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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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the escalate now and say there is no plans the for the people in rough on the the hello. well, i'm on the inside. this is the news out lloyd from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. israel continues to bomb display civilians in 10 cities in rough or in areas it designates, it is safe, so at least $21.00 people are killed in the latest is rarely a talk against the displaced people in the l. milwaukee county. most of the victims of women and children is rarely times moved for deep interrupt the city, leaving palestinian scrambling to flee. the finance is really a tax also target families trying to return to their homes in the giovanni
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a refugee camp in northern gosh. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy does. and a historic moment to palestinian self determination. 3 western countries, spain on an unknown way, formally recognize the state of palestine. the of the bombing homes, leveling neighborhoods, is rarely false as a now bombing, tends for displace palestinians. they've got no way left to go. the late to strike today has targeted the milwaukee area, which is west of rough or at least $21.00 palestinians killed. these are the 1st images that emerging now from alma wasi, which is a so called safe zone, designate the following israel. the law you can see in these pictures some of the
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victims of women and children. thousands of people were injured. there are no fully functioning hospitals in the area to treat these people. the strike of course, comes just days of the israel boomed another 10 kind of candidate, nice, $45.00, displace palestinians. many of them. what then? a nice meanwhile, in a major development of israel's full blown defensive on rasa, is where the tanks have now reached the hearts of the city. this is, of course, despite a global outcry against and the sold as well was once designated a safe study. witnesses and job to say b is rarely ami, is taking control of a key round about in the city. it's about 500 meters from the boat with egypt had a competence and drones have also been spotted. well, israel's continued ministry pushed into russia,
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has uprooted about some 1000000 palestinians from the shelters and homes over the last 3 weeks. that's incomplete. the funds of international coals to stop its ground defensive involves a southern city and is rarely a talk on monday. for rough as crazy hospital to shut down parts of the cities, indonesian and field hospital has also been damaged because big not the hidden cordaris. she joins his life from darrow by a, in central gaza. so he is. but another deadly is rarely attacked this afternoon. talk saying account of displaced people. what more can you tell us about what happened of the well 21 policy news were killed as the is really forces targeted to tense in a mix of 10 comp need of milwaukee. this area is very close to the beach, according to a i with me says,
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and people who know these families. they said that they were having their lunch. when the is really our strikes, targeted them. most of these palestinians were transferred to a medical field hospital for the international medical corpse, and it was very close to this field hospital. and that's why people start crushing and start to transferring the injuries to this medical points. there are no ambulances, we saw videos, emerging online, people were transferred to the medical points when, with dark donkey carts because there has been no fuel, no, didn't, for the civil defense at teams that have been operating because they are very low on fuel. and also there has been very severe critical injuries that were unable to get transferred to other hospitals. so operating across the gaza strip because there was no a way of transportation and there are also a lot of fuel. so it's, it's,
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this is the 2nd same incident that happens in the past 72 hours, according to the palestinian officials. they mentioned that $72.00 policy news were killed as is there any forces targeted make shift to come? and just, just to be clear about this area where this attack took place and of course, the deadly attack 2 days ago. these are taking place in areas that a safe sense. people have been told not to leave these areas. people were told to not leave the area and people were also told that this play, it was a safe area. it was a human to tell you area. according to the last least let drop by the is really forces on the citizens of drop off. i went back to the last leaflets is red dropped and it says that there is bluff and milwaukee and block 2360 is
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a safe area. and today the target was blocked. 2360. so this was this ignited by those early forces of safe area. people did not leave because they were not taught to evacuate, and they thought that this place was safe. but again, there's no play safe. there is no area in the gaza strip that has been out of is there is targets so far. and we are seeing more people coming from the western parts of the gulf off towards the left, especially after this target today. and he touched on this a little earlier, the fact that there, there are no very limited medical facilities available to treat even the injured many of the injured dine because they call and get help. so what actually is available if, if these people are injured, where, where do they go in terms of hospitals or medical facilities?
