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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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and so we news of eunice goes, world press freedom prize, were announced a collective award honoring the palestinian journalist covering the war on gaza. when does the recipients out his ears, guys, a bureau chief, why i sent a message of appreciation. he says palestinian journalist and guys i need justice and protection. his wife, children, and other relatives were killed by his really bones before he himself was nearly killed. at least 143 media workers and journalist have been killed in gaza in nearly 7 months of war. this use wordpress freedom conference also focused specifically on the dangers faced by journalist covering the environment. the number of attacks against the journal this to us specifically covering the environment has risen 42 percent in the last 5 years. the best and to build experts say is for those who attack facts and silence journalists to be held accountable.
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the . the matcher watching on to 0. let's remind you about top stories here. the sound and a historical move. 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state that decision by islands nowhere and spain reflects the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year contract. and an end, as well as occupation spanish prime minister petro sanchez's, recognizing how the sign is and method of historical justice. and the only route to piece is also called for an international kind of is to discuss how to implement
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the 2 states. so what does this mean practically speaking, fit 3 major european nations to recognize palestinian statehood means close to diplomatic tie isn't ireland says it will transform its different mastic office into an embassy, for instance. as of now, a handful of european countries recognized palestine is the stage island no way in spain say they will recognize pre 1967 borders and support to richmond as the capital of israel and palestine listing and say occupied easterwood and should be the capital of its future states. israel has not defined its borders, but it's occupying palestinian land, expanding illegal settlements and allowing such a land grabs. the current map of control divides palestine as you see that into homeland. most of africa hasn't managed as a leading support that the palestinian cause, choosing his way of carrying out genocide and gaza. it's been pushing at the international court of justice to issue even tougher measures against israel. let's
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get the view now from johannesburg and mike. hannah joins us from the like the amc has always had close relations with the piano and it's been like an in the ongoing is really occupation to a modern day. apologies a yes it has. and this is one of the reasons why the south african government has welcome the latest moves in terms of recognition of palestine. there's a historical perspective here, the palestine liberation organization. the p a low risk by z a n c, and supported it in that special against the pa take at a time when many other organizations and indeed countries did not. this also within the south african government and in the country at large, a wide perception of and equivalence between the palestine struggle against israel and the south african battle against a pa, tate. so that gives a recognition of some full of equivalence in terms of the struggle against the pont aid and palestine struggle today. and there's also
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a wider global perspective in terms of which a south africa sees at the israel's war in gaza, along with israel's action against palestinians as a threat to international stability. it's also a constitutional issue within south africa because the south african constitution specifies equal rights full and the justice menaced as well made a very clear point to me when i spoke to him a few days ago and running a low list said that this issue in the end is quite simple. we cannot be we, unless kind of style is free. so it's a multi layered position by the south african government in terms of what is happening in recognition of palestine. unlike canada, with a view for us from the south africa's being just from japan, his bag. thank you, mike. off a month now, how to study and that's all the data. she protests had been held around the world in the united states demonstrations gathered in new york on monday to rally against
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israel's war on gosh, a number of people as you see that also arrested her test as, according for more international pressure on israel and say palestinian resistance again, is really occupation is justifying. it will so criticized us to port for the will see that demonstrations also took to the streets in the tennessee and capital said they've denounced west and support is rather knowledge and not in an immediate end to the will cause of also quote for the opening of lines crossing to allow more humanitarian aid into gaza. now the form ahead of israel's intelligence agency is accused of threatening the former chief prosecution of the international criminal court. and that's according to a report by the guardian newspaper. it says the former law son chief, you'll see colon pressure files. you've been suited to drop for crimes investigations into israel con report. and they told her you should just take care
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of you. you don't want to be getting into things that could compromise your secure seat or that of your family. the paper also says the current i, c. c, chief prosecutor, to him con, has been subjected to several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influenced his activities. in defiance of a ruling by the un stop court and growing international condemnation. israel continues to escalate its attacks on rafa. and southern gaza on sundays bombed attend to camp. they're killing at least 45 just based palestinians between 8 hospital is when most of the victims of that attack on sunday night for taking the direct to announce the close of that facility on monday. so i think security concerns often is really attached just outside the gates of the hospitals to medical staff for kills witnesses a, the victims were hit by fire from it is really a across the injured hasn't taken to field hospitals now treatment. and since the early hours of tuesday, at least 16 palestinians have been killed in rafa. and as strike on
