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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm AST

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the toes from asia and the pacific one o one here on out to 0. the 3 is right, new soldiers are killed in the slicing and gaza as it. some of the tree pushes deeper into rough, the color that run the stalls the attain. this is out of their life from the also coming, ignoring and international outcry is real problems and now the 10s incompetent and what it called a states are coming. and now the $21.00. people start asking presidents around the pose of votes in an election and which is an see faces. it's biggest challenge
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and a big win. columbia is animal rights activists, the congress, the votes to phase out old fighting the while. we begin and garza where the is really military is moving its forces further into the central and westman parts of rafa. after plunging the city into complete darkness, overnights is ready. forces have seized more of that for the area with egypt to known as the philadelphia card. will you see that the area is about 14 kilometers long and is intended to be a demilitarized buffer zone running along the border between golf on egypt. the one passing has been killed and several others wounded. as the result of a strike targeting a group of people east of rough um and in central rafa, the space families are trapped inside their residential homes, nearly all the city's hospitals to all out of service. well, let's get the latest from my correspondence on the ground honey. less than what it
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joins me from darrell bhalla and central garza honey. we've been reporting these as really movements. and rafa the, these movements that have really changed in the last day or so talk us through what you've been hearing from that yes, that sounds good. it's always seems to be getting much worse in each passing dollar . what we are hearing right now confirmed reports of from rough. i stated that people as they try to leave their residential home, evacuated from the areas where the air strikes are getting more relentless. the art dealer's feeling is getting more intense. are being shot at being a chase by the class captors, or simply getting a trapped inside these residential homes or in the areas they were asked to do to live further to the west and part of the city. that's part of an ongoing escalation . since the past 48 hours has started with this, a relentless attack, so the 10 sides that the north rent western part of robust city, they evacuations own where people with literally told through evacuated that air
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because it is a safe zone in order to avoid being bonds, but in this, in the being killed in bond inside those tense, then it's happened just within the past. also the 12 hours once again inside 10 sites that's evacuations on it's not far away from the 1st side and we're 21. people reported killed the vast majority happens to be women and children right now, this really military and it's a ground occupies forces, are concentrated their attacks. now along the gibson guns, a border that's the full adult. be her door on the along the border with egypt. all the way to the western. 4 leading to some of the some find areas, the valuations are also concentrate on the north and west through the hardware. the vast majority of the valuation of the milwaukee zone is located. where are we looking at a 1000 of still displaced palestinians? families are there because simply they don't have any other place to evacuated to further to the northern eastern part of roof i city. very close to the area between
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the gauzy reviewing hospital and the, and the, and drop off city where people are being shut out, or it'd be and targeted by artillery, shooting. again, they don't have a safe route to leave the area. the situations are escalating by the hours. there is an intense bonding campaign going on across the city. contrary to what we heard from the american officials describing that operates run has not, is limited in fox. what's going on the run. so just otherwise, it's a quite unlimited and our dealers and they, they go as far as the facility took away the hospital and the valuations on, while the occupying forces on the ground operated aggressively in the southern parts and the southern western part of the city. and honey, as this bombardment continues, i know you've been telling us that most of the hospital is on functioning. what is the situation now for civilians, particularly in the south? and rafa you were telling us that people can't even leave their homes. what about the people who are in these displacement comments, for instance, what support for them?
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well people in fact wishes on were really experiencing quite difficult living conditions in ability of are they not? and the, the lack of access to basic necessities then, and basic supplies such as water and food were quite difficult in the past. and right now with the intense funding campaign taking place is becoming very difficult . these areas are on equipped, unprepared disliking the infrastructure necessary for displace families and individuals just due to, to continue. and you can because combat the, the living conditions are created by the ongoing, a bombing campaign. and what weird being right now in morals and difficulties i know almost of a block on in $32.00 areas where there is water, reason, water source for them or food supply we understand from or international organizations such as the wi fi was suspended, the delivery of aide in those areas giving that is in terms of the confliction,
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these areas are not safe. there's 0 safety guarantee for the employees on the ground to deliver it all. the other organization like the palestine risk, preston unable to operate safely in the areas and it provides a necessary medical intervention and save lives in their similar organizational are taking the same action. suspending large the old operations and leaving entire population not only traumatized, but also right now going hungry and also lacking the basic safety elements for their existence. and what's the very latest for us from the ground reporting from darrell bala in central gaza? thank you very much. on, on this phase palestinians, and rafa say they all know say phones in the entire cause of stress. aus is here, as i'm sure if i've what i'm or was it a, make shift comp and on the wasi in southern gaza often is rarely strike that kills at least 21 palestinians that he spoke to those who survived the attack. and this as report as no means you did too heavy and oh god, what was your dnc a month ago?