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many let me 1st mention that there are 0 hospitals and dropped off right now the hospitals, but it was operating still in, in, in the fall was equate the hospital and it was out of service yesterday after that is ready for says targeted to medical stuff. so now it definitely is out of any hospitals. the only operating medical facility is the amc my because uh points and people are rest without any medication. there is no medical supplies for more than 3 weeks. nothing entered the godless trip. no medical uh, mother said people were not allowed to go and abroad and received their treatments . we're talking about thousands of palestinians, a truck in the gaza strip, not being able to get the medical treatment they, they need are just not just right now in this courtyard. overlooks the hosp within a month, telling me that his wife has cancer and she was suppose to get transferred to egypt
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on the day. that is res operation of rough. i started, he's telling us that he's seeing his wife dying in front of his eyes. and he can do anything. there is no my defense, there is no borders. there is no need medical treatment costs, but those are parks. there's like, there's literally nothing. and he's telling me, i'm just counting the minutes and trying to spend as much time as my, with my wife, because i may news her in any 2nd. and people are that's how this seeing their beloved ones being killed in front of their eyes for things they can't control. so many herring stories coming out to have cause a hinge appreciate or you were forcing hendo could diary that 1st life in there as well from those devastating strikes in the south less now to to northern gaza. whether it's been even more is really
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a tax in the area of jamalia now is really forces target to displace families who are trying to return back to their homes near the refugee camp in northern garza, i'll just there is, i'm us al sharif was out the scene incentives this report, this, by the time photographed to reports these really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jabante, a refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes. and artillery opened fire at the dozens were killed and injured and the duel attacks and medical crews, assisted by volunteers, are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and l. felicia is more than done. another one i don't have to, i'm not really on a separate. i show all the phenomena. yeah. for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing this area. what the amount of to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures,
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speak volumes. and also about has on, with the since the early hours of the morning when people become through the time, is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered the number of bodies we harmonics and evidence cruise are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago, alternative yourselves finding the area, killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know the time. we will do our best to help evacuate into survivors. how's the, who must have the alarm came on, and this is what else collegial looks like. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the destruction is mass. so there is not a single building. still standing near dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured and that was, many bodies are still lying in the road. and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traps. they're not even here where i'm standing,
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but it's really drones and war plains keep firing on civilians and rescue change the shadow. especially if i just the why i'm sure that you the of the so as of a tuesday may the 28th, no way on and in spain have formerly recognized palestine as a state. it's a historic move reflecting the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year old conflict and an end israel's occupation. it also reassessed the palestinian peoples right to self determination. more than 7 months since israel's devastating rule on gauze and the chorus of voices denouncing the vault and son, impunity is growing. louder is rarely prime minister. benjamin netanyahu is increasingly isolated. he's facing various legal challenges before 2 of the world's
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top quotes with accusations of both genocide and bull crimes. no way spend and on and on. good company. most of the world supports palestinian statehood move in a 140 of the 193 members of the un general assembly recognize it. and the momentum is building slovenia, and malta have also said they are considering formal recognition. and more countries could also have followed suit, spanish, prime minister petro sanchez, says the decision to recognize policy one is essential for peace in the middle east . this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's and punish things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if historic injustice with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. this is
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the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of the oddest diamond state that quick ceased along side the state of the swell in peace and security. while we joined now by spain's to foreign minister jose manuel alvarez, welcome to the show. it's a pleasure having you with us on out to 0. what in concrete terms, the spain recognize the palestinian state unto we have regular dies, the state of palestine as a full nation among the international community with all the rights that gave to state food international law. and of course, this is the 1st step. next we have to to put in place our real valuable palestinian and state that we'll have
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a gas on the west bank. i'm the one single palestinian authority. the wheel has continued to have the territory and depth full connected by a call really within next it to the c, and a 14 gusta on the capital in easy rosellan levels. we have failed to join forces to bring these based conference to bring peace for everyone. in the me the least. so the recognition today is for justice, for the palestinian people. they cannot be condemned to be a turn or the refugee people for peace in the middle east for everyone, including the people of these royal. i know so out of us too many to assign with a foreign minister, but someone would argue this is largely symbolic because it won't change the reality on the ground as well. continues to flout the international court of justice readings on the whole thing. those attacks and roughly, even in the last few hours we've been talking about it the today we've had the 21
