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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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semitism is the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about jewels. it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listing cost special on his jersey the the hello, i'm about this and this is the news i live from doha. coming up in the next 60 minutes, another palestinian campus during is reading strikes and a so called safe zone. 21 palestinians, a day. more than a 1000000 people. slaves really advancing the southern gaza as times roll into the hearts of the city. over off of the south africa, on the brink of sea change, people prepared to go to the polls for the 1st election. that group caused a real challenge to the amc since the end of all sides plus for us causes sedans,
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top general to end the countries of year long conflicts. as agencies, warren, it's turned into a forgotten war. so we're going to begin in gaza where it is really soldiers and things. and now in the center of the southern city, overall, 5 hundreds of palestinians that again on the move as they flee the is really advanced. more than a 1000000 people have already left the area. many here be moving to central and northern guys are, which are also under attack. one of the latest time tax happened in all milwaukee west of or off. and that's another area that israel has designated as a safe zone. at least 21 people were killed and our country begins our coverage. oh, is there any war plains from another makes you come. housing just please palestinians in the for just 2 days after the military file, messiahs tends clustered,
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due are due and building killing of these 45 people, most of them women and children. this is a part of the for where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, save zone. talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice ruling boarding, an immediate halt to a fault. and the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of it. if i had a cop tours and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door, that's funds because of southern porter with egypt. global. our case is closed. at the date that policy is ready, palms are tending dozens of citizens, and this family is morning. a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to crowd some belongings while i was needing
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you to head an innocent, 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do? roman his show off the room. he was in with my uncle, this head with 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show, whipped him upon ambulance, his trying to reach the wounded in western of our shots. in the north of this trip, simon was returning to their homes and by you come under fire. a woman asked the question so many in gaza at the hospital? no, no, no, that'll be just the where should we go from? is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the house. this is not a life. i don't know what to say. to you an estimate,
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at least the 1000000 displays palestinians floods are for him. the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist. and of who the august ita. there is black goes up. palestine most of injured from choose is attack on the all my wasi come for being taken to make shift field hospitals. that's because the main medical center and drop off the co wait hospital is no shots. incentives this update from debt on those distaste people came from different areas across them because of tripping, especially at the northern parts of the gaza strip and chose to pay it to go to milwaukee. it of off after the is really forces ordered them to do so. 8 months ago, so they thought that this place was safe and that's how they ended up being targeted. we're talking about 21 palestinians. among them are 16 women that were killed today in today's targets, most of the injuries were transferred to the medical field hospital for the
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international medical court. and it was the only place that would receive those patients because uh and there are no hospitals in drop off any more after that. is there any forces targeted to medical portion of personnel as yesterday? so the hospital went out of service horrifying. images of virus online showing women and children and men were covered with blood. and we're also saw how those injuries were transferred to the hospital. we saw them with a donkey carts. we saw people carrying them on their childers every single day. it's intensifying and dropped off and polished and you do not have anywhere to go a little upset as a medical student id is, let me get diversity of gaza. shes originally from rasa, new left earlier this month. and she went to egypt. she's joining us from that.
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thank you very much. indeed for being with us. can you describe to us what things were like when you were working before you decided to leave to yep. thank you. um for having me. yes. so uh, as a medical student who was med school, got bombs, education was interrupted, i you just found, i don't know, like the best decision for me to do is really just like to know and balance here at hospitals. and the thing is like, life and goals are currently and for the past 7 to 8 months. the problem there is that you never know what the right thing or the wrong thing to do if you want to leg, stay alive or survive. if you want to be safe, right? like for example, me going because i started to add all i'm doing in the job hospital buy. and that house was like around about 20 minute walk from my house. so i used to walk there and going there, like on my way there. like if you didn't, you, you can know if it would be safe for me to walk. then obviously i'll be walking because there is no guys and no fuel for cars like wind transportations. the best thing to find would be like and of you know,
