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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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are saved by poverty, bring the baby yet, despite all of a community, workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community, se not my problem is always going to happen like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that jersey to south africa ends prepared to go to the homes, the governing african national congress faces as tough as tests. yet the party risk losing its majority in parliament has failed. as what has with accomplished as democratic south africa lost its way. this is inside story, the
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hello and welcome to the program. i'm elizabeth put on south africa as bracing for a milestone in election. the governing amc has been in policy 2 years, but it's dominance of the south. african politics could be in jeopardy. millions of voices say that the solutions, the unemployment rate is the highest and the world violent crimes on the rise. the license police to to stick show a person is killed every 20 minutes and rolling electricity outages, a suffocating businesses, big and small. the amc is still the most popular party bought it support base is shrinking. so has the one policy majority, one that's close to the election on wednesday, launch a new political landscape with a viable parties forming coalitions in order to govern. we'll explore these issues with, i guess in a moment. but 1st, this report by katia lopez, holiday on south africa's governing party is used to winning that
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after 30 years, a penny impulse adjust. the african national congress could lose this majority in the upcoming elections leaders. serial around on poster is hoping voters will get the amc another 5 year mandate. these promising to revitalize the sluggish economy . we run severely the industries we want to localize. so the product maybe here in south africa with unemployment steadily increasing and reaching 33 percent in the 1st quarter of the year. frustration is growing. a recent survey suggests more than 70 percent of voters believe it's the most important challenge facing the country. we want. we want, right, but i like you of south africa, we find the industries they've got nothing to do. it's followed by an unreliable electricity supply, which is stifling growth and small businesses,
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the motor light. i can't even imagine the future with this type of business because of we do depend on electricity. when able to day basis. 3 decades after nelson mandela lift the amc to victory and the countries 1st democratic elections. many south africans are questioning whether it's lived up to its promises. monday, legs going? no. no, it's all. what time? as we see things, we must see. these different other parties are capitalizing on voters discontent. the main opposition, the democratic alliance campaigned under the slogan, rescue s a n influential political figure. jacob summa threw his weight behind the newly founded m. key party. after a fall out with the agency which he won sled opposition parties, which once had limited influence, could now become a force to be reckoned with. without a majority,
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the agency would have to build coalitions with labels, potentially compromising its policy. violations in the different maples have also taught us that they're not based on any principle. and if we could have that possibly just doesn't seem to be moving towards a lot of things that ability but it's the voters, not leaders who will ultimately decide if the elections on wednesday will mark a turning point in south african politics. patsy. a low facility in elgin 0 for insights toward the spring in august. joining us from cape town as kristen alderson, veteran journalist and host on the cape talk radio station in johannesburg. let's say who mock rebecca is the spokes person for the governing, amc and gal tank province on to the capital of pretoria and south africa's economic
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hob. johannesburg and also in cape town is and come by young z clunk while he's in opposition and p. but the center left potty, the united democratic movement and is running for re election on wednesday. a very warm welcome to inside story to all of you, mr. michael, that i'll stop with you and you had us book south africa is the most on equal country in the world when it comes to wealth distribution for board rating mentioned that it has the highest unemployment rate in the world as not to mention the lack of basic services, the ramp and crime has the amc gone wrong? a. oh, thank you very much. so that's a golf today. and so that's a golf. that is i go a different. it's not the same country. that is, i will only less than 30 percent of the population had access to babies to basic services 30 years ago and the people of us and carla were able to, to graduate and, and get decent jobs. today's a different story at midnight and software of africans,
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indians and catalogs who are excluded by a very depressive systems, able to access our schools the so the gulf today is not the same as the one of the 2 years ago in that they've been the face of this country has changed them the democracy if in for us that i've tried all investment in terms of um, in terms of public uh, public services and other things. so that's been a big changes. of course, in the past the 2 years, they would have been mistakes that they would that, that would have committed. and that would have been because of who i knew into, into governance. and we've led from those mistakes while searching i had. and we're confident that our people able to tell this particular story of the past that is of the little of the african nation. i'm calling them if and i agree with you fully that the in the qualitative means stop word. and that's why we went to the big the amc and it's a m and money for us to is not speaking about the industrialization that we want to