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people have been killed by is really bones targeting tents of displaced people. how is this recognition of the state of palestine going to in the hell that people in rough experiencing right now? so there are 3 things. first is not the same thing. the seats around the table when you're a silver and estate negotiating with and know that silver on the state. and that's why the recognition of the best state to follow the dining simpleton. secondly, is what the listing and no sort of 30 has been asking us for our policy senior i'm friends, has told us it's important for us on 3rd. of course, this thing isolated, we're not bring by itself piece of things the beginning of a process. that's why yesterday, in the for in a fast council of the european union. and we have decided by, you know, need me to, to use the council of association between the new on israel to invite,
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what is riley calling to can to explain us what is happening in augusta on why he's not debating by the international court of justice or ruling that say's that the attack on rough on the military of the reason must have stopped immediately. something that the hispanic has been asking for months and. and what did he say in response? how were you going to enforce any of the decisions that are being made to make these rarely stop doing what they're doing in rasa? so we all decided yesterday the 27 know with the hired representative that we wouldn't inviting. we have to wait for the respite. it was a decision that was they can just have it needs to be in convey no by the high representative. i mean, they don't want to a bait, i mean falls. what's a complex? i'll be learning of the i. c is not that choice, it's complex already. it's a bo, this, a founding body of the united nation shot that then we took to this issue. and just
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today, to analyze the met showed that will be presented to i by the higher percent that they've just said bordeaux to held by cd to enforce those mattress. the spanish governments has said that it will push for a 2 state solution. how exactly will you do this given, as you know, in the goal is rarely supplements continue to expand and encroach on palestinian territory. and of course, we hear daily about raids in various towns and cities in the occupied westbank and the illegals set the mask that is rarely supposing in the west bank ghost against international law. and they have been condemned by everyone in the u. i mean, the united nation, that's why also we have to impose sanctions to violence. settlers both by lots released from spain. i know. so we deal that $26.00 at the new new level, but more broadly, we have put on the table. the idea will talk please conference, a peace conference that has been back already by everyone in the you,
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by everyone in the or i believe i know so by just allow me cooperation organizations tomorrow to secretary general lens and 5 ministers of foreign affairs and will be here from, from the out of countries will be here every month, reading through the prime minister of, of polish. then we will continue discussing with them as with eating brussels on monday, how to join forces for peace and this base conference kind of be like humans reading $91.00 only knows a little about part on meet this then we'll know what do we have to do it's time not to talk about the 2 state solution, but the about the implementation of the to a state solution. and as soon as these goes back to guess i would have to join forces to put on the one single story in the west bank and gaza. and we will have to do a massive plans of reconstruction photographs as well. but the foreign minister, you mentioned a number of times joining forces as you know, more than anyone. european countries are very divided on the issue of palestine. so
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what role is spain actually playing in bringing them together to deal with this issue as we are playing clearly a leading role on different topics when we start to put them on the table of the european union when union we're, we're fairly isolated to, to get that we, i line and some of the countries when we'd say that we had to increase our development corporation with palestine. and then deals as follows. when we said that we would not stop as funding or what, but even we would increase if we have done in like 35000000. we were fairly lone a more or more countries on the same for the sanctions on volume. instead, tennessee took us a time to get, you know, need anything for recognition. i'm sure it would be the same. we have done it together. we saw learning the you are no waiting or the group young country on site as a, with these the lenient all the countries will follow. so we are leaving and we're
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putting on the tables, the different missions that sometimes it takes a couple of months for all of us to follow. appreciate your time. jose manuel other as spain, a foreign minister of spain. thank you. thank you. ok, let's get the view now from no way one of those 3 you countries recognizing palestine. step boston is life for us, you know, slow step, and they cooling this also to point know, took us through what's happened today, where you on the significance of the i think it's very much about lessons learned. so listening also to the spanish foreign minister, of course we have these uh, the say quickly broken talks here and also in 1993, which left to this historic a deal agreement between this. 5 and the palestine at the time and also agreeing that there would be a palestinian independence. faith coming out of this page. the
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o. well now uh, 3 decades later, no way realizes that this is not the road to follow uh that the, waiting for his route to accept the 2 state solution is not going anywhere. so now they have decided that the, they're going to focus on an independent palestinian state. a saying that this is very important to accept 1st before reaching a peace deal. so this has basically a very different steps drive to, to, to norway has been following until now. and there has been a lot of pressure from youth groups here in norway. a lot of left wing parties have actually pressure the government to come to this result. so a lot of happiness about this recognition here in norway, but also criticism that they say the government is just not going far enough because they is this a fairly large wealth fund to that. so nobody has invested in israel and they are calling on the board call to and also the sanctions against as well. so really make sense, which is firm i that just this recognition. ok,
