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tv   Dying Earth Now or Never  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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a after years of strenuous political battles, columbus, congress band, bulls fighting nationwide. it brings to it, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers that a spit man against boons. ever since. once popular entertainment has been losing signs in recent years, as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds . during getting to a pastime for a small elite in the country is to this victory, reevaluate the culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals to the amusement of a few insensible people. supporters and detractors of the tradition squared off in congress lowers house before the long delayed boat,
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etc. the door to go to my theme. a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us pictures of a skates. he says the dedicated his entire life to the bulls case, the insurance. okay. the hardest part of the prohibition is that even if they help us find another job, even if i find something that pays me better, i simply don't understand life for the bull fighting the sensation. i feel when the bull passes alongside me, is something i will not find anywhere else. the law proposes banning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers must have t y, the columbia, a 5th generation boot reader gonzales. sense the sometime of the knowledge that bull fighting official. now those are a dying breed, but the leads to law will mean and then for the animal to give the myers instead of . that's huh. yeah, kyle, i for k,
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this breakable only exist the fighting and the cow is kind of the use of milk for us. these boys are like gods, who instead of dying and a slow to house like most animals, have an opportunity to defend themselves even save their lives. and up in the remaining fighting those in columbia will likely end up being sold in other countries where the practice continues. or that see that this boat confirms that this old tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. allison, the b a. d. just good that all, that's it for me. and this tells you to remember, you can always find lots more on our website and is there a dot com? i'll be back with more few of the dyna, the unique perspective. a deep fake image of donald trump,
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which slide folders to try to win over black voters. these aren't real, but the harm is incredibly realized on hud voices. it's our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream announces era the, [000:00:00;00]
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the weekend and we will deal with climate change. it's not only a crisis, it's a nor missed opportunity. the colonizers go to war with nature, and call it a business opportunity. the i tell you that even are dead, have drowned in their graves, and you asked me to be polite. i you shy smile. so they know you are not dangerous. and still the $100.00 dead. 200 dead,
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the 1500 dead and no negotiation, no negotiation, no negotiation will bring them back to life. the, i want the world leaders to know that the earth has a memory the you cannot negotiate with nature. the there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is lost and what is broken. the of the we are in
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a critical time in history and we don't have much left. thank you. there's a quote from funds fund known that says that every generation has its own struggle and will leave the concrete to fail. now we have this generation that is just trying to save the world to just live a life because they can see what we could see when we were living on lives in trying to have what any thoughts was an infinity good life. and now we would know that nothing is infinite and so this generation was born with the idea of finite ness. the
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libyans have sponsored being those killed in the civil and be like flood disaster in the eastern city of down the 13th of september 2023. i woke up 2 inches, awful news that floods took place in the eastern part of libya, specifically affecting the city of santa and other nearby cities as well. the i was in and disability and i'm talking of from the perspective of someone who went through a revolution to civil war is where storm danielle hit me. with heavy rains at the sun was extremely dry. so the water was just piling up and then it overwhelmed. the 2 dams on top of the coastal city is dead enough. those 2 dams were not maintained
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in years. because someone didn't like the idea of paying the maintenance money towards actually maintaining to them entire families were wiped out from the civil registry. the not even one single government officials said a word into almost a 3rd, the 4th day of the disaster. can you imagine the amount of people that died that could have been rescued if the government acted on time the, the total of death to intervene. there's almost 7000 people over 10000 winds missing and over 30000 or displace
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the the fact that it happened in the fact that it became 50 times stronger while it was getting closer to the libyan shores. due to climate change. i cannot believe it soon. we're not even going to have a functioning furnace and use a the most effective by that the people who are supposed to be the future of every country. but it seems like they're all going down this rabbit holes and, and people don't even realize it. we can see that because the slower future i grew up listening to too many things in regards to global warming over seemed just like any other problem. it's not something that is related to you and since i got involved to the climate movement and became more active with like the climate
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community. now i see it more and more and it's getting closer and it's getting worse. i've been invited give the keynote speech of the 29th of this month for him, posted by the north south center of the council of europe. it's might be one of the very few opportunities i might receive to actually say what i want to say. the 10 points nature just wins and does it sink and we've pushed our finance into doing so and here, keep pushing it we. we've agreed global leona limits and we are currently negotiating directly means nature is done. negotiating
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the young people, we're becoming more depressed, becoming more anxious, because when we think about the future, we're thinking about walter. probably more to force it. is we thinking about how horrible the world is becoming due to corruption and conflict? do we want to start families? do we want to have children? why would you want to being a child into this collapsing world being in cost and fear of not having the future. i don't think it's a new feeling. i think it's a feeling that was reserved for the forest and the less privilege. and now everyone is going to leave in that constant anxiety. wow.
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the do use using the streets, protesting, and the public opinion on that is majestically bent. the everyone thinks that if he's just making noise breaking windows painting things, closing roads, and the to motor to anything that's incorrect on every revolution we have or had it started like face. it started the process. we need radical up your order. if you are not radically optimistic, you will not be able to fight this fights because it's too big. it's too difficult . it's too complicated.
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you need to be so up to mistake that to sound illusion. because otherwise, we'll just throw the solid floor and give us i think we need to keep in mind is that these young people, they're both testing on the streets or speaking to their, their governments. in other countries. they are actually risking their life. they could just disappeared. my activism was the best outlet, the thing that keeps me going where i come from is we were to have to do to protest. it could be very dangerous for the people involved. some people may go to jail like never nice. and i think the most important choice we can make as individuals as to join together with groups and to become a collective, to get out in the streets, to be an advocate and even to do civil disobedience. we have to essentially make
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the public realize that we are in a emergency right now of the is it getting the kind of attention or you're hoping that it's going to get some attention. eventually, the government's corporations declared war against, against the people in against the funding. which means we don't need their attention, they are very attentive in what they're doing. that's a deliberate, coordinated act of violence against life. and so the attention that we're looking for is public eventually because only the public, the general public, ordinary people can rise up and stop the good things that perhaps the kind of attention that you get in might backfire. so instead of like gaining people support, you might end up losing the public disruption.