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a house killed 7 people then injured several others again, including children. the targeted areas full of displaced palestinians living in tents and temporary shelters. israeli forces has killed moving stuff, the 6000 palestinians since october. the 7th, meanwhile, is rarely forces have also increased their presence in southern gaza. attend that you see there is stationed west of the city of rasa helicopters and drones have also been reported over the past 2 days, is what it has reportedly attached to that region. yet tell also on one of the areas that is one had designated as a so called safe soon to shelter the displaced. meanwhile, in northern gaza is rarely forces have targeted families trying to return to their homes. we have the jamalia refuge account, throat and strikes attacked, palestinians, forcing them to flee into the streets. shedding was also reported, and several people ended fighting and you probably has intensified in the last 2
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weeks. also declaring the come free of him us back in february. these really, um you said the scientists had returned and were recruiting on talking to him and to here is an orthopedic surgeon from london, and he's just returned to the u. k. of the volunteering in rough uh with the charging group, sandra, scientific. he told us about the conditions that when i was in the i was based at the european garza hospital and many a night wouldn't be would see. and here the strikes and i thought we knew that the casualties were all going to the quite the hospital, and at times they were simply overwhelmed. but there wasn't, there was no safe way to bring those patients to the pain goes hospital. so the, the co way to the hospital in the south was the main port more for all those that are being injured or worse. and now that we have the closure of this hospital, really the people are all saw in an in sylvia danger. they are lacking access to
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critical health care. this is really a dire situation that i cannot convey enough how terrible it is. not only that, but you must remember that the tell us will done is not an area as far as i know that has been evacuated according to the colleagues that i have that and they are experiencing. i'll tell you it strikes very nearby. they are living in fear for their lives. these on this is, these are the top, those, these all my colleagues. and it's just a dire situation if they are hurt, where do they go? why didn't who, which hospital do they go to? so the field hospital and as my wife is not quite ready, it doesn't have the capability to care for the injured for the critically a sick either. it's not quite ready and it's not setup for the service. so really what we're experiencing here is a multi pronged attack, unfortunately where by not only all the people being attacked directly, but they're also being blocked from receiving critical medical services. even
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within the pain goes to a hospital, it was not uncommon for us to experience many dire situations of, of a lack of side is sterile conditions and provision of appropriate wound care. i mean i, i encountered patients on the board who had external successes applied to them because of fractures. and they was sitting in a pile of pulse with, with precious souls going into the, into even the hip socket. it was a very terrible not i'm not when i remember the story, it's actually all of a very young person. and he was in mesa and it was really a total post a site because, you know, i looked at this individual and i saw it. my god, this is a human being for god's sake and look what they have been reduced to. so if you have these conditions within an institution like that, you're a p and does a hospital let me remind you, setup by by us in europe. and then you can imagine what the conditions might be
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like in a, in a field hospital where they don't have access to clean water and the rest of it as well. since the beginning of a tool is rarely forces have also targeted universities and schools and gaza. there is still standing, have to come shelters for displaced families and education has all the crown to a health high school students weren't graduate this year and they wouldn't be able to attend university. i'm 0 is tara, a couple of them spoke to one students about how struggle to get an education in a time of war. 2 reports now from duracell, displaced from the home and based on the one in northern garza 18 year old, do i need no licks in an evacuation center for many young people. israel school and goes us tend classrooms into make shift homes and shelters every entered, the space is used, palestinian a students have count to the day used as the beginning of the world like prisoners
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. and so the course of the days that turns into weeks then months do not give up. someone wrote, i'm in a corner of this crap space. do i still studies despite the bombing, despite being displayed for her? the passion for learning remains as trunk, posting as to those now are not thinking about education at all. they're thinking about how they, where they can get fluids and water and where they can sleep. but she won't be able to set the final exams known as to what the exams and she will be able to go to university older universities in gauze eve, damaged or destroyed. i missed my institute a lot. it was my all life life. i was going to, i was like, went to school, have my so the see my friends, my teachers on some students have managed to escape the strip and
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continue this studies approach that your patients 5 saw like hundreds of school. so i cannot even, this tells it anymore here and goes off. uh, uh, seeing your friends going outside and joins their exams. is somehow a fix lets me, i will not given up. and then the friends and family who have been lost will have left the lines on the boy street. the longing is making the sofa, the noise apart, make me suffer. education for power spinning to students is the main source of hope in order to get a better life is time on the occupation now with the destruction of hundreds of schools and universities. this u. 63 and extraordinary for palestine and students, especially at the high school to call on a bill to on the go the to g. he exams because of the ongoing is very expensive on
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the territory. tar recognizing algebra. yeah. with that i had a story. i'm still ahead here on out of their protest isn't on media, say their prime minister needs to step down. why a decades long line disappeared was fueling the criticism, the over 27000 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't, the prosecutor ulton did traditional investigation for disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth, the lost souls of syria. well now just the era the, the
