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tv   The Lost Souls of Syria Ep 2  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 3:00pm-4:01pm AST

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the the, i'm sammy's a down in the headlines here now just here now, in a historic move, 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state. the decision by island, norway and spain are flex, global growing cool for a peaceful resolution to the 7060 a conflict and an end to his charles occupation of the spanish 5 minutes. the says the decision is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has
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a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the matter of historical justice with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of a state to state that quick seest alongside the state of police while in peace and security poll brennan is in midway, the following developments. the spanish and the allies hope that by declaring the statehood for palestine, they hope the other european countries will really consider long and hard whether it's time to perhaps divorced themselves a little bit from the united states and actually come out and declare palestine
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statehood themselves that have been intense diplomatic entreaties for the last several months apart from the past and in towards your european countries. but also from the spanish the norwegian. i'm the irish to the european colleagues in the hope of building a bigger consensus at this point in sign that wasn't possible. so the 3 of them is of decided to come out and make this announcement today, this historic momentous announcement. but make no mistake. the pressure is building on other european countries in order to come to the decision to declare a state for palestine in defiance of a ruling by the you and the top cool 10 growing international condemnation is riley's ass guy. you think a tax on rough on himself and gaza on sunday bummed to 10 camp kenning, at least $45.00 displaced palestinians quite hospitalized. where most of the victims of that tack on sunday night with taking the director announced its closure on monday sizing. security concerns officer and his right, the attack just outside the gates of the hospital to medical stuff were killed. and
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since the hours of tuesday, at least 16 palestinians of being killed and off, and that strong calling a house killed 7 people in injured several others including children. talk the barrier is full of displace palestinians living in tents and temporary shelters. is ready, forces have killed more than $36000.00 palestinians since october. the 7th are in all the news. the government in popular new guinea says it's evacuating about 8000 people from the northern angle province because of the size of moorland slides. rain blocks, roads, and the lack of heavy machinery, a hampering recovery efforts. people are still trying to dig off columbus along deputy field and search for survivors. the government said as many as 2000 people have been buried alive. the ukrainian ministries says solid is in hot a cave of baffling russian advances in the northeast and region. ministry officials
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say defense is around your crime. second largest city around the threat. reinforcements were drafted in when russia launched its assault on how to cave of the, of this month. crime in present, a lot of them is that i'd skis visiting european countries to rally support for his countries war efforts. he arrived in belgium and they, after visiting spain, he signed a security agreement under the deal it cried will receive minutes re aid. the state of emergency in the french pacific island tire tree of new caledonia has been listed. deadly right started earlier this month off the french, m p. 's voted to change the rules for provincial elections headlines. it's the lost souls of syria. now stay with us. the
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hope you're seeing are real soon. see this selection of, of photos. just a small fraction of those that a brave man brought out of syria. the evidence in this case is frankly even stronger than that that we had against the nazis. that number don't any and the actually because i'm sure they have caught at all like that. i mean, you have this one on one of the nice feel. i don't know what done a lot of home, but, you know, one for quite a lot of reasons that are you on the line we started investigating in may when we were contacted by people from the syrian a community in exile where desperately trying to find a way to seek accountability for the school for indices are for the across the
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hallways in charge. who is giving the orders for those be fine. making sure that that takes place from the mornings through the afternoons and until that person is killed and then photo cross. we're not presenting test symptoms coming in depth and that's related fox we, i let chang state tell her to so the blender said, what do you think live in dublin,
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cdl dates are going to send this to piano executive whenever they move it out. i mean, you don't meet on single months of winter and that's for this. does it get us located? is the one that's one of the so when he does it assigned to him is actually getting please there is a context talking on the way a and what the the
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this is abdul. this is that we understand that he was a delivery driver driving i believe, between the homes and come home. and he was picked up at some point in 2013 that's . that's when we believe that it is clear to oftentimes who were picked up the check points because check points would have lists of people who look out for the photos is just a list source, a check point, a guy stops. i would guess that his name matched somebody who, who was wanted for someone say legitimate reasons, but but who, who, who was a, let's say, a genuine opponent of the machine. i'm assuming it's in this case and if you guys were going to be titled what the content on the money cost to all of the fees, all over that, when the federal insurance companies have them 1st icon. so full structure was geared towards hoover ng massive numbers of people in accordance with
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directives that came from the central crisis management. so i think you're going to be now that the, they said that they stores this the list, the to the you will see on this, on the central crisis management cell. the c cmc in english settle categories of people to be arrested. those who participate in demonstrations, those who finance demonstrations, those who speak to foreign journalists in march, the name of syria in the international uh domain and so on and so forth. but the system was so inefficient and so brutal that once you arrested, you were comfortable in the mind of, of the system. this case when i was like this one isn't in the email and that's telling me it's because it's been the cmc, the central crisis managers, so established policy. so these were the key members of the central crisis
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management. so all this, the top leaders of the syrian state served on that committee. the meetings happened on a more or less daily basis. then minutes from that meeting would be prepared and they would be taken to the presidential palace for approval or a correction or amendment by a side himself. and president bush. and as i said before, monday association is going to be some of those reading test ever colors too soon to very much we're going to have to present this to spanish. josh, you guys know what those are. all of these things have what we've got to be able to pinpoint those individual. so, i mean, we have a lot of documentation which sets out how to $48.00 fit in to the archipelago or
