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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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of the is there any forces move further into central and western parts of rasa? almost all the hospitals in gauze, southern most city are out of stuff, the color that i'm misspelling. the attain. this is out of their life. the also coming nowhere is safe and garza houses here a speech to survive is of in his really strikes had killed at least $21.00 palestinians and accounts and on the last name alaskan presidents over on the pose of votes in a general election with his african national congress policy facing its biggest challenge and thousands of student needs refugee stranded in
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a forest area. and he can't go on hunger strike, demanding access to food and met the whole we begin in gaza where he is really minute treat is moving its forces even further into central and western parts of rafa. of the plunging the city into total darkness over night. as well says it's now in control of 75 percent of that for the area with egypt known as the for the delphi card. will you see it there in orange? that area is around 14 kilometers long. it's intended to be a demilitarized buffers and running along the border between garza and egypt. one person has been cal's and several wounded. meanwhile, as the result of a strike targeting agrees with people east of rafa. and in central rafa, the space families are trapped inside their residential homes. nearly all of the cities hospitals are out of service fall in
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a moment. we'll get more on israel stated goals and gaza from that correspond him on conduct fast. let's find out what's happening on the ground and speak to honey, my floor. he's inside garza honey. clearly more is ready trick my friend and ross out over the last day or so. can you talk us through what this actually looks like to people there on the ground? yes, well, we're looking at very dire situations right now and undergrad, they keep involving it too much more complexity. we just spoke on the phone with the upset and medical is stuff inside that m a rock deep re crescent the hospital. that's a pediatric drafts rate. health facility for children in dropbox stated that is different than they more of the field. the hospital has been pushed out of service and wherefores to relocate into the back relation zone in western con you and it's in the northeast evacuation, but this particular the rate front vending moratti's hospital robot has that come under fire targeted to the gate of the hospital also the rooftop of dell instead of
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just been a panic and man inside the hospital for the medical for the children inside as well as their their parents who are filtering inside the facility we were told they are in the preparation of leaving the facility, taking the transferring the children everyone into a safer area, if there is a safe area across the, the han units or the western part that's the evacuations are but from over, not a tax all the way to this hour, this really military just intensified is the tax that constant created it's a presence and by time so i'm a vehicle along the philadelphia para gord, that's a long day gyptian, iraq backorders and taken over the remaining part of this really military push and deeper to the center that, that in the southern and the southern western part of robot city as well as the northern eastern part of the city. the remaining part of the city is being
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dominated by the quad copiers by surveillance of drawing. those are a type of drugs or keep chasing people are trying to evacuate the areas where they are caught in line or fires. people are trapped inside the residential homes, unable to leave, to go to either the evacuations or the mazda that has been targeted repeatedly. just within the past 2 days, we're looking at close to 60 people were murdered inside their tens and 2 separate relentless air strikes. honey must one day with all of our lives as far as from the ground reporting from del bala and central goes up. thank you, honey. let's take you to a live event happening right now in ramallah, palestinian and g. o. as in professional unions holding a press conference on the catastrophic situation and goals and let specimen is nothing but ink on paper, the international community remains silence. must accomplish a man to the crime being perpetrated by these ladies who are based on forces in
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guys us through. i help you together with other representatives of what the media i'm up in and the as well as that n g o. as i'm on the, to my, the bulk of the headset fullness together with our colleagues who will join us to be on a video from guys. this trip can also be a one. i hope we model together would be able to give me, i'm this guy that ain't what it deserves and expose these. he knows practices by this lady of commission forces at the beginning of the way it will be done and then the mediums by the video clip the previously recorded by i'm sure this was the head of human italian work and did it about a good
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afternoon. they're doing good, but i was speaking to you from inside dad about in the guys this trip to the one i'm speaking to you from is dated by the city that is receiving a massive influx of displays. guys, since the situation is, di as it is more than that, it is even worse than it was at any given day in the past. it is they die of even more was then yes of the day i made
