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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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proven guilty status in syria coming soon on al jazeera, the at the meeting of the accounts, enough ministers that and we will be held to date. the government of the spain without proof defeated recomp nissan of palestine state historic steps of palestinian self determination, spain island, and no way formally recognize the space of the color that i'm just as the attain. this is all just the red line from dawn also coming. the biggest hospital in southern gaza is forced to shut down, often is really as tried, kills to medics edits, fun case is rarely forces kill at least 7 people in the tax on rough on a day off to a strike on attend come killed,
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$45.00 displaced policy and such and recovery operation still underway and happen. you're getting. the government says it's about raising about 8000 people, tearing moorland. the welcome to our special coverage here on out to 0 as of tuesday, may the 28th. no way island and spain have oh, formerly recognized palestine is a stage. it's a historic move reflecting the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year conflict and an end to israel's occupation. it also resets the palestinian peoples right to self determination. and now more than 7 months since a israel's devastating war on garza the course of voices denouncing the violence. i'm impunity is growing. louder is really prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is increasing the isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the wells
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top quotes with accusations of genocide and will crimes. no way expanding island are in good company. most of the world supports palestinian statehood. more than a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize it, and then some to is building sylvania and molten. i have also said that they're considering formal recognition and more countries could also follow suit. spanish prime minister petro sanchez says the decision to recognize palestine is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if historic injustice, we then need you to make the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the
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future of peace. that of the oddest diamond state that quick ceased along side the state of the swell in peace. apartments. desantos also spoke about the next steps that spain will now take going forward. i would like to underline, started starting tomorrow. we would focus our efforts to implement the 2 state solution and make it a reality. we was local 3 main priorities. first, we must urgently put an end to the ongoing. i'm president crises in guest. so i called once again for permanency supplier for the entry of the many $30.00 and $8.00 and for the immediate release of all that usually the hostages held by him us . secondly, we will support it by the state nation. i look forward to in the reform processing, the city by its new government, the palestine of 42. so we are partnered for peace need. we need all of our support . and finally, we will continue to foster corporation with our,
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our partners who are working and committed stores, peace and prosperity in the region. we will continue working with them with the name of convenient, i'm sure national peace conference to implemented to a state solution. all correspondents are tracking the story for us across europe and the middle east, where i live in dublin garza and bethlehem in the occupied west bank. but 1st let's speak to pull brandon. he's been following things for us in madrid for a strong statement this morning from sanchez, and he has a just other countries to do the same. a and a, this is the climax. all is not just days and weeks, but months and years of diplomatic pressure. both by the palestinians working with europeans, but also spain and no way on the island seeking to persuade other european countries to follow the valley in recognising a palestinian states. now that's pressure from the 3 that i have declaring today,
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hasn't borne fruit yet, but we know that other countries are at least considering following, since the spanish and irish and the know regions felt that they simply couldn't wait any longer. it was interesting to hear petra sanchez talk about the council of ministers about this meeting right now. we'll here does a news conference plan to 12 local up to 10 g m t with the foreign minister who will come out. and i'm confirmed that the council of ministers has a fully authorized the recognition of the state of palestine. and i think the other thing that petra sanchez was opinions to say in his statement that he gave in the policy over my shoulder early this morning. that was it, this isn't against israel, or indeed any particular states, old or body in this, this is pro peace that he was directly rejecting israel allegations. israel reports of that to recognize the pilot space palestinian stages somehow and to submit to go
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empty israel. no, said petras such as that is simply not the case as far as he is concerned, as far as the spanish government is concerned. recognizing the state of palestine is the best way of pushing forward because of piece. i think the other thing that he sold was about historical justice, which we mentioned in the, somebody that you've just played at the style of it. i mean, also was a page to say that everything that has been agreed by the 3 countries today is in line with multiple un resolutions and resolutions that have been adopted by the european union as well, by no means of spain items and no way alone in the world on this whole ben in the following whole days developments for us in the spanish capital and for us this morning. thank you pool. well, let's go to the irish capital and speak to the knox. he joins us now from dublin. the island was the fast you men the to cool for palestinian statehood back in 1983
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. we think this has been a really long time coming. it has indeed, clearly today is a momentous moment for the irish government as the t shirt, the prime minister has made the head of a cabinet meeting that's ongoing at the moment, not meeting, we'll give legal affects to this decision that was announced last week and just the head of the meeting, the t shirts, department as a simon harris on certain questions about whether all and had the punch in power the united states has when it comes to this issue. he acknowledged it all and may not, but your it does. and he said, quotes, europe could be during the head of a lot more, and europe needs to do a lot more in relation to this. this is just a few moments ago. off to that meeting, the embassies will offend, see be official, lives by fear in dublin and ramada, upgrading the domestic relations between the 2 countries. then also be a flag flying above the irish government buildings a in thought that we had a chance to,
