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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 28, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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i think the has to be on the the 2nd attack on a comp and does it in less than 48 hours, at least $21.00 palestinians are killed in alma watch, the robots. and this is all just say what life and go home. also tell me, um, is there any times move deep into rafa city for the 1st time? honest, i mean, scramble to escape is really a tax also target families trying to return to their homes and is upon the refugee camp in northern guns. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as each copy does. a historic moment for
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palestinians, 3 western nations, spain on, and then norway, formerly recognized the state of finest on october, the homes in leveling neighborhoods is ready. forces are now set to be destroying tens for palestinians who have nowhere else to go. the latest strikers talking to be all my wasi area. that's west of alpha. at least 21 palestinians have been killed and development and israel's military assault on wi fi is there any tanks have not reached the heart of the city. and that is despite the global outcry against an assault of what was once designated, a safe, so correspondent handle causally, as in central guys, it was more on this really a tax is really we're playing phone. another makes you come housing, displace palestinians in the 4 just 2 days after the military filed messiahs
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attends, costs are due, are due and building killing. if these 45 people, most of them women and children, this is a part of the for where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, save zone. the talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice, ruling boarding and me to talk to a fault on the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of if i had a cop 2 years and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door. that's funds because of southern porter with egypt. global i would change is growing with every day that passes is really palms are coming, dozens of citizens and this family is morning, a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some
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belongings while i was needing you to have an innocent, 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do wrong in his short life? the room he was in with my uncle does hit the 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western of our shots in the north of the 2 families returning to their homes by you come under fire. a woman asked the question so many in gaza passed from the no, no matter how much i didn't know. where should we go from? is that the arab world looked at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the, this is not a life. i don't know what to say to you an estimate. at least the 1000000
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displays palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety. that does not exist. and of who did the august ita they did black gauze up palestine. how did your cost was life for us in washington dc? let's get the view from the us. so there been a couple of briefings just in the last few hours or so on. what's been happening and gas and particularly what's going on in the rough. i understand the national security council spokesman, john coby has been fielding questions and one of them that's why rob and kirby just had strong words saying that he condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's weekend attack on that camp in rafa for displaced people. now he didn't go as far as to put the blame on israel saying that israel should be allowed to conduct its final investigation. but citing the preliminary investigation from israel, kirby said that is real, use the smallest bomb possible and that the target was a mos count. how that was 1.7 kilometers away from where this fire ignited,
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killing those innocent civilians. and it still remains unclear according to the us how those 2 events were related for. we also feel the questions from reporters on what the us would consider to be a major ground defensive in rafa, which the by to ministration has said is a red line. he says he has still not seen evidence of that happening thus far. we don't want to see a major ground operation. we haven't seen this. how many more chart courses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. and this is not something that we've turned a blind eye to, nor has it been something we've ignored or neglected to raise with ours really counterparts. including in this weekend as
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a result of this particular straight. now they're investigating it. so let's let them investigate it and see what they come up with. a kirby says that he has seen those graphic images of the children who are killed from these strikes. he said that he found them to be heartbreaking, but again, when challenged by reporters, time after time on what is too far, what is the death told that the us will no longer accept. he would not clearly answer that question. he said that he believes israel is still following international law. why he asked when he was asked, he said, because that's what israel says it is doing high to i'm one of the key elements, of course, is the amount of age that is or isn't getting into guys of the in the us military had built a floating peer off the coast of gaza to allow some of that age to get in, but i understand that it is now needing repair, is being dismantled. what more do we know about that? and i think the pentagon has been speaking about this,
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the that's right, this, this tier, that costs $320000000.00 and a 1000 us troops to build lasted only over a week before rough waves, according to the pentagon, essentially broke off a part of it rendering it in operable and so now they've dismantled it. they're trying to put it back together and there's no exact time when it may be back in place. this is quite an embarrassment for this us lead effort to create a maritime a core door, which had at times been much lauded. well, in the end for less than a week for about a week while it was operational, it did allow that a 1000 metric tons of food to be delivered to gaza, which really is just a drop in the bucket of the great need that is needed. and if the land at ports were to open for those trucks to go in, rob, i do. thank you very much indeed that side of joe castro, wireless spokesman for the un, secure it's equity general has condemned israel's continued violation of an order
