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tv   Witness Small Town Safe House  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 4:00am-5:01am AST

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and the present understanding the reality is i just place that flow it, i'll just do is change across the world. when you come to the house of the story, the how many boxes are on the top stories on how to 0. just one day of doing just trying to get killed. 45 people in the displacement. compet ratford in southern gaza. the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down quite a hospital is when most of the victims of that sunday night attack would take him. the director of the hospital is now close the facility, citing security concerns squarely on monday and area just outside the gates of great hospital was hit spying this radio tag to medical stuff were killed. eye witnesses say they were hit by 5 minutes. radio craft injury must now be taken to
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field. hospitalized out of guns has $36.00 hospitals or at least 6 are still functioning, but only partially all of them like critical supply stuff and medicine. the out of the baptist hospital is the only one open with limited capacity in gaza. city in the north of this trim, the central goes are full of the hospitals will accept out now. so you are p n, a caring for the bulk of the wounded and the sick the out and we were out. the hospital is operating a rougher in the south of gaza. and this ready for us is they've carried up more tax on the southern city of rafa. the shelling struck a house, getting 7 people and then drink several others, including children. the area hit was filled with displaced palestinians in 10 sheltering families. it is a safe somebody's calling with 10 cent displays. people suddenly am assigned a set on the home which was built using some blocks and metal tubing. we saw people out in the streets, displaced people and citizens. there were no combatants,
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it was a safe zone. and a historic move, 3 european countries are formally recognized a palestinian state orleans noah and spain announced move on wednesday, and it's now legally taken effect they've sent it's part of an effort to help normalize the relationship between israel and palestine. that foreign ministers of also accused israel, a breaching international humanitarian law, are refusing to stop its attacks on rap for some spaniards. recognition of a palestinian state doesn't go far enough for demonstrations being held in barcelona, showing solidarity with palestinians and cooling on the spanish government to come ties with this rattle together. we need more from the state of saying, we just, we don't want only the dictation of the policy and states. is that something more symbolic than anything. we ask for the government to cut relations with the state of israel. not just that we want them to stop selling them. why in the arms from
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the state of israel. so that makes the same complex of the genocide as going on and progress and other well headlines. department. new guinea is government say they are evacuating almost 8000 people from the countries and good provence, under threats of new land slides. you satellite images of image showing the scope of friday's landscape land slide draw the which covered young bali village. debbie stretches at least one columbus or from the mountain. according to the government. 2000 people could still be buried under the mud and rocks, rain, bulk, roads, and a lot of heavy machinery. a humphrey recovery operations, the state of emergency and the french pacific island territory of new caledonia has been lifted her. i have started earlier this month of differentiating piece voted to change the rules of provincial elections, the ethnic kind of communities say they'd be disadvantaged by the change or the $1000.00 french law enforcement officers have been deployed to the territory since unrest broke out. at least 7 people died, including 2 policemen. in south africa,
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the 1st of oats, in the general elections, of being costs for you, special ballots election stuff, visiting more than $600000.00 items to collect votes and those who come and make it to a putting station on wednesday. the governing african national congress is facing major election challenges for the 1st time and it's 3 decades in power. many south africans accuse the potty or failing in its pledge of a better life for a volunteer firefighter and a talent of forestry official have been formerly choose by prosecutors of enforcement in setting wild fires in february of a 130 people were killed in the fight, prosecutors said they have evidence that shows the 2 individuals acted deliberately . you're up to date, both of the headlines. the news continue, see on our to 0 of the witness go way. the
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me community name is a shift for dollars golf team. an invoice in miss vaughn raped dissembled, and left for dead at a nearby construction sides. the 17 year old was walking home from a local cabin when she was mad. at 3 specimens have been arrested. perfidious has been described as an incident that has cost a cloud over the entire nation. i forget has some of the worst cases of gender based violence against women and children. in the will. everbank is reeling with sugar. following the middle of a 5 year old go, katie williams was found buried in the bushes, listening to columbus from the home to yourself to the goose and murder of an invoice for the story town. because it gave me wrong about the matter. a 14 year
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old out, just imagining by the hands of a 27 year old boyfriend incident spock and national out prime put the spotlight. the ghost as a people to say today they face, fee is made to receive it. that is, the may see
