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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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in japan, divorce often leads to one parent losing only contact with the children. judges usually grunt sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on i will just the era the the hello i'm so i may say them this has been use our live from dell coming up in the next 60 minutes. is there any time some helicopter gunship to move further west into the office. they sees more areas along the border with egypt. population on the move again, un says around a 1000000 people have been forced to lead for off off on ongoing this really strong skills to be successful. 24 hours is really
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a tax. also target families trying to return to their homes in the valley of refugee camp. in northern garza, the state of palestine must be viable. we, the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy doesn't. stark step for palestinians. self determination. spain islands in norway, formerly recognize faces. comstock and another new search and recovery operations on the way and pop when you're getting the government says it's evacuating about a 1000 people. feeling more lines. lines the maybe getting the news out in southern gaza with is riley troops are pushing further west into it. off city is riley tanks of station west of the city of offer
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. and helicopters and drugs have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia condo on the board with egypt. is there any troops have been spotted close to the quite the hospital? it was forced to close off, so is rarely a tax on monday. in the past 2 days, this route is repeatedly a tax region. the tell us so tom, one of the areas as well has designated as a so called safe so and the whole the isn't data about in central garza for us. so hendo, how much of a presence to his right the ground forces now have in central rough well sammy, the ground forces are expanding and they're getting closer to create the hospital just like you mentioned, but that is ready for us to just targeted. another make shift come tons and a keys. 20 polish thing is have been killed with dozens are injured. we reported
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yesterday, that's all of the rough uh, hospitals run out of service. so the only place that is currently receiving all of these injuries is an, an international medical corpse field hospital. and this is the only way up the policy news could get their treatments. we have been seeing videos emerging online, a women children covered with blood on the sand where this makes of tons was very close to the coast line. and to the see, we also saw a chaos in a medical, the medical field hospital. we're talking about a medical point where it doesn't really have all the cop ability to receive all of these injuries and such incidents. we have been reporting about all of the shortages and medical shortages. the godless group has been witnessing for more than 3 weeks. now. nothing else has been got into the causal strip. that story
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is developing, signed me, and we still don't have the right of the whole story, but the numbers are likely to increase in the next hour. all right, thanks so much. and the reporting to us from data and by law in gone. so as well as one bossman. so for off comes in defiance of un court ruling is drawing global condemnation. palestinians already displaced multiple times, say, i have no way left to go michaela pal. now it's pre drawing and rough uh, southern guns. and these really 10 fi is that a building inside the crew? a photo journalist? remarkably there. i mean, just the lights of day revealing how lucky they want to be alive via tech is the latest, is really violation of the ruling by the international court of justice,
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ordering and immediate hold to it's a sultan rough. and global outrage is growing every day that policy is really bones. that killings dozens of civilians. in roswell, the assembly is morning, a young boy killed when he returns to the remains of a home to grab some belongings. what are the bosses need you to have an innocent 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do wrong in his short life? the room he was in with my uncle does hit 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party. the show ripped him apart. hospitals and health care workers have not been spend the main medical center in rough uh the quite the hospital has been forced to shut down directors, cited security threats officer. and he's really a strong until to health work is that it's front gate. ambulance is trying to reach
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the wounded in width and rough uh, shot at the, in the north of the strip families returning to their homes in jamalia. come on to find a woman on the question so many in guns of oscar full months. no no matter how much i didn't know where should we go from? is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice this is not a life. i don't know what to say. to you an estimate at least a 1000000 displace. palestinians have said rough i in the past 3 weeks searching for safety. it doesn't exist. mike level, how does it allows you heard? and michael, apple's report is ready for us as long as it's family's trying to return to the homes near the giovanni refugee camp in north and garza. i'll just 0 is annasae
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chevy has this report from the scene about the new math and photographed to reports the is really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jabante, a refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes and artillery opened fire at the dozens were killed and injured and the duel attacks medical crews, assisted by volunteers, are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and else elijah, is more than done. another one i don't have to, i'm not really on a so the, on the, for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing, this area was elected the, to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures speak volumes and also about has on with the since the early hours of the morning when people are gone through the time. is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered
