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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 12:00am-1:00am AST

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a business like this, this world to you while i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes modern plates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about this, and this is the news on life from joe. how coming up in the next 60 minutes. rough as main hospital is shop, done an officer and is ready attack, kills 2 medical workers outside his front door. hospitals for many of the victims of sunday nights is rarely attack on account for taking the desktop as now. listen to 45. i'm not, attack has drawn global condemnation even is just probably most or has called it a tragic mistake. whitehouse says it's hot springs and the struggle to remain relevant. we looked at the challenges facing the african national congress as
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27000000 south africans getting ready to vote on its full rough from the dallas, the north side of the front sharpen in round one for the full scene. san champion says for tom and funds are on hold. the could be back in paris next year. the day off to and as many attack killed 45 people in a camp and dropped out in the southern gaza. the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down to wait hospital is where most of the victims of that sunday night attack. we're taking the director of the hospital close the facility a short time ago. so i think security concerns have on monday and area just outside of kuwait hospital. the struck by is really it's hard to of it's medical stuff were killed, eye witnesses say the victims were hit by fire from and is really the call us and say across just outside the hospital. gates,
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victims of sunday night to attack and other patients are going to be taken to field hospital. well, is there any forces of damage destroyed or occupied at least $24.00 hospitals in this trip since october the 7th. so now out of guys us $36.00 hospitals, just 6 are still functioning, but only partially all of them. like critical supplies, stuff, and medicine. they allow the baptist hospital is the only one open, but with limited capacity in gaza. city in the north of the strip for others the i'll accept a lot of water now so on your to p and hospitals are getting for the bulk of the wounded and the sick in central gaza. they all unlocked the hospital is not the only one operating in his office and this i've never felt like as a spokeswoman for the polish times read cries and society. she says the constant is really a tax. how power lies the coate hospital to coordinate to the latest uh,
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information from the hospital. um there was an attack that has resulted to the cleaning of the medical staff at the hospital. and as usual, he is or does it were weren't even hospitalized of being attacked. so now i can wait to hospital, it was a taken out of service. and as you know, as of alternative hospitals in garza, we'll still go to the hospital where taken out of service either due to direct attacks or because running out of if you will have medical, medical supplies as well as medications. and if you so now only a few hospitals or be left from $6.00 to $7.00 goals for those who are spend approximately over 18 to provide health care service for the entire population. and all of them are fortunately, oh, but i think all of them suffer because of the shortages of medications. medical supplies, as well as a fuel of that's why most people they go out without the treatments. hospitals can
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barely saved lives. of those who are wounded on the same time patients, pregnant women at patients with the chronic diseases. and those who have in sexual diseases, they go without treatment to can you tell me for the other medical facilities there are left in the rough. i've given the fact that drop i is the focus of these rarely miller trees, the dikes now. um we are relying on fuse hospitals. there is um and several pins or hospitals. um under fi for example. um they might not. you can hospital a, the, i see or see if he is hospital yesterday. during delta, we have transported all over there was a reschedule that used to these photos to be speech hospitals, but for sure the those hospitals can even deals with this uh increasing number of casualties. now we are also concerned about many of where it drastically when did the last light,
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might close the life because there's no surgical capacity about grids health. all of those who are in the same time, there is no unfortunately to, to evacuate. the wanted to receive a treatment outside of ghost because that are crossing, which is the only way to get an order. alto goza remains to close the situation as the young dyer. we literally can't find the word. now if we say disaster gets asked to take thought you are, these words are not working anymore. it was sunday nights is rarely, that's how it comes as a conference of alpha has been widely condemned and as with death to rise and that it stands at $45.00. even these are the prime minister, has called it, i've tried to mistake, but why? so says the images are devastating and all coddling. sent this report from the same sifting through a verbal and ashes policy, new stripes of age. but the con, from the chair remains of their temporary homes on sunday,
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a piece 8 is reading science struck attempt to comp and defy housing doesn't just display somebody in an area that is really military. it's of designated as a safe stone. the air strikes parts to fire tunes, dozens of people, most of them women and children, unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the diving, been spotless, all in another. we were paying. we had just performed the micra pro and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming and with the nearby rooms were shaking. the sound was terrifying. there's nothing to visually military seas. it's use procession amunition in
