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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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thought series detailing the struggle is a pretty said webcast and the dangerous consequences of citizenship revocation on innocent until proven guilty statements in syria. coming soon on al jazeera, the another part of sydney and campus hit during is already strikes and a so called safe, so $21.00 policy needed. so that the me bulk of this is, i would just say we're life. doha. also coming up with a 1000000 people free, the is radiated funds in southern governance or as tanks roll into the hearts of the city of rockland. south africans prepared to go to the polls for the 1st selection that compose a real challenge to the amc. since the end of a pa sykes plus the us cools on c times top generals and the countries here alone
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conflict as agencies one, it's turned into a couple more. the thanks for joining us. we begin in governance where it's right. the soldiers and tanks are now in the center of the southern city of rough or hundreds of palestinians are again on the move as they flee the is really advanced. well that the 1000000 people have already left the area many have be moving to central. the northern guys are which are also under attack. meanwhile, there's been an attack in a last season's west of rough. um, so now the area is around designated as a safe, so at least $21.00 people were killed. the pin code or begins are coverage. oh, is there any, were planes from another makes you come housing just please palestinians in the fall? just 2 days after the military file. messiahs attends costs are due,
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are due and building queueing of these 45 people, most of them women and children. this is a part of the for where it is right or get people to go saying it was disconnected . save zone. the talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice ruling boarding, an immediate halt to a fault on the southern institute. instead is really times are no station to west of if i had a cop to yours and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door, that's funds because of something porter with egypt. global, our case is closed with a few days up houses is really palms are coming, dozens of citizens, and this family is morning, a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings while i was needing you to head an innocent,
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10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do? roman his show off the room. he was in with my uncle this head with 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show, whipped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western before our shots in the north of this ship, simon was returning to their homes. and by you come under fire. a woman ask the question so many in gaza at the hospital? no, no matter how much i didn't know if i knew where should we go from, is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the, this is not a nice, i don't know what to say to you an estimate. at least the 1000000 displace
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palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist. and the, the august ita they did. black garza palestine, us build temporary pip installed to transfer you to goes or is out of operation of to being damaged or by rough seas. the pay has only been up and running for about 2 weeks, depending on says, the pay will be sent to the southern this way. the city of ash the odd will be repaired by us soldiers view in an age groups, according for israel to fully open land crossings into guys. i wish they say. all right, that's an alternative we're going to continue to operate this temporary peer for as long as we can. um, in terms of other routes or ways for the aid to get in what you, what you're asking is because of this delay, like how will other a get in and i think, you know, i sort of spoke to this, but that's what us the id is trying to figure out other ways for the 8 that's already on cyprus, if it's land routes or other ways for it to get in for working through that. and
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you have to remember it's not just usa, that's other n g o's, other partners, other countries who are invested in sending us uh and sending a to cyprus. so some of that it will be loaded onto some of our vessels. so it's pre positioned and so when the temporary peer is re anchored back onto the, onto the shore. so we're pretty much ready to, to roll off right away. it's us. officials say they will be know, policy change in response to one of the deadliest is ready attacks or rough or on sunday $45.00 palestinians were killed. how did you across trip? castro's and washington with more of us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced. people near rossa state department spokesman that miller said, the incident was tragic, but repeated. israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers
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from the designated humanitarian, safe stone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least $45.00 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby. so the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation and he down played reports of his really tanks and rough as center. we still don't believe that a major ground operation in the office. we still don't want to see these realities as we say, smash and or off, or with large units over over, over large pieces the territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart courses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single more innocent life taking it. i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. meanwhile, the us led effort to operate a maritime a cord or to cause
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a has collapsed after strong waves, broke up a temporary peer that took $320000000.00 and a 1000 us soldiers to construct the pier was supposed to last until september. but instead it survived for only just over a week. during that time it received about 1000 metric tons of food. the pentagon says it will replace the pier, but it's unclear when high did your castro out a 0 washington. you and security guards has been holding in the bud see, meeting to discuss what's been happening. a rough or o g area is drafting. what is some boss of the quote, a decisive resolution to stop the war? kristen salumi has moved from new york a more urgent calls for an end to israel's rafa offensive coming from diplomats un officials and humanitarians. and now security council resolution demanding as much is in the works and being circulated among council members of jerry as drafting the