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helping going an animal car. and i wouldn't be always available on like a lot of people find it funny me like wing scrubs and you know like lighting on them and get to the hospital. but most of the time i'd be walking and on my route from my house to the hospital, there's so many houses and places that got bomb. and that's the thing like they were bombed, just not at the time i was walking by, but they did like if they were bombed, when i was walking by, i wouldn't do that. i wouldn't be alive now. that's the thing. you know, like every ways risky. there is no place that you could, you know, you could look at and be like, yeah, okay, i can be here and be safe, you know, and then when i get to on the job, well, that's a hospital and like proven by what, what's been happening to die 78 months, hospitals themselves, or even could be even considered even more risky than other places. so as i get there, i start volunteering at the emergency department or the emergency department i, i personally used to do with them at least a 100 patients per shift likely to work on
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a 2nd 24 hour shift. and because especially of the time, because look, everybody was asked to move to south and so she's been fine. and think about, i'm originally from, by the thing about the just before october happened. we were always like for years now, we're always, you know, like purchasing and calling for the legal, the hospital and refresh the roof. she does not technically, does not really have a hospital and it like not like, and she felt with mazda or any of the, like the big kind of bigger kind of medical complex is that we have in other cities and never really had a whole lot of that was like one of the problems that could be intentional of asking people to solve because god, the city has more interest such and most more is jews, more hospitals, more equipped, more of kind of everything and asking people to go to the south is really getting them to places where they're all ready, you know, like less resources and all that. so the, i'm a job, that's what i was really small, but we have to do with so many cute cases all the time. you know, like really just like starting with infections as simple as upper respiratory infections and, you know, i guess when dry it is a like some, i guess
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a confections and also casualties from the bombings as well as we were always liked working you know, on the floor and now has always been limitations and everything. i studied the med school for 2 years. i did not study for so long, but i learned some things and what, what i was experiencing and what, what it was working at the hospital was a little different than anything i ever learned in doing that sort of last year. but i do want to ask you about that. i mean, obviously we around the world have been watching the pictures of the they, the injuries and the suffering that people have been going through in gaza. you have been there, you have been in the hospital. so people have been coming in with, with injuries, who are suffering, can you describe to us what life has been like as you and your colleagues have been trying to work through the numbers of people who've been coming in to get the treatment. exactly. that's what i was about to actually talk about like guns. i have to learn how to prioritize, who lives or dies kind of like who we actually work on. but we use our limited
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resources on who like, i hate to say this, but like we deserves to be worked on who deserves you know, like use the limited resources and equipment and instruments and medication that we have on. i also have to learn how um, how do you know like, prioritize route to give local anesthesia like when we're searching, you know, like some patients, even a like, if available, if it's available, we have to prioritize what we give it to like i personally you have to switch hands of mothers who just lost their babies will just lost their children without even being able to give them local anesthesia. why i was, you know, switching their hands and it was, you know, like the resources part was really horrible, but there were no, that's like in the jobs that i had like a room, 63 beds. and you're talking about a 1000000 and a half people were looking at some point who needed like medical care. and the judge, a lot of the cases like would go to a good way possible would actually also be the person on the job because i'm not sure it's more like of the kind of them been bigger and more or less. and you know, the government, all sort of that had like more um kind of tools and devices. so. yeah. so um we
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have to work on them on the ground. yeah. yeah. no, i wanted to ask you, i mean you obviously moved to egypt as, as we mentioned, what was it that made you decide to, to, to leave obviously, your medical training dilemma to, as you say, to our training that you have is vitally important that clearly must have been a very strong reason for you to to want to leave guys or yeah, i never wanted to move gauze on a and it breaks my heart every day since i got here. um, the thing is like my family or the less because it just, it only got and more unsafe being there and everybody everything was stop like they couldn't continue working on anything. my. my siblings could not continue any of their education or anything like that. i personally stayed behind behind them and i was not really planning on leaving at all. it only happened on monday that was actually the last day window order was working. i actually will come back to
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the lead flips of recognition orders to my house, asking us to leave. and it was just like, you know, the only person left for my family and i would have to look at that point i have to find out or to like make it done for myself or find a place for my only mean like a the stay in and is just kind of like, um did not sound very right to me like i just, i honestly just that was a mess. what, what, what happened? so i really just like went to the border at 111130 people were there at 7 am and i just left and i it breaks my heart so no sure left, please forgive me for interrupting you. i am terribly sorry, but we are very grateful to you for being with us, and i'll just see it and telling us your story. thank you very much. indeed, us officials, there will be no policy change and responds to one of the deadliest as rarely, attacks ends off on sunday. 45 palestinians were killed. heavy jo cost was in washington dc as lore. us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from
