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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 2:00am-2:31am AST

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the aerial from above month to months. now the residential building here is just been here from around the world, which you will see here is a catch of mussels of the fisherman used to be able to get these just by going about 20 minutes from here. now we have to go out at least 4 hours. the palestinian and camp is here during is really strikes and a so called the sites. so 21 palestinians of that the, of the bulk of this is all just 0 life. the also coming up with a 1000000 people sleeves radiated funds and southern gaza as tanks roll into the hearts of the city of rough south africa. on the brink of a sea change, people pass a go to the polls for the 1st election to compose a real challenge to the amc. since the end of a positive plus the us cools on,
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students top general to ends. the countries here alone conflict is 8 agencies. one it's time to to a for got the thanks for joining us. we begin in gaza. where's right? the soldiers and tags are now in the center of the southern city of rough. hundreds of palestinians are again on the move as they flee the is really advanced bull that a 1000000 people have already left the area. many have be moving to central the news and moving guys i, which are also under attack. one of the latest attacks happened in a y c, that's west of russia, and that's another area as well as designated as a safe. so at least 21 people were killed back into our community begins coverage. the oh is there any, were planes from another makes just come housing,
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displace palestinians in the for just 2 days after the military fire messiahs attends costs are due, are due and building killing of these $45.00 people, most of them women and children. this is a part of for, for where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected. save zone. talk is the latest. is there any violation of the international court of justice ruling boarding an immediate halt to a fault on the southern city instead? is there any time or no station to west of it? if i had a cop tours and drones have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door, that's funds because of southern porter with egypt. global, our case is closed with a few days up houses. is there any funds are coming? thousands of citizens in this family is morning. a young boy
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killed when he returned to the remains of their home to crowd some belongings. what are the new an innocent 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do wrong in his short life? the room he was in with my uncle does hit 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western of our shots. in the north of this trip, simon was returning to their homes. and by you come under fire. a woman ask the question so many in gaza at the hospital? no. no matter. we just haven't had internet. where should we go home is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice. yes. this is not a nice. i don't know what to say. to you as estimates at least the 1000000
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displace palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist in them. who did the august ita they did black, gaza palestine. the us built temporary p a and sold a transfer, a to gauze. it was out of operation of to being damaged by rough seas. the costs $320000000.00 and was only working for about 2 weeks depending on says the p. a will be sent to the southern is rarely city of our store. we will be repaired by us soldiers, u. n. n. a groups, according for israel to fully open 11 crossings into gaza, which they say are a better alternative. the un security council has been holding an emergency meeting to discuss what's been happening and rough. uh oh jerry, as drafting what it's on the back of the quote, a decisive resolution to stop the war. christian salumi has moved from new york more urgent calls for an end to israel's rasa. offensive coming from diplomats un
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officials and humanitarians. and now security council resolution demanding as much is in the works and being circulated. among council members, algeria is drafting the tax. the countries and baset are didn't offer a lot of details. the studies hoping to bring it to a vote as quickly as possible, judy over the substance of these issues. and what's, what's the show for d 506 to the kid in france has expressed support for such a resolution as have more than 20 humanitarian organizations that include save the children and doctors without borders. there warning that the humanitarian situation . this is on the brink of collapse. there is a regularly scheduled meeting on wednesday about the situation in the middle east,
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but not clear if there will be enough support among council members. yet, for this resolution to pass christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, media reports of accusing is ready the intelligence of threatening foss, who've been sued up a former prosecutor of the international criminal court. the guardian newspaper says then most said, chief, you'll see co impression by the suited to drop war crimes investigations into israel co and reported they told her you should let us take care if you you don't want to be getting into things that could compromise your security all that of your family. the paper also says current i c. c, chief prosecutor, car, him con, is being subjected to several forms of threats and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influence his activities. well, you have my colleagues, somebody's a dime, spoke to toby captain and human rights laura and international co, co specialist. he says there has to be consequences for those threats. i think it's