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tax, the countries and baset or didn't offer a lot of details. the studies hoping to bring it to a vote as quickly as possible. judy over the substance that off on the top of what's it gonna say, what's the what do you want to show 6, the 5062 spoke. the kevin france has expressed support for such a resolution as have more than 20 humanitarian organizations that include save the children and doctors without borders of their warning that the humanitarian situation is on the brink of collapse. there is a regularly scheduled meeting on wednesday about the situation in the middle east, but not clear if there will be enough support among council members. yet, for this resolution to pass, christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations. the
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new cus is urging they had a few times um, forces to take immediate action to end the conflict in his country. us your state entity blinking said this during a phone call with general abdel for to out behind the conflict between suzanne's military and the permanent she rapids. the pool forces has been raging since april last year, getting tens of thousands of people view and says the country is now experiencing the world's worst hunger crisis. mostly in jordan reports in washington, dc. we talked about the need to get humanitarian aid into the country and across different provinces of the country. because now as you noted, a groups are saying that this is a dire, dire situation for the people of sudan. no food, no madison weather conditions are not amenable to for people to produce their own
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food. and the fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people with in the country. and so the need to get 8 in is critical. but just as important is the resumption of negotiations between the sydney's armed forces and the rapids support forces who have been fighting before for more than a year. now they would be negotiating directly under what's known as the jetta platform, which is the negotiating mechanism set up by the us and saudi arabia. the s a of has said in the past that it's only going to discuss peace through this particular mechanism. and so the secretary of state antony blinking, urged a general borough han to step up the efforts as it were in the get the negotiating process. probably stations across south africa is set up and ready for what will be only be the countries 7th, fully democratic election ruling african national congress has been in power for 3
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decades at risk of losing its majority when voters have to say on wednesday or will test to report some deb the polling stations open on wednesday and this is how the process works. people come in and check to make sure the name is on the voters room . what you see are some of the special vote as people who's coming early, because they won't be able to make it to a present station on wednesday when they get here. they've given 3 valid papers, national, regional and preventive leaving make the way behind that voting police over the way they cause people to drop the pallet papers into that box. so mine to say this could be a type be contested election and some opinion polls suggest that the governing applicant, national congress, police, his parliamentary majority this time wrong. which means in many to form a coalition with other political parties to govern south africa. people are also waiting to see how well for president jacob zoom over to in this election is in
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party. if you click on the block. and it's a way to see, to see how many votes it can take away from the other established big political parties. but does it mean the issues which include crime, unemployment, i mean you say they just want basic services to improve business very important for to see now sometimes the. ready spend about the 2 or 3 weeks without water. you can't do anything without thought the police have been deployed across the country . i'm here in clubs within the tel province. devin city has been classified as a higher risk of voting area. this is what the police are saying in the news paper . they concerned about threats made by the m k. c, m, k. jacob's name is newly formed political party, and some of his officials are alleging ballots temporary, some south african said that this is a warning sign. the results could be disputed hot, and we talked to algebra, devin,
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as well as is there a spoken to one vitamins to westside who's described his optimism often nelson mandela's release back in 1990 compared to how he feels. now my name is only that many. i'm a pension now living in trip down south africa. this place i have a board inquiry on this please. for yeah, of any of the has been years good. no lights small guys on trying to pick up the pieces. stealing the electricity from the flight. i to ran, i know to 18. hm. i'm not working. everything is can we do things by monday low. it'd be really is but not 0. and monday was what i live. we were very happy. we're all happy budget. instead of going full,
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i think we go back how long we've been voting. how long we've been hunting. there's a 5th of this place. they've put sweeties. then food towing. it's 5 nice thing is they've been in here. everything is caught up. caught option despite in this thing they add, once they must vote, maybe they ask you which i will be product and then i'll us, i can fair, i waste my time voting. and so even after elective, i think it would be, wes, all, all i can say about people from outside the country that the most common had their most common have everything is not good for us still without. is there a still a head columbia? as politicians usher in a controversial bonham bull fighting officer and legacy debate will have an update
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from the capital of the time the on counting the cost to us escalates its trade with china. but does it have the upper hand to the sugar industry is in crisis? other parts of its full spring economy could also be effective. plus the moving shortage and critical minerals needed for the energy transition. counting the cost on al jazeera in japan divorce often leads to one parent losing a little contract with the children. judges usually grant sole custody to whoever was last, physically with the child, with a new law set to allow the joint custody one. 0, one east investigates. depends parental abductions on i, which is the era. now scientists say primates remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lights beyond the bodies
