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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the the hello, i'm on the inside. this is a news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. 45 palestinians killed in the wake of an as rainy as strike on rough uh its southern garza organs 7 months ago and just over 36000 have now been killed. countries from across the european union on our wells condemn sundays attack on the displacement camp in russia.
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israel's ministry say the investigation talk is a good case and we follow students in gaza who are barely surviving the war. less alert, being able to complete this study. terrific alarm slide in pop and you get a reveals the 2000 people have been very authorities struggling to reach the devastation area. honest for one of the tennessee is full time greats has begun most likely to be his last friend, sharpened rest. and it is inaction of the grand slam tournaments is dominated like no other play in the hello. welcome to the program. we begin in ga. so at the is why the ministry says that an egyptian soldier has been killed in an exchange of fire with is there any forces salts with side from both sides along the roof of crossing with egypt,
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and garza. israel is also facing international condemnation of to s strikes, killed at least, 45 people who were sheltering in tents near a un building and southern gaza on sunday night. many of the dead and injured all women and children. the palestinian red crescent says people were been alive in the tents is ready, the government has admitted its strike on russell resulted in a fire that killed palestinian civilians. meanwhile, european in our countries have condemned the attack cutoff as the bombing woke him, the chances of a cease fire agreement. well, egypt has called it a deliberate bombardment of displaced people in the last few hours to medical stuff had been killed in an ass strike. for me, it is rarely crossed outside rough as kuwait hospital. a lot correspondence of following these developments in a moment we will speak to sar a car rights who was in
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a non for us. we also haven't. tasha butler standing by in brussels and we'll hear from him or could ari there about a, is the central casa, the fast act, so they move, it takes to look at how things unfolded. sifting through brussel and ashes. palestinians tried to salvage what they can from the charred remains of their temporary homes on sunday, at least 8 is really missiles struck a tent camp in the rough uh, the housing dozens of displaced families in an area. these really military itself had designated as a safe zone. the air strikes spart, the fire, killing dozens of people. most of them, women and children. witnesses say somewhere trapped inside these tense and burnt alive unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members,
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all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until we're bombed the diving. been spotless, unlim unlimited. we were praying. we adjust performed the margaret pro and we were getting all children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise in the fire running to the round us. all the children started screaming and well the nearby rooms were shaking. sound was terrifying enough and a little severely burn. survivors were taken to the few hospitals in a rough are still functioning. these children had been orphaned. their parents killed in the attack. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are unable to provide its proper treatment. was just to tell that there was no security in golf, but there was no security, not for a child,
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an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent was lots of they done to deserve these rarely attack comes in defiance of friday as ruling by the international court of justice. which ordered an immediate hold to the military assault on the rough uh, citing the catastrophic humanitarian situation of the city. and the immense risk opposed to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had sought refuge, their ex, those i moved out to 0. okay, let's speak to him to alcantara, she is life in data about a in central gaza for us, and you would need the location of that deadly attack that took place yesterday. and rough uh, walk us through the optima today and how emergency services and hospitals stuff have been dealing with it. of the well,
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we went through the incidents location hours after the targets took place at the target took place in an area in the middle of a make shift tend to where hundreds of tents were setting up their tents in this mix of 10 after the is there any forces or get them to evacuate to the western parts from the eastern parts of the class at the fire was still blazing. people did not have water to contain the fire. they were they were trying to use sand to dig in the fire. yeah, we saw very, a lot of remaining of the comedy we saw diapers for the children. we saw close, we saw food, all of us, all over the 10th, but all of it was burned. and we also saw body parts of people that work completely burned. and we also saw the remaining of our rock kids that targeted at this dense people were terrified. they said that it was
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a very tough night where that is really forces targeted. this makes, it tends to come with at least 8 is really air strikes. and the ambulances were, it was a very horrifying day for all these paramedics, because we're talking about 250 policy means that we were injured in the same exact incidents. and there was only one hospital operating in the quite the hospital. and it's only has 8 beds, and not only those, the tire methics and doctors said that they do not have the met this, the medications for all of these birds. because all of the people that were injured were, were completely burned from the plains of the air strikes. and not only thought, some people were severely injured that where they needed to be transferred to hospitals when the operating, like i'll also hospitalized and the european hospital in can you and is. but unfortunately,