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thank you. see what time's the best and left for us in also we can speak now to raymond johansen. he's the sexy general of the norwegian people's age and the full that norwegian states x rays of foreign affairs. he joins us now from allstate. thank a few times that so no is recognition of a palestinian space has of course added significance because it hosted those columbus started me things back in 1993 that led to the also a cool it's the question though is does it bring a pallet, steins, state palestinian state any closer to reality as well that's not the issue to say, but we already have paid out both no way on spain that they recognize the other statements state doesn't important then also disappointing the other statements. right? to self determination. i sense and also mean even shorter, and that's definitely a parenthesis, tennessee for a long time solution for
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a 2 state solution. so it's a step in the, in the right direction. and it's very important that it was joined by 2 other european states and hopefully more would come. and then they really be able to put a pressure on them and show and they go say a good solution. but talking on the situation today, we see the situation and must bind gunning gossip, these base. of course, it's very, very far away from, from legal session between parties right now. the state bosses step in the right direction. i think it was important for no labels bowed. timely on the importance and do you expect to see other countries follow the lead as no way in spain? and who do you think they might be? uh, uh well, uh its uh its rumors about the, uh, some others,
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not just the email we follow. i on hope that the problem so so waiting to fall on the moon on the also uh in the, in great big and uh, hopefully the new, the prime in this scenario put in uh, in uh, in a position to reco nice uh, unassigned. so it's more to come uh, but 1st of all, and i have to say that the most important thing that i know it's dirty money, tired of the situation in golf. so it's uh, has to be a ceasefire. an excess uh for a good amount of time. rental season price, no um to, to stop the killing. stop the bumping son. the son to animal situation have to stop . that's right. and the most importantly, to the question mr. do, how do you think? well, as a point now where we are beginning to see the erosion of us ownership, a see israel, palestine piece versus and, and, and why do you think that is significant to not do this on his own.
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we know it has been talks in uh, in the, of the inside of the, um, the promo. they also all the be around big countries have to join, have to meet together with you and the other, your bands congress also to, to, to pay because it's a lot of things to do and all sizes when it's going to be a se, expire, but to us know, it's right in the election campaign. we know it's difficult within the democratic party. there's more or more people that are not satisfied with the presidents line on this issue. uh, but always us us being the closest online to you. so i can also provide them with that, but not an old console. uh, i mean it certainly assist. so if they happen when they change the policy, i'm really put the pressure on these right. uh, definitely be
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a change but not before, not because that's the goal in mind that have so much self confidence in what they are doing. i'm saying the way to clean up everything. so the days so far may have been able to continue because the receipts and to address policy has not been strong enough. even we have seen a con. no, they put them up. they. so now me that just be but the past no, have any impact for the so i to go over them and the ideas right now. okay, thank you for your time. raymond johansson sex re general of norwegian, people 8 and the form and the wage and states actually supported for us as well. we've been speaking to palestinians in garza, many a welcoming the decision by spain, the way 9. and they say it's long overdue and they hope move. countries will support that cool for recognition of the ship. what we find is the countries that's
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recognized palestine as a state, no doubt. so this provides most support to our calls. this is our homeland israel is an occupation force. the we hope all the countries will follow some. this will provide diplomatic assistance to our quotes on the how to move in the right direction. this will bring more pressure on this round will help the remaining well it states would recognize the palace time as a state to add that off and the good news. yeah, it did. this recognition comes after a long history of struggle resistance and steadfastness by the palestinian people. these countries reminders that although we have been failed by many, the remain voices of conscience and truth in this world. we feel we are not so low, no struggle for freedom and independence of the can kinda. we hope that all the 27 european states will do the same. it means more pressure on israel and the united
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states also more support to us and then un could also reduce israel's crimes against our people. and one day we could bring the israelis to justice. we are certain we will restore all our lawful rights head. that is what the mission for who we are very proud of this move and hope all the countries in the world were recognize our posts and in state. because simply, we are the rightful owners. in the past when i said i'm palestinian europeans would ask, where is this country now the whole world knows our cause and is supporting us. let me just remind the israel has found out. is there a from the reporting from the country, which is why as our car, it is joining us now from the jordanian capital. i'm on, sorry. you've been monitoring reaction from israel tool. the latest developments bring this up to date with what they've been saying as well, nothing official in terms of the palestinian statehood. they had reacted at the
