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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 9:00am-9:31am AST

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2 generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the way the stream on al jazeera. the is where it expands attacks further into central and west of the roof. i offer an overnight communications blackout, and gallons of southern, most of the other ones are in jordan, this vouchers here on life and go also coming up, hold on a 1000000 and palestinians are forced to flee the australia bombs and the sound of the gulf stream. the african national congress space has discontented to shut off and goes to the poles when the government $94.00 show to the majority. the 1st time since the end of the month on noise make closing arguments in the hush money trial,
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a full minute expressive. donald trump, it's now of a to the jerk, the beginning, gaza where these really minute tree continues to expand its presence further in these central and western parts of rough. uh, it sees more of the buddha area with egypt known as the philadelphia, colorado. it comes as rainy as strikes, targeted various areas and rough of a night, nearly as of wednesday in the old field hospitals that are out of service and the no fighting continues and the giovanni refuge account for thousands of products demands are again on the move as a fleet is ready of bonds into the southern city of russell and has been another as striking a makeshift comp, housing this base people west of rafa that's killed at least $21.00 pallets, demands this to have been designated to save 7 bodies. res intel, quarterly begins our coverage, so this is really we're planes bump another makes this become housing,
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displace palestinians in the fall just days after the military fires. messiahs tens clustered, b a, u. n. building, killing. if these 45 people, most of them women and children, this is a part of the where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, safe zone cox is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice, ruling funding and me did talk to a fault on the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west of if i had a cop 2 years and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door. that's funds because of southern porter with egypt. global i would change is growing up 3 days up houses is really palms are coming, dozens of citizens and this family is morning,
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a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings. while i watched this new and innocent 10 year old boy was killed for nothing, what did he do? rome and his show off the room he was in with my uncle does hit the 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western of our shots in the north of the ship and was returning to their homes and to buy you come under fire and ask the question so many in gaza at the hospital? no, no matter how much i didn't know. where should we go from is that the arab world looked at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice of the,
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this is not a nice. i don't know what to say. so you an estimate at least a 1000000 displace palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist in them. who did the august ita they did black, gaza palestine without the zeros hunting off. moved, joins we live now from the get out by law in central garza honey. so israel's been seizing yet more of the border area between egypt and gaza. known as the philadelphia, colorado. what more can you tell us, honey? this will, this brand new military continues to create more tragedies on the ground in dropbox, fit the just within the past the 3 days we see that increase in the intensity and the scale of the air bombing of the entire roof. i city including the my was evacuations don't work. literally. we're looking at 1000 of displaced palestinians families be displaced for the past 7 months old. away from the northern part garza
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city, the central area on unit. although we drop as there are full to go to mazda evacuations, don't to avoid being bon only to get bombs killed and maimed in that evacuation zone is really military. keeps pushing deeper into the city under his a coverage of air attacks as well as the in terms of our deal. are you sitting that is reaching as far as right now beyond the vicinity of the can wait, the hospital which has been pushed completely out of service and we're looking at at least all the uh, the field hospitals on the ground are out of are pushed out of surface, with the exception of what is small holds facility, that's a maternity health facility that is almost close to being forced out of service given the intensity and the my nephew of the air bombings and the destruction caused by this really military is really military house i need to have control over the philadelphia court though, right now, and push and be brought to the remaining part of the core of the western part of
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robust city. it has already taken over it all the eastern part, including the 2 major crossings that cut them up the side of the crossing and wrote back crossing that has been a walk for the past is 20 days since the beginning of the military operations. and that he, the presence of occupying forces on the ground, meanwhile, is really military continues to hurt people that from one place to another. right now those who are being asked to stay in the mos evacuations, only to avoid being bonds, are yet finding those themselves on the move, i guess seeking shoulders elsewhere. but there is no safety place in a war zone. there is no safe zone in a war zones, because bombings is taking place everywhere, not only and robot if they get a place in honda and is on the remaining part of this trip and how to just briefly as you were saying, the situation in gauze as hospitals now be on desperate tenants a bit more about what's happening on a man as well.
