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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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napa, the south k collapses and southern guns are rough as main hospital shuts down off the 2 medical stuff are killed and i mean is really attacked just outside his front door . the other ones are in jordan, this is obviously around life and so or so coming up is when the forces collect these 7 people in attacks on the roof of the day after striking the displacement come killed, at least we recognize both the state of israel and the state of palestine, precisely because we want to see a future of normalize relations between historic moved 3 european
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nations, recognize a policy from united states and sort of demonstrations take place around the world on the fight to stay in power. we look at the challenges facing the african national congress, $27.00, many items that oftentimes get ready to effect the israel is escalating attacks on the rough and southern gauze are less than 48 hours of striking a displacement come, which killed at least $45.00 honest demands untrue international condemnation. now the regions main hospital has been forced to shut down to wait hospitalized where most of the victims of that sunday night attack would taken the facilities direct to close it down on monday, exciting security concerns. while the decision came off to an area just outside of the gates of to 8 hospitalization, by and his really attack to medical stuff were killed, i would say the victims were hit by fire from and his really i cropped the injured
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must not be taken to field hospitals as well, many of those people, hospitals are overburdened as on the supplied doctors and makes it 10 streets at least 75 patients from israel's attack. on sunday 25 of those in a critical condition, the director of a camp run by rough as international medical cool says they don't have enough stretches to carry the engine. well, dr. muhammed to here is an orthopedic surgeon from london. he's just returned to the u. k, office volunteering and wrap up with a charity group. he just brought the conditions people in gaza facing when i was in was a i was based at the pain goes to a hospital and many a night when we would see and here the strikes and i thought we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital and at times they was simply overwhelmed. but there wasn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the king's also hospital. so the, the co 8, the hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being
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injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are off, are in an in sylvia danger. they are lacking access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that. tell us, hold on is not an area as far as i know that has been evacuated according to the colleagues that i have that and they are experiencing, i'll tell you it strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on us is, these are the top, those, these all my colleagues, and it's just a dire situation if they are hurt, where do they go? why didn't who, which hospital do they go to? so the field hospital and as my wife is not quite ready, it doesn't have the capability to care for the injured for the critically a sick either. it's not quite ready and it's not setup for the service. so really
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what we're experiencing here is a multi pronged attack, and fortunately where by not only all the people being attacked directly, but they're also being blocked from receiving critical medical services even within your pain garza hospital. it was not uncommon for us to experience many dire situations of, of a lot of sites. they're all conditions and provision of appropriate wound care. i mean, i, i encountered patients on the board who had external successes applied to them because of fractures. and they was sitting in a pile of pulse with, with precious souls going into that into even the hip socket. it was a very terrible not, i'm not when i remember the story, it's actually of a very young person. and he was emaciated and it was really a total post, a site because, you know, i looked at this individual and i saw it. my god,
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this is a human being for god's sake and look what they have been reduced to. so if you have these conditions within an institution like the european does the hospital, let me remind you, setup by by us in europe. and then you can imagine what the conditions might be like in a, in a field hospital where they don't have access to clean water and the rest of it. or what is there any forces of once again, from the southern region of roughly in the gaza strip. the army struck a house coming 7 people and enjoying several others, including children. the area hit was filled with the space palestinians. i'm 10 sheltering 5 minutes. the it is a safe, somebody's calling with the 10 send displays. people suddenly am assigned a set on the home, which was built using some blocks and metal tubing. we saw people out on the street displaced people and citizens. there was no combatants, it was a safe zone. i have an idea as well. also have escalated attacks on the western
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part of the rough off region medical stuff and patients with trumps by intense bombing. inside both the telo slips on clinic. i'm the engine nation hospital ambulance, the struggling to respond to the strikes and the face of heavy, shimmering. well that strikes come just about 24 hours off to and his really attack on the displacement comes in rough uh which has been widely condemned. at least 45 palestinians were killed, mostly women and children is ready. prime minister has called it a tragic mistake. the white says the image is a devastating intel color except this report from the same thing to verbal and ashes, policy new strikes of age. but the con, from the chair remains of their temporary homes on sunday, a piece 8 is reading science struck attempt to comp and the housing doesn't just display simons in an area that is really military itself. designated as a see stone the air strikes parts to fire tunes, dozens of people,
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most of them, women and children, unless it comes to us cause i lost 5 family members. we were sitting in tents when suddenly the camp was bumped. i lost 5 family members, all burned completely. among the victims were pregnant women. they kept telling us this area was safe until were bombed the we were praying, we had just performed the micra pro and we were getting our children's beds ready to sleep. there was nothing unusual. then we had a very loud noise and fire wrapped it around us. all the trojans started screaming and within that 5 rooms were shaking, the sound was terrifying. there's nothing to visually military sees that use procession amunition in a densely populated area. this is the remains of one of the air strikes that has been targeting this area since yesterday. we see the sharp nose and we see the remains of the air strike. we really don't touch it. don't want to touch it because