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the number of parties we harmonics amendments cruise are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago. alternative yourselves found in the area killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know to touch, we'll do our best to help evacuate into survivor who must have the same office. and so this is what else collegial looks like. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the destruction is mass. so there is not a single building. still standing near dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured. many bodies are still lying in the road. so you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. no, they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors, any injured traps. they're not even here where i'm standing back is really drones and war planes keep firing on civilians and rescue team the shadow. especially if i just don't know why. i'm sure that you the
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the, the, all of the palestinian, the stomach. you had groups, as it's bombs is ready. solved isn't the vehicles in northern garza, other codes for guides released face video showing it's 5 is firing most of shells and the giovanni refuge account groups. as a counted out, the attack would be ongoing of how much is ready. um it says $282.00 of it. surgery person out of being killed for war and gone. so it began the let's kick off on special coverage on al jazeera. well, as of tuesday, may the 28th, no way island and spain the old formerly recognized palestine as a states. it's a historic move reflecting the growing calls for
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a peaceful resolution to the 76 year old conflict and then to his rouse occupation . it also reasserts the palestinian peoples right to self determination more than 7 months into his rose, devastating war on gaza. the course of voices denouncing the violence and impunity is growing louder is ready, 5 minutes step. and you mean nothing now is increasingly isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the world's top colts. evacuations of genocide and wall crimes. noise span and island are in good company. most of the world supports palestinian statehood. more than a 140 of 193 members of you in general assembly recognize that the bantam is building, slovenia, malta. i've also side bank considering formal recognition. more countries follow suit, spanish prime minister, but the size of says the decision to recognize palestine is essential for peace in
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the middle east. this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the matter of historical justice with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of the oddest diamond state that quick ceased along side the state of the swell in peace and security correspondence. so tracking this story, rise across europe in the middle east, where lived in, i'm mine and best to be him and also from dublin. and also the 1st let's go live now to pull brandon. he joins us from the dread. so full a may just step from
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a major european country take us through how momentous this moment is of the, it's enormously symbolic, it's enormously momentous and the spanish prime minister that we had a clip of just that i gave you that early morning statement with media outside the mon club palace where he gave that statement over my shoulder all waiting and hanging on his everywhere because of the importance of this. i mean, some of the things that he said in that state funds are really deeply significant. i mean, it spoke about festival, but the, this is not a decision that is against any party, it's held against israel. what it is is in favor of peace, the substance of the proposals, but spain islands have no way of putting forward as a return to 67 borders with jerusalem is the capital of both israel and the palestinians. i also was pains to say that what they're doing here is nothing outlined ish. what they're doing is, is in line with multiple united nations resolutions, united nations resolutions,
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which help informally recognize them adopted by the european union as well. so staying island of norway are in no way kind of outliers. busy european opinion, they all the parts of, as you say, the majority of united nations members, a $193.00 of them more than a $140.00 of them now recognize the palestinian statehood as a reality. and the other thing that was really interesting about what he said was the movement to go forward from here, you have 3 priorities. first of all, to end, the goal is a crisis. so it's on the hostages, until it's it to get to monetary in a, in a 2nd level to assist and support the post them, you know, thought you in the west bank unfairly to create partnerships with the arab neighbors. and how important that is to supporting a viable palestinian state. i'm the idea who played a trip at the top of the hour of a camera door running between garza on the west bank in order to make that
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palestinian state viable. we know how to patient in the west bank cuz shot up so that that'll keep my territory and little pockets that really isn't viable. as i stated, spain and its allies very clear that it needs to be returned. so it kind of viable reality. so the palestinian state has, can be made liable. and the other thing that i just want to finish with is the, the fact that we're moving away, i think, from what, what does a frustration, i think from the, from spain on the, its allies. but waiting for the united states of israel to come up with a kind of the 2 state solution by the direct negotiations. and it's just simply not going to happen quick enough for the people who are suffering in the west bank and gaza on. so spain's help, strong hope and priority is of this just jo, this statement will move that piece, process along the right, whole brennan from the dread. let's continue this though now and let's go over to also have joining us from the live step boston. so step, this is
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a hugely impulse and then also symbolically important moments for know a ride the bus place of the oslo peace process. ringback that's right there calling at the also 2.0, an upgrade from the oslo accords that have failed and they were assigned to. 1 the 30 years ago and also broke up here in secret and also at the time is trial agreed to an independent palestinian state after these fees. of course, that would basically be doubts within the next 5 years after that. well clearly without 30 years later. and that hasn't happened so nobody has now set, we're not going to wait for israel to come forward. we're now going to support a palestinian state also as a very strong signal to the united states and to as route as a give some complex here. and also um, joined here by one of the members of parliament. it's a marion of the who sign and you're