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a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area since yesterday. we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is where it has been bothering him. targeting the polish simians with a severe newburn survivors were taking to a few hospitals in russell, so functioning these children have been often their parents killed in the top several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are able to provide proper treatment was that we just took care of that. there was no security and also there was no security, not for a child,
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an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent, one, lots of the done to deserve. that is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's ruling by the international court of justice . which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the catastrophe acumen and terry and situation in the city. and the immense risk close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had taught refuge there in the city of to zita duffel garza ta this time. here's what these really find. those have benjamin there's, and yahoo told parliament about that attack despite the maximum effort to be all making to avoid targeting civilians. unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday. connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. israel's bind,
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i'll just data from reporting from there. so we're going to go to satisfy. that's who's joining your started from the jump, danny and capital. i'm on the so the is really that acknowledging that civilians did die and the strike and is this a rare circumstance for these readings to acknowledge something like that? it says been probably because of the, the i c j's older a couple of days ago that one of the orders was that they should, they should these rough immediately and reduce civilian casualties. and then just 2 days later, they carry out this strike, which they admitted they had plans to do and they targeted to come on, come on just up, but also within as a statement earlier saying that. so they understand from the preliminary investigation of fire took place and then also said that they wouldn't have been there in the 1st place if it hadn't been for how much. but it's been
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a difficult day for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was quite a heated statements in the connected today because not only was the facing protests from the families of those houses captive, they were cooling on him to accept immediately a ceasefire deal. but also he was facing opposition. faulty signatures was signs for a symbolic, a hearing where they wanted to hear from him, of what he's doing in terms of the warranty was attacked by the opposition, and also just in the connect to as well. one of the observers in the wood cabinet saying that we should and any thing if it's uh, the war in a gauze, or even if it's just temporarily to and show the release of those how's comp to use or how ga the p d. c o position the those saying that so the goal isn't guessing anywhere because of this v to ship. it was a scathing attack on the prime minister himself as well as the wall cabinets in the, in the mix,
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as well as and in terms of where that gets into and as well. because also you have this, it's not what happens yesterday. they know the pressure is on them internationally . let's take a list and say, look, pete, and see where you got to say exactly the sir. we're doing the, we're not able to bring that to you with the best that's uh, sounds by that. that's right, but i do want to bring you onto somebody else because you were talking to us about the, the adding to the, the problems that benjamin netanyahu has been facing that you've been describing over the last several hours or so to the one of the, another element to that is the fact that in the gyptian soldier has been killed in that off a border by the israeli army. just give, give us some more context and how does that plays into all of the, all of the stuff that you've been talking about. a subsidy has an incident that happened earlier today were an addiction, a soldier was killed that was confirmed by the egyptians. you also had these right
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. the media quite thing is really minutes. resources saying that it was the egyptians that fired fast and is ro responded to that, but resulted in not the us now from the addictions side. uh, they put sounds, the statement through a local uh tv station saying that they are investigating it. they said that they had been a fight cross fighting between these ratings as well as what they called the palestinian resistance, which means hum us as fighters with shooting happening in old directions on it. so and it ended up hitting uh, one of them. and it to personnel, but they said that's a red line and that's uh they put a warning, but nothing should compromise egyptian security rejections all unhappy about the fact that these right of these have taken out of the rough crossing. those of philadelphia cargile that's of boxes and that's been agreed between both countries where you have on the pa, this thing inside the palestinians, controlling that crossing. now the x ray, these are controlling it. i'm in a re,
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a defiance to that the objection so that they wouldn't allow the a trucks to go through and eventually have us hot to intervene. and now that a trucks have reviewed through a different crusting. but the point is, and so even though they may not escalate this any further militarily, but certainly diplomatically this white birdwell egypt as a main mediator along with capsule. and also the incident yesterday and rough with the dense rising amongst the palestinians. and the outrage that has been seen now and sprawled across the middle east as well as the international community starts and the this could affect the negotiations for us these 5 do. so thank you very much and do set a honda talking to us from a month all jews are quite as an urgent to un security council meeting on tuesday. we need to talk on the law firm, one of the security kansas permanent members and israel's close allies. united states as responded to the strike for the 1st time by title says israel and must take every precaution to protect civilians for going off to