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commendable that the prosecute to didn't know about that pressure. and she continued with the investigation to the extent that she petitioned the pre trial chamber to, to authorize those investigations. but when we looked at the, the substance, we just come out from the dog and investigation. obviously a lot more information will be coming out. and that is, of course, a direct interference with an independent investigation. and the has to be consequences formats the threats to the prosecutor assembly we, we rely on these institutions to be able to, to operate independent of political pressure. and this kind of direct threats to the senior most official from the prosecuting side is deeply, deeply disturbing and puts that which is reports that we are hearing that well, this further raised the question in the minds of many as to whether this has something to do with the perceived delay and why it took so long for the c. c to
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move on this investigation compared to how quickly it moved and other investigations as in ukraine. but i'm sure it will play into some of the companies that have already been made. attacking the nar, prosecute, took time tom, but certainly settling my view is that he has moved very carefully, deliberately because he is very much aware of the criticisms that are going to be made of him in his office. and we've also seen with him prior to making the requests for rest, barnes having a panel of experts to independently review the evidence. the us is generally ahead of us to dump out on forces to take immediate action to end the conflict in this country. us sector of state mc blinking said this during a phone call with general abdul fossil out behind the conflict between students,
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military and the permanent tree rapid support for assistance being raging since april last year, killing tens of thousands of people you and says the country is now experiencing the world's worst hunger crisis. i would have most of the jordan who joins us live from washington, d. c. and what was, what was it blinking and, but of, to discuss while they talked about the need to get humanitarian aid into the country and across different provinces of the country. because as you noted, a groups are saying that this is a dire, dire situation for the people of sudan, no food, no medicine weather conditions are not amenable to, uh, for people to produce their own food. and the fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people with in the country. and so the need to get aiden is critical. but just as important is the resumption of negotiations between the student needs
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armed forces and the rabbit support forces who have been fighting before for more than a year. now they would be negotiating directly under what's known as the jetta platform, which is the negotiating mechanism set up by the us and saudi arabia, the se, i've has said in the past, that it's only going to discuss peace through this particular mechanism. and so, uh, secretary of state, actually blinking, urged general burr on t was step up the efforts as it were in the get the negotiating process. and what was, how involved has the united states being so far when it comes to helping to resolve this conflict? i'll have to rule by the 8 groups, a cooling a forgotten wo, as well. the us has been involved almost from the very beginning when general bergeron and other members of the military staged a crew more than 2 years ago. the us has been very critical of these efforts. it
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temporarily closed its embassy and cartoon because of the fighting that started a little more than a year ago between the south and our south. and in december, the us declared that ethnic cleansing was happening because of the civil war that both ourselves and the say of had committed crimes against humanity and war crimes which are pretty serious allegations against both forces. and the u. s. has also imposed more sanctions against members of the say up in particular to try to get them back to the negotiating table and to and this more they have done a couple of efforts, etc. spires they have not held the us is pushing once again to make this happen. as for the fact that this is being called a forgotten more, i point you to a briefing that the new special envoy for sedan tom perry yellow held with the
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international reporters back in march. he said that he blames the media in part because of the, our attention he says on the war in gaza ad on the war in ukraine. and that the media has essentially chosen not to pay attention to what has been happening in sudan. and when you put that in the context of the us saying that after the cleansing is happening in sudan, that war crimes have been committed and continued to be committed. and that crimes against humanity have been committed and continued to be committed. it's a pretty damning allegation. and charge coming from the special law avoid force the down puzzling jordan in washington, d. c. thank you. the opposing stations that call south africa are set up and ready for what will only be the country 7th for the democratic election, thrilling african national congress will. and see has been in power for 3 decades, but risk losing its majority votes as have they say on wednesday. and the task to
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report some deb the planning sessions open on wednesday. and this is how the process works. people come in and check to make sure the name is on the boat as well. what you see some of the spatial voters, people who's coming to me because they won't be able to make it to appoint any station on wednesday when they get to the given 3 valid papers. national regional and preventive leaving make the way behind that voting police over the way they cost the vote in the drop the pallet papers into that box. so mine to say this could be a type, the contested election, and some opinion policy just as a governing applicant, national congress could lose as part of me to majority this time long. which means in many to form a coalition with other political parties to govern south africa. people are also waiting to see how well for president jacobs you might want to in this election is a party. if you click on the block. and it's a way to see,
