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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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data to biomedical research, this block market creed, not only indeed just was probably made populations, but boots public health of risk. because unlike captive red monkeys, there's no guarantee the animals of pathogen free. the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and will not this. and this is the news on life from don't have coming up in the next 60 minutes. health care collapses in southern jobs. so rough as main hospitals shuts down altitude, medical stuff for kills. and then there's really a tract just outside of fund silvers. israel continues to attack about 5 day after the striking the displacement come, kills at least $45.00 on
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a stands and draws international condemnation. plus we recognize both the said it is with at the state of palestine, precisely because we want to see a future of normalize relations between the hours the demonstrations took place across europe on the eve of a historic move by 3 nations to recognize our policy and the struggle to remain relevant, we looked at the challenges facing the african national congress. as 27000000 south africans get ready to vote. the we're going to beginning goes up just one day officer news really attacked, killed 45 people in a camp and draw fine southern gaza. the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down great hospitals for most of the victims of that sunday night attack. we're taking the director of the hospital close the facility hours ago,
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so i think security concerns dollar a month, an area just outside coate hospital was hit, spine is where the attack 2 of its medical stuff were killed. eye witnesses say the victims were hit by fire from and as many aircraft just outside the hospital gates injured must not be taken to field hospitals is ready, forces have damaged or destroyed or occupied. 24 hospitals in the strip since october, the 7th. some now out of guys us 36 hospitals, only 6 are still functioning and then only partially all of them like critical supplies stuff and that's and they'll only baptist hospital is the only one open with limited capacity in gaza city in the north of this trip in central garza, for all the hospitals, all ok, so all done. nothing on the european, caring for the bulk of the wounded and the sick. the all and the hospitalized operating and drop off. and the size of the stuff supplies for the remaining functioning, hospitals are critically low galani baptist hospital and gaza city received
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a lifeline on monday. the delivery of medicines, health supplies of fuel from the world health organization. israel has been blocking life saving supplies from reaching health facilities across the street in the countries reporting from the lock. so hospitalized central gaza were few isn't desperately short supply. there were supposed to be $200.00 trucks, including 4 fuel trucks to enter the gaza strip till this point. nothing entered the gaza strip. we're trying, we're trying all day to follow up what happens to these trucks. and there's no, any confirmed efforts that they made a step into garza, but uh we just talked to uh, the house officials in o x, a hospice that they said they did not receive any you so far. and it, they are going through with this, a very catastrophe situation. if this continues, they have to receive fuel as soon as possible,
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especially tomorrow. let me show you right now how the situation is. first, this is the entrance of the hospital and where people are receiving their medical treatment. some of the medical uh, some of the patients are receiving their medical treatments outside the hospital because the weather is so hot that the hospital is packed and over one the patients . and here are some of the patients that are having like a staying outside because they're saying that it's very suffocating inside of the hospital. a lot of palestinians rely on this hospital if the hospital does not receive any fuel in the next 24 hours, hundreds of palestinian patients are going to be in risk of death. journeyman. as dr. muhammed here, he's an orthopedic surgeon from london, volunteering in rafa with fargo. scientific, it's a charity organizations,
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could help you with this on how to 0. i'm. i understand that you and members of your organization left us about a week ago, but i believe you were still in contact with people on the grounds, particularly people in great hospital. are you able to give us an indication of what the situation is like there? hi, good evening. thank you for having me. uh yes, uh i can, i can say that uh the situation is very dia um of course, as you know the quotes. you also had a direct attack to its uh, out side perimeter, which uh, 2 stuff were critically injured. uh, even killed and it's the evacuation on the hospital has been forced. and so now you have uh, the quite the field hospice hole in milwaukee bring. uh, bring a pad, but it's not quite ready as far as i understand. and uh, as we speak uh right now, i got off the phone to some of my colleagues who i worked with at the
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h and the day are experiencing artillery fire and cloud cup does attacking very nearby. they are and fit for their lives. and we're talking about health care professionals here, talking about regular people like you and me are they are holding on to the children in the basement of their home and hoping that nothing, nothing hits them. this is a dire situation. of course the, you know, this is in tell us so thought which is in the west, the rough or this is an area which has not been evacuated and yet there was very fish, very 5th attacks happening as we speak. so they're quite yours. so it wasn't about q, i did the, the main hospital, and today i'm moving towards milwaukee where they have a field hospital which is about quite ready. and in the meantime, not only that, but the cost copped as far as i know. and i've seen some footage to confirm this restricting the movements of ambulances,