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was that a b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is the 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after the is really military designated it a safety mounted terry and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter. yeah. awesome and how many of your family members have been killed. 2 my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life, i lost a piece of my heart. what do these realities want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary. 7 i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family,
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all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them. the v is really is claims that were off, it was safe. 2 to the heart understood all we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did, and bella and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze and strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony, god, god, we all know like i was the what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely, no. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony, taste, the same bitterness. feel the same pain we experienced done the at that deal. i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of rafa. shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those and re, for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really war plans were intense funding,
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so i'll shut up phones upon the behind. i said, if we don't go far in the most of those killed were women and children. truth in what ways play and here they were all to pieces. body parts. scott said all over the place, women and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims families were displaced from all shots, the area in gauze city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to what did i say when asked if you had the a month because it has is clearly noticeable. there is no safe ants in the entire gaza strip. displaced people's tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the see. the is really air strikes are intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians are still have a blah, blah. this is just the all mo, off the alpha. on the bottom left ministration says they will be no policy change
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towards israel of to sundays attacks and rough or where $45.00 palestinians were killed and says, these really operation did not cross the red line. the president drove by them set 2 months ago. how does your customer is in washington? what's more of us officials condemned the loss of life resulting from israel's. we can strike that killed civilians at a camp for displaced. people near rossa state department spokesman that miller said the incident was tragic, but repeated israel's preliminary finding that the strike occurred. 1.7 kilometers from the designated humanitarian, se stone. he said, it's unclear how that led to a fire in which at least 45 people died over at the white house national security council coordinator john kirby said the us was waiting to see israel's full investigation. and he downplayed reports of his really tanks in rough, a center. we still don't believe the major ground operation and ross is warranted.
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we still don't want to see these, or at least as we say, smash and or offer with large units over over, over the large pieces of their territory. and we still believe that we haven't seen that. how many more chart courses does he have to see before the president considers change? we don't want to see a single, more innocent life taking and i kind of take a little offensive. the question, no civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties. the as well, so off again, so going to the polls and a general election that could impose a challenge to the governing african national congress for the 1st time and 3 decades just in the past hour or so, the presence around the pose of cost, his version so after the full, in the anti apologize, activist is also the president of the n c. but reason polls show that policy getting less than 50 percent as
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a national alert during unemployment rolling. how it cuts in violent crime, all key issues. and the selection will that spring in for me to mellow. she joins us from outside that holding station where we're on the postage as posted interest to me to as we've been saying, there's been plenty of discontents in the lead up to the selection. lots of that directed ad run the poses and said took us through what is talked about his minds today. while you've mentioned some of those key issues that we've had similar from the voters, have come to this posting station in show willow. it, it's also very much what you do here in many parts of the country, those rolling blackouts which have affected the economy, which in turn affect jobs. a lot of people have lost jobs in recent years. also attached to the cobra depend they make which old africa is still trying to recover from. so with a, it's crime corruption. the rolling blackouts, the state of the economy, people are very unhappy many at this illusion to with the agency specifically young
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people. now the president sort i'm of course uh just voted at this voting station and advanced the media shortly to full bath. and he said despite these challenges, despite those issues, he's confident that the amc will get that 50 percent majority. he says he knows that without adult and that the amc has data for multiple campaign and he's worked across the length and width of the, of this country. so certainly not putting across any impression that he is none of us. but at the same time, he's left us holding station to continue a campaign trail in various areas. one think to be visible. so to me, last push pull uh votes for the amc. i found that it, we were talking about long, long lines, hours on the streets outside these probably in stations as people ways it diversion and previous elections. but i know there's a ton out, has been declining. how does it look so fond today?