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a homeless. his moral not reaction for my wife has corresponded. kimberly how good to the bottom and ministration has been closely following the aftermath of these rarely military strikes on that account of this place. palestinians near rough uh what the national security councils folks 1st of that has been saying is that the images of the dozens of innocent men, women, and children that were killed as a result of that strike are not only devastating, but also heartbreaking. now as the white house is saying this, they are also defending these really militaries, right to pursue home us target the white house saying that that strike that killed so many innocence also killed 2. how mos target that the is really military says are responsible for attacks on is really now still the white house says the
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israel must do more to protect civilians. having said that, the white house says it is actively engaging these really military to ensure that it assesses what happened and what went wrong. the white house is also reporting the vi is really military, is conducting its own investigation. kimberly how could alger 0, the white house on the ground in rough survivors or sunday nights attack or being forced to move again, butts was nowhere safe to go. dozens of families and the packing that belongs to leave the milwaukee area west of the city. the head for burial bala is central guys after last night's massacre. oh i see here we go. huntington, following last night to massacre with forced to move again. we were showered by miss silas for miss randy blue plains. we rushed to see tents and shanty towns on fire body parts all over the place. it was only 30 meters from our tent. these really say this is a safe area, but where ever we go,
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we hit with miss aisles for 8 months, we're trapped between death and starvation. all over on the bottom is middle east and north africa advisor for the norwegian refugee can. so he says the conditions and guys are all hieroglyphics. the accounts. imagine what is worse then choose with how things are safe on the side of the accounts. imagine what is worse than half a 1000000 people staying in the open accounts. imagine what is worse than not being able to drink. we want a full day, some weeks. i can't imagine what it means, you know, for people to be killed and leslie was going to get, i mean, i mean what, what, what, what was, you know, what? i can't imagine we, i've lost for words really i can't imagine. well, was, it looks like any more because apparently, you know, life has become, you know, so, so cheap, it goes on law is wrong, just strong. i think the, the attacks that we have seen over the last, you know, 24 hours a gained by the standards of this conflict. power, wait and let just,
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how are we now? shocking, i mean, you know, do you, we keep hearing about is there and taking all sorts of areas for is, it gets more shocking by the day i have to say. and even the accounts that we hear from all teams, you know, if it's, if people, you know, having to walk miles and miles in any direction, really out of harm's way. if tends reaching $800.00 of tens. that is, for me more than what does the, you know, leverage cause of working with this, like, you know, before the will wait 3 or 4 months or 3 of the 4 months. well, well, i mean, it won't get any worse on this radio, and the only way is, you know, a full full is right. so nice to share is ready government to open the door. so, you know, open the gates, a tons of trucks of only, you know, made to is it goes over the, the cost periods. this is not enough for wednesday. was it actually started on the compound, rough as drawn global condemnation islands. going to join norway in spain,
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informally recognizing the palestinian state on tuesday. a foreign ministers accused israel of reaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop. it's a tax on rough or there can be no military solution to this conflict. and i refuse absolutely any group using violence or terrorism to try and eliminate the state of israel or to limit the state of palestine as an idea or as a reality. they will not succeed and i condemn the violence of yesterday. the rockets the rest of the route and struck tel aviv understand he is attacked on the rest of the 1053 camp and last evening where they again innocent children and civilians were killed. and again, in violation of the international court of justice and its instructions to is when to seize the empowerment of russia. this a stress is what we have been calling the 3 or 5. so we're 3 countries for
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a long time that did send immediate ceasefire. but the gravity is even larger because he comes after a decision taken by the international court of justice that wants to gain. i want to recall that tire binding, a couple, sorry for all parties. they are full for these right? let the scrolling split stop this attack on on profile. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation child. since the beginning of the war is really forces of targeted universities and schools, those still standing have become shelters for families in education. has all been run to a hold high school. students will graduate this year and they won't be able to attend university. i'll just say there's probably a couple of resumes, spoke to one student about how struggled to get an education in the middle of war.
