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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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wise, my pen, a in labor and moaning in pain, the sound everyone has been hoping to hear smiles and relief for the family and the medical stuff for the new arrival in a very own system. well, the job bodies and destruction every way as well as cottage and the displacement comes in. russia has now claimed the lives of at least $45.00 palestinians, the attack towards global condemnation. israel's prime minister has cooled at a tragic mistake. we get a reaction from the white house, the hello only money inside this is out. is there a life from the also coming up as all the tax rough but again,
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this time outside one of the few remaining hospitals, at least 2 medical workers, accounts. and the desktop arises from land slide and pop and you'd be the officials now fed of a 2000 people may have been buried alive. the we begin in golf a southern stacy is rough uh where the death toll from the sunday nights is rarely strike all the displacement. kemp has now claimed the lives of at least 45 palestinians. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu has described it as a tragic mistake. the white house says the image is a devastate, take, will have moved reaction from that moment. but 1st, this import for maxwell's aim of which a sifting through bubble and ashes, palestinians tried to salvage what they can from the charge we mean. so they're
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temporary homes on sunday, at least agents really missiles struck a tent camp in rough or the housing dozens of displaced families in an area. these really military itself had designated as a safe zone. the air struck spart, the fire killing dozens of people. most of them women and children, witnesses say somewhere trapped inside these tense and burnt alive unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until we're bumped. the diving been flawless, unlim unlimited. we were praying. we had just performed the margaret prayer and we were getting all children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise in the fire, wrapped it around us. all the tools and started screaming and with the nearby rooms
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were shaking. sounds was terrifying enough in the world severely burned, survivors were taken to the few hospitals in rough up still functioning. these children had been orphaned. their parents killed in the attack. the several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are unable to provide proper treatment because they just took care that there was no security and garza, there was no security, not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent was lots of the done to deserve that will. this rarely attack comes in defiance of friday as ruling by the international court of justice which ordered an immediate hold to the military assault in rough or citing the
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catastrophic humanitarian situation of the city. and the immense risk opposed to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had sought refuge, their ex, those i moved out to 0. israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is now spoken about the rough attack. he is what he told his parliament despite the maximum effort to be all making to avoid targeting civilians. unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday. kinetic members. the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy to the victory to help us. just to remind israel has bound al jazeera for reporting in the country, which is why it's our fire at joins us from the jordanian capital. i'm on. so saw are the is ready as of now acknowledged that civilians did die in the strike is a rest for them to take responsibility like this of the they usually will admit
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to what they often say would be an error or a mistake. but that's off to a back class, just say can get away with that most of the time they do. but just as parts of that statement from nets and yahoo don't need to be called a tragic error. and he also said that they had to evacuate to the 1000000 uninvolved residents. and he said, despite the efforts, this is what happened. and the and investigation will draw conclusions. he also said that uh how much it's a strategy for them. and what he's referring to is something he said throughout this whole time us uses a palestinian areas with civilians to launch rockets. we sold as rockets being fired from a soft a full months towards the central israel just yesterday. and then hours later, this strike happened in a row soft, but as this was going on, that was pro test from the families of those held captive with pictures of
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the 5 women soldiers had been taken across to gauze or in the last of the families had been critical of promise to benjamin netanyahu, wanting him to end the will. if it means the return of those captive also in the connect sits and someone else had been taking a swipe. the prime minister is the iowa p, and he's the main head of the opposition in the israel has been incredibly voted cool and has been also part of the those protesting and calling a full prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation and such and be something like this. warrants go down well for the public, but let's just take a listen to what you all up. he'd have to say a muslims, mister prime minister. why are you still in office in the world we live in with a prime minister responsible for the most catastrophic failure to the is really people. since the whole, the cost remains in office. how do you have the right to stand up and ask for
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forgiveness when the people of israel and then go back home safely and peacefully. and cyrus be here pressure on this and yahoo! in the last few hours this evening, we've heard of an egyptian soldier who's been killed on the ross of buddha by d as riley ami. a. what more do we know about this and, and just remind us house why this could be quite significant. the. well the, initially there wasn't any confirmations for me, the side and then eventually the egyptian authorities did confirm the spokesman said it's an incident has happened to the border and one adoption soldier was killed without mentioning israel now. and these riley side is ready. media has been reporting that it was the egyptian side that fired 1st and then the israelis responded. either way, the details are not quite clear, but both sides say that investigates and it may just and that in terms of
