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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 8:30pm-9:01pm AST

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how are you will come back? are you afraid of? no, i'm not fast, but not in the eyes of his government. when my citizenship was revoked, i was surprised. a new 3 part series detailing the struggle is a pretty shade waka and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation. i'm innocent until proven guilty. statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera, the tenuous is the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border exposes a franchise political relationship in 2 countries, insist piece is best for teacher choice. but for how long as the war and guys of regents, this is inside store the
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hello and welcome to the program and serve any a, especially egypt and israel are at peace. but beneath the surface, a diplomatic dispute has been brewing for weeks. israel pushed ahead with its a salt on the roof of the area southern gaza bordering egypt, ignoring cairo's many objections and exchange of fire that killed at least one objection soldier this week is only worse and already tense relations. both say the incident will not impact the peace deal assigned to more than 4 decades ago, but delta growing is really assessed it's, we're on gas, it will last as long as it takes until a mazda is completely defeated, while egypt rejects any outcome that will be at the expense of other countries will bring in our guest and a moment. after this reports by x assignment which hold error scary, the casket of an addiction board, a guard killed during an exchange of fire between his rarely and egyptian forces. throughout the border. crossing both sides have confirmed the incident and say, investigations are under way. the objections have
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a great deal of concerns about these developments right at the, at the border of assign i, uh, the secure, the security implications are, you know, extremely important for agents and national security concerns. in recent years, incidents like these have been aware of egypt and israel sherell long and complex history shaped by territorial disputes. tell us thing is best for state code and regional power dynamics. since israel was established in 9048, multiple conflicts have strained their relations. during the arab, israeli, or of 9067, israel captured this sign i peninsula leading to a prolonged the military occupation. in 1978, the camp david accords marked a turning point, resulting in a peace treaty the following year. and the establishment of a buffer zone between egypt and gaza, known as the philadelphia cory door. initially,
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israel had sold management of the corey door, controlling the movement of goods and people until its withdrawal from casa in 2005 cents damage and forces have taken over petroleum duties. but israel still expects old deliveries into the territory essentially slipping high since israel's warrant. gaza began on october, the 7th egypt, often a mediator in the israel palestine conflict has struggled to find success this time . earlier this month is really military to control of the palestinian side of the roof of crossing. the situation further deteriorated when egypt announced it would join the south africa's case at the international court of justice, accusing israel of genocide against palestinians in gaza. as these really army persists with air and ground, the salts in rough and international pressure mounts and israel to stop killing palestinian civilians relations between the neighbors are frank dinner. by day
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axels, i am of which al jazeera for inside story the as bringing our guests to unpack these issues in london, h a healthier is a non resident scholar of the middle east program of the carnegie endowment for international peace and tell of eve or a drawing me as a journalist, you are a spokesman for these really governments during the administrations of it's like a bean and shimon peres that was during the also peace process. and in cairo ambassador who st. hardy is a veteran, egyptian diplomat was involved in the process that led to the egypt. israel piece agreement in 1979. welcome to everybody. but 1st question to you and baset are when you see an egyptian border guard killed in an incident that involved is really troops. what's your level of concern? right. it's not only concern sure about much more than or sadness and
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dismay. that after all these years, after assigning the piece 3 tea back in 1979, israel has been kind of that, that many ciocca nations was such a scale on our borders. and the country with who assigned this b. c. has violates the spirit of the peace street by okay, buying the punish senior inside of the crossing by deploying troops on the borders of egypt was the governor slip. and on back to anything this war for take months in garza, with the pretext of destroying completely how much not the only descriptions,
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but almost all across the world. that is the consensus that this objective is use of objective of destroying how much is the pain of a so when we here is it, i usually put additions and the is it, i use any of it? i, you are for salts saying that they are bought to continue this war until they destroy thomas. then i'm afraid to say that the question is not thomas the question and that this will for the president government, the israel wants to stay in the state before was the seniors directly. okay. and, and directly with other countries, including egypt today in egypt, or was it, can you pause for a 2nd? why a sorry, excuse i, i just caught the end of that word. the whole of egypt is,