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a member of the following month for the socialist left party. how significant is this recognition of the, by the state and state here are no way today. it's very important and is also long overdue. we have been working on this issue with the civil society, the socialist left party, the unions in norway, and we have had many motions brought to the parliament for norway to recognize the full listing in states. because right now, norway and the international community or the european countries, or have only been recognizing one of the, um, uh, parts here. so now it's a game changer for norway. uh, even though it's long overdue, it's a very good position as a and i'm also hoping that this will also um, takes time in but know it takes time to pressure both israel and the other
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countries to recognition for us as well. the norway has many investments in the or low fund, the investment in these riley economy. so now it's also time to look in sanctions because the pictures that we're seeing from rural, far today yesterday, the rustic and the barred vents and has to stop. so this is barely a symbolic move right by norway. it's a significant move to say, but they're not doing enough right now. you think the government, the government and the international community is not doing enough because we've seen a almost 8 months of, of apartments and we've seen the i c, g or ruling the and the to many cherry law. they have 3 to be equal for every but all parts and the pablo sending people i've been suffering for so long because of this and, and equality. so it's time to recognize policy time. but also we need to move
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forward and both sanction but also stop some of the bottomless countries that contribute to sending them military equipment. house stuff. i asked the foreign minister earlier about the sanction. so right. because i, it's quite some economic importance uh, between the norway and israel. and he said that he didn't want to go this far. what, what are you telling him? what, what do you want to say? i want to tell him that the military law is very clear on this, and norway cannot be contributing to breaching them in mandatory law, norway and every states have a responsibility on their own to do what they've had. and right now, norway has to do more. the civic society have been very clear on this. we have been very clear on this in the parliament. so who is the time is now to do what we can for the people of palestine and the people in your office. so thank you so much for
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joining us here in the program. so as mary inside the pressure here from the norwegian parties, political parties use groups, they will continue to be on the government right now. we're not expecting any statements formalizing the recognition of palestine here from also, but there will be people gathering here in the next hour of so and they would actually go through this really embassy also to protest. so it's not only a sort of ration of the recognition, but definitely the also a protest against what's happening right now in roughly that step voss and from also let's continue this and go to the other european capital, recognizing the state of palestine today for the mocks joins us now live from dublin and village. we've been hearing the palestinian cycles flying from the irish parliament today, indication of just how much support there is for this. that the full is one of the symbolic indications of our support for the kind of sitting in
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pools and palestinian statehood was not being legally put into effect by these the cabinet here. the last hour. also, we've had a statement from the countries deputy 5 minutes souls with a foreign minister, nissan mazda, and i just want to share some of that with you. he says, the recognition of the time is fine, is not the end of a process. it's the beginning. he said the on and is quite deeply connected to the pursuit of peace and support of products in the state building. this is something the course has supported for many decades. he went on to say, through intensive diplomacy and longstanding development cooperation program. the parliament here in dublin will be debating this issue for several ass thoughts are going to buy from our time. we had a chance yesterday to speak to some of the campaign is involved in protests the in dublin over the last several months. and they said that that right? since had very much lead to this point,
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was we used to kill bain has been the past 16 days on the st. kempland university college dublin she and fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. through of the noisy protests were occupying the building, the university closed at his private dining clothes and on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capital of a major college trinity. students of already pressured university with our seasons divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions to debate about israel. vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians
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from across the spectrum of almost university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman. if he is a member of parliament for the people before profit potty and says such action is long. oh, but you just the higher has continued to unfold. structure of hospitals, the coming of journalists, massacre of children and women, man, and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical out canvassing ahead of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main franks for art in the recognition should go to ordinary people. it's ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protesting by their incontinence, that, of course, the irish government, to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about the kind of sending and resistance for the campaign as a university college,