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militarily, of course, uh, agents has a treaty with israel and the had that has been a peaceful one. and certainly, sanctions have increased since this rough invasion by israel, egypt has been very unhappy about it cuz it's on the other side or brought the whole not border. it's the border crossing on the gauze. and so it has been not by the palestinians. now that these riley's have taken control of that egypt had uh stopped age from going through because in protest to this and it was only on to us pressure. but it changed and allows the a just a few days ago to go through the i will cut them. this is shannon costing up. but the point is, is that this could affect the negotiation talks because egypt is a mediator as is cuts off. and in terms of diplomacy, this will most likely have an effect. thank you for that. so car at that for us in i'm on. let's go live now to white house correspondent kennedy whole kits. so what
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reaction has been from the white house this evening too? sunday nights attack and rough as well. we know since the attacks are biding, administration has been following the aftermath very closely on the displace palestinian camp. and the strike by the is rarely military. well now the national security council's folks person has released a statement in just the last hour and what the national security council saying is that the image is coming out. 9 of that strike are not only devastating, but they are heartbreaking, given the dozens of deaths as a result of that strike on innocent men, women, and children. but at the same time, the 5 and a bit of station is also defending. b is rarely military's right to pursue him, us targets. they say that the strikes that to kill the dozens of this place.
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palestinians knew rafa also killed to have moss as targets that were responsible for attacks on to is really still the white house to say that these really military must do more to protect innocent civilians. now, having said that, the white house says it is at this hour actively engaging the is really military to assess what happened and why it happened. still, the white house is also saying that the is really military is investigating itself and conducting its own investigation. and of course we do to historically, when that happens, it rarely finds itself to be comfortable. indeed. okay, thank you for that. can be how could that for us at the white house? meanwhile, on the grounds, and rafa survive as a sunday night attack of being forced to move again again with no, we're safe to go. dozens of families all packing their belongings to leave the milwaukee area west of the city to head for darrow by that in central garza often
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last night. masika. oh oh i see. uh we do. huntington following last nights masika was forced to move again. we were showered by miss house for miss randy blue plains, we rushed to see tents and shanty towns on fire body parts all over the place. it was only 30 meters from our tent. these really say this is a safe area, but where ever we go, we hit with miss aisles for 8 months, we're trapped between death and starvation. oh. well, despite global calls for a whole to be offensive in rafa is riley forces have struck again in the southern city of rough. at this time they targeted an area just outside to wake hospital, which is one of 2 remaining hospitals. and rough uh, 2 medical stuff were killed on witness to say the victims were hit by a fire from and is riley reconnaissance. i across just outside the hospital gates. terrific. despicable. just some of the woods. yours by the irish foreign minister
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wall condemning the attack on that camp in russia on sunday on into will joined new way and spain and formally recognizing the palestinian state on choose day. the foreign ministers accused israel of breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop. it's a tax on russia, there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of vision or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed. and i come down to violence of yesterday, the rockets, there was the route and it struck i tell it eve, understand he is attacked on the rest of the $1050.00 g camp. and last evening where they again, innocent children and civilians were killed. and again,
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in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when to seize the empowerment of russia. this a stress is what we have been calling the 3 of us that were 3 countries for a long time. that did send immediate ceasefire. but the gravity is even larger because it becomes after a decision taken by the international court of justice. that once again i want to recall that tire binding, a couple, sorry for all parties. they have full, full reason why let the scrolling split stop this attack on on brought 5. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law and the united nation on child. since the beginning of the war is widely forces have targeted universities and schools,
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those still standing have become shelters for displace families. and education has open ground to hold high school. students won't graduate this year and won't be able to attend university. i'll just there is tarka zoom spoke to one student about her struggles to get an education. in the middle of for paid census report from darrow butler are displaced from the home in base. how known in northern garza 18 year old, do i need no licks in an evacuation send. for many young people, isabel's will and gauze last turned classrooms into make shift homes and shelters every enter. the space is used. palestinian a students have count to the day used as the beginning of the war like prisoners. and so they cross of the days that turns into weeks then months do not give up. someone wrote in a corner of this craft space. do i still studies, despite the bombing, despite being dest place for her?
