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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  May 29, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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to 11 east meets north, korea's influence is coming out new lives online. despite the risk on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm way lower rock. this is an use our line from the coming up in the next 60 minutes. is really forces pushed further into the central and western parts of it off off a, bombard some areas along cause us border with egypt the morning and where and where,
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where i see is rarely strikes. killed $21.00 palestinians at a camp for the displaced and a so called save. so a 100 roads the sale for most, for towards. and we have a lake or for to frustration as the polling booths. south africa as governing agencies faces the biggest ever look total challenge in 3 decades and daily reports and you have highest temperature ever as mercury touches $52.00 degrees celsius. and you want to go with the sport fox plan. i have a point to the new head coach. the spanish joins have announced form of germany and fine medic, mileage it has like will take over from chevy the for the again this news our and gaza where it was 22 palestinians have been killed
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across the strip since early wednesday. and this comes as the is really military is moving its forces further into the central and western parts of it off our city in the south and is real says it's not what control a 75 percent of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia cord or the area is 14 kilometers long and intended to be a di, militarized buffer zone, running along the border with casa and egypt. and also her at least 15 palestinians killed as a result of his really strikes and shelling and central it off off displaced families trapped inside residential homes. nearly all the cities, hospitals are out of service. i mean, it's really a tax are concentrated in northern western rough or such as and the west evacuations their own. i'm along the philadelphia core door so. so tom has also been targeted repeatedly in the past few days. meanwhile, heavy artillery shelving has been reported near the european hospital. that's an area between that offer and hon. eunice. to us,
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a bag begins our coverage a dangerous task for ambulance crews driving through the streets and reflected, reach the injured find one man with the truck. no boots for 98 months now they've dealt with the constant flow of get them into people. but the so that the, the we artist, even human, is quotes for help from citizens as part of targeting to escape people. and these areas that this thing even in the safe areas and the difficulty for ambulance is to reach the areas, is great to, to, to the targeting of the emergency champs. and i used to do a car belong to the civil defense of the truck in the seas. i'm going into the field with people needing medical help. what happened was an explosion took place and they were shop. now this is what happened with the old man got shrapnel in his head about the hospital emetics do what they can to treat the wounded. that's not
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the, it's the same for the few hospitals to operate and across cause of the shortage of beds and by defense of the european cause of hospital south of han, eunice, some patients that having to be treated on the floor a desperate attempt to save lives with the few resources they have left, i said big i was just there us in a moment we'll look at more on his real estate of goals and gauze or from our correspondence. so am i con, but 1st let's go live to angel for 3. inside garza and you're in the, there's bella, what more can you tell us about the situation along the philadelphia core door? ok, so let's 1st explain where is the philadelphia core door? it's the last point in the strip and it's the lot sense to separate. got the state from egypt, this really forces started occupying the eastern parts of dropbox and bathing more
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to definitively if an adult the car door and then being stationed on at touch side . and then they also invaded more into saliva being in the eastern parts of that's what i know there. in the heart of dropbox, the tanks are pushing deeper as the policy needs in dropbox are being dropped. they're not being able to evacuate those areas because they suddenly found the time surrounding them. and according to i will be posted in dresser. they're saying that the is there any horses are targeting anyone that would attract it back to a by that is really quite comforters. and, and as a, the is rarely forces a keep of pressing a to words, a more parts of the how are hospitalized coping? well, there's no hospitals in anymore. all of the hospitals in dropbox were taken out of
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service due to that and continue with his right the as hawks also due to the lot of fuel. i think we're receiving right now as a a more injuries where it's been, don't know where these injuries were coming from, but this is how is, how does the news re have any injuries by and is right in the air strikes as you see, it's okay. yes. no, we're trying to figure out who is injured, where they were injured, but it's more than one part of sending injured in this that's how you handle for that he was going to have to lose for sure. more injuries. right here and so they thank you so much for your part in your greatly appreciate
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it and israel or has the band alger 0. so our correspondence con is joining us now from jordan's at capital amman. and wrong um is really forces claim to have taken more territory. what, what can you tell us about that? well, the national security adviser is hacky and that'd be has been speaking to the can road costa in israel. he says inside because of the idea of his tub is now in control of 75 percent of the philadelphia, colorado. and i will be, i believe it will be in control of it. oh, with time together with the addictions we must ensure to weapons smuggling have prevented. he also said he expects the fighting in garza to continue throughout 2024 at least now. very quick background on the philadelphia, colorado is these really code names for that. both the area between garza and egypt and under the agreements the philadelphia agreement is supposed to be the miller tries. but that hasn't happened. in fact, these are, these are very clear. they will not hold cardio and amanda,