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the tragedy of this ongoing intense bombing campaign has led to the complete shut down of health facilities in dropbox. that they were looking at a whole city that is under its free and uh, extreme bombing campaign that has destroyed all means of life. uh, how would that without any health facility whatsoever. and that your hospital from the 1st 2 days of the military operations in northwest city went out of service because it happened to be located in the area that does really military drew as a combat zone. and all medical staff were pushed through the western part of the city of right now with the expansion of dark. hillary still ain't got that bombing campaign all the hospital including the kuwaiti hospital and the other few of the hospital. that's the m a right, the, the indonesian field hospital, our old, pushed out of service and were forced to relocate in the last evacuation zone in an area that's been drawn for the field hospital. however, when asked about the level of safety that these field hospitals in their management
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are having right now, they said there's 0 guarantee that they're not going to be attacked as they are being deliberately pushed out of robust city as well as out of areas that we're drawing a safe zone. now, the remaining part of this trip, we're looking at major hospital like us to find that hospitality and all that the indonesian hospital and other health facilities in the northern parts that have been crippled by the ongoing intensive, intense bombing campaigns, as well as the lack of a fuel that represents a lifeline for these health facilities, including this one right now. the one we're reporting it from its courtyard. it's on a brink of collapse and shutting down major services because of the lack of, of abuse, as well as the medical supplies that for the past the 20 days, there's almost 0 medical supplies made their way to the gaza strip. there's extreme difficult inside the hospitals. we did one, couple of reports inside the hospital, we've seen how injuries and patients the ground lacking necessary medical supplies,
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and the medical staff, unable to do anything or intervene to save life. all right, so honey, my life was bare and did a bullet in central garza honey. thank you. or the body to the ministration and says they'll be no policy change towards israel off to sundays. attacks and rough uh, with 45 palestinians were killed. it says these ready operation did not cross the red line. president biden set 2 months ago. i'll just say it was how does it cost us in washington with most us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced. people near rossa state department spokesman that miller said, the incident was tragic, but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian safe zone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least $45.00 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby. so the us was waiting to see israel's full
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investigation and he downplayed reports of his really tanks and rough as center. we still don't believe the major ground operation and ralph is warranted. we still don't want to see these, or at least as we say, smash and or off, or with large units over, over, over the large pieces of their territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart corpses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taken and i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. now the us built temporary pair installed. the transfer a to gaza is out of operation of being damaged by a rough seas appear, had only been up and running for about 2 weeks. the pentagon says the pay will be now sent to the southern is rarely city of ashton, waiting to be repaired by us soldiers, the u. n. and 8 groups,
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according for israel to fully open land crossings into gaza, which they say are a better alternative of the south africans are going to the poles and a general election that couldn't pose a challenge to the governing african national congress. the amc for the 1st time in 3 decades, voters costing the balance in both parliamentary and provincial connections. recent polls have shown the and so you're getting less than 50 percent of the national federal alger 0. it's for me, the middle of joyce's life from so widow in john is, but for me to this is a pretty significant election for south africa. so what about just saying then, what are the main concepts to me is very significant. we also have to remember that, so that for good is just the to use it to it's democracy. and so for many people who come out here, especially an altitude group of people, this is
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a privilege they didn't have a right. they didn't have a not so long ago and so many a adamant in terms of coming off and costing their votes and exercising of that right. now we are in, jo willow, the african national congress is facing a difficult time in terms of it supports a base, but it is usually popular in this area. and we're going to speak to a couple of people who have queued up to vote any time in a few moments from now. one of them is uh with sony, sony. what are the issues that have compelled you to come out to vote today? because we know the agencies facing a difficult time, a lot of people have said they want to change what they all those who are happy with the governance. yeah, i'll be over. you'll see to exercise my thing with copyright. yeah, i totally believe the n c has done to mendel, c o l, to be honest with you, is more like i'm not positive about that coming in. i just, i strongly believe they will never seek and the agency is easy is the and i
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strongly believe i'm in to vote for the easy to put it back and power to continue doing is good job. thanks so much we saw now there are many voters like that to will remain loyal to the after to national congress that the ration party. but they also also a significant use demographic people who say that's the one change. they don't have jobs. they are concerned about their futures, they're concerned about education, and they're hoping that opposition proxies may bring that change. and that's what, unless the saying that opposition parties may do better than they have done before . but others also saying that those parties haven't seen the growth that should be expected, given that the satisfaction with the african national congress. so ernest is another voter, he's been here for about half an hour or so. this too is moving quite quickly. honest, you've said it's important for you to come out today or what's what are the issues you wants dealt with? what is the change you they need that you're looking for? like i said, i want the call option housing that
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has to be, it has to be a change, but the change is already that this model up at the senate who do nothing for us. do you not see any option in terms of some of the opposition to the african national congress to feel that the, the amc is, is governing effectively or do thing to do? the majority of votes? yeah, we have that to stay and not going any way. yeah. we have, we have as, as a n c. thank you very much. honest. now that is what the n c is relying on. committed voters. vote is committed to that party, voters that are loyal to the african national congress. they all consent from within the party that it may not get the 50 plus one majority that they would need to dominate upon them meant and could be pushed into co relations with other parties to ensure that it has the majority. but one of the most recent polls that have come out suggest that a quarter of potential votes has decided and that's what may sway the vote in favor
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of opposition parties. but we'll know in the coming hours and certainly in the next few days as always, results trickle in. all right, so for me, the minute life for us back and somebody and john is, but for me to thank you. as long as it was plugged into one photo, and so we have to have to describe his optimism optim nelson. mandela's released way back in 1990 compared to how he feels. now my name is only that mean, i'm a pension. now, living in trip down south africa display as i have avoided cry. i love this place for you. have any of yeah. when you go to no lights, no guys on trying to pick up the pieces. building the electricity do from the flight i to ran. i know to i do i'm not working. everything is 10.
