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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 5:00am-5:30am AST

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so just by going about 20 minutes from here, now we have to go out at least 4 hours. the another kind of housing displays, palestinians in southern gaza is here during, and it's really striking a so called sites. so 21 people out then the on the bulk of this is out just a life and also coming up over the 1000000 people flee these radio advance and southern gaza was tanks rolled into the hops of the city of rough plus the court room drama is overs both sides in full but present donald trump's house. many trial ends the arguments. now the case goes to the jury. and finally, in a historic move colombia decides to phase out both finding. the
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thanks for joining us. we begin in gaza where it's rarely so just in time. so now in the center of the southern city or roughly hundreds of palestinians are again on the move as they flee the is really advanced. well, the 1000000 people have already left the area. many of be moving to the central and northern parts of garza, which are also under attack. meanwhile, this being an attack in element wattsey that is to the west of rough. um, that's another area as well, has designated as a safe soon at least 21 people were killed them. and alco diary begins a cover, which is really we're playing phone. another makes just comp, housing displays, palestinians in the for just 2 days after the military filed messiahs attends, costs are due, are due and building, chewing. if these 45 people, most of them women and children. this is
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a part of the for where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, save zone. the talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice, ruling boarding and me to talk to a fault on the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of if i had a cop 2 years and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door. that's funds because of something border with egypt. flow, but i would change is growing with every day that passes is really palms are coming . dozens of citizens in this family is morning. a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings while i was needing you to head an innocent, 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do wrong?
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and his show off the room he was in with my uncle does hit the 2 shows, it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him. a posh ambulance is trying to reach the wounded in western of our shots in the north of the ship. bombings returning to their home by you come under fire. a woman asked the question so many in gaza have passed for months now. no matter how much i didn't know, where should we go from is that the arab world looked at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the, this is not a life. i don't know what to say to you an estimate. at least the 1000000 displays palestinians floods are for him. the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist. and of who did the august ita they did. black garza palestine
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. will us officials say they will be know, policy change in response to one of the deadliest? is there a, the attacks in rafa on sunday? $45.00 pulse thing is what killed hi, digit castro is in washington with more. us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced people near rasa. state department spokesman that miller said, the incident was tragic. but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian safe zone. he said it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least $45.00 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby. so the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation and he downplayed reports of his really tanks and rough as center. we still don't believe the major ground operation in the office. we still don't want
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to see these realities as we say, smash and or offer with large units over, over, over the large pieces of the territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart courses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. meanwhile, the us led effort to operate a maritime a cord or to cause a has collapse after strong waves broke up a temporary peer that took $320000000.00 and a 1000 us soldiers to construct. the peer was supposed to last until september, but instead it survived for only just over a week during that time and received about 1000 metric tons of food. the pentagon says it will replace the peer, but it's unclear when high to jo, castro out to 0,
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washington d. u and security council this out and emergency meeting to discuss what's being happening. a rough m l g area has to connect to the resolution cooling for a cease fire. kristen, so they may report some new york, a more urgent calls for an end. israel's rasa. offensive coming from diplomats un officials and humanitarians. and now security council resolution demanding as much is in the works and being circulated among council members of jerry as drafting the tax, the countries and baset or didn't offer a lot of details. the studies hoping to bring it to a vote as quickly as possible. judy over the subject of easily ition on the top. and what's it gonna say, what's the what do you want to show? 6, the 5062 spoke. the kevin france has
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expressed support for such a resolution as have more than 20 humanitarian organizations that include save the children and doctors without borders. there warning that the humanitarian situation is on the brink of collapse. there is a regularly scheduled meeting on wednesday about the situation in the middle east, but not clear if there will be enough support among council members. yet for this resolution to pass christian salumi al jazeera, the united nations, media reports of accusing is ready the intelligence of threatening thought to been sued. i'm a former prosecutor of the international criminal court. the guardian newspaper says of ed most at chief your co and pressure sensitive to drop ball crimes investigations into israel, co it and reportedly told a you should let us take care of you. you don't want to be want things to be getting started with the compromise you'll security or that's of your family. the