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so those that are injured cannot even receive help of the medical situation and goals that really is in a dire state. i mean, i can not tell you enough how terrible it is. we need to do more with the international community needs to do more. we need to allow for the medical personnel to enter gaza. we need to allow for medical provisions to enter gaza. all these hospitals are experiencing a diminishing supplies of very critical medicines. and also a fuel to run we sol very recently with the oxo hospital that they were nearing the end of the functionality as the the fuel supplied. dwindled into nothing. um, so the situation is terrible that and i really, i urge everybody in the us international community to please act, you know, advocating for humanity here. we're just advocating for the preservation of human life and dignity. and so the and it would start to fail me at this point to the
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always a hospitalized one of the key medical facilities in the off. we know that israel is focusing its attacks on or off or with the closure of that hospital. what do you think is going to be the impacts on medical facilities and the ability to care for the sick and the injured in as often as those attacks continue? so when i was in the, i was based at the pain goes the hospital and many a night when we would see and here the strikes and i thought we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital. and at times they was simply overwhelmed, but they wouldn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the king does a hospital. so the co ideal hospital in the south was the main port for all those that are being injured, o. s. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are off,
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are in an in sylvia danger that i can't access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that the tell us hold on is not an area as far as i know that has been evacuated according to the colleagues that i have that and they are experiencing the alternative. it strikes very near, but they are living in fear for their lives. these on us is these are the top, does these all my colleagues and it's just a dire situation. is they all hurt? where do they go? why didn't who, which hospital did i go to? so the field hospital and as my wife is not quite ready, it doesn't have the capability to care for the injured for the critically a sick either. it's not quite ready and it's not setup for the service. so really what we're experiencing here is a multi pronged attack, unfortunately where by not only all the people being attacked directly,
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but they're also being blocked from receiving critical medical services. and it's not just the question of treating injuries and sickness there is the ever present risk of disease spreading as well. because of course, the conditions that people are being treated in not in field hospitals are far from sterile island fall from controlled and put it this way. even within the pain goes to a hospital. it was not uncommon for us to experience many dire situations of, of a lack of sites. there are conditions and provision of appropriate wound care. i mean i, i am counted patients on the board who had external and 6 sites as a apply to them because of fractures. and they was sitting in a pile of paths with, with pressure sores going into the, into even the hip socket. it was a very tired but not i'm not when i remember the story, it's actually all of
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a very young person. and he was emaciated and it was really a total post, a site because, you know, i looked at this individual and i saw it. my thought, this is a human being for god's sake and look what they have been reduced to. so if you have these conditions within an institution like the european cause, also let me remind you, setup by by us in europe. and then you can imagine what the conditions might be like in a, in a field hospital where they don't have access to clean water and the rest of it if the is really military action. and rafa, and indeed on the wider area of jobs are continues at the rates that it can be is what are your concerns about the impact on palestinians as the medical facilities dwindle? i mean was failed me. really? i said for the people of
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a gauze i fear for the people of rough or they've been forced from the north to the south, from the south to the west. there is no safe place left anymore. without access to medical provisions, they will suffer. they will die unnecessarily. and even while i was there we, we would work tirelessly on some patients. we would operate on them in the middle of the night. we would save their lives and then they would die because they didn't have access to dialysis, for example. and so sometimes it's only a, you know, the system is only as good as its weakest link. so if that fails, the whole system collapses and there are many, many weak links in this chain right now. even though the supply provision of can start all conditions safe conditions and with the intensifying of the attacks, we really find yourself in a situation where humanity really is being extinguish that i call upon all the
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international players to do that part, to please do more to bring this will to an end, please help us to help the palestinians, please allow medical personnel back into gauze as soon as possible. we need to be that we need to be able to take medical supplies with us. there is now a restriction. so for example, when we 1st arrived via the roof of crossing we own and eventually logged around 10 suitcases full of multiple 8. now if a m p 's wants to enter, they can only take 2 for a 3 week commission. you cannot. what can you do with 2 suitcases full of state? absolutely nothing that will be extinguished within the amount of days. so please, for the sake of humanity, we need to do more. we need to help them. this is already a dire situation and its unpalatable for any decent human being. i mentioned that you had been with a charge the organization far as the scientific previously are you going to attempt
