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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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not joining the people's defense schools, instead of being conscripted by the military. these volunteers pang and sweat, then the hardship to that belief in a democratic future. i believe for which they say they're prepared to lay down their lives. the, the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as they just copied the historic steps of palestinian self determination, spain island and new way, or formerly recognize the state of palestine. hello there understands the attain. this is audra 0 life from the also coming. the biggest hospital in southern gauze shuts down sizing, security risk officer, and is really as tried,
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kills to medics edits from case. meanwhile in the knolls, palestinians are forced to flee for the lives of the is where the troops opened. funny and refugee and all the new subs in recovery operations are still on the way and pop in your guinea. the government says it's about raising about 8000 people, fearing more gland signs the a. welcome back to all special coverage here on out to 0 way as of tuesday, may the 28th no way island and spain of all formerly recognized palestine as a state. it's a historic move affecting the growing cause for a peaceful resolution to the $76.00, the conflict on an end to israel's occupation. it also resets the palestinian peoples right to self determination. now more than 7 months into israel's devastating war on,
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on the course of voices denouncing the violence and impunity is growing, louder is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is increasingly isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the wells top quotes with accusations of genocide and war crimes. no way spain an island are in good company. most of a lot of supports palestinian statehood more than a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize that i'm a meant them to is building sylvania and also i have also said they're considering formal recognition and even more countries could also follow suit or spanish prime minister. petra sanchez says, the decision to recognize palestine is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish times. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the him. i don't know if he started congest this with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine. people,
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but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of a state to state that quick seest alongside the state of police well in peace and security correspondence on tracking the story for us across europe. and then at least why live in gaza a non from dublin and also but 1st let's speak to pull brandon, he's in the spanish capital madrid for his we've been saying very strong statement this morning from sanchez. he is also judging and has been for some time doing all this to do the same. the indeed, the spanish and the allies hope that by declaring a state hood for palestine, they hope the other european countries will really consider long and hard whether it's time to perhaps divorce themselves a little bit from the united states and actually come out and declare palestine
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statehood themselves that have been intense diplomatic entreaties for the last several months apart from the palestinians towards you european countries, but also from the spanish, the norwegian, on the irish to the european colleagues in the hope of building a bigger consensus. this points inside that wasn't possible. so the 3 of them is i've decided to come out and make this announcement today, this historic momentous announcement. but make no mistake. the pressure is building on other european countries in order to come to the decision to declare a state has for palestine. indeed, the scottish national party, for example, have written to the british prime minister today, judging him to reconsider the the case position on this. and it was very important from the federal sanchez's position to reiterate, but this is not against israel. this is also state against israel. this is full piece. it's a position has been reiterated in a news conference that is just still under way inside the building behind me with
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the following a minister as well as i remember all about us. and he's talking about this. the one aim of this is to help is riley's on the palestinians, a cheap piece, and they've strongly believe that statehood is going to put the 2 state solution very family back on the table and make it a lot more concrete as a, as a prospective reality. preventing the following developments for us from the spanish capital in the grid today. thank you very much for well, let's go to step boss and she joins us from the norwegian capital. also, given that we're talking about peace processes that tell us about what they cooling, isaac, also to point to on the also to find out that's exactly how, how the government calls this. so this quite important shift that it has made after 31 years. so since the lower courts were assigned, they were broke is here and also in secret. so between the p l. o. to publish the palestine liberation organization of us are 5 and it's for 80 officials. and then
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they were late to sign in washington witnessed by bill clinton. but we know now free that case later that the at that time when there was this decision to recognize palestine as a state, as a result of this. so this p 0, this, this has never happened so no way as now decided also after a lot of domestic pressure to that, it's not gonna waste any longer. and it's also it's kind of increasingly frustrated by israel. so reluctance to accept the 2 state solution has now decided that they gonna recognize palestine unilaterally. and that this is the only way now to go to p. so it's basically a turnaround from the earlier idea that you need a peace deal 1st and then an independent state. they say, now we do, indeed we want to independent state of palestine for us. and then this will lead to peace. i said this is the only a way to lead to peace because a minutes for a solution is absolutely the out of the question and won't work step off in the