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there was no fuel for the ambulances to transfer these injuries. that's why the, this tool increased in the past couple of hours to 45 policy news killed from one incidents. okay. and thank you so much be reporting hidden or cordaris that for us in there are all a oh, well just a reminder, israel has found out, is there a from reporting in israel, which is why we are speaking to sarah har at from a non, in the jordanian capital it so a sorry, the is rarely as of now acknowledge that civilians did die in this strike taurus or exactly what they've said. but well, i'm just going to go through some of the lines that netanyahu the prime minister himself has just been saying he's just stop talking. now he's saying that they all
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investigating what happens in rough saw. he says they will drill conclusions. he has also said that the pressure should be applied on her mouth, so we're going to do so. he said in rough uh, we evacuated a 1000000 uninvolved residents and despite the best efforts, a tragic mishap happened. yesterday. we are investigating the cases and we will draw conclusions that's just come in now. those are the latest lines that from the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. himself. now that seems so of the back of the minute. trees top prosecutor, he says that they're holding an independent investigation investigation role, that he said that the incident that happened in the desks was a very grave concern. and as well as that we've been hearing from the ministry, but also just by saying that they were investigating it said that yes, they carries out the strike. they confirmed that they said that's through precise targeting. they were off to,
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to have mazda officials. that's all responsible for the wing in the west bank. it supplied westbank and they set that as a result. so unfortunately, a fire broke out and some of those civilians were killed. but certainly this will, puts huge amounts of pressure on israel that already has been under immense pressure internationally on the international stage because of the i, c, j, or geron. also because of the chief prosecutor, a c king, a warrant against the prime minister himself as well. as the defense minister that is still on going up, but also as a time when soldiers have become i have become completely stipend. and so that supposed to resume on tuesday. and certainly it seems that off to yesterday's incidents and off to all of those desks of civilians, especially women and children, that might very potentially be off the table. and he's also been doing next in yahoo, the prussia, although it's to the, to apply it's on how much he says,
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but also he rejects despicable lives. he sets up by the negotiating team not yesterday. just to give you a brief background to the negotiation team, as it is right in the go, she ation team. but chief of that has been trying, it seems to push for his route to go back to the table and they were supposed to be having a meeting yesterday and is full. the leasing problem is the mess and yahoo had a job at the chief negotiating team because it seems that they have the cheapest been speaking to local media, talking about the funds. but it's because of this leadership that they haven't gotten anywhere with the negotiations. now certainly the attack yesterday will definitely have an effect on why they move on from here. okay, thank you for that sort of hire at that for us in a non. i want to bring in some rose. no, he is the director of planning for and right. he joins us live from rossa. many thanks for your time today,
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sam. uh so the is really ami describing what happened yesterday. and rafa as a tragic mishap, 45 people that we know of have died. many of them bent, including children, ben, to live. you were about 3 kilometers from that strike when it took place. what can you tell me about what happened your experience? i mean, we're, we're in the western part of rough or off day. is that, that with that sense of rock as some tank shells of naval shells as a constant hum of drones. overhead we did have a series of allow strikes between 930 and 10 o'clock last night. it was only when we woke up this morning that we, that we, we found out. we love that the, the hesitate can use of what has happened and it slipped as a little completely 2nd. and as i mentioned, you are in rough uh, working uh desperately with the people that are that. i mean,
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did you know this. com, did you know the people that had come to stay in this comp? why with a the, the yes, i mean the account is in the vicinity is about 200 meters knows what the stripes for about 200 meters, no of the read logistics space. and in rough, uh, uh, several 100 people in this area, several 100 people in intensive areas across the jobs is for these are people who move to these areas because they have been forcibly displaced most as not all of them on, on multiple occasions. and they, in an area that they did, they believed to be safe. uh they thought about it was 93010 o'clock as i said. and, and this is what happened then. yes. so the fires audits, the dad says a very when the area right now, but what we understand, what we're hearing from the hospital is, is that the people who are being taken to the emergency trauma carriers of stuff that never takes. right. and i was as well,
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so lot of desks from the munitions as well as that the, the fire. and it's an inevitable that these things happen when you use that level of weapon. we in such an overcrowded area, such a crunch arrow that was full of fun, remote women and children. and what we were hearing from a correspondent that is that some of those lives, some of those people who injured their lives could have been saved. but because there is no fuel on the ground, the ambulance is one able to take some of those people to hospitals. i mean, i don't know specifically about that, but doing everything in gaza right now is, is a challenge whether it be the fuel for the ambulance is whether it be the wants us for the fire brigade. we've seen the pages of people desperately, desperately trying to cut out these fires with the with, with that. but it's with sort of the bookcase with their jerry cans of what so that they've got these really ready her re fix up and then gruesome scenes that we've seen, but doing anything to manage a situation like this is bradley, impossible,