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i understand also that the is really military has confirmed that 3 soldiers have been killed about 5. what else do we know? well that's exactly all 3 is where the army says were killed by an explosive device that was settled in rafa 3 the sold as well. so we ended an incident, but that's modal in 2 separate incidents on wednesday and choose a 3 soldiers were wounded as well. as another one in southern garza, every time a soldier dies every time a soldier is wendy to presents a political problem for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. there is division in the wood cabinet. the little cabinet supposed to be directing the will and the name, and they divided many games of the woman as the and the ongoing. the defense minister say that needs to be a plan for the day off to what problem mister benjamin netanyahu keeps on publicly is there is a plan. it's the destruction of how i'm asked by politically and militarily. but voice is all getting louder and louder in these really military and political
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establishment that suggests that those goals may not happen. all right, am i kind of not a reporting from the jordan? no, thank you so much. and at least the 2 palestinians that have been killed after and is really air read struck a home in the jamalia. there have been intensified attacks there for weeks now after is really forces re entered the north saying a mosse had regroup. there. my wife, a little lute, has more now from jamalia in northern casa, so it's of these that the way the ground operation and nothing does stress is not over yet. for 16 days, as the way to force this keeps advancing in the central areas of nothing goes as red as body forces have a full minute to control the value of a fidget camera shifts a little bit to that. here. in addition to a solution is and heavy us or re an area of attacks right now. slide preserves cross cap the shooting every little by and by the emptiness of these
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areas. and civil defense cannot reach the dead bodies industries just because of the heavy fire. the 200000 palestinians had to flee. nothing does a strip and the east of nothing goes trip to the west. as is where the forces altered, in order to have a safer place shows to all of these people had to flee without water or food or even best service in order to light of the dock. nice there. these people are experiencing under president township and at a crushing human started circumstances when it comes to food here, time in storms and hits. nothing goes again as nothing enters the touch of terry for a very long time. and people here are asking when there's well and all this place, palestinians that off,
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i say there are no so called saved zones anywhere in the gaza strip. i'll just 0. so i should have thought of where i'm going to. i went to a make shift camp and my where i see in the south after and has really started killed at least 21 palestinians who spoke to someone who survived the tuesday's attack. this is this report a number and you'd see heavy an o gotten with the way you did it. the other one up there is that a, b and we are currently in the western part of roughly in the milwaukee area. this is a 3rd wave of air strikes, committed by the is rarely forces in less than 48 hours displaced. palestinians came to this area after the is really military, designated, a safety mandatory and zone thousands flocked to the area and put up tents for shelter in a minute. how many of your family members have been killed? 2 my mother and father, the most precious thing in my life. i lost
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a piece of my heart. what do these riley's want from us? haven't they had enough? haven't they got a weary? good. i wish i was killed. i wish i can join them. what is life to me now? i will live in pain and agony, grieving over my family, all my life. it would have been better if i was killed with them. the is really is claims that we're off, it was safe. 2 the items that we were warned to leave tennessee dot and we did to did in bella, and we did. and the same to alpha. where is that safety? there is no safe engine. the entire gauze and strip displacement is not a picnic. it is nothing but pain and agony, sab, god beyond my well like i will be the, the, what is your message to the world,
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the blue. i wish all those responsible will go through the same agony case, the same bitterness feel the same pain we experienced the at that deal. i mean that dozens of civilians were killed and dozens more injured in taken to the makeshift hospitals put up west of rafa. shock and disbelief is overwhelmingly visible on the faces of all those in rome for the, for the air strikes carried out by the is really war plans were intense. uh, why do you use the shut off phones upon the behind? i should have it on the bar in the most of those killed women and children. children were always playing here. they were all to pieces. body parts. scott said, all over the place, women, and innocent children, there was no safe place in the entire strip. the victims, families were displaced from all shots, the area in cause a city. it wasn't the 1st time to be forced to move back to court and i say or not . if you had the a month because they it as is clearly noticeable,
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there is no safe and send the entire gaza strip displaced peoples tensor showered not only by missiles from drones in more plans, but also artillery shells from the land and warships from the sea. the is really air strikes are intensifying, well targeting mainly displaced civilians and i still have a blah, blah. this is just the all mo, off the, all of a new york times is reporting bombs using is really are a striking off the killed at least 45 people on sunday were made in the united states. the report says weapons experts reviewed visual evidence from debris at the location of the times found remnants of a g, b, u, 39 bomb designed and manufactured in the united states. it also says us officials of pressured israel to use more of the bombs to reduce civilian casualties. and omar shore is a professor of security and military studies at the institute for graduate studies
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. and he breaks down the significance of the bombs that were reportedly used off. yeah, idea spokesperson yesterday, if used to name it that he was us directly. what type of munition was used? and he described it as a small bomb for 17 kilograms precision. but if used to name it probably trying to avoid an embarrassment for the vitamin administration, but now we at least have an idea of it. thing is the, the model was not mentioned because the small dime at the bottom, the d, b, u has multiple versions. a so a small of the 17 kilograms and all the way up to over the 100 kilograms. so we don't know which version was used. and these precision guided the not always accurate. so we have about somewhere between 80 to 90 percent accuracy rates. uh, they can miss by a significant margin. and the problem in an area like profile was 65 square feet on which is only you have about now we're having a force of over 7 over 6 big gates the operating in that area and the population