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here's reports from the bottom. are displaced from the home and base handling. to nothing garza 18 year old, do i need no licks in an evacuation send for many young people, isabel school and goes with us tons classrooms in to make shift homes and shelters every entered, the space is used. palestinian a students have counted the days since the beginning of the war like prisoners. and so the course of the days that turns into weeks then months do not give up. someone wrote i'm in a corner of this crap space. do i still studies despite the bombing, despite being displaced for her? the passion for learning remains as trunk, boasting as to those now are not thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they. * and good for the water and where they can sleep. but she won't be
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able to set for the final exams known as to what the exams and she will be able to go to university only university's in, gosh, you've damaged or destroyed. i most my institute a lot. it was my all life life i was going. it was like, went to school, have my study, see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape the strip and continue this studies approach. the q patients destroyed, saw like hundreds of school. so i cannot even tell the any more here and goes all the uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams, is somehow a fix lets me i will not given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left the lines on the board read. the loading is making the sofa,
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the noise upon the key stuff. did you tell you simple power steering is students is the main source of hope. in order to get a better life is time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this year's experience extraordinary for palestine and students, especially at the high school on a build on the go, the 2 g 2 exams because of the ongoing is very expensive on the territory, tara comprising, which is 0. yeah, with the palestine. the in south africa, the 1st votes and the general elections are being costs through special ballot selection stuff, or visiting more than 600000 homes to collect votes from those who can't make it to upholding station. on wednesday, the governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the
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1st time and it's 3 decades in power. many south africans accused the policy of failing in his place of a better life. for all my kind of has more from so i to 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she was good, so dirty on the walk, she believes they didn't sell to god. so she changes into another pay on arrival. a . she's lived in this with a suburb of tip ton for a quarter of a century and little has changed. there's no electricity foot fires are used with heat and cooking. there's no width and sewage system, no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote, the governing african national congress is not going to get it. oh no. why would i vote advice? would be full, but what does that bring for me? it's still the same. if they bring change, then i can vote. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took
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a walk. and so went to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago. the whole i use the gun to keep your majority route. i do seem to support throughout the campaign riggers 2 months. and i do believe that moves on extremely well. re energized people to reinvigorate them. for every very confident actually we are waiting, whether they like it or not, that's good to have. and a double look around to bill goes to totally was 10 years old during the 1976, the way to uprising, protest by black school children against the white minority government. and to join the amc and a special against the pontiff. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once
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a liberation organizations that he fought for. the government does. what about this whole scenario? boom, 40 volts. you see the media and the please, the one to support the volt watch the most send you some i send it by doing a lot of up or do you and you get the memory of the a and c of the past. still resonates. the main thing i want government in see if given to you. so you to the question facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surrounds of clip tom? is this we didn't enough mike kind of, i'll just, sarah. so way to south africa. want to give you a closer look at some of the key issues for voters, south africa has one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. i'm really 33 percent last year. violent crimes been on the rise 2 murders from last year for the highest and 2 years at a rate of 45 for every 100000 people. cheryl power cuts known as low chevy and have
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played households and businesses a like which hasn't helped. and economy has been struggling after more than a decade of sluggish growth. and many voters, a widespread corruption, is to blame for much of the problems that south africa is facing with. steve in china is a profession of international politics. and the school of oriental and african studies in london is joining us live from johannesburg, where he's been following the elections. very good to have you with us on alda 0. i'm in your assessment. what's the difference between v a n c of today compared to the amc of 13 years ago? or 60 years ago? there's a very great deal of idealism. the problem is that many people in 1994 thought that history has to be the accomplish that history had stopped liberation to be the chief. so there was nothing new left to the sub fall the very beginning. and there was a session resting on laurel. also assessing realization that that could indeed be
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corrupt practices that could be undertaken a gotten away with the spread throughout the amc, the increased over the years. so the number of very good things it certainly has not kept is that in house team that certainly has not kept south africa. the develop meant to call people the right to be dissolution. and i'm just to some of the things where we're going through before the high unemployment rates violent crime being on the rise. the scheduled power cuts the load shedding and so on. how much of that can be placed at the door of the amc and how much of it is just done to the running of the side of topic of which is of course, any norm this nation would change and the government actually have a significant impact on those problems, you know, those properties look or maybe even if there was a change in government, those problems have developed the for a long time. but they'll take a lot of time to be able to be remedied. basically what you've got in terms of
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infrastructure as a budget, the k, because you don't have enough technocratic management, but i'll keep looking for structure. therefore, the notion, any be electricity cuts, for instance, wasn't corruption, made very frequent in terms of the generation of other tricity. people, regardless the electricity generating company pretty much as a feeding fall. this is very much at the higher to the jacob zoom, a presidency, which you can take as a major timing and point to the south african recent history blessings. because not somebody to go down to, but they have been slowly going downhill even before the zooming years. so what you're looking at at a some 20 is o d generation that needs to be very slowly, but surely a type of product can be remedied in a shorter time. what do you think south africa's politics are going to look like in the days immediately after the elections and the polls are counted?