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is in mourning for i think you are about to say uh for the death of that border. god. yeah. i did that. yeah, yes. yes. stage of sandstone here that was killed. yes. yes. for name by as of a but it's and i said this is right here, but it's was better today is hometown can so shipped by a people invested. it's not something i do want to bring in or redraw me on this, or we your, as we said, former is really government spokes person. you've been through your share of crises . what's your level of concern when you see this gyptian border card killed in an incident that involved is really soldiers this, that's all i want to expose my uh, grids over there and also tonight. and also, by the way, there are lots of lots of people in the well, we're not involved with the commercials, 12 cities, but uh,
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that's not forget what brought about all this. and that is a news a deck on the website is of i'm us on the page sorta is really. busy dollars and a and couple team a so it's not just as rarely. oh is the woke up in the morning and, and the start of the war it's, it's, it's something that was for some the us to do because you prompt accept the fact that next door to you there is this, the. ready bottom of the rabbit garbage, which by the way is, is by the egyptians themselves because it's the expansion of the is the. ready ready muslim brotherhood and by the way, i don't like many and with all due respect to a, a muscle go sorry, is. ready ready i'm not sure a present the c c o they did tell me that you wouldn't be so sorry to see
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come by say it is not destroyed. ready please, critically we can because it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a dangerous to lead you. ready as well, so i would say that this, this was forced on the on as well. and by the way, many and as well no, the, the cultural be ended for the exchange of, of the houses is, is really most of the use in the, in the hands of from us. so i think we shouldn't come to, to foxridge the conclusions about the current situation. okay. or a couple of things here. so you said most of times that the war was forced on israel. that's something we hear from his really officials and, and retired is really officials as well. there are, you know, palestinians would dispute that and there are many, many in the international community who would dispute that as well. just as
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a reminder, door of yours is real is on trial to genocide. the chief prosecutor at the international criminal court is seeking arrest warrants, not just against some of the leaders, but also is rarely leaders for very serious violations of international humanitarian law. and, but that is that, that's not the conversation we're having today. the conversation we're having today is one about egypt and israel, there's been 45 years of peace. and this is a pretty remarkable achievement because israel does not have great relations with its other neighbors. jordan notwithstanding. so my question to you, if i can come back to that is when you see that an egyptian border guard has been killed, what is your level of concern for the israel egypt relationship? and i'm not concerned in the long run because. ready as they were talking about tactical incident, which is rick full, eh, rateable in the but, but this, so the, on the associate level,
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israel and egypt have strong uh you and you know, self interest and add to this, the fact that both lean heavily on the us israel for a you know, into the both and a mandatory, a simple to and the full. ready ready ringback economic support, which in the, in the car, in a dire situation and he is very critical. and this is why often the talk of the person by the end and the best uh, safety uh egypt agreed to resume the. ready the info or 5 ale file, you might have that room a. so i think i'm not worried in the long run for the relationship between these within the egypt, because of not because of a mutual love the silver lake,
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but because of the interest. okay, let me bring in the ha, how you're on this ha. the when we at the inside story team saw the news cross that and egyptian border guard had been killed. you know, we sort of collectively our eyebrows were raised because we thought this, this peace between israel and egypt as lost in since 1979. this is one of the few things that can be relied upon in the region. and if there's something at the end, a border, what happens at the border between egypt and gaza is at the center of this piece. so if something, if there's a serious incident, such as the killing of egypt and border guard, who knows what happens next. so i wanted your take on that a little. thank you very much for having me. um, so i think it's important just the frame. there's probably the egyptians were on the side of the border in an area where of course they're allowed to deploy. and sarah territory d as riley is that we're involved in this incident, are part of the occupying power in unoccupied 3rd street. i. e garza,
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and so the answer that needs to be put into that frame where you're talking about and then sit in between members of an occupying force. and by the way, i'm not using these words in an inflammatory of fashion, trying to get a rise out of anybody. this is the situation international law is a situation according to the united nations security council, and has been referred to such many, many times. so, you know, it's quite concerning to see how that can be a sort of mist against the backdrop of all of this. this is an occupation and quite a brutal military campaign. and also when we think about the last 8 months, it's been a 1st of very an effective campaign. but putting that to one side, it's being a very reckless one. and the law of unintended consequences comes into play. and this is something that many search accuracy analysts up in the morning about
