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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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wrap that coach, translate them into the chon bodies of destruction every way as well as cottage in a displacement. captain russell has now killed 45. i'm sticking it gets hot. doors global condemnation now as well as prime minister has called it a tragic mistake. the today while i'm on these sites is out, is there a life of death also coming up as well? attacks roughly again, this time outside one of the few remaining hospitals, at least 2 medical work is all killed. topic education. we follow students in golf so who are barely surviving the war level or be able to complete the studies and
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they who risk landside and how about you getting reveals 2000 people have been very authorities struggling to reach the devastation area. the we begin in gaza where in less than 24 hours is riley forces have struck roughly again that's despite global calls to hope be offensive the this time in the area just outside coate hospital, which is one of the 2 remaining hospitals in rossa to medical stuff were killed, i witnessed to say the victims were hit by 5 from the is riley with called us since at cross just outside the hospital gaze. so that the top follows sunday nights, masika by israel and the displacement account. at least 45 people at sheltering intense were killed. they were taken to the same coate hospital,
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which remains overburdened and of the supplied actual zip of which takes a look at how last night's attack come folded of the sifting through rubble and ashes. palestinians right to salvage what they can from the charge. we mean, so they're temporary homes on sunday, at least agents really? missiles struck a tent, camping rough uh the housing dozens of displaced families in an area. these really military itself had designated as a safe zone. the air strikes sparked the fire, killing dozens of people. most of them women and children. witnesses say somewhere trapped inside these tense and burnt alive unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bombed. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us
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this area was safe until we're bombed the job in been on the sunday. and i know that we were praying. we had just performed the margaret prayer and we were getting all children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise in the fire, wrapped it around us. all the tools and started screaming and with the nearby rooms were shaking. sound was terrifying enough for the world severely burned. survivors were taken to the few hospitals and brought them still functioning. these children had been orphaned. their parents killed in the attack. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are unable to provide proper treatment because they just took care that there was no security and also there was no security, not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed,
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they are gone. he left the children, the innocent was lots of the done to deserve this rarely attack comes in defiance of friday, as ruling by the international court of justice. which ordered an immediate hold to the military assault on the rough, fun, exciting, the catastrophic humanitarian situation of the city. and the immense risk posted the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had sought refuge their excesses. i moved out to 0 or in the past, israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has spoken about that as strike at polly . but despite the maximum method we are making to avoid targeting civilians. unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday, connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. so because israel has found out, is there a report saying from that we are talking to sarah hire rights,
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who is in the jordanian capital? i'm on so the is riley sar. i have now acknowledge that civilians did die in this strike a how do we view that? is this quite a reg notice went from them where you had been saying it was a tragic error, but you also had the ministry's chief prosecute to earlier say that it was very great this incident. so we also had tons of statements explaining from the side. well, it's happened that they've carried out this strike and then across to that had targeted space to pull that precise targeting of a to come on. come on this, it's all responsible in the west bank wing, they said, and then they said the fire didn't susan? that's why was it without saying is what they're trying to say that it wouldn't have been so tragic if it hadn't been to this file that took place regardless of
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that. yes, it is somewhat red because in the opinion of many is because of his i. c, j or that because they know the old lies around them in terms of vacant, then carrying out what many of called a genocide in gaza. and also because they know that so there is a potential, a warrant against the rest warrant against the prime minister himself as well as the defense minister also its allies, us had warns against going into rough now the i, c, j older has included them withdrawing from rough off so, so it's such a tragic event to take place in such a horrific way. they know that they will be questioned on this. despite that in that same speech prominence, the benjamin netanyahu said that he will continue with this war. he says that this is the only way forward to get rid of him us regardless. he also said that they are continuing to fight thing in the news as well as the south. we know in that and it
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is really statements. earlier this morning. they said that they had a targeted move in 70 targets in the last 24 hours. mostly in the northern parts of the goal is the strip. so on the one hand, best thing, it's tragic and that they are independently investigating list. but from the track records of israel, jeff. 2 king, this was not just the targeting of humanitarian age workers for international organizations. 8 we've also seen, but they have killed the own soldiers in friendly file including 3 captives and that didn't go down too well. so all of these events, they say that they will investigate and certainly the track record shows that they have managed to get away with it. so fall whether they will be able to continue getting away with this. we'll have to see how the international uh, top it's in the world will respond to this. but we start to me,