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so basically i think that there's almost a guarantee they'll have to be negotiations for a co addition cover. but it is the agency business, 4546 percent, which it may not that can dominate the condition pool is pretty much a case of the issues as the co addition papa. and it means that the mutually off election, lenore, of the central, they'll be a period of great confusion in south africa. they'll be all kinds of questions asked about how the country will go forward. but basically a confused leadership day and see things that can get it wherever simple commendation of the condition a continuous before and nothing will happen. so some degree of humidity has got to be faxed to them to the picture. and the data co dash and government might be the thing the injects so humidity into the liberation potty. the operation
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came but develop but the doc. com. it sounds from what you're saying as though even if there is some sort of shift in south africa as politics, then the lives of south african voters on what do you get to change that much. and so we learned those will change of 1st that could be slow change over the next 5 years until the next elections of 2015 died. but some of these issues we're discussing today will still be around the 2029. this is a couple treatments, as you say, is huge, is very, very complex. there was other develop contritely as well. part state that the top of the take prompt to develop, but sure the use of liberation. so you're looking at a very, very long history where people are just not a while they deserve to have a good take time to remedy and really be remedied under these buys a particular type, the crockett government. it's really interesting to get your analysis of this,
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steven schon were very grateful to you for being as an entre 0. thank you very much . indeed. still ahead and i'll just say it on the desktop wise's milan slide and pop in new guinea refresh has no fear more than 2 fighters and people may have been buried alive processors. and armine, i say their prime minister needs to step done with decades long. and this is julie, the criticism of sports around the drugs coach has been talking about the success of a success and the build up from the champions league. find the so how are we still have some very hot weather across the move, the stuff you down to was the south west. we got rid of high pressure still in place, so i have about western side of russia drawer and then there's room waiting. so
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right across the baltic states, and it's a good part of scandinavia, lots cloud and ray will assist as part again from the atlantic for the northwest coming right down into the low countries through gemini pushing right down into central pos. so it's a pretty lobby spells of rain coming for you hate to see how it stretches right down into the alpine region. the lot across it to the bulk is pushing down towards the se, but $27.00 cell just f, and most of both office all the temperature we're looking at in the south west. but due to the t one degrees and rising as we go on through the next couple of days, we will see further spells of frank coming in across on. and he's going to know them out of some way whether it's east composites, kaufman, and live a few show us that to into well, so some really wet weather that once again a to tell me what is the cost of west inside of the country? pushing across the low countries as long as you drive across the mediterranean, allows you drive across the good parts of west africa, sorry for celsius, the in cairo. some of the temperatures here on wednesday. and she was continuing
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for much of west africa, the, the, the latest news as it breaks here, that being even basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and the months now. the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which we'll see here is a catch of muscles. the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours. you will see the caught a duty in the grove using for p, use a cod to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of our projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested and remember,
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the copy revised wells and increases systems costs on request on the the warranty or is it a reminder of our top? so is this uh the main hospital in garza, some of the city of a buffer that's being forced to shut down over security concerns. the director of guys is quite hospital, took the decision to to medical software care defined is really a talk on monday often the quite hospital was for many of the victims of sunday nights as rarely attack on a camp and drop the check and the desktop from that attacks now listen to 4 to 5 is what was prime minister is told as parliament. it was
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a tragic estate. and the united states has responded to the attack for the 1st time . the wife has says, israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to hama called the images. devastating with demonstrations of gathering powers to support the palestinians in the gaza strip. because as comes a day off is ready for us as long as that attack on account and offer demonstrates has demanded an end to israel's near 8 months. wall and garza meanwhile in london, demonstrated as gabardine came down, the street to the home of britain's prime minister been denied. the deadly is very striking. dropping close, as he saw the doctor say with palestinians have been happy for months and the business capital says are lost as worn and gauze. a loss of tools and protests as also gathered in german capital to stand with palestinians.