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following developments for us and then the wage and capital also. thank you very much. that when i go to the fed country, recognizing palestine as a state today and speak to the knox, he joins us now from dublin. vellum. this has been a long time coming for island. took us through what's been happening there in dublin this morning. well just the last couple of as the irish department assignment jairus and his cabinet have been meeting to essentially give formal legal effect to this decision. they fuss amounts last week ahead of cabinet meeting, simon harris leticia of apartments. so thoughts about this is an impulse, and i'm sorry, say he said that he hope that this would encourage others to follow orleans lead and said quotes your can be during the head of a lot more both in terms of supporting kind of sit in rights. but also in terms of trying to bring an end to the violence in gaza, we had a chance yesterday to talk to some of those involved in the activism in on and
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trying to push forward that cease fire. the campaign, as we spoke to told us that that rocks and they believe that help lead to this moment is riley does waive the kill bain has been the past 16 days on the st. kempland university college, dublin she and the fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. through of the noisy protests. we're occupying a building the university close, i just private joining close on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capital of a major college trinity. students of already pressured university with our seasons divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin
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since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions. 2 debates about israel, vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum of almost university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman if he is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says, such action is long overdue. just the higher has continued to unfold. structure of hospitals, the coming of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure on the movement that harland is having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing ahead of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main franks for art in the recognition should go to ordinary people, its ordinary people by their attitudes,
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by their mobilizing, by their protest thing, by their announcement that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about the kind of sending and resistance that for the campaign as a university college, as learning from the own faculty about and tell us in history, they now want more than me words. i think institutions across this island like to rhetorically, support the public sending people and they struggle, but do very level to materially support thoughts and access is going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with about his assigned his doctors and stuff the session, an airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day, and say that countries stones should simply support a better future filaments. how does a to dublin? let's get the view from the gaza strip now and speak to our correspondent on the ground that honey my foot. he joins us not from daryl bella in central garza honey
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. how have people there and gaza thinking of this? i know you've expressed quite a lot of anxiety about what's going to happen in the optimal. what kind of a difference might this make on the ground? the this was all was mid day in gauze on people's yes uh we see in here at the corner of the hospital within the past half an hour, people are busy here with their dentist. try go either coming to the hospital or checking on, remaining family members. those will be critically injured or performing prayers over those who have been lost in this, in the latest attacks across the central area. whether it will say that cap or the bridge refugee caps, if people are busy with the, with these difficult conditions, are created by the intense bombing campaign of busy getting their necessities throughout the day is whether it's water, food, or medical supplies. they don't have the time they don't hold. and i also have a,
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the accessibility to the internet. there is no adults a blackout do no more. the only knew about what's going on because we talked to them about it. they've pretty much off the grid for the past few days that would do internet with no electricity. the concentration is more on the daily dated the struggle that they have, making sure the family remaining family members are okay. but when we talk to him and explain what's going on, there is mixed messages here. there's hope that this is an important step. it's going hopefully to lead to a form of that. i called a sion of force that will eventually pressure. i put the pressure on his relative in this genocide the were across the gauze, us through that and hopefully into the the brutality of the, the, the, the aggression and the fighting and drop off city. but also at the same time, the thing this is not going to change anything on the ground is more of a symbolic decision by these companies. because as long as is really very continues to strike across this trip to continue to block it. they enter video monitoring and
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it's because you do the feel of garza and cutting it off from the remaining parts of the world. and one person pointing out same solutions are taking place in the occupied with the fact that there is one group of people here that as well invested will involve would be our city of culture. well, if you didn't heritage, as they talked of the use ours as a way to further the palestinian cause, this is would be top to say about how hard is being used to further the palestinian cause. the these paintings made a lot to me as a defender of the palestinian cause. i feel proud because being from gaza, i'm conveying to the outside world, the extent of the destruction, migration and displacement. we're in, during, i'm showing the outside was the extent of the suffering we are living in the ghost of strep when i paint about the policy and cause i feel immense pride.