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density of over $20000.00 per square. if you want me to. so anyway, you should with pistols not, not with a, a 100 kilogram. uh, precision guided bumped from an air strike. old with artillery. you're going to go to millions of. we're going to go in this in by standards including women and children. so i think it's, it's, it's, it's very telling you that this is allowed to, to continue. why is knowing that there will be significant dis, among the innocent people. space prime minister pamela sanchez, has welcome for ministers of the arab islamic ministerial committee on garza day after his government officially recognized the state of palestine. sanchez is hosting foreign ministers of guitar, jordan saudi arabia and took here in madrid, spain alongside ireland, and norway formerly recognized a palestinian state on tuesday. all the 3 european countries believe their initiative was a strong symbolic impacts that could encourage others to follow suit toilets, take, you know,
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live through the spanish or capital. a pol bro standing by in madrid. paul or what came out of that meeting of the well, a very strong reiteration tuesday's declaration or recognition of palestinian statehood. there's lot of praise for the spanish, from the foreign ministers of the countries that you mention cats out, jordan chucky saudi arabia and the representative from the organization of islamic corporation as well. that organization representing 57 nation states. and there was a huge amount of hope that this won't box and certainly it was a proof of proof we needed tuesday's recognition of comes to me and states would buy the 3 european nations. it wasn't just a one off of the photo opportunity pots of a concerted pressure, a diplomatic push, in order to advance because a piece essentially, we had from the spanish foreign minister who said capsule i was doing remarkable
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work as far as negotiating the release of hostages he said, what convinced that the 2 state solution is the only way to achieve peace. and you also said it was a vital to demonstrate a deep friendship with spain has with the out of wealth to jordan, jordanian foreign minister spoke about spain out of no way had done the right thing . and the jordanian minister saying he was trusting the other european nations which follow suit as well. and the rep, particularly strong words as well from the minister from the kingdom of saudi arabia. let's take unless we are here to say thank you for us to spain and to no way unto island. and to sylvania, for taking the right decision at the right time for being on the right side of history for being on the right side of justice. with all the doc we have seen as
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a result of the continuing human catastrophe. and cuz this is the right moment to give a beacon of hope to the 2 state solution to piece, to go systems that spend a lot lines recognition of the police to the instate brings to 9 the number of european union countries which have now recognize the state of palestine, the big ones are still holding out. so we're talking about u. k. france, germany, pressures on them to come down on the side that the spanish of already come down on like you all brandon and madrid. thank you for your continued coverage. the south africans are voting in a general election to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies and presents to remo force us african national congress is facing
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a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decades soaring unemployment, rolling power cuts and violent crime are key issues among voters well, for me to a miller system, for now, for you, from the way to immediate payoff to cost and use voltage. the way to presidents over on the plaza was back on the campaign trail for his party. the african national congress will and see a final push for a party in trouble. this is the day when south africa decides decides on the future of our country, who are sure to lead the government of south africa. and i have no doubt whatsoever in my heart of hearts that the people will once again, invest confidence in the african national congress to continue to lead to this country. but the latest polls indicate the party may struggle to reach
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a 50 percent majority in parliament. and if it fails, it would be forced to form a coalition. it's devin for 30 years with much of its support, tracing back to its origins as the liberation movement, opposing apartheid in south africa. so that demographic is changing nearly 28000000 people are registered to vote. many of them for the 1st time. it's obviously our 1st time and we don't really understand. so you know, what kind of politics that well, and we're trying to gather as much information as we can draw and research pretty as a democracy is a very long way that'd be found. so i just want to continue to help our country getting better. but politicians and officials are concerned. many young people may stay away from the polls. a high unemployment rate, especially among the young, is an good many of them to use uh, an important part of the selection clearly because as you go through the demographic, the younger you all the less likely your to identify with the agency for historical reasons. moreover,
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about 7 or 8000000 young south africans under fuzzy have declined to register for this word. so i stood of the eligible voting population. i'm not registered, they didn't effect and that back on electro deluxe. so address issues like corruption, lack last day, economy constant, paul, look at some crime, a likely to influence their vote. opposition parties are hoping for a high turn out the polls to grow their support and other things and know what turnouts makes. save of the governing proxy as many of it's supposed to have a long been loyal to wait. but many of the voters is spoken to say they will change . the most significant change may be the end of one party dominance and uncertainty, the amc and it's lead to suitable remo plaza for read them a low to 0. so it to her and which i san joys, me now live from a polling station in durban,
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a r i c. pull at voting is still under way. what have people been telling you of the old people are trickling in. it's a slow and steady stream. when they come in, they so the 2nd check that they name is on the votes as role, and then they get the salad papers and then they go in cost. they 1st and they have issues that many. so africans have which include unemployment crime. and they want things like service literally improves. some people will tell you that they don't have war 10. don't all think it was at their homes for up to 3 weeks. there was that issue addressed. this is jacob's, he was at home province. so people are waiting to see what his new m k paci is going to do, how they are going to for would they be able to take away votes from the governing african national congress and have a talk, you know, as well, not just to this province but across the country as well. and is that the ac is re election picture resonating with voters where you are?
