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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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of the house. good. it collapses in southern guns. rough is main. hospital shuts down after 2 medical stuff are killed and then we're going to be attacked just outside its front door. the funny bulk of this is just a lie, some dough also coming up. israel continues to attack rep for a day off to a strike on a displacement. come killed at least, 45, posting some through international condemnation. plus we recognize both the said it is with the state of palestine sites because we want to see a future of normalize relations between 2 solidarity demonstrations. take place
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around the world as 3 european nations for many recognize a palestinian state in the historic the, the fight to stay in power. we look at the challenges facing the african national. congress is 27000000 south africans get ready to book. the thanks for joining us just one day off doing this. randy attack killed 45 people in the displacement compet ralph of in southern gaza. the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down quite a hospital is when most of the victims of that sunday night attack were taken. the direct to the hospital close the facility hours ago, citing security concerns well on monday and the area just outside the gates of quite hospital was hit by and this way the attack to medical stuff were killed. i witnessed, it was saying the victims were hit by fire from an is riley across the injured bus . now if you take into field hospitals,
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because where the forces of damage destroyed or occupied 24 hospitals in the strip since october the 7th. so now out of gulf is $36.00 hospitals. 36 is still functioning, but only partially all of them. black critical supply stuff and medicine. the ali baptist hospital is the only one open with limited capacity in kansas city. and the north of this trip in central guys are full of the hospitals. i'll ox, i'll out of nasa and the european, all caring for the bulk of the wounded and the sick. the out i'm or on the hospital is operating a rough or the south of the strip supplies for the remaining function. hospitals are critically low. the alley baptist hospital in kansas city received a lifeline on monday with the delivery of much needed medicines, how supplies and fuel from the world health organization. as well as being blocking live savings supplies, reaching health facilities across the strip. talk to miami to he is an orthopedic surgeon from london. he has just returned to the u. k. often volunteering and rafa
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with frontier scientific us of charity organization. he describes the situation faced by metrics in rafa. the evacuation on the hospital has been forced. and so now you have uh, the quite the field hospital in milwaukee bring uh, bring prepared. but it's not quite ready as far as i understand. and uh, as we speak uh right now, i got off the phone to some of my colleagues who i worked with at the d. h. and they are experiencing alternative re fi and clark helped as attacking very nearby. they are as fit for their lives. and we're talking about health care professionals here, talking about regular people like you and me. are they are holding onto the children in the basement of their home and hoping that nothing, nothing hits them. it's a dire situation. of course the, you know, this is in tell us so thought which is in the west, the rough or this is an area which has not been evacuated and yet there was very
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fits very 5th attacks happening as we speak. um, so the quite the hospital was evacuated the the main hospital and they are moving towards milwaukee where they have a field hospital which is not quite ready. and in the meantime, not only that, but the cost copped as far as i know. and i've seen some footage to confirm this restricting the movements of ambulances, so those that are injured cannot even receive help of the medical situation and goals are really, is in a dire state. i mean, i cannot tell you enough how terrible it is. we need to do more with the international community needs to do more. we need to allow for medical personnel to enter gaza. we need to allow for medical provisions to enter gaza ollie's hospitalization, experiencing the diminishing supplies of very critical medicines, and also a fuel to run. we saw
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a very recently with the oxo hospital that they were nearing the end of the functionality as the the, the fuel supplied, dwindled into nothing. so, so the situation is terrible that, and i really, i urge everybody in the international community to please act, you know, advocating for humanity here. we're just advocating for the preservation of human life and dignity. and so then it would start to fail me at this point. this is where the forces of once again bomb, the southern city of rock from the gaza strip. the army struck a house, killing 7 people in injuring several others, including children. berryhead was filled with displays, palestinians intense sheltering families. the it is a safe, somebody's calling with the 10 cent displays people suddenly a messiah set on the home, which was built using some blocks and metal tubing. we saw people out in the streets displace people and citizens. there were no combatants. it was
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a safe zone. and those strikes come just over 24 hours often is randy attack on the displacement, camping rock for which is being widely condemned. at least 45 palestinians were killed, mostly women and children. these ready prime minister, it was quoted, a tragic mistake. the white house says the image is a devastating conduct could race of this report from the same sifting through a verbal and ashes, palestinian strikes of age. but the con, from the chair remains of their temporary homes on sunday, a piece 8 is my name is, tyler struck the 10th comp and of housing doesn't just display somebody in an area that is really military. it's of designated as a safe stone. the air strikes parts to fire tunes, dozens of people, most of them women and children,
