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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 8:00pm-8:31pm AST

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[000:00:00;00] the challenges with the another gnostic at a 10 comes in gaza is riley full, says kill at least 21 people in my watching 2 days house to a similar type in the my money. and so you, this is out of their life from the house. so coming up, is there any time to move forward deep into central parts of rough and leaving palestinian scrambling to flee the violence is really
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a tax. also target families trying to pretend that homes in the giovanni a refugee camp in northern gauze in the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank. and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy does. the historic move into a palestinian self determination spring, west nations, spain island. i know a fully recognized space of palestine, news of the bombing homes and leveling neighborhoods. the so called safe zone for displays, palestinians in southern gaza, has been hit least 21 palestinians were killed in alma watched the west of rafa on sunday and is ready attack on temporary shelters in rasa. killed at least 45 palestinians. michael apple has more. shop is randy ball,
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plains bomb and the make shift. kemp. housing displays, palestinians in rough or just 2 days. often the military fired missiles attends trusted near a un building, killing at least 45 people. most of them, women and children. this is a positive rough way israel, or did people to good saying it was a designated sites on the attack. is the latest is really violation of the ruling by the international court of justice. ordering an immediate hold to it's a salt on the southern city instead is really tanks and are stationed waste of rough helicopters and drones have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia kartel that spans because the southern border with egypt. global outrage is growing with every day that pauses is rarely bones, are killing dozens of civilians. and roughly this family, this morning,
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a young boy killed when he returns to the remains of a home to grab some bologna while i was needing you to have an innocent 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do? roman his show off the room. he was in with my uncle, this head with 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show, whipped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in waste and rough uh, shot at the, in the north of the strip families returning to their homes in jamalia. come on to find a woman on the question so many in guns of off for months know how much i didn't know where should we go from? is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the, this is not a nice,
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i don't know what to say. the you an estimate at least a 1000000 displace palestinians have said rough i in the past 3 weeks searching for safety. that doesn't exist. mike level, which is a let's go to handle cordaris. she is live in darrow bella in central garza. so in took us through a this is rarely a talk targeting this kind of displaced people. what more can you tell us and come so closely off to the that attacks that took place just 2 days ago with 45 people lost their lives. man, let's go back and start 10 months ago when the is ready, forces us all of these people living in the another in parts, in of the gaza strip, to evacuate to milwaukee. a rough off and to drop off at those palestinians were
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displaced a couple of times they, they were displaced and chose unmolested reflect because it was a safe zone. as that is ready for his claim today, that is really forces targeted to tense in a mix of time. aware 21 palestinians were killed. among those 21 were 16 females. they were having their lunch. when the is ready, forces targeted them with a pleased one is radiate air strikes, it was horrifying. the images were seeing online where policy news did not have even the ambulances to transfer them to a hospital because there is no hospitality profile. there are only a couple of fields for medical points, and also there is no use for ambulances to transfer these injuries, to hospitals like fox, uh, and they are in hospice and in san eunice. it's horrifying because this is the 2nd
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incident in 72 hours and we're also talking about, according to under what $1000000.00 palestinians evacuated from brooklyn. in the past 3 weeks. those palestinians have been taking all of their belongings. what was left when they evacuated from the north, and they don't have anything. they're being moved from a place to another, not only striving to find food and water for their children, but they're also striving to find safety in any place policy. and you simply do not do not trust the israeli forces because because every time they relocate they get targeted. so there's simply no play safe across of the causal strip. and the area that has been targeted earlier today was this ignited and was called and cleaned by the is really forces as a safe humanitarian area. i mean okay,
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thank you for that hendo cordarious that for us in there are paula and just to remind the israel, as of course, find out is there a from reporting from inside the country, which is why it's not required now joins us from the jordanian and capital i'm on. so i want to start by asking you about these tanks that have been spotted inside rough as city near the philadelphia card or we believe. what are you hearing about that from these res, this hello. this riley's hasn't confirmed anything about any of the movements in terms of time. so it's in the know in central or off, which is why there believes to be bought. this is based on witness statements and is really media has also reported this based on the palestinian witnesses and the video fight. so that's been start
