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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 27, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the one of the last remaining medical sites and the southern dog does a ton of roughly coate hospitals as shutting down following on his rarely attack that's killed at least 2 medical workers outside skates. the co, i'm about this and this is all just a lie from del hub, charge bodies and destruction and gaza. israel's air strikes cause cottage and a comp in the alpha, claiming the lives of at least 45 percent of cities. another attack is on global
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condemnation, is those prime ministers called a charging mistake. we have reaction from the white house and we follow students in gaza who are barely surviving the war less on the being able to complete this studies. the one of the southern gods has lost remaining health facilities for wait hospital and drop a has shot down here on monday and area just outside co 8 hospital is struck by and these really attack to medical stuff were killed by witnesses say the victims were hit by fire from an is really reconnaissance aircraft just on the inside the hospital gates and it will fall, soc is a spokeswoman for the palestine red crescent society. she's joining us from ramallah. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. what's your understanding of what's happening at co h hospital? a good evening. thanks for having me. the going to hospice and wants us to announce
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also service officer experiencing repeated attacks on the hospital. the hospital was taken out of service. the medical, the style was evacuated as to offend hospital, so as being stablished and multi area in can you with us? so now there is no left hospital in the hospital as a, you know, the major hospice and i'll be used if in missouri was also taken out of service weeks ago on the am now a seems hospital that our with limited capacity is providing the health care services for civilians vendor for exemption. and yesterday nightmare, we have evacuated all of the casualties of trauma that is right back on the civilian fence and drop by 2 feet and hospitals because there is no one hospitals that are this has been operating, can address all of these number of casualties. can you tell me what the nature of the security threat was?
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was there any indication from israel that there was a risk to the stuff and patients in the hospital? i couldn't hear the question. can you say that again? yes, certainly. i was wondering with regards to the security threat to the hospital, had been warned to bother to was there a message from the is really ministry to suggest that the patients and the stuff could be at risk? and uh, according to the latest uh, information from the hospital, there was an attack that has resulted to the beginning of the medical staff at the hospital. and as usual, the user and that were weren't even hospitalized of being a fact. so now i'm going to hospital, it was a taken out of service. and as you know, as of alternative hospice in st. goza, most of the hospitals were taken out of service, either due to direct attacks or because running out of which you will have medical,
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medical supplies, as well as medications. and if you so now i only if you hospitals or be left from $6.00 to $7.00 hospitals or to spend personally over 18 to provide health care service for the entire population. and all of them are fortunately, oh, but i think all of them suffered because of the shortages of medications. medical supplies, as well as a fuel, that's why most people they go out without the treatments. hospitals can barely save lives. of those who are ended up at the same time patients, pregnant women patients with a chronic diseases and those who have been sexual diseases, they go without treatment. can you tell me for the other medical facilities there are left in the rough. i've given the fact that the rough i is the focus of these really miller trees, the dikes um now um we are relying on fumes
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hospitals. there is um and several pins or hospitals. um under fi, for example. when they might not, you can hospital at the i see or see if he is hospital yesterday. during doctor we have transported all of deals, re schedule and it just to these 4 to be speech hospitals. but for sure the, those hospitals can even deals with this increasing number of casualties. now we are also concerned about many of where it drastically when did the last slide might lose their life because there's no surgery could give us. indeed, the goods, how all of those who are in the same time, there is no unfortunately to, to evacuate. the wanted to receive a treatment outside of go. so because that are crossing, which is the only way to get an order, alto goes the remains the cool, the situation as the young dyer, we literally can't find the word. now if we say these out to get past or they could
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not hear these words of not working anymore, when you describe a field hospitals, what does that mean in practical terms? what kind of facilities other field hospitals, the pins, hospitals um they uh, there's different capacities for the kids, hospitals and some hospitals can deal with the some practical injuries other not. so for yesterday, at the beginning we have evacuated. all that comes with it is to consults because later some of those practically wounded were transported to costa european hospitals because they needs more medical care and also keeps hospital counts. have they don't have big capacity. you're talking about 50, about as different and valid from a hospital to another to. so that's why we have weren't repeats of these. i mean, attacks all dropped off what results to an alarming number of casualties. that was what happens? yes,
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so this sense about targeting was for an area that is the significance i received. so there was a tens of thousands of civilians who were taking shuttle service and tense and they were targeting me. i want you to help you expired. the forgive me for interrupting, but i want you to help me out with some context viewers here because when we're talking about field hospitals, are we talking about actual buildings? are we talking about? um, operations taking place in tents are where the beds are laid out and where are the patients and the stuff being kept when they go to field hospitals, a swedish hospitals are not for sure. as um, as the originally the hospitals, some of them are like of woodson and tens. some of them they do have like some like those buildings, right. but most importantly, they can provide all those kinds of medical services. as as many of them,