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we're always afraid that it's going to be explosive. but there are a lot of remains of the explosives and air strikes is where it has been bothering him. targeting the polish simians with severe need burn. survivors were taking to a few hospitals in russell, so functioning these children have been often their parents killed in that hock. several victims died because without medicine or supplies, health workers are able to provide proper treatment because they just took care that there was no security. and also there was no security. not for a child, an elderly man, for a woman. here he is with his wife. they were killed, they are gone. he left the children, the innocent, one, lots of the done to deserve. that is really a cause comes in defiance of friday's ruling by the international court of justice
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. which ordered me to talk to the military assault under 5 sites in the catastrophe communitarian situation in the city and the immense risk close to the hundreds of thousands of palestinians who had taught refuge there in the city of to zita duffel. garza caught his time and here's what these randy prime minister benjamin netanyahu told his parliament about the attacks to despite the maximum efforts we are making to avoid targeting civilians. unfortunately, a grave mistake took place yesterday. connected members, the death of any civilian not involved with home us is a tragedy gets to the victory to help us. with more than ravonne is a non resident fellow at the sense of a conflict on humanitarian studies on co editor of jelia. that's an online publication coming to me, at least, he says, as well as acting with impunity because it has the full backing of the united
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states. in contrast to previous such attacks, where is real either celebrates or doesn't even bother giving an excuse for its actions. now it is also claim that it is launching an independent investigation. so quite clearly of what's called the diplomatic tsunami. recent. the recent ruling by the international court of justice, the i c. c. applications for arrest warrants and so on. are gradually beginning to have an effect at the same time when we look at the broader international situation . what we've learned is that us president, jo biden's red line is actually a river of palestinian blood. and that senior us officials are quite happy to swim it up as far as the europeans are concerned. we've seen quite extensive condemnation of this attack and denunciation of this attack. but 8 months into this
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brutal genocidal campaign. i think simply making statements becomes entirely meaningless when this is not paired with concrete actions to bring such acts which are taking place on an almost daily basis to a definitive end. one objective of this attack was to demonstrate that the us actually does not have a red line. and bear in mind, according to the available reports, is real used exactly those ball as a 2000 pound bombs and its attack on the summit on yesterday. these are the same bombs that bite and had claimed he was suspending the delivery of to israel. so this is basically a message, you know, essentially raising a middle finger to the i, c, c to the i, c, j to the international community. and making the claim, you know, washington has our back. we really don't care about anything else. so in on
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historic move, 3 european countries of recognize the palestinian states island. no way in spain announced the move on wednesday. the legislation would put to the spanish an irish cabinets on tuesday morning. they've said it's part of an effort to help normalize the relationship between israel and palestine. that foreign ministers have also accused, as when a breaching international humanitarian know by refusing to stop it's of tax on rough. well, they met with other you foreign ministers in brussels on monday. the pastor buck, the reports from the fall break and that rages for just some of the woods that were being used by some you foreign ministers here in brussels. i bet a meeting to describe israel's attack on a campus in roughly the killed dozens of civilians that you form policy chief use a bro said that the news coming out to harass a, a thing absolutely horrifying. he said it is clear that there is no safe place for civilians in gauze, and you should actually take place immediately after the international court of
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justice forwarded to a stop all military activities in gosh, as we also heard from the foreign ministers of spain, no way an island, those 3 countries set to recognize a palestinian state on tuesday they said that the recognition was important to give palestinian self determination. and also as a step to finding a diplomatic solution. some have framed our decision is to move our decision to recognize the state of palestine as a move to impose an outcome on the parties. are somehow a reward for terror. nothing could be further from the truth. we have recognized both the state of israel and the state of palestine, precisely because we want to see a future of normalize relations between the 2 peoples. well, when it comes to recognizing a palestinian state, the remains divided on the issue. there is some of the men, so now we see countries like malta as was in,
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you're suggesting that they might do so in the near future. but countries like germany fraud. so the more cautious they say that they don't ruling out recognizing a palestinian state, but it would be better off being done within the framework of any future peace negotiations. but what do you have is the foreign ministers of stain on the new way saying, as long as the remains divided on the issue with that is damaging the credibility of the you and any role that can play in any future piece process. disaster butler, i'll just 0 brussels. now the decision by item comes in the wake of mounting pressure on the government to recognize the palestinian state. i'll just here as for the march report for w, the subject 8 successive iris governments have express, sorry, public support for the rights of palestinian across a series of international institutions that is there any and recent months since the thoughts of israel's foreign gauze of the public press it has forced the governments take this historic decision to recognize palestinian statehood. that
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will be a fun tuesday morning and a cabinet meeting before several hours of debate and see you inside the parliament behind the offerings politicians, the chance to express their own personal views on this significant decision. as the 2 shall problem, this assignment harris put it last week, the right on the circumstances. but tell us thing in the morn for themselves, very much echo those. the irish expressed more than a century ago in their own struggle for independence, for them of how does 0 doubling what noise step towards the palestinian the recognition comes with them for 2 years of that bread cuz it also accords us way back in 1993 this comes in asian countries says that decided to take this route because a different strategy is needed for piece and then at least it's pulling the recognition also to point out that fast and reports from the norwegian capital are in deep secret. under the cover of this research institute and also the very 1st