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paper also says the current i c. c, chief prosecutor, car, him. com is being subjected to several forms of fits and communications that could be viewed as attempts to unduly influence is activities. where the, my colleagues, somebody's that i'm supposed to toby cabinet of human rights. laura, an international criminal court specialist who says that has to be consequences for those threats. i think it's commendable that the prosecute to didn't know bio to that pressure. and she continued with the investigation to extent that she petitioned the pre trial chamber to, to authorize those investigations. but when we looked at the, the substance, we just come out from the dog and investigation. obviously a lot more information will be coming out. and that is, of course, a direct interference with an independent investigation. and the has to be consequences for about the threats to the prosecutor and her family. we, we rely on these institutions to be able to,
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to operate independent of political pressure. and, and this kind of direct threats to the senior, most official from the prosecuting side is deeply, deeply disturbing. well, this further raised the question in the minds of many as to whether this has something to do with the perceived delay and why it took so long for the c. c, to move on this investigation compared to how quickly it moved and other investigations as in ukraine. but i'm sure it will play into some of the companies that have already been made a attacking the nar prostitute, a term. com. but certainly a setting my view is that he has moved very carefully, deliberately because he's very much aware of the criticisms that are going to be made of him in his office. we've also seen with him prior to making the request for restaurants, having a panel of experts to independently review the evidence. the
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eighty's transitional council has selected a new prime minister as the country grapples with severe gun violence. gary canoe has been chosen by the 9 member council to take up office you briefly. so if this problem is to just over a decade ago, security forces have struggle to contain on guns who control 80 percent of the capital port of prince. let's begin will to american cool. he's an editor in chief of a bo posts. he joins us from port. the prince of i won't welcome to you many. thanks for your time. i'm so will the leadership change and haiti make a big difference? would it change things for normal people dealing with robinson gung violence for quite some time? now, when people have been waiting on the new presidential con, so of 7 voting members, to select a battery, surf, i bought a month now, and this selection is going to lead to this new leadership,
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you know, fully take the reign of this country. as you said, that is, you know, student by again banners were, you know, um about 80 percent of the asian capital, but pregnancy is now controlled by extremely motor gigs. so the model has been selected, gary, a canal, he's a long time. you an expert, a full my, a to x u. s. president. bill clinton. is he really the job to bring these violent guidance on the control as well? it's easy. it's mean we have to wait and see, you know, how he operates as a prime minister. he has a huge task ahead of him for, i mean, the 1st one would be to be with the government in a deeply divided and you know, presidential guns were, uh, you know, most of the members of actually before did fun. but yeah, most people factions,
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instead of this new and very de, adverse leadership of the country who are 7 members, some of them, you know, have a vine, different interests and, and in different ways of seeing how the country should issue for move forward. so it's, it's clear how he, you know, the composition of going to, to me. and he's also unclear um, you know, how he will move in the country. of course i'm just to explain to of here is, can you, it wasn't voted into the job through a general election. he was selected as you say, by this to transitional counsel. why was this as well? it is because um, today 80 has initially 0 elected officials. um, the elections were not hold on time. the last elected president of he was estimated
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to back in 2021. and, and you know, after that the international meets help us. uh yeah, we, um, you know, become by minister, but he made many promises and clean notes and specify the country and, you know, these bower about who makes a difference is but he fails, you know, in india task. and because of these getting problems because of these failures, the international community, again, when you know the leadership of kind of coming also the united states of america, they find these solution that was actually baubles by to push the colors. so have a presidential council 7 voting members into both servers and these members would be, but of, you know, the more protected class of this country, mostly um and now they are in church indeed. just begun you by minister
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given that he was selected rather than voted him through an election office, the security constraints method that couldn't take place. does he therefore have much of a political mandate over audrey haitians? how would they view him as well as the mandate is, is extremely clear. the monday tuesday is to pacify the country. about 80 percent of the got to do is controlled by gigs. uh you have games taking more than what they originally was outside of the 80 got. do you have uh, one of the most moodle um you might need to increase in your hands. um more than half of the country uh is today. um, you know, foot in security, we have hospitals and you know, shortages of also so um the equipment and then a supplies the mandates. they used to bring them all, you know,