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the chances comes up to even advice. some of that comes surgeries, they can deal with this, the injuries off the 1st step and then many of them need to be transported at 2 comes up surgery. is that in any other hospital which, which are very few hospitals or has been raising about 5 star and we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed. as well as we've been talking about, the injured from sundays is rarely striking the camp and drop off. i've been taken to coate hospital, at least 45 people were killed. most of them were women and children after a global load quite as it was prime minister benjamin netanyahu, who is called a tragic mistake. the white house says the images are devastating, and the 100 was at the scene and dropped incentives. this report sifting through a verbal and ashes policy new strikes of age, but the con, from the chaired remains of their temporary homes on sunday,
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a piece 8 is reading style struck 10th comp and verify the housing doesn't just display somebody in the area that is really military, it's so designated as a safe stone. the air strikes parts to fire tunes dozens of people. most of them, women and children, unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the diving, been spotless, all in another. we were paying. we had just performed the margaret pro and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming and with the nearby rooms were shaking. the sound was terrifying. there's nothing to visually, military sees a choose procession amunition in
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a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area. since yesterday we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is right. it has been bonding and targeting the policy indians with severe need burn. survivors were taking to a few hospitals in russell, so functioning these children have been offering their parents killed in that hock. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are able to provide proper treatment that we just took care of. there was no security and garza, there was no security, not for a child,
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an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent, one, lots of the done to deserve that. is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's ruling by the international court of justice, which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the catastrophe communitarian situation in the city. and the immense risk close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians had taught refuge there in the city odyssey to go for garza ta this time. so here's what is 5 minutes. have benjamin doesn't. yeah . who's told is really parliament about the attack. despite the maximum effort to be on making to avoid targeting civilians, unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday, connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is
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a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. so it was bind, i'll just data from reporting from there. so we're going to go to salt. i thought i'd who's joining us from the joe, danny, and capital. i'm on. so a prime minister benjamin netanyahu describing this as a grave mistake that has taken place, but the fine but be as early as have like knowledge. the civilians did die in this . try to give us some context. how significant is that? so it's rather a significant in the sense that many believe that this was because of the i c, j o the just a couple of days ago. quite an unfortunate ton of events for them because they admitted they carried out the strike. but it seems that they have not insisted pace . it's certainly the number of deaths in one of the statements by the ministry spokes. many said that uh yes, they cut out this strike and then they understood that there was a fire that happened to me. it was ready that the death of those that were killed came from the fire up. i mean, you know, almost so saying yes, it's awful,
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but it isn't either. and then said that they wouldn't have been there in the 1st place if it hadn't been for homeless and that's what they would talk. it's a israel insist it took all the precautions. it's been very careful with its wedding of its statement saying that they was sticking to international humanitarian. know that so they kind of vary for size to type and then they will be looking and investigating and and ness. and y'all, whose was in his statement and he said to learn from them mistakes, perhaps a little too late because the international community and many other countries that initially supported israel went outside the 7 bus happens all the now increasing the vocal and coming out and saying but based on happy with the way that this war is being conducted, but many of them oppose the offensive and dropped off. and this, somebody will likely mean that some countries are going to look at the wording of the i c j and make an, an, an definitely hold is route to accounts. but also in his statement, there are few other things that he said, for example,
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he said this is ro is constantly also make concession off the concession. he also said that the deal that the seas fall during the stalling of that, he said, isn't because of the current government. there's been a lot. it's about keys, ations from the families of hostages. but with that, it was shouting at him in protest while he was carrying out those speech. and that's uh can i. so he says the repeats of false claims that we all the obstacles on the early home full to the families. but he said the pressure should be focused on spin wall. now as that was happening, all of that there were purchased across the country, not just in tele visa, high as far as well and see a will protest where many people are arrested by the is riley police force. and as well as all of this and a lot happening while he's in the connected, you then also has a will to from the i love p thought c o position policy leda. and he said,
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and attacked the prime minister in the government. something he's been doing repeatedly and calling for the prime minister has resignation. but also, i think since we haven't been to them a deal could have been uh, could have been pulled through and accepted by the other side on all sides and may be the hostages. would have come by and he said, think about the else of the people that are still stuck in those tunnels. again, referring to the caps as this has become a number one priority for the majority of is ratings and certainly for the families . but let's just say one of the things that, yeah, i love you have to say last night, missed a prime minister. why are you still in office, in what we'll do with living with a prime minister responsible for the most catastrophic failure to the easy way the people since the holocaust remains in office? how do you have the right to stand up and ask for forgiveness from the people of israel and then go back home safely and peacefully? yeah, it's clear from what you're saying, sir, that'd be the pressure is continued to go on benjamin netanyahu alongside that.