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by the international court of justice for it to hold to military operations in rough or to have seen a breakdown of international law of respect for international respect of international humanitarian with respect for a for human rights. the member member states created this court when they created the charter, when they signed onto it, it is a we do. we expect member states to risk to abide by the orders of the international court of justice. augustus name is life for us of the united nations . um, what else was the secretary general's saying if anything controlled by the the latest attacks ended off or of the well, the un says the latest attacks just go to show that there is no place, save and garza, there are no humanitarian zones. they can't confirm some of the most recent
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attacks that we're hearing about it. they are having a hard time keeping up with the devastation which i think goes to show how hard it is to move around in gaza. in particular, in roswell, where the un says it has run out of food, the secretary general has condemned the ongoing offensive in rasa. and reminded the world and israel, in particular, that the icy j orders to stop that offensive are binding and must be complied with. he said he's heart broken by the images that he's seeing of, of children killed and injured. and, and i think it's important to point out that for every individual who's killed, there are many more that are either burned or malnourished. and the aid is not getting in now as well because of this ongoing military offensive death is
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everywhere. that was the quote from a spokesperson for on roy earlier today. and now a coalition of some $28.00 groups, including save the children is warning that the aid distribution system is really on the brink of collapse, that there's not much more they can do given the limitations, given the ongoing error strikes, the attacks and the inability to move around with in gaza. i understand that jerry is called a closed door emergency meeting of the security council to discuss what's going on and off, particularly the incident that happened on sunday. i'm a what can we expect from that? it's an emergency meeting, as you say, called by the algerians to look at what happened over the weekend. in rafa get an update on that. we heard from the french ambassador nicholas still over the air on
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the way into the meeting. he expressed his country's outrage over the situation. he said the security council has to act and must act immediately to address that situation. now, will the security council do so? we know the french had been working on a house and working on continue to work on a resolution that is in their words, more long term, something that can bring back the 2 state solution that incorporates rebuilding and gaza. something they see is essential to moving the region forward towards peace. but he was talking about something more specific just quickly dealing with this situation over the weekend and the horrors that we've seen unfold there. he said an immediate response needs to happen. but will the council get together so far? and it's been a while since they've been able to act as a unit. but we'll be watching this meeting to see if anything comes out and there's another meeting tomorrow. the regular monthly meeting on the situation in the
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middle east, which is another opportunity for council members to, to say more and do more more publicly. because instead of me, the united nations, thank you very much. well, not much of a shot. a is obviously the senior political analyst. he says israel's decision to define global calls for this rough operation to stop is unsurprising, as they call it limited. but it's uh, full blown, uh, and contrary to the will over most countries around the world to also war and that then you know, government enough to go ahead including most european countries. but these areas have never really listened to anyone. the wisdom is right, is that the dream or the non jews can say what they want then is right. it will do what it wants. and that's been the case and drop off a full blown. uh, envision we've seen now the is where it is in the middle of the profile. we're seeing dozens of people killed. dozens more injured. were seen camps done by
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bombings, and we've seen that various massacres continue every day. but of course, we've also seen one of the same, you know, as varies uh, expressing the outer, gripped about mistakes being done, an investigation going to be conducted, which is of course we all know our lives and deflections from an ongoing situation . okay, let's turn from the side of, draws a towards the north would have been more is really a tax and the area of zip volume is really far as of targeted families trying to return to their homes. obviously, there's other source relief has been not the scene in the center of this report of the draft to reports the is really military had withdrawn from the outside of georgia area in the west of jabante, a refugee camp president started to return, however, is really war planes and artillery opened fire at the dozens were killed and injured and the duel attacks and medical crews, assisted by volunteers,
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are pulling victims bodies from under the rubble of the situation. and l. felicia is more than done. another one i don't have to, i'm not really on a separate. i show all the phenomena. yeah. for the 17th consecutive day is really forces are carpet bombing this area. what the amount of to the scale of the destruction is massive, especially after the ground forces moved in the pictures, speak volumes, and also about has on with the since the early hours of the morning when people are gone through the time. is there any forces have been targeting that we have recovered the number of bodies we harmonics and evidence cruise are also targeted by on to try more minutes ago. alternative yourselves finding the area killing more people. although it's, it's very dangerous. we all know the time, we will do our best to help evacuate into survivor, who must have the alarm came on. and this is what else. felicia looks like a yeah. although it's very dangerous to be in this area and we came to document the aftermath is really troops were here destroying homes. so the extent of the