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the system of oppression. so from a legal point of view, it's fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility for what you're telling me is the unlawful feeling of mr. of do the see. so, so so somebody and get it. if you can most that effect in any way, they don't believe that the, the, the most amusing and you'll just be waiting on
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these on feel free to unless you trust me and the best soon i'm studying for donald to laser fishy nice office. are you some so what about go in here these on from unlock usually what else you can do. so he's also the keeps advanced the same result. you want us, your father? no offense, because the data is reached, their capacity to see them as an effect or not to, to, to concrete, because it doesn't have to copy, do all mazda anyone on them. it's all people people, if you don't like popular these warnings at dot see i'd like to much you do the different bikes and also the digital knob. the people come on to me. let's see, sort of you the, the full key pencil sounds good as long as you're not ready. i'll talk to you
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sooner to fix like, i don't feel bad and i know that this is what is wrong. the police have functions in 5 on st. foisted on the only don't x the cause i choosing the signal. so i'm going to set it up because i have something to the proceedings and the my tags, expertise, sentences, grandma from us on task. let's have a phone call. you've all seen. many of them do the packaging. did you have to install, or, you know, hopefully though, will not dish that feet mazda end table . you have to ask the dispatcher 20 can't. we don't get the draft in 2010. you
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don't have to dentist and said she was consistent with cindy or thoughts on the she looked to see me single best julia. this attend immediate assistance, you know, kind of the one that doesn't necessarily def office x t up. tell me the pitfalls that produce houses with the port was that you did it was they planted? what i did level what is it useful for you to show these things extra need vision to the show that i said go to the 2nd people who will be about the field with a fair at the additional fees to do focus. healy ask you what we think the are the values w celia on to because so the force is off, i'll speak if you don't please. we need to know the the investigation is starting now. the prosecutor ulton did traditional
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investigation for him, for his disappearance, torture and crimes against humanity. and what is interesting in this case is that we know that they have been brought to them is a investigative branch. and we know also that they have been arrested by the air force intelligence services to individuals once they are detained. and when they're being interrogated or often forced through physical violence, in many cases to give up the names of other individuals. and then with names of those individuals and up on one it lists. so that could potentially be the scenario that that led to the detention professor father and son. documentation will be key.
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we now holds over 600000 pages of regime documentation or they can support you that are relevant for your case. the most of the documentation was generated by the security intelligence alvarado the
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now the defects do something with the the d. c. that includes a demo in these on 10 the savvy, the security, the whole thing is you're going to monday, see or into the on training on the about ticket as in, know, know about the need. you don't have dropouts. by example, swanson told you, don't people get twice for uncle? 20 dining special is your works. i don't really know the know when these ads don't send you on the phone in the queue, most of what we're doing in the faithful sabri. oh, hold on. no. we don't have long dice, best from way led to spice from the best we can as in the
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of the, the, we have been in touch with the window of up to about leaving the country. you know, of a criminal case against members of the administration. remember that the security forces, in particular, we fear they may be some fatality issue. the goals of your company in london should be sending everything in as soon as we give
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them the green light, bbc and cnn 0. you said since they run, which i also wanted to actually offer some if he wants to see the complaint, he can see the complaint of, you know, the, the amount of the be great. but it needs to be just be the can. i mean, he also was interested in knowing who would be the ones that are the perpetrators that are named looked at pages $3.00 and $4.00 have the names because this is printed on both sides. so, um can i say that? yeah. yeah. but uh, let's see. uh, do me a test on that piece of to see has my uncle here is your uncle. okay. um so we uh about
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the the, the maintenance of the name is the name of the game. i misplaced a yeah, i said that was all the yeah. the list on that. oh yeah, it's all over the last sent in the pay broke of by that book. a camino assembly with us only now. so good on
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on book greater than me anything but i'm looking at what they look good. the other guy, a little control is a told her, so it's telling me, listen, i may not be a stuff, i mean, i mean what the me or how that because i thought of in the anybody wants to be a human price attorney. of course, you know, sort of way, and i'm still in the sort of it by the noise that day. the most difficult thing is to be able to do when you tell the victims that you are going to do. so don't generate expectations where you can not deliver the
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1st one is to to uh, look at it. yeah. they're not, you're not is fine. you're not going to the human cd o, c o one. okay. yeah. but the reason why it's super good news here. it's of course the put it unless you not the list, what am i know? it'd be the lieutenant, they're not going to see that laptop upstairs for me. if you, there's something that i've seen. does that mean? is it that someone else can be honest with you? the just last week, a woman in spring syrian, i filed a lawsuit, accusing 9 of your senior government,
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intelligence and security officials. the lawyers who have filed this accusing your government of human rights abuses. i have collected 3000 pages of evidence and over 50000 photographs taken by one of your former governments photographers. we'll verify the pictures with a verified that they're not edited in photoshop before. have you seen the photo, so i didn't understand the photos here. okay. the photo have you verify for the that i should be held him because you have it and because you mentioned it in yes, in front of your audience there is a number of the deals that can knock nation such a picture without verifying who are those and where and everything about that, just to put it in front of the audience to the or the thinking by the ceiling.
