital. an awesome is in deep secret under the cover of this research institute. and also the very 1st negotiations
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between the palestine liberation organization of yasser arafat. an israel took place soon after the pc was made. i offered visited the office, visits here, and in the i think definitely the in this room. so it is me with a lot from his chair must have been around, but my table is the also of course were meant to end as well as a few patient and eventually lead to a palestinian state. instead, the occupation became more entrenched, illegal is for 80 settlements, multiplies and silence increased more people to day. i think we'd be able to opinion that it might have done hong so no proud this towing agreements assigned here in secret at the government guest house. after midnight on august the 20th 1993. but as time went on, it became clear that the court was doomed to fail. 3 decades later piece is further
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away than ever before, but still no way believes it's possible. learning from its mistakes has now taken a different approach. after trying for years to negotiate with it's key ally is well to abide by the us low courts. norway has decided to focus on the pallet sting insight instead. and also $2.00 is that upgrades and one of the adjustments to make this more relevant in 2024 is that the recognition no power stein happens at an earlier stage. that's what was originally planned. that does not mean that we have an end of the war inside right now. and, but we do this right. let's not on board because the issue is right under this current government is not on board. but this role is also increasingly isolated the right now a research last long being critical of the us, lower courts as no way to recognition of palestine is a big shift international of from the region 5, i'm from the, i'll be you repeat, congress is to send a strong signal to divert to israel to the americans that look,
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we need to solve this conflict peacefully. i'm up to state solution is the only bad solution we actually do have. i'm on. well, the other, even worse, one of you of small sparsely populated countries trying to solve one of the world's most complicated conflict for now, no way hopes more countries in europe will follow it and recognize palestinian statehood as well. steadfast and l just sierra also as the officials and pop in your guinea have a pulse of the rest. and eliza to the un saying some 2000 people were buried alive in a landslide on friday. my number is up from the previous estimates of more than 670 killed. it happened in a remote area of the move in angle province with ours. these meanwhile, a wanting
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a fellow that hillside collapses. rescue efforts have already been convocation by the sheer volume of modern debris. some bodies has been recovered, many of them are still buried. while we can speak to christians and his wild visions, national direct or full pop in your guinea, he joins us now from the capital port. was me, chris? i believe you have teams on the ground that in the area. can you tell us what they're saying? yes, thank you. i'm good, we've got we've got a couple of people as part of the assessment time. looking at that as you've said, messy volume of mind and rocks and debris and yeah, truly tragic. saying where you can say a mountain has literally fallen on on it, on these villages here in a province. yeah. well i see that pen g is disaster agency is now saying that more than 2000 people could be buried under the robots. huge number, the one estimates a, something like 675. i understand there that actually less than 10 people has been found is obviously very difficult to assess the extent of what's happened or yeah,
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absolutely look, this is a remote part of company getting into its challenge and getting in there at the best of times. what would saying um in the video and the file size is some dramatic volumes of death, like we're looking at maces and made his of dead. but you know, a lot of people are trying to destroy the se. i just, it's really hard to get a hold guides on an accurate number. i think further complications on that in this area or hang a problem with same trouble finding waste land that is main movement of people's side. but we're not exactly sure how many people are wearing these households and the buildings when, when the mat on the left side. very complicated. me, chris, what resources are there right now to help with search and rescue? are watching these pictures. i see people digging with their bare hands and small sticks. i believe there are also some cultural sensitivities around using heavy equipment that yeah, look, there's
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a couple of issues that make things by complicating 1st thing is that the main highway from the center of while back, which is the provincial central bank across to the boulder area. with these land slide these see the roads in trouble. so again, access, he's incredibly challenging the land to bring inside some of the heavy equipment that we've made to move this volume all of debris and driven products. um further, um, the complication is that we're not exactly sure that the land slide is finished. there's 2 reports of movement into rocks. and so we certainly don't want to go into this area and make it for us. so we're going to be very careful stage. chris that has also been political time while and port moresby has that complicated recovery efforts and in your experience so far and um yeah. like we're certainly looking
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at if i have not confidence possibly tomorrow on the ultimate then that process takes place. but that haven't disrupted the um, pretty hasty collaboration between the provincial government and now and the national government as well as the multilaterals. and you guys were part of a really tight cohesive collaborative unit here in san j. u and wall of times um yeah, there was some cause distraction. what i've seen in the last 2 or 3 days is really great chain that works together. you have to remember across pain jay, there's a number of challenges we've just asked is whether that the west of the province flooding safety we've had. there's quite sion said big we've had rates of we've had um volcanoes involved in bill. so this is a country that has a lot of natural disasters that as well used to responding to them. however, at the monument there's a, there's a few more than we wish. and that's a truly tragic sign here and no christian. so now, well, visions and national direct to full pop and you're getting thank you so much for