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unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the diving, been spotless, all in another. we were praying. we had just performed the margaret prayer and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise and fire ruptured around us. all the trojans started screaming and the nearby rooms were shaking. the sound was terrifying. there's nothing to visually military sees that use procession amunition in a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area since yesterday. we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is where it has been bonding and
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targeting the policy means with severe need burn survivors. we're taking to a few hospitals in russell, so functioning these children have been often their parents killed in that hock. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are able to provide proper treatment. was that we just took care of that. there was no security and also there was no security, not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent, one, lots of the done to deserve. that is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's ruling by the international court of justice . which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the
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catastrophe communitarian situation in the city and the immense risk close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had taught refuge there in the city of to zita duffel garza ta this time. well here's what b is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu told his parliament about that attack. despite the maximum efforts we are making to avoid targeting civilians, unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday. connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us as well as being banned as bind. i'll just err from reporting from last. why correspondence of working from the to damian capital? a mom sort of hide up as the latest because of the i. c j's older, a couple of days ago that one of the orders was that they should, they should these rough immediately and reduce civilian casualties. and then just 2
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days later, they carry out this strike, which they admitted they had planned to do, and they targeted to some us come on does up, but also within as a statement earlier saying that. so they understand from the preliminary investigation to apply a took place and then also said that they wouldn't have been there in the 1st place if it hadn't been for how much. but it's been a difficult day for prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it was quite a heated statements in the connect it today because not only was the facing protests from the families of those held captive, they were calling on him to accept immediately a ceasefire deal. but also he was facing opposition. faulty signatures were signs for a symbolic, a hearing where they wanted to hear from him, of what he's doing in terms of the war. and he was attacked by the opposition and also just in the connected as well. one of the observers in the war cabinet saying
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that we should end at any thing in the war in a gauze, or even if it's just temporarily to ensure the release of those how's caps if you will? so how do i as a p d. c o position leaders saying that so the goal isn't getting anywhere because of this v to ship. it was escaping attack on the prime minister himself as well as the wall cabinets in the, in the mix as well as and in terms of where that guessing to and as well. because also you have this, it's not what happens yesterday. they know the pressure is on them. internationally . when rabbani is a non resident fellow or they send to have a conflict in humanitarian studies and co editor of donnelly, i left some online publication covering the middle east. he says he's, well, he's acting within tennessee because he has the full backing of the united states. in contrast to previous sets, attacks where is real, either celebrates or it doesn't even bother giving an excuse for its actions. now
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it is also claim that it is launching in independence investigation. so quite clearly of what's called the diplomatic to nami recent. the recent ruling by the international court of justice, the i c. c. applications for our restaurants and so on are gradually beginning to have an effect at the same time. when we look at the broader international situation, what we've learned is that us president, jo biden's red line is actually a river of palestinian blood. and senior us officials are quite happy to swimming at as far as the europeans are concerned, we've seen quite extensive condemnation of this attack and denunciation of this attack. but 8 months into this brutal genocidal campaign. i think simply making statements becomes entirely meaningless when this is not paired with
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concrete actions to bring such acts which are taking place on an almost daily basis to a definitive end. one objective of this attack was to demonstrate that the us actually does not have the red line and bear in mind, according to the available reports. israel used exactly those bombs, the 2000 pound bombs, and it's attack on the subject on a yesterday. these are the same bombs that by didn't had claimed he was suspending the delivery of to israel. so this is basically a message, you know, essentially raising a middle finger to the i, c, c to the i, c, j to the international community. and making the claim, you know, washington has our back. we really don't care about anything else. these i just states has responded to sunday nights, attack, and rough on the white house, as israel must take, every precaution possible to protect civilians. well going up to whom a has
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a cool the images, the devastating more now for my white house correspondent, kimberly how could the bite and ministration has been closely following the aftermath of these rarely military strikes on that account of this place? palestinians near ross what the national security council spoke 1st. so it has been saying is that the images of the dozens of innocent men, women, and children that were killed as a result of that strike are not only devastating, but also heartbreaking. now as the white house is saying this, they are also defending these really militaries right to pursue how i'm us target the white house saying that that strike that killed so many innocence also killed to hum us targets that the is really military says are responsible for attacks on is really now still the white house says the israel must do more to protect