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we've been hearing on egypt and sold, has been killed on the off a board to buy these rarely. i mean, what more do we know about that and how does that factor into what's happening as yeah, well, the as rays have said that, so in, according to local media, that's been citing sources within the military. that it was the egyptians that the soldiers that carries out the gun fires, fuss, and then they responded to that and it resulted in the desk of one egyptian soldier . that was destiny confirmed the best buy uh the egyptians themselves. but also we've had a sort of statement of through one of the local egyptian media that's affiliated with the government saying that they've done an initial investigation that shows that that was gone. 5 clashes between these really forces as well as the palestinian resistance. there is a hum us fight says and they said
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a bit mean they will be looking at this further. they'll look into how this happened to avoid it happening again. but then also i sent out a warning, a warning to anyone they said that will smarts and the security of the country agents hasn't been happy about the situation that's happening on its board. the agent has a deal with his rel, a peach tree. see, and that's is that there is a car i don't known as the philadelphia access, which is a buffet zine on the palestinian side. usually it's managed by the palestinians when israel took over rough stuff, they have now taken over control over that philadelphia access. and that full of egypt is problematic. and in protest to that, they said, well, you know, well, we're not going to allow the aids to go through goes up because we want to protest in use to be in control. and it was only when the us intervened a few days ago, but they finally agreed that they would let the age come through the kind of i will send them crossing. now in terms of what that means, moving forward, they probably won't be any escalation,
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neither side will one box but such and leads to the mindset great easy will be. having was with these riley's, they often do behind closed doors. and also it is, it may need yates, or when it comes to the negotiation of talks when it comes to the cx, 5 deal and potentially because it's ready to withdrawal, as they did last week, when they said that they had been room, is that the egyptians was making some changes last minute changes need, which is what happy to hear about that. so that could be the change that we see, but of course has yet to be seen. so i'm a products and i'm on sata. thank you. all jerry is requested an urgent un security council meeting on tuesday on the condo alpha, one of the security, kansas permanent members and israel's close. i live the united states has responded to the strike for the 1st time. the white house says israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to hum us. there's more than that reaction from our white house correspondent, kimberly hawkins in the bottom. and ministration has been closely following the
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aftermath of these rarely military strikes on that account of this place. palestinians near rough uh, what's the national security councils folks 1st that has been saying is that the images of the dozens of innocent men, women and children that were killed as a result of that strike are not only devastated, but also heartbreaking. now as the white house is saying this, they are also defending these really militaries, right to pursue how boss targets the white house saying that, that strike that killed so many innocence also killed to how mos target that the is really military says are responsible for attacks on is re lease now. still the white house says the israel must do more to protect civilians. having said that, the white house says it is actively engaging these really military to ensure that
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it assesses what happened and what went wrong. the white house is also reporting the v is really military, is conducting its own investigation. kimberly how could alger 0, the white house. so ahead and i'll just say that the dental wise is from milan site and pop on your guinea proficiency. no fear more than 2000 people may be buried alive. the color we can expect to wear week across a good positive us straighter at the moment. 6 lousy try and settled once again any more. he missed and felt clear. we got to the way. thanks to the area of high pressure smudging, further east, which is flooring in a few showers just around the east coast of queensland but down towards the south
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west. well, the system coming through higgs a couple of co francis one. hey, that will move for the but the next one here, that is the developing feature, which brings up across the south of a w way. you're going to see it making his way across the path into the hot sofa west australia. and as we go on into a web to stay engaging, some moist, the out to the north of w, i typically just getting sent to and then so you have a range, where do you just ram pump that will make its way for the race with the ends of a house of australia, grassy pushing further east was for the remainder of the week. some dusty conditions to rolling through the bites i some wet toilet and some windy weather in store here. wet and wendy too for japan, at present, some really big down pulls, coming in the cost you should standing across in to horseshoe. that is what it's cool. some flooding most frequently on wednesday on police to say bright skies coming back in behind. i'm not too bad too for good,
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positive china. the, [000:00:00;00] the, [000:00:00;00]