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it depends. when you speak to the older voters, they will tell you that, remember, before potted ended in 1994 black south africans didn't have many rights in this country. so they see the ac is the much the ration. now people have rights. the fact that they can come and vote is a big achievement, but they do it knowledge that the a lot of things that have gone wrong in this country in terms of corruption service very, and just officials case of up to the pharmacist, the younger people, some of them you say that they learn from the parents about the agencies history and how important is that they focus, how does the variation but someone's saying all issues that were different. we don't have jobs who don't have access to basic services. they want things to change . the key thing, of course, is, is the a and c will offense or dominance. so relevant today and today's side for young's applicant about just anything. some of them waits, not the lines long lines of young people, at least in this part of devon. all right, let me start solve reporting from the police station in durham,
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and i thank you so much for your continued coverage us and never mind. and now the main contenders is space silva's elections has nelson long villa left the african national congress to power in 1994. the country's 1st election after apartheid ended on now led by presents. so remo is off the agencies. popularity has been shaken by high unemployment crime and country wide power outages. its main opposition is the centrist democratic alliance lead by john stain, has them. the party has pledge to rescue the country from corruption and mismanagement. and there is the far left economic freedom fighters, lead by julius lima. it wants to redistribute wealth and bring more of the economy under state control was elected to office. the president serves a maximum of 25 year terms. all right,
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joining me now is upholding backs. she is the advocate program deputy director at the international crisis group. and she comes to us from johannesburg. thank you so much for your time. what's at stake, and these elections? you the mention 74 in your records. i sent you just one of the agencies for the 1st time and is history probably going to lose its majority in the national assembly and is also stated to maybe use control of some of the country's most important approaches in terms of well and in terms of population and this will mean that they will have to enter into some sort of coalition, maybe at the provincial at home and also or the national no. so would you say that if the selection is basically a referendum on the ac?
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it's just some standards. the zimmerman. the previous elections, people 1st, it's just as important for the ac, but the outcome was more of a guarantee the ac with a majority of photos and now as non clear. and it's also not clear how uh coalition wasn't a coalition. government would look like, so there's more in the state and there's more so folks that will go to the position of which they are now about 50. so it's a very long list. so some of those folks on the process ha, said some colorful, some of the supports those new comers in the race and a lot of young people, especially how that there will be some difficulties, no forces go forward, step can come to you right now, a point in the event that a coalition needs to be forwarded, which is i understand you unprecedented. it hasn't happened before. will the ac you
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think be prepared to make concessions? well the problem is when they produce is that we get maybe the ac has and says that was part of this. and one of the sooner nicole is the same, they know that the total weight of majority. now there are several options that they could do. but of all these options depends how much focus, how many photos the ac we'll do. so it goes much beyond 50 percent on say they go to 40 percent, is because the people have to have several options to entrance each color relations . but it has to be one part of the step will add security percentage points to the total goal. so are we, we don't really know what the alcohol is going to be. so we don't really know what coalition partners are most likely. you know, the call as soon as possible, the sheet partners,
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but we don't know how many books they're going to get. so it's really the year to know which, which also makes it really quite exciting. me. i'm president of times indeed probably in the box, the advocate program deputy director at the international crisis group. thank you so much for joining us. greatly appreciated temperatures in parts of india's capital in new delhi have sort to a record high of 52.3 degrees celsius. the intense heat wave is straining a power grids and causing water shortages in various parts of the country. india is no stranger to scorching summer temperatures, but years of scientific research have found climate change is causing heat waves to become longer, more frequent and more intense. and we have our weather presenter here with us. so jeff harrington, breaking down the numbers for us. i believe this is called a scorcher, but this is more than that. what like you just said that there are no stranger to
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the scorching heat that they see. so every year around this time, this intensity kicks in before the summer monsoon rains arrive in this part of south asia, but while this year has been next level, here's the proof. never before has it been this hot in india? 52.3 degrees colors are on dark in the red. the 100 is. we've got that little star there because there's a number of numbers going around some higher, some lower than this, but the number we're sticking with is 52.3. again, that makes it the hardest state ever in india, the old record 8 years ago. this was in progress on stage in the desert, and roger's fun no less 51 degrees. that was back in 2016. but there is some good news coming on thursday. the highest level alerts issue for heat in northwest india are being dropped down to a level. so you see these temperatures and now starting to come down. but take this with a grain of salt because no one saw deli pushed past 50 degrees today on wednesday. but 45, the high for you on thursday. it's also been hot in pockets done
