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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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the elders are exposed the events leading to the will and its consequences, which i still felt today the record of me. and it was such as the start of his land, the war in june on out his era, the another camp, housing just based palestinians in southern guns as his journey is really strikes and a so called save some 21 people a day. the hello i'm dire in jordan, this is out of here a life. the also coming up, moving a 1000000 people fleet is really a bonds and southern gaza has tons rolled into the hops of the city of south africans for parents to go to the polls and the 1st election that could cause a real challenge to the amc. since the end of
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a lawyer is my closing arguments in the hush money trying a former us president donald trump, it's not with the we begin and goes that way as really sold as in tongue. so now in the center of the southern city, a roof, thousands of palestinians are again on the move as they flee these really advance. meanwhile, there's been another is really striking a make shift come housing just face people west of rafa. this to had been designated a safe 7 bodies really is. intel colored right begins our coverage is really we're playing phone. another makes you come housing just please palestinians in the for are just 2 days after the military file. messiahs attends costs are due, are due and building killing of these 45 people, most of them women, and children. this is
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a part of the for where it is right or good people to go. saying it was disconnected, save zone. the talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice, ruling boarding, an immediate halt to a fault on the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of it. if i had a cop to yours and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door, that's funds because of something porter with egypt. rober, our case is closed with a few days up houses is really palms are coming. dozens of citizens and this family is morning, a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings while i was needing you to head an innocent, 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do?
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roman his show off the room. he was in with my uncle, this head with 2 shows. it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him apart. ambulance is trying to reach the wounded in western before our shots in the north of this trip. simon was returning to their homes and by you come under fire. omen. ask the question so many in gaza at the hospital. no. no matter how much i didn't know if i knew where should we go from, is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice this is not a life. i don't know what to say to you an estimate. at least the 1000000 displays palestinians floods are for him. the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist. and of who the august eda. there is black garza palestine. you
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know, us officials say there'll be no policy change in response to these really attack on the account for internally despised people on the rough us on sunday, 45 palestinians were killed. i'll just say was, how does your casters in washington with more of us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced people near rasa. state department spokesman matt miller said, the incident was tragic, but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian, safe stone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least $45.00 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby. so the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation and he downplayed reports of his really tanks and rough as center. we still don't believe that a major ground operation in ralph is warranted. we still don't want to see these,
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or at least as we say, smash and or off, or with large units over over, over large pieces the territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart courses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single more innocent life taking it. i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. meanwhile, the us led effort to operate a maritime a cord or to cause a has collapse after strong waves broke up a temporary peer that took $320000000.00 and a 1000 us soldiers to construct the pier was supposed to last until september. but instead it survived for only just over a week. during that time it received about 1000 metric tons of food. the pentagon says it will replace the peer, but it's unclear when hydro castro alj
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a 0 washington. alexander saw here is from save the children and she says the us peer is simply a distraction from the real problem, which is that is where the fuse is to let more aiden by land. the loading dock and the new crossing points that have been announced over the last few few weeks have basically only been providing a mirage improved access. what we've actually seen over the last few weeks is that only a trickle of aid, basically almost nothing that was meaningful has gotten in. and we're actually seeing some of the lowest levels of aid coming in to guys that, that we've seen in the last 7 months. and well, so we have, welcome any effort to get aided, but really these, these, these missions were having very little impact on the ground. bakeries in golf. i have had to shot 8 organizations have had to suspend food distributions. the hospitals across us guys are completely overwhelmed. almost every single hospital
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is either under, under siege has been issued, evaluation orders are running out of supplies. and so the situation is incredibly catastrophic, as we see is rarely, military operations been dropped by. and as of, i mean, all the un security council is held in emergency meeting to discuss what's been happening and rough aguirre has distributed a resolution, quoting for an immediate cease fire is expected to be voted on within days, but much of the bomb. yeah. is the deputy permanent observe of the state of palestine to the un? he said the security council needs to do more to stop israel's war on the strengths in those clear calls and demands the costs of the was there's a consensus that's a these obviously the car is being committed on life tv and that they need to seize . but you'll still have companies that send weapons to as well that should stop immediately. you still don't have the accountability measures that would put an end