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including himself over the past 8 months, that if you escalates and you do so in such a reckless fashion, then lots of other things going to happen that you did not find for you did not account for because you conduct conference like throwing such as oil down the hill at a mentioning and imagining that you're going to be able to account for all of the factors that will happen to it along the way. and of course, this particular incident is one such example of these unintended consequences and we cons b sign going about this. we could see many such incidents in the future and they could spell. busy over and they could develop into much grades or crises and i think that's important for people to read, keep noise and keep in mind. so ambassador hardy, you heard what h, i said there about unintended consequences and it is really the center of this discussion and why we wanted to have it because you have what could look like an isolated incident that you don't know exactly where it's going to go and i, i hear the message by or e who is telling us earlier, look, there's a, there,
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there are common interests between israel and egypt to keep the peace, to preserve this peace deal. i do understand that, but we are sort of a tuned to this idea of unintended consequences. what, what's your view on that? do you see a potential for things spinning out of control between israel and egypt? uh yeah, i have this uh, this war continue is uh, in guys. uh uh, there is a possibility of course that things would get out of control and not finally between egypt and israel, but between visit and or the neighboring get conflicts. and this is a possibility that we should, they should take seriously into uh, info account at the live that are the 1st thing in is lower the zip status and all of the items as well. uh. edu live was eh, and the war never ends that uh, has this,
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it made it uh, more than 100000. between that and, and and the 2 days ago, if i may use uh, between brackets the expression by the order i guess from london and unintended consequences, a consequence that is gonna be shipped has targeted or have target that the palestinians buy this thing and civilians, innocent both scenes and again, the where it's a show the shots are get centered county where they shelter because of the use, the ministry of them to move to this gap. so and then, and, and this, and this attack not less than $45.00, a bunch of cdns died. and the is a,
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he is a, the prime minister said that it was in something that it's, that it's, as you can use, big and that's, that's it. so as long as this war continues the way that we, we have with miss uh, of course, that is a possibility that things could get out of comfortable. that is another find that i would like to discuss briefly. your guess from israel said that part i choose egypt, that egypt is not to well does not to pause what is around is doing. i gave this time us and in does not because it has differences was how much i was on the package. what. what, what did he said was that egypt wouldn't mind seeing how much defeated when he
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defeated the defeated here. defeated here means, if we think the announcements up is that edu, senior officials, if they tell you you're busy, made hundreds of thousands of palestinians in order, in order to claim that you have destroyed the 35000 on elements or fighters of thomas. but this is not the point, might find that the me, if we have problems was from us. and we have of course differences which comes if we have problems and differences on us, we are, we are capable of working them out. but we never will never believe or will never support that if they're wanting directly implicit, the, or a, or explicitly any direct at that on the policy. is that, that, that,
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that claims that she talks to destroy how much. and how much is mazda part of senior people? how much is not that? but as the young people decide to have found that they want to make? now personally speaking, i guess we, the, we, now we should, we, we understand that the reason given by the is 80 governments. and it is a heated observers that commentators for this war is that the october 7th at bax. but i believe i'm afraid that we are beyond that point. now, we are beyond that by now. we don't to, we don't because and one more than 100000 people because of the attacks that have, that does not mean that the reset for these effects. but speaking about the fx, we should not be doing this. i faxed it back to as long as these lady. okay. patient in, in, in the west bank. and because of
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a disease of the gun tested it would remain in place. i guess i non throughout similar fx in the future and i hope i hope that's clear minded, is it i use who do you want to live in be cited security when it was with that of neighbors who are out of and muslims go, i have no problems with globe's this things would use or is it i use? but on one condition, that is what i realize is that security for it isn't a shot and never come at the expense of insecurity at 4 sections for but as the ins and other countries and other people. i hope this, i hope that this message will get through to me. is it a public opinion we hold in the meantime? we hold that the discussions that with the resume today or tomorrow in order that the lead cease fire a agreement in guys,
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a way to buy from us would really use it as a hostage. it's okay. investors are going to retrieve but for the prisoners and that the nice, but a senior president edit that he is at that point and he, uh, we would, we would see it would be implemented or though or no b is that a prime minister and yesterday made that made, made a declination declared that the conditions of how much unacceptable. in other words, in other words, that he is not ready for the ceasefire garza so as on this or continues. i don't think that we are in a position to speak about peace between egypt and is it a? yes. okay, the respectfully, i have to jump in because i need to make sure this remains a dialogue. and so i need to bring a or a back into this conversation where we, i want to bring it back to israel. egypt relation is, what is israel's calculus? i assume one strategic objective for israel is to keep egypt on board. the