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peace um and pacify the spaces workings house to control. right. the 2nd mandate would need to, um, you know, organize elections as quickly as possible. what rios and 2nd of all, they knew most institutions and you know, many your order key things that would be part of these uh terms and then um the transition period to. all right, so it will dom aaron, code editor in chief of a by post speak to us and pour to print. so it good to hear your thoughts. thanks for joining us. you know, both the prosecution and the defense. a rest of the cases and former us president donald trump's hush money trying to new york. the jewelry will begin deliberations on wednesday. trump is facing a total of 4 criminal trials, but this is the only one expected to hand down the verdict before voters had to the polls in november. $100.00 ripples in the 1st criminal trial with
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a former american president is the defendant, a national spectacle that divided the nation. both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious. dictates trump, we have a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now this is tied to stop in prosecutors are you the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair with trump on the eve of the 2016 presidential election. trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is a political hit job. we're leading
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by prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00. he wired just stormy. daniel's lawyer on october 27th, 2016. just 12 days before the election. the handwritten notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses. dentist reimbursement scheme, double what he paid out to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installments and signed by trump were disguised his legal fees, but trumps lawyers argued he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through trump's then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees. and the cohen light about the payments and trumps affair with daniels which daniels herself confirmed in intimate detail. whatever the outcome, some historians say, the trial could correct. a historic mistake president,
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gerald ford's 1974 pardon and richard nixon, as a potential to say, yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system just like the rest of us. the weather trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house is now up to a new york jury to sir john henry and l g 0. so it had when i was there, i'm will explain why students on strongly because the university of california say the school deliberately endangered the the color. the weather is spring dominated by large area of high pressure across the good parts of eastern china tools to create peninsula
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a lot sky to help stair i tie food just out into the open waters, pushing its way up towards japan, but not quite reaching japan. so if you're shy, was coming in to a home to share, maybe the shambles. so into her car that was to go through the next couple of days without high in place. it does mean allows you to have weather for the korean peninsula and that eastern side of china as well for a ton of what the weather is trying to just make his way in and we'll say some cloud and right kind of get the central pos maybe a few, she has never too far away from the south of china. as i told my food, just dos to just drift and then no safety direct one or 2 showers, maybe just the facing that east, the side of which you but nothing too much to speak of. i am pleased to say that same system because pulse and very heavy writers and all the parts of the philippines trailing south west, the wayne speed in plenty of showers in across a similar area. for the us, i was there across much of south east asia, f and sinatra. right. the way across into pop, unique uni garlic and get some showers still lingering across the fall northeast of
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india into bangladesh. from arrow side cloud, but still hot to the northwest. the people to look closer at the august. second of this i point my camera aware of this, prefer not to the right about what it means to be american and about the ordinary people who get caught up in the us. worse filmmaker around tech and also via the time when on the power of political lot. what are the stories we tell sales about also? and how do we base our past to change our future studio? be unscripted on one on i will just sierra the
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the welcome back. you're watching out just there is a reminder of our top stories this hour. at least 21 people have been killed and in this or at least try could accompany milwaukee in southern gaza. it happened less than 48 hours after another strike killed $45.00 people in rough on sunday. is there any time for the soldiers that now operating in the center of rough from is for hundreds of people to flee. israel is attacking the southern city despite in order to bother you installed the court to stop the assaults, the trial to full, the president, trump hush money. trial is into the next stage. the prosecution and the defense of close their arguments. and when is that the case will be handed over to the jury, the now no way island in spain of full, but he recognized palestine as
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a states. the upgraded diplomatic status came into effect on choose a noise recognition of the policy. new state comfortable. the 30 years after it broke the oslo accords, the scandinavian countries says decided to take this route because a different strategy is needed for peace in the middle east. i would just do a step fast and reports most to celebrate the records motion by no way of color sign as the states. but since the attacks and the outside, it's not also turning into a protest. the government has called its decision. also 2.0 after the also accords with science and 1993. and now a failed 30. yes, later. so no one has now decided to take a different approach and focus on the palestinian states instead is very significant. we know that every day and every night, the people are a small 3rd and muscle good in augusta and also on the occupied the west bank. and we have to do everything in their power to stop that. of course,
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for no way there are a lot more to build on them. we're trying to, to use this day to celebrate a smolik 3, but also tell them new recent government. that if you recognize policies, you cannot continue to fund is riley investments us, nor waste actually today doing the recognition of palestine as seen as an important but mainly symbolic step, a signal to the united states. and if route only solution is a peaceful solution and not the military one, the only solution solution here say that the recognition is not enough position. also the sanction towards israel from the way and they all call it as well that fast and which is a rough or slow the process. and so the directly with palestine is being held in the capital of the philippines. by the below was that that demonstration amended in the crowd. the whole dressers here are a number of palestinians,
