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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the aerial from above month to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which we'll see here is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. and now we have to go out at least 4 hours, the historic steps of how this thing and self determination. 3 european nations formally recognize this page. tell us the other one this does the attain, this is all to 0 lot from also coming up. the announcement puts renewed pressure on israel to end its war on gauze on spanish 5 minutes of hydro sanchez palm. the steps towards a 2 state solution. meanwhile, on the ground in gaza, the biggest hospital in the south and the strip is suppose to shut down. often is
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really as try kills to medics, assets from games. the just really forces can at least 7 people in attacks on rasa. just a day off to strike on a 10 cam killed, 45 displays policy. the welcome to our special coverage on elders era. when as of tuesday, may the 28th no way island and spain of all formerly recognized palestine as the space. and the historic move reflecting the growing close for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year contract and an end to as well as occupation. it also re upsets the palestinian peoples right to self determination move in 7 months now into israel's devastating war. on garza, the course of voices denouncing the violence and impunity is growing. louder is
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ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu is increasing the isolation. he's facing various legal challenges to the full 2 of the wells top quotes with accusations of genocide and will kinds no wait. spanning islands are in good company. most of the wild supports palestinian statehood. more than a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize it. and the mention is building slovenia and roles. i've also said they're considering formal recognition and even more countries could follow suit. spanish prime minister petro sanchez, has come into the head of a cabinet and using the pool, formalize the recognition of palestine. he says the decision is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's unpublished times. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if he started congest this with. they need you to meet the aspirations of the palestine people, but it is also, i mean,
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parity if need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve a feature of piece that will, that i understand the state that quick seest alongside the state of the swell in peace. a lot of correspondence on tracking the story across europe and the middle east with live and garza and bethlehem and the occupied westbank and also from dublin and also but fast. let's speak to pull brennan, he's in madrid for us. pull a huge and very strong statement as we've been saying from prime minister sanchez this morning. the dates momentous. as usually symbolic. and frankly, the climax of days and weeks of carefully choreographed diplomatic process. i mean, the pump permanent, the peddler sanchez, was applauded in the spanish parliament last week when he said that there are 3 main issues for this. it's piece this justice and it's consistency. they had the
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reasons why spam has joined with island to no way of recognizing the state of palestine. he also said that the longer process that he wants to see as a result of this recognition free priority is that he outlined in that statement that he gave in the palace over my shoulder just an hour or so ago. he said that the needed to be an end to the cause of crisis, a permanency for the release of hostages. he also said that needed some assistance on support for me, posted in or forward to you in the west bank to help that self governance and be able to, to stand alone as a, as an authority. and he wants to continue partnership with our friends across the whole region. with that in mind, he's talking about convening some kind of peace conference. now of course the uh spanish, uh, government is not active. i solution. and i think one of the things that today's announcement makes clear is that they are not the minority. you know, there's 27,
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a member nations, those a 193 un members. but the vast majority of them now recognized palestine as a states. and while, you know, the western world seems to wait for the united states to take the lead, it's clear, but that kind of leadership is, is on the threats is being the road is by consent to diplomatic pressure from the palestinians winning friends among european countries such as spain and getting the idea that a palace, city, and state is absolutely necessary for a 2 state solution to be realistic. and the israel frankly cannot hold a visa on that as pull brennan, following all those events for us today in the spanish capital madrid. thank you very much for well, let's go to the norwegian capital also and see talk cost. one of this step by step is we've been saying no regions according this. it seems osler to point out of that updated strategy that piece in the middle east. can you talk us through the reasons
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no way who has decided to take this pulse and now yes, if i read the different strategy from the norwegians office or the also of course have very much fails, they were signed in the 1993. they were broke up here in the capital, but at that time is trial and also to be a low dependent sign. the pro ration or organization of yes, the alpha accepted. the fact that that would be a state solution that that would be in the palestinian space. well, now with 20, that gets laser, this know kind of thing and state. and then all of agents have given up on, on pressuring and negotiating with, as well. and also of course, looking at the war and guys how they know have given a hold on any move from this route in that direction. so now they are strengthening the processing and uh, the spotless thing. and right to self determination, the front of the institution will be frank and they say this is the only solution
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that is really much a signal not only swears route, but also to the united states. that the only way out of this conflict is a peaceful one. no military one, so this is what it says that we symbolic to move of course, because a on the ground in guys or inside of signed a wouldn't be any difference. but it's a very strong signal coming from the way today. indeed, step boss and the following events for us on this historic day and also thank you very much. step a. well, let's go to the irish capital dublin and speak to a correspond the marks the islands was the 1st. you men, there's a quote for palestinian statehood way back in 1980. this has been a long time coming. it has indeed has been a long slow journey, but as of hoffman a from now, when the irish cabinet means this will take legal effect. just ahead of that meeting, simon harris. the t shuffle, prime minister made some public comments going into the conversation. he cooled us