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the be watching all just need a reminder of our top story is this uh, the director of guys is for white hospitals says this being shop done. following security concerns. tyler on monday afternoon and area just outside of the hospital . this truck, that's one of the 2 remaining hospitals in rafa to medical stuff were killed off on globalized cry is probably most is called in the attack on a palestinian campbell drop on a tragic mistake. he says they'll be an investigation, at least $45.00 pounds, assuming these were killed. most of them for women and children. and the united states has responded to the attack for the 1st time. the wife has says, israel must take every precaution to protect civilians as one going off to hom, us to call the images devastating. well, since the beginning of the water is really forces of targeted universities and schools postal standing has become shelters for families and education as overgrown to a hold high school. students won't graduate this year and they won't be able to attend
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university. i'll just say the child a cowboys who spoke to one student about her struggle to get an education in the middle of war. you report some data obama, the displaced from the home in base handling and nothing garza 18 year old. do i need no licks in an evacuation center for many young people, isabel school and goes to has turned classrooms into make shift homes and shelters every enter. the space is used. palestinian a students have count to the days since the beginning of the war like prisoners. and so the course of the days that turns into weeks then months do not give up. someone wrote i'm in a corner of this crap space. do i still studies despite the bombing, despite being displaced for her? the passion for learning remains as strong,
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posting as to those now are not thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they can get fluids and water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to set the final exams known as toby hicks times, and she will be able to go to university. all the universities in gauze eve, damaged or destroyed, i missed my institutes a lot. it was my all life life. i was going and i was like, went to school, have my studies, see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape this trip and continue this studies approach the q patients destroyed saw like hundreds of school . so i cannot even told you any more here and goes all the uh,
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seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams. is somehow a fix. it's nice. i will not given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left the lines on the board read. the loading is making the sofa, the noise upon the key stuff. did you tell you simple, tell us the name of the students is the main source of hope in order to get a better life is time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this use extreme extraordinary for palestine and students, especially at the high school who are on a bill to on the go the to g. he exams because of the ongoing is very expensive on the territory direct deposit which is 0. yeah, with that, i had a story with demonstrators and gathered across the world as afford palestinians in gaza. his protest in power is, comes a day off. those really forces lonestar to attack on account things off of
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demonstrations. have demanded an end to israel's near 8 months more on gossum and in london demonstrated has got them near 10 dining streets. the home a book is prime minister for the nuns. the deadly is very strong icons, wafaa, and protests and solidarity with policies have been happening for months and produced capital. since israel launched this one does, a lot of tobar protests is also gathered in german capital to support economist indians. germany has been one of israel, staunchest supporters since, as warren guys have started nearly 8 months ago now now the news rein blocked roads and a lot of heavy machinery. a hampering recovery operations in pop and you're getting after a major landslide, more than 2000 people could be buried under the mountain rocks, according to a government appeal for help. hopes of fading for survivors and volunteers of recovering bodies from the debris. using the hands of garden tools and often to the countries in the province. jessica washington reports 2 days after land side buried,
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the village and bits of this community and helping you can use in the province of despairing, make at the half 18 members of my family. buried under the debris and sold, i'm standing on, i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died found at the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states. large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from
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a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000. a complicating recovery efforts was slowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift. and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the place solve the the incident over the course of the weekend. we'll continue to work very closely with the popping union and cabinet. and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the
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destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bullet tumble down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed, dense the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0. so as i think a goes to the polls on wednesday, the ruling african national congress is facing serious challenges for the 1st time in 3 decades. my kind of has more from sort to 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she was gets so dirty on the walk. she believes that insults god. so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in the so with a set of, of tip time for a quarter of a century and literal has changed. there's no electricity. what files are used with heating and cooking. there's no working sewage system. no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote, the governing african national congress is not going to get it. so who know why


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