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as learning from the own faculty about and tell us in history, they now want more than me words. i think institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the public sending people and they struggle, but do very level to materially support thoughts and access is going to be pushing the government function as well to i'm and ties with my, his assignee, fletcher's and stuffy. so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day and say that countries stones should simply support the best of future limits. how does a to dublin on the stuff a lot of holes. he is secretary general of the palestinian national initiative. he joins us now from the dread good to have you with us so. so 1st of all, how much of an important milestone is this moment on the policy part of the palestinian struggle for self determination? it's it's
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a very important so i'm talking to them but it's alone and the really. ready be that and because what is important to you is that and finally, many kind of what is the hesitant about the magazine for the sign i recognize him by the sign. this has a very important value because it means that whatever isn't or uh, in terms of the 2nd item in the, in terms of expansion of supplements. in terms of the facts on the ground, like an exchange, googling photos that is meaningless because this is now medical denied by 146 going through. this allows it to be nice as the from the city and state on the military is an annual cubase. so what time i got on the ground, this will not change the course of history and will not change the future the longer. and, but on the other hand, this is now becoming more clear that there is an earlier this farms is becoming the
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fashion that a sense that you have a very city, missouri to governments. and the governments are making good crimes included in good clients in the signing autographs. it's nick lindsey's i'm calling because punishment and they need to be factual. that's why how the pool is not on the political, the night on a sign, which is a very important step that we have. but if she is so coming for them to do it on span motorway and i, but we need the more we need now. sanction cannot the nice thing is it, is it really meaningless? what is real doing? if he does control the situation on the ground, if he does like no because of the backing of impulse in pals like for us, it ignores the recognition of the palestinian state and if it. busy is restrict palestinian rights even further or no, i didn't to be meaningless. instead of the actual physical. since before the,
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i'm doing the committing world science, we'd have a good model that sort of the 6000 for the simian skills and god, including the 10000 the we have 81230000000, get many of whom would die, resources and destroys infrastructure and music and no of course it depends on the effects. i mean this wouldn't change the course of the listing and people know if it's the nation, the fact that so many content is not recognized. specialist find more of them that include the company and the nice is no means the city and 2nd is not in vain and it is fixed into the world and it is for many other companies to to, to access. i would allow you to be free to have our services with admission and that's why we see it to the world. now you have to respond in the strong good amount, which means imposing sanctions. you will have to respond to. i want to question is
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the living according to the standalone or i wouldn't be to understand it and i sign this, and this gives me that, which is a very small area. is exposing only put all the doing in the one, especially by the united states, which continues to support this data, but it is an area admission and actually part of the secret service. but on the other hand of the systems i would have said this is moving. in addition, why do you think the missed about who would see that as more countries recognize palestine as a state? do you think it will turn into a stage where countries then will recognize palestinians have a right to defend themselves? palestinians have a right to resist occupation and maybe take the same sort of false to that many countries have taken on ukraine fighting what they see as occupation and invasion,
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taking the same stance towards the palestinian struggle against occupation. this absolutely does it have to do so if there is fixed another action or know what international to say, and that's where the court date and the case of ukraine is that i mean kind of the, the, the, the patient, how does that i. so there's this, look you patient and it was all forms of the so it does not, there is nothing that they couldn't describe as an extra to defense, right? to send to defend this. what i hope you find that is the issue so far they've been talking about is that it is, it's a defense stuff. nobody, very few of smoke about that. i just find a city and a lot of that information to defend themselves. so i guess this is one only, i think, so this is the fact that the student science taking place and the front of the national court of justice decided that i have to start. and then i talked to him,
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that's why i'm the decision of the justice is, is, is for me. so i need the support as i shut down the editor from this, the other side is practically literally by releasing information a little right on the decision of the cell phone. just thank you so much. themself . about a whole always spoke to palestinians and gossip. many a welcoming the decision by spain, no way in the island. nice. i. it's long overdue and hope more countries will support that. cool for recognition on the line you have the let's see what we think is the countries that's recognized palestine as a state, no doubt. so this provides most support to our calls. this is our homeland israel is an occupation for the month. we hope all the countries will follow some. this will provide diplomatic assistance to our quotes, from the how to move in the right direction. this will bring more pressure on this
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round will help the remaining world states would recognize palestine as a state to add that off and the good news. yeah, it did. this recognition comes after a long history of struggle resistance and steadfastness by the palestinian people. these countries reminders that although we have been failed by many, the remain, voices of conscience and truth in this world. we feel in the low no struggle for freedom and independence of the can kinda. we hope that all the 27 europe and states will do the same. it means more pressure on israel and the united states. also more support to us in the un could also reduce israel's crimes against our people. and one day we could bring these release to justice. we're certain we will restore all our lawful rights. that is what the heart of national for who we are very proud of this move and hope all the countries in the world were recognized are posted in state because simply we are the rightful owners. in the past,
