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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 6:00am-6:31am AST

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said i was this place from, i'll shoot you a, a to on the sierra 10 to daniel bella, dental rafa. and this will be the 5th displacement age groups holding for isabel to de escalate. now and say there is no plan be for the people in rough on the rough as the main hospital shuts down off, the 2 medical stuff are killed and on his riley attack just outside its front door . the other ones are in jordan, this is all just a run license though. also coming up is ready for says kill 7 people in a talking rough or a day off the strike and i displacements come killed at least 45 palestinians for voting of international outcry. we recognize both the said of israel and the state
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of palestine sites because we want to see a future of normalize relations between 3 european nations for many a recognize of colors for me on stage. the historic move solidarity demonstrations take place around the world. the police and all media arrest, hundreds of people with protesting against the prime minister of a, his decision to handle the full villages as a body shop. the not just one day off to on his radio talk, killed the 45 people in a displacement company. the roof in southern gaza, the city's main hospital has been forced to shut down to wait hospitalized where most of the victims of that sunday night attack were taken. the director of the hospital close the facility just hours ago. so i think security concerns well, early on monday, an area just outside the gates of q a hospital was hit by and his rarely have time to medical stuff for tales. eye
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witnesses say that victims were hit by fi, a from and his radio croft, the engine must not be taken to field hospitals. well, supplies for the remaining functioning. hospitals are critically low lead baptist hospital in kansas city, received a lifeline on monday with the delivery of medicines, health supplies, and feel from the world health organization. as well as in blocking life setting supplies from reaching health facilities across the street. well, dr. mohammed tara is an orthopedic surgeon from london, and he's just returned to the u. k. off, the volunteering and roughly with a cherokee group. he described the conditions people are facing in god. when i was in the i was based at the european garza hospital and many a night when b would see and here the strikes and rough uh we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital. and at times they was simply overwhelmed. but they wouldn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the king's ospital. so the,
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the co 8, the hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are off, are in an in sylvia danger. there are that i can't access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that. tell us so don is not in the area as far as i know that has been evacuated according to the colleagues that i have that they are experiencing. i'll tell you it strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on this is, these are the top, those, these all my colleagues. and it's just a dire situation if they are hurt, where do they go? why didn't who, which hospital did i go to? so the field hospital and as my wife is not quite ready, it doesn't have to capability to care for the injured for that critically. a sick
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either. it's not quite ready and it's not setup for the service. so really what we're experiencing here is a multi pronged attack, and fortunately where by not only all the people being attacked directly, but they're also being blocked from receiving critical medical services. even within the pain goes the hospital. it was not uncommon for us to experience many dire situations of a lack of sites. they're all conditions and provision of appropriate wound care. i mean i, i am counted patients on the board who had external successes applied to them because of fractures. and they was sitting in a pile of pulse with, with pressure solos going into the, into even the hip socket. it was a very terrible now. and when i remember the story, it's actually all of a very young person. and he was emaciated and it was really a total post
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a site because, you know, i looked at this individual and i saw it. my god, this is a human being for god's sake and look what they have been reduced to. so if you have these conditions within an institution like that, you're a p and cause also let me remind you, setup by by us in europe. and then you can imagine what the conditions might be like in a, in a field hospital where they don't have access to clean water and the rest of it mean, all these really forces are continuing to pound the southern region of rough in the gaza strip. the army hit a house, getting 7 people and injuring several others, including children. the area hit was filled with displays, palestinians, and tense shall drink families as well. the slides come just about 24 hours off to on his really attack. and i displacement comp and rough uh, which has been widely condemned at least 45 palestinians were killed. mostly women and children. intel could have a sent this report from the same system to verbal and ashes
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policy new strikes of age. but the con, from the chair remains of their temporary homes on sunday. a piece 8 is reading style struck, attempt to comp and defy housing doesn't just display somebody in an area that is really military. it's so designated as a safe stone. the air strikes parts to hire tunes dozens of people, most of them, women and children. unless it comes to us cause i last 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until we're bumped the diving. been selling the family and i'm going to be retiring. we had just performed the micra pro and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming
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and with a nearby of rooms was shaking. the sound was terrifying. visually, military seas, it's use procession, amunition in a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area since yesterday. we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is where it has been bonding and targeting the policy means with severe need burn survivors. we're taking to a few hospitals in the house, so functioning these children have been orphaned. their parents killed in that hoc several victims died because without medicine or supplies,