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a percent providence over the weekend, jacob a bad 52 degrees that wasn't far off your all time record. 52.8. temperature is an upper sin province are coming down, but where they're going to up is in southern same problem. so karachi, 39 maybe 40 degrees over the next little bit. and you've got this stiff wind off the rate the and see. so you could see some sand in dust storms there. okay. finally, that's once we get in on this as well. so still the colors are on. okay. it's 35, doesn't sound too bad and dark or right, but we just had a tropical cycle roll through there that injected a lot of moisture into the atmosphere. and now look what's going on. a breeze off the bay, a big goal here. that's pumping in the humidity. so on thursday doc a 35. but you factor in that cumulate x. it's going to feel about 48 so late like this seats not just contained to india, but really all of south asia. and as we found record break and he's never before this hot and no relief in sight, no relief in sight temperatures down a bit. but still this is
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a season we've got to wait for the months in range to arrive. all right, thanks so much jeffrey. well, appreciate it. thank you for the update. all right, in a red alert now for daily has been issued where there is an estimate of population of more than 30000000 people wednesdays. the measurements of 52.3 degrees celsius in a suburb of the capital was more than 9 degrees higher than expected, beating may 2020 two's record of 49.2 degrees celsius. many blame the soaring temperatures on scorching winds from branch of stock were temperatures on tuesday with the hottest in the country at 50.5 degrees celsius at how are you on? i've says 0. so the maximum temperature was recorded at 50.3 degrees celsius. more than 40 other places forever across the northern western states, also recorded temperatures over 45 degrees celsius. tourney, mino is blah blah blah blah. he is a,
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a science journalist with c television station and the tv and he joins me now. live from new delhi, sir. so good to have you with this. welcome to l, just 0. how were people dealing with the oppressive heat? but it's each of this time of the year is not uncommon for you as indians, nor houses each, as there are plenty of faith in these people try and keep them says, going forward in days. so do you do to shut down between 11 and 12 pm? that's no longer the case, but people know all the time. but now that it going to be coming on the best in the heat because of what i said because people the endorse. and then they step out basically in the heat. now let me add one small to that as equation for you. this didn't put you off with the dew points, and you degrees celsius plus i began to be refunded. i don't, they b is not all fission conformation. i spoke to be a beacon,
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the department of the up. i need confirm to me yet checking, but other cents 30 cents is working properly on. so using our client, most of the debbie be automatic with stations every quarter between $45.00 degrees and this is an outlier. so the, i think, but other sense that extensive worksheet probably sitting by the purchase of cross media of very high my own bones. um, which is doable in, but i just thought it loops the yesterday how to item for to possibly do was by the lease that's us and features and then be is people who come from the region know how to handle all of these individuals. but the modern gadgets, we have be those modest people, you know, be so we no longer live in science,
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very new houses and get those 10 photos, but dodge of buttons on, on a be a non living in a condition circumstances that people really need to be careful 40 titration at this time, absolutely. bridges times the height that it should, that the beat school age exhausted. all right, and people are dealing with i for, i feel for people who work outside in the sun for a long. exactly. and i will also was gonna ask you about how all this impacts the air quality, which is, you know, already abysmal. and now with the temperatures rising. you know, what kind of effects will that have to the kid was because this time of the year depends on the wind conditions. and the good news is that right now is a been very of about 1045 minutes an hour, and the wind speed, the f. what are the, what are the based on the conditions at this time? yes, but there's
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a lot of dust which is brought from the target into the city of barely and the neighboring region. but once it rains like this ponder bid is great. bends investments loan of the but every item but to please at this time, which is quarter to noon is very common for the northwest. and the indians have dated back for a long time. but yes, modern and living in labs which each i live in the back of cities makes it very large. and part of the areas are facing the e file mall. also, the power requirement has knows that he has the highest quality when the due date after what 8000. now, all of that combined, they did a complex problem for the complete right assignment, jane before the bus and that blah blah, bug. or we have to leave it there. thank you so much sir,
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for joining us. and so head here on alger 0, a big when for colombia as animal rights activists. a congress votes to phase out bull fighting and is for this greek team as a shot said, making your if you football, history details later in the show, the pod came in to be is israel and obstacles piece? i think that to move in the f one, his government with these 5 digit, you say getting russell, a thought provoking. odd since the e you made weapons being used in gaza. no guns should be used in an offensive way. that's our facing realities. you're running? mean, what does he bring to the table? hard from being presidential? could we go to some we cannot take the fact that he decided to present as not that important effective. he had the story on talk to how does era, oh, is it use it for young women,
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the south african town play by poverty break and murder baby. yet despite all, it's a community workers determined to provide refuge, long as the community keeps say, it's not my problem is always gonna happen. like one small town safe house. and with this documentary on that jersey to the, you're watching out a 0 reminder of our top story is this, our at least 20 to palestinians have been killed by is really strikes across, gone. so since early wednesday, 15 of them at off is really military sixpence. everything is presence further into
