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tv   Witness This Is Reality  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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for the strike is under way it's 3 of the 10 university of california campuses so far with workers at other schools likely to walk out incoming days while the strikes disrupt, the campuses here in california across the country. the solidarity protestors were making their voices for the graduation ceremonies at brown university vote. the protesters drowned out of speech by the university president at princeton. a small group protested outside the gates of the stadium where the commencement ceremony was held inside. dozens of graduates wearing casee is over, their accounts stood and turned their backs on the university's president, university administrators may have thought riot police would solve their protest problem, but students continue to find new ways to show their own rage and demand change. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. now columbia has decided to face that bull fighting. it was one of
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just 8 countries in the world where it was legal of sound, from pantry stuff, dates a danny, sorry about the and the country and columbia can 3 aware bull fighting has been at centuries long guess. so addition, and if it's the end of a fraud for the to go back to the senate has passed this bill more than a year ago. and since then the house of representatives had failed 14 times to bring it to a vote. right wing parties that have used that many fairly passed between of us or tactics to avoid the uh, reaching the moments of a vote, knowing that they would have lost then finally today. and the best of this bill has the rates that the floor of the house of representative of both happen and it has and it passed with that a major majority. however, there had, there were doubts until the end of that in the that this would've happened that. b
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most, i think, used to be very popular in columbia. it's popularity has been diminishing over the years of our concerns that there is a cruel spectacle that it's unethical. majority of colombians were in favor of a band and in the the pull the patients were able to bring it forward. all right, well that's it for me down jordan. so now the news continues here now to 0 officer witness statute. so watching the of israel's war on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide? is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look
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of us politics, the bottom line, to live in a few more moments. oh the community, the people beside the new day. you mean me, we did a meeting with me that
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you said you did for me. see the the you how likely that it, that was if a 40, if the sick one thing, what the hell, i know the, this is going to go to the polls all correct to space. so once again,
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all it takes an east to move is dominated by, as a man was supposed to get involved in the country. suffice for independence from is an occupation around 40 percent of people used to live in poverty, many of the solutions to high unemployment and improvements to health care and education the the mm hm. how can you ma, call me at a building you didn't any? i think size conflicting waterloo, we have a wonderful sound, but i go to what what do i like igloo
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the my big completely sound in mid town the stand my phone? no ma'am. like a how long we've done some for you know, that had money in the van. the 100 percent on me. feet that maybe i'm lucky man. they send me money if he'd only been my god, lives he coming. what us me you have a lovely talk. i do, i've got, i've got, i've got the whole thing zone. we'll find out what the result of seeing the most in the bottle and that in what is going to go gave zone read any because the got
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a 100 percent on the screen. you read the scene of the paper was the contain pay or do you have that one day monday morning the mid april 1000, about how tall it was. all that would be zone while i'm contact you that name a couple out of the see them. but i don't see how a lot of them in by it was that how i lied to me by my more as i would think it's
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a funny news here, but it seems it had this petersburg will have that kind of new ne, complete his own all the said, completed any policy in the last name or got the did somebody else i live with? you know most i got another bill from the go to the interview about the phone to him. i gave him a lot of that. i wanna get up to tempe on this, all the company looks like we're getting a pretty hoodie nick cater something the incognito, the name of the
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the, the the, the, the, the, the the, the, the the remote and it's a that it and then that it, i mean that's not a problem, but i mean, i'm going to hit the deck and don't say the things that you didn't listen on this. and as you're done almost me 40, that is at the very good how about the one isn't looking at the image of my letter, but then perform it to my yes, it gave me up and on a corner list of days your phone i really had me that the dimple leslie gotten in
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the on my home, what is maybe get him out to holly disney that he had his own whole motors maybe on his in my bed. yes. hit ok. what then they lack on visit i don't have that the that and they said this, there we go. nothing more letter and the nicorette the this the the the, the, the the pool really cool thing name about noon of him. i think that the, you know, to get a teeth domino look me on my hand and they're like, you have a look at the telling me that isn't political know, but i'm gonna move the whole man. yeah. yeah. and there's some kind of city to and
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they've been awesome, it was a whole this case. and so happy to buy am up. that's the home of the the same on the modern last it would be a new one. you have to put this stuff equal and kick with, but this is going to be a level of the 70 to me. so we just have what anderson level f, one digit down they had to have for you to find then it kind of just even leave them a call it that in my mind a lot of good stuff. the there are many times more or less than yeah.