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when i said i'm palestinian europeans would ask, where is this country now the whole world knows our cause and is supporting us. that's crossover now to me that abraham in bethlehem, in the occupied westbank so many that what does this step by the 3 year opin countries mean for the palestinian authority, how it operates and for the people that as many people see it as a show of support for the solidarity movement that far around the world, talking about how the site and talking about the league and his radio occupation that has been violating the palestinian rise when it comes to here in the occupied last spring. but also in the besieged god, the strip palestinians feel that their cries, their message to the world has been delivered because they've been talking about the league. it is really settlements for decades. the arrest,
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the lads confiscation the war zone garza the fact that israel has this military power advanced by the us and by western countries in the world. they believe that flying the lead nations around the world are seeing this and are doing something about this. and they believe that the states taking this decision to recognize palestine comes because of the struggle and the process and the pressure that comes from the nation from their people around the world. as for the palestinian, the 4th use, you can imagine they supported the move. they welcomed this, they said it comes on top of a, for the 2 years at the united nations of that, at the international arena when it comes to their diplomacy, trying to convince the western countries, but also all countries around the world to up their support for paula side to show really practical move. now we know that israel has said that it would be taking
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measures to punish depaula, sidney and authority a when it comes to the money when it comes to the economy. but for it's not listed in authority. they say this is really often withholds. there's tax revenues that is collected on behalf of the palestinian. so really they see this is momentum that is being carried on. and this morning we heard the public sidney in 5 minutes to say that he heard from other countries in europe that they will be recognizing palestine soon. and the other non european countries will do the same now. and you need, who's been speaking to people who say that even though they see these, where the rates all the time, this move, this recognition means a lot to them. and it gives them a list of the major for one. another one became
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a little while ago in the sense that some of the hands of all of us and i shot it fine outside of the but i didn't see i'm always open to. i've seen that you had a bad look us up a body. yeah. yeah. and put on the move and that's, that's really i didn't lift the value and keep it up for cutting the symbol. what do i use it on the totem? and it should back move it to just off of hand because you from also, i know so it hasn't been that will satisfy for the most of the, for her bidding on them. i know how i'm, that i'm and walk, i guess an issue. and i am, it is a little before noon and mr. little just didn't know enough accepted. i'm going to live without him from that to the walk through the guns here to feed them in that that, that if it is one. yeah. and with a lender within then that we had to be on the blood. and when me, the most amount of be all but i'm in the, in the couldn't do a lot more do it or leaving that the in the, off the block before really so i mean in kennesaw you needed to watch the none is that better for the autumn of in know how the and the stream can he attended the thing in philosophy and here with john. yeah. the fellow student that he will not
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let me push it doesn't have to finish the book and i'm a little less than a. go ahead that agenda, not one that can agenda, but by doing that we'll do a little bit of oh, here's a sample of what people in the occupied westbank told down to 0. i want the recognition of a state of palestine means to them the. this will help us get rid of all the problems we are going through. we will have our independent states and we will be able to live in safety without all the problems that have been plaguing us. things will be more prosperous and the situation in the region will improve. everyone will be released. the following. it'll probably cause was not being discussed for very long time and nobody was talking about the political rights of palestinian peoples. this year there has been a noticeable change in the vision and policy of several governments that did not believe in the policy and people's right to self determination. when back with the innovation,
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the in the shop of the palestinian people have the right just like any other people in the world have their own independence. they that is recognized by other countries, couldn't jerusalem as a couple to 2nd respect your country and the pull the palestinian coals and, and the on that high. and then it gives us hope hope that the world has not forgotten about us. additionally, protestant is not just an occupied country. protestant is a global cause of a clean mon calling, joins us now live from my mind in jordan. so am ron, is this a, a moment that's being seen is underscoring something of a policy failure for his route and for its prime minister? well, that's what you might expect, but it's about well, it's uh, full says he is only we've had absolutely no response from either the foreign ministry or from prime minister benjamin netanyahu, or anybody within the ruling coalition. that's surprising thing. we feel that that