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given the constraints and we don't face and the severity of the other on the bottom, whichever one is on the, won't tell us a bit about your work, especially in recent days. uh, your agency at one point at least have 15000 staff members working in gauze. i believe. uh, what is the situation you will facing? how are you able to carry out what your, what work you're doing? i mean, the situation changes on almost a daily basis since of incentives of the when managing what we find in front of a lot. we still have several 100000 people in and around onrush shelters. these are laws, the school we continuing to run the health services across because district we're just and we have to shift those services to areas where people are again, displaced to but it has been increasingly difficult in the past couple of weeks with the start of the rougher operation on the 6th of may, sorry, 6 of may. yes. and was that well,
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that is meant for the entry all goods and fuel but also for our ability to access that where we are required to pass into an opposite conflicts. and so i think that those goes to pick up the delivery of fuel. that's called the case. it is dangerous and ex, extremely time consuming. so the space in which my operating is shrinking considerably overall. how strong considerably over the past 2 or 3 weeks at a time when yes, again, almost a 1000000 people in russia are on the move. so i appreciate the challenges you're under trying to carry out your job, given what is going on. some rose directive planning and re speaking to a staff from raffle. thank you. so as we mentioned a little and it just sion soldier has been killed in an exchange of fire, which is why the forces salts were fired from both sides along the roof of crossing with egypt and gaza. israel seized control of course the palestinian side. earlier
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this month when it began its ground, a sold off rough. uh, let's get more on this. we can speak to rodney to johnny. he is the project directive of palestine and israel, the international crisis center. you joins us live from london. thank you for your time. so just just give me your reaction to this news that an egyptian soldier has been killed in this exchange of fire with the is there any on me how, how serious is this? do you think it could end up becoming a political issue of what already the situation at the rough uh um, crossing the philadelphia co. corey door is causing a great deal of tensions between egypt and israel. and the overall situation in rough r and b is rarely operations. there are causing tensions across the board. this is the latest in, you know, what have been a series of escalations. this started with the, the start of the ground invasion and rough. uh,
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and then develop subsequently with the take over by israel, the occupation, the takeover of the rough crossing, which led to its closure and the significant uh sort of impact that, that had that's had on the humanitarian situation. and also raising security tensions with egypt inside which sees this as a violation of various agreements including right aspects part the of the camp david accords. yeah, exactly, up the 3. go into that in a bit more detail for, for people perhaps who, who don't realize the historical relevance here. there is that long standing peace accord between egypt and israel and, and, and it is very long standing. it has been very robust. so to what extent do you think this could have an impact on that as well? i mean, yeah, there are a lot of sensitivities and they have to do more with also practical conditions on the ground. you know,
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you can talk about the agreements and the legal sides of them. but there are practical considerations that the egyptian side has, you know, understandably, given the developments and does the fact that you have, uh, a, you know, hundreds of thousands of palestinians that are now essentially being squeezed into the sort of narrow areas in the south of guys in a situation as, as your previous reports indicated, are including, you know, significant aerial bombardment that is targeting civilian population. so the addictions have a great deal of concerns about these developments right at the, at the border of assign i these to get the security implications. are you know, extremely important for exemption, national security concerns and uh, but they also affect the, the, you know, the, the, the, the, the political aspect of the agreements between them. although i think the security
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developments on the ground are probably more important right now. i just with highlights and using it that's a cairo has adamantly refused to open the boat at crossing uh on the egyptian side . uh to let you know many of the displaced people go. they say they won't do that until these really minute tree wits tools and well, the digits your position has been quite cost and on the, on its interaction with the crossings with gaza is that this is a crossing with the, with the palestinians on the other side, and they do not wish to see a normalization of the functioning of the crossing with these ratings on the other side. and i think also it's an expression of the age of sions, discontent. the fact that the ceasefire negotiations did not end up uh, you know, bearing fruit and the fact that the efforts of egypt, sion and country and us, frankly, diplomacy did not end up um, you know, you know,