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israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced people near rasa. state department spokesman that miller said the incident was tragic, but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian, se stone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least $45.00 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby. so the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation and he downplayed reports of his really tanks in rough as center. we still don't believe that a major ground operation and ross is warranted. we still don't want to see these, or at least as we say, smashing the rasa with large units over over the large pieces at the territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart courses
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does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. meanwhile, the us led effort to operate a maritime a cord or to cause a has collapsed after strong waves, broke up a temporary peer that took $320000000.00 and a 1000 us soldiers to construct. the peer was supposed to last until september, but instead it survived for only just over a week during that time and received about 1000 metric tons of food. the pentagon says it will replace the peer, but it's unclear when hydro castro out to 0 washington. as well as honey was just saying that us build temporary peer which was installed to transfer our aids to guys a is now a lot of items operation because it was damaged by the rough seas. it costs $320000000.00. it was only working for a couple of weeks and the pentagon says the peers going to be sent to the southern
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is rarely city of osh dog, where it's going to be repaired. you and an 8 groups on calling for israel to fully open land crossings into guys, which they say are the best, are alternatives. we're going to continue to operate this temporary peer for as long as we can. but in terms of other routes or ways for the 8 to get in what you, what you're asking is because of this delay, like how will other a get in? and i think, you know, i sort of spoke to this, but that's what us the id is trying to figure out other ways for, for the 8 that's already on cyprus. if it's land routes or other ways for it to get in. we're working through that and you have to remember, it's not just usa, that's other n g o's, other partners, other countries who are invested in sending us in sending a to cyprus. so some of that 8 will be off loaded onto some of our vessels. so it's pre positioned and so when the temporary peer is re anchored back onto the,
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onto the shore. so we're pretty much ready to, to roll off right away. i think that was, i is had a few military in policy and advocacy. i'd say for children, she's joining us. i live now from washington dc. i'm, i'm gonna ask you about this peer. first of all, it was a lot of fun speculation to a lot of comments criticism. the peer wasn't actually achieving a great deal in terms of getting aid into guys, a bunch of given the overall situation is it i, i'm impacts that, but the fact that it's going to have to be removed unrepaired to the loading dock and the new crossing points that have been announced over the last few weeks, haven't basically only been providing a mirage improved access. what we've actually seen over the last few weeks is that only a trickle of aid, basically almost nothing that was meaningful has gotten. and we're actually seeing some of the lowest levels of aid coming in to gaza that we've seen in the last 7
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months. and well, so we have, welcome any effort to get aiden, but really these, these, these missions were having very little impact on the ground. bakeries in golf. i have had to shot 8 organizations have had to suspend some distributions. the hospitals across scots that are completely overwhelmed, almost every single hospital is either under, under siege has been issued, evaluation orders are running out of supplies. and so the situation is incredibly catastrophic, as we see, is rarely, military operations been dropped by and as a buyer, in terms of i forget me, i know i understand that this is probably going to sound like a very silly question given to fight as you've just described the basic, a guy that needs more of everything, but if there was a way of prioritizing what needs to get into guys a 1st as of now, what would you say that was it food, is it fuel? is it medical supplies?
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it's do you know, it's impossible to us to, to really say one thing, it's food, it's fuel, it's medical supplies. i mean, all the hospitals run on fuel because there's no electricity on the fuel is needed to also take in convoys into gaza and, and, and distribute 8 across casa, so everything is also, we need to monitor and personnel to oversee this aid. you know, last a few months ago, the one warren died, garza was basing famine when children and families are in such a levels of starvation. when they're, they're facing severe and acute bound, intrusion, food alone, will not save their lives. they actually need medical treatment to, to get them back up, you know, to healthy to be healthy again. and so none of that has happened in the last few months. and this is why we have continued to harbor on that. you have a solutions to this are actually quite simple. we just need israel to open all of
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the crossing points and allow unfettered smattering aid. there are still thousands of trucks in egypt in waiting to be allowed in through about just as people and children are starving just a few miles away. i want to ask you about that, and perhaps this might sound like a slightly silly logistical question, but i would imagine that if the size of truck sitting outside of the crossing on board those trucks, they're going to be medical supplies with expiration date. same with when it comes to, to food and so, and how much of an impact is it having when all that stuff is sitting there waiting to cross over. and there is a chance that it could basically spoiling it. you would have to get rid of it. yeah, absolutely. what i mean, we've already heard it was for a ports of food riding medical supplies, expiring. i mean this is already happening. it's, i'm massive strain on, on resources when people are inside gaza with such desperate and massive needs.