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to is like infinity. and the state of, of the low will act as an outlaw states. and that's always when it's going back to itself. and so we are calling for the security concept to be close to the clear and this demands on we're calling on those states to take that equipment measures to put and then to the genocide that is taking place in gaza. i think because there is not a single company left, that doesn't to feel that these lately actions are shameful, whether they express it publicly, as they show them up, whether they act upon it or not. i think that's again, that consensus on the needs for the cx 5 is a consensus. the visa, unacceptable actions that civilians have been the 5000000 victims and these are slight esl and that also these lady occupation needs to end up in the city and state the independent and viable. should see the light that then defend this of that said that exist should find any take place. and what we see is the now we've seen the international court of justice make all of this is land. has this the got the them, the icy prosecutor has asked for was 12 months is that it has effect and the
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security council has demanded the stop to the, to the fight. thing that is, the assembly has been extremely clear. and we are saying is what will continue dismissing these calls of the companies with concrete consequences for the see those in, in the relations between this file and us of the world. and in the privileges, privileges that are still enjoys despite acting the way it does. is there any full size of a rest of the palestinian gentlest and the outside westbank a troop to write it and search below toby. those hasn't been hebron more than 40 palestinian john listened. media workers have been arrested since the war on guns. i began in october at least a $147.00. thinking the, the now in less than an hour south africans will begin voting in the country 7 for the democratic election since the end of the pond site, the routing, african national congress. the amc has been in power for 3 decades. but now risk
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losing its majority in parliament, i'm 0 is how much as the reports from douglas, the polling stations open on wednesday. and this is how the process works. people come in and check to make sure the name is on the voters room. what you see are some of the spatial voters, people who's coming early because they won't be able to make it to a present station on wednesday when they get here. they've given 3 pallets papers, national, regional and provincial bidding, make the way behind that voting police over be with a cost the vote in the drop the pallet papers into that box. so mine to say this could be a type contested election and some opinion polls suggest that the governing applicant, national congress, police is parliamentary majority this time long. which means it may need to form a coalition with other political parties to govern south africa. people are also waiting to see how well for president jacob zoom over to in this election is empty
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party. if you click on the block and to wait to see, to see how many votes it can take away from the other established big political parties. vote is it many issues which include crime, unemployment, and many say that just one basic services to improve business. very important for to see now sometimes you use spend about the 2 or 3 weeks without water. you can't do anything without thought. the police have been deployed across the country . i'm here in clubs within the tel province. devin city has been classified as a higher risk of voting area. this is what the police are saying in the news paper . they concerned about the threats made by the m. k, c, m, k is jacob's name is newly formed political party, and some of his officials are alleging ballots temporary, some south african said that this is a warning sign. the results could be disputed hot,
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and we talked to algebra. devin spell out to 0 spoken to one vote to and so who described his optimism off and nelson mandela's release back in 1990 compared to how he feels. now my name is only that mean i'm a pension that living in trip down south africa. this place i have wouldn't cry. i'm on this please. for yeah, of any of yeah, it's been years good. no lights small guys on trying to pick up the pieces. stealing the electricity due from the light. oh i to right and i know to i do, i'm not working everything and then we do things by monday low. it'd be really is but not 01 monday laws, but i live, we were very happy. we're all happy budget. instead of going
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full, i didn't go pick how long we've been voting. how long we've been home. there's a fix of this place. they've put sweeties. then food towing. it's 5 nice thing is they've been and everything is caught up. caught option, disliked in this thing. they on, once they must vote, maybe they ask you, which i will reply to an hour. i can say i waste my time voting. and so even after i elective, i think it will be, wes, all, all i can say about people from outside the country that the most common have their most common has everything is not good for us. this b, u. s. is searching the head of saddam's island forces to take immediate action to end. the conflict and his country. us secretary of state anthony blink incentives during a phone call with general abdel such an outboard hon. the conflict between sedans,
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military on the power military rapids support forces has been raging since april last year, getting tens of thousands of people for you and says the country is now experiencing the world's worst hunger process, rather than jordan as more from washington dc. we talked about the need to get humanitarian aid into the country and across different provinces of the country. because now, as you noted, a groups are saying that this is a dire, dire situation for the people of sudan, no food, no medicine, weather conditions are not amenable to, for people to produce their own food. and the fighting has displaced tens of thousands of people with in the country. and so the need to get aiden is critical. but just as important is the resumption of negotiations between the sydney's armed forces and the rapids support forces who have been fighting before for more than