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well, so far today, a people have been trickling in that one point will media at this venue then, then boats as simply because the president's was do here. we continue to see some votes is coming in, but the polls do close at 9 p. m. local time, so a lot of time for people to come through and it is back just like back to the influence the the timeouts potentially analyst have spoken about could with the accessibility to the 23000 voting stations across the country. but they is considered around to vote to apathy and again, the keys back to young people whether or not they're interested in voting. whether or not they think of them off will make a change because a many may say that they don't think democracy. oh, voting will bring the change that they want that will make a difference because they've seen such poor performance from the african national congress. and perhaps wonder who else to go to. and if that party would make any
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difference, stop position. parties oppose hoping for as high a turnout as possible so that they hopefully that they would have video to do both as a, to cost the ballots and save up their parties. unless they've said the amc could possibly do well if there's a lower turnout because the people coming out would be committed to the party and would stick to that boat and, and the agency would, would lie on that loyalty but still very early to say what the turnout would be, but there are many who say that he won't exceed perhaps 60 percent that the most will continue hearing. and of course i on, on o election developments in south africa today from the middle of that for us. and so which i will leave it up now. thank you so much. i. oh, still a head here on houses here. i'm dropping trash from the south korea raises a sting, golf. the dozens of balloons launched from the know the
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hello. after per site. it's dry, a 7 month stretch on record. we've caught a bit of rain in the gauge. i shouldn't say, look at this 26.2 millimeters that made it your heavy as rain in nearly 300 days. so here's where the rain is on thursday, the kimberly through the red center rate into the bite. now once this disturbance swings through, it's going to the bus down those temperatures. look at adelaide and melbourne, 17 degrees, and then that rain rolls through a c, t and new southfield state. let's go to new zealand still is cool breeze, but those waynesville shift around on friday, so your temperatures will go up. and there's been some more flooding in southeast 2 of the ways, the, and central kelly, montana, and borneo island. but north of this very active type food drag and a lot of rain across the south china sea here. and it has been particularly bad for southern china, southern guns, you probably, and sir, we've had copious amounts of rain at century down ports here. so that clogged up
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the streets and we've got more of this in the forecast. unfortunately, you're not out of the woods yet. so the storms lining up from the yangtze river valley right down to the pearl river valley including one g providence. and here comes our tie from getting close to japan, but stain to the east may throw a bit of rain for the pacific coast of sure. cocoa and haunts you. islands on thursday. see a unique perspective, a deep fake image of donald trump with flood photos to try to win over black voters . these are real but the harm is incredibly real. it on hub voices is our responsibility to make sure that future generations are not lied to connect with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. young americans, in particular, have been extremely critical of the united states as role in the us. the stream on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the fucking imagine watching all to 0. let's remind you about top stories. the ssl in these really minute tree is expanding its presence further into the central and western parts of rough us. there's also sees more of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia cargo. we want at least 21 people have been killed. and then it's really striped on a captain. i'm a wasi in southern cost. just carried out best and 48 hours off to another attack. killed 45 people and rough phones. so the africans versioning, and
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a general poll to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies. presidents around the poses african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decking the powers hunting. and i'll talk top story as well as we're on cause that we are getting reports. the 3 is really soldiers have been killed and the fighting in rafa. israel has bound down to 0, so a correspondent and wrong con is joining us now from the to damian capital. i'm on iran, we've just been getting official confirmation of this. and the last hour or so, what more do we know about exactly what happened? a well, the is really, i mean i've actually named the soldiers. they named as stuff sergeant, i mean, they've got a love who's 20 years old stuff sergeant we bought or who is will say 21 and stuff . so either apple who's 21 years old as well. they were killed by an explosive device that was set off in the roof of 3 of the soldiers were also wounded in the
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incident. also in the separate instant on wednesday morning, one soldier was wounded in northern garza. another is 2 soldiers was severely wounded in the northern cause a ship as well as a know the soldier in southern gauze. and this just goes to show you how tough the fighting actually is on the ground. and every time the is the death of a soldier, people put pressure on the is really government to try and come up with some side the ceasefire. some sorts of agreement to get the whole stages out. all of that leads to pressure build a very significant support for this will within mainstream is right. you society. but even in har hotline supposes of the government are now beginning to question every time we see instance like this, what is the end game of this will? and that's really the dividing division, which ring in the will cabinets as well. um, fed against one of the senior ministers in a little cabinet and the defense vents, the gland keep pushing us and know who to come up with
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a plan that will keep soldiers from dying. and then, you know, who seems to be resistance that saying we just need to go in the feet to come up and went on that with all the latest on this for us, a reminder again, benjamin ethan yahoos cabinet has banned out to 0. so we are approaching from outside israel the united states as arguing the head of students and forces to take immediate action to end of the conflict and his country. us secretary of state and to me banking said this during a phone call with general abdul festival abraham. the conflict between 2 dawned on me and the permanent few rapid support forces has been raging since april last year, getting over 14000 people and displacing more than 9000000. the u. n says the country is now experiencing the wild west tongue of crisis. of all those
