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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the community workers determined to provide refuge long as the communities say, not my problem is always going to happen as like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that, each of the p is really minute treat as pushing even deeper into russia and on boarding garza southwest, in areas for to in each of the organ on the cells. yes. hey, this is alex rivera at life from the also kind of ignoring an international outcry is real problems and not the 10th. and you had mentioned what it called the se, starting killing number 21. the power of south africa is governing amc is in
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parallel for the 1st time since the end of a potties as versus cost me a balance in the jury in new york will decide the face of former us president donald trump and the closing stages of his house money trying the while we begin in gaza, where the is where the military is moving its forces further into the central and western parts of rafa. off the plunging the city into total darkness. organize is really forces have seized more of that border area with egypt known as the philadelphia cargo. you see it there on your screen. now that area is 14 kilometers long and is intended to be a demilitarized bosses are running along the border between gauze on egypt. the soul comes as intensified is really strikes of hit areas across rough on nearly or the cities hospitals to out of service. well, let's go straight to honeywell, what he joins us from,
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daryl bella in central garza honey. it took us through what's happening on the ground. we've seen these is really movements around rough on the last day or so. what have you been here? yes. well, natalie, we're looking at the next 3 months and there's a tax that carried out an overnight. but just within the past hours there seems to be a storage in the tax. not only in the southern part of rough i city that's very close to it gives you in rough on the border where there's been a monetary and it's up to pine forest is on the ground, are pushing deeper along the philadelphia cord or all the way slowly but it quietly getting it closer to the western part of the city where it's thousands of pallets they've displaced, palestinians where we're staying in that area. we're forced into more internal displacement within the past few days. and then since the beginning of the military operations and dropbox city, but also we have this confirmed report of families are trapped inside their
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residential home in central part of roof i city as they are called a line of fire by the art gallery showing since the early hours of this morning by the time still and also by the quad copiers, these, this kind of product are, these are the top of draws. they're chasing people, it preventing them from evacuating into a safer area that shooting at them as soon as they, anyone who tries to leave their, their homes or their neighborhood just making it creating very difficult conditions right now. not only with the shot, a sense of safety that people experience right not, but also preventing them from getting whatever necessary to keep them alive in surviving these difficult conditions right now with no rent eastern of the city of raw by city all the way through the north run western part, that's the northern wisdom part is where day evacuation zone defense side that was bon uh, within the past 2 days. and one more time it was bummed within the past. the 12 hours in lease a and an early evening of yesterday,
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of where 20 more people were killed in the early r, a tox cost. the. the murder of $45.00 people, including women and children, we all seen the pictures of the copy to its silver and the shredded bodies of young . it's children, a distance at side. the situation are getting worse by the hour because of the intense bombing campaign and the expense of military operate, but also because of whatever not to certain in terms of health facilities or other homeless facilities, are pushed out of service right now. as you've been reporting honey, so many of the attacks we're seeing are taking places in areas that people what told was safe. so what is the situation now for civilians in rafa, especially given the situation of hospitals to that you've just described. what at this moment we can safely describe the situation thinking in place and rough or how's that christ is above the emergency created by the intense bombing
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kenzie and by the relentless air attacks across the city. but also by the the occupying forces undergrad there are fishing, push, pushing deeper into the city, out super good. the vast majority of people residing a rough i city are from the displaced populations, already traumatized because of the ongoing displacement already experiencing difficult living conditions are yet push one more time into in force displacement not only to walk, you know, we, with this chatter sense of safety and security, but right now there's this sense there, there is no escape of from this ongoing attacks and, and the genocidal acts on the ground. what seems to be the problem right now is, is that there is no safety at all for the civilian for residing a roof, 50 heading off one side with a very nice just for us from the gaza strip proportion from darrell. the thank you hon. thousands of palestinians again on the move as
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a flea that is really advanced into the southern city of ruffled as we've been reporting. there's also been another strike on a make shift kind of housing displaced people west of rafa. that's killed at least 21 palestinians, and this to had been designated a safe zone by these relays. and del cordaris reports. oh, is there any war? plains from another makes you comp, housing displace palestinians in the fall. just days after the military fires, messiahs tens clustered near you and building killing of these 45 people, most of them, women, and children. this is a part of the for where it is right or good people to go saying it was disconnected, save zone. the talk is the latest is really violation of the international court of justice. ruling boarding, an immediate halt to a fault. and the southern institute instead is really times are no station to west
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of if i had a cop 2 years and go and have also been reported in the area close to the philadelphia core door. that's funds because of southern porter with egypt. rober, our case is closed with a few days up houses is ready, palms are coming, dozens of citizens, and this family is morning, a young boy killed when he returned to the remains of their home to proud some belongings while i was needing you to head an innocent, 10 year old boy was killed for nothing. what did he do? roman his show off the room. he was in with my uncle does hit the 2 shells. it took us hours to find his party, the show ripped him upon ambulances trying to reach the wounded in western before our shots in the north of the ship,