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been hearing lots of criticism already, not just from regional leaders, but internationally as well. right. and uh, in the last few hours, sorry, we've had been an egyptian soldier, has been killed on the rosabelle to buy these ro is rarely ami. uh, can you give us any more information about this and why it could be significant? the gypsies have confirmed that a soldier was killed. they said in an incident on the rough border, they didn't give any details that she didn't mention these rays of what we do know from the israeli side and such. and the this was reported by or is writing media and confirmed by the minutes free through these writing media. that's an incident had taken place earlier today. it seems of from the egyptian side firing fast. and then there's rarely say they responded by so saying that they will investigate this
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situation. but also this is going to be problematic. certainly for the mediation, a talks when it comes to the negotiations regarding the c 50 agents as a mediate. so they've met many times in egypt. it's a tricky situation for egypt because it does have a piece of tracy with is ro and diplomatically they've remained peaceful for many, many years. and certainly merritt militarily. uh, but uh, agents has somewhat been annoyed by the situation even though it hasn't necessarily been always vocal. it certainly stop is riley, uh, brother sort of the a trucks from coming in. and when the west has off a couple of days ago and pushed egypt sin so a lot, it's come from the boost atom crossing, eventually agreed. but this was in protest injection says of the fact that these riley's to cove the causes sides of the roof of the border when it's supposed to be the palestinians in control that. so what we see any minute tr escalation,
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heidi's out this, they'll both be investigated to get it starts and get to the magically and such a me when it comes to mediation efforts, this will be a very tricky situation. all right, thank you for that. sarah. kyra at that for us in a mind as well. is there also position? lita has lost in prime minister netanyahu in the connect since here's what he had to say last time. mister prime minister, why are you still in office? and what will do with living with a prime minister responsible for the most catastrophic failure to the easy way the people since the whole, the cost remains in office? how do you have the right to stand up and ask for forgiveness when the people of israel and then go back home safely and peacefully. so on the ground, in rough as a vibe, as a sunday night's attack, all being forced to move again. but nowhere is safe to go. dozens of families and packing their belongings to leave the milwaukee area west of the city and had to ed
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0 by the is central garza. oh, i see. uh, how do we get huntington following last nights, mexico with forced to move again. we were showered by miss signs for miss randy. blue plains. we rushed to see tents and shanty towns on file. body pops all over the place. it was only 30 meters from our attend. these really said this is a safe area. but where ever we go hit with missiles for 8 months, we're trapped between death and stone vacation all over. the risk and despicable will just some of the words used by the irish for administer. well, condemning that attack on rasa on and will join no way in spain. and for me, recognizing the palestinian states on tuesday, the foreign ministers of accused as well as preaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop their attacks on rough there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or
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terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i condemn the violence of yesterday. the rockets that were sent over and it struck tell of eve, understand he is attacked on the rough at 1050 g camp and last evening where they again, innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when to seize the empowerment of russia. this a stress is what we have been calling the 3 or 5. so we're 3 countries for a long time that the sending media ceasefire. but the gravity is even larger because he comes after a decision taken by the international court of justice that wants to gain. i want to recall the tire binding. i couple, sorry for all parties. they are full,
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full reason why i let the scrolling split stop this attack on on profile. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child to the brain blocked the roads and the lack of heavy machinery, a hampering recovery operations and pop. and you get eel to major landside of a 2000 people could be buried under the money and rocks according to a government appeal for help hopes and now fighting for survivors and volunteers, all recovering bodies from the debris using the hands as well as gum tools that took place in the countries and get provence, jessica washington hospital. the days after landside buried, the village and bits of this community is hoping you can use. and the province on
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despairing, make up the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on, i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the ruffle using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows devices confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction,
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it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the, the price of the, the incident over the course of the way can and will continue to work very closely with the pop and you can hancock and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours after bullets tumbled down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed to death. the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0