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this intensive ruthless bombard made by this vehicle based on forces dogs think every form of live own across guys, this trip from hospitals to institutions don't residential homes to and for us to have to look that in addition to the us for the denial of humanitarian aid in to guys us to have all these factors together have contributed to the exacerbation of humanity and condition. lack of fluid supplies may be kept supplies thousands of families in the sense that again as low as it area are left without any center. let alone food supplies. the situation is good. things die out
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or by the minutes made the roadless merciless, bombard made by these really war planes or acts of genocide or being there. but today to that again, is guys what the left of food items is, has run out. people are left without any water supply, but the under will ground low to you. the situation is dire, it is grave. speaking of the health condition, it is even worse to many hospitals out i would. those operates in the bank, shift hospitality, both up, but that a good i sent is already out of service. it was store but that destroyed by these ladies this morning or the medical units and pharmaceutical and medical supplies, points, clinics,
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whatever put up by that it's good. i sent was already out of operation. many diseases and, and debbie people have broken out among the population, especially what the doctor said during the needless to say that the sewerage, water has all flooded a mind and between the tents. what is required, though, is to declare gas the strip as, as salmon stir a kid area. as simon as 3 can zones on the contrary to what is being forwarded. so lady voltage that the situation is getting better, it is not. on the contrary, it is getting worse and worse, it is, exacerbating mainly and send to the guys that ad in the south. we. so the act
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together to bring those lady aggression to an end, to protect you who ever left and whatever left the wrong guys, the guys and band time statement. the very important statement about the, the month click on an s o s message to declare guys this thread at simon's break. and so that as there is a lead zeno sidewall and does the 8 months, the palestinians, namely that guys and reading and go to starvation. the whole lack of food supplies, lack of medical supplies. that will be by, you know, these threads of malnutrition,
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mind children, the i, the ration and vitality is not only as victims, silver embodied made but is due to starvation and outbreak of diseases lets alone the contamination and pollution goes by the over flood of sewage, water many they'd bodies addis they wrapped underneath that one's let alone many other dead bodies are to stand about to be moved strewn on the roads in that that made it when the destruction of gas, as in for us that i've chosen, the absence of feeling has resulted in total sation of the day. so it's network system as that is all the so which will do it has all of our floods without any possibility to 3,
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to dispose of this water and weighs the rising temperature outbreak of diseases and epidemic has become effect on the ground. 7th, defense themes, all across guys, this thread are being targeted by these a co pays on forces. total destruction of or ex heavy equipment. as that is on the 7th day offense is no longer able to remove the debris or a covers the did they bodies bedded underneath that goes into the into madison a little on the human rights starter. yeah. the simon cannot be used as a weapon. again, is a civilian population, according to article $54.00 of the additional parts of gold through geneva convention, for the convention of 1977. that property and for a structure and basic necessities of civilian populations must be protected though
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. does it days, floral habit to, to closet, destroy, or hendo that drives for days of medical supplies or food supplies, or to dog farm land live the stock, or they produce it. there's also prohibited su dogs and or destroy networks and irrigation or water system. it is, is why is going to stop the population to force them out of gas us through our goal is to, to get to the 14th of the 2nd edition of brought the coal of the 4th geneva convention of 1977. that it is borrow habit, to stop the civil population as an act of aggression. it does also prohibited to target or destroyed property or other
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basic necessities of live for the survival of civil population. altogether 6 of vents and that's a good amount of chords roll on the statute that any act because committed with the end dates in by them. so that is an ethnic group. yeah. a nation as nic overlays as groups when gunners to be boss or ho, you will be able to get that ised as an act of genocide spots. getting 11 stipulates that mad has that i do of the day and sufficient quantities of food necessary to they've survived the
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states, but due to the convention are required due date, then it says so the images to ensure humans basic, right to live, namely food. this includes the $1030.00, but a vision of measure was handed down by the i c de web i that is sponsible officials can be prosecuted and brought to justice, including those who and pay the delivery of the lease aid the practices and policies imposed by this lady a co pays on forces on the population of guys this trip here pretty much the can be capitalized and called for the liability. and we demand they made did c. so i'll facilities on good to get an installation