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woman who filed the lawsuit. the syrian woman who filed the lawsuit says she saw her brother in those photographs. in this, on allegations we had spoke about concrete evidence, you can not make judgement just propaganda, just taking you was there once we did, when i proceed in governments in every well, you can have any individual across the top and you have it over to us anywhere but it's not the policy, the last 4 was on full amount. that is why the down username launch it down for the sake of extra it was on new comics. pay any of these all the on file. actually these, all of alex is estimate you. one of the exemptions is loud news quality that you're going to receive. you really need to know how long you usually need to be in dues, because i'm substituting it doesn't get to also just let me do it. i'm on jamie,
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less than not. there's all kinds of likes to, to some calls from the heart is always to get some wind told me they've actually came as in, in a demo. um, she over defends the new diety, these only to new places, nickel. uh, february. yeah. what i usually best sell more, okay. some, some of the sort i'm getting you call me there was no accidental. do this to the best i've had was helpful. nice ones really. phones is i need to know that i best said no, it's yeah. like that. so i don't know just call you on the news on this. yeah, i knew that bought a new customer fremont. that was just gonna move on the didn't has the kids that are going to send the whole sure these are these 2 guys from a c a i that is that i'm not going to send you the new law for me and her son and said, i'm a, what's the advantage? tombstone dumpster. have said you don't have any knowledge of them and if that's connected to more than one. yeah, i shall see. there's nothing that was useful penalty based on this new bill say
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well the federal. so let's do single community. if she's with the foster photos, you know, there's always the us to use the civil liberties for combat issues and that's all. and i guess i'm not sure. i finally will have boxes off. so let's go see if it's $210.00 is probably because this big deal is just hard to see. hold for just solve which it will say, hey, we decided that i was not going to pay for the new assessments. that season is over with keys lymphoma society. i'm afraid if you tell me the message to him was i to ask for this is quite as the one that i want to say. now the novelist may see at 2 pits by itself on the street. the reason i guess if i could work out with most of the
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managers here, she said she would just go with the people who must receive. shes shelter my initials, you been doing it best about your true. there's also so wonderful from joining the always the on the
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june 1967, 6 days the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on a drum. some that run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which it still felt today. and it was such as the start of his land, the war in june on out, is there a there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and call him police, be confrontational, or actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cups and taken away many of the purchases we've talked to
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have said they will continue protesting until their demands are met. the a. i'm sammy's a diamond don't. how was it look at the headlines here now to 0? now, in a historic move, 3 european countries have recognized independent tell us to be unsafe. the decision by island no way insane reflects the growing global cools for a peaceful resolution to the 7060 a conflict, and an end to as well as occupation. spanish prime minister by the size of a says the decision to recognize palestine is essential for peace in the middle east. this is a historic decision that has
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a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if he started congest this with they need you to meet the aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of it, i understand the state that quick seest alongside the state of the swell in peace and security is raining, forces have increased the presence in southern gaza. a tank is stations west of this with the overall for helicopters and drugs. we've also been cited israel has repeatedly attacked the region that tell us so far. one of the areas israel has designated as a so called safe area. and since the early hours of tuesday, at least 16 palestinians have been killed and off and that strong kind of house
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killed 7 people, an injured several others including children, is ready, forces have killed more than 36000 palestinians since october, the 7th. and then all the news, the government's in pop, when you get a says it's evacuating about a 1000 people from the northern angle province because of a friend of mole and slides. rain blocks, roads, and the lack of heavy machinery a. i'm putting recovery operations. the government said as many as 2000 people has been buried alive and fridays disaster. ukraine in the tree says soldiers and how to keep a baffling russian advances in the northeast and region. ministry officials say defense is around do try and 2nd largest city are on this right. there was a headlines. news continues here now to sierra off the lost souls of syria. stay with us, the,
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the loops making a bunch of prosecutors who are following a direct political order to no matter what oppose these kind of case the case of the syrian victims is, is something that's been doesn't half for lack of a better warbles to do these vixen doesn't have any, any possibility to go anywhere else in tomorrow because he's this price national as soon as there is no international because he's in the sink on pursuit. so removing these opportunities for her to look for suited vacations,