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the the my pony on the phone. i'm going down baby. i think i'm done. or maybe monday 0. maybe amazon 3 statements like on and we'll have to look. yeah. same for the west side to live. but how much miller facility to the my so okay, i do, i think we, i mean i'd ask how
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many using those heat and they've been my go to feet that he had in a near near who's the bought proceed in the lehman. i not going on a single and say hey allow i don't want a lap on the vehicle book a whole file, know it kind of want me to see to have a link of how monday the on and let me send it a boy. is it that is on a, what is the lucy nearby? you know how to, how may i literally, how well what us, how soon be clinic, how hit on how that i want to think see in the say them of more us how, how, how sandy, how can i make a how more s a
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how will the assessing, need the i to hello did the new, how lavelli, i'm a louse, how data most paid his name, pony vehicle and died and the
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minnesota, the i don't want to have all of this before. so i'm going to be the name of the one of the maybe i'll be available that i'm going to differentiate the fitness level for me. maybe in the near the la nima light, the infinity m o l is if you're looking to be silverado, we have the kind of capacity however you see right here they, they, the band is indeed an inability, russo multiple e to the believe promo get less media television is uh oh
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my gosh with them the most. i don't see the uh yeah, i was looking for the curious thing is i thought of a 4 year old that wasn't the whole city or known about me. i have a feed at any point on amazon. ringback ringback or. ringback ringback when yeah, well thought of a when i did the yeah, the big thing. but oh my god, i input it the, the, the whole or something it
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a lead the so and then they proceed to hollywood back for the my sound by the see the sound, the they might be that what i say if i house have 50 on the lot, i homage saw the she's out to her mass, at least one in the city. we sound import sensitive status moment please. oh yeah, no to to the feeder. oh, contact to on a how many tv again. yeah. keep the sound prompt. you have to have to have sort of model. so click on apple tv that be ramble. bailey has powerful b a, b by me w c o l. and i mean, i don't why or not covered, you know, i had a lag a that was c no, i mean no one was maybe there and do them to me. hey c,
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c l is a cd. indeed. the pretty nice thing really nice here program. i didn't. bailey, the so ones that e mail daily that a point that ellie that and what is me in the army myself. he has though, goes into the view of, uh, validating maurice me and i just need to be somebody that's going on by then i might be in the paper in the, the minus got it. and then why not in mind the a mind that's how the
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how we live around with them or how you form photos on them. is that done? well, you must certainly be have a lot in their lives out around the building. the media posts out in the, on my gosh, i go to holland, near nissan, what's on me and you know, how seem you to stay to negotiate that i got caught up now and it was the sound of what i mean, or the fact that i was hoping that this bottle. okay, thank you. the at least leave me a bit of a something but the and the basically the power of travel, somebody, me a holler, full leader. may be ready
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for the busy god the the the the the
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the the oh oh oh the new the
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maybe the thomas county for me see hold on let me see the weight of 11 then they might they load the of the. 2
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the, let's go, the good thing is the, the, the, the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the clothes on the head and want to really say, look like then, but of the had had me on this committee and coordinating with but if my, the, anybody have you have, let me say you so one of the, so see i may really let it be to buy that for good. i see the, the,
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of the 1st say it is of that of that. yeah. the probably the below is making the youngest country welcome promptly from having trouble with the cost for each of
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the people on base story settlement agreement, motors funding my funding procedure. the means i can make it about the. 6 the. 6 the the new to
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the in some neighborhoods across lebanon, syrians are being forced out the government estimates. they're up to 2000000 syrians and 11 on one and every 4 people. they are managing the crisis. one day, the internal security ex, again spotlight is and then i don't do anything for us. human rights groups are accusing lebanese authorities of using discriminatory practices against the syrians to force them to return to their country. they include deportations often without judicial review. and the latest correct them, security forces are closing shops be legally owned by syrians, nearly 70 percent, according to the united nations don't have the proper documents. the government into boscus is accused of leveraging refugees to extract concessions like the
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listing of international sanctions. all the while syrians have no rights in a country that has no laws on asylum seekers or refugees. hundreds and then millions. stephens prize does a delicacy value just as highly if i called tells in the mafia. price per kilogram is equivalent to several different shrugs with exclusive access phone lines joins the environmental prosecutors, turning the tide on the criminals, exposing the listed world of wildlife trafficking and its devastating impact on the planets oceans. the shocks and hunters on al jazeera in june 1967, 6 days the read through the mouth of them. at least 2 dark colored hair crust appeared from a distance just as we were focusing on them. they dropped the bombs on the run. out of the re excludes the events leading to the will and its consequences which i
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still felt today is the record is really all me in this was because that is such as the stuff is left the war in june on outages era the another kind of housing, the space palestinians in southern guns as hit during his riley strikes and a so called save some 21 people a day. the hello, i'm done. jordan, this is out of here a life and also coming up, moving a 1000000 people fleet is really a bonds in southern gaza. and it's tongues rolled into the heart of a city of rough south africans, for parents to go to the polls of the 1st election that could cause a real challenge. the amc since the end of a lawyer is my closing arguments in the hush money trying


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