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simon was returning to their host and by you come under fire. the woman asked the question so many in gaza at the hospital. no, no matter how much i didn't know if i knew where should we go from, is that the arab world look at us and see what is happening. this is not a nice this is not a nice, i don't know what to say. to you an estimate. at least the 1000000 displace palestinians floods are for him the past 3 weeks searching for safety that does not exist. and of who did the august ita they did black, gaza palestine. while the by the administration says they will be know, policy change towards israel off to sundays attacks, and rafa or $45.00, call us thing into account. it says he is ready. operation did not cross the red line. the president joe biden said 2 months ago. how does your castro is in washington with law of us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from
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israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced people in your rasa. state department spokesman that miller said the incident was tragic, but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian safe zone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least 45 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby said the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation. and he downplayed reports of his really tanks in rough, a center. we still don't believe that a major ground operation in ross's warranty, we still don't want to see these, or at least as we say, smash and or off, or with large units over over, over the large pieces the territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that . how many more chart courses does he have to see
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before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single more innocent life taking it. i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. a for alpha 0, i spoke to one lifelong residential con eunice who returned from rossa or need to find his home completely destroy any command of a baby high school that i use. evans right now. that's what i'm reading. the news about rod i knew is that when i did a you're a mccann mad and then and the other day or the and
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they and with them was sent up to a y a n d s. and what has to be a lot of any issues in the, for any kind of getting the how, how the key and what's the level in dallas and the facilities and good it might be. and i goodish, i'll put that, i'll put that on that. i watch the side on the left side, you're in with a lot of that, but of the what i said, the good care of somebody that i've had the getting that get to me and with that has to mean with the has to be i get them i mean, we do as of the best and the overlap. what the, the
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now south africans are going to the poles and a general election that could pose a challenge to the governing african national congress for the 1st time and 3 decades versus costing the ballots. and both parliamentary and provincial elections, recent holes have certainly and so you getting less than 50 percent of the national vote. and this could lead to the 1st coalition government since the government of national unity during nelson mandela's time. but as you see that literally just in the last couple of minutes, that is president south african presence around the pose that he's also the head of the african national congress lining up in the cuba voters along side of the vs at opposing station and so west side of this morning, as you just saw, he had his little green id books checked by electro officials and he's now proceeding towards the ballot box. now the amc and so around the pose that had been under a huge amount of pressure in the lead up to the selection. huge,
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broad disillusionment within the electrodes. and we are tracking polling here that is saying that they could lose their majority. obviously we watching those results very, very closely. indeed, correspondents to me, the middle is outside that posing station in so where, so from where she sent us this update. i was speaking to voters here in so weird. so i think the complaints through here a very similar to what you would hear in any part of the country. those complaints range from the level of corruption, you know, the, and she's been facing a number of allegations around corruption. which of course, that leads into service delivery, all the lack there off in some areas, crime continues to be an issue. and number one for young people is the issue of jobs, unemployment, more than a 3rd of young people don't have jobs. and so when we've spoken to young people, they say they're going to the polls to bring the change. they want a better future. and they're hoping that whether they go to the amc or any of the
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opposition parties, that's what they'll see, change and opportunity. the amc has been criticized for not doing enough to who young voters and that's the demographic that might make a difference in this specific election need that they may go towards opposition parties because the amc, according to them hasn't done enough. we aren't your window in and so with so this is an area with the amc is very popular. this is way the presidents over my poor so grew up and in fact is expected to vote in the coming hours. so. 8 many of the votes as we've spoken to here, remain loyal to the a and c. they do have their complaints, but it's stations like this where we expect to see a significant vote for the amc. so the party is in trouble across the country because of the lack of service delivery. and what many would say is for governance
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are all still a head. so you're here on the 0 and a historic move columbia as congress birds to phase out sent to tradition the hello. it's been so hot in norway, finland, and the baltic states. it's prompted wildfire alerts. i mean, look at some of these temperatures for a lot, b is capital re good. 28. let's go hotter is still us maybe 30 degrees on thursday . that could be good enough for a record. for the month of may, you may catch a few drops, but that will do little to drop down your temperatures and other spot heating up is i very okay. so you think 28 is hot? enlist been today. check out the next 3 days here. up to $35.00 on friday, that too could be good enough for a new record for the month of may. here's where we do run into some trouble though