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to get back into guys with the help i am actively trying every single day to return and we are hoping that we can coordinate our mission with federal scientific on the w h o to enter as soon as possible. those people need us. we are willing, seven's, we, we, all we want to do really is to help the people of because uh for us this is an all not they are a people that are a wonderful people. they are being stuff they are being killed through no fault of their own. these people that i refer to are a political. they have no affiliations with any political organizations, though just families, they just colleagues. and we really need to do more. it's really not good enough. what's going on right now? i mean, the international community needs to exert more pressure. i really call upon the, i call the phone out american partners. i caught up on my british government. i caught up on the european union. please do more,
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please allow us to help these people, our causes that he minute, humanitarian, one we, we don't have any political affiliations. we simply want to serve these people and help them protect them. talk to them how much of you. thank you very much indeed for being with us and i'll just say thank you. it is all the forces have once again bound, the southern city of lafayette and the gaza strip. the army struck a house, canning 7 people and injuring several others, including children. the area ahead was filled with displaced the palestinians and tense. the it is a safe some that is calling with the 10 cent displays people suddenly a messiah was set on the home, which was built using some blocks and metal tubing. we saw people out in the streets displaced people and citizens. there were no combatants. it was a safe zone. where exactly did it happen? how should we trust both of them and somebody in the vehicles? were there any injuries?
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yes, they have uh was tardies come just over 24 hours, often is rarely a talking to displacement companies offer, which has been widely condemned. at least 45 palestinians were killed. mostly women and children. there's really prime minister. that's called a tragic mistake. the white house says the image is a devastating in the country, send this report from the c, sifting through a verbal and ashes. how does to muse try to touch base? what the con from the chaired remains of their temporary homes on sunday, a piece 8 is reading science truck, attends comp and verify the housing doesn't just display somebody in the area that is really military. it's so designated as a safe stone. the air strikes parts to fire tunes, dozens of people, most of them women and children,
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unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the diving, been spotless, all in another. we were praying. we had just performed the margaret pro and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing as usual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming and with the nearby rooms were shaking. the sound was terrifying. there's nothing to visually military sees that use procession amunition in a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area since yesterday. we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is where it has been bonding and
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targeting the policy means with severe need burn survivors. we're taking to a few hospitals in russell, so functioning these children have been offering their parents killed in that hock. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are able to provide proper treatment that we just took care of. there was no security and garza, there was no security, not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent, one, lots of the done to deserve that. is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's ruling by the international court of justice, which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the catastrophe
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communitarian situation in the city. and the immense risk close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians had taught refuge there in the city odyssey to go for garza ta this time. here's what these really partners are. benjamin netanyahu told his parliament about that attack. despite the maximum efforts we are making to avoid targeting civilians, unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday. connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. as it goes beyond all the data from reporting from there, so i called respondents are working from the jordanian capital. i'm on the side of the product as the basis because of the, the i, c, j is older a couple of days ago that one of the oldest was that should they should these rough immediately and reduce civilian casualties. and then just 2 days later, they carry out this strike, which they admitted they had planned to do,
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and they targeted to some us come on does up, but also within as a statement earlier saying that. so they understand from that preliminary investigation of fire took place and then also said that they wouldn't have been there in the 1st place if it hadn't been for how much. but it's been a difficult day for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was quite a heated statements in the connect it today because not only was the facing protests from the families of those health captives, they were holding on him to accept immediately a ceasefire deal. but also he was facing opposition. faulty signatures were signs for a symbolic, a hearing where they wanted to hear from him, of what he's doing in terms of the war. and he was attacked by the opposition and also just in the connected as well. one of the observers in the war cabinet saying that we should end at any thing in the war in a gauze,
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or even if it's just temporarily to insure the release of those house caps if you will. so how do i as a p d. c. o position, be those saying that so the goal isn't guessing anywhere because of this v to ship . it was escaping attack on the prime. it is to himself, as well as the will cabinets in the, in the mix as well as and in terms of where that guessing to and as well because also you have this. that's not what happens yesterday. they know the pressure is on them internationally. a lot of states has also responded to sunday nights, attacking the roof of the white house as israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians while going. officer thomas. it called the images devastating more not from our white house correspondent, kimberly hawk at the bottom. and ministration has been closely following the aftermath of these rarely military strikes on that account of this place. palestinians,
