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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 9:30am-10:01am AST

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devastating war and gaza, the chorus of voices denouncing the violence and infinity is growing. louder is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is increasing that isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the wells top codes with accusations of genocide and will crimes. no way spain an island, i mean good company likes to the well supports palestinian statehood more than a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly. and the momentum is building slovenia and molto. i've also said that considering for more recognition and more countries could follow suit. well, correspondence tracking the story across europe and the middle east. we live and also a man and the by like in central garza. but 1st let's go to pull brandon in madrid . pool. so this is expected to be a former recognition by spain of a palestinian state. how significant pull is there some focus through what prime minister pivotal sanchez is expected to say as well as moments this day. it's
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a symbolic day, of course, and the symbolism is not lost. i think somebody is riley, suv, reacted with. great unhappiness of the way that spain no way on the islands have announced this. it's been choreographed over the past several days, but it comes to its climax today, the 28th of may, and in the next couple of minutes, the spanish prime minister petro sanchez in the building behind made the monk club palace. we'll make the formal statements recognizing palestine as a states what we're expecting to say based on what he said previous in previous days to the parliament. for example, of things like that. the israelis are carried out a massacre in gaza and with not sorry, we are going to use all the political results as at our disposal to say loud and clear that we're not going to allow the possibility of a 2 state solution to be destroyed by force because it's the only just and sustainable solution to this terrible conflict. now better, sanchez, left, his prime minister is not new to the palestinian tools. back in 2015, he issued
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a tweet saying, while he was prime minister, he would recognize a palestinian state. it's taking a while for that to come to fruition, but today is the day. all right, to pull. yeah, pull. let's just stay with you that madrid because this one is by the time between a headed back cabinet meeting. but formalize the recognition of palestine is listening to what was punished by millions lions, 148 days a states the customized english date. the 1st slide we have one goal which is to contribute to the efforts aiming at step as in peace between the best indian and the as late as the the commission of visit. the palestine is not only a matter of hysterical, just as yet we are old aiming at this type of thing. peace. so this is the only road towards it,
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but the only it will towards this step is think these is a step. this meant of the a better state and it states living side by side with the state of is the state of palestine. you go for the funding, these big commercial unit should enable the palestinian to live with east jerusalem as their capital and the, the role of the palestinian authority. we should not mock the boundaries and the borders of other states. however, old, our resolutions are in line with the united nations resolutions as well as the menial position adopted by the in union assistance. yeah. but it's the now, but yeah, i listed it is otherwise the agreement would be in the 2 parties. we can, okay to my is the 1967 as the board,
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those some of the decision to customize the state of palestine was adopted by us and it is not meant against any particular state. we will continue to most in this course. again, this decision is not meant to be against any other country or people is available and the is, it is our friends. this is allison, is an expression of most of our gigs of our eviction of how mess as in those pay and from day one you have with that strong ally condemned the october 7 attacks. by how mess you to the seamless group. we are committed to finding that that is what i would like to do today. as of tomorrow,
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we will be and tens, 5 o lower effort towards the 2 state solutions. we will have to a, sorry, 3 priorities. first, to bring this unprecedented glasses inc, as trip to an end, once again, i called for a permanent cease fire and unconditional delivery of the lease aid, as well as the release of the captives held by how may i ask you a 2nd. we will be able to provide assistance and support even to that, but i see didn't it was something about sorta t towards if you know the desired form, the but you know 30 is our par note and paste 3rd. and finally, we will continue with a partnership with our, our friends, to is insured as the ability and prosperity and that is in the middle east and the out of boys at all would be convincing at peace conference,
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where to buy the 2 state solution can be implemented on the ground and the position adopted by spain is a lie and with international law and international resolutions, the global system is based on law. as bees towards the guys, the people ever complete the site and then the audio crate and stay and will continue to defend the principles on the you and talk to. and with this particular step, we will continue to remain committed to what is possibility to was establishing demands reinforcing peace in all speed of countries. as clearly stated in the preamble of the spanish constitution. this is exactly what is expected from the country like spain. your government will this thing without proof of his name as the state. with this decision explain join the more than the 140 countries that
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are being recognized by this time. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish times. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the m. i don't know if he started congest this with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine. people, but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace battle for understand the state that quick seized alongside the state of the swell in peace and security. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guest are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem. i see it is copied, done, and must be unified under duty to make the government of the palestine national authority. although it is not up to