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bearing fruit at the end. and we're still in the, in the situation we're in right now. and rather than having something like a sustainable pause or a cease fire, we are now in a situation where the is ready, military is getting further entrenched right at the edge of the egyptian border. and this is something that is a cause of concern, as i said before, for the education authorities. thank you for that, robbie: the johnny project directive to palestine, israel at the international crisis center. thank you. risk and despicable just some of the words used by the irish for administrative well condemning israel's attack on rasa. on an we'll join no way in spain and fully recognizing the palestinian state tomorrow. that's tuesday. the foreign ministers accused, as well as breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop. it's a tax on rough. uh let's,
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let's go see the tasha butler who has lived in brussels for us, natasha. so the use foreign policy chief, joseph burrell, has been holding a press conference. what does he been saying about what happened did roughly, yesterday, the yes that's right. the use for him for his chief here, that burrell said that you for an ministers were meeting. and they would join the by 5 for administers from middle eastern countries, including cast. so he said for very intense tools on the situation. he said that they will a horrified by the scenes that they had seen coming out of russell or the date was extremely sad. and tragic, and he said that the you condemns of these attacks. he said, i strongly condemn what has happened in raw for the innocent civilians have been killed in this way. he also said that this comes off to this i c j ruling. of course. that fact last on nobody,
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he says the fact that he's real is continuing to carry out is offensive in goals. and even though the r c j, he said to you in the highest court is called him on his ro to stop it. he said that was simply unacceptable, and that if we all to uphold international lower stick to our values and principles than the u. n. a u. n. cold must be respected and heard so very strong words from the ease of phone postage, if you will. so talks about about the future, he said that some of the foreign ministers of, from the very least had proposed that that could be a conference in the feed. how to implement a 2 state solution. he also said the 4 ministers are keen on trying to set up a conference that could lead to some form of piece by assess. right. and miss tasha and, and the facts that spain ali the new way. now recognizing a palestinian state more. i mean, what do we make of the timing on how likely are we to see all the
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e u countries follow closely suit. so yes, we are. which for administer a said a bit already here in buffalo, but look for many use the you has wanted to see a 2 state solution as a way to reach some form of last and pays. but he said we simply haven't got that yet. not enough has been done. so what is needed is a new approach, a fresh approach. and he said this is why say know, a lot of taking this decision to recognize the palestinians. they because they feel that in some way that is go to speed up the diplomatic process at least as a step towards a piece rather than a military one. and the hope for those 3 countries is that all the e u. a nations might fully suit. we know that some of them are thinking about it to sofia and both are, for example, but the use still divided on this issue. there's a unity when it comes to the recognition we're posting and stay countries like
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germany and phones. more reticent from says those look we've got to the idea of posting his face with a un resolution. we voted for that. but we feel that we don't want to recognize the palestinians. they just now we certainly probably will in the future because we feel that needs to come in the context of peace negotiations in which things like board is, could be discussed. they feel that needs to come 1st. rather than recognizing a post and in state for us, but of course i could change because we seen the position of e u countries change and evolve over the past few months. like i thank you for that, natasha butler, that for us in brussels. us now since the beginning of the war is riley forces, have targeted universities and schools. those still standing have become shelters for displaced families and education has old but come to a halt. high school students won't graduate this year and would be able to attend university under there. as tara couple assume spoke to one student about how
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struggles to get an education in the middle of a war, 2 reports from 0 by displaced from the home in big time known in northern garza 18 year old. do i need to know? looks in and evacuation center for many young people, isabel school and goes to has turned classrooms into make shift homes and shelters every enter. the space is used, palestinian a students have count to the day used as the beginning of the war. like prisoners, and so they cross of the days that turns into weeks then months, do not give up. someone wrote in a corner of this craft space, do i still studies, despite the bombing, despite being dest place for her? the passion for learning remains as strong hosting as to those now are lots thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they,
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where they can good for the water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to set the final exams known as to what the exams and she will be able to go to university. all the universities in, gosh, you've damaged or destroyed. i missed my institute a lot. it was my all life life. i was going and i was like, went to school, have my so the see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape district and continue this studies approach the q patients 5 saw like hundreds of school. so i to not even associate anymore here. and goes off uh uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams. is somehow a fix lets me uh, i will, i've given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left
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the lines on the boy street. the longing is making the sofa, the noise apart, make me suffer. education for palestinian. his students is the main source of hope in order to get a better life, his time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this use extreme extraordinary for palestinian and students, especially at the high school who are unable to undergo the 2 g. 2 exams because of the ongoing is very expensive. on the test 3 tar recognizing which is 0. yeah, with that i had a story. the still ahead on the al jazeera, i'm for me, the in johannesburg, south africa. we use a routing electricity cuts of anger to people who did enter once their vote in the upcoming election cycling re now boss has policy bugs with us. eastern india, thousands of people without