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. north korea says it's attempt to launch a 2nd ministry satellite fail due to an engine explosion. southwest, as the project all was loads from the west coast and fired to ads, the southern yellow sea where it disappeared, its fuel yags. so to attempt to launch a soft lice in recent months, launched happens, sued off a red b take of the leaders of china, japan and south korea wrapped up in sol. the 3 reef um the goal of the new colorized korean peninsula which shone. yeah. and reports and the condemned from the fraud has moved of the like all neighbors, china, japan, and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st trial, actual meeting of its kind in golden 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing nearly a quarter of global economic activity. together,
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they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop. please move away from nowhere to tonia and through the corporation of our 3 countries. we must strive to improve the health safety, living standards as quality of life of our people don't care. how many of you just ahead of this meeting? north korea are insured. it would be on the agenda announcing it's intention to launch a satellite using ballistic missile technology that's banned by the united nations, south korea as president to you. and so if you all called for us to an international response, supported by japanese prime minister for me, i appreciate it says it was, i know it's got to, we reaffirmed that the nuclear is ation of north korea and the stability of the korean peninsula, or in the common interest of our 3 nations who are china stop short of condemning goals, career with it's primarily chang calling instead for peace on the peninsula. but both south career and japan will be hoping by jing can use that same fluids to
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constrain young guns. wesson's developments with its worsening relations with the united states. china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington strongest allies in asia will help strengthen its geo, political clowns. terms of hon. you all to china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handled sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multi that was told in to eat. the 3 lead is planned to meet again, next year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences to one side. for now, mcbride, i'll just say around. so i still had all the al jazeera time for me, the in johannesburg, south africa, we use a routing electricity cuts and good people could influence their vote in the upcoming election,
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the low remnants of a tropical storm, still striking bangladesh and the far northeast of india assignment on our tro, project states on tuesday. it is moving quickly though, but still dock a. looking to scoop up a months worth of rain monday through to tuesday. then look at this humidity off the bay and gall. it will feel closer to 50 degrees midway through the week. it's a hot pitcher in india as well. we'll get there in one sec. but 1st, here's the monsoon rains are on tuesday through them all these careless state in india and the western side of sherlock i promise we get here with the story of heats in india. so colors are on dark, the red the hotter it is punjab. the production artist on stage temperatures adds or exceeding $45.00 degrees and same goes for the other side of the border and focused on for cent providence. 50 degrees,
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often hose in jacob about this heat has been persisting now for several days and will continue to do the same lot happening in southeast asia, a tropical storm, moving away from the philippines, but dragging a lot of rain right across the south trying to see at the same time retain striked with intense rain through japan's recruit islands. he should cocoa and haunt you some sunshine though for eastern and central china. and here's a closer look at all that rain coming in to japan, likely to see some line slides here on tuesday. the fits the fastest expansion of legalized gambling and us history. with sports fights at the center. you're not a sports fan anymore us unless you're dealing on the fault lines examines the surgeon pending, and the impact on those suffering from its addiction just didn't feel as real as putting actual cash on a table. felt like again, we've turned this into
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a nation of visual gamers, definitely not in control. the big gamble on it. just the, you know, the, [000:00:00;00] the watching the out is there a mind. told the story, is this, our israel is probably better says spoken about sunday nights attack or the displacement calvin rough. uh that is killed at least $45.00. how the city is that you had mentioned yahoo told as part of it. it was a tragic mistake that has been investigated. the 3 european nations set to recognize policy died as a states on choose day have condemned, as well as attack, or on a new wage. spade the keys,
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israel breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop. it's the soul of the cities passed since the beginning of the war. is there any forces have targeted universities? am schools, those still stand? they have become shelters for displace families. and education has open ground to hold high school students with graduate this year and won't be able to attend university. i'll just there a spoke to one students about how struggle to get an education in the middle of full is displaced from the home and base handling. to nothing garza 18 year old, do i need no licks in an evacuation send for many young people? isabel's will and goes with us, turned classrooms into make shift homes and shelters every enter. the space is used . palestinian a students have counted the days since the beginning of the war like prisoners. and
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so the course of the days that turns into weeks then months do not give up. someone wrote, i'm in a corner of this crap space. do i still studies despite the bombing, despite being displaced for her? the passion for learning remains as trunk, posting as to those now are not thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they can get fluids and water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to set the final exams known as to what the exams and she will be able to go to university older universities in gauze damaged or destroyed. i miss my institute a lot. it was my all life life. i was going and i was like, went to school, have my study, see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape the strip and