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t lighting on social media. but what we do know is that the ministry has said that it's been working extensively across the western parts of rough. uh huh. and that they had found a munition as well as the real kit launches. they said in tunnels, i didn't know statements by daniel her, gar, he's the military spokesman. he said, but yes, today and the day before yesterday they found tunnels. shaw. see said with tunnels going into saw. i know i thought it's just across the board of from rough button. so i know is in egypt saying that they were liaising with the egyptian authorities all not. and that's just a day. also, that was across the board. a file between these riley's and addiction soldiers that resulted in the death of one egyptian. but all of this is along the philadelphia access that say a buffers are in the is a 14 chrome. it says long use riley saying that they walking along dots. um, believe also that the taxes are in rough off many of them and also say that uh the the how much roku loan just
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a couple of days ago for the 1st time since january towards central tele v vi. so it came from a rough off. now in terms of the movements prime minister benjamin netanyahu yesterday was adamant despite all of this international condemnation and the recognition of a palestinian statehood. he was adamant that they will continue the war. he said no, just in drop off. he said in the north of the gaza strip the spencer as well as the south to and sar daniel agari also talking about the investigation that the is really military you have promised into what happened 2 days ago in rough of that attack that led to 45 people, many of them women and children dying by being fed to live. what if, what does they said about that as well, he actually reduces videos statement earlier. it was a press conference where he was also taking questions from the john list and spoke extensively about the
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a type that happened 2 days ago. he says that the investigation that during his independence that they all continued to looking into the circumstances, he says it was unexpected and tragic, but they were civilians that had been killed. that attacking is always precise that they had actually targeted an area. and he said that was away from the 10s, but he also said something significant, which really sounds like denied deny deny. and that is, he said that the fire that was carried out, he said they believe according to their investigation, that it could have been caused by a secondary explosion due to westerns being stored nearby and that they would still be looking into the is he also denied but they had hit a humana to the area that was part of the safe zone that these riley's had told a polished indians to go to. but also interestingly, in the last hour or so, there's been another statement from these really minute treat uh,
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talking about what we've just seen, the slightest type in all my watch, the same country to the reports from the last few hours. he says he's ready for says didn't strike in the humanitarian area in all my wasi. and does he elaborates any further on that? so again, another denial by the israeli forces. he's really a military and certainly it will be interesting to see if they come up with more information. but after the time when the palestinian statehood was recognized enough to time when there's a lot of pressure on these riley's and say thank you for that. sarah hart that for us in amman, alaska tomorrow on bas shara out, is there a senior political and this more on what you make of these recent developments in rough? uh, i mean it appears that the as riley's all now pushing ahead with a full scale offensive and rasa. yes, absolutely. despite the world's outrage and warning, again,
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some offensive and all costs. and despite to an agreement with the united states, apparently, according to the washington post, and is there a hostage that this would be limited or offensive? in fact was right, is going with a full blown offenses against stroke. so are the killing dozens, every day, causing casualties and hundreds, every day, burning camps. and in fact, destroying costs, i thought was the last resort for the thousands of casualties now in a row so. so all i know is there, it continues with work. it's been during the past 6 months, those who expected to slow down wind down the war and tract. uh, you know, our little blue surprise that is ryan is doubling down on it. so crimes against guys. all right, so indeed, even today we're, we've been talking about this historic decision by our,
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the new in spain to recognize an independent palestinian state. we have the pressure from the i, c, c i, c, c i, c, j. but the reality is none of this actually changes the situation on the ground. the people of gaza in rafa are suffering. oh yes, absolutely. there's. there's a little direct connection. it's not just in palestine, generally speaking in world affairs, between diplomacy and the strategy on the ground between legality and results on the ground. when we talk about the commission we visited, you talked about the principle word by spain. for example, ireland ah, or more weight as the more normal relations with the assume the harpy for the time being. why is that continues to legally subtle, defend a state in the future, but
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a senior state and so on, so forth. they would not, none of this would have any immediate result of the growing, but it does have such a more on weight. it does have such a political weight that is really need. ready to start uh you know, making the special considerations for example, the past 2. ready days really just started talking more and more about investigating more, more about mistakes. tragic mistakes, motor more justifying themselves. yes. the continue with the offensive. yes. they continue with the brutality, but they're becoming more isolated. that outdoor look is red is not rushing right. i mean, even rochelle was not as isolated as is ryan is today with the exception of few european powers. basically, everyone in the world understands that is written is led by war criminals, that these cry academy genocide, guys, uh, and that it should be uh, punished for