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on the outskirts of virus is nothing in the century for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired lab monkeys from across europe. this female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 joseph experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot then yet the, [000:00:00;00] the you're watching on the 0 is a reminder about top stories this hour. at least 21 people have been killed and this is really striking and they come in on the wasi of southern gaza. it happened
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less than 48 hours after another strike and $45.00 people in rough on sunday, both of the tax could and what israel had declared a safe service. is there any time since soldiers and then operating in the center of rockford schools, hundreds of people to see israel is attacking the southern city to spies in order to bother you at a stop call to hold. your effective states is told the head of students armed forces to take immediate action to end the conflict in his country. fighting between the army and the problem issue. rapid support forces began in april last year, leading to thousands of deaths on the humanitarian crisis. the noise highland and spain formally recognized palestine as a states. the upgraded diplomatic states has came into effect on tuesday. may the
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28th noise recognition of the palestinian state comes more than the 1st 2 years after it broke the also a quote back in 1993. this kind of david and country says it decided to take this route because a different strategy is needed to find peace in the middle east. i would just do a step voss and some also. this is angela smile to celebrate the wreckage nation by no way of palestine as the states. but since the attacks and the outside, it's not also turning into a protest. the government has called it's decision also to point 0 after the oslo accords with science and 1993. and now i failed 30 years later. so no one has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the 1st thing in states instead is very significant. we know about the every day and every night the people are slow, 3rd and muscle going to in golf sun also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stop. that's of course for nowhere, there are
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a lot more to build on. and we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. the if you recognize policies and you cannot continue to funds is riley investments. us norway is actually today doing the recognition of palestine and seen as an important but merely symbolic step, a signal to the united states. if only solution is a peaceful solution and not the military one. the only solution solution context was here say that the recognition is not, not from the should also be sanction towards israel from the way. and they all call it as well that process and i'll just see around the flow. you know, when you use pop and you get a government issued evacuation orders for 7900 people in the northern and provence because of the risk of the land size. people are still trying to recover bodies after a major landslide on friday. it's important for reports carrying the coughing of
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a loved one in covering it with prayers. it's more closure than many others have got after landslide swept through remote area of pop. when you can use angle province, there was little hope of finding survivors. only a determination to recover the 100 were buried alive, the global got him go. we don't know where the bodies are buried, but we will not give up. we will keep going. the large volume of soil and boulder rocks are making it difficult for us to wear using spades and the iron roads to dig trunks of the mountain side broke off. in the early hours of friday morning, sending boulders the size of shipping containers and a river of mud and rock descending down the slopes, sweeping across homes and farms blocking roads. the estimated death tool ranges from the hundreds to as high as 2000 authorities of warrant the
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ground is still unstable. this was not any of very significant last lines, but the terrain is continuing to move. so it might seem that we're actually at the site yesterday, they said they could even feel the ground moving under the ground. moving around the thousands of people have been ordered to leave their homes as a safety precaution. authorities are also concerned about the risk of disease from decomposing bodies. the government is appealing for international help, but with the main road to the area blocked off and fears of for the lens lights. it's not clear how assistance will reach those in need. if this i'm getting food, i'll just 0 cycling ramon has killed at least 38 people across bangladesh and india . flooding of winds of up to a 135. columbus has power of destroyed more than 35000 homes in bangladesh. authorities have moved 800000 people to safety more than 20000000 homes. don't have any power. and authority in india is a heavy rain as close the collapse of
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a stone quarry, killing 17 people in north eastern miss around state. rescue is still searching for another 12 people off the market and deb re crashed into houses below hey, to use transitional counsel has selected a new prime minister as a country grapples with severe lawlessness. gary calling you has been chosen by the 9 member council to take up office. you briefly served as prime minister just over a decade ago. transitional council took over an april in a process aimed at regaining stability. security forces of struggle to contain on gangs who control 80 percent of the capital footprints. mexico is said to hold national elections on sunday crime corruption and a flagging economy of some of the big issues at the bottom. the books manufacturing, which makes a over 20 percent of the country's g d p is a key part of any plan for vive economic growth that had with the us recently
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looking to relocate some of its supply change from asia back to north america. a new trends known as near assuring is something many in mexico and hoping a new leader will take advantage of my, the rep hello reports. and one of mexico's manufacturing helps monterey, mexico's industrial capital for years. factories here have been gearing up to capitalize on the economic trend known as near shoring. corporations. relocating supply chains to bring manufacturing closer to the united states. one of those companies is iron light, trailers, which builds and exports premium industrial trailers for sale in the u. s. is not something new for mexico being the manufacturer of american products. that's something we already know how to do. we have an opportunity since or more and more companies and are leaving asia looking for another place to make