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the central and western parts of it. off it sees more of the border area with egypt known as the philadelphia core door. and the new york times reports bombs use and is really are a strike of that killed at least 45 people on sunday were made in the united states . the report says weapons experts reviewed visual evidence from debris asked the location. south africans are roading in a general election to elect parliamentary and provincial assemblies present. so rum, oppose as african national congress is facing a serious challenge for the 1st time and 3 decades. the hon. gary and government has signed a deal with bellows to help build the country. second, nuclear power plant on gary and the foreign minister made the announcement alongside the television counter participation counterpart rather in minsk packs to
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reactor has been under construction by russia state agency. rosa tom says 2014. while the $13500000000.00 project has experience, several delays along the way hungry buys most of his energy, by the way, from russia. last year, had reached an agreement with moscow to add to new reactors to it's packs. nuclear plants extending an original contract between the countries that was signed back in 2016. well as it continues to strengthen ties where the russia for nearly a year hungry has been blocking around $7000000000.00 in military 8 for you. create a new member states are becoming increasingly frustrated as it prevents them from getting their donations partially compensated to. and the sure partner is political analyst and professor of political science at stanford university in bro limit. he joins us now live from the german capital. sir, thank you so much for
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a being with us. how has this been received in the, you know, laid out? well, what i'm going to tell him that isn't happy if or congress and such a strong symbolic gesture to the world that's wrong is not as united as everyone wishes to be united. on the other hand, this is the normal status of the your union, the, not the states, but it's an organization all status for states. and that means that they all have to different for an odyssey. and they all have different relations. but otherwise, the world and different actions. that's a very diplomatic answer because this is obviously not the only flash point. there are several what are some of the other decisions by budapest that have not gone down well with other e u member states. so this is something that needs to take into consideration, that is the answer to this. so there's also
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a political relationship between the union and a member of china in 2004 and great feedback from being a member of the union. but ever since, in a very different direction from the state organization stands for as come to organizational values and principles. and you as a master, frequently sized time to read. but democratic backsliding in parliament listed a long list of developments that's don't really look like a waste of time democracy and this is no longer it says, paul, this is action. the european union freeze is transfers that are so huge. that's, i'm greece. total investment all one year is equivalent to what is currently not handed over to read. and therefore hungary is flooding with other parts of the world. it's not just florida with other parts of the world. i mean, it is both a member and a needle member, but it's looking for alternative partners by,
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you know, looking towards moscow and also beijing. a. yeah, to be say of the deal with russia in the g. u is not something that started off the russian aggression against ukraine. despite 2 times when germany happened, the signing, the men build a pipeline that has never been used. but still taking off the time was we reach out to and to be called out. mostly economically and then we can also live happily too therefore, in a very different moment in which so russian invasion in ukraine is not on territory, but it's an entire against what the european union stands for. it comes at the very best time in tennessee, 5 relations with russia, therefore is another step in and ask and actually face all week long to distinguish his position. the only reason i don't remember,
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and so serious on the fans and black males, whenever he comes lifestyle. and i see a partner, a political analyst and professor of political science at stanford university in berlin. so thank you for coming on. the thanks for having me. and the it will soon conclude is 7 phase general elections with the last round on june, the 1st prime minister and the run remote, a took charge in 2014 promising economic reforms and developmental now as the 6. the 3rd term, unemployment is the biggest worry among voters. despite a booming economy, reminder, the indian government has not granted visas to l just or as journalists. so we are covering the election from outside the country on consumption reports. so once booming industry close to collapse, machines used for making separate from young, sold s nothing's across. the city of devonte in india's west and state of my roster
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has the largest number of problems in the country. now, many of the closing with the workers being laid off and that's what having those like on solving. if he is, he may lose his job. after the new testament, the books and cop production vehicles on the situation is very bad. we are struggling to make a living room, so not functioning you in 2 hours a day. what can you do if you make about $36.00 a fortnight? in 2015? india change the way it measures it's economic output. and ahead of selections for minister moraine to move, these government has revised calculations to show proof of nearly 8 percent. yet, millions of people all without jobs report the international labor organization and institute of human development says the youth in india accounts for nearly 82 percent of its unemployed population. the voters, the lack of jobs is the most pressing issue. yeah,