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a year. now they would be negotiating directly under what's known as the jetta platform, which is the negotiating mechanism set up by the us and saudi arabia. the s a of has said in the past that it's only going to discuss peace through this particular mechanism. and so, a secretary of state antony blinking, urged a general bergeron to step up the efforts as it were in the get the negotiating process. the pressure will break here and i'll just hear about when we come back dropping trunks from the south. korea raised the stink of the dozens of balloons alone from north korea to bonham. bull fighting us as congress and columbia went up and they just published on the
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color. we are still looking at some lobby showers just around that little face and corner of india, eastern areas of bangladesh from our old sites. i still ringing out some moisture here. i saw the flooding concerns for a time, but you see troy weather coming back in behind them on the same price they asked then so i'm so i guess into, i mean i'm off of the heavy showers coming through. hey, i will say some pretty heavy rain. we're looking at to add the warnings also into parts of car will affect the northwest us about the heat. we're looking at temperatures into the mid to high voltage once again across the northern north western plains of india. it's a good part of puck is done before getting up to 43 celsius and just temperatures pushing up in karachi over the next day or so. somebody is also pushing up across the radium peninsula. we have got temperatures here even though ha, getting into the low to mid full, which is quite easily. but furthermore, get into high for his the for q way. i'd also full bags the fact that we are looking at system where to where the pushing across stuckey i maybe cypress
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catching a shot or 2 on wednesday, but from out to the live and it will be dry with plenty of sunshine, dry and sorry to request a good part of north africa. we have got to shala's try to push a little further north as 3 west africa. right up to see how many i the israel's war on. gosh, be coming in forever. across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style track down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics, the bottom line, the government challenges here with the
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the world. imagine watching. i'll just say right quick, remind a bunch of stories here. this at least 21 people have them killed. and i mean, it's really a strike at a company on the washington southern guns that can help them less than 48 hours of to another. it strikes killed, $45.00 people in the run. somebody is really trying some soldiers are now operating in the center. is when talking the southern city despite them or to bother you and the top cool to hold the soap on south africans will be heading to the phone some less than an hour to the folks in parliamentary. i'm the connections including amc space and that's the toughest fight since the end of a positive. not both the prosecution i'm the defense of rest of the case is informed by us president donald trump, sasha, many trial in new york. the jury will begin it's deliver ations on wednesday,
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trump is facing a total of full criminal trials, but this is the only one expected to hand down a verdict before us voters had to the polls in november. i'll just say it was due on the hands of the poles in the 1st criminal trial with a former american president as the defendant, a national spectacle that divided the nation. both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious, dictates the trunk. we have a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now, this is tied to stop him. prosecutors argue the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to
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keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair. with trump. on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is a political hit job. the residential lea prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00 he wired to stormy daniel's lawyer on october 27th, 2016. just 12 days before the election. the handwritten notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses, and his reimbursement scheme, double when he paid out to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installments and signed by trump were disguised his legal fees. but trumps lawyers argued he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through
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trump's, then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees, and that kohen lied about the payments and trumps affair with daniels, which daniels herself confirmed. an intimate detail, whatever the outcome, some historians say the trial could correct. a historic mistake president gerald ford's 1974 pardon of richard nixon. as a potential to say, yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system just like the rest of us. whether trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house, is now up to a new york jury to this uh, john henry l g 0. now students to look at several universities in california are on strike. they say the union contracts the violated by administrators who quoted in police to surprised gauze as some a diety, protest, auto sales rep. reynolds reports from los angeles on the campus of the university
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of california. los angeles, unionized student teachers, researchers and the lab assistants set up a picket line on the very spot where it causes solidarity protests was broken up by riot police. earlier this month. the student workers say their rights were violated then, and they are demanding. now that the university of california system declare amnesty from reprisals for any students or faculty members who participated in the protests, it means the classes are cancelled and students won't be getting well. first, exams and other tests and, and assignments will not be administered. you know, the university next diploma is that that's the kind of faster it is. and so if we can withhold the degree of the grades and make the diplomas, that's an impact we can have on the functioning of the university. and hopefully, that will push the administration to actually to the university of california says the labor stoppage is illegal because it violates the no straight clause in the
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union's contract. it asked the state labor board to order workers to hold the strike, but the board refused. strikers, say the university deliberately endangered its own students. you know, there's so much discourse now about your students are feeling unsafe on campus as a jewish student. i know why i'm feeling unsafe on campus is because of the costs. it's because of the scale administration. and because of the scientists fashion that they've allowed on campus, the strike is under way it's 3 of the 10 university of california campuses so far with workers at other schools likely to walk out incoming days while the strikes disrupt, the campuses here in california across the country the solidarity protesters were making their voices heard the graduation ceremonies at brown university vote. the protesters drowned out of speech by the university president the at princeton,