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a full relevant trends coach has been talking about the secrets of his success and the build up to the european child's gives me the withdrawal with your weather update across the america is great to have your long not so great weather from the great lakes dropping down to the southern us. so let's pick up the weather story there in the southern states, some rock and storms here around the weeds, deanna, mississippi, and alabama. them were pumping in heat and humidity for texas. so a sticky, 36 degrees in houston today on monday, but really this where the action is admitted by and take the us northeast and the great lakes in the zone were likely to see some severe thunderstorms to the west. we go and it pretty dismal forecasting vancouver showers 15 degrees. not good when you consider we're just a few days away from the start of summer,
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but things are heating up in this part of the world. the us desert south west phoenix, pretty close to about 40 degrees. so let's go to central america right now. some rounds of rain moving away from the eastern caribbean. now into puerto rico and his spaniel and some rain for northern and eastern mexico. that will do it staying and drop down the temperature and monthly rates to $37.00 degrees on tuesday, weather alerts across ecuador for this band of rain, off the pacific, and right across the northern present as well. and still storm stuck in southern and southeastern brazil. and cool air off the south it by and take care such as 12 degrees in montevideo. today of the june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the ball on the run out
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as they were exposed. the events leading to the window and its consequences, which it still felt today, the record of me and it was such as the start of his land, the war in june on out his era. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving tedney, they all left his treatment in unless you are hospitalized, but they were also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the warranty. people have access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hall. so the story palestinian officials photo does 0 that in situations like this is real, deducts the funds directly from customs tax or the
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the plug it back to watching out is there. i don't mind if i told the story. is this our countries from across the european union of the world have condemned and is ready as for i can process the killed at least 45 stadiums destroyed, targeted a displacement cap and garza's southern city many died in the fires the. all right, and now there is really a talk is killed to medical stuff. the roughest way to test on both were killed outside the buildings made entered the hospital as among the few facilities that was still offering medical services itself and thought that on the gyptian soldier has been killed in an exchange of fire with. is there any forces near the roof across the salt square, reportedly 5 foot from both sides as well seized control of the palestinian side of the crossing any of this month? would it be got it?
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a sold a rough survivors of sunday nights attack, and southern goss, i beg, forced to move again, but again, there's no way safe to go. dozens of families have been packing the belongings to leave the milwaukee rougher area west of the city and to head for 0 ballad central gaza off the last night. masika is a tell also ton refugee camp. the other hand out of this. and then assuming that since the war started, we've been displaced many times from beta noon and then ending appear in the alpha homes were destroyed with it or lies to our children are living in fear and hunger . last night there were so frightened, all those killed were ripped to pieces scattered all over the place. we're living and how beyond imagination, we're a life loving people. we want our lives back and the officials zip up and you get a have reportedly worse and less. so to the un saying 2000 people were buried alive . and the last slide on friday, brain blocked roads and
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a lack of heavy machinery or humphrey recovery operations, and hopes all fighting to find survivors. it happened in the countries and got provence on friday. jessica washington reports days after landside buried the village and visit this community is hoping you can use and the province of despairing make up the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on. i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil. by using digging 6 spades, large,
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cultured for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using, gotten to associates from a local media channel show survive is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were leaving here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000 complicating recovery efforts. water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to uh, the price of the, the incident over the course of the weekend and will continue to work very closely with the popping you can hancock and the united nation says it's teams are on the
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ground helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water . some survivors have shared their stories with local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bones is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed to death and it's a miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0. thousands have been evacuated, officer and intense psych clone slammed into the coast of india and bangladesh. sika and ramon made land full in bangladesh spot to connie district in the south west. if the country on sunday morning wins reached up to a 135 kilometers an hour. you know, at least 10 people were killed involved with the soft possible. so i could hit its southern coast 800000 living force from that homes and nearly 3000000 people all without electricity and neighboring india. at least 6 people died off the site to the remote mainland for in the state of west go. roughly