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paying her completely defenseless to kind of a stomach virus. she has the cx, he's a victim of the crime, just to kind of go anywhere in the world. so for the coverage, if the supreme cool takes an easy way out and just offices in a very similar way to the almost where does it go from that constitutional question . of course, going on the way the we got what we got i am constantly fearful that my client is tops trusting me. my face
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is kind of you can face that they see and remember the worst that happened to them in their lives. and that's something that eats me every single time. we had bad news. the the, this is the mother of the house that the, that's not the photo stuff of the
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houses place. look for the lease of the med, the and then the mean husband and kind of disagree my, you know, my conduct can wait on that but enough. see so the customer can see, you know, mean that was your from somebody know me. i had to do this class and get enough stuff. i don't know what to do. she had done for them to the human gives them of the, of the showed and all but i'm sorry you said mostly what i would suggest we do now is listen to to guests that are here. you will not
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be able to see them, but you will be able to hear them. so i would suggest we just this 123. 0, the us is that i go by the code name, caesar and boston, or what i'm not the police department. i'm sabina lucas. i'm not for the past 4 years. i left no door that we did not knock on in different people that we tried to reach out to the most of us walk home in order to bring the voice of those sticks to then looking at them off to come home with all the murdered in this machinery of death. are you able to hear us? hello. not hearing. no. this is telling me this one for that control. hello below.
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nothing. testing that see the can everyone hear? yes. thank you very much. and now we will hear from mr. semi elizabeth pete and then you this to sorry, the but then you will some people know you. i would like to reiterate that i'm not very happy to have to be present here today. but obviously with us and i think we don't seem to have the model for 2 years with cesar insights to get to document the war crimes that we have seen as low as possible. and then the other thing i promised and that we will recess this once we reach the international community. we're not getting any on much will and then you have until
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the place. but today i feel that i have disappointed caesar. been living with the united nations has closed its doors in the face of the victims of identity with please open the doors of justice in your countries. you will done . how do you call these historic countries in europe? continue please open the doors to the courts. so we can bring these criminals in front of justice, the caesar caesar caesar um because of by some, some of the don't ship because there were many bodies and it was too small and,
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and use this garage. and this is incredibly close to the presidential palace for a full size the sites had they also to sort of have the awful smell s is a religious, is just against normal force in syria. so why is this happening? there's all these talks now about reconciling with the sunray gene. how does that make you feel a serious level when you move initially you doesn't have to do with the amount of 10 minutes and the thing that come monday. so you put in an application fee which is kind of the vehicle to some of the most of
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the shop, the lease of the use of the
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window. you shall see as how you look at these to the the
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oh the the, the the, the. 2 2 2 2 the
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shop the body shop, i have an amazing with
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a but the field of the, you know, should have that for 5 for getting put even a while off a lot of the 2nd to the say the sort of a lot closer to, to listen search images he's the only thing that actually came as in me. he lives
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in processing, just because of a gentleman that says enter this. you will not be back track places, just wonder me. as long as you didn't get all the full 100 veterans. do mob customized restroom on november, detect palm as in my as any noticed is evil on the things to will say ball on november. the mean does, it looks like it didn't go through a sort of sounds of the so so there's some sort of sounds the sort of sounds do to swing by now as well. now, and i've actually, i've actually, uh, let's talk to later today to him cause you've awesome what the the
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disclosures and sort of of the easily the motor that they have done us through no dental walk over space over to you. as you can see, the accuser, do you see the the team go to the menu to? yeah. and it's probably so when i talk to you and i'm up to do, it was salty cell phone. go see me. i mean, it was uncle tv. if you do, i remember look, get tools you over to g like build, you'll be able to securely send us your data or print of a shot at a side northwood, jamita assign, it will show you. so he's also in your loan to allow me to ask you the and then just take the remote controls collision to demo. so let's told me that that is
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unable was a social, that's what i said. you like to ask you to meet those 2 of you because they really sort of mobile, if you're there, although you don't want, i don't want relations to me. i got to switch out. this is the, an unprecedented trial resumed this week in germany to mentor on trial, their former siri and officials who were part of president bush charl assets regime . they got to germany with a wave of refugees and claim decide them there. and then last year, authority started looking into who these men were interested them on charges of committing crimes against humanity during serious civil war. the