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near rough uh what the national security councils folks for. so it has been saying is that the images of the dozens of innocent men, women, and children that were killed as a result of that strike are not only devastating, but also heartbreaking. now as the white house is saying this, they are also defending these really militaries, right to pursue home us target the white house saying that that strike that killed so many innocence also killed to hum us targets that the is really military says are responsible for attacks on is really now still the white house says the israel must do more to protect civilians. having said that, the white house says it is actively engaging these really military to ensure that it assesses what happened and what went wrong. the white house is also reporting the vi is really military,
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is conducting its own investigation. kimberly how could al jazeera the white house, monroe bonnie is known resident fellow at the center for conflict and humanitarian studies. i is also co editor, obviously that yeah, it's an online publication covering the middle east is joining us live now from montreal. thank you very much indeed for being with us, but it is really prime minister benjamin doesn't mention yahoo describing this as a tragic accident saying it's a grave mistake. took place. is this an appropriate response? do you think or? no, of course not. and i wouldn't point out that in contrast to previous such attacks, where is real either celebrates the or it doesn't even bother giving an excuse for its actions. now, it is also claim that it is launching in independence investigation. so quite clearly of what's called the diplomatic tsunami, recent, the recent ruling by the international court of justice,
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the i c. c. applications for our restaurants and so on are gradually beginning to have an effect at the same time. when we look at the broader international situation, what we've learned is that us president, jo biden's red line is actually a river of palestinian blood, and senior us officials are quite happy to swim it up. as far as the europeans are concerned, we've seen quite extensive condemnation of this attack into nazi ation of this attack. but 8 months into this brutal genocidal campaign, i think simply making statements becomes entirely meaningless when this is not paired with concrete actions. to bring such acts which are taking place on an almost daily basis, to a definitive end, with the increase in diplomatic pressure with the pressure coming from the, the recent rulings from the international court of justice plus, of course,
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from the domestic pressure that the prime minister was facing as well. do you think that all we're going to see is just a change in his language? is it going to have any impact to toll on the way that israel is coming out just ministry operation and gaza at this rate? absolutely no, and i think one objective of this attack was to demonstrate that the us actually does not have a red line. and bear in mind, according to the available reports. israel used exactly those bombs, the 2000 pound bombs and it's attack on the subject on yesterday. these are the same bombs that by didn't had claimed he was suspending the delivery of to israel. so this is basically a message, you know, essentially raising a middle finger to the i, c, c to the i, c, j to the international community. and making the claim, you know, washington has our back. we really don't care about anything else. in terms of the, the, the linguistic um,
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gymnastics that we've seen over the last several months with regard, but particularly in the last couple of months with regard to the operations that are going on and drop. or do you think that we're going to can see a continuation of the avoidance of words like a major operation, a large scale operation, that, that may well be what we're seeing on the ground, but border but the, the frames of reference if you like, are going to be much milder. i think so i'm the, we've seen the constant shifting of the goals. most of it also make another point to very stages. we have seen senior us officials, president barton, secretary of state identity blanket and others make statements that appear to be critical of israel were laying down boundaries regarding what is real can and cannot do. i don't think we should look at those in terms of reflecting any change in us policy, what they actually are our attempts to respond to growing domestic,
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public opposition to growing global criticism of the us is unconditional support of israel and in a sense to divert to change a subject to give the appearance that something is changing in washington. but in the fact nothing happens. and these statements are intended purely for public consumption, to mask the continuation of the precisely same policies with respect to israel's genocidal on slots in the gaza strip. there are cautious talks going on with regard to the possibility of moving towards another set of potential. so as far as negotiations do you think, given the pressure is that you've been discussing. so there might be some pressure on israel to move forward to try to find some sort of way of finding some sort of common ground with hom,
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us with the negotiators. y'all's be it's that they might not want to make that public as well. i would 1st look at what happens in the united nations security council this week. the all jury hands are apparently preparing to submit another draft resolution calling for a cease fire f as widely expected. the us either manages to water it down to the point of making it meaningless, or if it fails to do that. and once again casts vito. that would be a very clear message to israel to nothing yahoo that they can continue. and, and these cease fire discussions are really go more than a frequently for israel's ability to consume, to continue with his campaign in the gaza strip. so we have to look, i think not only that the negotiations themselves, but at the broader context in which they are being conducted. monroe, bonnie, we appreciate you being with us and i'll just do this. so thank you very much