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to see how many votes it can take away from the other established began political parties. but does it mean the issues which include crime, unemployment, and many say that just one basic services to improve this is very important for to see now sometimes you use spend about the 2 or 3 weeks without door to you can't do anything without thought the police have been deployed across the country. i'm here in causally that tell province. devin city has been classified as a high risk, a voting area. this is what the police are saying in the news paper. they concerned about threats made by the m k. c m. k is jacob's name is newly formed political party, and some of his officials are alleging ballots temporary, some south africans say that this is a worrying sign. the results could be disputed. harden with us out, is there, given as well? is there a spoken to one device or in switzer who described his optimism,
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often nelson mandela's release back in 1990 compared to how he feels. now my name is only that many. i'm a pension that living in trip down south africa. as a business, i have wouldn't cry. i love this place for years and years. yeah. when years old no lights small guys are trying to pick up the pieces. building the electricity from the flight i to right. and i know to i do i'm not working. everything and then we didn't things by monday low it'd be really is but not 01 monday. and it was really as we were very happy, we were all happy budget. instead of going full, i didn't go back how no move involved to how long we've been on the 5th of this
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place, they've put series been food starting at 5 not being and they've been in everything you've called, i've called option this site. and this thing they, i, once there must vote, maybe they are few which i will reply to an hour. i can say i waste my time voting . and so even after the elections, i think it will be west. all, all i can say about people from outside the country that the most common had to be there. my comment has everything is not good for us. the still ahead on i would just say around the search for the victims of the pop and you'd get 11 slide days off. so it gives us to paperless, deals waiting for help the
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the, what is a pretty nasty and say the holiday weekend full. that is the side of the us, the cloud, the rain, the storms, them in the process of pulling out of the way. next system metal blacklist the way it is. we go through the next style, several clots of stones just around kansas. pushing down towards the oklahoma into good pots of texas and live you down pools here. website does still say a few shows up towards the northeast and corner central positive kind of the doing quite nice thing when you pick a 24 degrees celsius. that will code a little damper over the high ground, the wintry, the west and past of kind of the west in areas of the us. not too bad. you can see this little lot of showers around the mountain states around one kind of pushing down towards the deep south, though, continued, nudging the way further north with rolling across the northern plains, extending down to the southern plains. and that is likely to cause further flooding
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. consent, some lot stones rumbling away here. possibility of course. all that's another tonight i will to coming through and also some lodge. how so much house and what's the weather? also a possibility just around the central areas of the caravans. big area canals here, which is just typing in a general clockwise direction. hey, be showers right down to was frontier was in panama and also i think right? trying to lease the
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the, the, [000:00:00;00] the book about you watching out just there is a reminder of our top stories. the silence at least 21 palestinians have been killed at a camp in elmer y. c. in southern gauze or during a time spies, ray, the forces becomes less than 48 hours after another camp of ruffle was hit on sunday, at least $45.00 people were killed. both attacks occurred and one as well has declared as a safe. so is there any tanks of being rolling into the center of rough view and says most of the 1000000 people have been forced to leave gauze this southern city
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in the past 3 weeks. the us actually of states is told the head of 2 times um forces to take immediate action to end the conflict in his country pricing between the army and the promised re rapids support forces began in april last year, leading to thousands of deaths on a humanitarian crisis no, columbia has bind bull fighting in a historic move. both fighting was pulled over by the spanish, but many colombians have turned against the sport. was one of the just 8 countries in the world where it was still legal. several mass had already binded in that municipalities. let's go to a correspondent asunder. i'm petty using bogota inside congress. and i was under the focus through this decision. the yes and even the that's and the story about the and the country and columbia country where both fighting has been centuries,
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long get ads for addition. and if it's the end of a fraud for the people of that, so the send, they have had passed this bill more than a year ago. and since then the house of representatives had failed 14 times to bring it at 2 votes. right. wing parties that have used that many fairly passed between of us or tactics to avoid the reaching the moment that the vote, knowing that they would have loss. then finally, today indeed that this bill has a reach that the floor of the house of representative of rhodes happened and it has and it passed with a major majority. however, there had, there were doubts until the end that, that in the, that they said would have happened that both type thing used to be very popular in columbia. it's popularity has been diminishing over the years over concerns that this is a cruel spectacle that it's nancy crow. i majority of colombians were in favor of
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a band and indeed the pa, the patients were able to bring it forward. that was under a given, as you say, that is being part of colombia and culture for around a century. how does it fit into the identity of columbia? and has there been much opposition to this, but is actually for much more than a sensor in a sense, colonial signs. so we're looking at more than 300 the years. but people change culture changes and the annual rights have become much more important. that's a columbia as well, and they say it's seen in the fact that before this nation wide, a band and number of municipalities that had already put in place local bands to band practice in their cities in the number of towns in particular