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negotiations between the palestine liberation organization of yasser arafat. an israel took place soon after the pc was made out of that visit to the office, visits here, and in the things definitely the in this room. so it is me with a lot from his chair must have been around, but my table is the also of courts were meant to end as well as a few patient and eventually lead to a palestinian state. instead, the occupation became more entrenched, illegal is for 80 settlements, multiplies and violence increase, more people that they, i think would be able to opinion that it might have done hong. um so no, you know, proud this towing agreements assigned here in secret and the government guest house after midnight on august the 20th 1993. but as time went on it became clear that the court was doomed to fail. 3 decades later, fees is further away than ever before, but still no way believes it's possible. learning from its mistakes has now taken
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a different approach to supply and for years to negotiate with its key allies is well to abide by the also a court. no way has decided to focus on the ballasting insight instead. and also $2.00 is an upgrade. and, and one of the adjustments to make this more relevant in 2024 is that the recognition no power to sign happens at an earlier stage. that's what it was originally planned. that does not mean that we have an end of the war inside right now. and, but we do this wireless not on board because the issue is right under this current government is not on board. but this rarely is also increasingly isolated the right now a research u. s. long been critical of the oslo accords has no way to recognition of palestine . is a big shift international from the region 5. i'm from the, i'll be european, kansas is to send a strong signal to divert to israel,
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to the americans that look, we need to solve this conflict peacefully. i'm up to state solution is the only bad solution we actually do have a home. well, the other, even worse, one of you of small sparsely populated comp, just trying to solve one of the world's most complicated conflict. for now, no way hopes more countries in europe will follow it and recognize palestinian statehood as well. steadfast and l. g sierra also as the 1st of all, frank here now does here, right? when we come back and pop, when you get a moans and rescue workers continued to take the bodies after a devastating lice like that mad very house on the
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5 find a warning has now been issued for a psych loan in the by up and go running out because bung with us, but you can see system made its way in lab just to the age to go. got to very heavy right. still move very heavy right for a good part of bunk, but that's still some stiff wins. rolling through at eastern side of bangladesh into the fondles east of india. still ringing at a fair bit of rain as we go on through the next couple of days and before it gradually peters away. so how about the weather too, just around the cadillac, pushing the pool is kind of dry across the northern plains. of course, the payments are soon hates really ramping up into the fault is for new daily of us, out of the boat, of the whole getting up to 44 degrees celsius. i'm looking at tab budgets into the forces to cause a good part of the arabian peninsula step out shamal blowing down the golf for the full celsius here. and how warm enough to just the round the levant. it should stay dry. but we've got some light, the showers just coming in a caustic. yay! driving the way. the east over the next couple of days south is that generally dry
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. a strike was a good part of north africa. whether that good crap or showers right across the west, africa, into the gulf of guinea, not as many houses we'd like to see across central parts of africa. it's hot down towards the south and getting hotter in cape town of the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump, with blad folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back to watching. i'll just say it right quick reminder. lots of stories here. this uh what the main hospitalized garza southern city of ruffled and has been forced to shut down doctors waiting for shopping, kills to medical stuff to a hospital is treating victims of and his writing strike the filled up. he's 45 people on sunday. is there any thoughts of once again, i've talked to rough upcoming, at least 7 people. troops struck a house in the area where displaced people were seeking, read. history is made a 3 year to be. and countries recognize, promise, time, as a states island know in spain. announced the decision last week and legislation to report to the spanish and irish cabinets on tuesday morning. some of the world news
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now and pop while you're going to use government says if evacuating almost a 1000 people from the countries and providence on the threat of new land slides. people still trying to dig up a kilometer long day before from a major landslide on friday. according to the government, the 2000 people could be buried under the mud and rocks. rain block roads. i'm like, i'm heavy machinery, humphrey recovery operations. jessica washington ripples the days after landside buried the village then because of this community is hoping you can use and the province on despairing make up the i have a team members of my family buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on, i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been
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trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states large culture and for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the ruffle using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows the volume is confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift. and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a craft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to uh, the price of the,
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the incident either the cost of the way can and we'll continue to work very closely with the path and you can hancock and the united nation says it's teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours after both is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. so they viewed, they would be crushed to death. the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0 . now south africa, it goes to the pose of the wednesday, the governing african national congress is facing serious selection challenges for the 1st time. and it's 3 decades in power out just there was my kind of has moved from, so went to install office. the 63 year old macy pope takes 2 pairs of shoes to church on sunday. the one she wears gets so dirty on the walk. she believes site insults god,
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so she changes into another pay on arrival. she's lived in the so with a set of, of tip time for a quarter of a century and literal has changed. there's no electricity. what files are used with eating and cooking. there's no working sewage system, no access to clean drinking water, and this is one vote, the governing african national congress is not going to get it. oh no. why would i vote advice? would be full. but what does that bring for me? it's still the same if they bring change, then i can vouch. but at this point, i'm not voting today and see lead us around the post. i received an enthusiastic reception when he took a walk and so went to drum up support. i pushed through the crowd and greeted the man i 1st met as a union leader 40 years ago, the hawaii. so confident you're gonna keep your majority route out. do seem to support throughout the campaign for the last 2 months.