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time when the true countries had declared that they were going to be recognizing the state. so, but we did have a statement, it's quite a long statement actually from the ministry spokesman daniel her gallery, and it was focused on sunday's roof, a head type when more than 40 people were killed. he was updating, saying that, so they in the investigation has already started. he said that they were doing an independent one that will have a results quickly. and then he went on to say that from that preliminary investigation, yes, they did carry the stroke. they said that they used the smallest of munitions that they have, that they had targeted very specific location. it would sue him, us come on, does that? they were looking for that. they've been carrying out surveillance on them for awhile up. but here's the key thing that they keep saying is it's the same, but on the desk, it seems it was from this fire. you know,
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we saw people bonding and was saying is, is it, it seems but the trying to say that is not related to the strikes and facts in their investigation. what they said is that there was a pace of been munition stored somewhere nearby. and that conclusion, at least for now, is that it could have been because of that, they said that they've been going through the video that was posted by people from gaza. and then they played a conversation they claiming that was taking place between 2 people in gaza with one of them is missing a to this, it's not being a bigger type, but the fly was closed because of storage weapons. he also went on to say that, unlike reports that the place that they targeted was outside of the humanitarian zone, so contradictory contradicting rather a claim made by palestinians with they've been sharing this on social media since then saying that this was parts of the, of the humanitarian zone,
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i'm showing that the lease slips that were put was sent out to the full states. the code for all 5 included. that's area. point being vote is any investigation. these re, these have carried out during this war hasn't really led to anything conclusive in terms of rec precautions or accountability, uninspired. so something to indicate that we probably won't be seeing that was the statement. yes. today by prominence to benjamin. that's and you all are saying that they will learn from that mistakes and possibly this will be the, the, as far as it will go in terms of an investigation. okay, thank you for that. and so hire out there for us in a mind a speak now to diana bluetooth. she joins us from hate in northern israel. she is a palestinian lawyer and a former legal advisor to the policy on liberation organization. thank you for joining us. you'll reaction initially to this move, find the way on and in spain to recognize a palestinian state as
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a palestinian. i'm obviously very hopeful and i'm delighted that they've taken this step to recognize the rights of palestinians. but i wish that they had expended this political capital of something that is actually going to make a difference on the ground. simply recognizing palestine isn't going to end israel's military rule, where as taking action, such as putting sanctions on israel boycotting israel, making sure there is an arms and barcode guest, israel supporting palestine diplomatically that will make a difference. but simply recognition for the sake of recognition. all it does is somehow serve as a panacea as a, as a means of trying to not address the occupation. well, same to posting is that they said that they support us. now again, i'm happy that they have taken this route of supporting palestinians. i just wish that it was in a much more robust way. right. but, but there, you think there is
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a growing momentum now to hold israel to the account. i mean, we've had the i, c, j, the i, c c rulings some sanctions by western countries on settlers in the west bank. so there was a beginning of change. don't you feel there's been a get a beginning, but it's far too late. we're really talking about a genocide that is about to enter into it 8 months, 8 months. we just saw the horrific attack on rough and true to form just as they did when your colleague and my friend should be in a box. it was killed by them. they come up with excuses to somehow disliked and so on. and the world seems to be somehow content with that. we actually need is not just the small little measures to hold people responsible. as we've seen when it comes to just a handful of settlers to actually hold the state, the government, the entire entity responsible for this genocide and for its denial of posting and freedom design as them has been
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a continuous series of assignments is by means that has been committed out against palestinian bodies from the time that it came to palestine and it's about time of the world actually take measures to finally. and i want to ask you another question about this momentum that we are seeing to with the recognition at least for palestinian state. where do you think it leaves the palestinian authority under the need to ship a lot? who the boss, which of course, who of course has been seen as very weak unpopular by the palestinians. yes. well this whole statehood initiative was an initiative that he began back in the year 2011. and the reason that he did that at the time was his, his term had, had expired. his political term had expired. and here we are now in the year 2024. of course his political x term long, expired at this point. and this is the only thing that he keeps pushing ahead with, because it's the only thing that he has to show palestinians. but what we're
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actually looking for is not simply recognition, but an actual change to our situation on the ground. and that's why it's so disheartening that he hasn't been at the front lines. pushing to hold is really leaders accountable. pushing to hold these into the as well more criminal is really responsible pushing for actual liberation. and instead he's taking the in direct route of pushing for recognition. recognition on his own is not enough and must be accompanied by measures to hold israel to a town and simply saying that they recognize the state of palestine is not enough. all of these measures that we're now seeing at the i c, c and the i, c, j could have been done and happen done without state recognition. the real question is whether my mood i bus is going to continue along this, this path. or if he's actually going to do something to change the lives of palestinians, rather than simply sit back and, and pretend that he's the leader of the state. ok, thank you for your perspective. died up here to joining stuff from ok potty stories