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may well be a strong response to all of the best buy has been a strong response to a pos defense. when this announcement was 1st made about 7 days ago, is what recorded record is on bass. it is from those countries. and then it force the in box. it is all those countries that recognize palestine towards propaganda video, something uh, that was seen as a break from a diplomatic nose. and then on the 27th of may, yesterday, they issued the statement from the foreign ministry is all kept saying, i instructed these ready, i'm afraid to send a diplomatic note to the spanish embassy and his ro, prohibiting this plan. his consul in jerusalem from conducting conseula activities or providing comes to the services to residents of the palestinian authority. we will not remain silent in the face of a government that rewards tara, and whose leaders any names the power of the spanish prime minister and another senior figuring the spanish government who say, who challenged the anti semitic slogan from the river to the sea. palestine will be
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free. there is a reward. him asked the attempt to establish a policy the entire states will have no contact with the palestinians. other worthy parts punishing the palestinians for this recognition. expect them to follow suit with both ireland and we have no way in any other country that may well recognize. but we're also in a moments where israel is looking at a strategy of diplomatic isolation. and this is just part of it is punishing those countries and isn't choosing them of being anti semitic simply because they've recognized palestine times so much in wrong palm the reporting from my mind because as well as band, i'll just hear from operating inside the country. all right, now let's go over to kimberly, how could she joins us from washington, d. c. so kimberly, this is another assign, is it not of countries moving in an opposite direction from us policy side? how much concern is that generating in washington, dc of the well,
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i can tell you when it comes to the ordinary american in the united states, a really has very little impact. but it does have a great concern for those here in the white house and decision makers. not particularly when it comes to members of the republican party, but as some of the sort of policy thinkers here in the united states are keenly aware that this is further isolating the united states. and you'll remember that when joe biden made his inaugural address back in 2021, he said that he was going to distance himself from donald trump's administration, who's going to repair alliances and engage with the world once again. but this is the exact opposite by the united states, not taking the same stats as these other nations, as the united states has also been noticeably silent when it comes to v i. c. j rolling that happened last week when it has been noticeably silent for the kind of
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nation of israel stripe hard rasa. there have been numerous examples in recent weeks is backing up the israel's war and gaza even as tens of thousands has been killed in the casualties or mounting to the united states as find itself increasingly isolated. and so this is a problem for joe biden and his administration. and he has been isolated from world opinions. and what is increasingly noticeable to many around the world is the fact that the united states is increasingly finding itself on the wrong side of international law. and so, even as the united states find itself still in the good company of some of the larger nations, the problem for is, is that it is increasingly isolated. thanks so much kimberly how. so now the recognition of palestine is in gaining momentum on may the 10. so you,
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in general, assembly visit overwhelmingly in favor of backing palestine. fit for full membership. a 143 countries voted in favor. 25, up stained and 9 voted against the motion coding as well. and it's i live the united states only the un security council can ground full membership of the photo, does chrome, palestine additional palace to its current observer status. these include submitting new proposals and amendments and requesting they be put to vote. the general assembly is ready and by so again, i have this done content to move use to shred the to suggest to you and was destroying its own child to invest the ultimate source as palestine times to request full membership at the un security council. oh, with the license have with us now, you'll see ben and joining us from west jerusalem is a former is right, the justice minister and help negotiate the also piece of quotes good to have you
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with us. so 1st of all, this is probably not the direction you thoughts deals low peace accords with pay cries and they also have process this is true and a, and i'm sorry that you cannot to interview me from the as well. and that said, i just knew i was the hosted, i mean manual of the, of what happened the, i just the programs, the different programs was something that they did not like, i've missed must it meet the. but i think that the, the way to all deal is the adult cannot to house the other side so that i what happy to have you missed the pilot and happy to happy to talk with you. so a thank you. ok, now that the issue i'll say of what happened seems they also know. i think that the in, in many ways this is the victorian takes 3 me on, on both sides a, they,
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those, those, the groups say, hey, well, not try to keep the patient the land. and the key is the position of the land. and we know by now how we pick up a patient, it will be 22 percent will do it, but it's being in state and it's 78 percent a full day for these rooms a and do you think we, we pay k then swaps to which related being relevant and accepted by they both sides. i don't have any reason why not to recognize the police pinion right to have their own state. i believe that it is vital for us. right. and not only for the students to have that tuesday is the question is about this recommendation. i mean, when, when my, you, my friend said roll the asked me about whether or not to recognize. i said that i
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would not be in a position to ask them not to recognize that police being in state, but they have to remember there is no police doing in state redirect. and when i talked about it, they, yes, the arrows that allow you from a 99 when they will be in countries, it will a well it right? due to recognize that platoon and state a in a, in a funeral for you. we are speaking about february 99, if there is no problem at the beginning. in the us in his view about d and he said use of course it is very, is very important for me to feel that the world is with us. and does your being countries support us and ready to recognize it for this thing is the but the said it is already i remember the now the then it is already that we have is the bolt of 120 sweet countries. but we don't have a state. and what i'm worried about,