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you might be the baby of the following muscle underneath the bed the day when no dog the mess up i can send you the news on the fact that i sent the p u i a my numbers that are in the system much my know, but i'm on the
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computer. put them on site for just i'm not giving you a plan. that's how you submit the papers. you're not the same to put the the check here now because she's under the influence now just do the inc. thank as we're not going to do any town sitting on the last thing because she has to get in the box. she must get something to eat and she must sleep
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and we're going to close. it's so fast, these people that's motion full is just the wash a by the box hot me months. the more a feel fox f as the as a can you more on the name that i make? this is not able to name. you see my mom and this elma, any that this shipped to you that took you the dana more of them did he voskus for then divided by katie. so smockey slootsky with my case can be both ma, here as the most beautiful. this is in the email,
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most of the seo must be, i look forward to see how you didn't even see on the most us, what do you most designate for your what to. so seeing the most. so no one is allowed to have money in the house. i'm going to zelma may 2nd name of the the select the can is on the own. sounds on the the you don't feel welcoming stuff. i think it's because of my work. i do this thing said they don't want to
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but it's also fine. i'm not the a to satisfy everyone. i me it to you on the end of the pizza. the demo the me to speak to. 6 6 6 feel um lets see in the. 2 2 no common sense it could do we need 3 minutes fast forward. it could be the envelope to be out and ma and to play in a phone and you look a little. 2 yeah my is what, what was the. 2 motor be let me say
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and then tell me if i knew clinico honey for me, think fast of somebody to find it good us. and that he thought him along with funded could us know who is school and saw me because that sound like you're with a number. he looks great, collect barbecue baverly may not be able to know david huntsville. 6 6 to honey this know for come see me says that all. i know that i give it to me, but i get brandon to come in. it's me preventive. delana humphrey, you let us like best pray that it will not be passed as a whole month to get along because you know, you, so i'm going
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to be lonely or for a single. yeah. okay. not as evil risk. so be okay for so 6 in the office does all these might, you tend to mean cindy or a computer frontier that i have at the you provided me with a few seconds. india. in my opinion, let's just assume that the me a c and d is moiz. it cannot be, it can, i was kind of on this for being on the, on the, on the internet then. and this may, yeah, but i am, it's funny key elements of that i would go to y'all's time. no the. 2 the different content now is that the 5 let's suppose you don't know what's pretty cool to see. you know more than like
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you should do. you mind giving me a picture? yeah. 40 i will. yes. i'm going to get a nice oh yeah. yeah. she left it take i think you can look now is it got some honey and the state of orthodontic is smith's couplet could be i could send them the steve and they hadn't was kind of both the same last name jacob was that the scientists and his face has over different number does with us, what are the i said okay, that was the comes and if it's not complete, mr. sna expenses and i'm good. my name is the boyfriend. the a miss. i seem to get a minute. the
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last may see i me see her, me gave it the she never did, i don't mean say the the home school. if you can, i feel really busy. so if
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i understand the problem the say fast and mean and do not enough. i'm in a lot of places and it's like fast to come and i to be on the kind i love, you know, by the full service move as i'm doing it. because i know despite i know what i've been sort of what 51 years. and so i feel myself, the, [000:00:00;00]
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a miss massey, a bathroom is done all my husband. oh my god. oh yeah. oh but oh, mary jane and honey, hold on today. no. that wasn't, you know?
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yeah. i tried to see if you can see who could do. is there any mondo? you said in monmouth? sure. it was like via and then on that i know that the the money to make
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the renewals pick that up the sun to safety every couple months. so the, the, the, the, the, the for a little bit more open models. it no problem. we're going to see all the time. okay. and all she sees was when she was going on like that at the hospice of the brands that i'm from. as they shut that thing down when she was
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a baby and the someone to sort it says in that and, and as it reminded me says these are some things that the last steps is a nice and kind of a deep with this stuff with the substances and the social is contingent upon sleep and she get it like this. what do you think is a phone call to nice piece of body lying at the muscle industry? and i, and that is why do i do we into i the line. now let's go. so this is my concern. i don't know what to do. i'm calling on this. and the social work even seems to me she must go for the say. my personal view.