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a business. it's a natural thing to take a look at mexico. in recent years, dozens of us manufacturers have brought their business to this region of mexico. even the automotive joya tesla has plans for construction of a factory on the outskirts of monterey. but some economists argue mexico has failed to fully sees the near shoring opportunity. other countries have grabbed the opportunity to fill contracts. one's held by chinese manufacturers is the main thing. unfortunately, nationally we have not had the desired effect of attracting investment. they used to go to china, we have captions very low. so just to give you a comparison, as though as attracted 5 times more of these investments than we have mexican businesses, like iron light, trailers say that despite modest growth over the last few years, the impact of new shoring has been negligible. it's clear that manufacturing here
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in montana lay continues to read the benefits of the close proximity with the united states was also clear, is the lack of optimism when it comes to the potential for more significant growth . all 3 of mexico's leading presidential candidates have focused their economic policy proposals and promoting new shoring as a driver for growth and mexico. experts say that well, mexico can still harness the economic trade winds of near shoring the country's next leader will need a concrete strategy for attracting for an investment before the window of opportunity offered by near shoring begins. to close mondays it up a little alger 0 monterey, a protest as an argentine and have gathered outside a warehouse in buenos aires where the government has story, food aid, present heavy. i mean i have halted food deliveries to soup kitchens in december. oh, cool media supporting the 5 tons of food is being held in to warehouses,
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not sponsor. i'm going backlash. going to be a husband bull fight to get a historic move. bull fighting was pulled over by the spanish, but many colombians have turned against the support. was one of just 8 countries in the world where it was still legal, several massive already bounded in the municipalities. i sort of, yes, he sent us this update from bogota. tammy story, cuz all the and the country in columbia tends to be aware of bull fighting has been a century as long as it's for addition. and it's, it's became the fraud for the to go back to the center. i've had passed this bill more than a year ago, and since then the house of representatives had failed 14 times to bring it at 2 of votes. right wing parties that have used that many fairly past 10 of us or tactics to avoid the reaching the moments of about knowing that they would have loss. then finally, today, indeed this, this bill has
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a reach that the floor of the house of representative of votes happened and it has and it passed with a major majority. however, there had their words out until the end that, that indeed, that they said would have happened that most i think, used to be very popular in columbia. it's popularity has been diminishing over the years over concerns that this is a cruel spectacle that it's unethical. i'm a joy at the colombians worry in favor of a band and in the the pa the patients were able to bring it forward. now, juror is informing us present donald trump's hush money trial in new york of a closing arguments. 12 member jury will now begin the process of deciding whether trump becomes the 1st us president in history to be convicted of a crime. it's almost a case of using his former lawyer to pay off adult film star stormy daniels. this was allegedly done to cover up the sexual encounter. the payments were supposedly
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recorded as legal expenses. okay, you're up to date, that's it for me and the bulk of weather is next. then inside story will examine the decade. some piece still between egypt and israel. stay with us here on the the color the weather is being dominated by large area of high pressure across the good parts of eastern china tools to create peninsula lot sky to help stair i tie food just out into the promotes is pushing its way up towards japan, but not quite reaching japan. so if you're shy, was coming into a home to share, maybe the shambles. so into a car that was to go through the next couple of days without high in place. it does
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mean allows you to have weather for the korean peninsula and that eastern side of china as well for a time to west, to whether it's trying to just make his way. and it will say some cloud and rain coming at the central pos, maybe a few. she has never too far away from the south of china. as i told my food, just dos to just drift. and then all safety direct, one or 2 showers, maybe just the fighting. that is the side of her. she but nothing too much to speak of. i am pleased to say that same system because pulse and very heavy right is and all the parts of the philippines trailing south west. we waive speed in plenty of showers in across a similar area. from yesterday i was there across much of south east asia, from sinatra, by the way across into pop. unique uni garlic and get some showers still lingering across the fall. northeast of india into a bond with dash from arrows, side cloud, but still hot to the northwest.
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over $27000.00 photographs of dead and tortured civilians. have you seen the photo? so i didn't. the prosecutor opened, did you additional investigation for disappearance? torture and crimes against humanity in the final part of the series, which is 0 follows the fight for justice through the courts. fairly straightforward in terms of establishing command responsibility as families and a lawyer space, a terrible deal in the search for the truth. the lost souls of syria on algebra. the tenuous is the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border exposes a franchise political relationship in 2 countries, insist piece is best for teacher choice. but for how long as the warren guides of regents,
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this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program and serve any a officially egypt and israel are at peace. but beneath the surface


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