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we have fighting for our cause regardless of these radio occupation that is trying to erase that cause. and as of people have gone, so we have resilient and optimistic she's screaming and cooling, just somebody to help her against the blockade imposed by, as well as the know have something in that that. so i can, i'm gonna put this painting to pick a broken diamond these, right? it's believe they'll take control box at the top of the painting i use screen, which represents a glimmer of hope to the will will. and that's why the, i'm not. and then after that, as long as an artist from dozens is injuring the same suffering that everybody is going through in the strip, i'm trying to convey the emotions within me and the life i'm moving and goes on the wholesome pain and the despair that i'm feeling these, these people from guys are very proud. we are attached to orlando. yes,
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we have suffered immensely, but we remain steadfast. i have created several paintings that convey the sufferings, but no matter how much i draw, it was never convey the whole picture of the actual scenes and the pain are so much bigger and have taken over us. every day we witness massacres and bloody scenes. i tried to express all these feelings on the walls and i tried to paint everywhere i go to my last year old was one of defiance. i drew the mouth of palestine in his attempt to complete the extent of our attachment to our cause. as always spoke to palestinians, and garza, and many a welcoming this decision by spain away an island. they say it's long overdue and i hope whole countries will support that cool for recognition. well, you have the super, we think in the countries that's recognized palestine as a state, no doubt. so this provides most support to our calls. this is our homeland israel is an occupation for the month. we hope all the countries will follow them. this
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will provide diplomatic assistance to our quotes from the how to move in the right direction. this will bring more pressure on this round will help the remaining well it states would recognize the palace time as a state to add that off and the good news. yeah, it did. this recognition comes after a long history of struggle resistance and steadfastness by the palestinian people. these countries reminders that although we have been failed by many, the remain voices of conscience and truth in this world. we feel we are not so low, no struggle for freedom and independence of the can kinda. we hope that all the 27 european states will do the same. it means more pressure on israel and the united states also more support to us to meet you in. the could also reduce israel's crimes against our people. and one day we could bring these release to justice. we're certain we will restore all our law for rights. head that is what the mission
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of who we are very proud of this move and hope all the countries in the world were recognize our post city and state because simply we are the rightful owners. in the past, when i said i'm palestinian europeans would ask, where is this country now the whole world knows our cause and is supporting us. he well knew that abraham is in bethlehem, westfield true in the occupied westbank with little palestinian reaction from the as a scene here amongst palestinians is a success to this solid verity movement with palestine that we've been seeing it intensify since the war started. they believed that if it wasn't for the public pressure for the students, for the demonstrators who is chatting slogans in support of the policy and is this step with a not have been made? they believe here that the, the war has been, we in are open it for the, it's a national world to see what's happening in terms of injustice against palestinians
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here, the, okay, 5 percent. but also mainly in the b c's, cause us to now when it comes to the palestinian authority, they've gladly welcome the step saying that it's, you know, we'll move countries will follow suit. we've heard this morning from the palestinian prime minister saying that at least 4 countries from europe, well recognized how to sign soon. thing other non european countries there being is discussing this issue with the palestinians to also recognize palestine. as a says, yes, the palestinian authority says that the news that israel would be creating it is a very difficult estimate. fear for them to continue. we've already been hearing about restrictions when it comes to this scene and spot a sick consulate, giving these as the palestinians wishing to travel to say. but indeed the feeling here among palestinians and officials is, is that this is a success. this is the moment that they sit all built on, you know,
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one of the interesting faces we've seen a palestinian seeing hopeful about this. this is a place that has been rated by these really forces they and, and they as with mass of destruction, to the infrastructure. we're still amongst all of the killing destruction in pain. you see palestinian. ours is saying that that a way of resistance is being a resilience us and we met one our system. how much said a, be full with never. there's an is really read the end. he goes and he throws the only digital for one another home became window one of the soon the some of the hands of all of us and i shot it fine outside of the bad didn't see i'm always open to. i've seen that . yeah, the bad luck. a simple body. yeah, yeah. and put on the move, but let me, i didn't list the value and keep it up for cutting the simple well into the launch