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civilians. having said that, the white house says it is actively engaging these really military to ensure that it assesses what happened and what went wrong. the white house is also reported to the is really military is conducting its own investigation. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house still had and i would just say with passion for palestine express through us will have the story of one man who's cooling on the well to recognize this country. the hard hitch. i mean to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that the new thing. yeah, one of these governments with these says 5 digit, you say getting russell. a thought to provide came out of the d. u made weapons of being used in guns. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing
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realities you're running. mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from the presidential, could we do it or something we can uptake the effective use of the present as another name for the effective he had the story on told to how does era ok, foundation is deliberate over $300000000.00 will suffice. emboldened $75.00 countries around the world, 100 percent of sec, thoughts and emergency donation spends on projects. we ensure beneficiaries come 1st of a 300 developed, luis, haven't that goes through the roof, the crossing in recent months. our most of these bless and the bless i'm we all turning your donations into direct delivery in the shortest possible time donates with confidence the colleges.
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the colleges here is a reminder about top stories this hour. the main hospital in gauze, the southern city are rough, us being forced to shut down after this, or any forces shots and kills, to medical stuff to a hospital was treating victims of in his rate. he's trying to decode at least 45 people on sunday is ready for us as of once again, a ton of traffic. can i get? the 7 people troops struck a house in an area where the space people, the seeking refuge in the united states, has responded to sunday's attack and rough from the white house, as israel must take, every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to have us to cool,
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the images devastating. so in a historic move 3 european countries, a full many recognize the palestinian state islands norway and spain announced the move on wednesday. it is now legally taken effect. they've said it's part of an effort to help normalize the relationship between israel and palestine. they're following ministers of also accused israel of reaching international humanitarian law by refusing to stop is a tax on rafa. well, the decision by island comes of the wake of mounting pressure on the government to recognize a palestinian state for landmarks has the sum dublin a subject, a successive virus governments that express, sorry, public support for the rights of palestinian across a series of international institutions. but is there any and recent months since the thoughts of israel's foreign gauze at the public pressure has forced the governments take this historic decision to recognize palestinian statehood? that will be a fun tuesday morning in a cabinet meeting before several lives of debate and su. inside the parliament
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behind me offering politicians the chance to express their own personal views on this significant decision as the t shuffle problem in this assignment, harris put it last week, the right on the circumstances that tell us thing and them on for themselves. very much echo those. the irish expressed more than a century ago in their own struggle for independence. for the months out of 0, dublin palestine struggle for statehood has been relentless and the okay by the westbank, one man has been using his aunt to celebrate his protest in united states. here's the story. the fellow sydney adjusted the amount of some was hoping to add them a metal and fall asleep. one of them. uh, how did your little see the number of who the and when that that is he and he fell
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asleep a bit and it was due with the front of the head a smaller. but you have a clue and i'm sure he follows things you out of the and so i know and photo see interested in it with photos for head of all the amount of some, oh, usually i was never used to the on the on him is now him a d is now here and has a piece of issue because a lot of clean slots in this field and has been shut. you know, things are the headphone as well as the on setup a jet and most of the g to set up a lot of in the head for has, is i look on the best of needs. well, how do most with the this is i'm a select the other day by the show massage of the show by the side. them the post and on the left something. what is this? the openness, right? and some of this will come out and come in and come in. i'll see if you're the one who met the other student in your mind in the shop. was your doing mostly with the
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study? hold on, let me show you them and tell me that some of them are still not how many of them verify either on the conflict continues palestine solidarity protests. continue around the world. demonstrations gathered in the french capital powers, the police find t, a gas to disperse with testers, then some demonstrations we're trying to move towards these really embassy. protests is accused french president, emmanuel mac cronum is being completed in war crimes. and this is the stumble, thousands of people rallied outside israel consulate in the city. a 1.5 works with low explained demonstrations hitting the building. early this most took us government suspended, a little trade with these around you to the wrong guys. protests also took to the streets and that you knew the in capital the condemn sunday nights attack on rafa. they demanded an end to the war and denounced west and support