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and so this is why we're continuing to plead with the international community, with those with influence, to use their diplomatic influence to open back to have compelled parties to open the crossing points to secure a ceasefire. i mean, even, you know, the situation has intensified in gaza. the safety of a workers is still a massive concern. we've seen 8 workers continue to be killed. it's not making the headlines, but 8 workers are also continuing to be killed in the past few weeks. and so the situation is just getting more and more top of straw that we're running out of words to describe how bad things are and you know, the images that have come out of rough uh this morning. and yesterday has made it clear that we have, we are perhaps entering the most. the dark is chapter of this crisis where needs are skyrocketing and we're only seeing barely
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a trickle of aid entering. outside of us, i am had a few monetary policy and advocacy at save the children. thank you very much. indeed. your the lines are here to kansas. been holding an emergency meeting to discuss what's being happening in the rafa. much in volume is deputy permanent observer of the state of palestine to the un. he said the security council needs to do more to stop israel's war on the strip of those clear calls on demands across the world. there's a consensus that's a these, these are easily declines being committed on life tv and that they need to seize. but you'll still have companies that send weapons to his land that should stop immediately. you still don't have the accountability measures that would put an end to his like infinity. and the state of, of the law will act as an outlaw state. and that's always when it's conducting itself. and so we are calling for the security council that will be coast of clear and this demands and we're calling all of the states to take. so the cause of measures to put an end to the genocide that it's taking place in gaza. i think that
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there is not a single company left that doesn't the feeling that these lately actions are shameful, whether they express it publicly as they show the mouth, whether they're acts upon it or not. i think that's again, that consensus on the needs for the cx 5 is a consensus visa, unacceptable actions that civilians have been the finding of the victims. and these are slight esl and that also these lady occupation needs to end up in the student states. independence environment should see the light to then defend this of that save that exist should finding the take place. and what we see is something now we've seen now the international court of justice make all of this is why it has this, the government them, the icy prosecutor has asked for was 12 months is what it has effects and the security council has demanded the stop to the, the, to the fight thing that is, the assembly has been extremely clear. and we are saying is what will continue dismissing these calls on the companies with concrete consequences for we see those and in the relations between this vile and us of the world. and in the privileges,
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privileges the still enjoys, despite acting the way it does. the norway island in spain or formerly is recognized. palestine is a state. the upgraded diplomatic state is came into effect on tuesday may the 28th . it's a historic move of, i think, the growing calls for a peaceful resolution to the 76 year old kind of like an end to israel's occupation . the spanish prime minister, pamela sanchez, described the establishment of a palestinian state as the only route to peace in the middle east. paul brightened reports from the spanish capital. the good it was the madrid conference of 1991, which paved the way for the alls low peace accords. and now again, spain is it the vanguard of middle east peace efforts? the recognition of the state of palestine is not on the m. i don't know if he started congest east. we've diligently made the aspirations of the palestine people
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. but it is also an imperative need to achieve peace. it is the only way to realize the solution that we all recognize as the only possible one to achieve a future of peace. that of it is a state and state that quakes east along side the state of police well in peace and security. the state of palestine must be viable with the west bank and guests are connected by a co resort in which east jerusalem as it is copied and must be unified under duty to make the government author by the state and national authority. the recognition of palestinian statehood is the climax of months of intense diplomacy made desperately urgent by the reality in gaza. sanchez rejected is randy criticism. this recognition is not against any particular state or people. he said it's only purpose is to achieve peace. is fun. yeah. where the lydia, the, spain can be
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a leader so that you are going to have its own politics rather than simply following the united states. because america is no longer a real mediator, but it's, it's actually part of the conflict. and so europe can lead with different ideas. challenge now is to persuade more european nations to follow that example. slovenia in malta have expressed their willingness. the pressure now is growing on germany and france, and the u. k. across the united states has long assumed leadership of middle east peace initiatives, but spain's declaration is evidence of a growing cents a month among even western nations. but the u. s. policy is failing to bring a 2 state solution, any closer, poll brennan, i'll just 0 madrid as well. so as african americans are leading support on the palestinian cause accusing israel of coming out of genocide and gaza is being pushing the international court of justice to issued tough measures against israel
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. like kind of has more from john his book the south african government has welcome the recognition of palestinian statehood. its position on palestine is multi layered. first of all, this a history, the palestine liberation organizational pillow was among the 1st organizations or countries to recognize and back the african national congress. and it's federal against the pond tape regime. then as well, there's a certain belief within south africa, of an equivalence between the palestinians struggle for state torch and the south african struggle. again, see the pontiff system totally. there's a global context to this. the south african government believes implicitly that israel as well on gaza along with it's pressing off palestinians, constitutes a threat to international security. this ha, that's good. and justice minister said to me in recent days, the one single thing you've got to understand. if palestine is not free,