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an historic move and an important moment saw that he also said that he was cooling today. for a country is to use every leave at the disposal to bring about the maximum pressure to result in a ceasefire. later on this afternoon that all the parliament hey, will offer members of that for the, the opportunity to express their own personal views on this issue. there is really very univers select claim, amongst the fiscal clause in orleans accepting this decision. in terms of the practical effects, it will mean that embassies will open in ramallah. and here in dublin, the both sides, the flag of the policy and 5 will fly above government. buildings here in delton as well. we had a challenge yesterday here in the ars conference towards people involved in activism on this issue over the last few months and years campaign is said, but it was their action. but ultimately, led to this moment highly ties with the kill bain has been the past 16 days on
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the st. kempland university college dublin. she and the fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. 3 of the noisy protests were occupying a building, the university closed. i just the private dining closed on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and to re see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capital of a major college trinity. students of already pressured university with our seasons divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions. 2 debates about israel, vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here
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in island politicians from across the spectrum of homeless university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman. if he is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says such action is long. oh, but you just the higher has continued to unfold. structure of hospitals, the coming of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing the head of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main francs for arden's recognition should go to ordinary people. its ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protest thing, by their incontinence, that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously in talking about kind of sending and resistance. but for the campaign as a university college learning from the own faculty about and tell us and in history,
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they now want more than me. it was, i think, institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle. but do very level to materially support tasks and accesses going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with my, his assignee, fletcher's and stuffy. so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize their own past and palestinians present day and say that country stones should simply support a better future for the months. how does it a dublin? and it's got the view from the ground and the goal is to strip and speak. try correspondence, honeywell, when he's in darrow bhalla and central garza honey, 3 west and european countries are recognizing a palestinian state today. that is really significant, but how people the in garza thinking of this, do they feel a little make any difference on the ground? the
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bureau no size here, the more we talk to people as the day progresses, the more mixed of views of from the ground here, there are those who are seeing this as a very significant move at this particular time, that it will eventually put more pressure on his growth and this is jan, is $5.00 more and knocks on the ground across the gulf strip. but there's also those who are quite busy on daily basis. and they represent the vast majority of this place, palestinians across the central area, the southern hottest, the more recent feet, a force in doing turns the switch from roof on han units. do these evacuations on who are busy trying to get their basic necessities, the food, the medical and the water supplies in order to sustain and do combat these difficult living conditions created by these really intense bombing can feel is just not for good. the past 7 months, it really quite difficult. not only is really military and pores this,
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it'd be hydration and star vision and push the a population of brink of fan, but also the ongoing, rapid mass scaling of civilians. and the reasons was the attack on his back, which is on and roughly city, the northern western part of a city of an area, particularly designated at a safe zone for people. and to top it almost right after eyes the shades robotic ruling that require a requesting or ordering. israel do ended. so it's unified deluxe and all of active . how as still it is in dropbox, is really military. i did carried out this major attacks killing hold close to 45 people. the vast majority of them, women and children are where the copy dated that way, and then sign a rated by the incendiary bonds that were dropped on the 10th. and there's always this fear right now, every time we have some mix at the international level, we've seen the stores in the docs, the and it's in terms of a scale of magnitude and level of destruction. the fear right now is, is real. the panic is re of right now,
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one palestinian is across doesn't particularly, does a traumatized because the ongoing displacements, a word that is really military will retaliate to these recognition by a talking more civilians across the street name of what they're describing. the anxiety for us from people in the gaza strip as those is rarely a tax, and the bombardment continues. thank you very much, honey. well, let's now speak talk costs. when i need to abraham, she's invested him in the occupied westbank need it. how is the news of his recognition? listen being received over that well, ever since we heard the news, the size. yeah. we went through the streets of the occupied was thanks talking to people really trying to see what they felt when they heard the 3 west. and you were being countries decided to recognize, tell us by not one but 3 very significant into european blog. and the main feeling we've been guessing from palestinians is hope they felt that they've been left
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fellow and by the world. and indeed, then i would have coverage in the past few years, we were saying how, how the students feel that that issue is it has been forgotten that they've been the fellow and dealing with a very powerful military occupation that enjoys the support of big faith in the u. s. in particular. now that feeling has changed a bit deeper. feels that because of the pressure by the nation across the globe that the government has had to follow soon and respond to the public pressure to show support for palestinians and show israel that there wouldn't be defiance from the international war world. that there would be a price to be paid if it's real continues. it's a russian against palestinians. you know, they see the war as an eye opener to westerns and to people around the globe as to what israel has been getting away with doing to palestinians in the besieged.