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policies to deny the delivery of the leave aids and a and a report there should. and march 9th, 2024. that, that has come to the conclusion that simon is eminent on unless it is a li, hostilities are brought to an end and the civilian population are granted full access to food medicine and other basic necessities. that's why that is required to restore health service facilities of the clean water and sewage and installations include the electricity to the civilian population since march hostilities again, as does the video population by is a continued despite the fact that some hey, i'm going to tell you in a was delivered to the northern part of guys,
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this trip is yet not sufficient to cover the people's needs or meet on the bed. the need for, for 3, the on the site and we call the united nations and the palestinian, the authority to declare that as a strip, as, as simon and but loose and the stake end zone as populated pollution. and this is out on the outbreak. this declaration must be adopted by the palestinian authority as well as the united nations. together with the, the local, regional, and global community, and an emergency plan put in place to address this issue is to allow the unconditional delivery over leave aide into guys, us trip above old bank. the old lowest responsible for the commission of war crimes
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and crimes against humanity be brought to adjust this week on, on, on the human rights activists. i'm old. those didn't support those. so i and this petition in order to be presented to both the palestinian authority and the united nations. until guys a strip is fully declared a famine historic and zone long lives. guys. thank you. that's the note for you. we have collected one hundreds of taking it shows and we held that this done, but it will leads thousands if not to 1000000 together with the following functions . that activities to be organized over the coming days until with each hour ago, i give the floor the headed me out loud as the member of the human rights gans.
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it's so kind of the problem. thank you for being here today. last year and your uh, the full coverage by the mass media. this is this x oppressive of the humility, or how you couldn't size the size of the grave de jersey hovering above a bunch of guys that guidance and the entire agency. it also reflects the significance of the message, the i p is loans today from head to as in the international community, particularly the united nations, to immediately act at and declared guys as a famine historic and zone and older to handle whatever or,
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and whoever left from the mind getting those in guys and instead of bring gigabyte is layla, is more crime genocide than rolled into to and, and then as late as continue to defy the international criminal court, the internet setup court of justice and then thought a global community. how many years continuing with the dental side war over the i'm the most heinous of which was witnessed the day before when civilian population and then wed bomb by the united states maids american missiles, where we a today that the united states is an accomplice. and this
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crime name and as they continue to support as well and provide them with weapons, an ons, a little above old. see with the total political and diplomatic cover them, let alone the military and financial support for those aid is to continue to perpetrate . getting and destruction of mind our people in g as the internet so that the humanity in law stipulates and provides for protection to civilian populations under occupation and population civilian population at the times of for the human rights taught us all of which without exception save god the woman's right to life has gave and foods when, how, including potable water and how to set up and then an item in the
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internet so that the good a set of human rights has a she was clear and it's wording including it's more so the articles don't in the international sort of hitting political rights. so son rides or the one piece of legislature it provides was the same. it is very noticeable that while you send this thing that to a press conference and ramallah any occupied westbank with palestinian and yours unprofessional unions. have been briefing on the catastrophic situation in gaza. they've paid testimony from central golf and describing the lack of supplies and the situation on the ground that now these groups are emphasizing the extent of the founding. that the destruction of infrastructure and facilities, the lack of fuel deteriorating hygiene conditions,
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as well as the spread of disease as the weather and cause as warming, have also laid down breeches of international load taking place. and they're launching an appeal from all action from both the palestinian authors. he and the united nations, including declaring widespread phenom and as well, the space palestinians and last are all saying they on the so called safe stones anywhere in the cause of stress out is there is i sure if i plumber when to make shift, captain alman wasi himself often has rarely strike that killed at least 21 palestinian . he spoke to some of the survivors. he has his report. let me get the g heavy. oh god, what the, what you did a few of them up gotta be and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is a 3rd wave of air strikes committed by the israeli forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after the is really military, designated, a safety mandatory and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for