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the passion for learning remains as chunk boasting, as to those now, are not thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they can get for the water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to set the final exams known as to what the exams and she will be able to go to university. all the universities in gosh, you've damaged or destroyed. i missed my as such as a lot. it was my all life life i was going. it was like, went to school, have my so the see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape district and continue this studies approach the corporation destroyed. so like hundreds of school. so i cannot even start the anymore here and goes all the uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams. is somehow
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a fix. let's move, i will, i've given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left the lines on the board read. the loading is making the sofa, the noise a pump to make these stuff. did you tell you simple, tell us the name of the students is the main source of hope in order to get a better life is time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this use extreme extraordinary for palestinian and students, especially at the high school who are unable to undergo the 2 g. 2 exams because of the ongoing is very expensive on the territory direct deposit which is 0. yeah, with that i had a story still ahead on the al jazeera, the struggle to remain relevant. the amc is facing big challenges is 27000000. so black against get ready to vote.
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the in depth analysis of the days headlines, if that was a rougher offensive. where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story on al jazeera, the
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. ringback the colleges here with the the welcome back you watching out? is there a mind if i told the story? is this alex the optic label outcry, israel's prime minister has called the attack or the displacement camp and rough uh, a tragic mistake. he says they will be an investigation,
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at least $45.00 palestinians killed. most of them, women and children. united states has responded to the attack to the 1st time. the white house says israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to how much it cool the images devastating. you know, the news, rain blocks, roads, and a lack of heavy machinery hampering recovery operations and popping your guinea off to major lounge side of a 2000 people could be buried onto the mount and rocks according to government appeal for help hopes of fading for survivors. and volunteers are recovering bodies from the deborah using the hands and gotten tools and happen in the countries and get provenance. jessica washington, the thoughts days after landside buried the village and visit this community itself and you can use and the province on despairing, make up the i have
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a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on. i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died. most of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using, gotten to so each from a local media channel show survive is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24
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years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000 complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing brooks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the, the price of the, the incident over the course of the weekend. and we'll continue to work very closely with the popping you can and cabinet. and the united nation says it's teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters, and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared their stories with local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bones is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. said the feud they would be crushed, dense. and it's a miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0 bills career says it's
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attempt to launch a 2nd ministry satellite fail due to an engine explosion sound. chris says the project all was launch from the west coast and 5 towards the southern yellow sea where it disappeared. the launch happened soon off. the rad meeting of the leaders of china, japan and south korea wrapped up in sol mcbride before its is like all neighbors. china, japan and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st trial, actual meeting of its kind in golden 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing nearly a quarter of global economic activity. together, they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop. please move away from nowhere to tonia and through the corporation of our 3 countries. we must strive to improve the health, safety and living standards as quality of life of our people don't care. how many
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of you just ahead of this meeting? north korea ensure that would be on the agenda, announcing its intention to launch a satellite using ballistic missile technology that spend by the united nations, south korea as president to you. and so if you all called for us to an international response supported by japanese prime minister whom you appreciate, it says rules and notes got to we reaffirmed that the nuclear ization of north korea and the stability of the korean peninsula, or in the common interest of our 3 nations who are china stopped short of condemning goals career with its primarily chang, calling instead for peace on the peninsula. but both soft career in japan will be hoping by jing can use that same fluids to constrain young young's wesson's developments with its worsening relations. with the united states, china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington strongest allies in