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because as to, as well as here in the occupies westbank. and one of the people we've been speaking to, he says he was one of those people who help carry out the palestinian message to the world. how much had has been looking for the math book, palace size a will getting bob's on the internet. but he could not find it. so he decided to do one illustration to be able to be shown to the rest of the world. to bring more more and more awareness about the palestinian cause. let's do this and in to him, how much had he has his nickname is be sure the thought of the abundance of a young man was sent or live with the one know this 50?
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no, i would actually have to be stuck in midland and out of this when i know the to add you to have a sense of how to box google is a little fun. when somebody in minnesota, i have a small, i thought, a female. i like a shelf and this was on the east to cut off in the habit of them and them in bed on the theme is bed. uh huh. and even this made me see how it's going, how the son plays black. honda, tennessee. we have lots of is a visa listing this and just left me some basic from this many of putting bullet on manip costa. so here, but on that, at the head on the color of the, you know, testing and the height that old fashion hickman, my hot, the, i thought it on file and then and the fee. huh. and then within the late fee, and that is the ability to animal room and how to keep how he said i, let's see to then add that off. we see for the meaning of fee and do. and then we
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can have to spend a dime, lia, and that's for this to me or the other big shifting the why be a little headache of lead it on interest? me? oh, how does that leave the other side? so i was listening and they put me a split spring in a lawn. papa, he's in his riley historian, under from a politician who joins us now from hyphen law. now that we've seen spain is recognizing a palestinian state with these true some assets capital. what kind of concrete differences do you see this making on the ground, especially with the, the, some of the moves that we're seeing from know in island, this is the, uh, well, i don't think you will see any needed insights on the ground. i mean, let's, let's remember what's going on in the brown, the genocide, the policy is continuing to has a and the effects on the people in the west, but continue and that declaration would not stop these really actions. and so the
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people in the, in the west bank, i don't think this is news that i have a change in the reality. however, in the long run together with the i c, g rolling together. ready the i to see who the, the moves in the security council, all these symbolic and the icing. bullock exit at this moment in time when i think lead to, if i'm. ready in both and the outcome in the future, which is to isolate is room and to recognize ballast. i know in its current. ready it is because we don't know exactly what the covering boulders of the state of palestine is, are. but in recognizing that the publicity is. ready the bonus dining is there and that they are on the coast on the coast and attack. and the, the only way of moving forward is so the colonization and the end of the disposition of the brother students. and i think this is where the importance of
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these bixler ration like you know, few, few years ago. and some of us were. ready bit hesitant about these a lot of the nations because we. ready it recognizes may be at the current p a which controls the 16 percent of the west bank. but i think we understand now that it is published on the concept by this time, the idea by this time uh, the people which i read the life of the many, many years of the night long. you mentioned photos, i say span to saying it way and recognize any changes to 1967 borders and that's the degree by all parties. i'm wondering how all of this might impact discussions around the c spot and gaza and perhaps a longer time political settlement given the lack of movement and the tools that feels like a number of western countries, particularly now trying to focus on the day often. yes, but i'm afraid we're beating the same dead horse. it's the 1st time that the people
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. ready living in countries like spain and in the you and the americans, we're talking over to. ready it's on the. ready is of the pretty $9067.00 borders, would have been doing it for the last 56 years and nothing happened. and there's no reason to believe that this would change. i mean, there's a difference between a ceasefire and the end of the attack on the people who doesn't the westbank which, which i think is now the urgent mission of the international community. and it's as yet not fulfilling it. and the question of whether the 2 state solution is and it is still irrelevant solution for the future in my own humble opinion, it is not the solution anymore. it might have been in the past. i think it's, it's bad the lives in the morgue. and we haven't yet been invited to the funeral of that, the solution. i think once we can get the ceasefire on a and stop the, it will still that these and the effects of live on this thing is we should begin
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to think out in different tabs about the future muscle that you need a so changes into ballasting and leadership the national movement and the international thing. ready these a did use to with the state of as well. uh and, and design decide the already low debates. what do you say that, that all of this has passed on, on actually stopping the killing and gaza? i mean, best move by these 3 countries has also been described as out of desperation, so to speak, to, to try to get some fresh traction and actually changing the situation on the ground and gaza. do you think this changes anything for israel in terms of its calculations, especially if it's all the countries follow the search? you know, i'm afraid not. i mean i, i agree. i mean they did it as an x of this, the. ready action, but instead of the being of deeply sunk into the desperate mode, they could have info sanctions on these. and they then wouldn't mean farm or effective in the, recognizing before this thing in states. so, but the,