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i'm look there truly. i better go, i'm unemployed, so i have voted on the issue of unemployment. rather forms the government should give jobs to the young. according to folds, india has produced a record 200 building as this here. and a study from the wall in equality labs says the top one percent hold more than 40 percent of the countries. folks. critics say india is both solely is limited to a very small group breach if the government says it's listed in millions of people out of what it calls the below poverty line crew of b p. m. inequality without visited with this thinking. yes, it just, it makes it sound like a disturbing thing that say you have no new middle class because people have come out of the uh, the vpn criteria to the new. what we did last time you mentioned you'd be coming in with is less than a m a middle class and upper middle class as well. so 25,
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good auto payments. 250000000 people have come on to do. the vpn category means below the poverty line category. as multi 6 of the town and office, the b j b says it will spend more than a $113000000000.00 on infrastructure projects. in the past, it's used well for schemes to compensate for lack of tubs, but in 2016, it's launched a de monetization policy, changing its cotton c overnight. that affected millions of people in a cash defendant economy. 4 years later, a cold with 19 locked down, hit the economy hauled and led to a further loss of livelihood. but despite that, the international monte funds says india is the, was fost is growing economy yet exposed, say it's high, g d, p must send some challenges. so at the moment we are writing an investment investment piece paper out because of the end of the day, wherever the invest has invested,
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he needs to sell his products. and that can lead to come from consumption. so on the longer term of you add on a slight piece to cubic on the beach. epi has highlighted the performance of india's economy in its election manifesto, would with employment a major issue among voters. strongly economic drilled without jobs, may not resonate with that. and the consumption, he causes caesar and it's now time for your support. here's job layla. thank you very much. big news. out of spain bustling, i have high and full of gemini and bind munich, coach henzy. flick is the new head coach. the government has signed a 2 year contract with the league club and will price chevy a mendez who was sent dr. tracey last season. it slicks 1st coaching job since being signed by the german national team last september. first of all, i would like to say thank you to everyone who is included because it's a big honor and also a team. um for me to sign
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a contract to you in barcelona to work for this platform is amazing club. and i yeah, i'm happy to start one, some titles with by munich and my hunger is really is really big for tablets. and i would like to to stay on this path with lots of luna. and i think we can, we can achieve a lot together. and this is an important thing. well, spanish football, acosta jim, a select told us that the appointment of flick as boston and his new coach wants a big change for the kathlyn club. the existing code to say if you will fit in these a squad because he was playing something a bit differently. it's true that he's ideas. he's a understanding of, you know, a football is similar to the offensive back to go a style thing the this to show. no fun simply 1st is that kids without the job so, and they can fit his money expectations. and the fact that i think that's the one
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that has understood that he's where you're playing it, me tell you it will be tough, more physicality, more pressure, another kind of training and, and maybe not saying good bye to the ideas of always trying to hold the bold and play these to keep tucker totals football a way of playing but also in mother football. they need to be more of physicality of pressure at to a company that otherwise there will be no trust fees. um it's. 5 for in a coach with no history link to barcelona and, and, and this is quite new. we haven't seen that seems and that's i'm up to, you know, at more than 10 years ago that the experienced the, the work. and let's see, well how it goes by tons. typically keys who was very much interested in joining barcelona. and his agent, penny savvy, has a great relation with develop ortho. and i think those are the key factors of him finally being the coach of barcelona. well the final of the ready for conference
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lead happens later on wednesday with olympia coast, looking to become the 1st greek team to win a major european trophy vehicles will be taking our last year's run as up here in tina in the final at of when say show piece the closest a great team has gone to winning a continental honor was in 1971 when pen off and i coast reached the european comp final. the much itself is happening in the greek capsule. the home of a lump alco cities say he rivals a k, athens authorities a carrying out a massive security operation to ensure fund safety. while the 5000 police officers and firefighters have been deployed, a hammer in simple federation of pointed mountain and tongue to play as manager on an interim basis ahead of 2026 well qualifies. next month he replaces belgian coach, mach grease. following this heated exchange between priest and federation president samuel at so on tuesday, the belgian had been appointed by the country's government without any input from
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it so so it was currently the subjects of a corruption investigation. but the playing legend say, says he's been unfairly talk to the black african governing body, catherine, depending friendship and champion about jokers, which says he won't get too excited just yet. so to reaching the 2nd round in paris, the well, the one shrugged off doubts about his food with a straight sense when of a p, a. l. back in the 1st round on tuesday, he struck a little in the 2nd set to eventually coming through a tie break and clinch the much 64766, full joke, yvette choose 124 brand. some titles have reached the final yet. this season. decarlo rome and geneva tournaments started really well for me. of 1st matches i played were great. and then i the 2nd matches the matches were uh was, was quite different. so i don't want to get too excited. grandsons are the ones