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deepen industrialization. okay? so that in this, in, in, in, in, in the, in the creation of inducing death television programs. we also have black conduct that lead sort of the able to ensure that we, we put black black people in africans in particular into the mainstream of this. what african economy? of course, because i believe it's something like, you know, 10 percent of south africans still controlled around 70 percent of the wealth of the country and that 10 percent. i'm mostly wise. this or this and let me bring you in. i missed a muscle that i was making the point that, you know, south africa is a different country. of course, the democratic south africa has only existed for 30 years. apache lost it for a lot longer. but do think that the gains that the amc have made and the last so as he is are enough could they have done better? what has plague, the amc to elizabeth peace? no dispute that b a in c fundamentally changed from africa's trajectory from an approximate,
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an equal society to a society that's fairly equal. but the reality is that is not trickled down to a large majority of people. and yet i think because they refer to young people, i explained this week with different communities speaking to different young people, asking them how life east walk of a scene change and the realities one they've never known. any of the political party or government apart from the african national congress box. they all i need to read now between the ages of 15 to 54. we're looking at a 60 percent. i mean perryman trade. so it means that a large majority of millions of black south africa, young people are roaming the streets, unable to find the job. and even graduates, all i'm able to find the job for the young people that i've engaged with us, simply say they don't see a future because they all know jobs. and this is wayne crime drugs. as you refer to,
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one of the high crime rates we have. those are consequences for young people that feel the east gnashing for them. now, i'm just not saying this an escrow barometer. pants. yeah, i can said they released earlier this week, actually proved that perfectly that young people are not loyal to any political party. and so it could be, they do feel that crime unemployment and the electricity crisis at seriously being a challenge for them. and they feel that the countries go to in the, in the wrong direction. and so this is the reality on the ground. i don't think anyone disputes that the agency is fundamental to change the trajectory of the country. but the saw that the cop to me between the full for the large majority of young people, elizabeth is not the country that they feel very confident or positive about. yeah, it's very interesting. you bring up, you know, i'll unemployment is one of the biggest concerns on behalf of the barometer of poll
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shows that it's 71 percent of the people they polled. that unemployment is the number one concern, mr. clunk. well, let me bring you in. and before we can talk about how all of these issues will play into the election, how do you, how do you think that south africa has got to this point? oh, thank you very much. it's gotten to this point due to the mismanagement of the, of the economy by the agency. i want to give you an example. yes. while getting that for the most contentious directions into decades and says as already indicate that the problem that you saw on the ground is that especially a minute there's a lot of disillusionment. the other issues that the challenges own is being how the amc has managed in spanish, the economy in the past 10 to 16, just one example of language side 3 goes above the level of the economy. go to the level of corruption. i mean, you can talk about stage capture i low. yeah. president on the force themselves said that about 500 feet hundreds of stolen from the country during the state of
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kentucky. and you had to concede one of the issues, you know, talking about the levels up in the quality which i'm different. one of the problems is that there is no match, stays a mismatch between the amount of money and time to the portal. and we spend a handy social impact on the ground because we borrowed in fact, is 20 patriot 272-2222. we bought a 1.381.82 guns of african times from okay 5. but even after we bought those 3 guys and bought money, we have still not able to make a dent in the unemployment rate. they just property, they just use it off in equality. yeah. which one correctly with on a daily basis? yeah. you so much my doctors are probably going to call me okay, miss management and mr. michael better. how does that? how much of that mismanagement does come down to corruption in the amc? mr. clunk was talking about state capture, which is of course, what happened in south africa between politicians and business leaders who worked together to really ulta knows also state institutions at a fund in the mental level to enrich themselves. he mentioned the last 15 years.
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that is when jacob zoom, i came to power. he was forced out by the amc 10 years later because he was found to have committed enabled corruption. has the amc dealt with the wrong do is yes they forced to jacob zoom out, but they have but has sit around the pose that adequately addressed corruption and the amc the if the principal question was gave rise to those unfortunate views from a colleague and they used the ag stems from the, the unemployment rate in this country, which is a problem and. ready what else you would know that the way we would have is he'd by the covenant button that may go into them, but i'm up. i understand that and i understand mr. malcolm bella, but south africa doesn't have the highest unemployment rate. okay. perfect. and what, but you're not answering the question which is has a around opposed to that address that they provided?