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health workers are able to provide proper treatment. was that we just took care that there was no security and also there was no security, not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent was lots of they've done to deserve this is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's routing, by the international court of justice, which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the catastrophe communitarian situation in the city and the immense risks close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had taught refuge there in the city odyssey to go far, garza caught his time and here's what these right new prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his parliament about the tax. despite the maximum method we are
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making to avoid targeting civilians, unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday, connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. well, a lot of states has also responded to the attack and rough uh, the white house, as israel must take, every precaution possible to protect civilians while going off to how much it cooled images, devastating well enough. my wife's correspondence kimberly held the bite and ministration has been closely following the aftermath of these rarely military strikes on that account of this place. palestinians near ross what the national security council spoke. first of that has been saying is that the images of the dozens of innocent men, women, and children that were killed as a result of that strike are not only devastating, but also heartbreaking. now as the white house is saying this, they are also defending these really militaries right to pursue how i'm us target
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the white house saying that that strike that killed so many innocence also killed to how mosse target that the is really military says are responsible for attacks on is re lease now. still the white house says the israel must do more to protect civilians. having said that, the white house says it is actively engaging these really military to ensure that it assesses what happened and what went wrong. the white house is also reporting the v is really military, is conducting its own investigation. kimberly help it out to 0. the white house. meanwhile, a palestine solidarity protest continue across europe and around the world. in new york, a number of demonstrators were arrested during a rally against israel's war and gaza protest as go for more international, sean israel, and said palestinian resistance against the occupation is justified. they also have
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criticize us support for the demonstration as gathered in the french capital congress, at least by tear gas to disperse protest as some demonstrators are trying to work towards these really embassy protest is accused the french president to manual micro a being completed. and we'll try and in london demonstrate, just gather the 10 downing street, the official residents of britain's prime minister. they denounced the deadline was rarely striked on the roof of protest and sat down to the palestinians. have been happening for months and the british capital. since israel launched this war and garza not enough to protest as all sat down at any german capital berlin, germany has been one of his well staunchest supporters. since war on cause again,
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and then they stumble, thousands of people running outside as well as consulate at $1.00 words launched by demonstrate as hit the building earlier this month took the government to spend all trade with israel. of it's $1000.00 which has also took the streets in the tennessee and uncomfortable. they demanded an end to the war and denounced west and so forth. israel, demonstrations of that goal for the opening of line crossing for like in more aide, in 2000 smell in historic move 3 european countries, a full, many recognized a palestinian state island norway in spain announced the move on wednesday. and it's now legally taken effect, like i said, it's part of an effort to help normalize the relationship between israel and palestine. the foreign ministers of all searches, israel, a breaching international humanitarian, little refusing to stuff. it's a tax on brussel. well no, a step towards ballast and the and recognition comes moving such
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a yeah is often broke because it also records back in 1993, the scandinavian countries as it decided to take this route because a different strategy is needed for peace in the middle east. it's called and the recognition of love to point out, i'll just say one step by some reports from the norwegian capital in deep secret, under the cover of this research institute. and also the very 1st negotiations between the palestine liberation organization of yasser arafat. an israel took place soon after the pc was made out of the visit to the office, visits here, and in the i think definitely the in this room. so it is when he was a lot from his chair must have been around, but my table is the also of course were meant to end as well as a few patient and eventually lead to a palestinian state. instead, the occupation became more entrenched, illegal is for 80 settlements, multiplies and violence increase more people's of the day,
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i think would be able to opinion that it might have done hong. um so no, you know, proud this towing agreements assigned here in secret and then government guest house after midnight on august the 20th 1993. but as time went on, it became clear that the court was doomed to fail free that gates late fees is further away than ever before. but still, no, i believe it's possible. learning from its mistakes has now taken a different approach to supply and for years to negotiate with its key ally is well to abide by the also a court no way has decided to focus on the ballasting insight instead. and also $2.00 is an upgrade. and, and one of the adjustments to make this more relevant in 2024 is that the recognition no power to sign happens at an earlier stage. that's what the was originally planned that, that does not mean that we haven't and the war inside right now. and, but guess right, let's not on board because this is road under this. current government is not on