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you and the members have a at their disposal means to put to much more pressure on these well, that would be more, more much more effective. and that is the original functions. so far we've old a symbolic x that we have seen. and this has not been done yet. and so i think that this is an important move. we can also mention the auto countries and normalize the relationship with this with the i'm not seeing. ready diplomatic relations with this as a whole lot of this means so these railey is the deeper top the top but the. ready low plane, these are, these are a symbolic gestures that do not affect these ability to continue the minute the reactions or to continue it's economical to sustain. is it going to make viability on top of that? and it's really historian and from the politician. thank you. so much for joining
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us here on out to 0 today is part of our special coverage. thank you. well, let's show you what's happening right now on the ground in gaza. israel has meanwhile, been escalating its attacks on rafa in the south, in defiance of a routing by the winds, top court and growing international condemnation on sundays from the 10th 10th killing, at least 45 displaced palestinians to a hospital is where most of the victims of that attack on sunday night were taken and the direct to announced it's closer on monday. so i think security concerns often is rarely a tech just outside the gate so that hospital to medical stuff are killed. witnesses have the victims were hit by fire from news really at croft, the injured have been taken to field hospitals now for treatment. well doctor mamma, to here is an orthopedic surgeon from london. he's now just returning to the u. k. of to volunteering in rafa with the charge degree budget scientific. he told us about the conditions he sold when i was in the i was based at the european garza
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hospital and many a night when b would see. and here the strikes and rough uh, we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital, and at times they were simply overwhelmed. but there wasn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the pain goes hospital. so the, the co way to the hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are all saw in an in sylvia danger. they are lacking access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that. tell us all done is not an error as far as i know that has been evacuated, according to the colleagues that i have the and they are experiencing alternatives strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on us is these
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are the top, those, these all my colleagues. all these really ami has also carry a 1000 as strike on a house and rough or killing 7 people and injuring several others again, including children. the targeted area is full of displays, palestinians living in tents and temporary shelters. israeli forces have kills more than $36000.00 palestinians since october. the 7th and just really forces have increased their presence in southern garza, a tank is now stationed west of the city of ruffin. helicopters and drones have also been reported in the past 2 days is where it has repeatedly attached the region near tile. full time, one of the areas that israel had designated as a so called say something to show to the displaced the reading on the government and pop a new guinea says it's evacuating about $8000.00 people from the northern angle
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province. because of the pressure of more lance lions, the new satellite images show, the scale of fridays does all store and not. and rocks swept through the remote town valley village. debris now comes as a one kilometer radius around that mountain and its appeal for international health . the government said as many as 2000 people could have been buried alive. rain blocked roads and a lot of heavy machinery or hampering recovery operations there. jessica washington reports the days after landside buried the village and bits of this community and helping you can use in the province of despairing, make up the half 18 members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on. i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many months i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died. most of the main highway is blocked,
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delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows devices confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were leaving here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000. the complicating recovery efforts was of slowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance
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in getting officials from the disaster response center to the place sold the, the incident over the course of the weekend and will continue to work very closely with the pos and you can hand cabinet and the united nation says each teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared the stories with the local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bones is tumbled down the hillside onto the village. said they feared they would be crushed. dense did the miracle. they sufficed. jessica washington to 0 mustang and puffing your guinea in the new prime minister james merante is like, here's your face and no confidence fight. opposition. policy members have nomination. a form of finance minister rinebold pays to to serve as an alternative . prime minister place i was among a group of 18 ministers who defected from the rockies on policy. now the opinion
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that theresa soldiers in khaki is all that same day and nights to repel russian advances in that northeast and region. military officials say defenses around you can 2nd largest se under threat reinforcements were drafted in when russia launched its assault on khaki. valley of this month present brought to me as landscape, says the army has foiled a several attacks over the past week and remains in control of the area. and so off again, the 2nd day of special version is under way ahead of general elections on wednesday election stuff. visiting more than 600000 homes to collect balance from those who called physically make it to upholding station the governing african national congress risks losing its majority in parliament for the 1st time. 3 decades of major verse issues include unemployment, poverty, and rolling electricity costs. one young man told us about his own concerns. hey guys, my name is amanda julius. i am a young, sought african, but age of 21. and as.


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