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shelter in a minute. and how many of your family members have been killed. 2 my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life, i lost a piece of my heart. what do these realities want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary. 7 i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them. the v is really is claims that were off, it was safe. 2 to the heart understood all we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did, and bella and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze and strip displacement is not
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a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony, god, god, we all know like i was the what is your message to the world? oh, absolutely, no. i wish all those responsible will go through this same agony taste the same bitterness feel the same pain we experienced the dead gabriella. i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up the west of rafa. shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rough or the air strikes carried out by the as really, war plans were intense funding. so i'll shut up phones upon the behind. i said the bar in the most of those killed women and children. truth in what ways play and here they were all to pieces. body parts. scott said, all over the place, women, and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims, families were displaced from all shots, the area in gauze,
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a city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to what did i say or not. if you had the month because it has is clearly noticeable, there is no safe ants in the entire gaza strip. displaced people's tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the sea. these really air strikes are intensifying, well targeting, mainly displaced civilians are shut off, blah, blah. this is just the, all mo, off the offer is around has band all to 0. so a corresponding iran con joins us now from the georgia indian capital. i'm on iran . i see these really is all saying they expect the slicing could continue until the end of the year, at least, and that's out. so you're right in a speech given to the can broad costa, the national security advisor. exactly. and that can be said inside garza, the adf is in control of 75 percent in the philadelphia,
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colorado. and i believe it will be in control of it all with time together with huge actions. we must ensure the weapons smuggling is prevent a preventive and then he goes on to say he expects the fight to, to go on into 2024, which is very quickly. the philadelphia, colorado is these really code name for the border area between garza and egypt. it was designed to try and start weapons smuggling and to move the legal movement of people. it's a key agreement between egypt and israel. but i agreement is actually in many ways fall into pieces because it's supposed to be the palestinians and control. but now israel says they've got 75 percent of it. i am on con the, with the very latest for us unfolding today from the domain and capital a non thank you very much and we're on a reminder that benjamin netanyahu was cabinet, has banned l 0. so we are proposing from outside is around. well, that's it for me. and just as a reminder, you can always find knoxville on our website that's out of here at dot com. whether
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it's next then inside story, it takes a little decades long piece deal between egypt and israel. stay with the hello. it's been pouring rain in, southern china. so this is southern gwen g. providence. copious amounts of rain falling here. water logged roads. tough to get around and unfortunately we've got more of this in the forecast for thursday, these storms winding up from the gang seats of pearl river valley. once again striking one g with some pretty solid bands of rain. it's a hot day though, for china is capital beijing, 34 degrees and we've got some rounds of rain for ne china that will plague harvet to the middle east. we go those winds finally starting to back off through the gulf . but we've still got this hot wind blowing down from the rock because it does so the temperature inc wait,
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50 degrees. you didn't hit 50 degrees until about mid july last year. so this is certainly early. also, it's heating up now for southern bucket strong, correct? you could close in on 40 degrees, and we could see some sand and dust storms here over the next little bit. temperatures falling off a bit through northwest india, so there's weather alerts starting to drop off for that intense heat. and if we look at a wider picture, take the colors off. now for india, the storms that we have in the far northeast. so for example, in a some states, those will start to peter out as well. but our monsoon rains still running into the coast of careless state and southern india on thursday bye for now. the fruitful mode is to take them out into the country and the k o l g 0. well, goes to gammon with political schools in the 1980s, with sexual bias. there was a big back. so how many battles in which south humans, president was part of
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a deadly game? i refused to give them my head, give up power the killing of self human. the politicians during a routine cabinet meeting, a 1986, an estimate of an assassination on al jazeera. so tenuous is the decades old piece deal between egypt and israel. the latest exchange of fire on the border exposes a franchise political relationship. the 2 countries insist piece is best for teacher choice. but for how long as the warren guides of regents, this is inside store the hello and welcome to the program and serve any a officially egypt and israel are at peace. but beneath the surface a diplomatic dispute has been.


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