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a spring to define the boulders of all the countries, our position is aligned with the un security council resolutions $242.33. and we the position of the union. therefore, we won't recognize the change in the 1967 lines other than those agreed to buy the products. it is also essential that palestine finds its adequate placing the international community. that is why spain will continue to support efforts to strength and punish stains, presence in international organizations. the recognition offer pad assign is not against any one, least of all is right for any nation that has been values and holds in high regard and with whom we came to foster, the strongest possible relationship. furthermore, this decision reflects our absolute rejection of how much teresa conversation, who is the gains between the state solution. from the outset,
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spain has strongly condemned the teresa backs of october 7. these clear combination is the reselling mean expression of our estate, fast commitment in the fight against the reason i would like to underline the starting tomorrow, we would focus our efforts to implement the 2 state solution and make it a reality. we was local 3 main priorities. first, we must urgently put an end to the ongoing. i'm president crises in guest. so i goal once again for permanency fire, for the entry of the military and 8, and for the immediate release of all that, usually the hostages held by him us. secondly, we will support it by the state national level 40 in the reform processing, the cd by its new government, the palestine of 42. so we're partnered for peace need. we need all of our support . and finally, we will continue to foster corporation with our, our partners who are working on the committed stores,
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peace and prosperity in the region. we will continue working with them with the name of convenient, i'm sure national peace conference to implemented to state solution the decision that spanish. so let me adopting today is based on the respect for international know and the defense of the rules based international order. besides the principals, they did guide us always, no model. the complex, both in guest, palestine and even green spain, we always defend the proposes i'm principles established inventory of the you and we, today's decision with you, our responsibility team to search for peace, security, and prosperity of all peoples. you not go down with the mandates of the preamble of our national constitution. but before we act now go down to what is expected of a great country such as spain. thank you. got this. all right,
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so you're watching live pictures of the spanish department as the sunsets as expected, giving a full recognition by spain of a palestinian state. he gave it both in spanish and english. i'm so along with no in island span of course. now recognizing that by this time as an independent state, you said old spain's resolutions are in line with you in resolutions on positions adopted by the e. u and a recognition of the 1967 voters. that's quite important to you said the decision is not against any state and not against israel, spain, bruce that as well as a friend and that's high regard for his reading, cold for a permanent ceasefire in gauze and, and to the war. let's go back to and if we can to pull brandon, who has been listening to that address by the spanish department and stuff the in madrid pool, just also a bit more about what petros sanchez said. yeah, it's couple of things that i would pick out from what he said. as you reiterate the fact that it was absolutely out of say that you know what spain is doing as well as
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island and no way are in line with un resolutions, multiple view and resolutions as adulthood by european union member states as well . so the impression in some courses, the spain on the island, the new way of some way go in some way going it alone is no point out by the international reality on this then. actual fact as petra sanchez pointed back, more than a 140 countries around the world of a 193 united nations member states. couple already recognized palestine states heard. and so, although the majority of the european union and the member states have north and america notably hasn't the united states and spain island norway, i'll simply actually posit the vast majority to already have. and they not joined got more than 114 nations. the other thing that i would say that it was out of
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minutes as well to say that this decision all promised to be in states, it is not a decision against any party. israel has been complaining bits of it, but this is an empty is rarely in some courses they've been describing its anti semitic policy by spain. heter sanchez saying that is absolutely not the case. this is a decision he says, for peace. it is a decision that he hopes will push forward the idea of a c spot of hostage releases that he condemned the october 7th, a tax. but he says, the box spring island, no way of doing is it his believe from the other countries police the only way forward to get a, a 2 state solution and make it so far. alright. appointment and life as the in the spanish complimentary pull. thank you, that's close to step fassman. she joins us live from the norwegian capital of the step. so norwegians interesting that quoting this, also to a point, so an updated strategy for peace in the middle east. why has no way decided now to take this route on what's behind all of those think quite
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a big day here in norway as well. no follow up on statements, but yes, it's a big shift for no way because no way was always a mediator between the as well and the independent spaniards. uh, so 21 years ago the oslo accords were prepared in secret here and also and that, and it's ro signed up for this to say solution for accepting palestine as a state at least on say for but many years later. also, no way has realize that the israel has never come forward with this acceptance and many have doubts even its intention. so now no way has to decide this was going to support the palace thing inside. so we're going to franklin palestinian institutions and we're also given a very strong signal, so it's still strong ally escrow that it has to come forward with the 2 state solution that the will have to be negotiations that that is only one way forward.