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germany's being one of those rails and stones, or supportive senses, water on garza started me 8 months ago and then this down below the sizes of the valley, the outside israel is considered at one point fireworks lost by demonstrate to escape the building. this monster key is government suspended all trades because of due to the war on cancer. now in other news, rein blocked rows and a lot of heavy machine where you're hampering recovery operations and puffing your game after a major landslide. according to a government appeal for health, more than 2000 people could be buried under the mount and rocks. volunteers are recovering bodies from the day every is in their hands and gawking tools. it happened in the countries in the province. jessica washington reports days after landside buried the village and visit this community is hoping you can use in the province on despairing, make up the i have a team members of my family,
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buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on. i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died. most of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery couldn't be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil. by using digging 6 spades. large, cultured for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24
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years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift. and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the the price of the, the incident. either the cost of the way can and will continue to work very closely with the profit you can hancock. and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters, and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours after both is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed to death. the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0
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. chris johnson as well as visions national director for poplar and you're getting, he says that access to the affected area is incredibly challenging, especially because rescue workers don't know if the line slide is finished. this is a remote part of company getting into its challenge and getting in there at the best of times. what would saying um in the video and fridays is some dramatic volumes of death, like we're looking at maces and made his of that. but you know, a lot of people to try to try to talk this diag just, it's really hard to get a phone guides on an accurate number. i think further complications uh that in this area are in a problem so much with same trouble finding waste land that is main movement of people site. so we're not exactly sure how many people were in these households. i mean these buildings when, when the map on the left side very complicated, the roads be cut off. so again, access is incredibly challenging the line to bring inside some of the heavy
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equipment that we'd need to move this volume of, of debris into a box. um say that um the complication is that um, we're not exactly sure that the land slide has finished the store reports of movement into rocks. and so we certainly don't want to go into this area and make it west north korea's, as it's attempt to launch a 2nd military satellite failed because a rocket engine exploded south korea as, as it was launched from the west coast and far towards the southern yellow sea when it disappeared on the launch happen soon after the regular meeting of the leaders of china, japan and south korea wrapped up and so the 3 rear, from the goal of a dean nuclear arised, korean peninsula, which fume young is condemned. scrubbing bribes reports from so it's like all neighbors, china, japan and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st try,
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lateral meeting of each kind involved in 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing daily a quarter of global economic activity. together, they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop. please remember we have nowhere to tonia and through the corporation of our 3 countries. we must strive to improve the health, safety, living standards and quality of life, of our people do it okay. i mean, you're just the head of this meeting. north korea are insured and would be on the agenda announcing it's intention to load just satellites using ballistic missile technology that's banned by the united nations, south korea as president to you. and so if you all called for us to an international response, supported by japanese prime minister for me, appreciate, it says it was, i know it's got to reaffirm that the nuclear is ation of north korea. and the stability of the korean peninsula are in the common interest of our 3 nations. why
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don't the china stop show active condemning goals, career, whether it's primarily chang calling instead for peace on the peninsula. but both south korea and japan will be hoping by ging can use that same fluids to constrain fuel. young's wesson's developments with its worsening relations with the united states. china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington. strongest allies in asia will help strengthen its geo, political clowns. terms of hon. you all to south china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handled sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multilateralism towed into the 3 latest planned to meet again next year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences to one side. for now mcbride, i'll just say around, so please, and how many i have detained more than 300 protesters and the capital jet of on
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following widespread protests against the prime minister. critics are outraged by a recent decision to seem to control of for villages to as a, by john, as part of a white or piece deal to and here's a fighting. i'm lun, disputes with bar code, but many say here's the training. the country has a low presenting on has more of these protesters. one armine is prime minister to resign for weeks. they've rallied in the capitals republic square calling on a cold, but she needed to step down demonstrations. begin shortly after he agreed to surrender for villages to neighboring us or bush on the land has been surrendered, but protest have intensified in size and in grievances make with cable noticed by cutting me, i'd be a prime minister is a trade show. we all have to find for one goal, and that's for him to leave. we are losing out homeland paced by pigs.