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he said, is that they, they loved we recognize and on existence as the and stay well of those make you very, very easy. oh, the government of the day it was a, by the way, speeds the government or the, the government doesn't. it doesn't you know to but, but i really loved it. anything on this and the award winning streak that the big what the tech to do that we already have a state. so what is more important for me is to negotiate weekdays, rarely st, with the state, rather than a to have a kind of a make believe, which is not the state i, i'm just quote, the game. it doesn't mean that i'm against what is happening. of course, if, if there isn't guns which, which says exactly, well we are going to have the vote. this is probably not the because these head should be left for the bodies. but i know otherwise,
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i think that the most important thing is to recognize the police to him right? for stake. and to do meant both sides to speak together and to negotiate degrees and not to is strength and they think stream is on both sides. this is what is really bolt. i had a bunch of other questions for you. you'll see about unfortunately, i'm being told now we have some breaking news. hopefully we'll be able to pick up this one life for now. thank you very much. so you'll see bailey in the form of the spring. you're breaking news. 21 palestinians killed in the news ray, the strike. but tom, you through the area of his tense housing displaced people in the mossy area west. overall in southern garza, many of them were being told women and children thousands have been injured. in sunday, you'll remember as well, bum, the 10th camp, killing at least 45 displaced palestinians and hold the is there for us live in central gaza,
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indebted by let's go to. so in the pictures that we are getting now look very gruesome and wiring. indeed, what can you tell us about this? strike the, the another harvey finding incidents the is really errors or strikes target to another make to come up full of 10. so we're talking about 21 policy news that were transferred to that were transferred to the international medical corpse field hospital. in dropbox. we received the names of the people killed 13 of the 21. our females. it's not only thoughts. we're also, we have been also reporting about the fact that there is no hospitals in drop off. at all of these up injuries we're talking about dozens of injuries were transferred to as a 5th field. the hospitals, the international medical corpse field, the hospital. it's a field hospital, it's
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a medical points with no cop abilities with no, i see you. and there are some of the injuries that our critics could and severe. but again, in order to uh for the ambulances, to move them to they are being hosted in can you and as are to look so hospitably where i am right now and did it, but they need fuel and for more than 3 weeks now there has been no fuel entering the gaza strip. so i'm giving says do not have this the, the, the option to move these critical injuries which would risk their lives. unfortunately. and just to clarify, this is, is this an area that israel told people to move to tell people from or off to go to as a safe zone. so this is my was the area. it's in the west string parts of the people in the western parts of the sofa and the milwaukee were not called to evacuate by the is ready
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forces. so people have thought that this place was a safe place. they could stay here. but again, since the morning we have been a lot of people starting their journey of displacements after that is where the forces targeted on another makes of 12 days ago. and yesterday was also a very, very tough night, according to people who we met today that were displays from jeff off. they said that it was very tough and they chose to move to the central area. so i'm not really sure about the blocks. and if this. c was a humanitarian area, but i'm 100 percent sure that uh this place was not called as a danger zone and people were not warrant to evacuate from that area and tell us what options these people have now because we understood one of the few. if any of remaining hospitals, the quite the hospital had to close down because of another is riley strike at the
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gates of that hospital. so what's happening to engine people? well, insurance people are literally dying from the lack of medication because of quite the hospital was not every hospital but it's used to obtain and like people used to get their medication there because because there were doctors working there. but yesterday, that is where the forces talk targeted to medical stuff in on the entrance of quite the hospital. so they close at the hospital at any time out of service. there is the ro, hospitals in dropbox right now. there are only 2 medical points that operating, but there's over well impacts cindy after that's last late is target it an hour ago . and again, it's very hard for them to get transferred to other hospitals, like they are p and, and can you and as, and the look so at,
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in the left. so people are risk of death because they're not receiving the medicine medical treatment. they're supposed to got received and they're not even having the ability to get transferred because of the lack of fuse and hen. definitely tilting i'm looking up. the reports on quoting is, is ready. defense will say is uh as saying milwaukee is a safe. so i'm going back to december, the 8th, and in this report i'm looking at and i'm wondering, do people have any clue just briefly? do people have any idea of where to go right now with all these attacks? well, they don't have any option. other, the central area and con units, but the central area is pack an overlap of the space people because a lot we're talking about 200800000 sorry,
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of palestinians evacuated the past month to the central area. and con eunice, so it spots even the empty lands are full of tents. people are being displaced on the sidewalks. we see people putting their cents on the sidewalks here around the hospital and, and, and they, they do not have any place to go. some people do not even have tense where we have been calling that we have been receiving people asking us for tense and telling us that they do not have any place to go to very dire situation. thank you very much in hold of a back. all right, so we'll bring you some more details on that breaking news story about now. let's take a short break and the facts tell you more about what's going on on the ground. the, [000:00:00;00] the,