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indeed for your time. thank you. around the surface of gathers and the french capital power has to stand in solidarity with palestinians in guys the least find tier guys to disperse, protesting. so some demonstrations which i did want to watch these ready embassy. so just as a choose presidents and french presidency menu, my home of been complicit in war crimes in london demonstrated as a gathered near 10000 industries to be official, residential workings, prime minister has been known as the deadly is reading strikes on rough on hold taxes on the dollar to the colors for news has been happening for months, but this capital israel last is for ongoing and is tobin. and it was similar things in geneva where hundreds of people gather to show their solid data team to tell us and they were published in flags are condemned to killing of civilians in johnson
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and protests of also take him to the streets and the 2 museum capital to condemn the attack on the roof, i have demanded an end to the war and they've done times to west and support for israel. and the search is also called for the opening of lines crossings to less and more age to gaza. strains, foreign minister has urged israel to hold its attacks on his off or calling for. i mean mediates these 5 springs going to recognize a palestinian state on tuesday? the says dress is what we have been calling the 3 or 5. so we're 3 countries for a long time that did send immediate ceasefire, but the gravity is even larger because it becomes after the decision taken by the international court of justice that wants to gain. i want to recall that tire binding. i couple sorry for all parties, they are full for these right let the scrolling split stop this attack on,
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on profile. i think that that this time we have to raise our voice not only for an immediate cease fire, but also to buck international law. and the united nation charges by for some sponges recognition of a palestinian state doesn't go far enough demonstrations being held in buffalo showing some modalities and palestinians. i'm calling on the spanish government to cut ties with israel. or you need more from the state of labor. we just, we don't want only the declaration of the policy and states is that something more symbolic than anything. we ask for the government to cut relations with the state of israel, not just that we want them to stop selling them. why in the arms from the state of israel, so that makes the same complex of the genocide as going on and progress island is going to join norway in spain and formerly recognizing a palestinian state of tuesday. the fault of ministers accused israel, of breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop its attacks on the rough. it'd be meeting with all the
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e u foreign ministers in brussels live on tuesday. and tasha boss of reports from their fall barrack and that rages for just some of the woods that were being used by some of you. foreign ministers here in brussels. i bet a meeting to describe israel's attack on a campus in rough or the killed thousands of civilians. the e u foreign policy chief use, a bro said that the news coming out to harass a thing absolutely horrifying. he said it is clear that there is no safe place for civilians in gauze, and these attacks take place immediately after the international court of justice forwarded to a stop all military activities in gosh, as we also heard from the foreign ministers of spain, no way an island, those 3 countries set to recognize a palestinian state on tuesday they said that the recognition was important to give
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palestinian self determination. and also as a step to finding a diplomatic solution. some have framed our decision is to move our decision to recognize the state of palestine as a move to impose an outcome on the parties are as somehow a reward for terror. nothing could be further from the truth. we have recognized both the state of israel and the state of palestine, precisely because we want to see a future of normalize relations between the 2 peoples. well, when it comes to recognizing a palestinian state, the remains divided on the issue. there is some of them mentioned now we see countries like malta as was in, you're suggesting that they might do so in the near future. but countries like germany fraud. so the more cautious they say that they don't ruling out recognizing a palestinian state, but it would be better off being done within the framework of any future peace negotiations. but what you have is the foreign ministers of stain on into no way saying,
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as long as the remains divided on the issue with that is damaging the credibility of the e u. and any role they can play in any future piece process. as after butler, i'll do 0 ruffles is still a head and i'll just say the soul visors from a line slight and popping you're getting officials, no fear more than 2000 people may have been buried alive. protesters and armenia sort of finding this alludes to step down decades long, and this is fueling the cortez's, the how a we can expect to where we could prosecute possible straighter at the moment. takes lousy try and settled once again any more. he missed and felt clear we got to the way thanks to the area of high pressure smudging, further east,
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which is flooring in a few showers just around the east coast of queensland, but down towards the south west. well, the system coming for higgs a couple of co francis one. hey, that will be a free the but the next one here that is the developing feature, which brings up across the south of a w way. we're going to see it making his way across a path into the hearts of but west in australia. then as we go on into a web to stay engaging, some moist, the out to the north of w, i typically just getting something then so you have a rain really just ram pump that will make its way for the race with the ends of a house. of australia, grassy pushing for the east was for the remainder of the weeks and guess the conditions to rolling through the bites. i some way whether and some windy weather in store here with wendy to for japan at present some really big down polls coming in the cost issue, standing across in to honshu. that is lot. it's cool. some flooding moves pretty quickly on wednesday on police to say bright sky is coming back in behind. i'm not too bad too for good positive china.