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. central europe. we've got rounds of rain, whether it's in play for serbia, some thunder downpours. i think the biggest burst of rain will be around romania for turkey are also somewhat weather in the south around on talia eventually that will move into central areas catch up with the black sea coast and off to africa. we go. it's been hot in the gerry sitting records here, ne, new year, 48 degrees. that was the hottest state in these are for the month of the day today . really we see this heat from sudan chad pushing right into new share. and it's also hot in south africa for the keep providence is feeling more like summer, even though we're just a few days away from winter. let's go 27 degrees in cape town today. the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken activists making that voices her. how many disasters do we need to start taking
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action in the funding? it's against the climate catastrophe. this generation is trying to save the world. we are in an emergency right now. when you do the much destruction you're going to face the consequence. nature is then we'll just see a risk new series dying. now, we'll never the, [000:00:00;00] the imagine watching elza 0. let's remind you about top stories here of the south. south africans that go into the polls today in a general election to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies. this fight could pose a challenge to be asked in national congress for the 1st time and 3 decades. as you
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see that so often president to run the posing is also the head of the ask a national congress has to be in the last few minutes just cost is valid. and so when he's ready, military is expanding its presence further into the central and western culture process. so, so sees more of the florida area with egypt known as the philadelphia card or a lot of these 21 people have been killed and it is rarely strike on a cabin on the last seat. and seldom garza was carried out in less than 48 hours, often attractive to 5 people in rough on some news about joining me now. as i'm not sure he is a professor of security in military studies at the doha institute for graduate studies, a month explain this to me. i've been trying to understand how something like this happens is real. told people that this area was safe. they told people to go there and set up can and then they bowman and not just once, but twice in the space of,
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of a couple of days. what does is well actually trying to achieve here. so it's a, it's very difficult, but what was it find to achieve? but i think that there's a, there's a bit of a, an issue there. one of it is the intelligence lead. it's all intelligence that strikes, right? so you find and they'll put unity to take out a target and you hit that target regardless of whether this is a designated safe zone. or this is as happy as it was happened before. it's not really a safe zone, but they did not tell the people to evacuate, so they left people in limbo. so they did not know what they saw that to save them because no one told them evacuate, and then they strike. and this is what happened in the tell us upon the strike. it was very close to an area with no, but no one knew whether to leave or to stay. yeah. so there is a miscommunication here. sometimes this may be intended the just to give them up what unity to choose the targets and then claim that the deniability is that possible deniability somehow it is there,
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but this is getting repeated and therefore the toner and stood internationally and legally speaking and politically speaking, is getting less than this, a thought tolerated. but also it's, it's quite the embarrassing for those, but it is because now they are looking as if they are intentionally targeting a civilian areas. often they declare that as either save those or without any evacuation orders. so, but it was down to the following, that the intelligence supercede, anything else and the opportunity to strike a target as it proceeds anything else, including if the results with getting isn't women and children. oh, well that was the predominant reason for present dro binds red line. he said he didn't want to major offensive and rough uh, because of the, the potential children on the civilian casualties. you were telling me in the last hour that the could now already be something like $30000.00 troops on the ground in rough or alone. can you talk us through the movements that, that you've been tracking if i mean, if this isn't a major offensive, what is, this is a major offensive, but we said this before,
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from the beginning that was preparation for major defensive. there was no any doubts before the operations thoughts of, uh, over 4 weeks ago. uh that the, this is not going to become a very big offensive. partly because uh, because of the environment. partly because what they designated as, as a how much force they have. they claimed that the 4 battalions that they had in shall, board i. yep. and, and tell us what on and off i city. and partly because they were a training and uh, the deploying of the regular uh, big gates to recognized uh like the how big 900 and 33rd uh, like the body, big 84th. or these are very experienced, mechanized infantry bigs and heavy beginning eyes. so close to armor biggs, and then you have all my big is like the 400 and 1st uh for example. and then you have special forces bigs like the 89th. uh and then you have a reserved be gauge war coming to us just like the edge of the 12th the gates. uh so all of this force, this looks to me is
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a 2 division force in an area that is entirely small. again, in $67.00, that is way the army took the entire sign up an answer to 60000 square feet all meters, with the 3 divisions only. so now you have to 2 divisions in an area of the size of a one 5th of, of your guys a strip. so that, that's a huge force. and if you put that a huge force in this a tiny area with that high population density over a $20000.00 per square kilometer, you will definitely have a locked in a lot of civilian distance. let me ask you, then, when you think this might be of how long could this offensive loss? because politicians is really, politicians are saying this is there any over when they've destroyed how mass, but from the military side, what are the immediate military objectives the, the generals and come on does are looking for they're looking to basically on the might degrade, how must they know they will not be able to probably to destroy it and so they are