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the illusion of anti semitism with opposition design is a, it's cynical. and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews because the country is on is and is not about to lose. it's about $230.00 and we need to talk about the sign is a listing cost special on his jersey. now let me tell you almost suffice equal results. the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice much luck. the now be used only electric very close here. like coming here, sits on to play with a large 3rd space with a look in my private for me. now. thanks. royal. i can also offer somebody valley equal,
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restored to been gone. the welcome back to land spring. you an update of what's going on in the ground in garza some breaking news just in saying at least 21 palestinians have been killed in an as rainy strike that targeted in the area. those tense housing displaced people and then milwaukee area. that's west overall fine. southern garza, many of them women and children, and thousands have also been injured now it should point out law sees in areas that stretching back to december of last year. israel had been urging people to go to as a safe. so that apparently now being
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a tax and this coming off to what happened on sunday. but israel bummed the tent camp killing at least $45.00 displaced palestinians. a funeral procession has taken place for an exemption soldier who is killed in an exchange of fire with his very forces. on monday, the incident took place along, but off for the crossing with egypt and garza israel took control of that crossing . earlier this month launched the ground the sultan off. now major reports are accusing is ready intelligence of threatening thought to been pseudo, and she served as the international criminal court prosecute to the guardian newspaper says, the van moss, i'm chief, you'll see co head pressure been sued up to drop for crime investigations into israel. co, henry supposedly told her you should let us take care of you. you don't want to be
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getting into things that could compromise your security or vice of your family. the paper also says the current i c c chief, prosecute that kevin hahn is being subjected to several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influence his activities a hi spring in toby, cosmetic. he's an international human rights lawyer and international criminal court specialist. good to have you with us. so 1st of all, how shocking is it's read reports that someone who is then the head of most side, these right intelligence tool is this all and who is then the chief prosecutor for the i c c and basically threatening her. and her family is incredibly shocking. and i think it's commendable that the prosecute to didn't know bio to that pressure. and she continued with the investigation to extent that she petitioned the pre trial chamber to, to authorize those investigations. but when we looked at the, the substance, we just come from the colleges investigation, obviously
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a lot more information will be coming out. and that is, of course, a direct interference with an independent investigation. and that has to be consequences for that of threats to the prosecutor. and her family we, we rely on these institutions to be able to, to operate independence of political pressure. and this kind of direct threats to the senior most official from the prosecuting side is deeply, deeply disturbing. and put that where is reports that we are hearing that from what's going on now with an unfamiliar with, before we get a though this will this for the raise the question in the minds of many as to whether this has something to do with the perceived delay and why it took so long for the c. c to move on this investigation compared to how quickly it moved and other investigations as in ukraine as well. i'm sure it will play into some of the
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companies that have already been made. attacking the not a prostitute, a current. com. but certainly setting my view is that he has moved very carefully, deliberately because he's very much aware of the criticisms that are going to be made of him in his office. we've also seen with him prior to making the requests for arrest warrants, having a panel of experts to independently review the evidence because he knows what that that's why he's going to take absolutely. is this a violation of off coal 70 of the wrong statute? absolutely. what can be done then about it? certainly, and certainly a number of, uh, international lawyer colleagues have been commenting on this. i'm just, this just this morning has the same amount. i'm really sorry toby, because we're running out of time, but i'm sure you'll be back to talk about this. i'm just the end of the news out. we'll be out in a couple of minutes. so another full show. so to stay with us here on out just here
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as we recaps the latest on what's happening and garza and around the world. sorry the of to 6 weeks. the final phase of india's general elections begins on seeing the 1st prime minister in our rent removed. he is seeking to increase his maturity, butler, low 10 out, and economic concepts, and the cost is rooting. p j. p. follow india is general election analogies. era interrogate the narrative. there's no question about the united states is effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric yet say look the correct, but so is the international community upfront. only what, how does it on counting the costs for us escalates its trade with china,
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but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. all the pots of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage in critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera, [000:00:00;00] the his riley strikes target, palestinians sheltering, and account for displaced people in southern gaza. at least 21 people are killed, women and children among today, the sammy's a them this is i'll just hear a live from dell hall. so coming up is writing time and had


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