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ties or frame publicly we've seen that headlines, egypt has joined south africa's court case against israel, that the international court of justice, the is really newspaper hearts reported that egypt was considering downgrading its relations with israel of suspending the peace treaty. even this was only this was just earlier this year over israel's planned operation in the, in rough uh what is israel's calculus when it comes to egypt? a i think a israel. ready a and, and obviously i'm not to any official position now and, and candidly i can say that i don't the. ready subscribe to the body suit. my government right now. the however, i think the, the that uh um is really,
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uh these are the government now uh is holding to is. ready i can do whatever they can in the, in the gods uh without going too far with it. ready licensed agent, so i, it is, it is no secret that on the, on the operational level between the all me, commodities and the security service, it is a strong incorporation open channels and, and. ready ready people try on both sides all the time to make sure that things don't go too far, even, even in this time it's more and the n a and again, icons on the estimate, the importance of the american eagle, which comes up with that. all those the. ready grades have ideas about how to move on to how to perhaps look at the transition. beer is what's the boys over
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the? so i would say they've got to do as a dual questions as to is go forwards the window or as long as a and it's possible. and as long as the international environments allows and the. ready pressure from israel itself allows but at the same time keep the channels open with the making sure. we don't go while government doesn't go too far and jeopardize them really. ready one of the most important and crucial, so the assets that israel and i think egypt as well have and that is. ready ready education uh easily be streaming by the way a muscle memory was. ready the bought into the not get 7 to 9, a egypt, israel, a beast, retail i was involved in. ready and 1993,
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a peace agreement window, but a scene is in the status of gravity and many destroyers would like to see is a living side by side with a independent but a see is state however, what really? so be those those flow. okay, well, so i'm going to have the master, the gentleman, i'm the understood. thank you very much already for that. i ha, what is egypt passed here? uh, because egypt has voiced his discontent. we, we talked about citing with south africa, the international court of justice. what else kind of do so there are different options that are available to cairo, but of course you'd have to bring an egyptian government spokesperson to elaborate
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on what they will choose to do. um, but of course, leverage and disregard is very difficult. um you see that the way in which israel has wage this war over the past 8 months on the people of guys has been met with a quite fierce resistance in terms of public opinion, not in egypt, not in the, our broad, but internationally and worldwide. and the i c j case has taken place or is taking place right now. and you've seen a lot of expressions of opposition and so on. none of that has stopped israel. none of that has caused it to engage and to cease fire. and there's really no question that they will continue. um, not in order, frankly, just to get their hostages because they've already said very clearly that error respective of that they, it's still intend to pursue this,
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this war and gaza. but because there is an environment of impunity, and that environment of impunity is underwritten by washington's refusal to actually use the leverage that it has on these re, the government leverage that. it has leverage that it could use that it could utilize money that could actually change the calculus of this way. the government quite fundamentally because of course, washington provides it with a continuous political cover at the un, but also provision of military arm. so we leverage here that we're talking about is an cairo's. it's washington d. c. and it's there, but i think we need to be asking the question about what can we do in order to it that force is real to change behavior as, as you know, the i c, j, and dance and asked me to seem to want very much all right, that's the time we have for today gentlemen. i want to thank our guests for joining
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us in this conversation. ha, how we are over. you drove me and about that or who sent hardy and thank you to for watching. you can see the program again. any time by visiting our website now says 0 dot com for further discussion. as always, go to facebook at facebook dot com forward slash h a inside story, and you can go on x r handled at a j and side store from me, throw them in a whole team here and go home life and the us is always of inside the people around the world, people pay attention to this one here, and i'll just see this very good that bringing the news to the world from here. this is took, took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive, sustainable tourism program in partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its charles. every meal is like
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emergency right now. when you do the much destruction, you're gonna face the consequence metric. then we'll just see a risk new series dying. now, we'll never the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i money inside. this is the news life from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. the screams of horror and grief is real attacks, another account to displace palestinians and an area it's designated as a safe. so something's off at least $21.00 palestinians were killed in the attack


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