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this is the man leading the pro test plug that goes to the. yeah. and is a clear it into your meaning an episode of the church. you let it dalia sees into bush region where land was most and many now want him to be the countries next. prime minister. news of you have uh, we do multiple of the present and future generations of our people to because the only way to avoid this is for our prime minister to resign. the territory was lost by a servers on during the war and the 19 ninety's it strategically important for land loc armenia. one of the settlements in the north is near a vital highway connecting to georgia. much of our medias. trade travels on that road and it goes to a pipeline through which it receives gas from russia. yes, and that goes on, i go know if we want to have a dignified, strong armenia. i see this movement as
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a means to that in detroit. but the prime minister argues he's avoiding get another war for armenia. he calls the agreement a milestone, and part of the peace deal between rivals. what are the depth on the bottom of the government isn't dividing. it's trying to re night to make the concepts of homeland and state identical because this is the only way to stop blush and strengthen the republic of armenia. critics say it's yet another loss during the prime minister's term. in september 2023, a surplus henri took the long disputed area of no corner car box and most ethnic armenian square forced to flee a service john called the justice for menia. it was an embarrassment now much of the outrage milton part of the country that goes in the capital protest do say the prime minister didn't demand or get anything to return for the
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land. a move whose critics say is politically unforgettable. katia looked this up again, which is here for science loan has slammed into the costs of india and bangladesh destroying at least 35000 homes. psycho ramallah milan fall and bangladesh was brought to a college district in the south west of the country. on sunday morning, wins reached up to a 135 kilometers per hour. and at least 10 people were killed in buying the dash 800 fighters. and i've been forced out of the homes, nearly 3000000 people over that attic tricity in neighboring india, at least to 6 people, died in the state of westbank, all of a 150000 people. living move to shelters and schools are closed until further notice. at least $21.00 people have been killed after a series of storms brought chaos and destruction to the large parts of the united central united states. tomatoes and heavy rain had texas, oklahoma, arkansas, and kentucky. all the official reports,
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as the unofficial starts of someone in the us market by devastation across hundreds of kilometer, substantial buildings, toner, park in seconds by tornadoes. if this is what could happen to bricks and mortar, mobile homes stood level chance. we felt that hit the house and just felt it started sucking air out through the through the walls and windows. heard the roof go. i started worrying about my brother because of course his house was out here in the middle of it all. i thought dival texas code, these are under disaster declaration, children among the dead, the governor hoping the number of fatalities won't rise far. but we are going through the heart wrenching loss of life, including the heartbreak of a family, losing a 2 year old and a 5 year old child. when they woke up yesterday,
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they had no way of knowing that the family would be literally crushed by this or risk store search teams in 4 states. so walking their way through the wreckage to heavy rain and high temperatures in some places and helping more than 400 tomatoes have been reported in the us this month alone. the most since 2019. i know the storm is on the move heading towards the us east coast with millions facing the severe weather, threats and whatever that may bring our fisher. i'll just go ahead and i'll just say that the worst on the streets, we find out what a mexican shoemaker. things like sundays presidential elections kind of sports football funds in germany. get a taste of what's to come with the men's european championship. i'm is here with, that's the this business subsidize,
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this voltage by the 6 dining gross partner of the dash before to use the these business uptake these roads thought no bundle
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a dash before to use the the service port. here's under. thank you so much for a while. the rest of that was going out of the french open in the 1st round of the play whose dominates it, this grandson like know of the and said he could return next year in full teen song champions up against welding. before alexander's there of was there was a career threatening injuries mean the dallas wills ranking, a slip into the 2 hundreds, but it's still produced. a number of crowd pleasing with is to or if it goes when the much in straight sets, but in and out kept him out in court for more than 3 hours. 30 samuels funny, as previously said, this would be his final dear competitive sense. i don't know,
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it's going to be the last time that i'm going to be here in front of all of you. uh honestly i, i am not a 100 percent. sure. uh, but if it's, if it's the last time i, i enjoy it. now the, the guys have been. 2 amazing during the whole week of preparation done today. um yeah. and the feelings that die that they have today are difficult to, to describe in the words but the, for me, so especially to feel the law of the people the way that i felt in the place that i loved them are in the minds i, i say it's enough the whole i i can get anything else now but the something that i, i don't feel yet. i have some goals in for on the i hold to be back on these cards for the olympics. that's a multi base man. australian,
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i've been champion younique's in and so when this time to, for the very 1st time he's been struggling with the he's been treated. looks in good shape during this. when against christopher eubanks sinner will become well number one, for the 1st time should if any champion of a joke of which failed to reach the semi finals. it's a dream, this yes, but the know the way i am very relaxed if or not if it happens. so it's it's, it's great them, i'm very happy. if not, you know, i have very young still, you know, hopefully i can, i can get to that point in the women's draw. well, number one, industry almost like it's aiming for a full front sharpen. simon 5 is always 5. draw from just 3 games in her opening match against time. play lilia is you're on june the when setting up a 2nd round match with full son, grandson, champion, miami. i saw him actually glued as naomi, obviously on k. so we'll see how that is going to go. so we need to, you know, prefer attacks weekly,