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. ringback the, the welcome back. i'm now the government and pop a new guinea says it's evacuating about 8000 people from mental and angle province because of, of the rest of even more land science. the new satellite images show the scale of
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friday's disaster, when not, and rocks swept through the remote young body vintage in its appeal for international health, the governments had as many as 2000 people could have been buried alive. rain blocked roads and a lot of heavy machinery, a hampering recovery operations. people are now still trying to dig off a columbus along debris field and search for survivors. meanwhile, site to remo has killed at least 23 people across bangladesh and india. flooding and winds of up to a 135 kilometers per hour have destroyed move in $35000.00 times. with ortiz have moved 800000 people to safety and find a dashing move and 20000000 homes are now without pallet in neighboring india. and a 150000 people have moved to shelters, and schools remain closed. a oh, sorry to use it. say that heavy rain has killed that teen people in a stone quarry collapse to outside the capital of india as missouri on the state
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rescue is all there on the scene and are still searching for another 16 people and volunteer of fi, fi, atlanta to land forestry official have been charged with starting the wall and finds it engulfed central. she lay back in february over a 113 people killed in those places. one of the west, and that's what is often in the country in recent history. prosecutions and said they have evidence that the 2 suspects acted deliberately to children from the same family or among the $21.00. people have been killed in storms across the central united states. tornadoes and heavy rain had texas, oklahoma, arkansas and kentucky, unofficial, texas. the official starts of someone in the us market by devastation across hundreds of kilometer, substantial buildings, toner, parked in seconds by tornadoes. if this is what could happen to bricks and mortar,
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mobile homes stood level chance. we felt that hit the house and just felt it started sucking air out through the through the walls and windows. heard the roof go. i started worried about my brother because of course his house was out here in the middle of it all started to bolt texas code teaser on the disaster declaration, children among the dead, the governor hoping the number of fatalities won't rise above that we are going through the heart wrenching loss of life, including the heartbreak of a family, losing a 2 year old and a 5 year old child. when they woke up yesterday, they had no way of knowing that the family would be literally crushed by this are risk storm search teams in 4 states. so walking their way through the wreckage to heavy rain and high temperatures in some places unhealthy more than 400 tomatoes
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have been reported in the us this month alone. the most since 2019. i know the storm is on. the move heading towards the us is cost with millions, facing the severe weather, threats, and whatever that may bring. allen fisher, i'll just also, africans will head to the poles on wednesday. this election could trigger the biggest political shake off in 30 years. the ask a national congress has been impala for 3 decades with now risk losing its majority . somebody, the miller has won a from janice by this election office. so that begins more options than any other the african national congress in public, for 3 decades, is facing. it's tough, this challenge here is it support basis from poor government performance. staggering economy and corruption scandals many vote is simply fed up. and the thought is that the african national congress has been in government. it's had an
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opportunity to take what is now known as liberation. dividends and build on an state in the last 10 years, particularly. it has squandered that dividend to malik ministration, poor delivery. and corruption with corruption has been involved. it's often protected. it's party members from, for the prosecution. it could from to voters to attempt to opposition parties in numbers not seen before. the outcome in any other could be amc doesn't get to 50 percent of the vote. it will likely have to form an alliance with a smaller party to hold a majority parliament. while the main opposition, the democratic alliance is a multi policy, it says try and on see the agency that packed brings together live in political parties, which promised and alternative government coalition with the economic freedom fighters may provide the a and see what the lifeline, the right cleaning, blocking,
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founded by a full my amc use, the leader appeals to youngest sold africans and it's projected to win about 15 percent of the vote, but it may be competing for votes with another amc break away party. i'm going to receive v o m k slid by him. a president jacob luma, is still an influential figure. for the 1st time, independent candidates, a running, i think the disillusionment that there's no party that really represents people. as k, i took the possibility for independence. however, independence have a bed and like no other because we which they have to get twice as many votes in 1994 driven by the end of the part 8 and a wave of hope in a democratic future. low to turn out was more than 85 percent that the each election since will voters have stayed away from the polls until now? it was at 47 percent in 20. 19 this year,
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almost $28000000.00. so last weekend or we're just due to cost advantage moving ever before, suggesting a desire for change. so me to minute, i'll just say, well major vers issues include unemployment, poverty and rolling electricity costs. one young man told us about his concerns. hey guys, my name is amanda julius. i am a young sat african by the age of 21. and i live in dublin. my grandfather used to talk about the n c and stuff like that. it was amazing. you know, stuff and, and they felt like felt like you will be voting for freedom and voting for change. immediate change not pay me as late or something. i mean, look, it always calling me especially i've been doing odd since so so, so, so it's a small child. it's, it's, it's okay, you know, but it gets complicated when you really gotta make any income. it's almost like the moment i leave the house, the moment i leave my home to go look for walk. it's like i would need to have the