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board. but this rarely is also increasingly isolated. the right now, a research u. s. long been political of the us, lower court says no way to record nation of palestine is a big shift international from the region 5, i'm from the of the european congress is to send a strong signal to divert to israel, to the americans that look, we need to solve this conflict peacefully, i'm up to state solution is the only bad solution we actually do have a home. well, the other, even worse, when a few of small sparsely populated congress trying to solve one of the wells most complicated conflict for now, no way hopes more countries in europe will follow it and recognize palestinian statehood as well. steadfast and l g sierra also as well. the decision by island comes in the wake of mounting pressure on the government to recognize
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a palestinian state. i'll just say it was been a month's reports now from dublin for decades, successive owners, governments that express, sorry, public support for the rights of palestinian across a series of international institutions that is there any and recent months since the thoughts of israel's foreign gauze at the public pressure has forced the governments take this historic decision to recognize palestinian statehood. that will be a fun tuesday morning and a cabinet meeting before several hours of debate and see you inside the parliament behind the offering politicians, the chance to express their own personal views on this significant decision. as the to shuffle prime minister assignment harris put it last week, the right on the circumstances that tell us thing and them on for themselves. very much echo those. the irish expressed more than a century ago in their own struggle for independence. the months out as 0, dublin was also to come here and i'll just air including passion for palestine and
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express to ok. we'll have a story of one month who's calling on the world to recognize this country. more or less the state of the hello. we will say some dry weather making its way into the northeast of the us. you see this last area or a cloud sweeping further northwards at east was really just making my for the next the system here. this co fun was arrive its way of the ace with broad skies come back in behind, but still a legacy of shows just around the great lakes through the midwest. and that is the side of the canada. some live a showers to into the deep south dallas, 32 degrees celsius, not quite a. what was that up? tools. pacific northwest and to west and canada. just 15 celsius. the air force apple. over the next couple of days,
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i show us that we have across the deep south through texas, that going to be live the once again, more of those bring up as a go one through why the stay possibility, the tornado wrapped in the lodge. how big fun? 3 down pools wednesday, you can see some pretty sharp showers up towards the ne, at this stage shop. so as long as spells of rain still playing the grades around taylor suddenly across his spine, y'all up. let's see, some west, the weather sliding his way back towards jamaica that went with us. that is right down into panama. see how they will just topple away a little further north, which as we go on through wet weather space and the characteristics and lavish hours and right also for jamaica. the teams in the gaza strip as is continues. there is a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be question, sustains coverage. that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes
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palestinians. this is not the time for just a ton of ways. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past. the welcome back to watching out as a right to their mind about top stories here. this of the main hospital and gaza southern, the city of russell has been forced to shut down off his really forces shopping, killed 2 medical stones, q 8 hospital was treating victims on his ready strikes, of killed at least 45 feet on some was there any forces that once again, i've talked to rough uh, canning up the southern people to struck
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a house in an area where the space people were awesome to run the time. some of our 2 protest continue across europe and around the world. demonstrates us galvin in the french capital congress and police fight tickets to disperse. the palestine struggle for statehood has been relentless in the occupied westbank. one man has been using as not to celebrate his palestinian identity. here's his story. the thompson fellow city is a joke. these fun and some of some was open to the metal and fall asleep. one of them, uh, how did your little sleeve and i'm going through there and when that that is he and he thought of it and it was due is the front of the head of a smaller. but you have a clue that i'm sure he follows the issue of the and so i know and,
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but i still interested in it before the head of thoughtful. no, no, no. some of you i've never used to the. i know y'all name is now human b is now here and has a piece of issue because a lot of clean salt us in this field and how it can shut you know, into the middle and have a fee on it. and as well as on a jet and most of the g to set up a lot of in the hands is i look on the best of a nice well, how do most with the this is i'm uh let me be bottles and help with i'm a show on the shelf show, but asylum the on the look something. well, it's just, i'm just going to do what i thought of, you know, of course, right. and some of it will come out and come in and come in. i'll see you through the musical format, say all of this to that in mind, and by doing the shop was your doing? what was, what was the study? hold on, let me show you them and tell me that some of them are still not going to jump up at them. butterfly either on police in armenia,
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i have detained more than $300.00 protest. as in the capital year of the following . widespread protest against the prime minister, critics that outraged by the recent decision to see control, the full village is to as a by john. it's part of a wide, a piece, dealed. and he is a fighting on alarm disputes with the back of, but many say he's betraying the country country a lot. that's how they young as well. us these protesters, one armenia is prime minister to resign. for weeks they rallied in the capitals republic square calling on a cold, but she needed to step down demonstrations. begin shortly after he agreed to surrender for villages to neighbor, you know, servers on the land has been surrendered, but protest have intensified in size and in grievances make for a table noticed by cutting me. i mean, a prime minister is a trade show. we all have to find for one goal, and that's for him to leave. we are losing out homeland pay. spike pays.