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south africa can not be free montana. i'll just say era john, his book the going to move on to why the news button. we're going to stay in south africa. voters are heading to the poles on wedding street. and what some observers say could be the biggest political shakeup in 3 decades. the governing african national congress risks losing its majority. people say they're frustrated by rolling blackouts and unemployment and corruption from it. another has more from johannesburg in this election office. so the africans, more options than any other, the african national congress and power for 3 decades is facing. it's toughest challenge hit as it support base has shrunk, poor government performance struggling economy and corruption scandals many vote is simply fed up in the thought is that the african national congress has been in
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government. it's had an opportunity to take what is now known as liberation. dividends and build on it, and in state, in the last 10 years, particularly, it has squandered that dividend to malik ministration. poor delivery. and corruption with corruption, has been involved itself and protected its party members from the prosecution. it could from devoted to attempt to opposition parties in numbers not seen before. the outcome of the b and c doesn't get to 50 percent of the vote. it will likely have to form an alliance with a smaller party to hold a majority parliament. while the main opposition, the democratic alliance is a multi party to try and see the agency that packed brings together and live in political parties which forms an alternative government coalition with the economic freedom fighters may provide the a and see what the lifeline,
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the right cleaning blocking founded by a full my amc use the data appeals to youngest sold africans and is projected to win about 15 percent of the vote. but it may be competing for votes with another amc break away party. i'm going to receive a m k slid by him, a president, jacob summa, who still an influential figure for the 1st time in dependent candidates, a running, i think the disillusionment that there's no party that really represents people. as k, i took the possibility for independence. however, independence have a good didn't like no other because we virtually has to get twice as many votes in 1994 driven by the end of the part 8 and a wave of hope in a democratic future. low to turn out was more than 85 percent. but the each election since will voters have stayed away from the polls until now? it was at 47 percent in 20. 19 this year,
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almost $28000000.00. so last weekend or we're just due to cost advantage, move in april before suggesting a desire for change. so me to minute, i'll just 0. i'll just as we speak, he's a one vote on and so what of who's describes his optimism often? nelson mandela's release and 1990 compared to how he feels. no my name is all it. does that mean? i'm a pension that's living in trip down south africa. this place i have wouldn't cry. i'm on this please. for yeah, when you have. yeah. when years good. no lights small guys on trying to take up the pieces. stealing the electricity due from the flight i to me and i know to i do. i'm not working everything and then
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we didn't things by monday low it'd be really is but not 0. 1 monday the lives we were very happy. we're all happy budget. instead of going full, i think we go back how long we've been voting, how long we've been. on the 5th of this 3, it's been put, sweeties been food story and it's not being and they've been in everything. it's called i called option this site. and this thing they, i don't want them, i vote maybe they ask me, which i would be probably done an hour. i couldn't say i waste my time voting. and so even after the election of i think it would be, wes, all, all i can say about people from outside the country that they must come in to have them. i've come in have everything
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a not good for us. the still ahead on all the 0, the search for victims of the pop and you're getting landslide days opposite that there's us and people are still waiting for help. the highlight of the range really ramping up now across the west impulse of australia. we have got a big change on the way now. over the last 7 months, puts so around $23.00 millimeters of rifle. by the end of this week, they may, will see 17 millimeters of buying for. so i think you might well notice that, so this is dropped breaking stuff this and what's the weather coming in? it costs a good part of the w way, where the system blinking go all the way up towards the north west on the north west clamp and have you ever seen up towards moving parts of western australia,
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then the not right. we'll continue to run the list way further east, which as we go through the week, what's the weather coming into the hall to go straight? you will see that rain, grassy, making his way across victoria into new south wales. i'm punching across into queensland. dry weather. does come back in behind monkey, so riding for a time to across tasmania towards these island, i just got to come back in. but scars now coming in the cause of good positive japan create peninsula central pos of china. we have go to tell, i figured out into the, from waters pushing place to japan should stay away. i'm pleased to say losey try here somewhat to whether they're having to northern positive china. the central air was also seeing some showers, and she was never too far away from the fall south. in the june 1967, 6 days the re drew the map of the middle east to dark colored aircraft appeared
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from a distance just as we were focusing on the drum farms on the run out as they were exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which had still felt today the army and it was such as the start of his land, the war in june. on out his era, you will see caught a duty and a growth using for p use a caught to contribute to improving the lives of thousands of projects except the cost and we strive to ensure it reaches its deserving recipients, visit the cost on the web presence and remember the copy revised wells and increases systems cost on request the the
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the, the what you know, just said a reminder about top stories this out or at least $21.00 palestinians have been killed at the camp and all milwaukee, the southern gaza during your tax supply is really forcing comes less than 48 hours after another conference, russell was hit on sunday. at least 45 people were killed. both attacks occurs then what israel had declared as states. so is there any types of enrolling into the center? the drop off the u. n says more than 1000000 people that be forced to leave guys a southern city in the past 3 weeks. and in a historic move, 3 european countries have recognized an independent palestinian state. the decision by islands, norway, in spain comes them is growing calls to end this very occupation,