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destruction is mass. so there is not a single building. still standing near dozens of people here were killed, dozens more injured and that was, many bodies are still lying in the road. and you have medical teams and civil defense crews cannot go any further. they cannot cross the road behind me to help survivors and the injured traps. they're not even here where i'm standing, but there's really drones and war plains keep firing on civilians and rescue change the shadow. especially if i just feel why i'm sure that you a head and all, does it a protest as gather again in the georgian capital, after farnham at overtones a presidential veto? the interrogate the narrative. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes,
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a unique the correct, but so is the international community upfront only without the . ringback the, you will see a duty in the grove using for p use a cost to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of on projects except the cost. and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on red crescent. and remember, it's a copier size, wealth, and increases systems costs on red,
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chris the the the, you want to go to 0 reminder about top stories. this are at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed at a camp and all my wasi and southern guys have during the tax by is waiting for. it comes out to it shows the bombing of another camp and drop on sunday. the killed at least 45 people. fremont is very types of pushing deeper into rough assessing. the un says more than 1000000 people been forced to leave it off in the past 3 weeks. thousands upon a series of being killed during and there's many attack in jamalia in northern garza. people are just starting to return to the tense off to is really forces with
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the norway island in spain. formally recognized upon this time as a state, it's a historic was made growing calls from an end, israel's occupation, a spanish prime of the sort. pedo sanchez describes the establishment of a palestinian state as the only way to peace in the middle east. paul brandon has this report from the spanish capital budget. it was the madrid conference of 1991, which paved the way for the oslo peace accords. and now again, spain is it the vanguard of middle east peace efforts? the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the m, i don't know if he started congest this with the legitimate aspirations of the palestine people. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. this is
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the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve the future of peace. that of the oddest thing in the state that quick seest alongside the state of the swell in peace and security. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a corridor and with east jerusalem as it is copied and must be unified under deleted the major government of the palestine nation of authority. the recognition of palestinian statehood is the climax of months of intense diplomacy made desperately urgent by the reality in gaza. sanchez rejected is rarely criticism. this recognition is nothing against any particular state or people. he said it's only purpose is to achieve peace. this fun. yeah. where the lydia, the, spain can be a leader, so that you're going to have its own politics rather than simply following the united states. because america is no longer a real mediator, but it's,
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it's actually part of the conflict. and so europe can lead with different ideas. challenge now is to persuade more european nations to follow that example, slovenia on multiple have expressed the willingness. the pressure now is growing on germany and france and u. k. across the united states has long assumed leadership of middle east peace initiatives, but springs declaration is evidence of a growing cents a month to month, even western nations. but the u. s. policy is failing to bring a 2 state solution, any closer pull, brennan, i'll just 0 madrid. me? well, nobody's probably. madison says he hopes are as low as recognition of palestine when in college, all the european nations to do the same thing. step voss and as more a design to celebrate the wreckage nation by no way of color sign as the states. but since the attacks and the outside it's not also turning into a protest, the government has called it's decision. also 2.0 after the also accords with
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science and 1993. and now a failed 30. yes, later. so no one has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the palestinian states instead is very significant. we know that every day and every night, the people are a small 3rd and muscle good in augusta and also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stop that. of course, for no way there are a lot more to build on them. we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. that if you recognize policies and you cannot continue to fund is riley investments us, nor waste actually today doing the recognition of palestine as seen as an important but mainly symbolic step, a signal to the united states. and if relevant, only solution is a peaceful solution and not the military one. the only solution solution taxes here
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say that the recognition is not enough position. also the sanction towards israel from the way, and they all call it as well, which is the route of flow. in other news pop in, you're going to use government issued evacuation orders for 7900 people in the north of the ink. the problem is because of the risk of further land slides, people are still trying to recover bodies from a one kilometers a strip of rocky debrief off to a huge long slide on friday. thousands of people the believe to been buried alive, but only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. it is i'm going foods reports carrying the coughing of a loved one in covering it with prayers. the. it's more closer than many others have got after landslide swept through remote area of pop. when you can use angle province, there was little hope of finding survivors. only