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a 150000 people with the move to shelters in schools has been closed until 5. it searches or in the united states powerful tornadoes and storms of killed at least 19 people across 4 states. they tour across the states of texas of oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky injury hundreds of people destroying homes. storms with some of the deadliest and nearly a decade. almost half a 1000000 people without electricity in the affected areas. now to south africa, where the 1st votes of the general elections are being costs through special ballots election stuff, or visiting over 600000 homes to collect those from people who comp make it to a posing station. on wednesday, the governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the 1st time. it is 3 decades in power. many south africans accuse the policy of
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failing and it's pledge of a that's a life. oh, my kind of has moved from so west to instead of africa. a 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she was good, so dirty on the walk, she believes they didn't sell to god. so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in this a way to set the tip ton for a quarter of a century and little has changed. there's no electricity. foot fires are used with heat and cooking. there's no width and sewage system, no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote to the governing african national congress. he's not going to get it. oh no. why would i vote advice? would be full. but what does that bring for me? it's still the same if they bring change, then i can vote. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around that post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took
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a walk into the widow to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago. the going to keep your majority route seem to support the campaign. the last 2 months and i do believe that was on, excuse me, to re energize people to reinvigorate them. i've been very confident actually we are waiting whether they like it or not, the, the yellow books i bring them to bill goes to totally was 10 years old during the 1976 the way till uprising purchased by black school children against the wife minority government and to join the amc and a special against the pontiff. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once
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a liberation organization that he fought for. the government as well about this whole scenario. boom. 40 volts. you see? yeah, cut me down and up please. the one to support the volt. what do i brought to my son do? some i signed it by doing a lot up or do you and you get the memory of the a and see if the past still resonates. the main thing i want government in see if give to you. so you're doing the question, facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surrounds of flipped um is this sweet enough mike? kinda oh, just area. so it to south africa speak now. it's a call us lopez. he's professor in the montela school of public governance at the university of tape tab. he joins us live from the thank you for your time, mr. lopez. so paul cuts, water shortages, chronic unemployment corruption. do voters hold the government responsible for, for these problems to?
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well, definitely did the bank and saw stuff, it goes always about state capture and service delivery, the one just to find why the other does not work. state capture it is the way the south africans defined corruption that was preventing, particularly during the years that the preston settlement was a power. and it's now too early to see whether, you know, the various commissions that have been established and to inquire if it that'd be made out of going to have the fact that everybody was expecting, which was to clean up the mess the, the selections come maybe to soon for that to be in favor of the n c. and that for, for the 1st time, the prediction is that the early part of these duck going to have a 50 percent plus majority, which it in the calculation of south africa means it will not be able to constitute
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government and elect the president directly. and without some sort of a coalition, right, and can give us some context on how significant that would be if the and c last it's parliamentary majority. well, the markets are basically reacting under the expectation that the the and so will the remaining power maybe will not have the same latitude that this enjoys up to. no, it will have to have some sort of a compromise with smaller policies, but definitely is not going to be a complete threat of changing the economic project to the uh, that has been put in place for now over 2 decades. right. what is the main chain apology? so i'm just wondering, is that a good thing or a bad thing? well, be, i think it's a good and bad. it's good in the sense that you have a certain degree of could predict ability and we have in south africa,
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bad experiences of accommodations that that'd be the cost that you would get in governments, both local and at the probably show level that that's not what so people ought to be fearful of that type, both transactional, public dig steady sampling in. that gives a lot of space to buckets. but it's also bad because the number of uh, elite members of the n c. and a lot of people lead that have proven to be both incompetent and corrupt. and if there is no clean up that stopped it, but if i was mentioning is not going far enough, it's set to be going to be very bad news. tell us a little bit about the opposition policies. uh, which includes the new policy led by the full and the president, jacob zoom a how much support is they got? well, it seems to be a part of the that is making the waves in the probably is where the president comes from. the question of natal is probably going to have the largest number of 12.