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. it'd be 20 minutes. so back, move it to just off of hand because the due process, i know so it has time and then also as well for the most with the $550.00 normally i know how i'm that i'm the walk, i guess let me run. i'm it is a i had on before noon and missed the others. didn't know enough that i'm going to live without them commit to the work, the leak. i'm just here to feed them in that that, that if it is funny i'm, if in atlanta i'm, if in then not a we need be i need blood when me the most of my own, but i'm in the, in the couldn't do a lot of them will do it or me being that the i but if on the, in the, off of the allotment for really so i mean in kennesaw you need to do, i just thought of that and then is that better for what all of in, in know how the and the stream, can you tell me the thing in philosophy in here with john? yeah, it'd be for the student that he la coming can share the some how for us the local and the i'm a little less and the one that can agenda. but by doing that will do anybody
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a well, here's a sample of what people in the occupied westbank told down to 0 about what the recognition of the state of palestine means to them. the. this will help us get rid of all the problems who are going through. we will have our independent states and we will be able to live in safety without all the problems that have been plaguing us. things will be more prosperous and the situation in the region will improve. everyone will be released. the following. it'll probably cause was not being discussed for very long time and nobody was talking about the political rights of palestinian people. this year there has been a noticeable change in the vision and policy of several governments that did not believe in the policy and people's right to self determination with the innovation . the initial, the palestinian people have the right just like any other people in the world have their own independence. they, that is recognized by other countries. consider the jerusalem as at the top of the section. i respect your country and cut down to pull the palestinian coals and antonio and then i think that and then it gives us hope hope that the world has not
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forgotten about us. additionally protestant, it's not just an occupied country. palestine is a global cause. clean all costs on an inbound call and joins us now from a mom. the go daddy and capital. and my son bob's unsurprising pushback from israel, including i see punishing palestinians for this move by 3 european countries. that's absolutely right. israel a is a fighting back and he's fighting back mainly through the pharmacy. straighten the foreign minister is wrote caps now in the media. often most of the announcement is roll record. it's a record is in boxes to those 3 countries. event of the irish and then the region and the spanish and box of this, the israel for a meeting, i thought meeting it showed them a propaganda video, as they said, showed the horrors of the attack by a mass on october 7th. many people have said that that is a complete break with
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a diplomatic note has been on the 27th of bye. he issued a statement this morning. he said, i instructed the mister front of his to send a diplomatic note to the spanish. i'm seeing his ro, prohibiting the spanish consulate in jerusalem from conducting consul activities, or providing counseling services to residents of the palestinian authority. we will not remain silent in the face of a government or rewards terra and whose lead has any actually names of the spanish prime minister and the labor minister to john to be anti semitic slogan from the river, tennessee. palestine will be free. he goes on say, those who reward him as an attempt to establish a power steering entire estate will have no contact with the palestinians. expect them to follow suit with it, the legions and with the irish in a similar fashion. but what's really interesting about all of this is nothing has come out today. it's about just before 230 in israel, and no official announcements have been made regarding the recognition and the fact
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that this is actually a historic day for the palestinians. i'm probably not a day at these right, least expected to see coming any time soon and wrong on that are forcing for us today from the today in capital a non remind the benjamin as now who's cabinets has bind delta 0. so we are approaching from outside israel. thank i spoke to alon pop a, he is in his really historian and a former politician. he says, the recognition of palestine is a symbolic act for now. i don't think we'll see any lead. it didn't place on the ground. i mean, let's, let's remember what's going on in the ground. the genocide, the policy is continuing to has that and the effects on the people in the west but continue and that declaration would not stop these really actions. and so the people in of us in the west bank, i don't think this is news that harold a change in the reality. however, in the long run, together with the i c, g ruling together with the i to see really the moves in the security council. all