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the, the latest news, not only that these patients were receiving, tells me that y'all as, as treatment in unless you are hospitalized, let's say we're also seeking refuge here with detailed coverage for the war. people have access to a leaders of water per day, but now everybody here gets between $2.00 and $3.00 leaders from the hall. so the story palestinian officials photo does 0 that in situations like this is we will deduct the funds directly from customs tax
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the, the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the 0 reminder about the officers this, the main hospital in gauze as something sits in the process as being forced to shop down and off that is ready for some shocking, killed to medical stuff going hospital is freezing victims of it is rarely strike the killed at least 45 people sunday. is there any forces of once again, attacks of off or killing at least 7 people troops and struck a house in an area with display speed,
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low seeking refuge on the united states has responded to sundays, attacking off of the white house as israel must take every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to homeless have called the images devastated to other world news. now in size africa. the 1st votes and the general elections are being cost through special ballots and action stuff, or visiting more than $600000.00 homes. to collect votes from those who come to make it to a following station on whether it's a governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the 1st time. it's 3 decades in power. many south africans accused the policy failing and it's pledge for a better life for all my colleagues get more from so watch on south africa. 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she was good, so dirty on the walk, she believes they didn't sell to god. so she changes into another pay on arrival.
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she's lived in this a way to set the tip ton for a quarter of a century and little has changed. there's no electricity foot fires are used with heat and cooking. there's no width and sewage system, no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote to the governing african national congress. he's not going to get it. oh no. why would i budge? advice would be full, but what does that bring for me? it's still the same. if they bring change, then i can vouch. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took a walk into the widow to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago, the gun to keep your majority. wow. how do
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seem to support the campaign riggers 2 months something and i do believe that moved on in the well re energized people to reinvigorate them for everybody. confident. actually we are waiting whether they like it or not, the driver. the devil look around to bill goes so totally was 10 years old. during the 1976, the widow uprising protest by black school children against the white minority government and to join the amc and a special against the pontiff. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once a liberation organization that he fought for the government as well. that part of the you know, the blue and 40 volts. you see yeah, coming daily, now please, do you want this up alternative hold. what do i talk to? my son do some i signed it, but it was a lot about the you and you have the memory of the
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a and see of the past still resonates. the main thing or government in see if give to you. so you do the question facing the parents of these future voters in the squalid surrounds of flipped um is this sweet enough mike? kinda oh, just area. so it to south africa. want to give you a closer look at some of the key issues that voters are facing south africa has got one of the highest unemployment rates in the world. that's nearly 33 percent last year. violent crimes been on the rise to motors from last year with a highest in 2 years at a rate of 45 for every 100000 people. scheduled power cuts known as load shipping of plate households and business is a lake which hasn't helped an economy that's been struggling after more than a decade of sluggish growth. many votes as a widespread corruption is to blame for much of the problems in south africa is facing. steven john is a professor of international politics at the school of oriental and african studies
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. he says that the amc has become complacent in recent years under the parties relied too much on the historic hire of the countries democratic transition in 1994 or 60 years ago. there's a very great deal of idealism. the problem is that many people in 1994 thought that history has to be to accomplish that history had stopped liberation to be the chief . there was nothing new left to the so from the very beginning, there was a session resting on the laurels. also assess realization that that could indeed be corrupt practices that could be undertaken a, gotten away with this spread throughout the amc, the increased over the years. so the number of very good saying it certainly is not kept its own house clean. it certainly has not kept south africa, the developmental pop people, the right to be dissolution. those problems have developed over a long time,
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but they'll take a long time to be able to be remedied. basically, what you've got in terms of infrastructure is a bridge of decay. because you don't have enough technocratic management and upkeep of the infrastructure. therefore, the shifting, the other interesting consequences wasn't corruption, made very frequent deb tubs of the generation of other tricity people, regardless the electricity generating company pretty much as a feeding fall. this is very much at the height of the jacob zoom, a presidency, which you can take as a major turning point to the south african recent history blessings. because that's a pretty good job too. but they have been slow to get a gun who you before, assuming he is. so what you're looking at after some 20 years. oh, the generation that needs to be very slowly, but surely a type of product can be remedied. the rain blocked the roads on the lack of heavy machinery, a hampering recovery operations. improper and you'll get a boss or