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to people yesterday in the irish capital about the activism thinking that is involved on this issue and campaign is said, but it's been that right. so i have a recent months of news lead to this point because we want to kill bain and spend the past 16 days on the sing. kempland university critics. dublin, she and fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. through of the noisy protests. we're occupying a building the university close, i just private joining close on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard. at the irish capitals of a major college trinity. students of over the pressured university of authorities and divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin
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since october of heavily should a fraud of public and political perceptions. 2 debates about israel's actions in gaza have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum of homeless university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman if he is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says, such action is long overdue. just a higher has continued to unfold. instruction of hospitals, the coming of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure on the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing ahead of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main franks for art in the recognition should go to ordinary people. it's ordinary people by their attitudes,
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by their mobilizing, by their protesting by their incontinence that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about kind of sending and resistance. but for the campaign as a university college learning from the own faculty about and tell us and in history, they now one more than me, it was, i think, institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle. but do very level to materially support thoughts and access is going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with about his assignee, fletcher's and stuffy. so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day and say that countries stones should simply support a better future filaments. how does a to dublin as well? that's got the view now from the ground in the gaza strip and speak. talk
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correspondence, honeywell once he's in darrow, by that and central garza, honey, we, we thing on 3 western european countries have recognized a palestinian state today. that's very statement significant, but i'm wondering how people that are thinking of this. do they feel it will make any difference at all on the ground? well as of this moment we can safely say that whatever people were concerned about at the earlier hours when we spotted in, we heard the reaction is becoming actually true. because at the moment of repaired preparing for this report, we received confirmation of israeli ties pushing deeper into the center part of robust city of from all of the 3 axes that the, from the law headed from the law had been rode the days for and part of from the philadelphia corps, adored the southern part of the state, and from the northern part and what seems to be a new, a push for the the remaining part of the city are the only, uh,
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operation out of hospitals that within the past hours went out of service that the equity hospital, the only remaining facilities are now are the field hospital. that's what people were frustrated about. that almost anything at the international level is met with public defiance by this very government, by the military, on the ground and occupying forces, a surgeon the tots across all the across from, by city on the expensive operations, but also across the central area of millions. i write a few comments up north and where and, and our product value is you can at the northern cities bit loud. yeah. and the tunnel and for the vast majority of people a, the, the, the, the recognition of the state of palestine is symbolic. right now, as long as nothing on the ground, is it changing the the priority right now is in the genocide, the oxygen and they told the practices are leading through this rapid mass going of how a city and people who are concerned about of the daily struggle here either clearing a line for basic necessities like water, food and medical supplies. one
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a one thing right now, and that is the end of this madness and into the rapids killing of their family members in their residential home. or as it happened recently in and evacuation zone that has been designated as a safe zone for this place. families off their group particular group of people who are very invested at very involved with palestinian culture and how this thing and her there's had this to say when we talked a good artist about how the views are to a further uh, the progress the cause of palestinians the, these paintings made a lot to me as a defender of the palestinian cause. i feel proud because being from gaza conveying to the outside world the extent of the destruction,
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migration and displacement. we're in, during, i'm showing the outside walls, the extent of the suffering we are living in the ghost of strep when i paint about the policy and cause i feel immense pride. we have fighting for our quotes regardless of these radio occupation that is trying to erase that cause. and as of people of garza, we have resilience and optimistic. she's screaming and cooling, just somebody to help her against the blockade impose bias room. no, it's not that. so i can, i'm a cool this painting to pick a broken diamond these, right? it's believe they'll take control box at the top of the painting. i use screen, which represents a glib of herb to the will will. and that's why the name erica. and then after that, as long as an extra, as an artist from guys is injuring the same suffering that everybody is going to into strip. i'm trying to convey the emotions within me and the life i'm living and
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does the whole pain and the despair that i'm feeling these, these people from guys are very proud. we are attached to orlando. yes, we have suffered immensely, but we remain steadfast. i have created several paintings that convey the suffering, but no matter how much i draw, it was never convey the whole picture of the actual scenes and the pain are so much bigger and have taken over us. every day we witnessed massacres and bloody scenes. i tried to express all these feelings on the walls and i tried to paint everywhere i go to my last funeral was one of defiance. i drew the map of palestine and then attempt to convey the extent of our attachment to our cause. well, let's get the view now from the occupied westbank and we can speak to a correspondent that needed abraham. she's invest the have need to talk us through how the news of the recognition that has been received today. a wireless as it is and all those they under israel's, me the city of your patients. yes. the check points are still there. the big it is