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the yes, the protestant aggressive they are disruptive. they do disrupts everyone's lives in the sick. doesn't disrupt between to achieve anything the but i think that you need to keep in mind that, that it isn't comes to be the job of sacrifice. we don't have more people sacrificing a little bit of a will be. there will be no real being for anyone else in the view because you see it on tv. it's closer than you think. we didn't think we're
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gonna move an entire city and we just went off with the rest of our lives on a daily basis. the is the ill solving stone you know, search for more and now we have 703-0000 displays at over 7000 missing. so you need to start taking action points of the i may not agree with the way that they're working, but they were extremely determined and that's something i truly respect that make
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me want to support them. i just wanted to be part of this regardless. i really wanted to be sitting there with them just to support them because even though that we act different case or we take action different day. but in the end of the day, we have the same goal. the, i think we're at a point right now where the choices we mix cub locked in just for billions of
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people in the future. so it's not worth getting risking arrest over the noon . i've done a rest of the twice already the so because it's getting worse every single year, the climate movement will grow and people will take bigger risks out of a sense of desperation
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out of a sense of doing the right thing and out of a sense of loss if for no other reason, love for artists. what parent wouldn't take risks like these for their kids. the i see when activists are doing all these activities to being attention and they get arrested i always think that you're arresting the wrong people, you know, to, to criminals are working along this and the luck and not do anything about it because they're,
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they have money the, the decision maker is still is asked to ok, we understand, but what can we do in regards to climate change without affecting the economy? but it's never asked the other way around. they never ask you, how can we put together this project without harmony, the environment. that's why we are here. because the climate issue was simply ignored. for profit, the treaty is going to be signed. opinions can be written, the nobody holds anybody account. nation states are saying all the right things they're using after this,
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when auction is not getting done. the see like everything around this is political. even if you as an individual, do not take interest in politics, it does not mean the politics will not be interested in you. all of this that is happening at the inter governmental system is not, are not separate from you. every decision that is made, every agreement that assigned every industry that is allowed and is basically signing off on your life. the seconds on your face or phone for the operation of portugal for us making change is usually through policy,
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through communicating and bridging the gap between the elders, who are the decision makers and the youth such as myself. everybody just talks about possible collaborations. we don't have those conversations that com or any other event. everything is so. and so performative and it has no true value in the end of the day, no result. they know the science, they know the stakes and yes, you are. after your time, after time, both sides of the political aisle, they keep ignoring the science. they keep ignoring what we know we need to do and taking us further in the opposite direction. kinda acted as we need a 1000000000 climate activists. we need to come back to this to be much less place
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the, to our, our hope you are the future. you are say inspiring. we are used to hearing that during come senses need that. then we are used as props, we're just there for decoration, basically. so it's not really a good time to be politically correct. we have to say things as they are in, in her efforts to has been recognized as one of the 10 most influential of climate use. active is by green piece. so we thought for the view, i'm going to welcome nissan stage to address 13 notes with you it wasn't until the business disaster it was revealed that libya has not been submitting the national determined contribution and national a deputation plans to call how many states out there whether
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developing or developed are putting on a show on these very important tied up in meetings the how many cycling daniels deal disasters do we need to start taking action? the irish that people understood depth. what happened to leave you that led to the
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death of thousands of people who happened to almost every country in the world. the i've lived with wildfire like almost my whole life because my, my mother's family home is in the central, the still and they have lived fires every for 5 years. the and they do get very close to our home. you see the fire come down the mountain and you have to manage your emotion is and decide which is the and then the world fires that destroyed 90 percent of one of our forests last year. so suddenly it's not something happening on the other side of the globe. there's something happening close to home that proximity to makes. people want to act more
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. it's something that's happening to their children and it's their children. that's the the and i don't want to say we need more yang brave and allows people to speak because i think that's putting a lot of responsibility on a generation that did not destroy that. but i started doing climate activism because i lost family members because of visibly saw conflict and,
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and more result the people wanting to get and we sort of the, when you become hungry, you become angry when you do so much disruption when you just destroy entire lives, and people in land and soil and even the dead, you don't leave them on touch. you cannot face the consequences. i live tomorrow, right? and i look to my left and it's a attempts it's, it's use leaders and we're all carrying this candle in a tunnel of darkness. and in order to make it out of this tunnel, we're going to need more loved that ever ever, ever. ever, ever?
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the so the if i were in this position again, i would gamble on humanities. again, i'm going to the 600 seconds mexico's head to the poles, to elect a new president. with 2 leading female candidates, the country is points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating
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violence color to mexico presidential election on alger 0? this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global sustainable tourism comes village life here retains its charles. every meal is like a feast from the farm to the tape. hundreds of excavations and restoration. this country is a place to slow down and enjoy the simple things coming to discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties. i. one day i might be covering politics the next time i care of, i post all things from serbia into a 100. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are going through so that i can be the headlines and the most human way possible. hear it as a 0. we believe everyone has
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a story worth hearing. investigations. they get compelling insights into toast. from asia and the pacific 101 east. on out to 0. the 3 is right, new soldiers are killed in the slicing and gaza as it some of the tree pushes deeper into rough. the color that run the stalls you attain. this is out of their life from the also coming, ignoring and international outcry is real problems and now the tension confident in what is called a safe ser, coming and now the 21. people start asking presidents around the pose of votes in


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