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in columbia. second, cities, maybe even also here in the capital good, that there haven't been any bull fighting events for now more than than a year. however, this has continued to be a popular in some rural regions and among the countries indeed a traditional and leave to families that the, who's very agree runs down from the spanish colonial times. but in the, this is uh it, it started to be also a business that wasn't able to bring a lot of people to the bull fighting rings. now there are worries, though, in the country about what will happen to the people who work for that space. and is what will happen to the boys and the law that a, that has just been passed actually. well then bull fighting over 3 years to get
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the people time to essentially reinvent themselves that to operate in this set at business. and also to transform the many bullfighting rings a in the country into cultural centers for other types of events such as a concert set. so definitely it was a very, very upfront backdoor, politically and so of congress because there are many politicians that this force fail aficionados of both fighting. but overall in the country a great majority of people who are in favor of the ban. and so they say many ways that was expected. the other question is, what will happen in other countries as you were saying, they're just like the country where the practice this fail allowed columbia is one of the countries that has the longest the tradition. and the question is, what will happen in other countries where it's, it's still allows. yeah, and i'm sure there are lots of columbia and bows breathing a sigh of relief around this decision about us under run pets,
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the buckets off. thank you. the now no way island in spain of formerly recognized palestine as a state. the upgraded diplomatic state is came into effect on tuesday, may the 28th noise recognition of the policy and the state comes moved in. so 2 years after it broke and the oslo accords in 1993, just kind of gave you in countries as it decided to take this route because a different strategy is needed for peace in the middle east. i was just do a step boston. how's this? i'm also a listen, i have to celebrate the wreckage nation by no way of color sign as the states. but since the attacks and the outside it's not also turning into a protest. the government has called its decision also 2.0 after the also accords with science and 1993 and now are failed 30 years later. so no worry has now decided to take
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a different approach and focus on the palestinian states instead is very significant. we know that every day and every night the people are a small 3rd muscle guarantee in gaza and also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stop. that's of course for no way there are a lot more to build on. and we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. that if you recognize policy time, you cannot continue to funds is riley investments as noise actually today doing the requisition of products 9 as seen as an important but mainly symbolic step, a signal to the united states only as a peaceful solution and not the military one the only solution is solution here say that the recognition is not, not sufficient. also the sanction towards israel from norway and they're all
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cordless that fast. and l g c, around the flow and in brussels. protests is gathered in brussels and supports of palestinians tramped in gauze, went to demand an end. so this ready offensive and rougher they say recognition of palestine as a state should be just the beginning. the touch upon the husband of the speaker the little boys. i appreciate doesn't go far enough way without the signal for your son. we need to go by the city. what can we do to do this? and for this time, i guess, i mean you have put me too. it's too much. it's sad, seeing all those children dying, it's too much,
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it's not possible with the all the way through all the divisions in other countries like germany says the recognizing the was in on is and is ready p science of as he says, recognition of the policy new state is a positive step in the right direction. these are the football nation, and people are looking for an arena desperate need, especially after the drama of october 7,
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which in this term i also lost my parents. i lost both my parents, the victims of there's so much that that they am on the 1st victims and they lost many of my child and friends. we'll drop by and what we care about is the only security and safety. a lot of government care about do supreme it the we care about security and safety. and what was bullying that bought between these right in egypt is read and job is that the only way to reach security and safety is reaching as a global i think, solution and to sign a piece that called between nation, between states. and the only way to achieve this between 11 bought us by and cheap security and safety to for any people, and the cost of the people because they wouldn't be no security and safety. the one with all the other is by signing that base it gold and a in the diplomatic solution to the more we were,
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i got most people. well i got bikes pretty just name is leaders and this is why being the nation. i think the vision in promoting and supporting this record city inch, it should acknowledgment to get permission and he's on both and. and this is why those brave, courageous europe and nation that they were all this as that would be followed a by other and nation. that isn't that decided yet. this is the only way, the only way to start. they will, the only way to witness the stages and about us being in prison. there is. and the only way to bring security and safety between the industry and nothing. you just pop in your guineas. government is issued. evacuation orders for 7900 people in the northern anger province because of the risk of further land slides. people are still trying to recover bodies there after a major landslide on friday, gibson,


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