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and that is because that is because, and that is, that is because how we always go if we look at that and implementing sort of the guys that we even started from the ages of 15, just like one of the aspect that said. and that's why the amcs i'm list, it must be of program to ensure that we at least get our people because of the advent of defaults, invested on resolution. let me know to attend to my point. my plan is that the, you know, the covered fund. i make would have heat, that's very hot. and why the way we could, i believe with the corporate fund that make heat with a situation in, in the ok, the wall between question euclid which has cost us a lot of problems. and that's why we took it switching back and said that it did this with my stop. why do i dealing with that? the conflict in the middle is just not even assisting us the biggest economies in that was hours of struggling with the very same challenges that was that i live with. and that is because, so that's because not, it's not an island in the middle of the quarter. option, but it's been by my posts. i was elected by structures of the agency given them
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monday to ensure that he's able to approve all of the caught up the elements in the african national congress. and that's why you see, for most states, men and former presidents of days to such as president that one big, well respected, well coming out to, to, to, to come paying for the african national congress. because they believe that very new of the n c spoke up button 2017. that the power for the waves of you and you get a new one. and i'll be getting into totally move all of the child of the day. and so you would have accumulated throughout the whole of either rotating the rotten elements which were within the agency would have compromised the the, the, the, the, the, the public pass. i've been dealt with that. okay. that that being subject to, to learn for us ment, agencies and we are attending the type a again school that were attending the corner on the, on the challenge of corruption. and we have certainly seen corruption cases, various cases against president jacob zoom out that hasn't stopped him from trying
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to re enter politics a miss odom, let me bring you in now because the constitutional court has ruled that jacob's whom i cannot take part in elections yet his phase is next to the logo of the m k potty the polling. they haven't been not pulling badly. they pulling around 14 percent that would make them the 3rd largest potty in this election. how big a contend is jacob's food, but he can't take part, but are they any doubts that he will be controlling the policy from the sidelines? so in this book i spend some time includes internet, all halting and during the wasting case, i'm trying to engage with the, the m k parking structures. um in case it in your no, it's not negotiable people that you speak to, they all angry and they refer to the agency as right. my pull says amc, they also will tell you upfront they are unhappy with the way jacobs my has to be treated by the routing policy by the so called comm right?
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however, when you are screen. okay, so what about no cheating? what about corruption? what about the fact that is on the commission had shown the extent of jacobs who was corruption. then they simply say, well, i'm doing too much time. there was no paul what caused it to do it? so i almost feel like the kind of support on the ground, especially in case it is, it is so loyal to an individual. and that is jacob sue my, if one looks close to that it's part of the season. yeah. when we engage with both is inc halting and into wasting good because in fact you're in the wasting. camp is also very active in k braun. and i think campaigning very targeted in townships and in pity too. but i don't know if they've completely not even bothered with the middle class in certain areas. the, the focus has been on jacobs who might need to not the, you know, he has unfinished business. he didn't get the opportunity to complete these come so
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in my opinion, i think we're going to see a quick zulu natal. i'm kind of crazy in m k emerging either. why is that can be see for the rest of the country. okay, that's really interesting. so it has support base, hasn't moved away from him because of one of the corruption cases, but you're, you don't see that support being replicated elsewhere. missed a clunk while with the amc, you know, not predicted to win a majority in this election. what are your hopes for the future of south african politics and the role of smaller policies such as yourself? as i say, i want to correct some of the excuses. ok made by my colleague from the agency. the 9 was the presence of mind. that phrase came from the agency itself and there was no comment during that period. secondly, and the fact that, for example, although the $500.00 deal in terms of custodian from discussed by the agency during state comp time that's conference on the about 4 to be announced about jasmine to