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really supplements as well. the confiscation of palestinian lands continues here, but it has been a feeling of the world is paying attention to us amongst the students they were telling us in the past few days, this decision was announced that they feel that the world is fine. they need trying to fresher as real, to stop it's violations against palestinians. they believe that the war with some sort of an eye opener to the nations of the world, to pay attention to the injustice happening against palestinians for decades and decades. and it's still continuing. so they believe that now is the time for more countries to show support for palestine. and indeed we've heard the palestinian prime minister. how much most of us speaking to a saudi newspaper article, also saying that he believes the more your fee in countries at least 5 will be recognizing palace sign in the near future. so we're talking about the wave of
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recognition that hope to be, you know, to come to fruition as far as the palestinians are concerned. that in these we've been seeing the only the support for processing is the solidarity movement around the world. who has been seeing a search in the sales of palestinian icons when we talk about the palestinian coffee. yet when we talk about palestinian artisans making coast, there is making the map of paula side, the key that resembles the rights of returned to refugees. and for these arts, this person is a remix, because it's a very important and very old profession here in palestine. they say that they believe that the world is dangerous to share or to sell, to buy those how the city and artisans work to show their support for palestine. the thompson, the fellow sidney,
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a drugs these fun. and some of some was open to the head of my metal and fall asleep. one of them, uh, how did your little sleeve animals who the and when that, that is he and he thought of it and it was due to the front of the head of a smaller. but you have a clue that i'm sure he follows the issue out of the and so i know and, but i still interested in it before i headed for the full amount of some of the issues that we use to the on the miss. now him a d is now he and has a piece of i issue the whole sort of lean sort of to nashville and how it can shut you know, into the middle and have a fee on it. and as well as on a jet and most of the g to set up a lot of in the hands. it's amazon. uh, best of a needs. where do most of the this is, i'm a product and i'll be bothers and help with i. michelle michelle. michelle: it show, but i'm a, i'm on the left something. what is this the kind of do what i thought of, you know,
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of course, right? and some of this will come out and come in and come in. i'll see you through the musical format, say all of this to that in mind. in fact, i do want to shop what's your most, what would the study hold on? let me show you them and tell me that some of them are still not going to jump up at them. butterfly, either on a. well, here's a sample of what people in the occupied west 9th tolls out 0 about what the recognition of the state of palestine means to them about this will help us get rid of all the problems we are going through. we will have our independence phase and we will be able to live in safety without all the problems that have been plaguing us. things will be more prosperous and the situation in the region will improve. everyone will be relieved. the following, it'll be a cause was not being discussed for very long time and nobody was talking about the political rights of palestinian people. this year there has been a noticeable change in the vision and policy of several governments that did not believe in the palace thing and people's right to self determination. when back
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with the ac in the, in the shop of the palestinian people have the right just like any other people in the world have their own independent state that is recognized by other countries concerned with jerusalem as a couple 2nd opinion, respect your country and the pull the palestinian coles and antonio and then and then it gives us hope, hope that the board has not forgotten about us. additionally, protestant is not just an occupied country. protestant is a global cause of a clean list. that as a reminder, you are watching out a 0. let's remind you about the top of the story is the south and the historic move . 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state. the decision by island new way and same effects, the growing cause for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year contract and an end. israel's occupation. spanish prime minister pictures sanchez's recognizing palestine is a mass of historical justice. and the only way to peace is also called for an
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international conference to discuss how to implement the 2 states links the, let's show you what's happening on the ground. meanwhile, in the gaza strip, in defiance of a ruling by the u. n's top course and growing international condemnation. israel is escalating its attacks on rafa and southern gaza on sunday from 10 can, can at least 45 to space palestinians situate hospitalized way. and most of the victims of that attack on sunday night were taking the direct has now announced the close of that facility on monday. so i think security concerns of to and is really attack just outside the gates of the hospital to medical stuff were killed. witnesses right, the victims were hit by finance. i mean is really at croft, the injured has been taken to field hospitals now for treatment. well, dr. muhammed to here is an orthopedic surgeon from london. he's now just returned
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to the u. k. off to volunteering in rafa with the child degree of funds of scientific, he told us about the conditions he experienced by when i was in was i was a, i was based at the european garza hospital and many a night when we would see and here the strikes and rough uh we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital, and at times they was simply overwhelmed. but they wouldn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the pain goes hospital. so the, the co 18 hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are all saw in an in sylvia danger. they are lacking access to critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that the tell us will done is not an area as far as i know