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honest. nobody's recognition of the palestine. you say it comes more than 13 years after a broker, the oslo accords. in 1993 scandinavian countries has decided to take the route because a different strategy is needed for peace in the middle east. i'll just say to step boston reports for most of the celebrate the wreckage nation by no way of palestine as the states. but since the attacks and the outside, it's not also turning into a protest, the government has called its decision also to point 0 after the also accords with science and 1993. and now a failed 30 years later. so no worry has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the palestinian states instead is very significant. we know that every day and every night the people are a small 3rd and muscle guarantee in augusta and also on the occupied the west bank . and we have to do everything in their power to stop that. of course, for nowhere,
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there are a lot more to build on. and we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. that if you recognize policies on, you cannot continue to funds is riley investments as noise actually today, doing the requisition of products 9 is seen as an important but mainly symbolic step, a signal to the united states only as a peaceful solution and not the military one the only solution solution is here say that the recognition is not, not sufficient. also the sanction towards israel from norway and they're all cordless. that's awesome. l to see around the flow islands decision to recognize palestinians say to the comes more than 40 years after the auto state 1st called for a palestinian state. the country is prime ministers or other european nations to follow all as examples for the monks has more from dublin
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focus and emotion, or the full front of emily and blakes out i just, i was off the ons government, so many recognize the palestinian state. she's in 10th on drawing attention to fresh atrocities in gaza and but i'm just going to try and do whatever i can to not stop talking about palestine. i'm trying to do whatever i can't. this is what i can do. i'm working on and stuff that i feel strongly about and a lot of the time what i feel strongly about is human rights issues and equality and issues like that kind of thing. and rights are a popular topic among the irish people. and the government says tuesdays move along side no way in spain should encourage others to follow. if countries do not know, take this for most staff to recognize palestine. i fear there may not be the opportunity in the future. now is the time to act the 1967 borders of 70 the nation
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away. and this cannot continue the debates on this issue inside the irish parliament like the palace, the noun flag, floating above the same building is politically significant, but not a practical form of support. one of the few concrete consequences involved and largely symbolic recognition of how the city and state is it. this building will transform from a diplomatic mission into an embassy. but many irish people would like to see more substantial support from the government for what they consider to be a real well kind of simian right. so exist, it was well over to board, there's a lot more that she'll be doing as well. not our government, they're refusing today, we're sending to introduce sanctions on israel. the need to find us military fine and true shannon and you need to quit all twice when he smiled. islands actions may still represent a slope, small steps towards a long term piece. but in a short time, many eyes across the world, including here in island,
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will remain on rafa villa months out to 0. dublin the us is urging the head of saddam's armed forces to take immediate action to end the conflict in his country. you guys are going straight down to the blanks and has said during a phone call with a general abdel fossa, i'll go hon. the conflict between savannah's, military and the part of military rapids support forces has been raging since april last year. kevin tens of thousands for you and it says the country is not experiencing the world's worst hunger crisis. more rustling jordan is joining us live from washington dc. what more did on to the blinking and behind discuss well, they also discussed the need to get in more humanitarian aid. the us has set aside about a $1000000000.00 in humanitarian aid for the people of sudan. but because of the
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fighting between the sudanese armed forces and the rapids, the security forces and i may be getting that wrong r s f. it has been almost impossible for humanitarian groups to deliver the aid to people across the country, especially in the areas where are most of the fighting is happening in particular inside dar for you. they also talked about the need to take advantage of the resumption of direct negotiations between the s a of, and the rest of under what's known as the jet or platform. that's the joint us saudi negotiating mechanism to try to reach 1st to see supplier. and then an end to the civil war, which has been going on now for a little more than a year. and some agencies roles have been describing this as a for golfing bar on, on the world stage. what is the us link our role in all of this a swell ever since bore hans took power in a qu, about 2 and
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a half years ago. the u. s. has been working very hard to try to restore civilian rule inside sudan. it's also been spending a lot of time trying to well work with regional partners, including uh, egypt, saudi arabia, and the united arab emirates to try to get the parties in sudan to agree to a peace deal. this also does involve at some point, either the united kingdom or norway. there's also been the appointment of a special envoy for sedan tom perry yellow, who used to be the special envoy for the horn of africa. and perhaps the most important back in december, the state department declared that crimes against humanity, war crimes and of acts against humanity were taking place. ethnic cleansing were taking place in sides down in the midst of the civil war. those are very serious
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allegations, and it does suggest that the us has not been ignoring this crisis insights. again, in fact, during a briefing with international reporters back in march, tom perry, yellow, who is the special on boy for sudan. basically said that because of the global products attention on garza and on ukraine, no one is talking about sudan, there's a time period. those words, most of them. thank you very much indeed. rosamond jordan, talking to us from washington dc on top and you're getting is government has issues evacuation orders for 7900 people. and the northern inc. problem is because of the risk of further line slides. people are still trying to recover bodies from a kilometer long strip of vol. keep every after a major line, slight on friday, thousands of people i believe, to have been buried alive. but only a handful of bodies have been recovered so far. if the same kind of fluids reports of the carrying the coffin of a loved one in covering it with prayers,