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the sinews lead the ward in you know, they have been rebuilding their lives here in manila. but today they're out protesting because of what happened in roswell. last sunday night, where at least 45 people have now been confirmed till one of the, the, the, the most. yeah. that be because of the. so the condition wide, complicated, they have better do because the human rights disability no matter human lives. these are mazda. now of these active is them, the latest is really upsetting on civilians in bozza. they say that one sunday evening, the business start on october 7th. it started many,
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many years ago. and they said that these to sub there say that the ruling by the i c j. but the international court of justice needs to be implemented and they're calling for an ac squire. now, it's really under, as far as the fact that what they are doing is do you know side, because it's, it's on the wire and crime against the people. there's no way that they can justify the user has and its supporters conducted by that work. and then in the last few weeks and then since 2 days ago, now when they say that they're confident that global opinion has turned against as well, they say that that's not enough because powerful governments, they say, are still supporting israel, including the united states government. and so their call is for the united states government to stop selling arcing as well, some supporting as well as wire on garza barnett below houses. there are
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students who could. several public universities in california are on strike. they say the union contracts are violated by university administrators who quoted in police to suppress garza solidarity process. or by those reports in los angeles. on the campus of the university of california, los angeles, unionized student teachers, researchers and the lab assistants set up a pick up line on the very spot where it gaza solidarity protests was broken up by ryan police. earlier this month. the student workers say their rights were violated then, and they are demanding now that the university of california system declare amnesty from reprisals for any students or faculty members who participated in the protests, it means the classes are cancelled and students won't be getting well. first, exams and other tests and, and assignments will not be administered, you know,
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university next diploma is that that's the kind of faster it is. and so we can withhold the degree of the grades and make the diplomas. that's an impact we can have on the functioning of the university. and hopefully that will push the administration to actually to the university of california says the labor stoppage is illegal because it violates the no strike clause. in the union's contract, it asked the state labor board to order workers to hold the strike. but the board refused. striker say the university deliberately endangered its own students. you know, there's so much discourse now about your students. are feeling unsafe on campus as a jewish student. i know why i'm feeling unsafe on campus is because of the cost is because of the scale administration. and it's because of the china fashion that they've allowed on campus. the strike is under way. it's 3 of the 10 university of california campuses so far with workers at other schools likely to walk out incoming days while the strikes disrupt,
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the campuses here in california across the country. plaza solidarity protesters will making their voices heard the graduation ceremonies at brown university vote. the protesters drowned out a speech by the university president or at princeton, a small group protested outside the gates of the stadium, where the commencement ceremony was held inside. dozens of graduates wearing could fee is over. their accounts stood and turned their backs on the university's president, university administrators may have thought riot police would solve their protest problem, but students continued to find new ways to show their outrage and demand change. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles, colombia husband, both slicing in a historic move. it was one of just 8 countries in the world where it was still legal of us under run. patsy, such as this update from boca to tammy,
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sorry about the and the country and columbia tends to be aware of bull fighting has been essentially as long as it's for addition. and if it's the end of a fraud for the to go back to the sending of had passed this bill more than a year ago. and since then, the house of representatives had failed 14 times to bring it at 2 of both right wing parties that have used that many fairly passed between of us or tactics to avoid the uh, reaching the moments of a vote, knowing that they would have loss then finally, today, and the best of this bill has a reach that the floor of the house of representative of votes happened and it has and it passed with that. a major majority. however, there had their words out until the end that that in the that they said would have happened that. b most type thing used to be very popular in columbia. it's
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popularity has been diminishing over the years over concerns that this is a cruel spectacle that it's unethical. i'm a joy at the colombians worry in favor of a band and in the, the pa, the patients were able to bring it forward. probably stations across south africa has set up and ready for wednesdays election. the routing amc has been empowered for 3 decades, but risk of losing its majority, what types of reports from devon putting stations open on wednesday and this is how the process works. people come in and check to make sure the name is on the voters room. what you see are some of the spatial voters, people who's coming early because they won't be.


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