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joining us all. now is there a news our chris and we wish you a new teams all the best with, with what you're doing. thank you. all the united nations is wanting, the 10s of thousands of ethnic were hanging, have been displaced by fighting. and me and laws were kind state view and says about 45000 of the lives of minority groups have been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and rebel groups escalated back in november of 20 triangle thoughts, hundreds of homes in the town of what you down have been destroyed to by austin fund has ripped through a hinge a refugee camp in bangladesh on friday. crampton, dangerous conditions for the more than a millionaire. i think for a hinge who fled me on my since 2017. but now those concern for those back home satellite images of a booty down in northern were kind state show the city engulfed in smoke on the morning of may. the 18th that says the united nations was the result of hundreds of
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home satellites. the night before, we are receiving, frightening and disturbing reports from northern were con, state and mama of the impacts of a conflict on civilian lives on property. some of the most serious allegations concerns incidents of coming over him, just civilians, and the beginning of the property. communication, subbing come to the town for delta 0 has spoken to someone who witnessed the attack . so hit the military already left booty down and with the arc and army already the deal was no. give them and you know, no, i'm going to treat just only them. so this at fire induced voltage in use and use. they want us to be afraid of them 1st and they're on the that the what they want to sierra ken ami an increasing the powerful rebel group denies is behind the attacks . it's funny to seeing here with hundreds of captured soldiers and their families. so other on groups set defies. the erica anatomy has had significant pictures of
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the military in the past 6 months. but if it's fine to is a responsible, they'll be held to account says the shadow government. no one is about at all. and while conducting this operation, that costs across the country, they're all lice, or the air organizations attorney registers talking to patients. fighting with the on top are also be advice to for the international knobs and attendance were hinge, a community has already enact. so the concern for friends and family in november, time between 580-0000 people are reported to have been displaced from booty down with nowhere to go. i think the ira account army and the government equally, but we do not have any means to defend ourselves. or we want our basic human rights . these pictures released by the american army, show the off the mazda of an air attack by the middle treat jumped to on may. the 14th the victims were
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a hinge of villages outside the town of mung dole. as ma'am of civil war grinds on, the hinges increasingly find themselves trapped in the middle. tony cheng l just or hold time to charter. it joins me now from tech enough on the banks of enough where that's on the bangladesh, me on the border time do when we spoke yesterday, you were telling us about the people stuck there at the border, essentially trapped in the jungle with no shelter. now there's been a slight claim, how they doing as well. i mean, we can only get news. so the guys who as context on the other side i just spoke today with some of the billing or contact we have this with most of them are still stuck in the jungle of course, because of the cycle and warning, which also affect the cost of about off of me on my near to bangladesh, they've been staying hiding there. this area is basically a conflict zone. now it's very tense. there's a fighting every day between the icon army as well as
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a me and my military daughter cannot make consistent mainly but this the right time people who for the last 2 years have been calling for an hour trying i'm. i stayed on fighting against the me and my army. so there caught in between recently that been forceful. it occurred at by the me on my, on me and used as a human shield fighting against the dark, an army by the me and my military. and that's creating or started a with the rock kind but this community along with the hang our community. and that's getting a really a precarious situation for them. they're wanting to come on this side. that's the only save they have otherwise that basically going to start, run that side because there's nothing there to help them out since the got displaced from budget throwing in other areas. tanya, what are the reading of that telling you as a still trying to make is across the board or to bangladesh? it sounds like heading back to the there in villages just isn't option yes. despite all the restriction garner that's put there, i mean that put the brother gods,
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him cause god's on i like this and no more but ring as will be allowed to bring as i've been trickling down into the can. but there can blending with the rest of the remaining of that have lot of family members. we spoke to several of the people who actually in very recent weeks had actually come from. but the don and mongo in that area and actually taking shelter in the can, they don't want to be identity or i do the safety reason from the alternative. we spoke to to a young man yesterday who said they were stepping because most of the young man boys, they've been recruited by the me on my, the army, if not by the hour, come the army to fight on each side and then want to be part of anything yet that threatening that if you don't, then we'll burn your home. when we look for your families out from the village of then you won't be able to come back. so they basically the trip. this is why many of them are not wanting to come to the camp at least well. they can get some kind of refugee shout there. they probably will get some aid from the you in agencies,