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israel dentistry. there's also close to the opening of land crossings to letting more agents ago of the now the news now pop and you didn't use government say they are evacuating almost 8000 people from the countries and prevents on the threats of new lands, lines, new satellite images of the mud showing the scope of friday's land slide, which covered young body village that'd be stretches at least a kilometer from the mountains. and according to the government, 2000 people could be buried under the month of rocks, rain block roads, and a lack of the lack of heavy machinery humphrey recovery operations. this jessica washington nipples. days after landside buried, the village. and this of this community is hoping you can use in the province of despairing make at the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on,
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i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. that's already say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to the people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 spades, large, cultured for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts,
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water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and to tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the, the price of the, the incident either the cost of the weekend. we'll continue to work very closely with the puffing, you can and cabinet. and the united nation says it's teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters, and distribute food and water. some survivors have shed their stories with local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bones is tumbled down the hillside onto the village, so they feared they would be crushed death. it's a miracle. they sufficed jessica washington to 0 in south africa, the 1st votes and the general elections being costs through special balance
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election style for visiting more than $600000.00 homes to collect votes and those who come make it to a public station. on wednesday, the governing african natural national congress is facing the prospect of losing its majority in parliament for the 1st time and is 3 decades in power. like kind of has multiple sources in south africa. a 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she wears gets so dirty on the walk, she believes they've been sold to god. so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in the so with a set of, of tip time for a quarter of a century and literal has changed. there's no electricity. what files are used with eating and cooking. there's no working sewage system, no access to clean drinking water. and this is one vote, the governing african national congress is not going to get, you know, why would i vote advice would be full. but what does that bring for me?
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it's still the same. if they bring change, then i can vote. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took a walk and so went to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago. the whole i used to cover them to kinda keep your majority route out. do seem to support throughout the campaign for the last 2 months. and i really believe that moved on extremely well, re energized people to reinvigorate them. and i've been very confident actually we are waiting whether they like it or not. that's good to have the yellow books i brought them to bill goes to totally was 10 years old during the 1976. the way to uprising, protest by black school children against the white minority government. and to join
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the amc and a special against the pontiff. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once a liberation organizations that he fought for. the government does what about you know, boom, 40 volts. you see? yeah, kind of a deal, you know, please the one to support the volt watch the send you some i send it by doing a lot of up or do you and you get the memory of the a and c of the past still resonates. the main thing i want government in see if given to you, so you to the question facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surrounds of flipped um is this sweet enough, mike? kinda would you say area? so it to south africa. okay. you are up today, that's it for me. in the book, i didn't forget a website, i would just say don't come much more than one of us stories, including the latest on his rouse, the tax on rafa. stay with us though,
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because the news continues of to tool to out just like so much the the a hello. we're looking at some very nice the weather across japan at the moment. a big area cloud here that's been sweeping through the city of japan. it's cold front that'll make its way through, and then we go this next system to spinning house of the fall south of but china was going to continue making just waste the north with an east woods coming in behind. we have back, we'll pay a tie food tie. so you know, we are making its way away from the philippines side. some really heavy rain coming into a good pot to japan. 3 choose a lot. it's a close flash flooding that 100 like $150.00 millimeters to fight on more for somebody will move for psychiatry. when this type writes us cause come back in
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behind fusion. i was into the north of china, few showers down towards the fall stuff, but nothing too much to speak of. you can see how developing typhoon hits in the process as i said, or pulling away from the philippines, coming in behind, quite a rash of showers, routing and of course, a good pond to the philippines. heavier rain, that for a good pots of borneo. wanted to show something too much to worry about that and to some possible indonesia. and now we have got the remnants of a row. so i tried in the back up and go at still bringing some really big samples into bung with us. moving away from westbank going into the northeast of india and continues to squeeze out some reason of the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump, which slide folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap
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into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era us the and the phones move on to the lovely stage. lavinia is in the process of joining a combination of countries and a significant diplomatic initiative. the recognition of the palestinians, such as the shadows of the woods, even though because of this royal compartment escalating daily and no truce inside the international communities since defined. all major european powers like germany continue to support his role with.


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