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20 lines in my mind as much as i closing. so where do i go to? why are we in school? why are we? why are we bossing? smith? university is exactly the same thing. you get graduates, they don't have any job opportunities and that's, that's insane because you have a degree in and something you really enjoyed standing. i don't understand what the government expects, normal people like us and doing this situation to me like we on a minimum wage. if they expect us to sustain our life style and not become like, you know, in a, in a situation where we can actually afford to, to trace our dreams mean, because every youngest out the genes and i can, i can probably say, i have the names, people it is one jobs, nothing in the that's the only because been talking to the jobs they just wanna know there's want to get employed by, well, this came from a lot of things. so, as, as much as things, uh, uh, no way it is as much as things are we, we have,
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we have what all is the and as you know, we have what we have. we have a voice, but it's how we use the voice. the ukrainian military says soldiers and call keys on boxing, day and night to repel the russian advances in not northeastern region. the tree officials say defenses around you can 2nd largest city on the thread. reinforcements were dropped to them and russian launched that assault on cost to you earlier this month. now in georgia, thousands have gathered outside the parliament to protest against the so hold for an agent still as politicians to base the legislation before it becomes low. the draft would label and jurors and media outlets as foreign agents, if they receive moving 20 percent of the funds from overseas. the bill has also been denounced as the russian. it similarities and legislation used by most coach across town on defense police and all media have detained 1300 protesters in the
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capital bureaus on following widespread protests against the prime minister. critics are outraged by a recent decision to see to control a full villages to azerbaijan. this is part of a why the p steel to end years of line disputes with buckled tailor 5. how do you on has all these protestors? one, armenia is prime minister to resign for weeks they've rallied in the capitals for public square calling on a cold, but she needs to step down. demonstrations begin shortly after he agreed to surrender for villages to neighborliness or bush on. the land has been surrendered, but protests have intensified in size and increasing hoops make for a table. notice by cutting me, i mean a prime minister is a trade show. we all have to find for one goal and that's for him to leave. we are losing out homeland paced by pigs. this is the man leading the protest
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plug that goes to. yeah. and is a clear it into your medium episode of the church. he let it dalia seize into abuse region where land was most and many now want him to be the countries next prime minister news. oh yeah. we do multiple of the present and future generations of our people to because the only way to avoid this is for our prime minister to resign. the of the territory was lost by a surplus on during the war and the 1990s. it's strategically important for land loc armenia. one of the settlements in the north is near a vital highway connecting to georgia. much of our medias, trade travels on that road and it goes to a pipeline through which it receives gas from russia. yes, and that goes on, i go know if we want to have a dignified, strong, our media. i see this movement as a means to that in detroit. but the prime minister argues he's avoiding get another
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war for media. he calls the agreement a milestone, and part of the peace deal between rivals. what are the tests on the bottom of the government isn't dividing. it's trying to re night to make the concepts of homeland and state identical. because this is the only way to establish and strengthen the republic of armenia. critics say it's yet another loss during the prime ministers term. in september 2023, a surplus on re took the long disputed area of no corner car law and most ethnic armenian square, forced to flee a survey, john called the justice for media. it was an embarrassment now, much of the outreach felton part of the country that goes in the capital protest do say the prime minister didn't demand or did anything to return for the land. a move whose critics say is politically unforgettable. katia,
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look this up again. which is here. well, that's it for me and it's tells you to remember, you can always find that much more on our website out as 0 top. com to stay with the the josephine has spent most of his life on the war to use the fisherman just like others and his family. but things are different now from when he was a boy. in 2022 long days mcgarr would declared and endangered species. some of the family asked for the home today he's taking us to the band. so if the only stop leak in central
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den bode, yeah, he sees that he used to see monkeys in droves, him hunting for crap. i down there the more now. so that's why i don't see that i want to, i mean molnar calling me about some of the off some of the i can only logan carnegie. the monkeys are frightened for good reason. traffic is just you and sell them to the highest bidder. to buy medical research, this black market creed, not only in dangers, was brian me, populations with books, public health at risk. because unlike captive read monkeys, there's no guarantee deana move up that engine free. the
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i'm sorry me say that and don't look at the headlines here now just here now in a historic move, 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state. the decision by island, norway and spain are flex, global growing cool for a peaceful resolution to the 7060 a conflict and an end to his charles occupation of the spanish 5 minutes. the says the decision is essential for peace in the middle east. this is
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a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's unpunished things. the recognition of the state.


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