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in the jungle. there's nobody to help governments or conflicts on the pity, arctic backgrounds every other day. you know, you can ask the locals, they'll tell you they can hear gunfire. murder shows machine guns every other day here. so anybody precarious situation, unless some agents in international agencies go and help them there, they're only try this to escape to bangladesh. take refuge yet, you have done with us, but not that very of that they won't accept any more rank of putting them in a real dire situation due to time to chat audrey. this being 1st from technology on the banjo dash me on my board at thank you very much time to what we cannot bring in. they said you and he is a human rights activist. and the co found the for you were having a coalition who joins us now from frank said nissan. there's a psych current, as we've been hearing from my correspondence of developing humanitarian crisis, they're all not for all their any legal obligations to give shelter to the right hand. i know bonded as isn't a policy. so the refugee status convention as well, you know, but the other issues already the host into more than
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a 1000000 in the refugee is not the 1st time it has been since 1978 and also in 1991. 1992. they had been the hosting on our refugee, but as of now, the problem is but in the, within the real kind of state all the time that the new mobility at the committed the numerous climate gaze daryl heaton, joe and the bangladesh need to host all the refugees leading from yeah, not is not the, i think this is not the solution. we have to stop who up up by trading gays to really enjoy inside the country. and cbs me then. yeah. my, my luxury was sold but trader at gays to really and yeah, but as of now are gonna be the, the addition of the walk. so uh, all the time you know, us being the bundle of dish a to open the border of 4. 02. 0, for the, for the people pleading for the seat safety, i think there's not the,
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not the solution at all, at least the, the fact that we man and that the people who, who loaned that they would, they must be allowed to cross the border for the medical attention, but the for the or their real uh for the routing population inside the country, there should be the product. and for the that is only the solution. ill people are fleeing to bangladesh and there is no retina at all. although you know that they've been with these government and been uh, and the china all the country, they have been talking about the big fish and it just completely. and so they know it is not going to happen so, so we cannot push the people to butler. this is that we have to stop the pump at traitor. so international that the subtraction from the international communities very much necessary. now we can see clearly not only the tree, but also the article is completing, the new me does cross the crime against humanity walk. i like be, hey, didn't you know, disclose that i, i'm a subsidy but i want to talk more exactly about that,
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about what people are offering from right now. as you say, the ringing, not only being targeted by the military, but the oregon army. you, i understand one to creation or thomas ra kind state, as you say, there have been reports of abuse austin, even the headings, one has actually been behind the uptick that we're seeing in communal violence between now they are economic what's actually gotten and targeting the rigor as well, we have support of the struggle of the real kind people especially we have supported the aren't gonna be because we, we, we had the confidence in them that they, they will, they would be a better future for the him to be. but, but the more they, they gained the territory, they are showing the there to, oh, to color. i mean, the, just, if you go and see that the 3 dark on of the, all those picks up on of the article, not be cheap, but a, by reading a few treat you, you will see that the,
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that the hey treat up case that really died in it is off, so the hatred up days that really days deeply rooted in the real kind. the book and as off now says they have already controlled the majority of the rule. hinge a big the i show the show into the wall what they are going to do. and they have already done the austin as, but there's only one significant want before that since the beginning of the april they had been competing. gave me this crime, including the significant masika. hundreds of people were being in being masika. we are investigating one by one this not only the one case that a several cases, you know, they have already bombed on the many village of the, in the really the one the, the bombed on the don't on, on the we came to do the, you know, the wall came to know that they are doing this and that basically, i think this is obviously just the prayer was in his, not the simply killing the people a little bit. they are not the stopping just to,
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you know, go at and it, when we met assist defense to do 70 young years old. she could not walk. she was be faded. you know, i was told by the end of the, with this from the electron. bailey's yeah. and they sound thank you so much for sharing the accounts that you were hearing that from the people trying to flee at nissan when as a human rights activist on the co signed the free ringo coalition. thank you for sharing that with us from frank set today. a thank you. well, still head for you here on out of the air trade taiwan and the threats of a new clear north korea's fleet is from south korea, japan and china hold a red missing attendance board may have in monica. it will tell you which dr. was able to avoid the chaos and when the sun will be here with that story, the this is took took is the 1st country in the world to develop
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a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties that just those use looks like beaches, historical and cultural tradition, bureau velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the the, [000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching now does 0, let's remind you about top stories. the sound,