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asia will help strengthen its geo political clouds. those that hon. you all to south china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handled sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multi that was towed into the 3 lead his plan to meet again next year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences. one side for now, mcbride, i'll do that right. so this cycling has slammed into the coast of india and binding the dash destroying at least $35000.00 homes. soccer and ramon made land full in bangladesh is part of connie district in the south west country. on sunday morning, winds reached up to a 135 kilometers an hour. at least 10 people were killed in bangladesh. 800000 have been forced from their homes and nearly 3000000 people without to like
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just a neighboring india. at least 6 people died in the states west and go roughly a 150000 people at the move to shelters and schools all closed until further notice . in south africa, the 1st votes in the general elections of being cos through special pallets election stone for visiting over $600000.00 homes to collect votes from those comp make in to upholding the station. on wednesday, the governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the 1st time and it's 3 decades in power, like kind of has moved from so west. so in south africa, a 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she wears gets so dirty on the walk, she believes they've been sold to god. so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in this way to set the tip ton for a quarter of a century and little has changed. there's no electricity foot fires are used with
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heat and cooking. there's no working sewage system, no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote to the governing, african national congress. he's not going to get, you know, why would i, but advice would be full. but what does that bring for me? it's still the same. if they bring change, then i can vouch. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took a walk and so went to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago. the whole i use the gun to keep your majority route. seen this throughout the campaign the last 2 months. and i do believe that moved on extremely well. re energized that the board to reinvigorate them there. every very confident actually we are waiting
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. whether they like it or not, the the devil look around to bill goes so totally was 10 years old during the 1976, the way to uprising, protest by black school children against the white minority government. and to join the amc and a special against the ponti. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once a liberation organization that he fought for. the government as well as part of the you know, the blue and 40 volts. you see the academy daily. now please, do you want this up alternative? hold, block the must send you some. i send it, but it doesn't line up or do you and you have the memory of the a and c of the past. still resonates. the main thing or government in see if give to you. so you do the question, facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surroundings of clip tom
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is this we didn't enough. mike kind of, i'll just area. so it to south africa. that's a, from a 1000000 side, whether it's next and inside story. we'll look at next goes election is coming up, the the, we're off and running with your weather report. let's go in the middle east. first it is a drive picture, but because it's the winds coming down, that's a hot drive. wind from dogs. so that means the temperatures are coming up. so for us here, and they'll have 44 degrees. but with that breeze, it's likely to start around the sand in dust on tuesday. so hazy conditions to be expected here. hot through boxes found whether you're in the south central or north temperatures in some spots hitting 50 degrees. otherwise looking fairly calm across
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the caspian sea, the region here just maybe a few showers not too far away from tape ron. but where the bigger verse of rain are across central turkey. yeah, that will impact on gra, with a height of $21.00 degrees off to africa. not much to report here either. say for our usual showers and storms along the coast of west africa, where the rains really pep up though, is across the coast of gap on on tuesdays. so it looks like a washout and labor bill at 30 degrees and we're coming in to winter over the next few days in this part of the world. but you wouldn't know it for south africa's western cape providence, cape town, coming in at 26 degrees. this is a temperature you should see in the thick of summer, but here we go on to say plenty of sand to go around. maybe just a few showers across the coast of mozambique. the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving,
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tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people have access to the leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the heart of the story pro, send you the officials, photo to 0. that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs cash. the mexicans are preparing to vote in the largest elections in the country's history. the latin american nation is grappling with rising violence. dozens of candidates have been killed during the campaign. curious what's behind the political violence in mexico, this is inside store the
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