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a lot of them. i'm not joining interest simply because of fear from the united states, retaliation of the united states. sorry, go ahead and store that, that, you know, done by then as it were. if it wasn't for the american pressure on various countries under what is that it would be totally isolated today. so i want this are out. is there a senior political alice speaking to a staff in paris? thank you. now is there any forces of talking to displace families trying to return to their homes near the jabante, a refugee camp in northern garza, i'll just 0 is on the saw sharif was out the scene and sent us this report about the new math and photographed to reports the is really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jabante, a refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes and artillery opened fire at them with of the dozens were killed and injured and the duel attacks medical crews assisted by volunteers are
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pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and else olivia is more than done. another one, i don't know. maybe on a separate i show all the other phenomena. yeah. for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing this area. what's the amount of to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures, speak volumes, and also about heads on with the since the early hours of the morning when people look on through the time, is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered a number of bodies. we permit example and screws are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago, alternative yourselves fell in the area, killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know the time. we will do our best to help evacuate into survivors who must have the alarm came on. and this is what else collegial looks like. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document
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the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the destruction is mass, so there is not a single building. still standing. dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured. and that was, many bodies are still lying in the road. and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. no, they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traps. they're not even here where i'm standing, but it's really drones and war plains keep firing on civilians and rescue change the shadow of the city of jersey l y m w. so i head on the out, is there a up and you're getting more and self to devastating long slides that may have buried thousands of people in depth analysis of the days headlines. if that was a rougher offensive, where would the people go?
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people have no place to go. each one of 1000 people has paid this place at least 2 times frank assessments. this is a max and blown to free speech and freedom of the press informed opinions you can be somebody. this is on one of the hostages. october 7th, and return. and i want the chilly to stop inside story. on al jazeera, the
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colleges. when the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out, just a reminder, i'll type stories and face our. is there any forces that killed at least $21.00 palestinians being alma watched the in southern gaza? it's an area israel designated as a so called safe side on sunday as well. phoned another 10 camp in ross. i kidding,
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45 people being well, is there any tongues and pushing dfcs into rough as city, the un says over 1000000 people have been forced to flee roughly in the past. 3 and thousands of palestinians were killed in an is riley attack on displace palestinians in giovanni and northern goss space. palestinians in the area just started to return to their homes and the cam offset is already full. since the new way on and in spain have formerly recognized palestine as a state, spanish prime minister pedro sanchez says, the decision is essential for paste. and them, at least this is a historic decision that has a single goal to contribute to achieving peace between these riley's unpunished things. the recognition of the state of palestine is not only am, i don't know if he started congest this week. they need you to meet the aspirations
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of the palestine people, but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of it, i understand the state that's quick ceased along side, the state of the swell in peace and security for brandon has more on the prime minister speech from the dread. some of the things that he said in that state funds are really deeply significant. i mean, it spoke about festival, but the, this is not a decision that is against any party, a thought against israel. what it is is in favor of peace, the substance of the proposals, but spain island to no way of putting forward is a return to $67.00 borders with jerusalem is the capital of both israel under the palestinians. i also was a pains to say that what they're doing here is nothing outlined ish. what they're doing is it is in line with multiple united nations resolutions,
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united nations resolutions, which have been formally recognized and adopted by the european union as well. so spain island of norway are in no way kind of outliers. busy european opinion, they all parts of, as you say, the majority of united nations members, a 193 of them more than a 140 of them now recognize the palestinian statehood as a reality. and the other thing that was really interesting about what he said was the movements to go forward from here, he have 3 priorities. first of all, to end the goal is a crisis to return the hostages on to, to, to get to monetary in a, to a 2nd of all to assist and support the post. and you know, thought to you in the west bank unfairly to create partnerships with the arab neighbors and how important that is to supporting a viable palestinian state will be palestinian and basset to ireland. welcome the recognition of palestine by some you countries. smotts
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simplex is this your as everybody say it is important, it's very significant move. this is related to the rights of a nation to substitute admission. this is not, this is not like, you know, symbolic it's, it's real. and we would take it from there to take more positions from other european countries. know ways prime minister, have socialized, recognition of palestine will encourage other european nations to do so as well. step boston has moved from us. this is angela smiles to celebrate the wreckage nation by no way of palestine as the states. but since the attacks and the outside, it's not also turning into a protest. the government has called it's decision also to point 0. also the oslo accords with signs in 1993 and now i failed 30. yes, later. so no one has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the front of thing and states instead is very