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does he that pro is which also happens to be the problem is, or the general lead from the largest ethnic group in the country. so it's not something to be neglected. and definitely it's like the dent the n c a quite the enormously in the process and maybe beyond and obviously presidents whom are present. so some sort of a function of these would be d, n, c that are people still in the n c that the sympathetic to his views that have not left the body. but you know, will be dried. the bush, the some sort of compromise be made between the amc and the president. 0 was new bhakti when it gets get your perspective carlos lopez, professor in the dallas school of public governance, the university of cape town. thank you. thank you. of the united nations says tens of thousands of ethnic were hanging, have been displaced by the latest fighting in mia and mos rocky states. 45000 people have been forced from their homes since fighting between the military and
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rebel groups escalated in november. the un says hundreds of homes in the town of boutique, long have been destroyed. teddy, chuck is more fun, is ripped through a hinge, a refugee camp in bangladesh on friday. crampton, dangerous conditions for the more than a 1000000 ethnic ranger who fled me on my since 2017. but now those concern for those back home satellite images of a booty down in northern were kind state show the city engulfed in smoke on the morning of may. the 18th that says the united nations was the result of hundreds of home satellites. the night before, we are receiving, frightening and disturbing reports from northern were con, state and mama of the impacts of a conflict on civilian lives on property. some of the most serious allegations concerns, incidents of coming over him, just civilians,
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and the beginning of that property. communication, subbing come to the town, but delta 0 has spoken to someone who witnessed the attack. so hit the military or the left, put it down with the arc and on the already the deal was no given. you know, no, i'm going to treat just only them. so this a fire and these 4 trips in use and use. they want us to be afraid of them 1st and they are on the that the what the want sierra ken ami an increasing the powerful rebel group denies is behind the attacks. it's funny to seeing here with hundreds of captured soldiers and their families. so other on groups set defies. the erica anatomy has had significant pictures of the military in the past 6 months. but if it's fine to they're responsible, they'll be held to account, says the shadow government. no one is about to go. and while conducting this operation, that costs across the country, there are allies on the air organizations. attorney registers documentations,
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fighting with the on top are also be advice to for the international knobs and attendance were hinge, a community is already enact. so the concern for friends and family in november, time between 580-0000 people are reported to have been displaced from booty down with nowhere to go. i think the ira account army and the government equally, but we do not have any means to defend ourselves. or we want our basic human rights . these pictures released by the american army, show the off the mazda of an air attack by the middle treat jumped to on may. the 14th the victims were a hinge of villages outside the town of mung. don't. because me, i'm a civil will grinds on the hinges, increasingly find themselves trapped in the middle. tony chang, elders are those career has fired and on identified project all into the c. l is off to warning, deposit planned to launch a soft light. southcourt,
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as ministry says it was the law which was detected on the west coast 2 words, the southern yellow sea, dual credit ministry size. the mission was unsuccessful due to problems related to a liquid fuel engine is still a head on al jazeera with from the streets. we find out what a mexican shoemaker thinks about sundays presidential elections and in sports content as well, number one, against her asset to win a full french opened. as of the business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant.
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the business like, just to be sponsored by intellect. tuck he's real estate consultant, a former film and for you to start traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedy to accomplish. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars creates
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a fictional character that uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that jersey of the type of support he's at the thank you so much, molly. well, one of tennessee's little timed rights has begun most likely to be his last friend, sharpened roughly on but i was in action at the grand slam, told him that he's dominated like no other player in history. the full teen san champion is playing welding before alexander's bear up in round one. tight spot a few moments like this and the dam is in danger of making an early exit serious a career threatening injuries mean the downs wills ranking. a substance with 2
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hundreds, $37.00 you'll have previously said this would be the final year of his plane career . but in the last couple of days, he sense it could just carry on into 20250. 32 sets up in this much australian. i've been champion younique's and it is, i mean, so when this crenza and finally for the very 1st time it's how is the struggling with the head seems really look to be in good shape during this straight. so it's when it gets pushed, eubanks send, it will become well number one for the 1st time. if defending champion of it, joe could, which was to reach the semi finals. and it's a dream this. yes, but they know the way i, i'm very relaxed if and if it happens. so it's it's, it's great and i'm very happy if not, you know, i have very young still. you know, hopefully i can, i can get through that bonds form
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a finalist on the murray may have tried his last much of the tournaments that area is getting based on by 2016 champions. tons of rank s 13. 0, one year old is now that for and kept basing as long sunrise straight since it's sending fine was happy. send you back in 2016 and 27. so the thing the issue for me is that when you compare it to well, like rafa or novak achieved in the same time, it obviously is as many as school and comparison. but yeah, most players um, you know, would sign up for the results that out here and what mr. all wellborn industry on such as i mean, full friendship assigned to in 5 years to drop just 3 games and other i pretty much against home play a nearly asian on june the when setting up the 2nd round,