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really yes. yes, that's correct. so the confidence in the i for the surface on this a lot. so ok by that, get those 10 by 10. this of the 50 stuff in means the
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the the do not discriminate against the fact that suddenly for the me is the same, is the person in the gate and most of the kids
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on it as a sign, this is a business associate. what can i me this whole fucking to ask because it asks me think service us through some of those. okay. beautiful. the the,
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the the, the i my home phone. yeah. well let me see here. i'm going to come here. so this goodness,
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i'm waiting to see so so so many more one more thing. so maybe you
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and yes go the task was done to the people you see the space is pretty key in doing lindy's history. so the okay for the inside of the to say that no big people put stuff in to, to interview. and that's kind of researched in what you use like code says the the june 1967 explains the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as
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they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today is really all me. and it was such as the the, the stuff is live, the war in june on alger, zara. your wills, the caught a duty in a grove using for the p, use a code to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on requested and remember, it's a copy revised wells and increases systems costs on ridgecrest a total of $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo so out in the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for his disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward
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in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria. now just sierra the sunday public window, the top story is allowed to 0, just one day off in this way to get killed. 45 people in the displacement, compet rockford, and southern guns are the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down quite a hospital is when most of the victims of that sunday night attack would take him to direct to the hospital is now close the facility citing security concerns earlier on monday and here we are just outside the gates of the great hospital was hit by and this way the attack to medical stuff were killed. eye witnesses say they
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were hit by 5 for me it is ready and across the injury must now be taken to field hospitals and destroy the forces of kyra that more tax on the southern city of rough um the shouting struck a house, killing 7 people and injuring several others, including children. you have your head was filled with displace palestinians, intense children and families. it is a safe, somebody's calling with 10 cent displays. people suddenly am assigned a set on the home which was built using some blocks and metal tubing. we saw people out on the street displaced people and citizens. there were no combatants. it was a safe zone of the kind of historic move. 3 european countries are formally recognized a palestinian state islands. noah and spain announced the move on wednesday, and it is now legally taken effect. they've said it's part of an effort to help normalize the relationship between israel and palestine. the foreign ministers of also accused is rarely breaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop
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bits of tax on rafa. and other world headlines puffing your guineas. government say they're evacuating almost 8000 people from in the province on the threats of new land slides, fridays land slide covered the remote young body village. that'd be stretches at least a kilometer from the mountain. according to the government, 2000 people could still be buried under the mud and drugs. the state of emergency, the french pacific, our entire tree of new caledonia is being lifted. right, started out of the, of this month of defense and piece of voted to change the rules for provincial elections. the ethics cannot community say they've been disadvantaged by the change with 1000 french law enforcement officers have been deployed to the territory since on west pro count. at least 7 people died including 2 policemen. okay, you websites, those are the headlines. the news continues here on out to 0 off to witness stay with us for that.
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the quick lane, this thing that i should ever look at the main, how do you think, you know, maybe a stipulation should mean if you look at this should be i think that should be thing we have in front of our children. and while we under the influence of any substance, why do we do we find that infant in children? why did they think it is? no, no. so there's a misty silence. reflect that says calm people must just come to get, get out of the like city home,
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on that as long as the community say, it's not my problem. each state problem, they want to be like that. you're always going to have another, like one hasn't met. shop presidents gather outside your d peters house, and now somebody is seen in this community to come in front of dos, toford wasted and appeared in court then on the to the penny kid tech. now this is the price we have body was found me they couldn't actually identify. yeah, because she was that i said she was put on fire and that's a could only identify how on the face of the,
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of the late the us people to get involved recently the churches of all of the churches inc, don't give me one, but they don't come forward. i think they christianity it seems like except that the best rate in the the yeah yeah. i guess no upfront yeah. okay. thank you my the lord a landlord, i'm more than to put his on this cuz he may throw me the monthly's. i see no,