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it's more closer than many others have got. after lance lice swept through remote area of pop. when you can use angle province, there was little hope of finding survivors. only a determination to recover the hundreds who are buried alive. let him go. we don't know where the bodies are buried, but we will not give up. you will keep going. the large volume of soil and the boulder rocks are making it difficult for us to wear using spades, and i enrolled to dig the chance of the mountain side broke off in the early hours of friday morning, sending boulders the size of shipping containers and a river of mud and rock descending down the slopes, sweeping across homes and farms blocking roads. the estimated death tool ranges from the hundreds to as high as 2000 authorities of warrant the ground is still unstable. this was not any, a very significant last slide,
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but the drain is continuing to move. so it might seem that we're actually at the site yesterday. they said they could even feel the ground moving under the ground. moving around, the thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes as a safety precaution. authorities are also concerned about the risk of disease from decomposing bodies. the government is appealing for international help, but with the main road to the area blocked off and fears for the lens lights. it's not clear how assistance will reach those in need. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0. it's like those remodel has killed at least associated people are crossed by with ash and india fighting and winds of up to a 135 kilometers per hour. i've destroyed more than 35 photos in the homes in bangladesh. authorities have moved 800000 people to safety. more than 20000000 homes don't have any power. authorities in india is a heavy res, cause but lots of a stone 40 killing 17 people they miss on state. rescuers are still searching for
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another 12 people off a month and debbie crashed into houses below reading and profitability music landscape is visiting european countries to valley support for his country's war effort is arrived in belgium a day after visiting spain for the signed a security agreement brussels has also applies to supply chief with 5 subjects and humanitarian assistance. the meanwhile, that actually helps the city of the honda is going to eastern ukraine, came under attack twice and a match or a virus on tuesday. low cost. busy is reported cluster munitions, which are banned by several countries. we used george's parliament has overburdened the president's veto of the so called farm agent, spelled daily protest against the bill of taking place for weeks in the capital to blue c. as of jordan's georgians, out of faith legislation is going to come human rights and freedom of the media and compromise the countries. but to join a you,
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us state department is condemned to bill calling it a threat to democracy. between men for dental explains often more than a month of protests and threats of sanctions and repercussions from the west. georgia is parliament refused to be pressured into dropping the so called for an agents bill and peace over road the presidents veto on tuesday. after hours of debating and not without drama, we sort of gone on in the new law requires old civil society and media organizations that receive 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare it. and they blink government oversight. the governing party says it's important for georgia sovereignty. either one of the 2 carpets georgians have to understand that we are a solver and country and we have the right to know what is going on within the country and around it. but it will also mean that n g o's, like this dog shelter,
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could be fined up to $7000.00 directly. it would mean that the have to register as for an agents or rather that the law says that the an organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power. now the only interest that the pros, who is the interest of these folks, and i challenge anyone to tell me that each one of these is actually a foot and power. the text is similar to legislation. russia adopted 12 years ago as part of a crack down on the sent these protests to say, although the outcome of the parliamentary vote was expected. they wanted the concerns to be heard. government change the night. there was a little bit of code that maybe maybe that they would come to their sounds
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but it's really, really hard with the elections do. in october, many c a n g o's could be bought for monitoring them. but the greatest threat could be to georgia's bid to join the e u. it became a candidates in december. and the block one to the law was a potential deal breaker to be to method in co, out to 0 jewels informing us president donald trump is crushed by the trial of new york coming here in closing arguments. the 12 member jury's then going to begin the process of deciding whether trump becomes the 1st us president in history to be convicted of a crime drums accused of using his former lawyer to pay off adult films so stormy daniels. this was allegedly done cover a sexual encounter. the payments were supposedly recoded, as legal expenses are still ahead and i'll just say the columbia is politicians, discuss a controversial proposal to bind the bull financing. we're going to be live from the capital over to the
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politicians and columbia. i'm not deciding whether or not to bond both fighting as they hold their final debates and a bill that would outlaw the practice. both funding was brought to columbia by the spanish, but many colombians have turned against the sports. is one of the just 8 countries in the world where it's still legal. several mayer's i'm already banded in their municipality, as in november, congress rejected outright national fund by just 3 votes. let's go live nicer. our cost 100, our son frontier,
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who's able to talk inside congress. what's happening there? yes rather than just minutes away from finding out the result of the the last boat on the snack nation wide band. and as you were saying this indeed would be any story quotes, because colombia would be the 1st country that where, where both fighting a centuries old tradition to finance nation wide. and it has been a long fraud political battle to arrive to this point last year. the senate, both that this bill that the since then the house of representative that you see behind me as failed 14 times to bring the bill to a vote. the opposition have a use the every fairly buster tactics to avoid reaching a vote. it seems like the in this case that there is indeed a standing