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that are basically getting me up from the beds every day, knowing that i have to keep the practice courts. i always think about what i can do in grand slams. so here i am and you know, hopefully i can have another deep run in minnesota and symbols have kept the n b a western conference finals alive with a narrow victory over the dallas mavericks. ministration amount is to in game full by 5 points for that 1st one of the series, which is now $31.00 to $1.00. call anthony townsend. anthony edward stalled on choose day with 25 and 29 points respectively. the sites will meet again on thursday. one of the biggest names a women's golf is retiring at the age of $29.00. lexi thompson, who's 115 lpga tul titles, says this a will be her last to play a full schedule. the american chose the us women's, open, the majors she 1st played when she was just 12 years old,
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to make the announcements. and finally, a date has been set for the re match between undisputed heavyweight champion. alexander is sick and tyson fury. the showdown will happen on december. the 21st and saudi arabia, according to the chairman of the con, trees general and payment of oversee a venue has not been come fund, a sick one, the 1st flights by split decision earlier this one. all right, that is are useful for now. people will have more later layla. thanks a lot. thank you. columbia is congress banned bull fighting on tuesday? the following year is a failed attempts to prohibit the activity. the support will now be phase out and totally outlawed by 2027. it was one of just 8 countries in the world where the sport was still legal. of a summer or a p t has more now from but with the a new really after years of strain, use political battles. columbus, congress, bam. bull fighting nationwide. it brings to in,
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in the centuries old tradition, brought by spanish colonizers. that is spit, man against fools ever since. once popular entertainment has been losing signs in recent years as low as courts and municipal governments prohibited the events on ethical grounds. during getting to a pastime for a small lease in the country. is to this victory, reevaluate to the culture we inherited a culture of violence of torture that does not deserve to be called culture. the next generations will grow up in a country with culture will define things much more creatively than torturing animals for the amusement of a few insensible people. supporters in detractors of the tradition squared off in congress lowers house before the long, the late boat, etc. the my daughter who romantic dean, a 2nd generation bullfighter proudly showed us pictures of
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a skates. he says he dedicated his entire life to the bulls case, the insurance. okay. the hardest part of the prohibition is that even if they help us find another job, even if i find something that pays me better, i simply don't understand life for the bull fighting the sensation. i feel when the bull passes alongside me, is something i will not find anywhere else. the law proposes banning all bull fighting within 3 years to give time to the industry to adapt and transform bull rings like this one into cultural centers must have t y, the columbia, a 5th generation boot reader gonzales. sense the sometime of the knowledge that bull fighting official. now those are a dying breed, but the leads to law will mean and then for the annual together myers if that has a coa for k, this breakable exist to fighting. and the cow is kind of the use of milk for us.
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these boys are like god, who instead of dying in a slow to house like most animals, have an opportunity to defend themselves even save their lives. and it's as remaining fighting those in columbia will likely end up being sold in other countries where the practice continues. all that see that this boat confirms that this old tradition which used to thrill the masses in famous intellectuals the like, has reached its final thrust. allison that will be at the edges eatable, good. okay, now has started erupting again in iceland. the 5th time since december, the outburst happened on the rocky honest peninsula home to some 30000 people just south of the capital. right cubic lava began shooting early in the afternoon as after a series of earthquakes in the area, the blue lagoon thermal spa, which is often the winters, was evacuated before the russian. according to iceland,
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some national broadcaster amazing pictures. so thank you so much for watching the on june seconds, mexico head to the polls to elect a new president with 2 leading female candidates, the country is points to make history. what can the new leader tackle escalating violence color to mexico presidential election on al jazeera? the illusion of anti semitism with opposition to design is a cynical and it is harmful, a dangerous completion between the persecution of a people and the criticism of the state is echoing across the world news rooms and to send me keys in the hatred of jews. because the country is honest and is not
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about judas, it's about teacher and we need to talk about design is a listening close, special on a jersey the works out of their existence. it slowly should as a principle present, as a correspondence with any breaking the story not to hear from those people who with normally looked at that forces on the international news channels. one moment i'll be very proud all was when we covered the fullness quake of 2015 at the terrible match, all the facts and a story that needed to be told from the hall of the affected area to be then to tell the people story, it was very important at the time is really hor on gossip becoming a forever across the united states. why are the student protests for palestine being met with military style pressed down wide is by to insist on 0 consequences for israel in its war on gaza. the quizzical look of us politics,
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the bottom line. the challenges here the israeli forces push further into the central and western parts of alpha and bombard some areas along causes border with egypt. the . this is the 0 lie from the also coming up in the morning in animal where c is rarely strikes skilled, 21,


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