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at least 35 people have been killed and that is really strong. contents and accounts internally displaced people and rasa. watching some pictures from this morning, a survivors that pickup once it scorched debris. the 3 european nations set so recognized palestine is that stay as long as soon as they have condemned, as well as a tough one. rougher islands, norway, and spain accuses reller reaching international humanitarian door by refusing to stop its assault on the city. officials and pop and you're going to have a pull to leave it in the last that's the united nations saying some, 2000 people were buried alive in the land side on friday. that number is up from a previous estimate of 670. it happened in a remote area of the northern angle problem. leaders of china, japan and south korea have held a red toilet for me thing aimed at increasing economic cooperation and easing, regional tensions. the delegations have also been discussing ongoing threats from north korea and they've issued a joint statement, promising positive efforts towards
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a political settlement on the peninsula public by the 4th now from sol. and like all neighbors, china, japan and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st try, lateral meeting of each kind involved in 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing daily a quarter of global economic activity. together they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop. please move away from nowhere to tonia and through the corporation of our 3 countries. we must strive to improve the health safety living standards as quality of life, of our people do it okay. i mean, you're just the head of this meeting, north korea ensure that would be on the agenda announcing it's intention to load just satellite using ballistic missile technology that's banned by the united nations, south korea as president to you. and so if you all called for us to an international
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response, supported by japanese prime minister for me, appreciate, it says it was, i know it's got to reaffirm that the nuclear is ation of north korea. and the stability of the korean peninsula are in the common interest of our 3 nations. why don't the china stop show active condemning goals, career, whether it's primarily chang calling instead for peace on the peninsula. but both south korea and japan will be hoping by jing can use that same fluids to constrain young young's wesson's developments with its worsening relations with the united states. china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington strongest allies in asia will help strengthen its geo, political clowns. those, that hon. you all to south china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handled sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multi that was towed into the 3 latest planned to meet again next
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year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences to one side. for now mcbride, i'll just say right, so well that speak to one is young and he's a professor emeritus and young say university and a former advisor to south korean presidents. he joins us now from sole professor, moon, north korea. it wasn't supposed to be on the agenda, but as well as reporting it in short, it was there, august issue just divides between these 3 countries when it comes to geo politics. how's that change the tone of this meeting? it will i don't see. so you know, to just try level or somebody just originally designed for the discussion of economic, environmental and social cultural issues. and in the past it goes tracy. this have been avoiding paul tradition still for it was quite expected. however, christ then goes on jo and prime used to teach the emphasize the importance of
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result, the north korean nuclear issue, and also premier in the lead trial of china or so agrees and says that the uh, the book continued creation of creating pennies less should to be particularly set for the deal for there was some kind of discussions, but there was a no agreement among the leaders and well ahead of these talks to the chinese and south korean latest they had a bilateral amazing, they've certainly not always seen eye to eye how does that set the turn set for the summit majority? as i say they did, there was a very significant development because supposedly to say i've agreed to to set up. so going to post committee meeting advice for him, use the and in the director general level of a managed to a defense of both countries that, that was basic and it's going development to discuss mutual consent. so no security issues between the 2 countries. of course, supposedly just have agreed to, to push for 2nd stage of uh, uh, china,
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south korea free trade arrangement to that involved in most of the sector and to tourism, culture and etc. that is another important development between the 2 countries. well, let me ask you then what, what's your assessment of the likelihood of the free trade deal? if it did cover all 3 countries that would cover something like a quarter of global economic activity. i see then now discussing how to speed up their plans. how soon could we see any developments due to track? so the name that i have pointed out to south korea and china have a by level f t a, but the japan does not have any by loud f k ways. south korea and uh, uh, china. but the, the 3 countries have been working together to create a try low f t hayes. but there has been, you know, less like a progressing try level have to but the 3 leaders have agreed to push for the, for the progress of a try now and a half cases. but as i pointed out,
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the solar and paging will be for the talking on the 2nd stage of bi loan application in the, in the says there was heavy emphasis in the promotion of free trade in noisy stage . and we'll see how, how that develops down the track winchell in the, profess, a professor emeritus that young se university. great to have you join us on al jazeera. thank you. if you, for sharing your thoughts, a still a head to your head on this page on time for me. the in johannesburg, south africa, we use a routing electricity cuts and goods. people who did insta, once their votes in the upcoming election, and as for the streets of manchester chandler city van celebrate that team is a rental breaking from unique title victory. sonya someone will be here with that story for you. the