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a forum the vote to a is going on. as we speaking, colombia seems to be very close to being the 1st that a country to a band both fighting get and naturally i just want to just while we're waiting for that just took us through why, why and i are both fighting fits into the cultural fabric ban, columbia, the absolutely way of the lo fi thing arrived obviously, with the spanish ships colonizers. uh, and then remains as a very popular and 13 man, tonight's edition in columbia for many, many years. but it has been losing popularity as it has happened in other parts of the world, any, including some municipalities and local courts here has already bands the practice locally. for example, the mid, the columbia, as a 2nd city, and also here in but with that there haven't been any bulls fighting for us. and
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now over a year, the local administration here also has been gauged states. and so what happened is that a overwhelmingly, the culture is changing. people views on this practice is changing. surveys show that more than 80 percent of the columbia that favor this bad. and yet there is a small, a lead to that has continued to defend that saying that this, that band would be absolutely a liberal. busy and would be against the culture and traditions of an important part of the country. yet what it seems like is that this is the best thing to be on the way out and that in the the petitions uh will be at banding. get to today, sir. thank you very much indeed for going to be checking in with you later on to find out what the result of the photos. alessandra is empty actually involves a
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volunteer firefighter and chalet and forestry official. they've been charged with starting wild fires that engulfed the central chalet in february. more than a 130 people were killed in the blaze is one of the worst and natural disasters. in recent history, prosecutors say they've got evidence, the 2 suspects acted deliberately and that they knew what the optimal weather conditions would be to start the fires. ok, let's bring you back to our top story now in israel's war on garza which has impacted all aspects of palestinian life. augustine gaza. say they believe that their work is more important than ever before. the . these paintings made a lot to me as a defender of the palestinian cause. i feel proud because being from godsa, i am conveying to the outside world, the extent of the destruction,
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migration and displacement. we're enduring. i'm showing the outside walls, the extent of the suffering. we are living in the gulf of strep when i paint about the policy and cause i feel immense pride. well, we have fighting for our quotes regardless of these radio compassion that is trying to erase that cause. and as of people have gone, so we have resilience and optimistic she's screaming and cooling, just somebody to help her against the blockade imposed by israel. and i said no, not that. so i can, i'm a cool this painting to pick a broken diamond these right? it's believe they'll take control box at the top of the painting. i use screen, which represents a glimmer of hope to the will will. and that's why the never down as long as an artist from guidance is in, during the same suffering that everybody is going through in the strip. i'm trying
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to convey the emotions within me and the life i'm moving and does the whole, the pain and the despair that i'm feeling these days. the people from guys are very proud. we are attached to orlando. yes, we have suffered the monthly, but we remain steadfast. we have created several paintings that convey the suffering, but no matter how much i draw, it was never conveyed. the whole picture of the actual scenes and the pain are so much bigger and have taken over us. every day we witness massacres and bloody scenes. i tried to express all these feelings on the walls and i tried to paint everywhere. i go to my last funeral was one of defiance. i drew the map of palestine administer attempts to complete the extent of our attachment to our cause . to me was going to be here in a couple of minutes of learn all these stories, including our top story, at least 21 palestinians have been killed at a camp in all my wasi in the southern gaza jury is really strikes that i'm your mouth as and don't forget the website, of course,
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i'll just 0 talk. com and stay with us on i'll just say that we're going to be back . as i say in a couple of the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that boise how many disasters do we need to start taking action in the fights against the climate? catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction, you're going to face the consequences metric. then we'll just see a risk some new series dying. now, we'll never foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from . i'm into the outer a big language world wide shaped come out of old for translation, and international understanding. unknown. see is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024,
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starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. a former film and future star, traumatized by eastern few knows more of independence, but determined to turn tragedy to accommodate. this comic genius concealing his own more scholars, creates a fictional character which uses happiness to chase people taking away the witness. this is the reality that gives you the latest news as it break scared of being given basic things. but the main concern is how these people are able to feel that live with detailed coverage hall teeth tooth has been on the heavy ariel from above and to months. now, the residential building here is just been here from around the world,
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which you will see here. is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. and now we have to go out and just for hours, the palestinian and camp is here during is really strikes and a so called the sites. so 21 palestinians of that the of the bulk of this is i'll just say we're life. doha, also coming up with a 1000000 people sleeves radiated funds and southern gaza as tanks roll into the hearts of the city of rough south africa. on the brink of a sea change, people pass it go to the polls for the 1st election to compose a real challenge to the amc. since the end of a positive plus the us cools on c times top general to ends. the countries here
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alone conflict is agency.


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