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a determination to recover the 100 were buried alive. level got him go. we don't know where the bodies are buried, but we will not give up. we will keep going. the large volume of soil and boulder rocks are making it difficult for us to wear using spades and the iron roads to dig . chunks of the mountain side broke off in the early hours of friday morning, sending boulders the size of shipping containers and a river of mud and rock descending down the slopes, sweeping across homes and farms blocking roads. the estimated death tool ranges from the hundreds to as high as 2000 authorities of warned the ground is too unstable. this was not any a very significant last slide, but the drain is continuing to move. so it might seem that we're actually at the site yesterday, they said they could even feel the ground moving on to the ground. moving around the thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes as
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a safety precaution. authorities are also concerned about the risk of disease from decomposing bodies. the government is appealing for international help, but with the main road to the area blocked off and fears of for the lens lights. it's not clear how assistance will reach those in need. if this i'm getting food, which is 0, so i can remodel, has killed at least $38.00 people are close bangladesh and india funding and wins of up to a 135 kilometers per hour. i've destroyed more than 35000 homes in bangladesh. authorities have moved 8 105000 people to safety. more than 20000000 homes don't have any power. and authorities in india as a heavy rains calls the collapse of a stone quarry. killing 17 people in minnesota state. rescue is a still searching for another 12 people after a month and deborah crashed into houses below your grinning president, letting me it's united ski is visiting european countries to valley support for his
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country's war effort is arrived in belgium a day after visiting spring when he signed a security agreement under the ukraine will receive military aid. fossils has also applies to supply keith with 5 objects and humanitarian assistance. george's parliament has overburdened the president's veto of the so called photo. an agent spilled fairly protests against the controversial bill of taking place for weeks in the capital of lucy. thousands of georgians that are afraid that the legislation will comp human rights and freedom of the media and compromise the countries paid to join the u. dimitry and financial expense, and often more than a months of protests and threats of sanctions and repercussions from the west. george's parliament refused to be pressured into dropping the circles for an agent's bill. and peace overrode the president's veto on tuesday, after hours of debating, not without drama,
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we sort of gone only now. but all the new law requires old civil society and media organizations that receive 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare it. and they blink government oversight. the governing potty says it's important for georgia sovereignty utilizing it each accomplish georgians. have to understand that we are a solver and country and we have the right to know what is going on within the country and around it. but it will also mean that n g o's, like this dog shelter, could be fined up to $7000.00 directly. it would mean that the have to register as for an agents or rather the, the law says that the and organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power. now the only interest that the person who is interested these folks, and i challenge anyone to tell me that which one of these is actually a foreign power. the text is similar to legislation,
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russia and up to 12 years ago as part of a crack down on the sent these protests to say. although the outcome of the parliamentary vote was expected. they wanted the consent to be heard. government voting for the night. there was a little bit of problem that maybe maybe that they would come to their sounds but yeah, it's, it's really, really hard with the elections do in october, many c a n g o's could be bought for months, bring them the greatest the right to could be to george's bid to join the e u. it became a candidates in december, and the block one, the law was a potential deal breaker to be to method in co, out to 0. whether it's next and then inside stories going to examine how 5 child the decades long piece tail between egypt. and israel is madison to stay with us on
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august. the highlight of the range really ramping up now across the west and positive australia . we have got a big change on the way now. over the last 7 months puts so around $23.00 millimeters of rifle. by the end of this week, they may, will see 17 millimeters of buying full. so i think you might well notice that, so this is dropped breaking stuff this and what's the weather coming in? it costs a good part of the w way, what the system blinking go all the way up towards the northwest on the north west clamp and have you ever seen up to was moving parts of western australia, then the not right. we'll continue to run the list way further east, which as we go through the week, what's the weather coming into the hall to go straight?
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you will see that rain gradually making its way across victoria into new south wales. i'm punching across into queensland. dry weather. does come back in behind monkey. so ryan, for a time to across tasmania to was the se. then i just got to come back in. but scott is now coming into cause a good positive japan korean peninsula, central pos of joanna. we have go to tell, i figured out into the from wolf is pushing place to japan should stay away. i'm pleased to say losey dry here. so what's the weather there? i've been to northern positive china. the central air was also seeing some showers, and she was never too far away from the far south. on the, i want people to look closer at the of the side of his eye point by camera where all those refer not to the right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up. and us worse to make
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a round peg and also viet time when on the power of political lot what i'll just stories retail sales about also and how do we base our task to change our future studio? be unscripted on one on i will just sierra so tenuous as the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border expose is a franchise political relationship. the 2 countries insist piece of is best for teacher choice. but for how long as the war and guys of regents this is inside store the .


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