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much with full time from sun shopping. i'm here, so i have an extra food is naomi, obviously on k. so we'll see how that is going to go. so we need to know prefer technically for sure. but all these measures that we paid on hard quick. we're always really intense and stuff from a good coach caught on, should all he says he's expecting a week filled with cold sweat. some sphere is he and his team build up to subsidize your pain champions league final rail piper. i should open up germany and stuff that i signed for the site or at london's wembley stadium on chelsea. i'm to win a record extending space champions league title as a country. he's been talking about the secrets of building a successful team. the personal out relationship is the most important things in my opinion. and so i tried to treat the people with respect not only talking, not all about the technical and thought there's a loss, but was also about personal. my life is we are in an environment with 50 people
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that book. i stayed more with my peers that with my wife or with my kids. and so if that relationship is not good, there is no good. that must be a re, i'm not doing a good job. i think it's a bit of a fairytale kind of and into a great season, you know, being back home in england. panic installment obviously a lot fight to somebody that can make it, perhaps a little bit emotional, but i think so the game i have to try and type valve and focus on the, the, the absolute plan of the game as opposed to the, of the little things and yeah, the space week bear with enough for it will help not the dallas mavericks. a one went away now from reaching b n b a championship finals carrier having lucas on kitch. 5 scoring 33 points in this picture of the minnesota timber was dishonest of 3. nothing seriously to note . same. and then be a history come back from this sort of series deficit gainful coming up. gonzales on . she's like, how does it feel to be a free oh no team is ever come back from a,
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a 3, nothing depths that in finance. how does that? they don't even say, oh, but if it was great, but we gotta think about those. get uh gotta play with the same mentality. they're not gonna go away no way. so we need to prepare for the nice game. we just got to think about his name on the video ranges of nice ahead in the n h l file series, but the florida francis range is taking this one, falling full in orbit something now like the eastern conference funnel 2 games to one that civic trees away from reach ms. stanley cup final for the 1st time in a decade. all right, but as i suppose looking phenomenally, thanks to that day. so mexicans guides of the poles on sunday to elect to the government and a new president who is all those set. and to be a, what is the lead up to polling day? i'll just say we're a spoke to a small business. so the capital mexico associates get his views, a number, a cell phone. so you go to the guess,
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my name is cellphone. shortly about is garcia and i am the owner of the commit that she'll repair shop to repair. so the freight is being lost because there are fewer and fewer show repairs. and yes, why do you so very for additional trade work in front of me. so the elizabeth river in every neighborhood in mexico do so she'll repair. because everyone who choose basically the past, a lot of shoes were repaired for people who could not afford new shoes, but not anymore. now everyone simple to reach with their, their shoes. with level, i mean and can i think we that in the to these i don't care about the elections because we have never received any help from the government. no have previous administration given us anything. they'll come. they promise they will do the same . this is going to sound terrible if they come to steal while they're in power, right. and so in that sense, i am known parts inquiries going to wind. i assure you,
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it's not going to affect our business. we're very independent, the politics, it's a very touchy subject to someone and that in case a windsor be wins for me, that's irrelevant and we've discussed with less looms or less the economic prices have known affected us. because i believe that in the country, when an economic crisis comes, people have less money. they can afford new shoes. so they get the sure repair that out of it, but also goes out there more and more cheap. choose a lot of chinese ones that have to pick their business. because if i tell someone, i'll try your 100 basis to change yourself. they say, hey, but the shoes cost me a $150.00 best as brand new to the chinese industry because effect there was a lot was come up at all. but asking that as soon as several generations have passed through here. and i feel a lot of satisfaction about how long we have lasted the social media food has been going on for 3 years. but imagine going back, we have already been working for over 50 years. so the through these wish up here
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in or prestigious the where is this, okay? you're up to date. this is violated side for this, these i'll be back in a by, with the, with much more needs to stay with us. the unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump, which slide folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera as a form of film and for you to stop traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence,
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but determined to turn tragedies to accomplish this comic genius concealing his own . more scholars creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality on that. just the brian peasant, i'm one says it's too soon to know if this new currency, the ball, the gold was big, will make a difference to his daddy like like millions of other people living in a country with one of the highest deflation rates in the world he wants to bobby's economy to improve physic replaced this, the bobby and donna and his back by golder says at foreign currency. commodities such as input duties, rent, and fuel paid with us dollars. that means and bobby, and still have to change the $6.00. the police and you know anything, a legal money changes operating without a license undermining the new car and government. he does want people to change
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their money is i'm always back and not many here. haven't seen the zip notes yet. people are buying and selling mainly in us dollars. they say over the years, it's be more stable than somebody's money. to use the currency testing these value rapids that could change, take them into the chon bodies of destruction everywhere as well as cottage in a displaced wouldn't count that rasa has now killed 45 times the attack tools, global condemnation. now as rails prime minister has called it a tragic mistake, the today one of these sites is out, is there a life of doha,


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