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cover the sofa. and then you told me, you would think the subject is corruption. the other, the issue is that the car options perceptions index we've, we've also the west score ever number 8380 countries and you say, well, we need and that is the report for trinity, trinity, trinity. so you must, in coming to get the public share. the other issue here is that you assume that there is a number of political parties, including the system, was they should parties that have started working closely together in trying to answer the answer. because our intention is clear, we have to re define and deliver the country right, the political landscape. and so that's a couple of the benefits of africans. and one of the issues which was that mentioned in the instant when you went back around to the story is one off and making sure that we saw how and trying to develop a modem that would work full. it's all about pretends when it comes to how we're going to working in a coalition, i think, i think next of course, one thing of candy ange, it's not going to be an hour later tonight. mr. lock about it, especially as well vendor portion poll show that the amc cannot when
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a majority. so are you thinking about coalition partners and then see where the wind decided safely over was mainly made during the winter because we do not done it during the we and how big the da will lose the western cape. and i predict that they might even not even featured and parliament in the next parliament. and that's what, that's what do we, we're getting on that ground. but very much confident that what people have seen, how politicians have destroyed the little kind of fee of government. they have seen what is happening and that's it till so i me see to that this broke into the ground with no, no say this is that the live up to the people with nothing is working, which is a capital see the country. they've seen how to hotness big since the advent of quail for quite nations in 2016 has a request to, to, to the west state that is funded. since they have seen where one of the most viable
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municipalities in the of the advent of quite nations enabled are letting me in just a few years has been going to the ground solid. okay. and led to a co pay no, for the parties trying to move a country forward. oh, okay, cool. i village. yeah. and that's what they are telling me that they told us that yesterday in the mobile i the daily mind that the amc is the only party that can be able to take this country forward and that the n c has to continue with the new one . and leading this gun to the by, by friday, next week that last week the amc, i will be put on that. we know this elections. okay. so you were confident despite the polls and the for the so let me, let me bring middleton and mr. michael, better let me bring this the oldest son and because we don't have very long left in the program. and i would like to bring her in on a point that you, yourself and making south africa has seen what coalitions look like at the municipal level at the city level. they have worked on the municipal level. not so much. let's talk about it as rise on the city level. what do those coalitions do?
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they give us an idea of what, how they could work. i think, to some extent the does, but also not because in cape town, we had to cover the should. many years ago of smaller parties and the code edition works very successfully, i think in particular, because of gelatinous book and so on it, i mean, we looking to have as well because effort because largest industrialize took the, i mean it's gdp is bigger than most small african countries um, so with that they could put more, i think in terms of governance of coalition. but i do think mr. michael bennett has to be confident that the and see what we and i don't think anybody disputes that the agency will be the law just party come late 29. i think the question is, what is going to be the same page that you can see? well, we, and i think the reality is different polls and i know that political parties are often very dismissive of these inaction posts, and we've had quite a few. i don't think one can dismissal, especially
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a very authoritative exhaustible. but actually yes, i've showed a very kind of bleak picture. but i do think that there's a margin of error because we not looking at 10 hours, which between the $7700000.00 registered voters, i think turned out this going to be very large. well, that plays a big part the way there is perfect for wayne state. and i think ultimately the amc can bring the support is out of position policies like the democratic prolonged m k . if, if, if they bring the support this out. i think it's a real race and i do think no one could actually say what is going to be the final election. i'll come come on friday. okay. mr. clunk. well, mr. michael bennett is saying that, you know, he doesn't see you being in the next. the winning enough wants to be part of the next parliament. would you work with the amc? they are predicted to be the majority even if it's a reduced an outright majority. and it is very difficult as intent for people,
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even if they don't happy with the amc. it is more than a political policy. it is a full and liberation movement that one people's freedom. and that is what the opposition parties in south africa are up against. we must distinguish between the ages of nelson mandela, but uh, i tried to resent it and i tried that. that freight shut off. okay. and the cut into amc, which is running so i'll just talk to the ground. the other issue that mr. micheal with which i'm picking up from the submission is that is not guided by bankruptcies, not scientific goodness approaches, ignored impulse that i, ignored in my posts. that's come out about corruption in the country mismanagement . if i can cite economy indicators, i have to go to actually do that onto the problems, comments kind of which point precisely to the mismanagement of the. so i'm going to call them in the fact that there's no intention to fight corruption. in fact, the one to fuel it because it helps them with their lifestyle. the issues. yeah. as the gym is that we've made it can even as we're talking about accommodations,