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or we didn't think by monday low it'd be really is but not 01 monday low as we live we were very happy. we're all happy budget. instead of going full, i didn't go pick how no move involved. uh huh. how long was it? there's a fee for this, please. they put sweeties their food toilet, but nothing is open and everything is caught up. caught option disliked in this thing they, i want their my vote. maybe they asked me which i would be probably done an hour. i couldn't say i waste my time voting. and so even after i elective, i think it would be west all, all i can say about people from outside the country that the most common to have the most common has everything is not good for us. a
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personal break here and i'll just say about when we come back dropping fresh from the south career rates, the spring constant, dozens of balloons are launched from the know the the latest news as it breaks. the hospitality is a very critical point right now are not far from completely shutting down all the for this with detail coverage houses are being forced down. they live with the constant fear that more is where it is. hawks are never far behind from the hall. so the story, the is very well and the goal just flip has led to talk to condone your human carrying position as a huge amount of waste, like close to the factory to understand why we must experience life through not designed to discover the stories forgotten. we spent alone in the
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past due to the voices drowned out by the witness on which is era. the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous conflation between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms. anti semitism is the hatred of jews because the country is honest and is not about judas. it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listing close special on of jersey of the
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corporate matcher watching out as a right click on mind about top stories here. this saturday is really miniature. it continues to expand its presence further in the central and western parts of rough on it sees more of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia cover. at least 21 people have been killed and i'm just really strong of that comes in on the wasi. that's in southern guns that happened less than $48000.00 off to another striking, killed $45.00 people in rough on sunday until the africans are going to the polls and a general election to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies. the vote could cause a challenge to the ask and national congress for the 1st time and 3 decades pro palestinian protest as have gathered outside these rarely embassy in mexico. they respond by recent is rarely strikes targeting to camps in southern gaza. the demonstration which began peacefully 10 file and after protest as through stones of police responded with pepper spray into a guess. on tuesday, mexico said it seems to intervene in south africa's genocide case against as well
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before the international court of justice. now big us corporations are relocating some of the manufacturing basis to mexico, which is giving a boost to the local economy that but many mexicans say the government is not taking full advantage of this trend. and they want the next president to be elected on sunday to do something about it. i'm sure there was money on top of the reports now, from what a mexico is manufacturing of monterey, mexico's industrial capital for years, factories here have been gearing up to capitalize on the economic trend known as near shoring corporations. relocating supply chains to bring manufacturing closer to the united states. one of those companies is iron light, trailers, which builds and exports premium. industrial trailers for sale in the u. s. is not something new for mexico being the manufacturer of american products. that's
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something we already know how to do. we have an opportunity. it saves us more and more companies and are leaving asia looking for another place to make a business. it's a natural thing to take a look at mexico. in recent years, dozens of us manufacturers have brought their business to this region of mexico. even the automotive julia tesla has plans for construction of a factory on the outskirts of monterey. but some economists argue mexico has failed to fully sees the near shoring opportunity. other countries have grabbed the opportunity to feel contracts once held by chinese manufacturers. the main thing, fortunately, nationally, we have not had the desired effect of attracting investment. they used to go to china. we have captured very low. so just to give you a comparison, as though as attracted 5 times more of these investments than we have mexican
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businesses, like iron light, trailers say that despite modest growth over the last few years, the impact of new shoring has been negligible. it's clear that manufacturing here in montana lay continues to reap the benefits of the close. proximity with the united states was also clear, is the lack of optimism when it comes to the potential for more significant growth . all 3 of mexico's leading presidential candidates have focused their economic policy proposals and promoting new shoring as a driver for growth and mexico. experts say that well, mexico can still harness the economic trade winds of near shoring the country's next leader will need a concrete strategy for attracting for an investment. therefore, the window of opportunity offered by near shoring begins to close. one, wizard, up a little alger 0, monterey, as not by default seclusion i'm the defense of rest of the cases in full. my us
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president donald trump's house, many trial in new york. the jury will begin deliberating on wednesday, from despising for criminal trials, but this is the only one expected to hand down a verdict before polls in november, stonehenge of impulse, in the 1st criminal trial, with a former american president, is the defendant, a national spectacle, that divided the nation, both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other plans weren't taken seriously until they became vicious. dictates the truck, we have a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now, this is tied to stop in. prosecutors argue the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to