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and that is fees and also acceptance of a palestinian state. so this is a very strong signal coming from norway also here today. all right, so step by some life as the in oslo step. thank you for that as well. the irish governments decision reflects widespread public support for palestinian rights and the republic of island. recent polls suggest the majority of the population think palestinians live under a system of a pond. tide sanctions should be placed on his rail. as long as there has been a month's report from dublin as riley was killed, bane has spent the past 16 days on the st. complimentary universe. the products dumpling, she and fellow students, the position for the university to en, financial ties with israel. 3 of the noisy protests were occupying a building. the university closed just the private dining closed on the university, kansas. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices.
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and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capitals of a major college trinity. students who are ready pressure at university of 3rd seasons divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions. 2 debates about israel, vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum of homeless university, welcome the government's decision to recognize the kind of city and state that pull murphy as a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says such action is long. oh, but you just the higher has continued to unfold. structure of hospitals, attending of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish
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government has become like more and more critical out canvassing the head of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main francs for arden's recognition should go to ordinary people. its ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protest thing, by their incontinence, that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously in talking about kind of sending and resistance. but for the campaign as a university college, as learning from the own faculty about and tell us and in history, they now one more than me, it was, i think, institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle. but do very little to materially support tasks and accesses going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with about his assignee fletcher's and stuff. the so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and
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palestinians present day and say that country stones should simply support a better future limits. how does a to dublin? well, i'll just here is gonna talk to a bunch of joins us live now from brussels. so a formal declaration from spain, natasha earlier on its recognition of an independent poly and stay in the state, but home divide. it has the e. u been over the issue of palestinian state. so then, is this action from spain island no way likely to prolong other states to recognize an independent palestinian state of the like many issues the you is divide today with the recognition of how the spinning state that's not to say that there on some number all the countries that already recognize upon a city and state, for example, hulu and hungry sweden, some of those who recognized as soon as they before they became, you know, members, nevertheless, they also desire and we now have no way island is phase joining them. we also
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noticed that there are some countries, roy, in the process of recognition, was certainly all talking about doing a multis, lavinia bell to their will. countries that have said that they probably will recognize palestinians say sometime soon. and then you have other countries who are not rolling it out like germany and frauds, to support a 2 state solution which is something that they use supports. but for example, the frogs is saying, look, we will recognize a palestinian state in the framework in the context of any future peace negotiations because for them and in faults, they feel that that is the right way to do it to recognize the power steering and say within that framework of folks with which things like board is, could be agreed to form. they feel that to do it. the other way round is actually not very helpful. all right, just a natasha about that. they live for us in brussels. natasha. thank you. let's call 7 out to honey off moody's and get out by the in central gaza honey. so we seen their number of european countries coming forward to declare recognition of the
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palestinian state. but what are people that and gaza think of this that wouldn't make any difference on the ground? yes, little so far in the midst of all what's going on. people here are pretty much occupied with the daily struggle of finding the not necessity then. and during this intense bombing campaign, there is this whole that stick keeps evolving right now with more your viewing countries that are coming forward and recognize in the state of palestine. it gives hope for people here that eventually it will be some sort of a coalition to put pressure in his resume and it's, it's a genocidal acts on the ground and to stop all these raises a parts heights i practices with are here and the gaza strip or the west bank, but the vast majority of people here think as long as nothing to changes on the ground. it's not significant because right now the priority for someone who struggles on daily basis to find water and food supplies and medical supplies. keep
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hosted a running at the priority is to put an end to the rapid mass murder of civilians across the gall. this trip we talked to some people here, particularly are those who are very involved in and invested in palestinian culture and heritage. and here's what they have to say about how a city and state be with nice biography and country the . these paintings made a lot to me as a defend of the palestinian cause. i feel proud because being from gaza, i'm conveying to the outside world, the extent of the destruction, migration and displacement. we're in during, i'm showing the outside walls, the extent of the suffering. we are living in the gaza strip when i paint about the policy and cause i feel immense pride. we have fighting for our cause regardless of
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these radio occupation that is trying to erase that cause. and as a people of garza, we are resilient and optimistic. she's screaming and cooling, just somebody to help her against the blockade imposed by israel. i need to know something in that that 2nd, i'm a cool this painting to picks a broken diamond. these rates believe they'll take control bots at the top of the painting. i use screen which represents a glimmer of hope to the will, will end the day with nothing. and then after that, as long as an extra, as an artist from guidance is in, during the same suffering that everybody is going through in district. i'm trying to convey the emotions within me and the life i'm living, and garza, the whole pain and the despair that i'm feeling these. these people from guys are very proud we are attached to our land. yes, we have suffered immensely,