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that has been evacuated, according to the colleagues that i have the and they are experiencing. the alternative strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on this is, these are the top. does these all my colleagues when the 16 palestinians have been killed in rough up since the early hours of tuesday? and as strike on a house in the southern city killed 7 people in india and several others again, including children. the targeted air is full of displays, palestinians living in 10, some temporary shelton's is. randy forces have kills more than $36000.00 palestinians since october. the 2nd the, the government and tell them you get a says it's evacuating about 8000 people from the north and angle province. because of the threats of moorland slides. the new satellite images through the scale of
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friday's disaster and not and rocks swept through the remote gm valley village, debris. it now covers one that code on the radius as you see that around the mountain. and it's a piece of international help. the government said as many as 2000 people may have been buried alive, rein blocked roads, and the lack of heavy machinery or hunt bring recovery operations. jessica washington level. the days after landside buried, the village and bits of this community is hoping you can use in the province of despairing, make up the have 18 members of my family, buried under the debris and sold. i'm standing on. i'm more family members in the village. i cannot count how many to months. i'd hate the remote mountainous area at around 3 am on friday, destroying homes and phones. authorities say it is too soon to say how many people died in front of the main highway is blocked, delaying the arrival of emergency crews and heavy machinery to be people have been trying to recover their loved ones from underneath the soil by using
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digging 6 states large culture for whatever means that they have volunteers are digging through the rubble using gotten tools for each from a local media channel shows devices confused and exhausted. taking in the extent of the destruction, it's unclear how many people were living here. the last official census was 24 years ago, but it's estimated to be a few 1000, a complicating recovery efforts, water flowing under the debris, causing rocks to shift. and the tribal violence in, in the province. international assistance is on its way with a croft and equipment coming from australia. we have actually provided assistance in getting officials from the disaster response center to uh, the price of the, the incident either the cost of the weekend. we'll continue to work very closely
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with the puffing, you can and cabinet. and the united nations says it's teams are on the ground, helping authorities to help temporary shelters, and distribute food and water. some survivors have shared their stories with local media. one couple trapped in the destroyed home for more than 8 hours of to bones is tumbled down the hillside onto the village, so they feared they would be crushed. death did the miracle they sufficed. jessica washington to 0. mustang and puff and you get in the prime minister james morabe is likely to face a new confidence foot opposition policy. members of nominated a form of finance minister ryan, both heights as of as an alternative prime minister place or was among a group of 18 ministers who defected from their office. ponti do canyon without trace of soldiers and khaki of all backlink day and night to repel a russian advances in that northeast and region. ministry officials say defenses
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around you can 2nd largest city on the thread. present is what it means. lensky says the army has filed several attacks over the past week and remains in control of the area. and so i forget the 2nd day of special various things on the way ahead of general elections there on wednesday election stuff visiting more than 600000 times to collect pilots from those who can't physically make a to upholding station the governing african national congress risks losing its majority in parliament for the 1st time and 3 decades. major vote to issues include unemployment, poverty and rolling electricity costs. one young man told us about his own concerns . hey guys, my name is the under to this. i am a young side african by the age of 21. and i live in dublin. my grandfather used to talk about the n c and stuff like that. it was amazing. you know, stuff and it sounds like it sounds like you're, you're voting for freedom and voting for change,
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immediate change not pay me as late or something. i mean, you can always call me especially i've been doing odd since so so, so it's a small child. it's, it's, it's okay, you know, but it gets complicated when you really gotta make any income moment. it's almost like the moment i leave the house. but at the moment i leave my own to go look for walk. it's like i would need to have the thought, the line in my mind is as much as i closing. so where do i go to? why are we in school? why are we? why are we passing? smith? university is exactly the same thing. you get graduates, they don't have any job opportunities and that's, that's insane because you have a degree in and something you do. if you enjoyed studying, i don't understand what the government expects. normal people like us and doing the situations mean like we, on a minimum wage, if they expect us to sustain our life style and not become like, you know, in a, in a situation where we can actually afford to, to trace our dreams. man. because every youngest out this dreams and i can,
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i can probably say, i have 3 people, it is one jobs. and that's really, that's the only thing that's been talking to jobs. they just one know there's one to get employed by way of this came from about it. they know it's as much as things uh, uh, no way it is as much as things are we, we have, we have what all is the and as you know, we have what we have. we have a voice, but it's how we use the voice o side kind. ronald has killed at least 23 people now across bangladesh and india. flooding and winds of up to a 135 kilometers. brown have destroyed, move them 35000 times. with ours, you just have moved some 800000 people to safety in bangladesh. and more than 20000000 homes that will so without power and neighboring india, a 150000 people have been moved to shelters, and schools remain closed with ours, you say the heavy rain has now killed that teen people in a stone quarry collapse outside the capital of india's missouri in the state rescue
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is on the scene and still searching for another 16 people or 2 children from the same family are long 21 people killed in storms across the central united states. tornadoes and heavy rain had texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky unofficial reports as the unofficial starts of someone in the us marked by devastation across hundreds of kilometer, substantial buildings, toner parked in seconds by tornadoes. if this is what could happen to bricks and mortar, mobile homes stood level chance. we felt that hit the house and just felt it started sucking air out through the through the walls and windows. heard the roof go. i started worrying about my brain.


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