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pre inaction, gladish and the discussions that we're open to working with soft topic and political parties. that's what actually embrace our program and made sure that we can develop a program of action that is going to up, lift ok our people and make sure that we make a difference of that much conditions in the country. so well guided by programs and policies of that you jim kind of on by saying we don't like so i'm so i'm so okay, we don't have very long left in the program just a couple of minutes. what i'd like to ask a quick last question to mister michael, that a and miss woodson. mr. montebello, why does the amc does it have another chance? and what do we have to continue with the building of the nation? the democratic good society, we to us envisioned by the president in monday law and their products and the, the a and c of notice that my deadline does print, then sit out on my posts as the 2nd type of june of the amc is the route to add to the ideals of monday, and therefore we have to continue with that project of enjoying that. we want to
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build a non sixty's and monthly rates is the process. but i said that for the democratic, so definitely got we still have to ensure that the men who coordinates of this country would, you'll, you'll, you'll, you'll, you'll point that out in the am, in your questioning on fighting and the quality on and show the uninsured and that will come by the cut option uninsured in the all our people, especially in the africans in particular that implants in gen ed on able to come into the mainstream of the corner of the country, which has been a very strong that i get. because you will have that minority in this country that continues to protect their white privilege. and that's why you even have profess us when daily federal, cape town, the federal affluence part of the city of cape dog. they'll be speaking about where color to live that most picking up by the way, blacks, and live in inland young but latin got and, and that d, a government does not a web for those people. it has web foot wide. so of course, in the wide,
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absolutely. and so, okay, mr. martin that i'm going to bring them on the i'm going to bring their own just said and he and all the people miss or just send, do you think that the and see can do that? can redeem itself and could the selection see, you know, the dawn of a new era and south african politics? elizabeth, we've had no point 6 growth rate. we've got a population of over 60000000. i think that certain be how can an economy grow when you actually spend one to sing then i think that's ultimately that's at the heart. for many people, people go to beat hungry a crime rate this high ultimately because since the social economic conditions, as mr. muckle being pointed out has materially not changed. the amc has had the 2 years and i do think they face an appeal back to people. south africans on very opinionated, i think between the 7700000 people will ultimately show the way. and we will have to wait and see until thursday, i think it's been
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a very competitive election campaign for all the parties. in fact, we split supposed to be saving on the voting ballot on wednesday when i go both. um, so i think ultimately the close to 50000000 for advocates. well, besides we though not the amc deserves and not the johns and i think ultimately it will also be an e to know kind of reflection for the amc if they cool below 50 percent watts and explore africa's oldest liberation movement. a very big question. thank you. to own of i guess that is krista alderson in cape town to say hill macro bena in johannes book and, and kind of a young claun class. also in cape town. i'm thank you to for watching. you can see the program again any time by visiting our website, i would just say or dot com as a further discussion, do go to our facebook page that facebook dot com forward slash 8 inside story. you can also join the conversation on x. i handle this at a inside story from me, elizabeth put on them and the whole team get bye for now.
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the to interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge, the rhetoric. yes, correct. but so in the international community upfront, only what, how to do the challenges here with the a g s the read his spend most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now from when
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he was a boy in 2022 long days, mcgarr would declared and endangered species. i'm the one out there that we have going on today. he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i am in the morning now. so that's why i don't see the rain molnar, calling me about some of the power while the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market treat not only indeed just wise brian made populations,
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but boots public health risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals up that engine free. the a hello there. i'm just ozzy attainder home with a top stories here on elders here. the death toll from israel as well, and garza has now passed 36000 gallons of health ministry. he says a 1000 people have also been injured. the news came as israel face a strong condemnation from countries both in europe and the middle east. over the place of strikes on rafa, which killed at least $45.00 palestinians who were sheltering intents un building the many of the dead. and when.


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