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a major landslide, according to a government appeal for help and more than 2000 people to be buried under the mud. and rocks. volunteers are recovering bodies from the debris using their hands and garden tools and habit of the countries english provinces. jessica washington reports days after landside buried the village and this of this community itself. and you can use in the province of despairing make at the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on a move family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones that's already say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to the people have been
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trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states large and cultured for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows devices confused and exhausted, taking in the extent of the destruction. it's unclear how many people were leaving here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000. a complicating recovery efforts was slowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the place sold the,
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the incident over the course of the weekend and will continue to work very closely with the pos and you can hand cabinet and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bullet tumble down the hillside onto the village. so they feared they would be crushed, dense did the miracle. they sufficed. jessica washington to 0. chris johnson's world visions, national director of a pop. and you get a, he says that access to the affected area is incredibly challenging, especially because the rescue workers don't know if the line slide is finished. this is a remote part of company getting into it's challenging, getting in there at the best of times. what would saying um in the video and on fridays is some dramatic volumes of death, like we're looking at maces and made his a dad. but you know,
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a lot of people to try to try to talk this. i just, it's really hard to get a gauge on an accurate number. i think further complications uh that in this area are in a problem so much with same trouble finding ways land that is main movement of people side. but we're not exactly sure how many people were in these households. and these buildings when, when the map on the left side, very complicated, the roads be cut off. so again, access is incredibly challenging the line to bring inside some of the heavy equipment that we'd need to move this volume of, of debris. and to say that i had a complication, is that we're not exactly sure that the land slide has finished. there's still reports of movement into rocks, and so we certainly don't want to go into this area and make it west. the state of emergency and defense, pacific island territory of new color donia has been lifted. debbie right,
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started earlier this month off differentiating piece voter to change the rules for provincial elections, definitely conduct communities. so they'd be disadvantaged by the change presidents, a manual my home visit at the territory last week in an effort to calm the situation. over one fires in french, law enforcement officers have been deployed to the territory since the rest broke, cuz at least 7 people died, including 2 policemen. north korea says this attempt to launch a 2nd military soft light has failed because a rocket engine exploded. south korea says the projectile was launched from the west coast was 5 towards the southern yellow sea. on that launch attempt came soon after a very, a meeting of the leaders of china, japan and south korea wraps up and sold the 3 of from their goal of a dean nuclear ice cream and peninsula, which appear on young has condemned bomber. brian reports from sol,
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of like all neighbors, china, japan, and south korea have a long history of diplomatic tensions. but for this 1st trial, actual meeting of its kind in golden 4 years, the mood was upbeat, representing nearly a quarter of global economic activity. together, they form an economic powerhouse which the south korean host wants to develop. please move away from nowhere to tonia and through the corporation of our 3 countries. we must strive to improve the health, safety and living standards and quality of life of our people don't care. how many of you just ahead of this meeting? north korea ensure that would be on the agenda, announcing its intention to launch a satellite using ballistic missile technology that spend by the united nations, south korea as president to you. and so if you all called for us the, an international response supported by japanese prime minister for me, i appreciate it says it was an notes car. got to reaffirm that the nuclear ization
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of north korea and the stability of the korean peninsula, or in the common interest of our 3 nations who are china stopped short of condemning goals, career with its primarily chang, calling instead for peace on the peninsula. but both soft career in japan will be hoping by jing can use that same fluids to constrain young young's wesson's developments with its worsening relations with the united states. china will also be hoping to close the ties with washington strongest allies in asia will help strengthen its geo political clouds. those, that hon. you all to south china, japan and the republic of korea should properly handle sensitive issues and differences. take care of each other's core interest and major concerns and truly practice genuine multi that was towed into the 3 lead his plan to meet again next year in japan. still mindful of previous tensions, but apparently seeing mutual advantage in putting those differences to one side for