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. the still ahead on the out is there a know there's riley was well not compromised. no news is early. john said history is multi patient and resistance. we look at what's behind on and supporting the thomas county, the the, hey there, there's been some big storms in northern and central mexico. let me show you some, not too far away from mexico city, a copious amounts of rain turn streets to rivers. this spend an hour southeast of mexico city. i got to tell you today on tuesdays still more burst of rain, but i think north of mexico city really tuesday, wednesday. and this rain has also dropped down the temperature. so onto rate $34.00 degrees for you. it's also been active around the great lakes, the us, ne,
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this is now drag down cooler air, so showers and 19 degrees in toronto, but seems, we'll turn dryer here over the next few days, westbound. we go also not looking code for the west coast of canada, vancouver just 15 degrees where a few days off summer here and this is still feeling a bit winter like, but things are heating up in the us, southwest phoenix, closing in on 40 degrees. let's go to texas, where we've had our 1st heat alert in houston for may 30 degrees, but look at these storms coming to texas is coast on tuesday. could be some severe storms. they're also looking what's off the a by and take care of for french guy on a certain non northern brazil and all of ecuador under alerts for intense rounds of brain and still disturbed whether along the border with uruguay in southern brazil and cool air pumping off the south atlantic, so montevideo, 15 degrees for you today of the
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in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rough or offensive, where would the people go? people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has to be displaced these 2 times frank assessments. this is a mass and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions. you can be somebody that's on one of the hostages, october 7th, and return. and i want to start inside story on out to 0, june 19676 days the read through the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on. they dropped the bombs on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today is really all me in this was because that is such as the the, the stuff is live the war in june on out, is there a or the
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looking back and watching out, is there a 1000000 death thought top stories this our families and mooning the desks for at least 21 palestinians killed vice riley shelling of pay tenants comp. and alma was seen selling cause of the comes off to israel's foaming of another 10 camp in russia on a sunday kidding. at least $45.00 people being well is there any time? so pushing deeper into ross to see how the cop to is advisable is, have been reported in the area close to be an adult fee card or a loan to florida. and in a historic move, 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state. the decision
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by on a new way, spain reflects growing coals, and these were new patients on the irish governments decision to recognize the state of palestine reflects widespread public support for palestinian rides in the republic f on it. recent polls suggest the majority of the population think palestinians live on the system of apartheid. israel should be sanctioned by the most reports from dublin. this is really does well. the cubing has spent the past 16 days. well, the thing come into university college dublin. she and fellow students are pushing for the university to en, financial ties with israel. through of the noisy protests were occupying a building the university closed. i just apply that, joining close on the university campus. it's where the university makes money and
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we want them to hear of voices. and we see here that the university does not want the student voices to be heard at the irish capitals of a major college trinity. students of over the pressure at university of authorities and divesting from is ready businesses frequent demonstrations in dublin since october of heavily shaped broad, a public and political perceptions to debate about israel. vaccines in gauze have often divided european parliament in recent months. but here in island politicians from across the spectrum of homeless university welcome the government's decision to recognize palestinian statehood pullman. if he is a member of parliament for the people, the full prophet potty and says, such action is long overdue. just a higher has continued to unfold. instruction of hospitals, the coming of journalists, massacre of children when in man and the pressure and the movement in our lives having grow. and then the irish government has become like more and more critical
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out canvassing a head of local elections. he says, the source of this shift is clear. the main franks for arden's recognition should go to ordinary people. its ordinary people by their attitudes, by their mobilizing, by their protest thing, by their incontinence, that have pushed the irish government to this point. we could go back quite far, obviously, and talking about the kind of sending and resistance for the campaign as a university college, as learning from the own faculty about and tell us and in history, they now want more than me words. i think institutions across this island life to rhetorically support the pot of sending people and they struggle, but do very level to materially support thoughts and access is going to be pushing the government to function as well to i'm and ties with about his assignee, fletcher's and stuffy, so shannon airport and transporting lessons to the middle east. many irish people recognize the own past and palestinians present day and say that countries stones
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should simply support a better future the months. how does a to dublin? well, the recognition of palestine has been gaining momentum on may. the 10th, the un general assembly voted overwhelmingly in favor of backing palestine sped for full membership. a $143.00 countries voted in favor of $25.00 of state and 9 voted against the motion, including israel ad its allies, the us. only the un security council can ground full membership of the vote. does ground palestine additional powers to its current observer status. these include some missing new proposals and amendments and requesting they be put to vote in the general assembly. the as rarely invest a glad and condemned to move using a shred to, to suggest the u. n. was destroying its own child to invest the re admin stores is paula steins plans to request full membership at the un security council.