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business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant. the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck,
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he's real estate consultant. the plug back it is time for sport and he has some thank you very much to an associate . well, we saw with the in the house and the dallas mavericks are not one went away from reaching the time visit finals for the 1st time since 2011. they be visitors, the minnesota temple will set to take a 3 nothing lead in the western conference finals. hi irving and lucas wanted quotes 33 points agent to lead the mazda to a 116 to 107 victory. no team in india history, it has come back up from read nothing down. status that has the test, the suite, the series on home court on tuesday. how does it feel to be a free oh no team is ever come back from a, a 3,
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not the depths that in finance. how does that feel? name and say, oh, but if it was great, but we gotta think about those get got to play with the same mentality. they're not going to go away in a way. so we need to prepare for the nice game. we just got a thing, a bonus name, tennis now forming. well, number one, well found adel begin. his campaign for 15, for the french open that tied to later on monday adult has been on the practice quotes ahead of his rondo, unmatched with alexander's fit of organizes. it took the decision to cancel the ceremony to celebrate his achievements that the whole engulf that to austin. adela said that this may not be his final appearance at the tournaments had previously gone on the record at to say he'd be retiring at the end of the get of the finest. and d murray. it may have played his last night at the front open. he was beaten by 2015, the champions tennis, less of franca,
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39 arrows of rank up beating his long time arrival in straits and method, consecutive semi finals at this venue back in 20162017. so there's no back and fives done. and 5 and twice to, to rap on obviously no, no shame in that. so yeah. and a different time maybe that the results that have been a bit different, but yeah, i'm proud of the results that i had here. you know, i have great memories and like you said, it was not, not an easy surface for me, but we showed up and, you know, put in some, some strong performances. and i went to a store, a feed on a stellar is playing american fashion of agree, the tennessee and start over as aiming for her 1st ever grandson type of its own quote, as well as number one, easiest fi ticket. and she opens the defense of her title against the drawings on of the human. so this final nights as
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a head coach of barcelona has ended in victoria as they ended their legal campaign with a to one. when it gets severe, you club decide that the facts have is this pipe before the 4 year old, previously volumes to stay on with streaming. nope. as for the winna and run over to his coast to celebrate the plane legend had led the side to the time to last season before finishing 2nd, this last to all was good night. just to city manager type guardiola could be leaving the club at the end of next season. according to latest reports, the 52 year old and his side celebrated the record full successive from any title in an open bust rate on sunday. to beat it was time in the final day of the permit need to secure the title for the 16 week titles and the chant is big since he took over back in 2016 is contract and saturday to had in 2025. been many good moments. uh well, i think uh when, when you were going to win the league,
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that was the best one. so i have to say that one there. and in germany by live a cruise and it says, have been celebrating the record breaking trophy double survey arena stadium hosted the homecoming policy that few would have predicted at the start of the season, shabby alonzo as team it became the 1st guy that to go through and, and tie with his legal campaign on defeated on. so today they beef cause of sloth and to win the german cup. the only defeats in 53 games came in new york for the final i guess i fell on to charlotte. clark has won the monaco, going pay on his home a so its an incident field opening lot. so the race is suspended for close to an hour. the cloud was able to steer clear of trouble as he closed the gap on max or stop and at the top of the wall title standing tom sizes and reports. john i chief, the famous race of monte carlo has been largely print, fixable in recent years. but no one would have expected to see what happens at the
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starts. red bulls says your parents started in 18 softer itself. qualifying session is disappointments compounded by a huge collision. the 1st son pos drive that given back to us and clipped him prompting a sequence of events that brought out the red flag and sol perez's called lifted off the circuits. elsewhere on the 1st lap, lp and drive is estimate on m p a gas leak combined it gasoline was able to continue, but he didn't hide this frustrations. i'm going to say exactly what happens. you don't seem to the correct or real far an incident free restart. so the quotes i control, the man who started in pull position, looking for his 1st if a victory on high ground, a rare opportunity with championship be the next to step and stuck in 6 after an era and qualifying for staff for summer clarence, i'll skip the street was a mattress staying close behind and hoping for a mistake, but that mistake from the club and ferrari never came. and in the end it was