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now. rob mcbride, i'll just say era, so a police and a minnie. i have detained more than 300 protesters in the capital, yet of on following widespread protests against the prime minister. critics are outraged by a recent decision to seat control of 4 villages to us or by john as part of a white a piece deal at the end. here's a fighting and long disputes with barcode, but many say he's betraying the country country. i love his other young as for these protestors, one armine is prime minister to resign for weeks they've rallied in the capitals for public square calling on a cold, but she needs to step down demonstrations begin shortly after he agreed to surrender for villages to neighborliness or bush on the land has been surrendered, but protests have intensified in size and increasing hoops make for a table. notice by cutting me, i mean, a prime minister is
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a trade show. we all have to find for one goal and that's for him to leave. we are losing out homeland paced by pain. this is the man leading the pro test plug that goes to the and is a clear it into your medium episode of the church. you live at dias, season to boost region. we're land was most and many now want him to be the countries next prime minister news. oh yeah. we do multiple of the present and future generations of our people to because the only way to avoid this is for our prime minister to resign. the territory was lost by a surplus on during the war and the 19 ninety's. it's strategically important for land loc armenia. one of the settlements in the north is near a vital highway connecting to georgia. much of our medias. trade travels on that road and it goes to a pipeline through which it receives gas from russia. yes, and that goes on, i going to know if we want to have a dignified, strong,
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or media. i see this movement as a means to that end. it sold both the prime minister argues he's avoiding get another war for armenia. he calls the agreement a milestone, and part of the peace deal between rivals. what are the depth on the bottom of the government isn't dividing. it's trying to re night to make the concepts of homeland and state identical because this is the only way to establish and strengthen the republic of armenia. critics say it's yet another loss during the prime ministers term. in september 2023, a surplus on re took the long disputed area of no corner car law and most ethnic armenian square, forced to flee a survey, john called the justice for media. it was an embarrassment now, much of the outreach felton part of the country that goes in the capital protest
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do say the prime minister didn't demand or get anything to return for the land. a move whose critics say is politically unforgettable. castillo, pennsylvania, which is there still a head, and i'll just say the violent tomatoes, the stones, through southern us states on both sides. whether it's a full cost,
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the news the, [000:00:00;00] the at least $21.00. people have been killed off to receive some storms in the central united states. tornadoes and heavy rain had texas, oklahoma,
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arkansas and kentucky will cost as a warning. there's more to come from washington dc. i look official reports of the unofficial starts of someone in the us market by devastation across hundreds of kilometer, substantial buildings, toner park in seconds by tornadoes. if this is what could happen to bricks and mortar mobile homes stood level chance. we felt that hit the house and just felt it started sucking air out through the through the walls and windows. heard the roof go. i started worrying about my brother because of course his house was out here in the middle of it all. i saw the bolt texas codes. these are under disaster declaration. children among the dead, the governor hoping the number of fatalities won't rise above that we are going through the heart wrenching loss of life. including the heartbreak of
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a family losing a 2 year old and a 5 year old child. when they woke up yesterday, they had no way of knowing that the family would be literally crushed by this are risk store search teams in 4 states. so walking their way through the wreckage to heavy rain and high temperatures in some places on helping more than 400 tomatoes have been reported in the us this month alone, the most since 2019. i know the storm is on the move. heading towards the us is cost with millions, facing the severe weather, threats, and whatever that may bring our fisher. i'll just have a volunteer firefighter and the 2 lane follow street officials have been formally accused by prosecutors of involvement and setting wild fires that engulfed central chile in february, over
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a 130 people were killed in the fires. prosecutors that they had access to evidence that shows the 2 individuals active deliberately. and they have knowledge about the optimal weather conditions to start fire. it needs to be here in a couple of minutes with more on color stories and robots and stay with us on all the former film and for you to stop. traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedies to commer. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars, creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is a reality on that just the award winning program from international. so make his, we've just seen so many people traveling with children,
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thinking a long and difficult to explore an abundance of world class programming. every time we do an interview, web net with soldiers, voices from different quotes, stories from other ranks. each one of us is a with this today, you know, programs that open your eyes to an alternative view of from well on algae is there of the . ringback the kind of foundation is deliberate over
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$300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spence on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a $300.00 on luis covenants. it goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence. the health care collapses in southern gaza. ross is main. hospital shuts down after 2 medical staff are killed and this really attack just outside. it's from the many bulk of this. so i'll just say what life though. so coming up,
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israel continues to attack rough for a day off to a strike of displacement come killed at least $45.00 of us to use andrew


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