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prosecution and defense lawyers have rest of the cases and the hush money trial of former us president donald trump. the jury in new york will begin their deliberations in the coming hours. trump is facing full criminal trials, but this is the only one that's expected to deliver a verdict, the full, the presidential elections in november. john henry, my thoughts in the 1st criminal trial with a former american president is the defendant, a national spectacle that divided the nation. both sides have rested their case. as prosecutors wrapped up closing arguments on tuesday, donald trump, supporters and some high profile critics once again gathered outside the court room . we've forgotten the lessons of history that showed us other clowns who weren't taken seriously until they became vicious. dictates trump, we have a 2nd chance and no one is laughing. now,
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this is tied to stop in. prosecutors argue the trump conspired with employees and a tablet publisher to cheat voters by paying off adult film star stormy daniels to keep her from disclosing a 2006 affair. with trump. on the eve of the 2016 presidential election, trump who sat with a hand written note reading this case should be dismissed, argues the trial is a political hit job. we're leading by prosecutors presented cohen's bank statement showing the $130000.00. he wired just stormy daniels lawyer on october 27th 2016. just 12 days before the election. they had written notes, cohen testified, detailed, $50000.00 in other expenses. and his reimbursement scheme double what he paid out to account for income taxes. he said the payments made in $35000.00 installments
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and signed by trump were discuss why is this legal fees becomes lawyers argued, he did nothing wrong. they said the payments made through trump's then lawyer michael cohen were legitimate legal fees. and the cohen lied about the payments and trumpets affair with daniels which daniels herself confirmed in intimate detail. whatever the outcome, some historians say, the trial could correct. a historic mistake president, gerald ford's 1974 pardon of richard nixon as a potential to say yes, the most powerful people are held to the legal system, just like the rest of us. whether trump will become the 1st former president found guilty of criminal conduct as he seeks to return to the white house, is now up to a new york jury to sir john henry and l g 0. peruse president dean i bought a while to is on the investigation accused of accepting bribes in the form of luxury watches. but it was who was questioned by prosecutions on tuesday for about
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3 hours. if sufficient evidence is found, the 61 year old could face and impeachment trial and be removed as president. the scandal erupted back in march, offered for the under 10 rolex watches were found in half possession. pacey's transitional council has selected a new prime minister as the country continues to grapple with severe gang violence . gary konita has been chosen by the 9 member council to take office. he had briefly solved as prime minister just over a decade ago. the transitional counsel itself took over in april in a process and re establishing stability. security forces have struggled to contain um, gangs who still controlled about 80 percent of the capital portrait prints. well, the little there in, quote is the editor in chief at i board post and he explained the challenges facing this new prime minister as to where he can see um, you know, how he, upgrades as a premier. so he has a huge task ahead of him. um for, i mean,
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the 1st one would be to be with the cabinets um, in a deeply divided um, you know, presidential guns who were uh, you know, most of the members of actually before did fine. but yeah, most people, factions, instead of these new and very diverse leadership of the country where 7 members, some of them, you know, have buying different interests and, and, and different ways of seeing how the country should move forward. so you'd see to see how he, you know, the composition of 7 a to me. and he's also work in the, you know, how he, we move in the country to day 80 has initially 0 elected officials. the elections were not a whole certain time. the last elected president attorney was estimated to back in
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2002 and seen work. and you know, after that the international community helps. uh, you know, the, you know, become damaged. but he made many promises and cleans you know to, to best buy in the country. and, you know, he's about to elected officials, but he failed columbia. congress has banned full fighting. following is a failed attempt to prohibit the activity. this force is to be gradually phased out and then completes the board by 2027. a country is just one of 8 where the support has remained legal. sunrun patsy has worn out from the top. a new, really after years of strain, use political battles. columbus congress banned bull fighting nationwide. it brings to it, in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers that
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a spit man against boons. ever since once popular entertainment has been losing signs in recent years, as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds . during getting to a pastime for a small elite in the country, is to this victory, reevaluate the culture. we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals to the amusement of a few insensible people. supporters and detractors of the tradition squared off in congress lowers house before the long delayed boat, etc. that includes romantic dean, a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us fixtures and speeds. he says he dedicated his entire life to the bulls case,
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the insurance. okay. the hardest part of the prohibition is that even if they help us find another job, even if i find something that pays me better, i simply don't understand life for the bull fighting the sensation. i feel when the bull passes alongside me, is something i will not find anywhere else. the law proposes banning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers must have t y because on the 5th generation both reader gonzales sense the son, some of the knowledge that bull fighting official, now those are a dying breed, but believes the law will mean and then for the animal together myers instead of that's huh. yeah, kyle, i for k, this breakable only exist to fighting. and the cow is kind of the use of milk for us. these boys are like god, who instead of dying and a slow to house like most animals,
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have an opportunity to defend themselves even save their lives. and up in the remaining fighting those in columbia will likely end up being sold in other countries where the practice continues. or that see that this boat confirms that this old tradition which use to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. allison that will be at the edges eatable good, that supplies of food and medicine are beginning to arrive on the scene and puffing your guinea. following friday's lands live, it's estimated to have killed thousands rescue teams are watching to recover more bodies and the northern angle province. the government has ordered nearly 8000 people to evacuate their homes. of to a warning of morland's lives. south chris miller. trey says hundreds of millions carrying waste with send over the border from north korea. the incident caused


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