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because teammate signs putting the pressure on p. s. street. you hold on for 2nd. robbery happened jude a tough couple of years of what could of beams they've now secured. the 2nd when of the season and reduce the construct, his gap to just 24 points to pull the closest to us when since austria 2022. he's now 31 points of the stuff and you were quoted his lowest position in a completed race since finishing and 7 in single or 2 years ago. no, it's kind of claim. that's the. yeah it's, it's such a difficult trace. it means also obviously the raise that made me a dream of becoming a former one driver one day. so it was a defect would raise that most certainly because already existed in love,
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city and you all just hoping that nothing happens already. the emotions were, were coming. so i will tell with this will go down as a pivotal moments in the season. thompson's out to 0 had the program has $15.00 can steer the talia and what was his 1st appearance as a grand tour event. so then, you know, took the title with the biggest victory margin in 96 decades. this is part one of what forgot to hopes will be of the double. there's also a meant to in the, to the front which starts next month. and the new york ranges have taken the lead in the stanley cup playoffs stairs with the florida, kansas alex went to go for the in over time to give the ranges a 5 for when and i'll be the eastern conference finals to face to face all and those are useful for me, a 100 bucks, in a sense. you, thanks so much. i don't know so many cell africans how all kinds of
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a single biggest problem in the country. outages are blamed on aging infrastructure corruption and whole management of the national electricity provider. as somebody, the middle reports, the impact of unreliable pallet could influence versus investigate selection, reveal it and take what offloads, what's left of his morning break production about a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that. but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good strip. where do i do more light? i can't even imagine the future with this type of business because of, uh, we do depend on electricity. when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the exploration trends that we have no idea on pause. escalating operational costs, like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means more than $2.00 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last elections in 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve african kind of meet at least $2000000000.00.
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that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was willing to use an advance that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with them on did nothing to insure capacity was increased. but now it says it has a plan. and part of the improvement i do, i see now in a series of all fed, they say aggressive maintenance lead dead air recovery efforts at this being approved by the part is that they were being able to add the approximate improve that the energy availability faked up by approximately 9 percentage points. but in the last few years, the power cuts which began more than 16 years ago have only worse and with some areas without power for up to 10 hours a day in the weeks ahead of the elections, silva for has not had any problem with guts. the government says it has nothing to do with a vote and that is managed to improve power generation. even if that is the case,
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it may for many votes as play in the agencies favor, but it may also be too late for others. aside from the scheduled power cuts areas like this, since the widow has not had any electricity for months, and that's between people here become angry at matching. so we're not going to have both. i am not going to boat and i don't think the, the, the, well, the probably utility says it has a plan and the chances of low power cuts the small use of the system power cuts of costs is business own north only tens of thousands of dollars but he's hopes of a promising future. somebody to mila ultra 0 johannes bug. hold on for me, the stall said hey, for this new zone, my colleague layla will be handling that with much more of today's news. i'll see you after
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the in june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of them at least 2 dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run. out of the re excludes the events leading to the window and its consequences, which i still felt today is the record of me. and it was because that is such as this stuff is live the war in june on outages. era the a walk into your world's weather update. so we've got waves of showers coming in off the atlantic. that's going to plague the islands of ireland and britain booth threw into western french belgian and the netherlands. then look at eastern scandinavia, the baltic states, bellamy,
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bruce and western russia. some spots here will be closing in on 30 degrees. also got waves of rain moving west east, across central europe. so that's going to put a cap on those temperatures. berlin, 24. but where the sun's out or salt $27.00 warm are still in budapest, coming in at $28.00 degrees for turkey, a rounds of rain moving through central parts here, that's going to strike on caroll with a few showers breeze through the boss for us means is stumble, just 18 degrees. quite cool when you consider it's almost june different story. the for the other side, mediterranean breezy. up and down the coast of portugal. ok this by the end of the week, the last day of spring. southern experience of the could touch 40 degrees spec to the here and now into africa. we go for the typical weather here. nothing really sticky note showers in storms along the coast of west africa. and it's feeling more like summer in south africa, especially for the western cape providence. cape town here, temperatures are gonna shoot up over the next little bit. so 23 degrees for you today on monday. see you later. i,
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the european era country is condemned. israel's attack on or off, i have least $45.00 palestinians killed and a missile strike on a camp for displays. people were going to find people they but the survivors of that attack taken to hospitals, fairly functioning. most of the victims, women and children, the


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