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these symbolic and the symbolic exit at this moment in time. when i think lead to asylum or in both in the outcome in the future, which is to isolate is room and to recognize ballast. i know in its current. ready is because we don't know exactly what the car in boulders of the state of palestine is are. but in recognizing that the publicity is of. ready the punish dinings there, and that they are on the coast that under constant attack. and the, the only way of moving forward is so the colonization and the end of the disposition of the other students. and i think this is where the, the importance of these declaration that a lot of people in the diaspora also welcoming the seemingly growing the men attempt to recognize palestine as an independent state. we spoke to a palestinian refugee living and 7 on this is her story and her and once
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a honda and i land last year saw the nice thing that i would need to work on a uh, allow me last 7 full of cn. uh and it has shuttle mental out of and i'm the, i'm and it could be the law. would they add up something? well that long to say of the bags and lots of stuff on the left. some of the sort of funny it is out of the matter because the items. so while i'm at this. sure. so now i'm just my on the house on little bit and a half. it'll be a want us to set the lie, let me and will be in the hey, a kid the until the senior and my beautiful. yeah, and i'm sure if it was, i'll head off with the one and then it'll be additional and the school and, and also that you can call somebody put that on the head. i had the addition, i am a nano at this thought of 5. this thought ends away with a full feel of the full us any gun at that off in atlanta. i mean, it's funny. i mean, that was for the, for the sleigh, and uh, okay, the, she and of the only be as is in the shadow a unit the for the see you. while if it could,
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i'm just best and let me. so when let us add on a visual from a visual from a problem like 4551, i'm 60 and been signing the bod, satisfied me sort. and that way, we'll set it in the history and see what's on the editor and have to have that in had enough data on the, on a more funny. i love a southern, i'm the one it was done on with on. if miss mondanca for the city of the shut that in your phone, my hand and one other thing, i'm an issue my on the, on the some of the initial full move of fluid a s. i'm with mitchell still the the yeah. but not in the middle, i'm pulling down to see it the upon them. i'm just refresh the screen. and show us scanning the other. you need to move. i hey michelle. i had went up a year and sun when the yacht and system and, and like one on visual for own and what have the has to bed sizes actually on
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a bus? no, there's a lot and there's and that one is the, the most of them is the woman own, the, it's not a huge and most of so a lot a still a head for your hair analysis. they are a potential political shakeup in south africa. we look at the challenges facing the governing african national congress as 28000000 south africans get ready to the the hey, welcome to your world whether update. so it is a quite or a picture for japan. great to see it by the way, all that weather now over the northwest specific we did have landside alerts across han shoes and cocoa and q issue, but now quite to her picture on wednesday, looking good for the eastern side of china, 28 degrees. here's our typo in looking to stay just to the east of japan here. so when you go island,
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but it is kicking back rain through taiwan and right across the south china sea that's clipping some of southern shyness and storms. not too far away from hong kong. very windy pitcher in the middle leaves. so here we are in port there, and saudi arabia send in that storms here. just a wall, a blanket of sand coming out you their pocket lifted, clicking seen as well, orange skies there, and disability. in some cases you're neil in this area. so when really the big story as we'd expect at this time of year we go into the golf for a closer look. up and down the golf. here we'll see those winds. you'll feel it. a sting with the wind gusts seem to about 50 kilometers per hour, quite hot as well, and other places it's been hot, is boxed on temperatures closing in on 50 degrees. same for the other side, border in northwest india. and then there was intense rain start to peter out across the far north, east of india butts. were now funneling in humidity for bunker dash on wednesday. the, the
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so we news of eunice goes world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. one of the recipients out his ears, guys a bureau chief, why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian journalist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bones before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to are specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable.


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