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for sure. but all these measures that we played on hard quick were always really intense and stuff. cutoff was a fine, was fair in 2022. the running us open champion, had an easy telling me of it in her eyes, back to drop, just to gains on her white civic trigger. julia, a video of a roman dread coach call until he says he's expecting a week filled with cold sweats and fee is he and his team build up to satellite your pin champions, league final rail playing brush. it opened up germany inside today's title, the side or the learners when the staging chelsea, i mean, so when i recollect standing space champions league title is a coach. he's been talking about the secrets of building a successful team. the person i relationship is the most important things in my opinion. and so i tried to treat the people with respect not only talking, not all about the technical and thought there's a loss. but what also about that from
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a life is we are in an environment with 50 people that book. i stayed more with my play of that with my wife or with my kids. and so he, that relationship is not good. if there is no good that must be a re, i'm not doing a good job. also the funds in germany's and getting a taste of what's to come up your road 2020 full. the house is holding open training session in the city of gain. the 3 time slots of windows of in groups alongside scotland, hungry and switzerland. at dallas mavericks, one went away from reaching the n, b, a championship finals, korea thing and look at don't catch both score. 33 points and this, when are the minnesota symbols one step down as a read not taking seriously to note c m b, i histories come back from this sort of serious stuff to the suits on and be a champion. bill wilson has done it at the age of 71, the portland trailblazer,
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as he was named most valuable player during the 1977 phone is also one of the times where the boston celtics and his statement and the commission, adam silver said as a plan walton re defined the center position as a broadcaster entertained generations of basketball assigned to petition or thought his high school's looking for an arrow dining. thank you very much. indeed. not mexicans. go to the poles and sundry, to elect a new government and a new president who is almost certain to be a woman. in the lead up the following day, all to 0 has been speaking to a small business owner and the capital mexico city. a number, a cell phone, so you guys got my name so forcefully about is garcia and i am the owner of the commit that she'll repair shop to repair. so the freight is being lost because there are fewer and fewer show repairs. and yes, why do you so very for additional trade work in front of me. so the elizabeth river
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in every neighborhood and mexico do so she repair. because everyone you choose basically the past, a lot of shoes were repaired for people who could not afford new shoes, but not anymore. now everyone from poor to reach with their, their shoes. with level, i mean, and then i think we that in the to these, i don't care about the elections because we have never received any help from the government nor have previous administration, given us anything on this. uh they'll come, they promise they will do the same. this is gonna sound terrible if they come to still while they're in power. right? so in that sense, i am known parts where he's going to, when i assure you, it's not going to affect our business. we're very independent, the politics, it's a very touchy subject to someone and that in case a ways are be wins for me that's irrelevant and we've discussed with the economic crisis have done effective because i believe that when the country,
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when economic crisis comes, people have less money, they can afford new shoes, so they get this to repair that out of it, but also get us out there more and more cheap. choose a lot of chinese ones that have to pick their business. because if i tell someone, i'll try your 200 basis to change yourself. they say, hey, but the shoes cost me a 150 best as brand new. so the chinese industry, cuz the fact there was a lot and was come up with all but asking that as soon as several generations have passed through here. and i feel a lot of satisfaction about how long we have lasted the social media. food has been going on for 3 years, but imagine going back, we have already been working for over 50 years. so the to these we ship here in or prestige. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes, was more on all the stories and sitting our top story, the main hospital and guys solve them. the roughest city is we forced to shut down over security concerns to medical stuff were killed by an is really rate on monday afternoon. stay with us and obviously
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the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making. that boy saves her how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're gonna face the consequence. nature is done. i will just be a risk new series. dying now will never the the just the read his spend most of his life on the water. he's a fisherman just like other than his family. but things are different now for when he was
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a boy. in 2022 long days mcgarr will declared and endangered species. i'm the one of the family at the school today he's taking us to the band so the only stop leak in central den bode yeah. he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that time wants to be. i mean molnar calling me about some of the power while the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research. this black ball concrete not only indeed just was brian me, populations, but boots public health,
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the priest. because unlike captive bred monkeys, there's no guarantee diana move up, pathogen free the, [000:00:00;00] the flow on your madison versus the news on life from don't have coming up in the next 60 minutes. health care collapses in southern gas, out of office main hospitals shuts down officer to medical stuff are killed, and then there's rarely attacked just outside of the front office. israel continues to attack about 5 day off to the striking to despise,


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