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mckayla's tend to can be how could he join slowly, but the white house. kimberly what we reaction if any, from the united states to these countries recognizing palestine today of the white house has been very clear about where you as president joe biden stabs, and he is firmly opposed. and that has been reiterated by not only the national security advisor j sullivan, but also it's folks. and john kirby, the national security council spokesperson, what the position of the, by the ministration is, is that it is fairly in the support of a 2 state solution. but that it should not be declared unilaterally, but instead, should be negotiated directly between the 2 parties, and therefore, they cannot support these declarations by these various countries. what the position of the united states is in taxes,
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this could even put in jeopardy of further cease fire efforts to even humanitarian aid, or even the attempts to get the last captives free. so what this is also doing is further isolating the united states as a result of this position because what the united states is finding itself increasingly is, according to many, is finding itself on the opposite side of an increasing growing number of countries that are in favor of seeing the palestinians have statehood and seeing that declared. and so as to you, as president came into office saying that he was going to turn over a page following donald trump's administration, that there would be a repairing of alliance as a new engagement with the world of what we've seen since the israel's were and gaza . has been just the opposite, the united states finding itself, whether it's this issue, whether it's been israel's war and gaza and the more recent judgements coming down from the international criminal court of justice or even the more recent attack on
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the account, the palestinian displacement. catherine, rafa is real strikes there and the notable silence from the united states increasingly in the united states is finding itself isolated. so thank you for that can be whole. could that for us in washington, most of africa has emerged as a leading suppose that the palestinian cause accusing israel of carrying out genocide and gossip. it's been pushing the international court of justice to issued tough meshes against israel. let's get the view from johanna's big mike. how that is that for us to mike? explain to us a little more how significant south africa support for palestine actually is. well, south africa's position on palestine is multi layered. first of all, there's a history dependence opinion liberation organization. the p. a low recognize the amc struggle against the pa take and was one of the few organizations or countries
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at the time that continued to support it throughout that particular battle. south africa has been completely grateful all the time among them. nelson mandela who made repeated reference to the support received from the palestinians during that battle against a pa to aid. then as well, there's a global view here, the south african government views that israel as a whole on gaza, along with its treatment of palestinians constitutes an international security threat. so that's another reason why south africa is pressing and has agreed with palestinian recognition. this also within the south african government and further field acknowledgement or a belief and that this and equivalence between the battle for palestinian statehood and the south african struggle for an end to punch a. so there's very much seen a comparative situation get relating upon hate to be as really system of
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oppression as it is seen in palestine today. so they'll all these reasons. but the one perhaps most important reason is a constitutional one. and the south african justice minister said to me, recently, what's got to be understood is that this is a constitutional issue because the south african constitution says that everybody has must have equal treatment and equal rights. the justice minister continue to say that south africa cannot be free until palestine is free. thank you for that. mike had of that for us in jail. alice back. well, people in the diaspora also welcoming the growing movement and recognize palestine . we space for the palestinian refugee living in lebanon. this is how story a honda and i land last with all the nice thing that i wouldn't know what's on a uh, allow me last summer policy and i had, it has shuttle mental out of
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a and i'm the i'm and it could be the law with the adult something well that long to say of the inside then lots of stuff on the left. some of the sort of funny it is out of the matter because the items. so while i'm at a dish or so now i'm just my on the house. i live in the half, it'll be a lot of success and i let me and will be in the hey kids the until the senior and my beautiful young. i'm not sure if it was i'll hold off to do one and then it'll be additional on the school and. and also if i can call somebody for that, i see it. uh huh. that would be additional. i'm a nano a disqualify him this far into why it was a popular of the fellow sydney gun at that off in atlanta. i mean, it's funny. i mean, that was for the, for the sleigh, and uh, okay, the she and i will only be as is in the shadow a, you know, they'll look for the see you while if it could. i mistrust and the nisa when that unofficial. from a visual from a problem like 4551, i'm 60 and been static abad satisfied me. sorta ends the way we'll southern the
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history and seeing what's on the other end have to have that in had enough data on a lot of the on a more funny and another southern, i'm the one of us going on with on his screen. i'm just looking for the city of a shut that included my hand and when i didn't, i'm an issue my on the, on the some of the initial full move of fluid a s. i'm with mitchell still the the. yeah, but not in the middle. i'm pulling down to see if the upon them i'm just refresh the screen and show us scanning the other. you need to move. i hey michelle. i had went up a year in sun when the yacht and system and, and like one on the sofa own and what had the has to bed as a he on a bus? no, there's a lot and there's and that one is the, the most of them just did on and own the so well, he's in law firm. so i'm not to the front left leaning politicians. sebastian