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see the defendant window him would say cohort. oh that's just what i mean. so says sign them on the phone so you don't send those in no contention in all this stuff comes comes on and then somebody owns a new same file screen whom i did come up. this comes, i said, not more, not plugged in for like 10, that's the size customer, not as it's been. so what we are useful went on to the u. s. government, maybe communities not still name like isn't that a smart city that like it does is by you
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the same for the my good morning i'm doing you can listen to us this morning. it's time for us to start doing something, child welfare. we are, you know, off and every child who's being abused every night. but why do we have in this community? we have a nice guy, a woman stay, but this. so i'll come and what type in san jose. so these families here, the she's got it is monday, easier, but that is all about this. and then we saw and then we these nice funerals. what that happens often that your lives mean. so where i live with trop, just where the space law school man follow the system. kind of concise new mind
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load, excess style organizations that on my own skin, i yod, as station city, or noted that stuff on a mon observation of golf. done the day sent that on. yeah. and i see all the payoffs to the field. how many seats on the same stuff each as own seats? open the front. oh no. because the only so i'm going to read a memorandum out to you. so do we expect a minor time in life at night and the legion boy, you say, told the that's a good i have has already been done already and low level of education plays a huge house. and how are we going to fix this? they put the not the municipality and this council only, but the community has
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a huge house in flight from this wants to camp and surrounding area clean behind those areas. we heard in the past months of the city city minus in and out section of use a legit a soul. and they come in that say false beaten. bottom line is something has to be done to empower goals, mine and goals, and woman prevention and intervention programs need to be implemented now. yeah, the face, a woman and mind the goals should be able to defend himself in that the moment. even if they know this abusive main, regardless municipality from a women later that is sending in front of you. i promise you, i'm making a promise. i'm putting my head on the block here. if i may say,
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i'm going to do everything in my powers to ensure that what is investment model on them is going to benefit our community. i think yes, back. this is how is yours to only receive about 10000 that yeah, we increase that. now we never received anything. $15000.00 was only for the last set of cut off, which is next on the screen. so to cut off this, not the i, when this council came in, we said you cannot, we cannot let law, not know. it's a shame on us as administer, kind of like um the someone set is doing such fools less. so i accept this on a very positive note to say, i'll do everything in my powers to ensure that what is it that you didn't do? i accepted. okay, so it was san francisco buy a donkey. sophia is out at the moment,
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display of good mondanca. i agree with you as of getting 1st one i. i also know that you can sold to a point thinking type time to it's safe, just me know. so thank you for that. but the main thing i want to run this by the 14th of september, we run thirty's phones and the respond is not going to be another meeting or flip. sit around this table, we set that on tables for yes, i pretty much off all the info and our community. thank you. and so i want you to sign, i will sign and i need a copy of that can be changed. so you're looking at the median stuff, or to specify the
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of the $250.00 maya, the meeting is a follow up from a much that organizations had come into the paper and the most important, the request that these organizations have lots of pieces for women in go what we have basically saying, we stop boats, we will give you funding by what we want. we want to roll it out for the 1st 3 months. then we see, what is it, or in how easy it was, the novel communities. i just wanted to say thank you there 50. thank you my a, this is a very, very crucial meeting. they were good for people, callous for i've, i've done is mocked. isn't that? um, let me get
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a moment. is it reasonable to say it and do it because i know you said it's going to be a lot of companies like, you know, all the info i can understand and that's the kind of make it good people. so, you know, i, i, i'm call me a lot about it. i know it was safe on the was it was people who say it's a good one. we wanted to talk with you. i know what the charge i breakdown. so just to do something, can i on some that that, that the, the mainland animal was for women and girls. so this is what the memorandum off and what is it that they always for me. and that is an amazing, but i can't uh, yeah, i live in the oven now. i just want to tell you i, you know,
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law now law non not, i'm a product and it's as somebody so oh, like view. com and it is with it. it's certainly it's okay to in an it is, it's the utility and it's a good, it's not as a suitcase and it's that's what they just send differently bought honey and leave us. i miss you. i'll say some documents of the look will communicate that somebody can see me on people missed a 6. see, this is my passion. i was molested back. i had people was the boat that me back to us a defendant and not i really thank god for this my and you well, i ended up doing really well and because a lot of the stuff in the appeals