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but we remain steadfast. i have created several paintings that convey the suffering, but no matter how much i draw, it was never convey the whole picture of the actual scenes and the pain are so much bigger and have taken over us. every day we witness massacres and bloody scenes. i tried to express all these feelings on the walls and i tried to paint everywhere i go to my last year old was one of defiance. i drew them off of palestine in an attempt to complete the extent of our attachment to our cause. as well people in the occupied westbank spoke to andras. they are about what the recognition of the state of palestine means to them the this will help us get rid of all the problems we're going through. we will have our independent states and we will be able to live in safety without all the problems that have been plaguing us. things will be more prosperous and the situation in the region will improve. everyone will be released. the following, it'll be a cause was not being discussed for very long time, and nobody was talking about the political rights of palestinian people. this year
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there has been a noticeable change in the vision and policy of several governments that did not believe in the policy and people's right to self determination with the innovation . the initial, the palestinian people have the right just like any other people in the world have their own independent state that is recognized by other countries, couldn't jerusalem as a 2nd opinion, respect your country. and it's not going to pull the palestinian coals and antonio and then it gives us hope hope that the work has not forgotten about us. additionally protestant, it's not just an occupied country. palestine, is it global? cause playing with a quick reminder to have you as these randy government to shut down now to 0 is operations the so we're reporting from outside the country. i'll just say it was. and when con joins us live now from the jordanian capital. i'm on him and so israel has already a signal that sound good with these european countries. you're carrying recognition of a palestinian state, what more of his really officials been saying?
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and as well as role is very much on the attack that attack is being led by the is where the foreign ministry and the foreign minister is row caps in the media off to both of the announcements he recalled is roles and box. it is the spain no way and, and, and then he called the spanish irish and origin. i'm boss of this too, as well to me thing where he started them a is effective propaganda video of how much does the tax on october the 7th. all 3 of the messages were shocked by this, saying that it was a break in diplomatic unknowns. and then on the 27th of may, he issued a statement. it's actually worth reading to you in full this morning. i instructed these ready ministry for defense to send a diplomatic 3rd to the spanish embassy and as well for a hibbits hang the spanish consulate in jerusalem from conducting conseula activities or providing counseling services to the residents of the palestinian authority. we will not remain silent in the face of the government. the re. ready
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tara, whose lead is a challenge of the anti semitic slogan from the river, tennessee. palestine will be free. those who reward him, ask the attempt to establish a palestinian terrorist states will have no contact with the palestinians. they've always made that official. now this is an antique symmetric move, these really foreign ministry is using that language very, very clearly. and that's really leading the charge of leading the attack against anybody the recognizes how the story. it's simply according to the israelis and to some basic. all right, so i'll just here as emma and con life as the in the jordanian capital, i'm on time and thank you as well. let me just remind you again quickly, benjamin netanyahu, his cabinet, has banned al jazeera from the country. so we're reporting that from outside israel, and when con the reporting from the jordanian capital i'm on for us. okay, so what does it mean then for for 3 major european countries to recognize palestinian statehood? well, it means close
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a diplomatic ties. an island says it will transform its diplomatic office into an embassy. as of now, having full of european countries recognized palestine as a state. and as of today, island norway in spain say they would recognize palestine by the pri, 1967 buddhism. that stream the significant and they'll support jerusalem as a capital of israel and palestine, who power, steering, and se occupied east jerusalem should be the capital of its future states, as well as not defined its voters, but its occupying how this demand alarm and expanding illegals settlements. and allowing settler land, perhaps the coming map of control divides palestine into homelands. all right, well that's it for me. i'm enjoying you can find more information than a website. i'll just come there it is, my colleague installs it tight. we'll be here at the top of the, with a new special on the recognition of colors to the states. and that's it for me.
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stay to the best of watching the an aide where a car travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you looking back? are you a fighter? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on, al jazeera, a hearing the side chart, populations a decline, 70 percent, understanding the reality. i just place that flow it, i'll just say was change across the world. when you close to the house at the story
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. i want people to look closer at the ugly side of this. i point my camera where all those prefer not to look. i'm right about what it means to be american, and about the ordinary people who get caught up us worse filmmakers around tags and also via the time when on the power of political lot. what all just stories we tell sales about also. and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted upon one on i will just sierra june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of them at least to dark colored hair across the, appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today is really all me. and it was a that is such as the stuff is live, the war in june on out is era. the
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colleges when the, [000:00:00;00] the color there i missed all the attain. this isn't use our life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. a historic step for palestinian self determination. 3 european nations formerly recognized the states denouncement puts renewed pressure on israel to end its war on garza, spanish prime minister petro sanchez, promises steps towards


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