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hello michael. one equal settlement with the lovely the says, but i need coldness. nobody else ever since that uh, what are the underwater with that? what is your let down i took on uh, i left the clean the simple light. i'm seeing the uh on uh comes the model i did to the higher 0 one model of the model, the swan based out of the vehicle. is this
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a good service that's not audible? so what do you mind if i look into this stuff and there's an article in the lease of the few of the don't in the cafeteria, but it has a she'll come set off the is picking up on this on both bundle and disconnects itself. and i mean almost to unclick, i end up on a slow leak, deutschland devante alison d d sufficient, some of the senior. sure. good. awesome. i'm just still wasn't hobbling guessing. don't be still on the line. so your thoughts and body shop. and so let me 1st and this made it seem inches. good. ok,
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not unfair. think less than you. but as far as the hosting it stays out that time up keeping it is these. it can miss the via us the and say it's not that tie and it'd be an important move glitch . the ones that i need us to unplug them again. so i thought by the eh, i just do this from behind the scenes this to hear enough thoughts on get permission to devolving with this reading. cynthia cis pays out that time for when so be steve a lot of these themes so couldn't log them on for funding. i'd slip as a one in buckington b o boy, a ton of when decent mention told robin voight and see vitally even less than you know, i'm going to of the some i will still think of us skeen and dr. machine is the voice singled stomach and from the chicago for, for, from fifties, 12 affordable pop. not a whole pop, nice to of months of going to lead an internet to knowledge consequences,
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tire of this workplace. i don't know, student sushi, sort of and the thought of that of, of so a place of documents, a ton of assorted to the him who shaheed for. so we're going to shift tuffy apart and how, yeah. what's your best bet to do is you have to click on those daughter things and i'm in cuz i to the module sheet as guides them. how to does evil not and as about as mean? that's a definitely back now, no, that's
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a who we monitor the who the head of the class. no. this should have to be on for now. i can be a debacle. so difficult exhibiting. you would have looked on it for 3 and i to and you could sort of as 90 this time, like i'm on a different team. oh that i'm, i'm not a firms just said i've ever been a a when my phone num that if she's mad down couple of times if you have more to attend for then say of call yes to and why is there any letting continue to all shape
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so for me it was a new vehicle and moved it into to see in the whole as a menu. jeremy. yeah, go ahead. just came on football this moment, but you're not asking them to see this with you or not. how do you own your mouth? i mean, you are one of the most of my com will be not supported. i don't know what to level. not to clock when pseudo pacific time wisely from better homes. the
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the hey there, there's been some big storms in northern and central mexico. let me show you some not too far away from mexico city, a copious amounts of rain turn streets to rivers. this spend an hour southeast of mexico city. i got to tell you today on tuesdays still more burst of rain, but i think north of mexico city really tuesday, wednesday. and this rain has also dropped down the temperature. so onto rate $34.00 degrees for you. it's also been active, a round great lakes, the us ne, this is now drag down cooler air, so showers and 90 degrees in toronto, but it seems we'll turn dryer here over the next few days, westbound. we go also not looking code for the west coast of canada, vancouver just 15 degrees where a few days off summer here. and this is still feeling a bit winter like, but things are heating up in the us, south, west phoenix, closing in on 40 degrees. let's go to texas, where we've had our 1st heat alert in houston for may 30 degrees,
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but look at these storms coming to texas is coast on tuesday. could be some severe storms. they're also looking what's off the a by and take care of for french guy on a certain non northern brazil and all of ecuador under alerts for intense rounds of rain and still disturbed weather along the border with uruguay and southern brazil and cool air pumping off the south atlantic. so montevideo, 15 degrees for you today, the an aide walk i travels to watch on syria, saying he's back to hell are you will come back. are you afraid of? no, no fun. but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on l g 0
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in japan. divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on i will just the era the the hello i'm so i may say them this has been use our live from dell. how coming up in the next 60 minutes? is there any time? some helicopter gunship to move further west into the office. they sees more areas along the border with egypt. population on the move again, un says around a 1000000 people have been forced to leave for off off on ongoing this really strong skills to be 6 people. 24 hours is riley attacks,
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also target families trying to return to their homes in the valley. a refugee camp in northern golf.


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