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. what they're doing now is to try to divide and conquer in a way that goes to scripted finds what is what was divided before. so a long, so you call it goes so you have the north, the south, north one along the net city. and it is guarded by another be gate, which is a, you know, they were doing a hall and they put a reserve begin to come many, but big data to manage with the assistance of the some of the i'm or battalions, smaller formations. so to divide based exactly a guideline to north and south, and then they create the buffer zones, which is a one cannot make the buffer zone away from the is readable. this is a no man's own. and uh, almost 60 square kilometers from the city, a 100, a $165.00 people square kilometers of gaza. well, this is taken from gaza strip as well to provide a buffer zone towards these really borders. and then they, they will have also an east west dividing line pedo through the slide the road to divide. guys are now north north and south eastern west and with a buffers,
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docs and from there into blocks. yeah. and 2 blocks ele, uh, west bank and gaza. basically it's, it's an attempt west bank, gaza, but without the seeing or thought of it because they were also going to remove the policies. i don't know who was these, the list of buckets, maybe just drawn by clans, a local clans in coordination was with these really made it 3. and then they would be stationed there because from the strong points that, that are creating and these are the temporary camps, the incumbents, the operating along these cutting these corner doors. i think they would be base there for a long time, perhaps permanently, and just attempt to read whenever, how must we constitute? how much is able to constitute resolve this in your body with all this and shot that we saw that in places like big la in the, in the very far north duty constitute battalions like the doc live battalion, for example, like the shopping battalion, which was actually destroyed as a, according to these 80 forces before they are able to do you constitute 3 supply with men, with munition, with weapons,
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and therefore those raiders will want to do for the raids as we see in japan. you know, so this is not a strategy. this is an operational level planning. uh, but it does not end the complex. it just keeps it ongoing uh for a while. so this is potentially just the beginning of a very long baffle in rough. uh, i'm not sure if you at least the 2026 at least. my goodness, i'm ok. thank you so much for, for sharing your thoughts with us again on challenges here. thank you. well, how this time solidarity demonstrates as has gathered outside the is ready embassy, and mexico. now this action, the spots by israel strikes in southern garza, the rally began peacefully but then turns violent of the protest as through stones of please. they will say 5 pep of spray and tear gas on tuesday, mexico said it was seeking to intervene in south africa, has genocide face against israel before the international court of justice. supplies of food and medicine all beginning to arrive and popping your guinea off to a landslide on friday, killed more than 2000 people. the government has ordered nearly 8000 people to
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evacuate their homes in the northern angle province pressed through. teams rushing to recover more bodies. thousands of people i believe, to have been buried alive, but i need a few corpses have been recovered so far. unpackaged on a coach traveling from to about. that's the 2nd largest city in but not just on providence. dekessa has crashed, killing it. these 28 people. government officials say the boss was speeding when it crashed off the mountain this highway and fell into a ravine. 22 passengers were also less injured. a prosecution and defense lawyers and both the rest of the cases and the harsh money trial, informing us president donald trump, the jewelry in new york will begin their deliberations on wednesday. trump is facing for criminal trials, but this is the only one that's expected to deliver of addict before the presidential elections in november. john 100 reports in the 1st criminal trial with a former american president is the defendant,
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a national spectacle that divided the nation. both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious. dictates would truck. we have a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now, this is tied to stop in. prosecutors argue the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair. with trump. on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is
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a political hit job. when prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00 he wired to stormy daniel's lawyer on october 27th 2016. just 12 days before the election they had written notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses. and his reimbursement scheme, double what he paid out to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installments and signed by trump were disguised his legal thieves. the trumps lawyers argued he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through trumps then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees. and that cohen lied about the payments and trumpets affair with daniels which daniels herself confirmed in intimate detail. whatever the outcome, some historians say, the trial could correct. a historic mistake president,
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gerald ford's 1974 pardon of richard nixon has the potential to say yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system, just like the rest of us. whether trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house, is now up to a new york jury to sir john henry and l g 0. patriots transitional council has selected a new prime minister as the country continues to grapple with severe gang violence . gary cornelia was chosen by a 9 member council to take up office briefly. so as prime minister, just over 10 years ago, columbia congress has banned bull fighting following his failed attendants to prohibit the activity. this board is to be gradually phased out and then completely outlawed by 2027. the country is just one of 8, where the sports has remains legal. how does under um,
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he actually has one off and all the time of the new really after years of strain, use political battles. columbus, congress banned bull fighting nationwide. it brings to it, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers that a spit man against boons ever since once popular entertainment has been losing signs in recent years, as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds . during getting to a pastime for a small elite in the country, is to this victory, reevaluate the culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals to the amusement of a few insensible people. supporters and detractors of the tradition squared off in
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congress lowers house before the long delayed boat, etc. the door to go to my theme, a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us pictures of


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