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delgado has been suspended off to raising the palestinian flag in the french parliament. the security can be seen removing the flag from the competition of the session was suspended. following the incident, which comes a week off to the french foreign minister said, the timing is not right to recognize a palestinian state. the funeral procession has taken place for an egyptian soldier who was killed in an exchange of fire, which was rarely forces. on monday, the incident took place and on the roof of border crossing the egypt and gossip. israel took control of that crossing earlier this month when it loads a ground, a sold in russia. the media report. so keesing is really intelligence, if a threatening fall to been sued,
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a former prosecutor of the international criminal court. according to the guardian newspaper, the said, the then most said chief, you'll see coed prussian been suited to drop for crimes investigations. and israel cohen reportedly told a you should let us take care of you. you don't want to be guessing into things that could compromise your security that of your family. the paper also says current i c. c, chief prosecutor kareem khan has been subjected to several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts unduly influence his activities. head on out, is there a vote in south africa that could bring about its biggest political shakeout? inspection? here's the a business like this to be sponsored by interlock tuck. he's real estate consultant
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. the business legions to be sponsored by intellect. tuck, he's real estate consultant. the
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south africans are heading to the polls on wednesday and what some of them. so the say could be the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades. the governing african national congress risks losing its majority votes as are frustrated by rolling blackouts, unemployment and corruption. from in a minute, has moved from johannesburg that this election office filled africans more options than any other. the african national congress and power for 3 decades is facing its toughest challenge hit. as it support bases from poor government performance, staggering economy and corruption scandals. many vote is simply fed up in the
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thought is that the african national congress has been in government. it's had an opportunity to take what is known as liberation, dividends, and build them in state in the last 10 years, particularly. it has squandered that dividend to malik ministration put delivery, and corruption with corruption has been involved. it's often protected. it's party members from for the prosecution. it could from to vote just attempt to opposition parties in numbers not seen before. the outcomes in any of the b and c doesn't get 50 percent of the vote. it will likely have to form an alliance with a smaller party to hold a majority paul events. while the main opposition, the democratic alliance is a multi policy. it says, try and on see the agency that packed brings together living political parties, which promised and alternative government coalition with the economic freedom
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fighters may provide the a and see what the lifeline the right cleaning, blocking, founded by a full my amc use the need to appeals to youngest sold africans and is projected to win about 15 percent of the vote, but it may be competing for votes with another amc break away party. i'm going to receive v o m k made by him. a president jacob luma, was still an influential figure. for the 1st time, independent candidates, a running, i think the this illusion and that there's no party that really represents people. as k, i said the possibility for independence. however, independence have a a bid and like no other because we virtually has to get twice as many votes in 1994 driven by the end of the par dates and a wave of hope in a democratic future. low to turn out was more than 85 percent. but with each election since we'll voters have stayed away from the polls until now. it was at 47
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percent in 20. 19 this year, almost $28000000.00. so last weekend or we're just due to cost, is that it's moving ever before suggesting a desire for change to meet the minimum, which is 0. george's parliament has posts the controversial set, cold, foreign influence bill, which is spot weeks of protest and condemnation from western governments. no thousands of georgians have gathered. you can see the live pictures that outside the apartment building in tbilisi to denounce the legislation. the president veto the bill 2 weeks ago. the parliament has now overturned that ruling under the legislation and goes on media outlets have to registers foreign agents if they receive open 20 percent of the funds from abroad. ok. you up to date for this news . i'll be back just a 2nd. the
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an age work i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to hell are you will come back. are you afraid of? no, no 5. but no, it's in the eyes of his government. with my citizenship was revoked. i was surprised, a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on algae 0. and there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that voices heard. how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you cannot face the consequence. nature
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is done. i will just see it as a new series, dying now or never. on counting, the cost to us escalates its trade with china, but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis. other parts of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage and critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on elders era . there's a next generation in the united states. they're not happy with what is happening in gaza. they're not happy with the u. s. foreign policy and that's why they're trying to make their voices heard. the administrators of each university really have a choice to either escalate and calling police be confrontational, or to actually listen to what their concerns are. city stream of people being arrested, placed in the zip tie and cops and taken away many of the purchases we talk to the said they will continue protesting until their demands are meant. the
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the screams of horror and grief. israel attacks a cabin to displace palestinians in an area, it designates it as a safe study in southern gaza. at least 21 palestinians were killed in that attack on the count phenomena wasi west of rockland, most of the victims, all women and children news .


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