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keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair. with trump. on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is a political hit job. when prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00 he wired to stormy daniel's lawyer on october 27th 2016. just 12 days before the election they had written notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses. and his reimbursement scheme, double when he paid out to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installments and signed by trump were disguised his legal fees. the trump . c lawyers argued he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through
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trump's then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees. and the cohen lied about the payments and trumps affair with daniels which daniels herself confirmed in intimate detail. whatever the outcome, some historians say, the trial could correct. a historic mistake president, gerald ford's 1974 pardon of richard nixon as a potential to say, yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system, just like the rest of us. whether trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house, is now up to a new york jury to sir john henry l. g 0. now supplies of food and medicine is beginning to arrive at the scene of a deadly landslide in pop one who gives me the government has issued evacuation orders from an 8000 people and then know them in the province because of the risk of further land slides. people are still trying to recover bodies off to a major landslide on friday. thousands of people i believed have been buried alive,
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but i'm yeah, i'm from the buddies. i've been recovered. so from south korea's military, it says dozens of balloons carrying waste was sent over the buddha from north korea . the incident caused panic. and so as 1 pm young to stump, i'll just say it was brought mcbride reports now from a south korean capital. so the people living in boulder areas got that 1st warning . go back to this launch on tuesday night with the general the light being sent to everybody's phones. and initially mistakenly describing this as an ad rate of the which created a certain amount of confusion and panic. but describing how dozens of balloons had been detected, being launched from the north, with people being willing to stay away from them and to report them to the all star at ease. at north korean defect is living in the south, and other activists have regularly launched balloons over the years into the knolls
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carrying propaganda aimed at the north korean regime. the most recent of these launches was apparently just a couple of weeks ago. and the north has promised a response saying that it would be sending balloons all of its own carrying what it describes as waste paper and bills without going into exactly what that feels would be. but this has been so far this week, fairly acrimonious in terms of into cream relations that began on monday with a tri latrell summit here being hosted by the south end involving china and japan, which didn't please north korea, which chose monday to launch a spice satellite which failed to reach over with the rocket, disintegrating just off the launch that into and then provoked a response from the south with a show of force with an ad really involving it spite to jets, which has since been condemned by north korean leader kim jong. and as a dangerous publication, rubber pride, i'll just say era. so okay,
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well that's it for me down. jordan, you kind of course find much more information on our website down to 0 dot com. there it is. the weather is coming up next to the inside story. examine the decades little piece deal between egypt and israel. that's it. state you so much of the the hello. we are still looking at some lobby showers just around that little face and corner of india. eastern areas of bangladesh from our old sites, i still ringing out some moisture here. i saw the flooding concerns for a time, but you see dry weather coming back in behind the other month. same rice, they as then from ser lanka into i mean i'm off of the heavy showers coming through here and also some pretty heavy rain. we only can get to amber warnings also into parts of car. well i don't know whether it's about the heat. we're looking at
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temperatures in to the mid to high forty's, once again across the northern north western plains of india. it's a good part of pockets done before getting up to 43 celsius and just type of just pushing up in karachi over the next day or so. somebody is also pushing up across the radium peninsula. we have got temperatures here even though ha, getting into the low to mid 4, which is quite easily. but furthermore, get into high forty's the for q way. i'd also full bags the fact that we are looking at system where to whether pushing across stuckey. i may be cypress, catching a shower or 2 on wednesday, but from out to the live and it will be dry with plenty of sunshine, dry and sunny to across the good part of north africa. we have got a shala's try to push a little further north was through west africa, right up to see how many i the interrogate. the narrative is the u. s. has continued support for israel affecting
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its global standing. there's no question about it. the united states has effectively complicit the genocide challenge the rhetoric. yes, the correct, but so is the international community. can we also say that deals? the cornerstone of democracy is having a free and open democratic process upfront without the the tenuous is the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border exposes a franchise political relationship. the 2 countries insist piece is best for teacher choice, but for how long as the warren does of regents, this is inside store the .


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