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this is the man leading the pro test. plug that goes to you on is a clear into your meaning an episode of the church. you let a diocese until this region where land was most and many now want him to be the countries next. prime minister. news of you have uh, we do multiple of the present and future generations of our people to because the only way to avoid this is for our prime minister to resign. the territory was lost by a surplus on during the war in the 19 ninety's. it strategically important for land loc armenia. one of the settlements in the north is near a vital highway connecting to georgia. much of our medias, trade travels on that road and it goes to a pipeline through which it receives gas from russia. yes, and that goes on, i going to know if we want to have a dignified, strong, or media. i see this movement as a means to that in detroit. but the prime minister argues he's avoiding get another
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war for armenia. he calls the agreement a milestone, and part of the peace deal between rivals. what are the depth on the bottom of the government isn't dividing. it's trying to re night to make the concepts of homeland and state identical because this is the only way to stop blush and strengthen the republic of armenia. critics say it's yet another loss during the prime minister's term. in september 2023, a surplus henri took the long disputed area of no corner car box and most ethnic armenian square, forced to flee a serbo, john called the justice for menia. it was an embarrassment now, much of the outrage milton parts of the country that goes in the capital protest do say the prime minister didn't demand or get anything to return for the land. a
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move whose critics say is politically unforgettable. katia, look this up again, which is, you know, south africa, it goes to the poles on wednesday, the governing african national congress. the amc is facing viable election challenges for the 1st time and it's 3 decades in power. i'll just say it was mike kind of has moved from somewhere to in south africa. 63 year old may see pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she was gets so dirty on the walk. she believes they've been sold to god, so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in this with a sub of tip time for a quarter of a century and little of has changed. there's no electricity. what files are used with eating and cooking. there's no working sewage system, no access to clean drinking water, and this is one boat, the governing african national congress is not going to get it. oh no. why would i budge? advice would be full. but what does that bring for me?
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it's still the same if they bring change, then i can vote. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took a walk and so went to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago, the the whole you so confident you're going to keep your majority route out of the scene. that's up to the campaign the last 2 months. and i do believe that moved on extremely well, re energized people to reinvigorate them. so i've been very confident actually we are waiting whether they like it or not. that's good to happen. yeah, well we'll bring them to bill goes, it totally was 10 years old during the 1976, the way to uprising purchased by black school children against the wife minority
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government and to join the amc and a special against the ponti. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep the most of the streets and his and good by a government that was once a liberation organization that he fought for. the government, as what i'll do is you know, the booth 40 volts you see coming down and the please, the one to support the volt black, the send you some, i signed it by doing a lot of up. i'll do you. and you have the memory of the a and see of the past still resonates. the main thing or government in see if give to you. so you do the question facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surrounds of clip tom? is this we didn't enough mike kind of which is area. so it to south africa. taiwan, his bottom and his debating contentious reforms put forward by opposition. lawmakers . the reforms would give and peace, the power to of submit
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a treat private companies and individuals to display this information deemed relevant. but parliamentarians would also have criminalized contempt to parliament by government officials and make the offense punishable with prison terms. critics of the reforms say it undermines the islands democracy and risks making. ty, once more like china, in the state of emergency in the french pacific island territory of new caledonia has now been lifted deadly. ryan started early this month off to french and peace voted to change the rules for provincial elections, the ethnic kinda community, se they'd be disadvantaged by the change. over a 1000 and french police officers have been deployed to the territory since unrest broke out. at the 7 people died including 2 police from the government in popular beginning. he says it's evacuating almost 8000 people from the countries and got prevents under the threat of new alarm slides. new satellite imagery has image showing the scope of friday's landslide,
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which covered young body vintage daybreak stretches at least one kilometer from the mountain. according to the government, 2000 people could be buried under the month on rocks, where rain blocked roads. a lock of heavy machinery is hampering recovery operations. jessica washington reports days after landside buried the village that visit this community and hoping you can use and province on despairing, make at the i have a team members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on a move family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died. most of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using
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digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the ruffle using, gotten to associates from a local media channel, shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000 complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing brooks to shift and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to the, the price of the, the incident over the course of the weekend. we'll continue to work very closely with the.


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