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and i really believe that moves on extremely well, re energized people to reinvigorate them. and i've been very confident actually we are waiting, whether they like it or not, the that won't go around to bill goes, it totally was 10 years old during the 1976, the way to uprising protests by black school children against the wife minority government and to join the amc and a special against the ponti. now he teaches football to youngsters in the evening to keep them off the streets and his and good by a government that was once a liberation organization that he fought for. the government as well about your thoughts as you know that we and 40 volts you see coming daily. now please do you want this up alternative? hold the send you some, i signed it, but it was a lot of up to you and you get the memory of the
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a and c of the past. still resonates. the main thing or government in see if given to you. so you do the question facing the parents of these picture voters in the squalid surrounds of flipped um is this sweet enough mike kinda oh, just era. so it to south africa? well, the state of south africa's economy and unemployment. some of the major issues for photos. one young man told us about history says, hey guys, my name is amanda janice. i am a young sat african by the age of 21. and i live in dublin. my grandfather used to talk about the n c and stuff like that. it was amazing. you know what i stuff and i felt like it felt like you're voting for freedom and voting for change. immediate change not pay me as late though, it was something i mean we could always calling me especially i've been doing odd since so so so, so it's a small child. it's, it's, it's okay, you know, but it gets complicated when you really gotta make any income. it's almost like the
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moment i leave the house. but at the moment i leave my own to go look for walk. it's like, i would need to have the authority lines in my mind if businesses are closing. so where do i go to? why are we in school? why are we? why are we passing? smith? university is exactly the same thing. you get graduates, they don't have any job opportunities and that's, that's insane because you have a degree in and something you really enjoyed standing. i don't understand what the government expects. normal people like us and doing the situations mean like we, on a minimum wage, if they expect us to sustain our life style and not become like, you know, in a, in a situation where we can actually afford to, to trace our dreams. mean. because every youngest valdez dreams and i can, i can probably say, i have 3 people. it is one jobs. nothing really. that's the only thing that's been talking to jobs. they just wanna know what they want to get employed. how well this came from a lot of things, you know, as, as much as things, uh, uh,
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no way it is as much as things are. we, we have, we have what all is the and as you know, we have what we have. we have a voice, but its how we use the voice. the state of emergency and the french, the pacific island territory of new caledonia has been lifted. deadly riots started early this month. of the french and peace voted to change the rules for provincial elections. the ethnic cannot community se it'd be disadvantaged by the change over a 1000 and french police officers have been deployed to the territory since unrest broke out. at least 7 people have died, including 2 local policemen. assembly plan that slammed into the coast of india and bangladesh has destroyed at least $35000.00 the home. second, remo made land full and southwest bangladesh. surely on sunday, wins reached up to a 135 kilometers an hour. at least 10 people were killed in bangladesh, 800000 different for some of their homes. nearly 3000000 without power. the neighboring india at least 6 people died in the state of westbank gold, about
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a 150000 people haven't moved to shelters. and schools announce shops as a heat wave is slipping through parts of pakistan with temperatures rising about 52 degrees, the weather office and the southern province of send this thing on. usually high temperatures, businesses were forced to shut down as many people remained indoors. a volunteer firefighter the end of july and far as the official had been charged with starting the wildfires that engulfed central chile in february over a 130 people were killed, prosecute to say that that evidence that the 2 suspects acted deliberately and they knew what the optimal weather conditions would be to start the fires. are turning to our top story now with 3 european countries of recognize the palestinian state. well, for many palestinians the struggle for state has been relentless. one man in the occupied westbank has been using his odd to celebrate his bonus to be an identity is ladon, good story. the


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