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a small group protested outside the gates of the stadium, where the commencement ceremony was held inside. dozens of graduates wearing casee is over, their guns stood and turned their backs on the university's president, university administrators may have thought riot police would solve their protest problem. but students continued to find new ways to show their outrage and demand change. rob reynolds, l g 0, los angeles. the adult as parliament has over written the president's veto, with the so called foreign agents built thousands of georgians are afraid, the legislation will come human rights and freedom of the media and compromise. the countries bid to join the you to meet them at the bank of explained after more than a month with protests and threats of sanctions and repercussions from the west. georgias parliament refused to be pressured into dropping the so called for an agents bill and peace over rode the president's veto on tuesday. after hours of
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debating, not without drama, we sort of gone on in the new law requires old civil society and media organizations that receive 20 percent or more of the funding from abroad to declare it. and they blink government oversight. the governing potty says it's important for georgia sovereignty utilizing it each carpet georgians have to understand that we are a solver and country and we have the right to know what is going on within the country and around it. but it will also mean that n g o is like this dog shelter could be fined up to $7000.00 directly. it would mean that the have to register as for an agents or rather that the law says that the and organization pursuing the interest of a foreign power. now the only interest that the person who is the interest of these folks, and i challenge anyone to tell me that which one of these is actually
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a foot in power. the text is similar to legislation, russia and up to 12 years ago. as part of a crack down on the sent these protests to say, although the outcome of the parliamentary vote was expected, they wanted the consent to be her government. the united kingdom. there was a little bit of code that maybe maybe that they would come to their sounds but yeah, it's, it's really, really hard with the elections do in october, many c a n g o's could be bought for monitoring them. but the greatest threat could be to georgia's bid to join the e u. it became a candidates in december and the block one, the law was a potential deal breaker to meet them at that in co, out to 0. to south korea's ministry, he says,
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dozens of balloons carrying waste was sent over the boat from north korea. the incident caused panic, and so as one kiln young to stop obviously has run the pride reports in the south grand capital. so people living in boulder areas got that 1st warning, go back to this launch on tuesday night with the general, the light being sent to everybody's phones. and initially mistakenly describing this as an ad rate of the which created a certain amount of confusion and panic. but describing how dozens of balloons had been detected, being launched from the north with people being willing to stay away from them and to report them to the all star to use a north korean defect is living in the south. and other activists have regularly launched balloons. over the years into the knolls carrying propaganda aimed at the north korean regime. the most recent of these launches was apparently just a couple of weeks ago. and the north has promised a, a response saying that it would be sending balloons of its own carrying. what it
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describes as waste paper and bills without going into exactly what that feels would be. but this has been so far this week, fairly acrimonious in terms of into cream relations that began on monday with a tri latrell summit here being hosted by the south end involving china and japan, which didn't please north korea, which chose monday to launch a spice satellite which failed to reach over with the rocket, disintegrating just off the launch that's into and then provoked a response from the south with a show of force with an ad really involving it spite to jets, which has since been condemned by north korean leader kim jong. and as a dangerous publication, rubber pride, i'll just say era, so this time on. so my prime minister attacks and should've what has been indicted on charges of insulting demonically. he'll have to present himself to the attorney general by the 18th of june. he's accused of committing the offense during a media interview back in 2015. should
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a lot to his political allies are currently in government is coming to him, paroled out serving a year long sentence on separate charges. corruption, patriots transitional council has selected a new prime minister. the country grapples with increasing gung violence. gary colorado has been chosen by the 9 member council to take up office. he breakfast served as prime minister just over a decade ago. but with the medical is editor in chief of a blog post and he explained the challenges facing the new prime minister as to where he can see um you know, how he upgrades as a prime minister. he has a huge task ahead of him. um for, i mean, the 1st one would be to be with the government in a deeply divided. um, you know, presidential guns, we were uh, you know, most of the members of actually before did fine, but yeah, most people, factions, instead of these new and very and the 1st leadership of the country
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were 7 members, some of them, you know, have vine, different interests and, and in different ways of seeing how the country should choose with more fluid. so it's, it's really clear how he, you know, the composition of 7 to, to me. and he's also work in the, you know, how he, we move in the country to day 80 has initially 0 elected officials. the elections were not a whole certain time. the last elected president, the tv was estimated back in 2021. and you know, after that, the international community helps uh, you know, the, you know, become damaged, but he made many promises and cleans you know, to diversify the country. and, and you know, these bower about to a.


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