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the things the young adults, the lake does beautiful thank you very much for coming and enjoying a cup of tea with me so that we can have a nice discussion. so we can find this document and hand it over to as you see it cutting in, and thank you for, for opening our eyes and seeing you know, what, don't forget about the other issues. it's also as a social using our community. thank you. thank you. thank you very much. i
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the victim. no fear she had no. c romando. this is dakota. yeah. so well, 100100 plus the just by invoice for ne, as buying is if this via in phase the my old school has been a big it might be tomorrow. so 3, thank you. so the, as for our custodial students during the spectrum to see if they'll send those, sit on some of the appropriate and what i how that's all right,
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so go to it. thank you. i some know of a slight some with mark and even with 50 of call board back with us do this. let's see. no developments like an empty so like last time, sweetwater on 2nd status to see as that's concerned that attend the cl fee as a new or speak. tell improvement on let's say i'm pretty open and honest. sometimes they are home and that can signal out via the mob vs. so yeah, that kind of on feel was picked out the $51.00 to know what to t lifecycle salon. not all of it. they know valley is built in those foods. my day multiple affiliated with the whole with more internet and this stuff. this is the time i still signed up once i still has it. okay. so it's a good time like it and can i snap or some stomach them
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so but i so that i can i an outside the how much time or in find you live outside that i seen in the know okay, as i see the right people, the
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speech which is basic, the victims, particularly in the experience with the course to testify facilities is a contingency by getting where it's read age and the
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the kind of a cut off a brief word on the front of you all can funny for me to come up with katie itself, but not enough to send stuff to be safe with the the it test pages on what the on could do. you have a c, h, c o c, which will be honest
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with you on my end here to be my friend and invite senior director process disability to see how the lady the, the investigation and he's talking and it, that'd be good for it. so i mean, voice seems we do need bend oregon to d software for the deal in open pages. if that's the case, me if i need to se dogwood, let's see it. so that was it. me didn't know to for marking display next to me have time to be any. and that way we try to make sure nothing to do the fact that if you need to meet with us, let us know and we will need. and when we, when we have the nice thing with a different role, says i'd like to be there because you have
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a general understanding of the for me, i never followed it when it's one of those that slipped through. so that's why i'm saying i need to make sure that now this issue, i need to make sure that it is happening. how fi is it? when must it be done? and why is it not done? so that because at the end of the day, people are going to say that it to me are you lied to us. so i don't want to be remembered as attempted to manage mix promises and never fails. then they was in lodge. i had to do something,
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i had to promise something and nothing became of that promise is just i had to promise something to get you off my cheese. can i stay away? while i get out of this place, it's not once close a just want to keep the one thing. i'll have a minute extra to what. ok. now they only comes in for the non seems they don't concentrate on the said the mexico in the town. i didn't know what to say, but i'm fighting a losing battle,
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but i also know i can fight the losing faithful because the one this an i e l o as in the hospital or goes to the or anything. it's when this was getting abuse. it's too much of
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the hello. we will say some dry weather making its way into the northeast of the us and see this last area or a cloud sweeping further northwards at east was really just making light for the next the system here. this co fun will drive its way off of the east with broad skies come back in behind, but still a legacy of showers just around the great lakes through the midwest. and that is the side of canada. some live a showers to into the dates of dallas, 32 degrees celsius, not quite as what was that up towards the pacific northwest and to west in canada, just 15 celsius that for example, over the next couple of days i show is that we have across the deep south through texas that are going to be live the once again. more of those bring up as a go one through why the sty possibility? the tornado wrapped in the lodge. how big fund breakdown pulls wednesday. you can see some pretty sharp showers up towards the ne,
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at this stage shop. so as long as spells of rain still playing the grades around taylor suddenly across his spine, y'all up. we'll see some wet weather sliding his way back towards jamaica. right. well, let us pictures right down into panama, see how they will just topple away a little further north, which as we go on through wet weather stays on the characteristics and live the showers. and right also for jamaica, the, the, the
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the center i've been getting the healthcare collapses in southern guns, a rough is making hospital shop style and off to, to medical stuff are killed. and then we're going to be attacked just outside its front door, the company. but like a, this is just a life from toe. so coming up, israel continues to attack right for a day off to a strike on a displacement. come killed at least $45.00 posting drew international condemnation


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