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significant. we know about the every day and every night the people are slow 3rd and muscle good in augusta and also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stop. that's of course for no way there are a lot more to build. and then we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them no reason. governments of if you recognize palestine, you cannot continue to fund is riley investments. us know, raised actually today doing the recognition of palestine as seen as an important but merely symbolic step, a signal to the united states. and if the only solution is a peaceful solution and not the military one, the only solution solution is here say that the recognition is not, not sufficient. also the sanction towards israel from the way, and they all call it as well that fast. and l 20 will slow
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pop. a new get is government has issued evacuation. what is the 7900 people in the north and in the province because of the risk of the land slides? people are still trying to recover bodies from a kilometer long strip for walkie debt free. often major lounge slide on friday. as a people believed, have been buried alive, but only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. into some gwen food reports on carrying the coffin of a loved one in covering it with prayers. it's more closer than many others have got after lance lice swept through remote area of pop. when you can use angle province, there was little hope of finding survivors. only a determination to recover the hundreds who were buried alive. the brother got him go. we don't know where the bodies are buried, but we will not give up. we will keep going. the large volume of soil and boulder
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rocks are making it difficult for us to wear using spades, and the iron wants to dig. the chance of the mountain side broke off in the early hours of friday morning, sending boulders the size of shipping containers and a river of mud and rock descending down the slopes, sweeping across homes and farms blocking roads. the estimated death tool ranges from the hundreds to as high as 2000 authorities of warrant the ground is too unstable. this was not any a very significant last slide, but the drain is continuing to move. so it might seem that we're actually at the site yesterday, they said they could even feel the ground moving on to the ground. moving around the thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes as a safety precaution. authorities are also concerned about the risk of disease from decomposing bodies. the government is appealing for international help, but with the main road to the area blocked off and fears of for the lens lights.
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it's not clear how assistance will reach those in need. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0 you quite in president ultimate sit and ski is visiting european countries to riley support for his country's will efforts. he has now arrived in belgium a day off to visiting spain, where he saw it a security agreement onto the deal. ukraine will receive ministry aid. russel's has also pledged to supply keith with 5 to jets and humanitarian assistance. george's parliament has cost a so called foreign influence belt, which has sparked weeks of protests and the country houses gathered outside the parliament building and simplicity to denounce the legislation. the president details the bill. 2 weeks ago, parliament has now overturn dot pruning. under the legislation and use media
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outlets have to registers for an agency they receive more than 20 percent of the funds from brewing. and compared to, let's say he's by russia to crack down on defense. ok, that's it for me. now you can find lots more than a website out. is there a comb with us next and inside story? we'll look at the decades on the piece deal between egypt and israel. i have to show you this video right off the top of your current salary rate be i get to see everyone. so looking at the wind has been doing producing he's sand storms here. it's knocked down visibility in some cases to near nil, looking pretty apocalyptic as well. just time of day you had this sun setting there, look at the scene, stuff to see much of what was going on in front of you. so when really the big story across the arabian peninsula,
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same goes up and down the call for us looking at wind gusts, great buffering and for us here in cats are to push past 50 kilometers per hour on wednesday. pretty quiet through central is not much to report 33 degrees for you and put it on in some parts of rain to go for central turkey. that's now moved away, so turn it a bit quieter, but still catching a few drops and itself around on talia. it's also quite around this part of africa, especially west staff for car seasonal rains. not much going on at this time. and i want to take you to the tropics. it's been quite hot. so governance, capital libra, bill, hot, it's midnight on record $28.00 degrees. now for the other side, we do have some weather alerts across the coast of tens in need of some pretty big wins. there and it's feeling more like summer in south africa. so for cape town in the western cape, 26 degrees for you, but you know, things are changing on thursday. enjoy all your time
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on age work, i travels to vote on syria saying he's back to health. are you will come back. are you afraid of? no, no file, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. and you 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria coming soon on al jazeera so tenuous is the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border exposes a franchise political relationship. the 2 countries insist piece is best for teacher choice. but for how long as the war and guys of regents, this is inside store


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