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continue this studies approach the q patients 5 saw like hundreds of school. so i cannot even study anymore here and goes all the uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams, is somehow a fix lets me i will not given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left the lines on the board read. the loading is making the sofa the noise upon to make the stuff. did you tell you simple, tell us the name of students is the main source of hope in order to get a better life is time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this year's experience extraordinary for palestinian and students, especially at the high school on a build on the go the co g. he exams because of the ongoing is very expensive on
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the territory direct deposit which is 0. yeah, with the palestine. in south africa, the 1st votes and the general elections of being costs through special ballots election stuff. visiting over 600000 homes to collect votes from those who call and make it to a polling station. on wednesday, the governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the 1st time in 3 decades in power. but the south africans accused the policy of failing and it's pledge of a better life for all or not so many sub africans, paul cuts the single biggest problem in the country. outages blamed on aging infrastructure corruption and pool management. if the national electricity provider submitted their reports, the impact of unreliable power could influence photos this week selection reveal it and take while offloads, what's left of his morning break production about
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a 100 loaves 2 years ago he produced 10 times that but he says chronic power cuts have nearly destroyed his small business. i good strip. where do i do more light? i can't even imagine the future with this type of business because of, uh, we do depend on electricity when able to day basis for the business to function. so even the exploration trends that we have no idea on pause, escalating operational costs like purchasing diesel generators and slower trade means more than 2 thirds of township businesses of shots at the time of the last elections in 2019 the electricity crisis cost to solve african economy, at least $2000000000.00. that's according to the national energy regulator. while the government's lived by the african national congress was willing to use an advance that agent facilities and power generating equipment would not keep up with them on did nothing to insure capacity was increased. but now it says it has a planned and puzzled the improvement that do i see now it's saying is that he's
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out all for the same aggressive maintenance. let that a recovery effort that is being approved by the part is that the way being able to add the approximate improve that the energy availability faked up by approximately 9 percentage points. but in the last few years, the power cuts which began more than 16 years ago have only worse and with some areas without power for up to 10 hours a day in the weeks ahead of the elections, silva for does not have any problem with cuts, but government says it has nothing to do with a vote and that is managed to improve power generation. even if that is the case, it may for many votes as play in the agencies favor, but it may also be too late for others. aside from the scheduled power cuts, areas like this, since the widow has not had any electricity for months, and that's between people here become angry at matching. so we're not going to have both. i am not going to boat and out on
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the . 7 the, the, the, well, the poly utility says it has a plan and the johns is of low power cuts. the small use of the system. power cuts of cost is business. oh no, not the only tens of thousands of dollars, but he's hopes of a promising future. for me to mila ultra 0, johannes bug say a cycling has slammed into the coast of india and bangladesh destroying at least 35000 homes. spotlight rebound made land full and buy good dishes pots of what kindly district in the south west of the country on sunday morning wins reached up to a 135 kilometers an hour. able to rental res flooding villages. a damaged infrastructure is southern bug with dash and india is west big gulf states. at least 10 people were killed in burglar dash,
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800000 have been forced from the homes and then the 3000000 with us electricity and neighboring india. at least 6 people died and the state of westbank go roughly a 150000 people have been moved to shelters and schools. until further notice, to add in the united states powerful to data is and stoops of killed at least 19 people across all states. they tour across the us states of texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky injury hundreds of people at destroying homes. the students with some of the deadliest denny a decade the united nations, those tens of thousands of ethnic ring that have been displaced by the latest fighting. it'd be almost rocky and state un says hundreds of homes in the town. a boutique don't have been destroyed. teddy tank reports fire has ripped through a hinge a refugee camp in bangladesh on friday,
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cramped and dangerous conditions for the more than a 1000000 ethnic ranger who fled me on my since 2017. but now those concern for those back home satellite images of a booty down in northern were kind state show the city engulfed in smoke on the morning of may. the 18th that says the united nations was the result of hundreds of home satellites. the night before, we are receiving, frightening and disturbing reports from northern were con, state and mama of the impacts of a conflict on civilian lives on property. some of the most serious allegations concerns, incidents of coming over him, just civilians, and the beginning of that property. communication, subbing come to the town, but delta 0 has spoken to someone who witnessed the attack. so hit the military or the left, put it down with the african army or do the deal or so give them an you know, no, i'm going to treat just only them. so this


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